--- title: "Working with Databases - Part I" subtitle: Biostat 203B author: "Dr. Hua Zhou @ UCLA" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" format: html: theme: cosmo number-sections: true toc: true toc-depth: 4 toc-location: left code-fold: false bibliography: "../bib-HZ.bib" csl: "../apa.csl" knitr: opts_chunk: fig.align: 'center' fig.width: 6 fig.height: 4 message: FALSE cache: false --- # Data scientist

# A typical data science project:

## Acknowledgement Much material in this lecture is adapted from and . # Why databases? ## Size of data - Small data: those can fit into computer memory. - Bigish data: those can fit into disk(s) of a single machine. - Big data: those cannot fit into disk(s) of a single machine. ## Computer architecture > Key to high performance is effective use of memory hierarchy. True on all architectures.

## Numbers everyone should know | Operation | Time | |-------------------------------------|----------------| | L1 cache reference | 0.5 ns | | L2 cache reference | 7 ns | | Main memory reference | 100 ns | | Read 1 MB sequentially from memory | 250,000 ns | | Read 1 MB sequentially from SSD | 1,000,000 ns | | Read 1 MB sequentially from disk | 20,000,000 ns | Source: ## Implications for bigish data Suppose we have a 10 GB flat data file and that we want to select certain rows based on a given criteria. This requires a sequential read across the entire data set. If we can store the file in memory: 10 GB × (250 μs/1 MB) = 2.5 seconds If we have to access the file from SSD (~1GB/sec): 10 GB × (1 ms/1 MB) = 10 seconds If we have to access the file from disk: 10 GB × (20 ms/1 MB) = 200 seconds This is just for reading data, if we make any modifications (writing) things are much worse. ## Blocks Cost: Disk << Memory Speed: Disk <<< Memory So usually possible to grow our disk storage to accommodate our data. However, memory is usually the limiting resource, and what if we can’t fit everything into memory? Create blocks - group rows based on similar attributes and read in multiple rows at a time. Optimal size will depend on the task and the properties of the disk. ## Linear vs binary Search Even with blocks, any kind of subsetting of rows requires a linear search, which requires $O(N)$ accesses where $N$ is the number of blocks. We can do much better if we are careful about how we structure our data, specifically sorting some or all of the columns. * Sorting is expensive, $O(N \log N)$, but it only needs to be done once. * After sorting, we can use a binary search for any subsetting tasks $O(\log N)$. * These sorted columns are known as _indexes_. * Indexes require additional storage, but usually small enough to be kept in memory while blocks stay on disk. # Databases ## SQL **S**tructured **Q**uery **L**anguage (SQL) is a special purpose language for interacting with (querying and modifying) these indexed tabular data structures. * ANSI Standard but with some dialect divergence. * SQL functionality maps very closely (but not exactly) with the data manipulation verbs in dplyr. * We will see this mapping in more detail in a bit. ## Access databases from R

- dplyr package supports a variety of databases. - Open source databases: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, BigQuery. - Commercial databases: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server. - See [link](https://db.rstudio.com/databases) for a complete list. - DBI package provides a common interface for connecting to databases. - dbplyr package is the backend that translates dplyr verbs to database SQL queries. - To install database drivers, follow instructions at . # A sample session using SQLite ## Create an SQLite database Create an SQLite database `employee.sqlite` on disk (or _in memory_) for learning purpose. ```{r} library("DBI") library("RSQLite") con = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "employee.sqlite") # con = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") str(con) ``` ## Add a table into database First table: ```{r} library("tidyverse") (employees <- tibble(name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dave", "Eve", "Frank"), email = c("alice@company.com", "bob@company.com", "carol@company.com", "dave@company.com", "eve@company.com", "frank@comany.com"), salary = c(52000, 40000, 30000, 33000, 44000, 37000), dept = c("Accounting", "Accounting", "Sales", "Accounting", "Sales", "Sales"))) ``` Second table: ```{r} (phone <- tibble(name = c("Bob", "Carol", "Eve", "Frank"), phone = c("919 555-1111", "919 555-2222", "919 555-3333", "919 555-4444"))) ``` Write tables to the database: ```{r} dbWriteTable(con, "employees", employees, overwrite = TRUE) dbWriteTable(con, "phone", phone, overwrite = TRUE) dbListTables(con) ``` ## Add another table ```{r} dbWriteTable(con, "employs", employees) dbListTables(con) ``` ## Remove a table from database ```{r} dbRemoveTable(con, "employs") dbListTables(con) ``` ## Querying tables ```{r} # select all columns from table employees res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM employees") res ``` ```{r} # execute the query dbFetch(res) dbClearResult(res) ``` ## Closing the connection ```{r} dbDisconnect(con) ``` # SQL Queries Following we demonstrate some common SQL commands, although all task can be achieved by using dplyr as well. ## Connecting ```{r} con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "employee.sqlite") dbListTables(con) knitr::opts_chunk$set(connection = "con") ``` Below we demonstrate some common SQL queries. ## SELECT statements ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees; ``` ```{sql} SELECT * FROM phone; ``` ## Select using SELECT ```{sql} SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees; ``` ## Arrange using ORDER BY ```{sql} SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary; ``` Descending order: ```{sql} SELECT name AS first_name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC; ``` ## Filter via WHERE ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary < 40000; ``` ## Group_by via GROUP BY First record in each group. ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees GROUP BY dept; ``` ## Head via LIMIT First 3 records: ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 3; ``` Last 3 records: ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT 3; ``` ## Join two tables (default) By default SQLite uses a `CROSS JOIN` (all row combinations) which is not terribly useful. Note only first 10 rows of results are shown. ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees JOIN phone; ``` ## Inner join by NATURAL By default, the common variable `name` is used as key. ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL JOIN phone; ``` ## Inner join - explicit Explicitly specify key. ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees JOIN phone ON employees.name = phone.name; ``` ## Left join - natural ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees NATURAL LEFT JOIN phone; ``` ## Left join - explicit ```{sql} SELECT * FROM employees LEFT JOIN phone ON employees.name = phone.name; ``` ## Other joins SQLite does not support directly an `OUTER JOIN` or a `RIGHT JOIN`. ## Creating indices ```{sql} CREATE INDEX index_name ON employees (name); ``` ```{sql} CREATE INDEX index_name_email ON employees (name, email); ``` ```{bash} sqlite3 employee.sqlite .indices ``` ## Close connection ```{r} dbDisconnect(con) ```