[aws] aws_region_name = us-west-2 aws_access_key_id = enter_your_key_id aws_secret_access_key = enter_your_access_key [cluster default] vpc_settings = public key_name = ec2_rsa scheduler = slurm initial_queue_size = 2 master_instance_type = t2.medium compute_instance_type = t2.medium # this is the BCE AMI compatible with CFN (built on top of ami-870edfe7) custom_ami = ami-1ccf667c base_os = ubuntu1604 # need at least 15 Gb as that is the size of the BCE AMI snapshot master_root_volume_size = 15 compute_root_volume_size = 15 template_url = http://cfncluster-public-scripts.s3.amazonaws.com/cfncluster-131fix-cfn.json [vpc public] # enter info based on your AWS account master_subnet_id = subnet-XXXXXXXX vpc_id = vpc-XXXXXXXX [global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = default