name: gnome-42-2204-sdk version: git summary: Shared GNOME 42 Ubuntu stack SDK description: | This snap contains the GNOME 42 development files. These are used during the build process of snaps that depend on the GNOME 42 stack. This helps developers to make sure their application is built against the correct verson of GNOME and GTK libraries. **For users** This snap is automatically installed and removed when needed. **Manually adding or removing this snap is not recommended** and might break things. * If you are having issues with **snaps** using GNOME, please contact the experts on the Snapcraft forum: * If you want to install the GNOME Desktop Environment, then you are in the wrong place. Please take a look at for more information on how to get it. **For developers** * The `gnome` extension is the recommended way to use this in your own snap: * You can report issues with this SDK snap on GitHub: * The source code of this snap is available on GitHub in the `gnome-42-2204-sdk` branch: * This snap is used for building snaps of applications using GNOME or GTK. If you are looking for instructions on how to build GNOME applications instead, take a look at contact: confinement: strict grade: stable base: core22 # if the base is changed, the BUILDENV part must be updated parts: buildenv: plugin: nil build-environment: &buildenv - ACLOCAL_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/aclocal - XDG_DATA_DIRS: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share:/usr/share - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/vala-0.56:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} - GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache - PKG_CONFIG_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/pkgconfig:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/pkgconfig${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH} - CRAFT_EXT_CORE_LEVEL: core22 ninja: plugin: nil source: source-tag: 'v1.11.1' source-depth: 1 override-build: | rm -rf build rm -f ninja rm -f ninja_bootstrap sed -i 's_^#!/usr/bin/env python$_#!/usr/bin/env python3_g' ./ --bootstrap mv ninja ninja_bootstrap rm -rf build ./ninja_bootstrap rm -f ninja_bootstrap mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin mv ninja $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/ build-packages: - python3 meson-deps: after: [ ninja ] plugin: nil source: source-tag: '1.2.3' source-depth: 1 override-build: | python3 -m pip install . mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages rm -rf $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/meson* python3 -m pip install --target=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr . mv $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/meson* $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ sed -i "s%^#!/usr/bin/python3$%#!/usr/bin/env python3%g" /usr/local/bin/meson sed -i "s%^#!/usr/bin/python3$%#!/usr/bin/env python3%g" $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/meson build-packages: - python3-pip libtool: source: source-tag: 'v2.4.7' plugin: autotools # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore: true autotools-configure-parameters: [ --prefix=/usr ] build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - help2man - texinfo override-stage: | set -eux craftctl default LIBTOOLIZE=usr/bin/libtoolize sed -i 's#pkgauxdir="#pkgauxdir="$CRAFT_STAGE#' $LIBTOOLIZE sed -i 's#pkgltdldir="#pkgltdldir="$CRAFT_STAGE#' $LIBTOOLIZE sed -i 's#aclocaldir="#aclocaldir="$CRAFT_STAGE#' $LIBTOOLIZE libffi: after: [ libtool, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'meson-3.2.9999.4' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'meson-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv override-pull: | craftctl default patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/libffi-enable-building-on-riscv64.patch glib: after: [ libffi, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '2.78.1' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/glib-2.0/ cp $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/{gio-querymodules,glib-compile-schemas} $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/glib-2.0/ build-packages: - pkg-config - libmount-dev - gcc - g++ - clang pixman: after: [ glib, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'pixman-0.42.2' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'pixman-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dgtk=disabled build-environment: *buildenv cairo: after: [ pixman, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.18.0' # 1.17.8 fails to build, so... maybe in core24, or 1.17.9 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-version: '1.17.8' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dxlib=enabled - -Dpng=enabled - -Dxcb=enabled - -Dtee=enabled - -Dzlib=enabled build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libfontconfig1-dev - libfreetype6-dev - libx11-dev - libxext-dev - libxcb1-dev - libxcb-render0-dev - libxcb-shm0-dev - libsm-dev - zlib1g-dev - liblzo2-dev gobject-introspection: after: [ cairo, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.74.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true # lower-than: 1.76.0 source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dgtk_doc=false build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default sed -i "s#\([\"\']\)/usr/\([^\"\']*\)#os.environ.get\('CRAFT_STAGE'\) + \1/usr/\2#g" $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/g-ir-scanner build-packages: - python3-dev - bison - flex vala: after: [ gobject-introspection ] source: source-tag: '0.56.14' source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: [ --prefix=/usr ] build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - autoconf-archive - valac - libgraphviz-dev gee: after: [ vala ] source: source-tag: '0.20.6' source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: [ --prefix=/usr ] build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default GIREPOSITORY_PATH=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/girepository-1.0 mkdir -p $GIREPOSITORY_PATH cp gee/Gee-0.8.typelib $GIREPOSITORY_PATH/ GIR_PATH=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/gir-1.0 mkdir -p $GIR_PATH cp gee/Gee-0.8.gir $GIR_PATH/ #rm -r $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/$(echo $CRAFT_STAGE | cut -d/ -f2) atk: after: [ gee, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '2.38.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dintrospection=true - -Ddocs=false build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default PC=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/atk.pc sed -i 's#exec_prefix=/usr#exec_prefix=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET#libdir=${prefix}/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET#' $PC sed -i 's#includedir=/usr/include#includedir=${prefix}/include#' $PC at-spi2-core: after: [ atk, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'AT_SPI2_CORE_2_44_1' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'AT_SPI2_CORE_%M_%m_%R' # lower-than: 2.45 source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dintrospection=yes - -Ddocs=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libdbus-1-dev - libxtst-dev at-spi2-atk: after: [ at-spi2-core, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'AT_SPI2_ATK_2_38_0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'AT_SPI2_ATK_%M_%m_%R' # lower-than: 2.39 source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dtests=false build-environment: *buildenv fribidi: after: [ at-spi2-atk, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'v1.0.13' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Ddocs=false build-environment: *buildenv harfbuzz: after: [ fribidi, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '8.3.0' # developers declared that they won't break ABI source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Dgraphite2=enabled - -Dintrospection=enabled - -Dgobject=enabled - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - --default-library=both build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default for PC in $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/harfbuzz*.pc; do sed -i 's#exec_prefix=/usr#exec_prefix=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/usr#libdir=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#includedir=/usr#includedir=${prefix}#' $PC done for f in `find $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET |grep \\.la`; do sed -i "s#^libdir='/usr/lib#libdir='$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib#g" $f done build-packages: - ragel - libgraphite2-dev pango: after: [ harfbuzz, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.51.1' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dinstall-tests=false - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Dintrospection=enabled build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libthai-dev - libxft-dev - libxrender-dev - libxt-dev - cmake gdk-pixbuf: after: [ pango, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '2.42.10' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dinstalled_tests=false - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Ddocs=false - -Dintrospection=enabled - -Dman=false - -Dtests=false - -Dinstalled_tests=false build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default cp $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/bin/ LOADERS_PATH=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders $LOADERS_PATH/*.so > $LOADERS_PATH.cache # workaround for thumbnailer being in a different directory in the snap env sed -i 's#/usr/bin/##' $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/thumbnailers/gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer.thumbnailer organize: usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders build-packages: - libpng-dev - libjpeg-dev - libtiff-dev librsvg: after: [ gdk-pixbuf, vala ] source: source-tag: '2.56.4' # they left the odd->unstable even->stable scheme, and now tags are stable # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # no-9x-revisions: true # lower-than: 2.57 # 2.57 requires a more modern Cargo version source-depth: 1 plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - --enable-introspection=yes - --enable-vala=yes - --enable-pixbuf-loader build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - cargo #- libcroco3-dev override-stage: | set -eux craftctl default # snapcraft is adding twice $CRAFT_STAGE cp -a $CRAFT_STAGE/$CRAFT_STAGE/* $CRAFT_STAGE/ epoxy: after: [ librsvg, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.5.10' # Note minor version of tag/branch can be even or odd and be stable source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libgl1-mesa-dev - libegl1-mesa-dev - xutils-dev json-glib: after: [ epoxy, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.8.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dgtk_doc=disabled build-environment: *buildenv libpsl: after: [ json-glib, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '0.21.2' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Druntime=libidn2 #- -Dtests=false # available in master, not in 0.21.2 - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libidn2-0-dev - libunistring-dev override-pull: | set -eux craftctl default sed -i 's#^\#!/usr/bin/env python$#\#!/usr/bin/env python3#g' src/psl-make-dafsa libsoup2: after: [ libpsl, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '2.74.3' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: 3 source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dvapi=enabled - -Dtls_check=false #disable build time check, but we need to ensure glib-networking is available at runtime build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libsqlite3-dev - libkrb5-dev - libbrotli-dev libsoup3: after: [ libsoup2, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '3.4.4' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dvapi=enabled - -Dtls_check=false #disable build time check, but we need to ensure glib-networking is available at runtime build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libsqlite3-dev - libkrb5-dev - libbrotli-dev - libnghttp2-dev librest: after: [ libsoup3 ] source: source-tag: '0.8.1' # looks like this branch has been updated more recently than the 0.8 tags - weird # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # same-major: true # same-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: [ --prefix=/usr ] build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - gtk-doc-tools wayland: after: [ librest, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.22.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # no-9x-revisions: true meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Ddocumentation=false build-environment: *buildenv wayland-protocols: after: [ wayland, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.32' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv gtk3: after: [ wayland-protocols, wayland, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '3.24.38' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true # lower-than: 4 source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dbroadway_backend=true - -Dx11_backend=true - -Dwayland_backend=true - -Dwin32_backend=false - -Dquartz_backend=false - -Dxinerama=yes - -Dintrospection=true - -Dbuiltin_immodules=yes - -Ddemos=false - -Dexamples=false build-environment: *buildenv organize: usr/lib/gtk-3.0: usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gtk-3.0 usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0: usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/libgtk-3-0/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 build-packages: - libxkbcommon-dev - libxinerama-dev - libcups2-dev - libcolord-dev - libxrandr-dev - libxcursor-dev - libisocodes-dev - libxcomposite-dev - libxdamage-dev - libxfixes-dev - libxi-dev - libxkbfile-dev - libxml2-utils override-pull: | craftctl default patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/gdkglcontext-wayland-Fallback-to-GLES-2_0-after-GL-failed.patch gtk4: after: [ wayland-protocols, wayland, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '4.12.3' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dbroadway-backend=true - -Dx11-backend=true - -Dwayland-backend=true - -Dwin32-backend=false - -Dmacos-backend=false - -Dintrospection=enabled - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Ddemos=false - -Dbuild-examples=false - -Dbuild-tests=false - -Dmedia-gstreamer=enabled - -Ddemos=false - -Dbuild-testsuite=false - -Dbuild-examples=false - -Dbuild-tests=false - -Dprint-cups=enabled build-environment: *buildenv organize: usr/lib/gtk-4.0: usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gtk-4.0 build-packages: - libxkbcommon-dev - libcups2-dev - libcolord-dev - libxrandr-dev - libxcursor-dev - libisocodes-dev - libxcomposite-dev - libxdamage-dev - libxfixes-dev - libxi-dev - libxkbfile-dev - libxml2-utils - libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev stage: - -usr/bin/wayland-scanner - -usr/lib/*/ - -usr/lib/*/ gtk-locales: after: [ gtk3, gtk4 ] plugin: nil build-environment: *buildenv override-pull: | set -eux apt-get download "language-pack-gnome-*-base" override-build: | set -eux for deb in *.deb; do dpkg-deb -x $deb .; done find usr/share/locale-langpack -type f -not -name "gtk30*.mo" -exec rm '{}' \; mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share cp -r usr/share/locale-langpack $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/ poppler: after: [ cairo, gdk-pixbuf, glib, gobject-introspection, gtk3, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'poppler-23.11.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'poppler-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: cmake cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -DBUILD_GTK_TESTS=OFF - -DBUILD_QT5_TESTS=OFF - -DBUILD_QT6_TESTS=OFF - -DBUILD_CPP_TESTS=OFF - -DBUILD_MANUAL_TESTS=OFF - -DENABLE_QT5=OFF - -DENABLE_QT6=OFF - -DENABLE_GLIB=ON - -DENABLE_GTK_DOC=OFF - -DENABLE_GPGME=OFF - -DENABLE_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION=ON build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libboost1.74-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libopenjp2-7-dev - libnss3-dev - liblcms2-dev libadwaita: source: source-tag: '1.4.0' source-depth: 1 after: [ meson-deps, gtk4 ] plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dintrospection=enabled - -Dvapi=true - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Dtests=false - -Dexamples=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - sassc - libyaml-dev - libzstd-dev - libsystemd-dev - gperf - libappstream-dev override-pull: | craftctl default patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/style-manager-Support-Yaru-accent-colors.patch libportal: after: [gtk3, gtk4, gtk-locales, meson-deps ] plugin: meson source: source-tag: '0.7.1' source-depth: 1 build-environment: *buildenv meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Ddocs=false - -Dintrospection=true - -Dvapi=true - -Dbackend-gtk3=enabled - -Dbackend-gtk4=enabled - -Dbackend-qt5=disabled - -Dtests=false - -Dportal-tests=false mm-common: after: [ libportal, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.0.5' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Duse-network=true override-build: | set -eux craftctl default build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - wget # Since the objective is to build Gtkmm 3.24.x, 2.66.x is the maximum GLibmm version # that works for that. 2.68 or newer aren't accepted by the MESON builder and triggers # the download of an old GLibmm version. Thus this one should be used. glibmm: after: [ mm-common ] source: source-tag: '2.66.6' # maximum version useful for gtkmm-3.24. source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: '2.67.0' plugin: autotools override-build: | set -eux # Make sure all of the *.am files from mm-common are found mkdir -p /usr/bin mkdir -p /usr/share/mm-common/build/ mkdir -p /usr/share/mm-common/doctool/ cp $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/bin/mm-common-prepare /usr/bin/mm-common-prepare cp $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/bin/mm-common-get /usr/bin/mm-common-get cp $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/mm-common/build/*.am /usr/share/mm-common/build/ cp $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/mm-common/doctool/* /usr/share/mm-common/doctool/ # needed for cairomm cp $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/mm-common/build/*.py /usr/share/mm-common/build/ # Manual build of glibmm cd $CRAFT_PART_BUILD ./ --prefix=/usr make -j8 make install DESTDIR=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL for f in `find $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib |grep \\.la`; do sed -i "s#^libdir='/usr/lib#libdir='$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib#g" $f done build-packages: - libsigc++-2.0-dev - libxml-parser-perl build-environment: *buildenv # Again, cairomm is needed to build pangomm, but 1.14.x is the maximum version recognized # by the valid pangomm version needed for Gtkmm 3.24. Setting 1.16 or newer won't be # recognized by pangomm and the builder will download a compatible old version, thus # defeating the objective of having recent code. cairomm: after: [ glibmm, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.14.5' # maximum version useful for gtkmm-3.24 source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: '1.15.0' plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dmaintainer-mode=false - -Dbuild-documentation=false - -Dbuild-examples=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - doxygen pangomm: after: [ cairomm, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '2.46.3' # maximum version useful for gtkmm-3.24 source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: '2.47.0' plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dmaintainer-mode=true - -Dbuild-documentation=false build-environment: - ACLOCAL_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/aclocal - XDG_DATA_DIRS: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share:/usr/share - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/vala-0.56${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} - GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache - M4PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/m4 override-build: | set -eux mkdir -p ../src/untracked/build_scripts/ cp -p $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/mm-common/build/ ../src/untracked/build_scripts/ craftctl default atkmm: after: [ pangomm ] source: source-tag: '2.28.3' # maximum version useful for gtkmm-3.24 source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: '2.29.0' plugin: autotools override-build: | set -eux cd $CRAFT_PART_BUILD ./ --prefix=/usr make -j8 make install DESTDIR=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL build-environment: - ACLOCAL_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/aclocal - XDG_DATA_DIRS: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share:/usr/share - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/vala-0.56${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} - GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache - M4PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/m4 gtkmm: after: [ atkmm, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '3.24.8' source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # lower-than: 4 # no-9x-minors: true plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dmaintainer-mode=true - -Dbuild-documentation=false - -Dbuild-demos=false build-environment: - ACLOCAL_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/aclocal - XDG_DATA_DIRS: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share:/usr/share - LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/vala-0.56:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib:$CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} - GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache - M4PATH: $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/m4 override-build: | set -eux mkdir -p ../src/untracked/build_scripts/ cp -p $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/share/mm-common/build/ ../src/untracked/build_scripts/ craftctl default gtksourceview: after: [ gtkmm, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '5.10.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - gettext - libxml2-dev override-pull: | set -eux craftctl default sed -i 's#Werror=missing-include-dirs#Wmissing-include-dirs#g' libdazzle: after: [ gtksourceview, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '3.44.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv override-pull: | set -eux craftctl default sed -i 's#Werror=missing-include-dirs#Wmissing-include-dirs#g' libcanberra: after: [ libdazzle ] source: # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore: true plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - --with-builtin=pulse build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | ./ craftctl default build-packages: - libasound2-dev - libvorbis-dev - libtdb-dev - libpulse-dev - libgstreamer1.0-dev gsound: after: [ libcanberra, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.0.3' source-depth: 1 source-type: git plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv gsettings-desktop-schemas: after: [ gsound, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '42.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # same-major: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv override-build: | set -eux craftctl default PC=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/pkgconfig/gsettings-desktop-schemas.pc sed -i 's#-I/usr#-I${prefix}#' $PC gnome-desktop: after: [ gsettings-desktop-schemas, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '42.10' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # same-major: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - iso-codes - itstool - libseccomp-dev - libudev-dev - xkb-data - yelp-tools cogl: after: [ gnome-desktop ] source: source-tag: '1.22.8' source-depth: 1 plugin: autotools autotools-configure-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - --enable-wayland-egl-platform=yes - --enable-kms-egl-platform=yes - --enable-introspection=yes - --enable-gdk-pixbuf - --enable-cogl-pango - --enable-gl - --enable-xlib-egl-platform - --enable-gles2 - build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libgbm-dev - libgles2-mesa-dev - xauth - xvfb - libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libwacom: after: [ cogl, meson-deps ] source: source-type: git source-tag: 'libwacom-2.8.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'libwacom-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dtests=disabled - -Ddocumentation=disabled build-environment: *buildenv libinput: after: [ libwacom, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.24.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Ddocumentation=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - check - libmtdev-dev - libudev-dev - libevdev-dev clutter: after: [ cogl, libinput, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.26.4' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore: true plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dbuild_examples=false - -Ddocumentation=false - -Dbuild_tests=false - -Dpixbuf_tests=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libdrm-dev - xsltproc - libgudev-1.0-dev stage: - -usr/bin/gapplication - -usr/bin/gdbus - -usr/bin/gio* - -usr/bin/glib* - -usr/bin/gobject-query - -usr/bin/gresource - -usr/bin/gsettings - -usr/bin/gtester* - -usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/gio/gdesktopappinfo.h - -usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/gio/gunixmounts.h - -usr/include/glib-2.0/* - -usr/include/pixman-1/* - -usr/lib/*/glib-2.0/* - -usr/lib/*/libffi* - -usr/lib/*/libgio* - -usr/lib/*/libglib* - -usr/lib/*/libgmodule* - -usr/lib/*/libgobject* - -usr/lib/*/libgthread* - -usr/lib/*/libpixman* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/gio* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/gmodule* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/gobject-2.0.pc - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/gthread-2.0.pc - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/libffi.pc - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/pixman-1.pc - -usr/share/aclocal/glib-2.0.m4 - -usr/share/aclocal/gsettings.m4 - -usr/share/glib-2.0/* - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/GIRepository-2.0.typelib - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/GLib-2.0.typelib - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/GObject-2.0.typelib - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/Gio-2.0.typelib - -usr/lib/*/libgirepository* - -usr/include/fribidi/* - -usr/lib/*/libfribidi* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/fribidi.pc - -usr/include/harfbuzz/* - -usr/share/gir-1.0/HarfBuzz-0.0.gir - -usr/bin/pango* - -usr/include/pango-1.0/pango/* - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/Pango* - -usr/lib/*/libpango* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/pango* - -usr/share/gir-1.0/Pango* - -usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf* - -usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-features.h - -usr/lib/*/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/* - -usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/GdkPixbuf-2.0.typelib - -usr/lib/*/libgdk_pixbuf* - -usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/gdk-pixbuf* - -usr/share/gir-1.0/GdkPix* - -usr/bin/wayland-scanner - -usr/include/wayland* - -usr/share/aclocal/wayland-scanner.m4 - -usr/share/wayland/wayland.xml clutter-gtk: after: [ clutter, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.8.4' # ancient tag. should just build from master since it gets updates (like clutter) source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv libpeas: after: [ clutter-gtk, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'libpeas-1.36.0' # developers say that they don't want to break ABI, so it should be safe to always update # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'libpeas-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dpython2=true - -Dpython3=true - -Dintrospection=true - -Dvapi=true - -Ddemos=true - -Dglade_catalog=false - -Dgtk_doc=false build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - python3-dev - python-gi-dev pycairo: after: [ libpeas, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: 'v1.25.1' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv pygobject: after: [ pycairo, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '3.46.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv libhandy: after: [ pygobject, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.8.2' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Dtests=false - -Dexamples=false - -Dglade_catalog=disabled build-environment: *buildenv gjs: after: [ libhandy, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '1.76.2' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # same-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dskip_gtk_tests=true - -Dskip_dbus_tests=true - -Dinstalled_tests=false override-pull: | craftctl default patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/meson-Fix-GJS.patch build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - dbus - libmozjs-102-dev p11-kit: after: [ gjs, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '0.25.2' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dhash_impl=internal - -Dtrust_paths=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt build-packages: - libtasn1-6-dev build-environment: *buildenv libsecret: after: [ p11-kit, meson-deps ] source: source-tag: '0.21.1' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dgtk_doc=false build-packages: - libgcrypt20-dev build-environment: *buildenv libgnome-games-support: after: [ libsecret, meson-deps ] source: source-type: git source-tag: '1.8.2' source-depth: 1 # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # same-major: true # ignore-odd-minor: true plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-environment: *buildenv libgeocode: source: after: [ libgnome-games-support, glib, meson-deps, gobject-introspection, libsoup2, libffi ] source-tag: '3.26.4' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson build-environment: *buildenv meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Denable-installed-tests=false - -Denable-introspection=true - -Denable-gtk-doc=false - -Dsoup2=true build-packages: - libnghttp2-dev libgweather: after: [ libgeocode, meson-deps, gobject-introspection ] source: source-tag: '4.4.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # ignore-odd-minor: true source-depth: 1 plugin: meson build-environment: *buildenv meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dintrospection=true - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Dtests=false - -Dsoup2=true override-pull: | craftctl default patch -p1 < $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/patches/libgweather.diff sed -i 's#CRAFT_ENV_REPLACE#/usr/lib:/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET#' $CRAFT_PART_SRC/data/ build-packages: - gir1.2-glib-2.0 webp-pixbuf-loader: after: [meson-deps, gdk-pixbuf] source: source-tag: '0.2.4' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson build-environment: *buildenv meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-packages: - libwebp-dev libayatana-ido: after: [glib, gtk3] source: source-tag: '0.10.1' source-depth: 1 plugin: cmake build-environment: *buildenv cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF build-packages: - cmake stage: - usr/share/gir-1.0/Aya* - usr/share/vala/aya* - usr/include/ayata* - usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*.pc - usr/lib/*/*ido* - usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/Ayatana* override-build: | set -eux craftctl default for PC in $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/*.pc; do sed -i 's#exec_prefix=/usr#exec_prefix=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/usr#libdir=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#includedir=/usr#includedir=${prefix}#' $PC done libayatana-appindicator: after: [libayatana-ido, glib, gtk3] source: source-tag: '0.5.93' source-depth: 1 plugin: cmake build-environment: *buildenv cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF - -DENABLE_GTKDOC=OFF - -DENABLE_BINDINGS_MONO=OFF - -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="-lpcre" build-packages: - libayatana-indicator-dev - libayatana-indicator3-dev - libdbusmenu-glib-dev - libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev - libpcre2-dev - cmake stage-packages: - libayatana-indicator-dev - libayatana-indicator3-dev - libdbusmenu-glib-dev - libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev stage: - usr/share/gir-1.0/AyatanaAppIndicator* - usr/share/gir-1.0/Dbusmenu* - usr/share/vala/vapi/Ayatana* - usr/share/vala/vapi/Dbusmenu* - usr/include/*ayata* - usr/include/*dbusmenu* - usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*indica*.pc - usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*dbusmenu*.pc - usr/lib/*/*indica* - usr/lib/*/*dbusmenu* - usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/AyatanaAppIndicator* - usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/Dbusmenu* override-build: | set -eux craftctl default for PC in $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/*.pc; do sed -i 's#exec_prefix=/usr#exec_prefix=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/usr#libdir=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#includedir=/usr#includedir=${prefix}#' $PC done libva: after: [ libtool, meson-deps, libayatana-appindicator ] source: source-tag: '2.20.0' source-depth: 1 plugin: meson meson-parameters: - --prefix=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true - -Dwith_x11=yes - -Dwith_glx=yes - -Dwith_wayland=yes build-environment: *buildenv build-packages: - libxcb-dri3-dev intel-gmm: after: [ libva ] source: source-tag: 'intel-gmmlib-22.3.12' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'intel-gmmlib-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: cmake build-environment: *buildenv cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true override-stage: | if [ "$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET" = "x86_64-linux-gnu" ]; then craftctl default sed -i 's#prefix=$CRAFT_STAGE/usr#prefix=$CRAFT_STAGE/usr#' $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/igdgmm.pc sed -i 's#includedir=/usr/include/igdgmm#includedir=${prefix}/include/igdgmm#' $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/igdgmm.pc fi override-build: | if [ "$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET" = "x86_64-linux-gnu" ]; then craftctl default else echo 'Disabled for this architecture' fi intel-media-driver: after: [ intel-gmm ] source: source-tag: 'intel-media-23.4.0' # ext:updatesnap # version-format: # format: 'intel-media-%M.%m.%R' source-depth: 1 plugin: cmake build-environment: *buildenv cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr - -Doptimization=3 - -Ddebug=true build-packages: - pkg-config - cmake override-build: | if [ "$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET" = "x86_64-linux-gnu" ]; then craftctl default else echo 'Disabled for this architecture' fi debs: after: [ libgnome-games-support, libadwaita, libgweather, poppler, libayatana-appindicator, intel-media-driver ] plugin: nil stage-packages: - appstream - appstream-util - libappstream-dev - desktop-file-utils - freeglut3 - freeglut3-dev - gcc - gettext - itstool - libappstream4 - libblkid1 - libbrotli1 - libbrotli-dev - libcairo2-dev - libcanberra-gtk3-dev - libcurl4 - libcurl4-openssl-dev - libdbus-1-3 - libdbus-1-dev - libxcb-dri3-0 - libdrm2 - libdrm-dev - libdrm-common - libegl-mesa0 - libegl1-mesa-dev - libexpat1 - libevdev2 - libfontconfig1-dev - libfreetype6 - libgbm-dev - libgraphene-1.0-dev - libgcr-3-dev - libgcrypt20 - libgcrypt20-dev - libgl1-mesa-dev - libglu1-mesa - libglu1-mesa-dev - libgmp10 - libgnutls28-dev - libgnutls30 - libgspell-1-dev - libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 - libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 - libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-0 - libgudev-1.0-dev - libgvc6 - libgraphviz-dev - libhogweed6 - libidn2-0 - libjpeg-dev - libkrb5-3 - liblcms2-dev - liblzo2-dev - libmount-dev - libmount1 - libmozjs-102-dev - libmtdev1 - libnettle8 - libnghttp2-14 - libnghttp2-dev - libnotify-dev - libnsl2 - libnss3 - libnss3-dev - libopenjp2-7 - libopenjp2-7-dev - libpcre2-8-0 - libpcre3 - libpcre3-dev - libpng16-16 - libpulse0 - libpulse-dev - libwrap0 - libpython3-dev - libpython3.10-dev - libpython3.10-minimal - libpython3.10-stdlib - libseccomp-dev - libseccomp2 - libsigc++-2.0-0v5 - libsigc++-2.0-dev - libsqlite3-0 - libsqlite3-dev - libstdc++6 - libsystemd0 - libsystemd-dev - libtasn1-6 - libtdb1 - libthai-dev - libudev-dev - libudev1 - libunity-dev - libuuid1 - libvorbisfile3 - libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev - libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev - libx11-xcb-dev - libxcb-render0-dev - libxcb-shm0-dev - libxcomposite-dev - libxcursor-dev - libxdamage-dev - libxext-dev - libxft-dev - libxi-dev - libxinerama-dev - libxkbcommon-dev - libxml2-dev - libxml2-utils - libxrandr-dev - libxrender-dev - libxtst-dev - libyaml-0-2 - libzstd1 - pkg-config - python3-dev - python3-distutils - python3-minimal - python3-pip - python3-pkg-resources - python3-setuptools - python3-venv - python3-wheel - python3.10-minimal - python3.10-venv - shared-mime-info - zlib1g-dev - libwebp-dev override-build: | set -eux craftctl default cd $CRAFT_STAGE/usr find . -type f,l -exec rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/{} \; find . -type f,l -name "*.so*" -exec bash -c "rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/{}*" \; cd $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib find . -type f,l -exec rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/{} \; find . -type f,l -name "*.so*" -exec bash -c "rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/{}*" \; cd $CRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET find . -type f,l -exec rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/{} \; find . -type f,l -name "*.so*" -exec bash -c "rm -f $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/{}*" \; conditioning: after: [ debs ] plugin: nil build-environment: *buildenv override-prime: | set -eux craftctl default glib-compile-schemas usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas update-mime-database usr/share/mime for dir in usr/share/icons/*; do if [ -f "$dir/index.theme" ]; then gtk-update-icon-cache --force "$dir" fi done for PC in $(find . -path "*/pkgconfig/*.pc") do sed -i 's#prefix=$CRAFT_STAGE#prefix=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#' $PC sed -i 's#prefix = /usr#prefix=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr#' $PC sed -i 's#prefix=/usr#prefix=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr#' $PC sed -i 's#original_prefix=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr#original_prefix=/usr#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/usr#libdir=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#libdir=/lib#libdir=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/lib#' $PC sed -i 's#exec_prefix=/usr#exec_prefix=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#includedir=/usr#includedir=${prefix}#' $PC sed -i 's#sysconfdir=/etc#sysconfdir=/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/etc#' $PC sed -i 's#/usr/#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr/#g' $PC sed -i 's#/etc/#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/etc/#g' $PC done if [ "$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET" = "x86_64-linux-gnu" ]; then sed -i 's#includedir=${prefix}/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#includedir=${prefix}#' $CRAFT_PRIME/usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/pkgconfig/igdgmm.pc fi sed -i 's#/usr/bin/python#python3#' usr/bin/glib-mkenums LIBTOOLIZE=usr/bin/libtoolize sed -i 's#pkgauxdir="$CRAFT_STAGE#pkgauxdir="/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#' $LIBTOOLIZE sed -i 's#pkgltdldir="$CRAFT_STAGE#pkgltdldir="/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#' $LIBTOOLIZE sed -i 's#aclocaldir="$CRAFT_STAGE#aclocaldir="/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#' $LIBTOOLIZE SCANNER=usr/bin/g-ir-scanner sed -i 's#$CRAFT_STAGE#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#g' $SCANNER ITSTOOL=usr/bin/itstool sed -i 's#/usr/local/share#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr/local/share#g' $ITSTOOL sed -i 's#/usr/share#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current/usr/share#g' $ITSTOOL GDK_PIXBUF_PATH=usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 LOADERS=$GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/2.10.0/loaders.cache rm -f $CRAFT_PRIME/$GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/2.10.0/loaders/*.so cp -a $CRAFT_STAGE/$GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/2.10.0/loaders/*.so $CRAFT_PRIME/$GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/2.10.0/loaders/ $GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders $CRAFT_PRIME/$GDK_PIXBUF_PATH/2.10.0/loaders/*.so > $CRAFT_PRIME/$LOADERS sed -i 's#/root/parts/gdk-pixbuf/install#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#g' $CRAFT_PRIME/$LOADERS sed -i 's#/build/gnome-42-2204-sdk/parts/gdk-pixbuf/install#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#g' $CRAFT_PRIME/$LOADERS XML2_CONFIG=usr/bin/xml2-config sed -i 's#/root/parts/debs/install#/snap/gnome-42-2204-sdk/current#g' $XML2_CONFIG rm -f usr/lib/vala-current rm -f usr/share/gettext-current rm -f usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-current ln -s vala-0.56 usr/lib/vala-current ln -s gettext-0.19.8 usr/share/gettext-current ln -s gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0 usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/gdk-pixbuf-current # Fix dangling symlink by overwriting it ln -sf lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ usr/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ # CHECK THIS When changing the core base, this line must be update cp /snap/$CRAFT_EXT_CORE_LEVEL/current/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ # Used by the gnome snapcraft extensions to load translations from within the content snap bindtextdomain: after: [ conditioning ] plugin: nil override-build: | set -eux mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET gcc -Wall -O2 -o $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/lib/$CRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET/ -fPIC -shared $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/tools/bindtextdomain.c -ldl cleanup: after: [ conditioning ] plugin: nil build-packages: - python3-pip - zip - python3-apt override-prime: | set -eux rm -rf root rm -rf usr/share/doc rm -rf usr/share/man rm -rf usr/libexec/*/installed-tests rm -rf usr/libexec/installed-tests rm -f usr/lib/*.la rm -f usr/lib/*/*.la # Cleanup from libunity addition rm -f usr/bin/dbus-binding-tool rm -f usr/bin/unity-scope-loader rm -rf usr/lib/python2.7 rm -f usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.Unity.Lenses.gschema.xml rm -rf usr/share/lintian/overrides rm -rf usr/share/locale-langpack/kab rm -f usr/share/unity/client-scopes.json find . -type d -empty -delete PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin DEBUG_BUILDID=usr/lib/debug/.build-id mkdir -p $DEBUG_BUILDID OLDPATH=$PATH python3 -m pip install pyyaml pyelftools $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/tools/ $CRAFT_PRIME $DEBUG_BUILDID PATH=$OLDPATH echo Symbols compressed rm -fr $DEBUG_BUILDID