title: "StratLAN"
date: 2017-12-06T11:50:08Z
draft: false
subtitle: "Making the bard proud since 1999"
image: "img/stratlan_bg.png"
weight: 160
    parent: 'members'
## Website
## Location
Stratford upon Avon
## Events
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### Winter Warmer
 - 100 People
 - February
 - Stratford Upon Avon Racecourse
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### Summer Party
 - 270 People
 - June / July
 - Stratford Upon Avon Racecourse
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### Xmas Party
 - 270 People
 - 1st Week of December
 - Stratford Upon Avon Racecourse
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## Members
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### James Kinsman
#### Vibs
Technical Lead
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### Barry Zubel
#### Lepidopterist
Network Admin
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### Mat Burnett
#### DrProto
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### Mike Taylor
#### Unspec
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