# GDC Xena Hub The hub hosts open access data from the [GDC Data Release v41.0 - August 28, 2024](https://docs.gdc.cancer.gov/Data/Release_Notes/Data_Release_Notes/). You can view data from the [previous GDC Data Release (v18.0 from August 28, 2019)](https://xenabrowser.net/datapages/?host=https%3A%2F%2FgdcV18.xenahubs.net&removeHub=https%3A%2F%2Fgdc.xenahubs.net). This data will only be available until October 2025. After October 2025 the data from this release will only be available for download. New for this release, we worked to not have samples that have no genomic data and only have phenotype/clinical data. This should make visualizing data in our Visual Spreadsheet easier. ## Supported data types
Type of data Data
Copy Number Variation * Allele-specific Copy Number Segment (ASCAT2, ASCAT3)
* Copy Number Segment (AscatNGS)
* Masked Copy Number Segment (DNAcopy)
* Gene Level Copy Number (ABSOLUTE, ASCAT2, ASCAT3, AscatNGS)
Somatic Mutation * Ensemble Somatic Variant (WXS)
* Ensemble Somatic Variant (Targeted Sequencing)
Gene Expression RNAseq * STAR (Counts, FPKM, FPKM-UQ, TPM)
Protein expression * Protein Expression Quantification
DNA Methylation * Illumina Human Methylation 27K
* Illumina Human Methylation 450K
* Illumina Human Methylation epic
* Illumina Human Methylation epic v2
miRNA Expression * stem loop
Phenotype, clinical, and survival data