--- title: "Lab 1" author: "Juhyun Kim, Brendon Chau, Hua Zhou" date: "1/9/2020" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` 1. SSH client on MacOS and Windows. - MacOS: just open the `Terminal` app. - Windows: download and install [`Git for Windows` aka `Git Bash`](https://gitforwindows.org). Accept default settings during the installation process. This gives you a bash shell within Windows, which is also equipped with Git commands. 2. Connect to the teaching server. On MacOS Terminal or Windows Git Bash: ``` ssh username@server.ucla-biostat-203b.com ``` If you cannot connect, you may not have an account. Ask TA or instructor for help. 3. Change password on teaching server ``` passwd ``` 4. On teaching server, you can obtain a copy of the course material using git: ``` git clone https://github.com/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter.github.io.git ``` To reproduce commands in the [Linux lecture](https://ucla-biostat203b-2020winter.github.io/slides/02-linux/linux.html), make sure you are in the correct folder ``` cd ~/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter.github.io/slides/02-linux ```