getLabel()}\n" . "Info: {$this->getInfo()}\n" . "order_by_stat_option: {$this->_order_by_stat_option}\n" . "_statistics: " . implode(",", $this->_statistics)."\n" . "_possible_values_query: {$this->_possible_values_query }\n" . "_available_on_drilldown: {$this->_available_on_drilldown}\n" . "_id_field_name: {$this->_id_field_name}\n" . "_short_name_field_name: {$this->_short_name_field_name}\n" . "_long_name_field_name: {$this->_long_name_field_name}\n"; } /** * Constructor * * @param string $name The group by name. The name must not contain any hyphen-minus characters ("-"). */ public function __construct($name, array $statistics = array(), $possible_values_query = null) { $this->setOrderByStat(SORT_DESC); $this->_statistics = $statistics; $this->_possible_values_query = $possible_values_query; $this->_id_field_name = 'id'; $this->_short_name_field_name = 'short_name'; $this->_long_name_field_name = 'long_name'; parent::__construct($name); } public function getDescription() { return ''.$this->getLabel().': '.$this->getInfo(); } public function addOrder(\DataWarehouse\Query\Query &$query, $multi_group = false, $dir = 'asc', $prepend = false) { } public function filterByGroup(\DataWarehouse\Query\Query &$query, \DataWarehouse\Query\Model\Table $data_table) { return ''; } public function getAvailableOnDrilldown() { return $this->_available_on_drilldown; } public function setAvailableOnDrilldown($b) { $this->_available_on_drilldown = $b; } /** * This function applys this group to the passed query. * * @param $query - the query to apply the group to * @param $data_table - the main data table of the query. Needed for adding proper where conditions */ abstract public function applyTo(\DataWarehouse\Query\Query &$query, \DataWarehouse\Query\Model\Table $data_table); /** * Sets the method by which the query would be sorted based on the stat, if any. * @sort_option: SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC, SORT_REGULAR, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_STRING, NULL (default: SORT_DESC) * * Refer to: */ public function setOrderByStat($sort_option = SORT_DESC) { if (isset($sort_option) && $sort_option != SORT_ASC && $sort_option != SORT_DESC && $sort_option != SORT_REGULAR && $sort_option != SORT_NUMERIC && $sort_option != SORT_STRING) { throw new Exception("GroupBy::setOrderByStat(sort_option = $sort_option): error - invalid sort_option"); } $this->_order_by_stat_option = $sort_option; } /** * @returns the value of the _order_by_stat_option variable. */ public function getOrderByStatOption() { return $this->_order_by_stat_option; } public function getPermittedStatistics() { return $this->_statistics; } public function getPossibleValuesQuery() { return $this->_possible_values_query; } /** * returns an associative array from index => {id=> ..., short_name=> ..., long_name=>...) */ public function getPossibleValues($hint = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, array $parameters = array(), $base_query = null, $filter = null) { if ($this->_possible_values_query == null && $base_query == null) { return array(); } $possible_values_query = $base_query == null?$this->_possible_values_query:$base_query ; $id = null; if (is_array($hint)) { $id = \xd_utilities\array_get($hint, 'id'); $hint = \xd_utilities\array_get($hint, 'name'); } $params = array(); if ($hint != null) { $possible_values_query = str_ireplace('where ', "where (gt.$this->_short_name_field_name like :hint or gt.$this->_long_name_field_name like :hint ) and ", $possible_values_query); $params = array('hint' => "%$hint%"); } if ($id !== null) { $possible_values_query = str_ireplace('WHERE ', "WHERE (gt.$this->_id_field_name = :id) AND ", $possible_values_query); $params['id'] = $id; } if (isset($filter)) { $orderByPos = strpos($possible_values_query, "order by"); if (isset($orderByPos) && $orderByPos >= 0) { $before = substr($possible_values_query, 0, $orderByPos -1); $after = substr($possible_values_query, $orderByPos); $possible_values_query = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $before . " AND gt.$this->_id_field_name IN ( $filter ) " . $after); } else { $possible_values_query = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $possible_values_query." AND gt.$this->_id_field_name IN ( $filter ) "); } } if ($limit !== null && $offset !== null) { $possible_values_query .= " limit $limit offset $offset"; } $results = \DataWarehouse::connect()->query($possible_values_query, $params); return $results ; } public function pullQueryParameters(&$request) { return array(); } public function pullQueryParameterDescriptions(&$request) { return array(); } public function pullQueryParameters2(&$request, $filter_query, $id_column) { $db = \CCR\DB::factory('datawarehouse'); $parameters = array(); $filterItems = array(); if (isset($request[$this->getName().'_filter']) && $request[$this->getName().'_filter'] != '') { $filterString = $request[$this->getName().'_filter']; $items = explode(',', $filterString); foreach ($items as $filterItem) { $filterItems[] = $db->quote($filterItem); } } if (isset($request[$this->getName()])) { $filterItems[] = $db->quote($request[$this->getName()]); } $filterCount = count($filterItems); if ($filterCount > 0) { $fieldIdQuery = str_replace('_filter_', implode(",", $filterItems), $filter_query); $parameters[] = new \DataWarehouse\Query\Model\Parameter($id_column, 'in', "($fieldIdQuery)"); } return $parameters; } public function pullQueryParameterDescriptions2(&$request, $filter_query) { $db = \CCR\DB::factory('datawarehouse'); $parameters = array(); $filterItems = array(); if (isset($request[$this->getName().'_filter']) && $request[$this->getName().'_filter'] != '') { $filterString = $request[$this->getName().'_filter']; $items = explode(',', $filterString); foreach ($items as $filterItem) { $filterItems[] = $db->quote($filterItem); } } if (isset($request[$this->getName()])) { $filterItems[] = $db->quote($request[$this->getName()]); } $filterCount = count($filterItems); if ($filterCount > 0) { $fieldLabelQuery = str_replace('_filter_', implode(',', $filterItems), $filter_query); $fieldLabelResults = \DataWarehouse::connect()->query($fieldLabelQuery); $label = $this->getLabel(); $parameter = $label.' = '.($filterCount>1?'(':''); foreach ($fieldLabelResults as $fieldLabelResult) { $parameter .= ' '.$fieldLabelResult['field_label'].', '; } $parameter = substr($parameter, 0, -2); $parameters[] = $parameter.($filterCount>1?' )':''); } return $parameters; } public function getIdColumnName($multi = false) { if ($multi !== true) { return 'id'; } else { return $this->getName().'_id'; } } public function getLongNameColumnName($multi = false) { if ($multi !== true) { return 'name'; } else { return $this->getName().'_name'; } } public function getShortNameColumnName($multi = false) { if ($multi !== true) { return 'short_name'; } else { return $this->getName().'_short_name'; } } public function getOrderIdColumnName($multi = false) { if ($multi !== true) { return 'order_id'; } else { return $this->getName().'_order_id'; } } public static function getLabel() { return 'group_by'; } public static function getUnit() { return static::getLabel(); } public function getChartSettings($isMultiChartPage = false) { return json_encode( array( 'dataset_type' => $this->getDefaultDatasetType(), 'display_type' => $this->getDefaultDisplayType($this->getDefaultDatasetType()), 'combine_type' => $this->getDefaultCombineMethod(), 'limit' => $this->getDefaultLimit($isMultiChartPage), 'offset' => $this->getDefaultOffset(), 'log_scale' => $this->getDefaultLogScale(), 'show_legend' => $this->getDefaultShowLegend(), 'show_trend_line' => $this->getDefaultShowTrendLine(), 'show_error_bars' => $this->getDefaultShowErrorBars(), 'show_guide_lines' => $this->getDefaultShowGuideLines(), 'show_aggregate_labels' => $this->getDefaultShowAggregateLabels(), 'show_error_labels' => $this->getDefaultShowErrorLabels(), 'enable_errors' => $this->getDefaultEnableErrors(), 'enable_trend_line' => $this->getDefaultEnableTrendLine(), ) ); } public function getDefaultDatasetType() { return 'aggregate'; } public function getDefaultDisplayType($dataset_type = null) { if ($dataset_type == 'aggregate') { return 'h_bar'; } else { return 'line'; } } public function getDefaultCombineMethod() { return 'stack'; } public function getDefaultShowLegend() { return 'y'; } public function getDefaultLimit($isMultiChartPage = false) { return $isMultiChartPage ? 3 : 10; } public function getDefaultOffset() { return 0; } public function getDefaultLogScale() { return 'n'; } public function getDefaultShowTrendLine() { return 'n'; } public function getDefaultShowErrorBars() { return 'n'; } public function getDefaultShowGuideLines() { return 'y'; } public function getDefaultShowAggregateLabels() { return 'n'; } public function getDefaultShowErrorLabels() { return 'n'; } public function getDefaultEnableErrors() { return 'y'; } public function getDefaultEnableTrendLine() { return 'y'; } public function getInfo() { return $this->getLabel(); } public function getCategory() { return "uncategorized"; } }