name: gnome-chess adopt-info: gnome-chess summary: Play the classic two-player board game of chess description: | GNOME Chess is a simple chess game. You can play against your computer at three different difficulty levels, or against a friend at your computer. Computer chess enthusiasts will appreciate GNOME Chess’s compatibility with nearly all modern computer chess engines, and its ability to detect several popular engines automatically if installed. grade: stable # must be 'stable' to release into candidate/stable channels confinement: strict base: core24 slots: gnome-chess: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.gnome.Chess layout: /usr/engines/gnome-chess: symlink: $SNAP/usr/engines/gnome-chess apps: gnome-chess: extensions: [gnome] command: usr/bin/gnome-chess plugs: - gsettings - home # Needed for save game handling - mount-observe - network - audio-playback desktop: usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Chess.desktop environment: PATH: $SNAP/usr/games:$PATH parts: gnome-chess: source: source-type: git source-tag: '46.0' source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: '47' # no-9x-revisions: true parse-info: [usr/share/metainfo/org.gnome.Chess.appdata.xml] override-build: | sed -i.bak -e 's|Icon=org.gnome.Chess$|Icon=${SNAP}/meta/gui/org.gnome.Chess.svg|g' $CRAFT_PART_SRC/data/ craftctl default mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/meta/gui/ cp $CRAFT_PART_SRC/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.Chess.svg $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/meta/gui/ plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - --sysconfdir=/usr/engines - --buildtype=release override-pull: | craftctl default craftctl set version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=10) gnuchess: plugin: nil stage-packages: - gnuchess # Find files provided by the base and platform snap and ensure they aren't # duplicated in this snap cleanup: after: [gnome-chess, gnuchess] plugin: nil build-snaps: [core24, gtk-common-themes, gnome-46-2404] override-prime: | set -eux for snap in "core24" "gtk-common-themes" "gnome-46-2404"; do cd "/snap/$snap/current" && find . -type f,l -name *.so.* -exec rm -f "$CRAFT_PRIME/{}" \; done