--- title: "MLP on the MNIST Digit Data" subtitle: "Econ 425T / Biostat 203B" author: "Dr. Hua Zhou @ UCLA" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" format: html: theme: cosmo number-sections: true toc: true toc-depth: 4 toc-location: left code-fold: false engine: knitr knitr: opts_chunk: fig.align: 'center' # fig.width: 6 # fig.height: 4 message: FALSE cache: false --- Display system information for reproducibility. ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} import IPython print(IPython.sys_info()) ``` #### R ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` ::: Load some libraries. ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} # Load the pandas library import pandas as pd # Load numpy for array manipulation import numpy as np # Load seaborn plotting library import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set font sizes in plots sns.set(font_scale = 1.2) # Display all columns pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # Load Tensorflow and Keras import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import layers ``` #### R ```{r} library(keras) ``` ::: In this example, we train an MLP (multi-layer perceptron) on the [MNIST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MNIST_database) data set. Achieve testing accuracy 98.11% after 30 epochs. - The **MNIST** database (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology database) is a large database of handwritten digits ($28 \times 28$) that is commonly used for training and testing machine learning algorithms. - 60,000 training images, 10,000 testing images. ## Prepare data Acquire data: ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} # Load the data and split it between train and test sets (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # Training set x_train.shape y_train.shape # Test set x_test.shape y_test.shape ``` Display the first training instance and its label: ```{python} import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Feature: digit plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.imshow(x_train[0]); plt.show() # Label y_train[0] ``` #### R ```{r} mnist <- dataset_mnist() x_train <- mnist$train$x y_train <- mnist$train$y x_test <- mnist$test$x y_test <- mnist$test$y ``` Training set: ```{r} dim(x_train) dim(y_train) ``` ```{r} image( t(x_train[1, 28:1,]), useRaster = TRUE, axes = FALSE, col = grey(seq(0, 1, length = 256)) ) y_train[1] ``` Testing set: ```{r} dim(x_test) dim(y_test) ``` ::: Vectorize $28 \times 28$ images into $784$-vectors and scale entries to [0, 1]: ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} # Reshape x_train = np.reshape(x_train, [x_train.shape[0], 784]) x_test = np.reshape(x_test, [x_test.shape[0], 784]) # Rescale x_train = x_train / 255 x_test = x_test / 255 # Train x_train.shape # Test x_test.shape ``` #### R ```{r} # reshape x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(nrow(x_train), 784)) x_test <- array_reshape(x_test, c(nrow(x_test), 784)) # rescale x_train <- x_train / 255 x_test <- x_test / 255 dim(x_train) dim(x_test) ``` ::: Encode $y$ as binary class matrix: ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, 10) y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, 10) # Train y_train.shape # Test y_test.shape # First train instance y_train[0] ``` #### R ```{r} y_train <- to_categorical(y_train, 10) y_test <- to_categorical(y_test, 10) dim(y_train) dim(y_test) head(y_train) ``` ::: ## Define the model Define a **sequential model** (a linear stack of layers) with 2 fully-connected hidden layers (256 and 128 neurons): ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} model = keras.Sequential( [ keras.Input(shape = (784,)), layers.Dense(units = 256, activation = 'relu'), layers.Dropout(rate = 0.4), layers.Dense(units = 128, activation = 'relu'), layers.Dropout(rate = 0.3), layers.Dense(units = 10, activation = 'softmax') ] ) model.summary() ``` Plot the model: ```{python} tf.keras.utils.plot_model( model, to_file = "model.png", show_shapes = True, show_dtype = False, show_layer_names = True, rankdir = "TB", expand_nested = False, dpi = 96, layer_range = None, show_layer_activations = False, ) ```


#### R ```{r} model <- keras_model_sequential() model %>% layer_dense(units = 256, activation = 'relu', input_shape = c(784)) %>% layer_dropout(rate = 0.4) %>% layer_dense(units = 128, activation = 'relu') %>% layer_dropout(rate = 0.3) %>% layer_dense(units = 10, activation = 'softmax') summary(model) ``` ::: Compile the model with appropriate loss function, optimizer, and metrics: ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} model.compile( loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = "rmsprop", metrics = ["accuracy"] ) ``` #### R ```{r} model %>% compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(), metrics = c('accuracy') ) ``` ::: ## Training and validation 80%/20% split for the train/validation set. ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} #| output: false batch_size = 128 epochs = 30 history = model.fit( x_train, y_train, batch_size = batch_size, epochs = epochs, validation_split = 0.2 ) ``` Plot training history: ```{python} #| code-fold: true hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist['epoch'] = np.arange(1, epochs + 1) hist = hist.melt( id_vars = ['epoch'], value_vars = ['loss', 'accuracy', 'val_loss', 'val_accuracy'], var_name = 'type', value_name = 'value' ) hist['split'] = np.where(['val' in s for s in hist['type']], 'validation', 'train') hist['metric'] = np.where(['loss' in s for s in hist['type']], 'loss', 'accuracy') # Accuracy trace plot plt.figure() sns.relplot( data = hist[hist['metric'] == 'accuracy'], kind = 'scatter', x = 'epoch', y = 'value', hue = 'split' ).set( xlabel = 'Epoch', ylabel = 'Accuracy' ); plt.show() # Loss trace plot plt.figure() sns.relplot( data = hist[hist['metric'] == 'loss'], kind = 'scatter', x = 'epoch', y = 'value', hue = 'split' ).set( xlabel = 'Epoch', ylabel = 'Loss' ); plt.show() ``` #### R ```{r} system.time({ history <- model %>% fit( x_train, y_train, epochs = 30, batch_size = 128, validation_split = 0.2 ) }) plot(history) ``` ::: ## Testing Evaluate model performance on the test data: ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python ```{python} score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose = 0) print("Test loss:", score[0]) print("Test accuracy:", score[1]) ``` #### R ```{r} model %>% evaluate(x_test, y_test) ``` Generate predictions on new data: ```{r} model %>% predict(x_test) %>% k_argmax() ``` ::: ## Exercise Suppose we want to fit a multinomial-logit model and use it as a baseline method to neural networks. How to do that? Of course we can use `mlogit` or other packages. Instead we can fit the same model using keras, since multinomial-logit is just an MLP with (1) one input layer with linear activation and (2) one output layer with softmax link function. ::: {.panel-tabset} #### Python #### R ```{r} # set up model library(keras) mlogit <- keras_model_sequential() mlogit %>% # layer_dense(units = 256, activation = 'linear', input_shape = c(784)) %>% # layer_dropout(rate = 0.4) %>% layer_dense(units = 10, activation = 'softmax', input_shape = c(784)) summary(mlogit) ``` ```{r} # compile model mlogit %>% compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = optimizer_rmsprop(), metrics = c('accuracy') ) mlogit ``` ```{r} # fit model mlogit_history <- mlogit %>% fit( x_train, y_train, epochs = 20, batch_size = 128, validation_split = 0.2 ) ``` ```{r} # Evaluate model performance on the test data: mlogit %>% evaluate(x_test, y_test) ``` Generate predictions on new data: ```{r} mlogit %>% predict(x_test) %>% k_argmax() ``` ::: Experiment: Change the `linear` activation to `relu` in the multinomial-logit model and see the change in classification accuracy.