machines: '0': series: bionic constraints: "arch=s390x" '1': series: bionic constraints: "arch=s390x" '2': series: bionic constraints: "arch=s390x" '3': series: bionic constraints: "arch=s390x" '4': series: bionic constraints: "arch=s390x" relations: - - nova-compute:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - neutron-gateway:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - keystone:shared-db - mysql:shared-db - - nova-cloud-controller:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - glance:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - neutron-api:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin-api - neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api - - neutron-api:shared-db - mysql:shared-db - - neutron-api:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - neutron-gateway:neutron-plugin-api - neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api - - glance:shared-db - mysql:shared-db - - glance:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - nova-cloud-controller:image-service - glance:image-service - - nova-compute:image-service - glance:image-service - - nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute - nova-compute:cloud-compute - - nova-cloud-controller:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - nova-cloud-controller:quantum-network-service - neutron-gateway:quantum-network-service - - nova-compute:neutron-plugin - neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin - - neutron-openvswitch:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - openstack-dashboard:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - nova-cloud-controller:shared-db - mysql:shared-db - - nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api - neutron-api:neutron-api - - cinder:image-service - glance:image-service - - cinder:amqp - rabbitmq-server:amqp - - cinder:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - cinder:cinder-volume-service - nova-cloud-controller:cinder-volume-service #Ceph does not work on s390x with this release, please #refer to Bug 1713032 or #- - cinder-ceph:storage-backend # - cinder:storage-backend #- - ceph-mon:client # - nova-compute:ceph #- - nova-compute:ceph-access # - cinder-ceph:ceph-access - - cinder:shared-db - mysql:shared-db #- - ceph-mon:client # - cinder-ceph:ceph #- - ceph-mon:client # - glance:ceph #- - ceph-osd:mon # - ceph-mon:osd - - ntp:juju-info - nova-compute:juju-info - - ntp:juju-info - neutron-gateway:juju-info #- - ceph-radosgw:mon # - ceph-mon:radosgw #- - ceph-radosgw:identity-service # - keystone:identity-service # Swift relations - - swift-proxy:identity-service - keystone:identity-service - - swift-proxy:swift-storage - swift-storage-z1:swift-storage - - swift-proxy:swift-storage - swift-storage-z2:swift-storage - - swift-proxy:swift-storage - swift-storage-z3:swift-storage - - swift-proxy:swift-storage - swift-storage-z4:swift-storage - - swift-proxy:swift-storage - swift-storage-z5:swift-storage series: bionic services: # ceph-mon: # annotations: # gui-x: '750' # gui-y: '500' # charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/ceph-mon # num_units: 3 # options: # expected-osd-count: 3 # source: cloud:bionic-stein # to: # - 'lxd:1' # - 'lxd:2' # - 'lxd:3' # ceph-osd: # annotations: # gui-x: '1000' # gui-y: '500' # charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/ceph-osd # num_units: 3 # options: # osd-devices: /dev/sdb # osd-reformat: 'yes' # source: cloud:bionic-stein # to: # - '1' # - '2' # - '3' # ceph-radosgw: # annotations: # gui-x: '1000' # gui-y: '250' # charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/ceph-radosgw # num_units: 1 # options: # source: cloud:bionic-stein # to: # - lxd:0 cinder: annotations: gui-x: '750' gui-y: '0' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/cinder num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein block-device: None glance-api-version: 2 worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - lxd:1 # cinder-ceph: # annotations: # gui-x: '750' # gui-y: '250' # charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/cinder-ceph # num_units: 0 glance: annotations: gui-x: '250' gui-y: '0' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/glance num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - lxd:2 keystone: annotations: gui-x: '500' gui-y: '0' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/keystone num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein admin-password: openstack worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - lxd:3 mysql: annotations: gui-x: '0' gui-y: '250' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/percona-cluster num_units: 1 options: max-connections: 1000 innodb-buffer-pool-size: 256M to: - lxd:0 neutron-api: annotations: gui-x: '500' gui-y: '500' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/neutron-api num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein neutron-security-groups: true flat-network-providers: physnet1 worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - lxd:1 neutron-gateway: annotations: gui-x: '0' gui-y: '0' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/neutron-gateway num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-ex data-port: br-ex:encc003 worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - '0' neutron-openvswitch: annotations: gui-x: '250' gui-y: '500' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/neutron-openvswitch num_units: 0 nova-cloud-controller: annotations: gui-x: '0' gui-y: '500' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/nova-cloud-controller num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein network-manager: Neutron worker-multiplier: 0.25 to: - lxd:2 nova-compute: annotations: gui-x: '250' gui-y: '250' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/nova-compute num_units: 3 options: config-flags: default_ephemeral_format=ext4 openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein enable-live-migration: true enable-resize: true migration-auth-type: ssh to: - '1' - '2' - '3' ntp: annotations: gui-x: '1000' gui-y: '0' charm: cs:ntp num_units: 0 openstack-dashboard: annotations: gui-x: '500' gui-y: '-250' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/openstack-dashboard num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - lxd:3 rabbitmq-server: annotations: gui-x: '500' gui-y: '250' charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bionic/rabbitmq-server num_units: 1 to: - lxd:0 swift-proxy: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-proxy num_units: 1 options: zone-assignment: manual replicas: 5 swift-hash: 62ce298d-cd4a-4087-b7f3-0c71df0127e0 openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - "lxd:0" swift-storage-z1: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-storage num_units: 1 options: zone: 1 block-device: /mnt/swift/swift_dist.img|20G overwrite: "false" openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - '0' swift-storage-z2: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-storage num_units: 1 options: zone: 2 block-device: /mnt/swift/swift_dist.img|20G overwrite: "false" openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - '1' swift-storage-z3: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-storage num_units: 1 options: zone: 3 block-device: /mnt/swift/swift_dist.img|20G overwrite: "false" openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - '2' swift-storage-z4: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-storage num_units: 1 options: zone: 4 block-device: /mnt/swift/swift_dist.img|20G overwrite: "false" openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - '3' swift-storage-z5: charm: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/swift-storage num_units: 1 options: zone: 5 block-device: /mnt/swift/swift_dist.img|20G overwrite: "false" openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein to: - '4'