topic "Ptr and Pte"; [i448;a25;kKO9;2 $$1,0#37138531426314131252341829483380:class] [l288;2 $$2,0#27521748481378242620020725143825:desc] [0 $$3,0#96390100711032703541132217272105:end] [H6;0 $$4,0#05600065144404261032431302351956:begin] [i448;a25;kKO9;2 $$5,0#37138531426314131252341829483370:item] [l288;a4;*@5;1 $$6,6#70004532496200323422659154056402:requirement] [l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408;2 $$7,0#10431211400427159095818037425705:param] [i448;b42;O9;2 $$8,8#61672508125594000341940100500538:tparam] [b42;2 $$9,9#13035079074754324216151401829390:normal] [2 $$0,0#00000000000000000000000000000000:Default] [{_}%EN-US [ {{10000@(113.42.0) [s0; [*@7;4 Ptr and Pte]]}}&] [s9; Ptr and Pte class templates provide a smart pointer system that cleared (assigned NULL) when pointed object is destructed. That makes it useful in situations where life`-time of object cannot be precisely determined.&] [s9; While [* Ptr ]class template provides smart pointers, [* Pte ]is the class which adds necessary functionality to pointed objects. [* Ptr ]could only point to objects of [* Pte]`-derived type. So to make a class `"[* Ptr]`-able`" you should add [* Pte ]as one of class bases, with the derived class as its parameter, e.g.:&] [s0; [C+75 struct Foo : Pte `{....]&] [s3; &] [s0; &] [ {{10000@(113.42.0) [s0; [*@7;4 Pte]]}}&] [s3;%- &] [s1;:noref:%- [@(0.0.255) template]_<[@(0.0.255) class]_[*@4 T][@(0.0.255) >]&] [s1;:Pte`:`:class:%- [@(0.0.255) class]_[* Pte]_:_[@(0.0.255) public]_[*@3 PteBase]&] [s0; &] [s0; This template class implements the functionality needed in the pointed object. &] [s0; [*C@4 T]-|Type of pointed object.&] [s0; &] [s0; [/ Derived from] [^topic`:`/`/Core`/src`/PtePtr`$en`-us`#`:`:PteBase`:`:class PteBase^ P teBase]&] [s3; &] [s0;%- &] [ {{10000@(113.42.0) [s0; [*@7;4 Ptr]]}}&] [s3;%- &] [s1;:noref:%- [@(0.0.255) template]_<[@(0.0.255) class]_[*@4 T][@(0.0.255) >]&] [s1;:Ptr`:`:class:%- [@(0.0.255) class]_[* Ptr]_:_[@(0.0.255) public]_[*@3 PtrBase], [@(0.0.255) private]_[*@3 Moveable][@(0.0.255) <]_[* Ptr][@(0.0.255) <][*@4 T][@(0.0.255) >]_>_ &] [s0;%- &] [s0; Type specific pointer.&] [s0; [*C@4 T]-|Type of pointed object. T class must be derived from Pte.&] [s0; &] [s0; [/ Derived from] [^topic`:`/`/Core`/src`/PtePtr`$en`-us`#`:`:PtrBase`:`:PtrBase`(`)^ P trBase]&] [s3; &] [s1;%- &] [ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Constructor Detail]]}}&] [s3;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:Ptr`(`):%- [* Ptr]()&] [s2; Default constructor.&] [s3; &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:Ptr`(T`*`):%- [* Ptr]([*@4 T]_`*[*@3 ptr])&] [s2; Constructs Ptr pointing to specified object [%-*@3 ptr].&] [s3; &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:Ptr`(const Ptr`&`):%- [* Ptr]([@(0.0.255) const]_[* Ptr][@(0.0.255) `&]_[*@3 ptr])&] [s2; Constructs Ptr pointing to the same object as other Ptr [%-*@3 ptr].&] [s3; &] [s1;%- &] [ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Public Method List]]}}&] [s3; &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:operator`-`>`(`)const:%- [*@4 T]_`*[* operator`->]()_[@(0.0.255) const]&] [s2; Returns a C`+`+ pointer to pointed object or NULL if Ptr does not point to any object.&] [s3;%- &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:operator`~`(`)const:%- [*@4 T]_`*[* operator`~]()_[@(0.0.255) const]&] [s2; Returns a C`+`+ pointer to pointed object or NULL if Ptr does not point to any object.&] [s3;%- &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:operator T`*`(`)const:%- [* operator_T`*]()_[@(0.0.255) const]&] [s2; Returns a C`+`+ pointer to pointed object or NULL if Ptr does not point to any object.&] [s3;%- &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:operator`=`(T`*`):%- [_^Ptr^ Ptr][@(0.0.255) `&]_[* operator`=]([*@4 T]_`*[*@3 ptr]) &] [s2; Assigns new pointer. Returns `*this.&] [s3;%- &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:operator`=`(const Ptr`&`):%- [_^Ptr^ Ptr][@(0.0.255) `&]_[* operator`=]([@(0.0.255) c onst]_[_^Ptr^ Ptr][@(0.0.255) `&]_[*@3 ptr])&] [s2; Assigns other Ptr. Returns `*this.-|&] [s3; &] [s4;%- &] [s5;:Ptr`:`:ToString`(`)const:%- [_^String^ String]_[* ToString]()_[@(0.0.255) const]&] [s2; Converts all information to string for diagnostic purposes&] [s3; &] [s0;i448;a25;kKO9;@(0.0.255)%- &] [ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Global Operators]]}}&] [s3; &] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator`=`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) P tr][@(64) `&_][@3 a][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _T_`*][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator`=`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _T_`*][@3 a ][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) Ptr][@(64) `&_][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator`=`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) P tr][@(64) `&_][@3 a][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) Ptr][@(64) `&_][@3 b][@(64) ) ]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator`=`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) P tr][@(64) `&_][@3 a][@(64) , T_`*][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator`=`=[@(64) (T_`*][@3 a][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) Ptr][@(64) `&_][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator!`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) P tr][@(64) `&_][@3 a][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _T_`*][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator!`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _T_`*][@3 a ][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) Ptr][@(64) `&_][@3 b][@(64) )]&] [s5;K%- friend_[@(0.0.255) bool][@(64) _]operator!`=[@(64) (][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) P tr][@(64) `&_][@3 a][@(64) , ][@(0.0.255) const][@(64) _][^`:`:Ptr^@(64) Ptr][@(64) `&_][@3 b][@(64) ) ]&] [s2; Comparison operators.&] [s3; &] [s0; ]]