var CosmolexApp = angular.module("CosmolexApp", []).factory("CosmolexService", function() { return { Author: { Name: "Umais Siddiqui" }, PostData: function (callSuccess, errorCallback, resource, params) { var request = $.ajax({ beforeSend: function (xhrObj) { xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); }, url: location.protocol + "//" + + "/api/" + resource, type: "post", data: JSON.stringify(params), success: function (response) { callSuccess(response); }, error: function (result) { errorCallback(result); } }); } } }).controller("CaseController",function($scope,$filter, CosmolexService) { $scope.Author = CosmolexService.Author.Name; $scope.resource = "CaseEntity"; $scope.showLoadingGif = false; $scope.noCases = false; $scope.showCaseList = false; $scope.BodyParam = { ConnectionDetails: { servername: "", databasename: "", username: "", password: "" }, Model: { Id: "", Name: "", StartDate: "", CaseType: "", CaseDescription: "", Active: "" } }; $scope.GetCases = function() { $scope.showCaseList = false; $scope.CaseList = []; if ($scope.validate()) { $scope.showLoadingGif = true; CosmolexService.PostData($scope.GetSuccess, $scope.CallError, $scope.resource + "/Get", $scope.BodyParam); } else { alert("make sure you have provided the connection details."); } }; $scope.AddNew = function () { $scope.showLoadingGif = true; $scope.showCaseList = false; CosmolexService.PostData($scope.GetSuccess, $scope.CallError, $scope.resource + "/Add", $scope.BodyParam); $('#closeModal').click(); }; $scope.UpdateCase = function (ind) { $scope.showLoadingGif = true; $scope.showCaseList = false; $scope.BodyParam.Model = $scope.CaseList[ind]; CosmolexService.PostData($scope.GetSuccess, $scope.CallError, $scope.resource + "/Update", $scope.BodyParam); }; $scope.DeleteCase = function (ind) { $scope.showLoadingGif = true; $scope.showCaseList = false; $scope.BodyParam.Model = $scope.CaseList[ind]; CosmolexService.PostData($scope.GetSuccess, $scope.CallError, $scope.resource + "/Delete", $scope.BodyParam); } $scope.GetSuccess = function (response) { $scope.showLoadingGif = false; $scope.CaseList = response; if ($scope.CaseList.length > 0 && $scope.CaseList[0].ErrorMessage !== null) { $scope.resetModel(); $('#err').html($scope.CaseList[0].ErrorMessage); $('#home').click(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < $scope.CaseList.length; i++) { $scope.CaseList[i].StartDate = $filter('date')($scope.CaseList[i].StartDate, 'shortDate'); } if ($scope.CaseList.length === 0) $scope.noCases = true; else { $scope.noCases = false; } $scope.resetModel(); $scope.showCaseList = true; $scope.$apply(); $('.dp').datepicker(); $('#work').click(); }; $scope.CallError = function (err) { $scope.resetModel(); alert(err.statusMessage); }; $scope.resetModel = function() { $scope.BodyParam.Model = { Id: "", Name: "", StartDate: "", CaseType: "", CaseDescription: "", Active: "" }; }; $scope.validate=function() { if ($scope.BodyParam.ConnectionDetails.servername !== "" && $scope.BodyParam.ConnectionDetails.databasename !== "" && $scope.BodyParam.ConnectionDetails.username !== "" && $scope.BodyParam.ConnectionDetails.password !== "") { return true; } else { return false; } } $scope.showHidePanel = function (a) { var $this = $('#minus' + a); var $collapse = $this.closest('.collapse-group').find('.collapse'); $collapse.collapse('toggle'); var $cl = $this.attr("class"); var $newCl = ""; var $ind = -1; $ind = $cl.indexOf("minus"); if ($ind > 0) { $newCl = $cl.replace("minus", "plus"); } else { $newCl = $cl.replace("plus", "minus"); } $this.attr("class", $newCl); }; });