--- title: "Econ 425T Homework 5" subtitle: "Due Mar 8, 2023 @ 11:59PM" author: "YOUR NAME and UID" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" format: html: theme: cosmo number-sections: true toc: true toc-depth: 4 toc-location: left code-fold: false engine: knitr knitr: opts_chunk: fig.align: 'center' # fig.width: 6 # fig.height: 4 message: FALSE cache: false --- ## ISL Exercise 9.7.1 (10pts) ## ISL Exercise 9.7.2 (10pts) ## Support vector machines (SVMs) on the `Carseats` data set (30pts) Follow the machine learning workflow to train support vector classifier (same as SVM with linear kernel), SVM with polynomial kernel (tune the degree and regularization parameter $C$), and SVM with radial kernel (tune the scale parameter $\gamma$ and regularization parameter $C$) for classifying `Sales<=8` versus `Sales>8`. Use the same seed as in your HW4 for the initial test/train split and compare the final test AUC and accuracy to those methods you tried in HW4. ## Bonus (10pts) Let $$ f(X) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \cdots + \beta_p X_p = \beta_0 + \beta^T X. $$ Then $f(X)=0$ defines a hyperplane in $\mathbb{R}^p$. Show that $f(x)$ is proportional to the signed distance of a point $x$ to the hyperplane $f(X) = 0$.