topic "U++ Containers overview - NTL"; [l288;i704;a17;O9;~~~.992;2 $$1,0#10431211400427159095818037425705:param] [a83;*R6 $$2,5#31310162474203024125188417583966:caption] [H4;b83;*4 $$3,5#07864147445237544204411237157677:title] [b167;a42;C2 $$4,6#40027414424643823182269349404212:item] [b42;a42;ph2 $$5,5#45413000475342174754091244180557:text] [l288;a17;2 $$6,6#27521748481378242620020725143825:desc] [l321;t246;C@5;1 $$7,7#20902679421464641399138805415013:code] [b2503;2 $$8,0#65142375456100023862071332075487:separator] [*@(0.0.255)2 $$9,0#83433469410354161042741608181528:base] [t4167;C2 $$10,0#37138531426314131251341829483380:class] [l288;a17;*1 $$11,11#70004532496200323422659154056402:requirement] [i417;b42;a42;O9;~~~.416;2 $$12,12#10566046415157235020018451313112:tparam] [b167;C2 $$13,13#92430459443460461911108080531343:item1] [i288;a42;O9;C2 $$14,14#77422149456609303542238260500223:item2] [*@2$(0.128.128)2 $$15,15#34511555403152284025741354420178:NewsDate] [l321;*C$7;2 $$16,16#03451589433145915344929335295360:result] [l321;b83;a83;*C$7;2 $$17,17#07531550463529505371228428965313:result`-line] [l160;t4167;*C+117 $$18,5#88603949442205825958800053222425:package`-title] [2 $$0,0#00000000000000000000000000000000:Default] [{_}%EN-US [s2; U`+`+ Containers overview `- NTL&] [s3; Table of contents&] [s0; &] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#1^ 1. Introduction]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#2^ 2. Random access]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#3^ 3. Requirements]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#4^ 4. Flavors]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#5^ 5. Containers as return values]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#6^ 6. Basic random access containers]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#7^ 7. Bidirectional containers]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#8^ 8. Index]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#9^ 9. Maps]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#10^ 10. InVector and Sorted maps]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#11^ 11. One]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#12^ 12. Any]&] [s0; [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/NTL`_en`-us`#13^ 13. Buffer]&] [s0; &] [s3;:1: 1. Introduction&] [s5; [* NTL] (Non`-standard Template library) is a library of container and algorithm templates. It is designed to solve some problems we see in current C`+`+ standard library STL.&] [s5; For code examples please visit [^topic`:`/`/Core`/srcdoc`/Tutorial`_en`-us^ Core tutorial].&] [s3;:2: 2. Random access&] [s5; Each single NTL container template that can store more than one element has random access. This random access is as fast as access using iterators so for iterating elements you can use indices rather than iterators and we recommend this approach.&] [s3;:3: 3. Requirements&] [s5; An important feature of NTL are requirements for stored elements. Unlike STL, which has single [/ copy`-constructible] and [/ assignable] requirement for whole library, NTL makes requirements on per container and even per method basis. This way NTL allows [/ direct] storing of [/ any] type of elements. NTL provides two or even three flavors for each basic ADT kind of container relative to requirements for elements.&] [s3;:4: 4. Flavors&] [s5; [*/ Vector] flavor of containers requires types to be [*/^dpp`:`/`/SourceDoc`/Containers`/Moveable^ m oveable] and have either [*/^dpp`:`/`/SourceDoc`/Containers`/pick`_^ deep copy constructor][^dpp`:`/`/SourceDoc`/Containers`/pick`_^ ]and operator, [*/^dpp`:`/`/SourceDoc`/Containers`/pick`_^ pick constructor] and operator or default constructor. Containers of this flavor have word [* Vector] in their their names, with the exception of [* Index] which is also of this flavor. This flavor has the best runtime characteristics.&] [s5; [*/ Array] flavor of containers has [*/ no][/ ]common requirements for elements, but is less efficient. You can use it to store even polymorphic types. Type of stored elements does not even have to be defined at the point of instantiation, so you can use Array flavor to create recursive data structures. Another feature of this flavor is that references to elements are never invalidated. Containers of this flavor have [* Array] in their name.&] [s3;:5: 5. Containers as return values&] [s5; NTL allows containers to be used as return values, in single constant time operation. It is allowed by defining specific [*/^topic`:`/`/Core`/src`/pick`_`$en`-us^ t ransfer semantics][/ .]&] [s3;:6: 6. Basic random access containers&] [s5; This kind of containers allows adding/removing elements at the end of the sequence in amortized constant time. As these containers are basic building blocks for NTL, their names are the same as names for all three flavors. [* Vector] flavor allows direct access to underlying C vector of elements. [* Vector] and [* Array] flavors allow removing and inserting of elements at any position (with complexity based on number of elements moved).&] [s3;:7: 7. Bidirectional containers&] [s5; This kind of containers allows adding/removing elements to/from both beginning and end of sequence in constant amortized time. It is well suited for FIFO operations. [* BiVector] and [* BiArray] are two flavors of bidirectional containers.&] [s3;:8: 8. Index&] [s5; Basically, this kind of container provides random access sequence that allows adding elements at the end of sequence in constant amortized time (much like basic random access containers) with one unique feature: it allows fast retrieval of position of element with specific value. Hashing is used for this operation. Indexes represent ideal building`-blocks for any associative operations. [* Index] and [* ArrayIndex ]are two flavors of indexes.&] [s5; As both index flavors are built on top of according basic random access containers, they provide read`-only access or even pick operations to this container. That means you can supply elements to [* Index] by picking [* Vector ]in [* Index] constructor or get [* Vector] of elements of [* Index] in low constant time pick operation. Same is true for [* Array] and [* ArrayIndex.]&] [s5; Also, as most of functionality added to basic random access containers is same for both [* Index] and [* ArrayIndex], most of operations are shared in common template class [* AIndex], which represents index container without concrete flavor. [* Index] and [* ArrayIndex] are derived from this [* AIndex], adding few operations specific for their flavors.&] [s3;:9: 9. Maps&] [s5; Basically, maps are just simple compositions of Index and basic random access container to store values, thus getting classical map design. In find operation, position of key in Index is retrieved and value from basic access container at the same position is returned. This design also allows accessing both keys and values using indices. &] [s5; In case of maps, keys are always stored in [* Index], that means that flavor is relative only to type of values (and keys must be moveable). [* VectorMap], [* ArrayMap] and [* SegtorMap] are flavors of maps. As with [* Index], the common operations of this flavor are implemented in template base class [* AMap]. Also, picking operations for any part of maps are available.&] [s3;:10: 10. InVector and Sorted maps&] [s5; NTL provides random access containers with fast insertion at arbitrary position, which scale well to milions of items. These containers then provide basis for `'sorted maps`' that are using binary search. Sorted maps are useful when range`-search is required.&] [s3;:11: 11. One&] [s5; [* One] is a container that can hold one or none elements of the specified type or a type derived from it. Its functionally rather close to standard library auto`_ptr but with improvements in direction of NTL, like transfer semantics, moveable concept (yes, you [/ can] have Vector< One >) and others. Also it is important from conceptual view, because it is it is treated like a container rather than a pointer.&] [s3;:12: 12. Any&] [s5; Any is a container that can store none or single element of [/ any] type. Container provides Is method to determine the type of stored element and Create method to create the element in container.&] [s3;:13: 13. Buffer&] [s0; Buffer is a simple random access container without growing properties.&] [s0; ]]