const express = require("express"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser"); const { v4: uuid } = require("uuid"); const flag = process.env.FLAG; const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT) || 8080; const adminpw = process.env.ADMINPW || "placeholder"; const accounts = new Map(); accounts.set("admin", { password: adminpw, displayName: flag, posts: [], friends: [], }); const posts = new Map(); const app = express(); let cleanup = []; setInterval(() => { const now =; let i = cleanup.findIndex((x) => now < x[1]); if (i === -1) { i = cleanup.length; } for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { const account = accounts.get(cleanup[i][0]); for (const post of account.posts) { posts.delete(post); } accounts.delete(cleanup[i][0]); } cleanup = cleanup.slice(i); }, 1000 * 60); function needsAuth(req, res, next) { if (!res.locals.user) { res.redirect("/login"); } else { next(); } } app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false })); app.use((req, res, next) => { res.locals.user = null; if (req.cookies.login) { const chunks = req.cookies.login.split(":"); if (chunks.length === 2 && accounts.has(chunks[0]) && accounts.get(chunks[0]).password === chunks[1]) { res.locals.user = chunks[0]; } } next(); }); // templating engines are for losers! const postTemplate = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "post.html"), "utf8"); app.get("/post/:id", (req, res) => { if (posts.has( { res.type("text/html").send(postTemplate.replace("$CONTENT", () => posts.get(; } else { res.status(400).type("text/html").send(postTemplate.replace("$CONTENT", "post not found :(")); } }); app.get("/", needsAuth); app.get("/login", (req, res, next) => { if (res.locals.user) { res.redirect("/"); } else { next(); } }); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "static"), { extensions: ["html"] }));"/register", (req, res) => { if (typeof req.body.username !== "string" || typeof req.body.password !== "string" || typeof req.body.displayName !== "string") { res.redirect("/login#" + encodeURIComponent("Please metafill out all the metafields.")); return; } const username = req.body.username.trim(); const password = req.body.password.trim(); const displayName = req.body.displayName.trim(); if (!/^[\w]{3,32}$/.test(username) || !/^[-\w !@#$%^&*()+]{3,32}$/.test(password) || !/^[-\w ]{3,64}/.test(displayName)) { res.redirect("/login#" + encodeURIComponent("Invalid metavalues provided for metafields.")); return; } if (accounts.has(username)) { res.redirect("/login#" + encodeURIComponent("Metaaccount already metaexists.")); return; } accounts.set(username, { password, displayName, posts: [], friends: [] }); cleanup.push([username, + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12]); res.cookie("login", `${username}:${password}`, { httpOnly: true }); res.redirect("/"); });"/login", (req, res) => { if (typeof req.body.username !== "string" || typeof req.body.password !== "string") { res.redirect("/login#" + encodeURIComponent("Please metafill out all the metafields.")); return; } const username = req.body.username.trim(); const password = req.body.password.trim(); if (accounts.has(username) && accounts.get(username).password === password) { res.cookie("login", `${username}:${password}`, { httpOnly: true }); res.redirect("/"); } else { res.redirect("/login#" + encodeURIComponent("Wrong metausername/metapassword.")); } });"/friend", needsAuth, (req, res) => { res.type("text/plain"); const username = req.body.username.trim(); if (!accounts.has(username)) { res.status(400).send("Metauser doesn't metaexist"); } else { const user = accounts.get(username); if (user.friends.includes(res.locals.user)) { res.status(400).send("Already metafriended"); } else { user.friends.push(res.locals.user); res.status(200).send("ok"); } } });"/post", needsAuth, (req, res) => { res.type("text/plain"); const id = uuid(); const content = req.body.content; if (typeof content !== "string" || content.length > 1000 || content.length === 0) { res.status(400).send("Invalid metacontent"); } else { const user = accounts.get(res.locals.user); posts.set(id, content); user.posts.push(id); res.send(id); } }); app.get("/posts", needsAuth, (req, res) => { res.type("application/json"); res.send( JSON.stringify( accounts.get(res.locals.user) => { const content = posts.get(id); return { id, blurb: content.length < 50 ? content : content.slice(0, 50) + "...", }; }) ) ); }); app.get("/friends", needsAuth, (req, res) => { res.type("application/json"); res.send( JSON.stringify( accounts .get(res.locals.user) .friends.filter((username) => accounts.has(username)) .map((username) => ({ username, displayName: accounts.get(username).displayName, })) ) ); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`); });