resample = function(data, B) { N = length(data) result = numeric(B) # repeat this whole process B times for (b in 1:B) { # make an object to hold the resampled indices indx = integer(N) # resample one data point at a time for (i in 1:N) { indx[[i]] = sample(1:N, size=1) } # calculate the mean of this resampled data result[[b]] = mean(data[indx]) } # return all of the mean resamples result } bootstrap = function(data, ..., B=1000) { # get the names of grouping factors grouping_factors = sapply(list(...), unlist) # identify all possible combinations of grouping factors grouping_levels = sapply(grouping_factors, function(grp) unique(data[[grp]]) |> as.character(), simplify = FALSE) |> setNames(grouping_factors) # cross the grouping levels to get all combinations groups = split(data, data[,grouping_factors]) # create an empty data.frame to hold the results col_names = names(groups) result = replicate(length(groups), numeric(B), simplify=FALSE) |> = col_names) # bootstrap the mean of mass for each group for (i in 1:length(groups)) { # get the subset of data that is relevant to this group group = groups[[i]] # calculate the mean of a bunch of bootstrap resamples result[[i]] = resample(group$body_mass_g, B=B) } # return the result result } make_bootstrap_plots = function(data, ..., B=1000) { # get the resampled mean masses my_resamples = bootstrap(data, B=B, ...) |> stack() # get the names of the grouping factors my_groups = list(...) my_grouping_factors = lapply(my_groups, function(x) data[[x]]) # combine the group names into a label my_label = paste("Penguins by", paste(my_groups, collapse="/")) # make a boxplot of the group means ggplot(my_resamples) + aes(x=ind, y=values) + xlab(my_label) + ylab("Average penguin mass (grams)") + ggtitle("Value and uncertainty of average penguin mass", subtitle="Red dots are measured penguin masses.\nBlack boxplots indicate estimates of the mean.") + # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 70, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.4)) + geom_point( data=data, mapping=aes(x=interaction(my_grouping_factors), y=body_mass_g), alpha=0.15, color='red', shape=16) + geom_boxplot() }