#!/bin/bash ## Record the start time start=`date +%s` ## Record the host being run on echo "Hostname: $(eval hostname)" ## Where cellranger executable is located ## a) by loading a module module load cellranger/4.0.0 ## b) or, by placing the location of the executables on the path (edit to your location) # export PATH=/share/pathtosoftware/bin/:$PATH ## c) or if they are already on the path, do nothing ## Set the parameters for the run basepath=/share/workshop/adv_scrnaseq/$USER/scrnaseq_processing transcriptome="/share/workshop/adv_scrnaseq/$USER/scrnaseq_processing/Reference/GRCm38.cellranger" fastqs="${basepath}/00-RawData" echo $basepath echo $transcriptome echo $fastq for sample in `cat samples.txt` do ## https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/overview/welcome ## Create the call call="cellranger count \ --id=${sample} \ --sample=${sample} \ --transcriptome=${transcriptome} \ --fastqs=${fastqs} \ --localcores=4 \ --localmem=15" ## Some other parameters that may be usefull/needed ## --expect-cells=NUM, number of cells expected ## --nosecondary, skip the unnecessary secondary analysis ## --r2-length=NUM, if your R2 qualities are really poor ## --chemistry=CHEM, should it fail chemistry detection ## Echo the call echo $call ## Evaluate the call eval $call done ## Record the start time, and output runtime end=`date +%s` runtime=$((end-start)) echo $runtime