script_name="FadeWorkS" script_description="Makes pictograph overlays fade in and out of existence" script_author="unanimated" script_version="5.0" script_namespace="ua.Fadeworks" local haveDepCtrl,DependencyControl,depRec=pcall(require,"l0.DependencyControl") if haveDepCtrl then script_version="5.0.0" depRec=DependencyControl{feed=""} end re=require'' function fadeconfig(subs,sel) for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="dialogue" then line0=i-1 break end end GUI={ {x=0,y=0,width=4,class="label",label=script_name.." v"..script_version}, {x=0,y=1,class="label",label="Fade in:"}, {x=0,y=2,class="label",label="Fade out:"}, {x=1,y=1,width=3,class="floatedit",name="fadein",value=0}, {x=1,y=2,width=3,class="floatedit",name="fadeout",value=0}, {x=1,y=3,width=3,class="floatedit",name="inn",value=1,min=0,hint="accel in - <1 starts fast, >1 starts slow"}, {x=4,y=3,width=2,class="floatedit",name="utt",value=1,min=0,hint="accel out - <1 starts fast, >1 starts slow"}, {x=4,y=0,width=2,class="checkbox",name="alf",label="Alpha/&Colour"}, {x=4,y=1,class="checkbox",name="crl",label="&From:"}, {x=4,y=2,class="checkbox",name="clr",label="&To:"}, {x=5,y=1,class="color",name="c1"}, {x=5,y=2,class="color",name="c2"}, {x=0,y=3,class="label",label="Accel:"}, {x=0,y=4,width=5,class="checkbox",name="keepthefade",label="&Keep fade along with colour transforms"}, {x=0,y=5,width=4,class="checkbox",name="mult",label="Fade &across multiple lines"}, {x=4,y=5,width=2,class="checkbox",name="time",label="&Global time"}, {x=6,y=5,class="checkbox",name="ex",label="Clip &+",hint='Expand clip 3px in each direction'}, {x=0,y=6,width=7,class="label",label="\nFades from/to tags will be applied if valid tags && fade in or out are present",}, {x=0,y=7,class="label",label="Tags:",}, {x=1,y=7,width=5,class="edit",name="tags",value="\\blur3", hint="(transformable) tags to be faded from/to\n(bord, shad, xbord, ybord, xshad, yshad, blur, be,\nfs, fscx, fscy, fsp, frz, frx, fry, fax, fay)"}, {x=6,y=7,class="label",label="e.g. \\blur3\\fs10"}, {x=0,y=8,class="label",label="In/out:",}, {x=1,y=8,width=3,class="floatedit",name="tgin",value=0,min=0,hint="fade in for tags"}, {x=4,y=8,width=2,class="floatedit",name="tgout",value=0,min=0,hint="fade out for tags"}, {x=6,y=8,class="label",label="times like for \\fad"}, {x=0,y=9,class="label",label="Accel:",}, {x=1,y=9,width=3,class="floatedit",name="tai",value=1,min=0,hint="accel for tags in"}, {x=4,y=9,width=2,class="floatedit",name="tao",value=1,min=0,hint="accel for tags out"}, {x=6,y=9,class="label",label="acc<1 slows down"}, {x=6,y=10,class="label",label="acc>1 speeds up"}, {x=0,y=10,class="label",label="By letter:"}, {x=1,y=10,class="dropdown",name="letterfade",items={"40","80","120","160","200","250","300","350","400","450","500","750","1000","1250","1500"},value="120"}, {x=2,y=10,width=2,class="label",label="ms/letter"}, {x=4,y=10,class="checkbox",name="rtl",label="&RTL",hint="right to left"}, {x=5,y=10,class="checkbox",name="del",label="&Delete",hint="delete letter-by-letter"}, {x=0,y=11,width=4,class="checkbox",name="ko",label="Letter by letter using \\&ko"}, {x=4,y=11,width=2,class="checkbox",name="word",label="\\ko b&y word"}, {x=6,y=11,class="checkbox",name="mir",label="&Mirror tags",hint="fade out to negative value (0-x)\nfor frz, fry, fax, xshad"}, {x=0,y=12,width=3,class="checkbox",name="vin",label="Fade &in to current frame"}, {x=4,y=12,width=3,class="checkbox",name="vout",label="Fade &out from current frame"}, {x=6,y=0,class="checkbox",name="hlp",label="[&Help]",hint="Apply Help"}, {x=6,y=1,class="checkbox",name="rem",label="Remember &last"}, {x=6,y=2,class="checkbox",name="rep",label="Re&peat last"}, {x=6,y=3,class="checkbox",name="save",label="[&Save config]"}, } loadconfig() if faded and res.rem then for key,val in ipairs(GUI) do if val.class=="checkbox" or val.class=="dropdown" or val.class:match"edit" or val.class=="color" then val.value=res[] end if'hlp' then val.value=false end end end P,res=ADD(GUI,{"Apply Fade","By L&etter","&By Clip","Fade&works","Fade Away"},{ok='Apply Fade',cancel='Fade Away'}) fr2ms=aegisub.ms_from_frame ms2fr=aegisub.frame_from_ms if rep and res.rep then res=rep end if res.rep and not rep then t_error("Nothing to repeat",1) end tagcheck() fadin=res.fadein fadout=res.fadeout faded=true if TAGS and fadin>0 or TAGS and fadout>0 then res.alf=true end if res.hlp then P="Apply Fade" end if P=="Apply Fade" then if res.hlp then fadehelp(subs,sel) elseif then saveconfig() elseif res.alf or TAGS or res.clr or res.crl then fadalpha(subs,sel) elseif res.mult then fadeacross(subs,sel) elseif or res.vout then vfade(subs,sel) else fade(subs,sel) end end if P=="By L&etter" then if res.ko or res.word then koko_da(subs,sel) else fade(subs,sel) end end if P=="Fade&works" then sel=fadeworks(subs,sel) end if P=="&By Clip" then clipfade(subs,sel) end rep=res return sel end function tagcheck() TAGS=nil ttags=res.tags if ttags:len()>3 and ttags:match"^\\" then TAGS=1 end if res.tgin==0 and res.tgout==0 then TAGS=nil end reftags={"bord","shad","fs","fscx","fscy","fsp","blur","be","frz","frx","fry","fax","fay","xshad","yshad","xbord","ybord"} checktags="|bord|shad|fs|fscx|fscy|fsp|blur|be|frz|frx|fry|fax|fay|xshad|yshad|xbord|ybord|" if TAGS then for tg in ttags:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do tg1,tgval=tg:match("\\(%a+)(.*)") rem=nil if not checktags:match("|"..tg1.."|") then ttags=ttags:gsub(esc(tg),"") t_error("Wrong tag: " rem=1 end if not rem and not tgval:match("^%-?%d+%.?%d*$") then ttags=ttags:gsub(esc(tg),"") t_error("Missing value: " end end if not ttags:match"^\\" then TAGS=nil end end end function def(fadin,fadout) if fadin<=1 and fadin>0 then fadin=round(dur*fadin) end if fadout<=1 and fadout>0 then fadout=round(dur*fadout) end if fadin<0 then fadin=dur+fadin end if fadout<0 then fadout=dur+fadout end if fadin<0 then fadin=0 end if fadout<0 then fadout=0 end return fadin,fadout end function fade(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Processing line #"..i-line0.." ["..z.."/"..#sel.."]") line=subs[i] text=line.text dur=line.end_time-line.start_time fadin,fadout=def(fadin,fadout) -- remove existing fade text=text:gsub("\\fad%b()","") -- standard fade if P=="Apply Fade" then text="{\\fad("..fadin..","..fadout..")}"..text text=text:gsub("%)}{\\",")\\") :gsub("{}","") end -- letter by letter if P=="By L&etter" then -- delete old letter-by-letter if present if text:match("\\t%([%d,]+\\alpha[^%(%)]+%)}%S$") then text=text:gsub("\\t%([%d,]*\\alpha[^%(%)]+%)","") :gsub("\\alpha&H%x+&","") :gsub("{}","") end re_check=0 if text:match "{[^}]*{" or text:match "}[^{]*}" or text:match "^[^{]*}" or text:match "{[^}]*$" then brackets=true end local tback=text visible=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("^ *(.-) *$","%1"):gsub(" *\\N *"," "):gsub("^ +$","") if not res.del and visible~="" and not brackets and not text:match '\\p1' then repeat text=tback -- fail if letter fade is larger than total fade lf=tonumber(res.letterfade) if fadin>0 and fadin<=lf or fadout>0 and fadout<=lf then ADD({{class="label", label="The fade for each letter must be smaller than overall fade."}},{"Fuck! Sorry, I'm stupid. Won't happen again."}) ak() end -- mode: in, out, both if fadout==0 then mode=1 elseif fadin==0 then mode=2 else mode=3 end -- save linebreak patterns breaks={} for br in text:gmatch(" ?\\N") do table.insert(breaks,br) end -- save initial tags; remove other tags/comments tags=text:match("^({\\[^}]*})") or "" orig=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]*})","") :gsub("{[^\\}]-}","") :gsub("\\N","{\\N}") text=text:gsub("%b{}","") :gsub("%s*$","") :gsub("\\N","") -- letter-by-letter fade happens here outfade=dur-fadout count=0 text3="" al=tags:match("^{[^}]-\\alpha&H(%x%x)&") or "00" matches=re.find(text,"\\S\\s*") length=#matches ftime1=((fadin-lf)/(length-1)) ftime2=((fadout-lf)/(length-1)) for _,match in ipairs(matches) do ch=match.str -- aegisub.log(ch) if res.rtl then fin1=math.floor(ftime1*(#matches-count-1)) else fin1=math.floor(ftime1*count) end fin2=fin1+lf if res.rtl then fout1=math.floor(ftime2*(#matches-count-1)+outfade) else fout1=math.floor(ftime2*count+outfade) end fout2=fout1+lf if mode==1 then text2m="{\\alpha&HFF&\\t("..fin1..","..fin2..",\\alpha&H""&)}" end if mode==2 then text2m="{\\alpha&H""&\\t("..fout1..","..fout2..",\\alpha&HFF&)}" end if mode==3 then text2m="{\\alpha&HFF&\\t("..fin1..","..fin2..",\\alpha&H""&)\\t("..fout1..","..fout2..",\\alpha&HFF&)}" end text3=text3..text2m count=count+1 end -- join saved tags + new text with transforms text=tags..text3 text=text:gsub("}{","") if orig:match("{\\") then text=textmod(orig,text) end -- fix linebreaks repeat text,c=text:gsub("{\\N","\\N{") until c==0 text=text:gsub("{([^}]-)\\N([^}]-)}","\\N{%1%2}"):gsub("{%**}",""):gsub("(%S)\\N","%1 \\N") local b=0 text=text:gsub(" \\N",function() b=b+1 return breaks[b] end) visible2=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub(" *\\N *"," ") if visible~=visible2 then re_check=re_check+1 end until visible==visible2 or re_check==256 if visible~=visible2 then logg("Line #"..i-line0..": It appears that characters have been lost or added. \n If the problem isn't obvious from the two lines below, it's probably a failure of the re module.\n Undo (Ctrl+Z) and try again (Repeat Last might work). If the problem persists, rescan Autoload Dir.\n>> "..visible.."\n--> "..visible2.."\n") end end if brackets then logg("Line #"..i-line0..": Messed up curly brackets. Skipping.\n -> "..text..'\n') end end text=text:gsub("\\fad%(0,0%)","") :gsub("{}","") if line.text~=text and not brackets then line.text=text subs[i]=line end brackets=nil end end -- ALPHA / COLOURS / TAGS -- ############################################ function fadalpha(subs,sel) if res.clr or res.crl then res.alf=true end if or res.vout then vfcheck() vt=math.floor((fr2ms(vframe+1)+fr2ms(vframe))/2) end mirrors="|frz|fry|fax|xshad|" for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Processing line: "..z.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] text=line.text ortext=text sr=stylechk(subs, st,et,dur=times() fadin,fadout=def(fadin,fadout) if then fadin=vt-st end if res.vout then fadout=et-vt end if not text:match("^{\\[^}]-}") then text="{\\arfa}"..text end col1=res.c1:gsub("#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)","&H%3%2%1&") col2=res.c2:gsub("#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)","&H%3%2%1&") SC1=sr.color1:gsub("H%x%x","H") SC3=sr.color3:gsub("H%x%x","H") SC4=sr.color4:gsub("H%x%x","H") text=text:gsub("\\1c","\\c") notra=text:gsub("\\t%b()","") primary=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\c(&H%x+&)") or SC1 outline=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\3c(&H%x+&)") or SC3 shadcol=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\4c(&H%x+&)") or SC4 primary2=text:match("^{[^}]*\\c(&H%x+&)[^}]-}") or SC1 outline2=text:match("^{[^}]*\\3c(&H%x+&)[^}]-}") or SC3 shadcol2=text:match("^{[^}]*\\4c(&H%x+&)[^}]-}") or SC4 border=tonumber(text:match("^{[^}]-\\bord([%d%.]+)")) or sr.outline shadow=tonumber(text:match("^{[^}]-\\shad([%d%.]+)")) or sr.shadow kolora1="\\c"..col1 kolora3="\\3c"..col1 kolora4="\\4c"..col1 kolora,see1,see3,see4="","","","" kolorb1="\\c"..col2 kolorb3="\\3c"..col2 kolorb4="\\4c"..col2 kolorb="" if col1~=primary then kolora=kolora..kolora1 see1="\\c"..primary end if col1~=outline then kolora=kolora..kolora3 see3="\\3c"..outline end if col1~=shadcol then kolora=kolora..kolora4 see4="\\4c"..shadcol end if col2~=primary2 then kolorb=kolorb..kolorb1 end if col2~=outline2 then kolorb=kolorb..kolorb3 end if col2~=shadcol2 then kolorb=kolorb..kolorb4 end a00="\\alpha&H00&" aff="\\alpha&HFF&" lb="" if res.alf then if fadin~=0 then -- fade from colour if res.crl then if kolora~="" then text=text:gsub("^{\\[^}]-}",function(a) if a:match("\\t") then nt="" for n,t in a:gmatch("(.-)(\\t%b())") do nt=nt..n:gsub("\\[34]?c&H%x+&","")..t end nt=nt..a:match(".*\\t%b()(.-)$"):gsub("\\[34]?c&H%x+&","") return nt else return a:gsub("\\[34]?c&H%x+&","") end end) text=text:gsub("^{}","{\\arfa}") tfc=kolora.."\\t(0,"..fadin..","..res.inn..","..see1..see3..see4..")" text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}",function(a) if a:match("\\t") then return a:gsub("^(.-)(\\t.*)","%1"..tfc.."%2}") else return a..tfc.."}" end end) if col1==primary and col1~=SC1 then text=addtag3(kolora1,text) end if col1==outline and col1~=SC3 then text=addtag3(kolora3,text) end if col1==shadcol and col1~=SC4 then text=addtag3(kolora4,text) end end -- inline colour tags for t in text:gmatch(".({\\[^}]-})") do det=t:gsub("\\t%b()","") if det:match("\\[13]?c") then col1=det:match("(\\c&H%x+&)") or "" if col1==kolora1 then col1="" end col3=det:match("(\\3c&H%x+&)") or "" if col3==kolora3 then col3="" end col4=det:match("(\\4c&H%x+&)") or "" if col4==kolora4 then col4="" end if (col1..col3..col4):len()>0 then tfic="\\t(0,"..fadin..","..res.inn..","..col1..col3..col4..")" if t:match("\\t") then t2="" for n,tf in t:gmatch("(.-)(\\t%b())") do t2=t2..n:gsub("\\c&H%x+&",kolora1):gsub("\\3c&H%x+&",kolora3):gsub("\\4c&H%x+&",kolora4) end t2=t2..t:match(".*\\t%b()(.-)$"):gsub("\\c&H%x+&",kolora1):gsub("\\3c&H%x+&",kolora3):gsub("\\4c&H%x+&",kolora4) t2=t2:gsub("^(.-)(\\t.*)","%1"..tfic.."%2") else t2=t:gsub("\\c&H%x+&",kolora1):gsub("\\3c&H%x+&",kolora3):gsub("\\4c&H%x+&",kolora4) t2=t2:gsub("({[^}]-)}","%1"..tfic.."}") end text=text:gsub(esc(t),t2) end end end else -- fade from alpha subalf=false st_alf=notra:match("^{[^}]-(\\alpha&H%x%x&)") st_a1=notra:match("^{[^}]-(\\1a&H%x%x&)") st_a3=notra:match("^{[^}]-(\\3a&H%x%x&)") st_a4=notra:match("^{[^}]-(\\4a&H%x%x&)") if st_alf==nil then toalf=a00 else toalf=st_alf end tosub=toalf:match("&H%x%x&") if st_a1==nil then toa1="\\1a"..tosub else subalf=true toa1=st_a1 end if st_a3==nil then toa3="\\3a"..tosub else subalf=true toa3=st_a3 end if st_a4==nil then toa4="\\4a"..tosub else subalf=true toa4=st_a4 end if subalf then toalf=toa1..toa3..toa4 else toalf=toalf end fromalf=toalf:gsub("&H%x%x&","&HFF&") text=text:gsub("^{\\[^}]-}",function(a) if a:match("\\t") then nt="" for n,t in a:gmatch("(.-)(\\t%b())") do nt=nt..n:gsub("\\%w+a&H%x+&","")..t end nt=nt..a:match(".*\\t%b()(.-)$"):gsub("\\%w+a&H%x+&","") return nt else return a:gsub("\\%w+a&H%x+&","") end end) tfa=fromalf.."\\t(0,"..fadin..","..res.inn..","..toalf..")" text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}",function(a) if a:match("\\t") then return a:gsub("^(.-)(\\t.*)","%1"..tfa.."%2}") else return a..tfa.."}" end end) -- inline alpha tags for t in text:gmatch(".({\\[^}]-})") do det=t:gsub("\\t%b()","") arfa=det:match("(\\alpha&H%x+&)") or "" arf1=det:match("(\\1a&H%x+&)") or "" arf3=det:match("(\\3a&H%x+&)") or "" arf4=det:match("(\\4a&H%x+&)") or "" toarfa=arfa..arf1..arf3..arf4 if toarfa~="" then fromarfa=toarfa:gsub("&H%x%x&","&HFF&") tfia=fromarfa.."\\t(0,"..fadin..","..res.inn..","..toarfa..")" if t:match("\\t") then t2="" for n,tf in t:gmatch("(.-)(\\t%b())") do t2=t2..n:gsub("\\alpha&H%x+&","") :gsub("\\[134]a&H%x+&","") end t2=t2..t:match(".*\\t%b()(.-)$"):gsub("\\alpha&H%x+&","") :gsub("\\[134]a&H%x+&","") t2=t2:gsub("^(.-)(\\t.*)","%1"..tfia.."%2") else t2=t:gsub("\\alpha&H%x+&","") :gsub("\\[134]a&H%x+&","") t2=t2:gsub("({[^}]-)}","%1"..tfia.."}") end text=text:gsub(esc(t),t2) end end end end if fadout~=0 then -- fade to colour if res.clr then if kolorb~="" then text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""\\t("..dur-fadout..",0,"..res.utt..","..kolorb..")}") end -- inline colour tags for t in text:gmatch(".({\\[^}]-})") do if t:match("\\[13]?c") or t:match("\\alpha") then k_out="" if t:match(".*(\\c&H%x+&)")~=kolorb1 and t:match("\\c&H%x+&") then k_out=k_out..kolorb1 end if t:match(".*(\\3c&H%x+&)")~=kolorb3 and t:match("\\3c&H%x+&") then k_out=k_out..kolorb3 end if t:match(".*(\\4c&H%x+&)")~=kolorb4 and t:match("\\4c&H%x+&") then k_out=k_out..kolorb4 end t2=t:gsub("({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\t("..dur-fadout..",0,"..res.utt..","..k_out..")}") text=text:gsub(esc(t),t2) end end -- fade to alpha else if text:match("^{[^}]-(\\[134]a&H%x%x&)") then toarf="\\1a&HFF&".."\\3a&HFF&".."\\4a&HFF&" else toarf=aff end text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""\\t("..dur-fadout..",0,"..res.utt..","..toarf..")}") -- inline alpha tags for t in text:gmatch(".({\\[^}]-})") do toarf="" if t:match("\\alpha") then toarf=toarf..aff end if t:match("\\1a") then toarf=toarf.."\\1a&HFF&" end if t:match("\\3a") then toarf=toarf.."\\3a&HFF&" end if t:match("\\4a") then toarf=toarf.."\\4a&HFF&" end if toarf~="" then t2=t:gsub("({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\t("..dur-fadout..",0,"..res.utt..","..toarf..")}") text=text:gsub(esc(t),t2) end end end end if border==0 then text=text:gsub("\\3c&H%x+&","") end if shadow==0 then text=text:gsub("\\4c&H%x+&","") end if not text:match("\\fad%(0,0%)") then text=text:gsub("\\fad%(%d+,%d+%)","") end -- nuke fade if res.keepthefade then if res.crl then f1=fadin else f1=0 end if res.clr then f2=fadout else f2=0 end if f1+f2>0 then text=text:gsub("^{\\","{\\fad("..f1..","..f2..")\\") end end text=text:gsub("\\t%([^\\]+%)","") end -- TAGS ####################################################################################################### if TAGS then tgin,tgout=def(res.tgin,res.tgout) origtags="" tftagsIN="" tftagsOUT="" for tg in ttags:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do tag,tgval=tg:match("\\(%a+)(.*)") midval=0 STAG=text:match("^{\\[^}]-}") or "" midval=getvalue(tag) tftagsIN=tftagsIN.."\\"..tag..tgval if res.mir and mirrors:match("|"..tag.."|") then tgval=0-tgval end tftagsOUT=tftagsOUT.."\\"..tag..tgval origtags=origtags.."\\"..tag..midval STAG=STAG:gsub("\\"..tag.."[^})\\]*","") end if not STAG:match("^{\\") then STAG="{\\notarealtag}"..STAG end if tgin~=0 then intra=tftagsIN.."\\t(0,"..tgin..","..res.tai..","..origtags..")" else intra=origtags end if tgout~=0 then transfinal=intra.."\\t("..dur-tgout..",0,"..res.tao..","..tftagsOUT..")" else transfinal=intra end STAG=STAG:gsub("}",transfinal.."}"):gsub("\\notarealtag","") STAG=duplikill(STAG) text=text:gsub("^{\\[^}]-}",STAG) end text=text:gsub("\\arfa","") line.text=text subs[i]=line end end function getvalue(tag) V=STAG:match("\\"..tag.."(%-?%d+%.?%d*)") if not V then if tag=="bord" then V=sr.outline end if tag=="shad" then V=sr.shadow end if tag=="fs" then V=sr.fontsize end if tag=="fsp" then V=sr.spacing end if tag=="fscx" then V=sr.scale_x end if tag=="fscy" then V=sr.scale_y end if tag=="frz" then V=sr.angle end V=V or "0" end return V end function koko_da(subs,sel) if fadin<1 then t_error("Fade in must be at least 1",true) end for x,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Processing line: "..x.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] text=line.text text=text:gsub("\\ko%d+","") :gsub("{}","") -- save initial tags; remove other tags/comments tags=text:match(STAG) or "" orig=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]*})","") text=text:gsub("{[^}]*}","") :gsub("%s*$","") :gsub("\\N","*") --letter if not res.word then matches=re.find(text,"[\\w[:punct:]][\\s\\\\*]*") len=#matches if fadin>=40 then ko=round(fadin/(len-1))/10 else ko=fadin end text=re.sub(text,"([\\w[:punct:]])","{\\\\ko"..ko.."}\\1") else --word matches=re.find(text,"[\\w[:punct:]]+[\\s\\\\*]*") len=#matches if fadin>=40 then ko=round(fadin/(len-1)/10) else ko=fadin end text=re.sub(text,"([\\w[:punct:]]+)","{\\\\ko"..ko.."}\\1") end -- join saved tags + new text with transforms text=tags..text if not text:match("\\2a&HFF&") then text=text:gsub("^({.-)}","%1\\2a&HFF&}") end text=text:gsub("{(\\[^}]-)}{(\\[^}]-)}","{%1%2}") :gsub("%*","\\N") if orig:match("{\\") then text=textmod(orig,text) end line.text=text subs[i]=line end end function fadeacross(subs,sel) if fadin<0 then fadin=0 end if fadout<0 then fadout=0 end full=0 war=0 S=subs[sel[1]].start_time E=subs[sel[#sel]].end_time -- get total duration for z,i in ipairs(sel) do line=subs[i] dur=line.end_time-line.start_time full=full+dur if line.start_timeE then E=line.end_time war=1 end end -- Error if fades too long if res.time and fadin+fadout>E-S or not res.time and fadin+fadout>full then t_error("Error. Fades are longer than the duration of lines",true) end -- Warning if not sorted by time if war==1 then t_error("Not sorted by time. \nDeal with the consequences.") end -- Fade full2=E-S if res.time then full=full2 end durs=0 durs1=0 for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Processing line: "..z.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] text=line.text start,endt,dur=times() startf=ms2fr(start) endf=ms2fr(endt) if endf-startf==1 then oneframe=true else oneframe=false end -- check shadow alpha sr=stylechk(subs, shad=sr.color4:match("H(%x%x)") if text:match("\\4a") then shad=text:match("\\4a&H(%x%x)") end if shad~="00" then shade=1-(tonumber(shad,16)/256) end kill=1 -- fade in if dursfadin then in_end=dur-(durs-fadin) tim="0,"..in_end.."," kill=0 else tim="" end alfin_s=tohex(255-(round((durs-dur)/fadin*255))) alfin_e=tohex(255-(round(durs/fadin*255))) alfin_1=tohex(255-(round((durs-dur/2)/fadin*255))) if shad~="00" then shin_s=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfin_s,16))*shade)) shin_e=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfin_e,16))*shade)) shin_1=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfin_1,16))*shade)) instart="\\1a&H"..alfin_s.."&\\3a&H"..alfin_s.."&\\4a&H"..shin_s.."&" inend="\\1a&H"..alfin_e.."&\\3a&H"..alfin_e.."&\\4a&H"..shin_e.."&" onefadin="\\1a&H"..alfin_1.."&\\3a&H"..alfin_1.."&\\4a&H"..shin_1.."&" else instart="\\alpha&H"..alfin_s.."&" inend="\\alpha&H"..alfin_e.."&" onefadin="\\alpha&H"..alfin_1.."&" end if alfin_s~=alfin_e then if oneframe then text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..onefadin.."}") else text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..instart.."\\t("..tim..inend..")}") end end elseif fadin>start-S and z>1 and start==subs[i-1].start_time then killpha() text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\alpha&H"..alfin_s.."&\\t("..tim.."\\alpha&H"..alfin_e.."&)}") end -- fade out dure1=full dure2=E-start if res.time then dure=dure2 full=dure2-dur else dure=dure1 full=full-dur end if fullfadout then out_start=dure-fadout tim=out_start..","..dur.."," else tim="" end alfout_s=tohex(255-(round(dure/fadout*255))) alfout_e=tohex(255-(round(full/fadout*255))) alfout_1=tohex(255-(round((dure+full)/2/fadout*255))) if shad~="00" then shout_s=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfout_s,16))*shade)) shout_e=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfout_e,16))*shade)) shout_1=tohex(255-round((255-tonumber(alfout_1,16))*shade)) outstart="\\1a&H"..alfout_s.."&\\3a&H"..alfout_s.."&\\4a&H"..shout_s.."&" outend="\\1a&H"..alfout_e.."&\\3a&H"..alfout_e.."&\\4a&H"..shout_e.."&" onefadeout="\\1a&H"..alfout_1.."&\\3a&H"..alfout_1.."&\\4a&H"..shout_1.."&" else outstart="\\alpha&H"..alfout_s.."&" outend="\\alpha&H"..alfout_e.."&" onefadeout="\\alpha&H"..alfout_1.."&" end if kill==1 then autstart=outstart else autstart="" end if alfout_s~=alfout_e then if oneframe then text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..onefadeout.."}") else text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..autstart.."\\t("..tim..outend..")}") end end end text=text:gsub("\\fake","") :gsub("{}","") line.text=text subs[i]=line end end function vfade(subs,sel) vfcheck() for z,i in ipairs(sel) do line=subs[i] text=line.text st,et=times() vt=math.floor((fr2ms(vframe+1)+fr2ms(vframe))/2) vfin=vt-st vfut=et-vt if not text:match("\\fad%(") then text="{\\fad(0,0)}"..text text=text:gsub("{\\fad%(0,0%)}{\\","{\\fad(0,0)\\") end if and vfin>0 then text=text:gsub("\\fad%(%d+,(%d+)%)","\\fad("..vfin..",%1)") end if res.vout and vfut>0 then text=text:gsub("\\fad%((%d+),%d+%)","\\fad(%1,"..vfut..")") end text=text:gsub("\\fad%(0,0%)","") :gsub("{}","") line.text=text subs[i]=line end end function vfcheck() if aegisub.project_properties==nil then t_error("Current frame unknown.\nProbably your Aegisub is too old.\nMinimum required: r8374.",true) end vframe=aegisub.project_properties().video_position if vframe==nil or fr2ms(1)==nil then t_error("Current frame unknown. Probably no video loaded.",true) end end -- Fade with Clip -- function clipfade(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do line=subs[i] text=line.text dur=line.end_time-line.start_time tags=text:match(STAG) or "" vis=nobra(text) _,poses=text:gsub("\\N","") poses=poses+1 sr=stylechk(subs, notra=detra(tags) if not text:match'\\pos%b()' and not text:match'\\move%b()' then text=getpos(subs,text) end posX,posY=text:match("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)") m1,m2,m3,m4=text:match("\\move%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)") if m1 and not posY then posX=m1 posY=m2 end scx=notra:match("\\fscx([%d%.]+)") scy=notra:match("\\fscy([%d%.]+)") fsp=notra:match("\\fsp([%d%.]+)") fsize=notra:match("\\fs([%d%.]+)") phont=notra:match("\\fn([^\\}]+)") bord=notra:match("\\bord([%d%.]+)") or sr.outline shad=notra:match("\\shad([%d%.]+)") or sr.shadow xshad=notra:match("\\xshad([%d%.]+)") or shad yshad=notra:match("\\yshad([%d%.]+)") or shad bold=notra:match("\\b([01])") if scx then sr.scale_x=tonumber(scx) end if scy then sr.scale_y=tonumber(scy) end if fsp then sr.spacing=tonumber(fsp) end if fsize then sr.fontsize=tonumber(fsize) end if phont then sr.fontname=phont end if bold=='1' then sr.bold=true end if bold=='0' then sr.bold=false end w,h,d,el=aegisub.text_extents(sr,vis) if poses>1 then vis2=vis:gsub(" *\\N *","\n") w=0 for vt in vis2:gmatch('[^\n]+') do w1=aegisub.text_extents(sr,vt) if w1>w then w=w1 end end h=h*poses end align=text:match("\\an(%d)") or tostring(sr.align) x_left=posX if align:match("[258]") then x_left=round(posX-w/2,1) end if align:match("[369]") then x_left=round(posX-w,1) end y_top=posY if align:match("[456]") then y_top=round(posY-h/2,1) end if align:match("[123]") then y_top=round(posY-h,1) end x_right=round(x_left+w,1) y_bottom=round(y_top+h,1) ex=0 if res.ex then ex=3 end x_left=x_left-bord-ex y_top=y_top-bord-ex x_right=x_right+bord+xshad+ex y_bottom=y_bottom+bord+yshad+ex klip='\\clip'..par({x_left,y_top,x_right,y_bottom}) klip_s='\\clip'..par({x_left,y_top,x_left+2,y_bottom}) klip_e='\\clip'..par({x_right-2,y_top,x_right,y_bottom}) text=text:gsub('\\i?clip%b()','') if fadin==0 then klip_f=klip else klip_f=klip_s..'\\t(0,'..fadin..','..res.inn..','..klip..')' end if fadout~=0 then klip_f=klip_f..'\\t('..dur-fadout..','..dur..','..res.utt..','..klip_e..')' end text=addtag1(klip_f,text) line.text=text subs[i]=line end end -- FADEWORKS ############################################################################################### function fadeworks(subs,sel) nsel={} for z,i in ipairs(sel) do table.insert(nsel,i) end fadegui={ {x=1,y=0,class="label",label="Lines before start time"}, {x=2,y=0,class="label",label="Lines after end time"}, {x=0,y=1,class="label",label="Lines to create:"}, {x=1,y=1,class="intedit",name="LF",value=5,min=0}, {x=2,y=1,class="intedit",name="RF",value=5,min=0}, {x=0,y=2,class="label",label="Frames per line:"}, {x=1,y=2,class="intedit",name="LFram",value=1,min=1}, {x=2,y=2,class="intedit",name="RFram",value=1,min=1}, {x=0,y=3,class="label",label="Shift each line by:"}, {x=1,y=3,class="intedit",name="LFshift",value=1,min=1,hint="Should be same/lower than # of frames"}, {x=2,y=3,class="intedit",name="RFshift",value=1,min=1,hint="Should be same/lower than # of frames"}, {x=0,y=4,class="label",label="X distance:"}, {x=1,y=4,class="floatedit",name="LFX",value=0}, {x=2,y=4,class="floatedit",name="RFX",value=0}, {x=0,y=5,class="label",label="Y distance:"}, {x=1,y=5,class="floatedit",name="LFY"}, {x=2,y=5,class="floatedit",name="RFY"}, {x=0,y=6,class="label",label="X acceleration:"}, {x=1,y=6,class="floatedit",name="LFacx",value=1,min=0}, {x=2,y=6,class="floatedit",name="RFacx",value=1,min=0}, {x=0,y=7,class="label",label="Y acceleration:"}, {x=1,y=7,class="floatedit",name="LFacy",value=1,min=0}, {x=2,y=7,class="floatedit",name="RFacy",value=1,min=0}, {x=0,y=8,class="label",label="fbf transform*:"}, {x=1,y=8,class="edit",name="Lfbf",value="\\",hint="tags to transform FROM"}, {x=2,y=8,class="edit",name="Rfbf",value="\\",hint="tags to transform TO"}, {x=0,y=9,class="label",label="fbf alpha tf:"}, {x=1,y=9,class="edit",name="Lalf",hint="start alpha in hexadecimal"}, {x=2,y=9,class="edit",name="Ralf",hint="end alpha in hexadecimal"}, {x=0,y=10,class="label",label="\\t acceleration:"}, {x=1,y=10,class="floatedit",name="LFact",value=1,min=0}, {x=2,y=10,class="floatedit",name="RFact",value=1,min=0}, {x=0,y=11,class="label",label="Flickering:"}, {x=1,y=11,class="checkbox",name="LFad",label="Fade in"}, {x=2,y=11,class="checkbox",name="RFad",label="Fade out"}, {x=0,y=12,class="label",label=" * get colours:"}, {x=1,y=12,class="color",name="col"}, {x=2,y=12,class="edit",name="kol",hint="Paste the result to 'fbf transform'\n(modify the \\c type)"}, {x=0,y=13,class="label",label="Fade mode:"}, {x=1,y=13,width=2,class="checkbox",name="Fade",label="Use existing \\fad for line length and start/end point",hint="experimental feature intended to make overlapping lines"}, {x=0,y=14,class="label",label=" add transform:"}, {x=1,y=14,class="edit",name="LFtra",value="\\",hint="tags to transform FROM"}, {x=2,y=14,class="edit",name="RFtra",value="\\",hint="tags to transform TO"}, {x=3,y=3,class="label",label="frames"}, {x=3,y=4,class="label",label="pixels"}, {x=3,y=5,class="label",label="pixels"}, } if resfade then for k,v in ipairs(fadegui) do if then v.value=rez[] end end end pres=nil repeat if pres=="Save/Load" then fwsafe() if Pf=="Inhume" then for k,v in ipairs(fadegui) do if then v.value=rez[] end end end end if pres=="Get colour tag" then K=rez.col:gsub("#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)","\\c&H%3%2%1&") for k,v in ipairs(fadegui) do if"kol" then v.value=K else v.value=rez[] end end end pres,rez=ADD(fadegui,{"OK","Save/Load","Get colour tag","Cancel"},{ok='OK',close='Cancel'}) until pres=="OK" or pres=="Cancel" resfade=rez if pres=="Cancel" then ak() end if rez.Fade then rez.LFad=false rez.RFad=false end -- fadeworks lines -- for z=#sel,1,-1 do i=sel[z] line=subs[i] text=line.text startf=ms2fr(line.start_time) endf=ms2fr(line.end_time) styleref=stylechk(subs, if not text:match("\\pos%(") then text=getpos(subs,text) end pX,pY=text:match("\\pos%(([^,]-),([^,]-)%)") if rez.Lfbf:match 'fs[cp]' or rez.Rfbf:match 'fs[cp]' then text=text:gsub("^{\\","{\\q2\\") end if rez.Fade then f1,f2=text:match("\\fad%(([^,]-),([^,]-)%)") if not f1 then t_error("Abort: No \\fad tag on line #"..i-line0,1) end rez.LFram=ms2fr(f1) rez.RFram=ms2fr(f2) else if rez.LFad then f1=fr2ms(rez.LFram) else f1=0 end if rez.RFad then f2=fr2ms(rez.RFram) else f2=0 end end redshift=0 blushift=0 if not rez.Fade then redshift=rez.LFram-rez.LFshift blushift=rez.RFram-rez.RFshift end -- replicating OUT if rez.RF>0 then for r=rez.RF,1,-1 do l2=line posx=numgrad(pX,pX+rez.RFX,rez.RF+1,r+1,rez.RFacx) posy=numgrad(pY,pY+rez.RFY,rez.RF+1,r+1,rez.RFacy) text2=text:gsub("\\pos%b()","\\pos("..posx..","..posy..")"):gsub("\\t%b()","") stags=text:match("^%b{}") or "" -- save tags from transforms for OUT lines tratags="" for tra in stags:gmatch("\\t%b()") do tTags=tra:match("\\t%(.-(\\.*)%)") tratags=tratags..tTags end nontra=text2:gsub("\\t%b()","") if rez.Fade and rez.RFtra:len()>1 then text2=text2:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\t("..rez.RFtra..")}") end if rez.RFad then text2=text2:gsub("\\fad%b()",""):gsub("^{","{\\fad(0,"..f2..")") end -- tags from orig. line's transforms to text2 for tag in tratags:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do text2=addtag3(tag,text2) end -- tags transforming line by line if rez.Rfbf:len()>1 then for tag in rez.Rfbf:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do tg,val=tag:match("(\\%d?%a+)([%d&%-][^\\}]*)") -- from \t or from not \t or from style endval=tratags:match(tg.."([%d&%-][^\\}]*)") or nontra:match(tg.."([%d&%-][^\\}]*)") or styleval(tg) if tg=="\\c" or tg:match"%d" then nval=acgrad(val,endval,rez.RF+1,rez.RF-r+1,1/rez.RFact) else nval=numgrad(val,endval,rez.RF+1,rez.RF-r+1,1/rez.RFact) end text2=addtag3(tg..nval,text2) end end if rez.Ralf:len()>1 then ralf=rez.Ralf:match("%x%x") if ralf then endval=nontra:match("alpha&H(%x%x)&") or "00" nval=acgrad(ralf,endval,rez.RF+1,rez.RF-r+1,1/rez.RFact) text2=addtag3("\\alpha"..nval,text2) end end startf2=endf+rez.RFshift*(r-1) endf2=startf2+rez.RFram if rez.Fade then text2=text2:gsub("\\fad%(([^,]+),([^,]+)%)","\\fad(0,%2)") startf2=startf2-rez.RFram+rez.RFshift endf2=endf2-rez.RFram+rez.RFshift end l2.start_time=fr2ms(startf2-blushift) l2.end_time=fr2ms(endf2-blushift) l2.text=text2 subs.insert(i+1,l2) nsel=shiftsel2(nsel,i,1) end end -- main line line.start_time=fr2ms(startf) line.end_time=fr2ms(endf) if rez.LFad or rez.RFad then text=text:gsub("\\fad%b()",""):gsub("^{","{\\fad("..f1..","..f2..")") end line.text=text subs.insert(i+1,line) -- replicating IN if rez.LF>0 then for r=1,rez.LF do l2=line posx=numgrad(pX,pX+rez.LFX,rez.LF+1,r+1,rez.LFacx) posy=numgrad(pY,pY+rez.LFY,rez.LF+1,r+1,rez.LFacy) text2=text:gsub("\\pos%b()","\\pos("..posx..","..posy..")"):gsub("\\t%b()","") nontra=text2:gsub("\\t%b()","") if rez.Fade and rez.LFtra:len()>1 then Ltra="{}" for tag in rez.LFtra:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do tg=tag:match("(\\%d?%a+)[%d&%-]") if nontra:match(tg.."[%d&%-]") then Ltra=Ltra:gsub("{","{"..nontra:match(tg.."[%d&%-][^\\}]*")) else Ltra=fill_in(Ltra,tg) end text2=addtag3(tag,text2) end Ltra=Ltra:gsub("[{}]","") text2=text2:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\t("..Ltra..")}") end if rez.LFad then text2=text2:gsub("\\fad%b()",""):gsub("^{","{\\fad("..f1..",0)") end if rez.Lfbf:len()>1 then for tag in rez.Lfbf:gmatch("\\[^\\]+") do tg,val=tag:match("(\\%d?%a+)([%d&%-][^\\}]*)") endval=nontra:match(tg.."([%d&%-][^\\}]*)") or styleval(tg) endval=tostring(endval) if tg=="\\c" or tg:match"%d" then nval=acgrad(val,endval,rez.LF+1,rez.LF-r+1,1/rez.LFact) else nval=numgrad(val,endval,rez.LF+1,rez.LF-r+1,1/rez.LFact) end text2=addtag3(tg..nval,text2) end end if rez.Lalf:len()>1 then lalf=rez.Lalf:match("%x%x") if lalf then endval=nontra:match("alpha&H(%x%x)&") or "00" nval=acgrad(lalf,endval,rez.LF+1,rez.LF-r+1,1/rez.LFact) text2=addtag3("\\alpha"..nval,text2) end end endf2=startf-rez.LFshift*(r-1) startf2=endf2-rez.LFram if rez.Fade then text2=text2:gsub("\\fad%(([^,]+),([^,]+)%)","\\fad(%1,0)") startf2=startf2+rez.LFram-rez.LFshift endf2=endf2+rez.LFram-rez.LFshift end l2.start_time=fr2ms(startf2+redshift) l2.end_time=fr2ms(endf2+redshift) l2.text=text2 subs.insert(i+1,l2) nsel=shiftsel2(nsel,i,1) end end subs.delete(i) sel=nsel end return sel end -- reanimatools ---------------------------------------- function esc(str) str=str:gsub("[%%%(%)%[%]%.%-%+%*%?%^%$]","%%%1") return str end function round(n,dec) dec=dec or 0 n=math.floor(n*10^dec+0.5)/10^dec return n end function wrap(str) return "{"..str.."}" end function par(tab) return '('..table.concat(tab,',')..')' end function detra(t) return t:gsub("\\t%b()","") end function nobra(t) return t:gsub("%b{}","") end function nobrea(t) return t:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("\\[Nh]","") end function nobrea1(t) return t:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub(" *\\[Nh] *"," ") end function tagmerge(t) repeat t,r=t:gsub("({\\[^}]-)}{(\\[^}]-})","%1%2") until r==0 return t end function logg(m) m=tf(m) or "nil" aegisub.log("\n "..m) end function loggtab(m) m=tf(m) or "nil" aegisub.log("\n {"..table.concat(m,';').."}") end function progress(msg) if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then ak() end aegisub.progress.title(msg) end function t_error(message,cancel) ADD({{class="label",label=message}},{"OK"},{close='OK'}) if cancel then ak() end end function retextmod(orig,text) local v1,v2,c,t2 v1=nobrea(orig) c=0 repeat t2=textmod(orig,text) v2=nobrea(text) c=c+1 until v1==v2 or c==666 if v1~=v2 then logg("Something went wrong with the text...") logg(v1) logg(v2) end return t2 end function textmod(orig,text) if text=="" then return orig end tk={} tg={} text=text:gsub("{\\\\k0}","") text=tagmerge(text) vis=nobra(text) ltrmatches=re.find(vis,".") if not ltrmatches then logg("text: "..text..'\nvisible: '..vis) logg("If you're seeing this, something really weird is happening with the re module.\nTry this again or rescan Autoload.") end for l=1,#ltrmatches do table.insert(tk,ltrmatches[l].str) end stags=text:match(STAG) or "" text=text:gsub(STAG,"") :gsub("{[^\\}]-}","") orig=orig:gsub("{([^\\}]+)}",function(c) return wrap("\\\\"..c.."|||") end) count=0 for seq in orig:gmatch("[^{]-{%*?\\[^}]-}") do chars,as,tak=seq:match("([^{]-){(%*?)(\\[^}]-)}") pos=re.find(chars,".") if pos==nil then ps=0+count else ps=#pos+count end tgl={p=ps,t=tak,a=as} table.insert(tg,tgl) count=ps end count=0 for seq in text:gmatch("[^{]-{%*?\\[^}]-}") do chars,as,tak=seq:match("([^{]-){(%*?)(\\[^}]-)}") pos=re.find(chars,".") if pos==nil then ps=0+count else ps=#pos+count end tgl={p=ps,t=tak,a=as} table.insert(tg,tgl) count=ps end newline="" for i=1,#tk do[i] newt="" for n,t in ipairs(tg) do if t.p==i then newt=newt..t.a..t.t end end if newt~="" then newline=newline.."{""}" end end newtext=stags..newline:gsub("(|||)(\\\\)","%1}{%2"):gsub("({[^}]-)\\\\([^\\}]-)|||","{%2}%1") text=newtext:gsub("{}","") return text end function addtag1(tg,txt) if not txt:match("^{\\") then txt="{""}"..txt elseif txt:match("^{[^}]-\\t") then txt=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\t","%1""\\t") else txt=txt:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""}") end return txt end function addtag3(tg,txt) no_tf=txt:gsub("\\t%b()","") tgt=tg:match("(\\%d?%a+)[%d%-&]") val="[%d%-&]" if not tgt then tgt=tg:match("(\\%d?%a+)%b()") val="%b()" end if not tgt then tgt=tg:match("\\fn") val="" end if not tgt then t_error("adding tag '""' failed.") end if tgt:match("clip") then txt,r=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\i?clip%b()","%1" if r==0 then txt=txt:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""}") end elseif no_tf:match("^({[^}]-)"..tgt..val) then txt=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)"..tgt..val.."[^\\}]*","%1" elseif not txt:match("^{\\") then txt="{""}"..txt elseif txt:match("^{[^}]-\\t") then txt=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\t","%1""\\t") else txt=txt:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""}") end return txt end function styleval(tag) if tag=="\\bord" then s_val=styleref.outline elseif tag=="\\shad" then s_val=styleref.shadow elseif tag=="\\fscx" then s_val=styleref.scale_x elseif tag=="\\fscy" then s_val=styleref.scale_y elseif tag=="\\fs" then s_val=styleref.fontsize elseif tag=="\\fsp" then s_val=styleref.spacing elseif tag=="\\alpha" then s_val="&H00&" elseif tag=="\\1a" then s_val="&"..styleref.color1:match("H%x%x").."&" elseif tag=="\\2a" then s_val="&"..styleref.color2:match("H%x%x").."&" elseif tag=="\\3a" then s_val="&"..styleref.color3:match("H%x%x").."&" elseif tag=="\\4a" then s_val="&"..styleref.color4:match("H%x%x").."&" elseif tag=="\\c" then s_val=styleref.color1:gsub("H%x%x","H") elseif tag=="\\2c" then s_val=styleref.color2:gsub("H%x%x","H") elseif tag=="\\3c" then s_val=styleref.color3:gsub("H%x%x","H") elseif tag=="\\4c" then s_val=styleref.color4:gsub("H%x%x","H") else s_val="0" end return s_val end function duplikill(tagz) local tags1={"blur","be","bord","shad","xbord","xshad","ybord","yshad","fs","fsp","fscx","fscy","frz","frx","fry","fax","fay"} local tags2={"c","2c","3c","4c","1a","2a","3a","4a","alpha"} tagz=tagz:gsub("\\t%b()",function(t) return t:gsub("\\","|") end) for i=1,#tags1 do tag=tags1[i] repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("|"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+)","%1%2") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+)","%2%1") until c==0 end tagz=tagz:gsub("\\1c&","\\c&") for i=1,#tags2 do tag=tags2[i] repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("|"..tag.."&H%x+&([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."&H%x+&)","%1%2") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\"..tag.."&H%x+&([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."&H%x+&)","%2%1") until c==0 end repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\fn[^\\}]+([^}]-)(\\fn[^\\}]+)","%2%1") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("(\\[ibusq])%d(.-)(%1%d)","%2%3") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("(\\an)%d(.-)(%1%d)","%3%2") until c==0 tagz=tagz:gsub("(|i?clip%(%A-%))(.-)(\\i?clip%(%A-%))","%2%3") :gsub("(\\i?clip%b())(.-)(\\i?clip%b())",function(a,b,c) if a:match("m") and c:match("m") or not a:match("m") and not c:match("m") then return b..c else return a..b..c end end) tagz=tagz:gsub("|","\\"):gsub("\\t%([^\\%)]-%)","") return tagz end function killpha() if shad~="00" then text=text:gsub("\\[1234]a&H%x%x&","") end text=text:gsub("\\fad%([%d%.%,]-%)",""):gsub("\\alpha&H%x%x&",""):gsub("\\t%([^\\%)]-%)",""):gsub("{}","") if not text:match("^{\\") then text="{\\fake}"..text end end function times() st=line.start_time et=line.end_time dur=et-st return st,et,dur end function tohex(num) n1=math.floor(num/16) n2=math.floor(num%16) num=tohex1(n1)..tohex1(n2) return num end function tohex1(num) HEX={"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E"} if num<1 then num="0" elseif num>14 then num="F" else num=HEX[num] end return num end function numgrad(V1,V2,total,l,acc) acc=acc or 1 acc_fac=(l-1)^acc/(total-1)^acc VC=round(acc_fac*(V2-V1)+V1,2) return VC end function acgrad(C1,C2,total,l,acc) acc=acc or 1 acc_fac=(l-1)^acc/(total-1)^acc B1,G1,R1=C1:match("(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)") B2,G2,R2=C2:match("(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)") A1=C1:match("(%x%x)") R1=R1 or A1 A2=C2:match("(%x%x)") R2=R2 or A2 nR1=(tonumber(R1,16)) nR2=(tonumber(R2,16)) R=acc_fac*(nR2-nR1)+nR1 R=tohex(round(R)) CC="&H"..R.."&" if B1 then nG1=(tonumber(G1,16)) nG2=(tonumber(G2,16)) nB1=(tonumber(B1,16)) nB2=(tonumber(B2,16)) G=acc_fac*(nG2-nG1)+nG1 B=acc_fac*(nB2-nB1)+nB1 G=tohex(round(G)) B=tohex(round(B)) CC="&H"..B..G..R.."&" end return CC end function getpos(subs,text) st=nil defst=nil for g=1,#subs do if subs[g].class=="info" then local k=subs[g].key local v=subs[g].value if k=="PlayResX" then resx=v end if k=="PlayResY" then resy=v end end if resx==nil then resx=0 end if resy==nil then resy=0 end if subs[g].class=="style" then local s=subs[g] if then st=s break end if"Default" then defst=s end end if subs[g].class=="dialogue" then if defst then st=defst else t_error("Style '""' not found.\nStyle 'Default' not found. ",1) end break end end if st then acleft=st.margin_l if line.margin_l>0 then acleft=line.margin_l end acright=st.margin_r if line.margin_r>0 then acright=line.margin_r end acvert=st.margin_t if line.margin_t>0 then acvert=line.margin_t end acalign=st.align if text:match("\\an%d") then acalign=text:match("\\an(%d)") end aligntop="789" alignbot="123" aligncent="456" alignleft="147" alignright="369" alignmid="258" if alignleft:match(acalign) then horz=acleft elseif alignright:match(acalign) then horz=resx-acright elseif alignmid:match(acalign) then horz=resx/2 end if aligntop:match(acalign) then vert=acvert elseif alignbot:match(acalign) then vert=resy-acvert elseif aligncent:match(acalign) then vert=resy/2 end end if horz>0 and vert>0 then if not text:match("^{\\") then text="{\\rel}"..text end text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\pos("..horz..","..vert..")}") :gsub("\\rel","") end return text end function fill_in(tags,tag) if tag=="\\bord" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.outline) elseif tag=="\\shad" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.shadow) elseif tag=="\\fscx" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.scale_x) elseif tag=="\\fscy" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.scale_y) elseif tag=="\\fs" or tag=="\\fsize" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.fontsize) elseif tag=="\\fsp" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.spacing) elseif tag=="\\alpha" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."&H00&") elseif tag=="\\1a" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."&"..styleref.color1:match("H%x%x").."&") elseif tag=="\\2a" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."&"..styleref.color2:match("H%x%x").."&") elseif tag=="\\3a" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."&"..styleref.color3:match("H%x%x").."&") elseif tag=="\\4a" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."&"..styleref.color4:match("H%x%x").."&") elseif tag=="\\c" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.color1:gsub("H%x%x","H")) elseif tag=="\\2c" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.color2:gsub("H%x%x","H")) elseif tag=="\\3c" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.color3:gsub("H%x%x","H")) elseif tag=="\\4c" then tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag..styleref.color4:gsub("H%x%x","H")) else tags=tags:gsub("^{","{"..tag.."0") end return tags end function shiftsel2(sel,i,mode) if ii then sel[s]=sel[s]+1 end end end if mode==1 then table.insert(sel,i+1) end table.sort(sel) return sel end function stylechk(subs,sn) for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="style" then local st=subs[i] if then sr=st break end end end if sr==nil then t_error("Style '""' doesn't exist.",1) end return sr end herpderp=[[ Regular Fade: type only 'Fade in' / 'Fade out' values. Checking 'Alpha/Colour' will use alpha transform instead, with the 'Fade in/out' values and 'accel'. Checking 'From/To' colours will do colour transforms (with accel). If only one checked, the other will be alpha transform. 'Keep fade along with colour transforms' - when using colour transforms, the \fad tag will be kept as well. 'Fade across multiple lines' will create a set of alpha transforms across lines. This can be used if you want to fade out a whole part of a conversation. Like people walking away and talking, sound gets quieter... This nukes all present alpha tags. It supports shadow alpha (\4a). 'Global time' will use times relative to video, rather the combined times of lines. This makes a difference with gaps between lines. By Letter This fades each letter separately, in a sequence. The dropdown menu is the fading time for each letter, while Fade in/out are for the overall fades. So if you have 10 characters and use 120ms/letter and 1200ms Fade in, the fades will follow perfectly one after another. If the Fade in is 1000 ms, they will overlap a little. If 500ms, you'll have about 3 letters fading at a time. 'RTL' fades right to left. 'Delete' removes a letter-by-letter fade (by removing all transforms and alphas). 'Letter by letter using \ko' uses {\ko#} tags instead of transforms for fade in. If the Fade in is under 40, it's used as \ko[value]; if it's 40+, it's considered to be the overall fade, i.e. when the last letter appears. '\ko by word' fades in by word instead of by letter. (Inline tags are supported, but if you fade by word and have tags in the middle of a word, it won't work as you want it to. Also, \ko actually works with decimal values, like \ko4.6.) 'Fade in to current frame' - sets fade in to current video frame. 'Fade out from current frame' - sets fade out from current video frame. These are for setting fades very easily without requiring any numbers. The current frame will be the first/last fully visible, so for Fade in, set to the first frame after the fade, not the last frame of the fade. By Clip This is a simple clip transform, making text appear from the left and disappear to the right, based on fade in/out values. As a bonus, when the fades are both 0, it will just create a clip around the text. This supports font name, size, spacing, scaling, border, shadow, and weight, but not italics, rotations, fax & fay, and not inline tags. It can handle linebreaks. With \move, it's somewhat applicable, but it only considers the starting position, so not very useful in most cases. This is dealing with fonts, and fonts are a clusterfuck of uncertainty, so things aren't always 100% accurate. As a dirty workaround to make sure the clip isn't just a bit too small, you can check 'Clip +' to expand the clip by 3 pixels in each direction. The fades in and out may overlap, but the second transform is calculated from the ongoing first transform, so things get a bit unpredictable there. (Not like you would reasonably ever need this, though.) Only fade in/out and accel apply here from the other options. Tags This is for transforms from and to given tags. The difference from just using HYDRA for transforms is that this allows you to do it in a "fade" approach for the times, which is convenient mainly for the end transforms. Plus you can combine this with alpha/colour transforms with different settings in one run. (This was previously implemented for blur only, in a different manner.) You must input valid transformable tags, with values. Example: "\blur5\fs10\fsp4\fax0.2" Tags are used for both In and Out (if those values aren't "0"), but if you check 'Mirror tags', the values for Fade out will be mirrored for frz, fry, fax, and xshad, meaning they will be the opposite of Fade in. This allows for keeping some symmetry. But you can always run it once for Fade in and once for Fade out, if you want different tags. This is activated by the Apply Fade button and can run along with alpha/colour transforms. What determines what runs and what doesn't is whether the in/out times are both zero or not. '[Help]' - shows Help, which you're currently reading. 'Remember last settings' - the GUI will remember your last used values (until automation reload). 'Repeat last' - runs with values used last time. '[Save config]' - saves your current settings as defaults. Extra functionality: Fade between 0 and 1 gives you that fraction of the line's duration, so Fade in 0.2 with 1 second is \fad(200,0). Fade value of 1 is the duration of the whole line. Negative fade gives you the inverse with respect to duration, so if dur=3000 & fade in is -500, you get \fad(2500,0), i.e. 500 from end. >Fadeworks< This was created for various fbf fade effects that focus more on replicating lines than alpha fade. The idea was to add lines before start time and after end time and do things you can't do with transforms. The main part is shifting position, including using acceleration, so you can create linear movement with accel or all kinds of other moves. Each side of the GUI is separate; left for 'fade in', right for 'fade out'. 'Lines to create' is how many lines will be created before and after the current line. If set to '0', the effect for that side is disabled. 'Frames per line' is the duration of each created line. 'Shift each line by' is the timing difference between the lines. This is generally best to leave the same as the setting above it. With values of '1', you get regular fbf lines. Values of '2' would make consecutive 2-frame lines. If the duration is larger than this setting, lines will overlap (which may be used as a special effect). If this setting is larger than the duration, there will be time gaps between the lines (which probably isn't too useful). 'X/Y distance' is where the starting/ending point will be relative to current \pos. If X is -100 and 100 respectively, the line will start 100 pixels to the left of where it is now and end 100 to the right, no matter how many lines you put in between. 'Acceleration' is separate for each element, as that allows for more effects. In fact, the accel on the X/Y movement is one of the main points of this. Due to how this is written, using the same accel on the left and right kind of mirrors it in the result, which is what you'll usually want. (If left starts slow, right ends slow.) 'fbf transform' - you can type some tags, like \bord10, and border will be 10 on the outer lines (first of fade in, last of fade out) and transform frame by frame to whatever value you have on the main line. The main line should always remain unchanged. 'fbf alpha tf' is just an extra field to enter alpha values for the above (in hexadecimal, like "FF") to avoid having to type the whole thing. The fbf transform field can actually handle even colours, but you have to type them. You can use the 'get colours' tool. Set a colour, click on 'Get colour tag', and you'll get the tag in the field next to the colour picker. Copypaste from there. Change \c to whichever colour type you need. This has its own accel. 'Fade mode' is pretty weird and hard to explain, but it should be used on lines that have fades. The replicated lines will use those fades, and the idea is to create fading lines that overlap with one another in different positions. This mode disables 'Frames per line'. You can 'add transforms' to this, but just like the fades, these will reset on each line, and the effect is kind of bizarre and requires some experimentation to get something useful out of it. It does work combined with the fbf transforms, but the results may be a bit unpredictable and bad, and they will look different for fade in and fade out. If you find an effect you want to keep for later, there's a mini GUI for saving the settings. You can Save, Load, and Delete presets.]] function fadehelp(subs,sel) Pr=aegisub.dialog.display({{width=50,height=20,class="textbox",value=herpderp}},{"OK","Back"},{close='OK'}) if Pr=="Back" then fadeconfig(subs,sel) end end -- FW SAFE -- function fwsafe() FWS={} fwconf=ADP("?user").."\\fadeworksafe.conf" -- read saved if file~=nil then FWsaved=file:read("*all") file:close() for f in FWsaved:gmatch("FWS: ([^\n]+)") do table.insert(FWS,f) end end vault={ {x=0,y=0,class="label",label="Save as:"}, {x=1,y=0,class="edit",name="fwsave"}, {x=0,y=1,class="label",label="Load/Delete:"}, {x=1,y=1,class="dropdown",name="fwload",items=FWS,value=FWS[1]}, {x=0,y=2,width=2,class="label",label="This is a GUI within a GUI within a GUI............................"}, } repeat -- DELETE if Pf=="Expunge" and rs.fwload~="" then delName=rs.fwload FWsaved=file:read("*all") file:close() -- del from text Wmod=FWsaved:gsub("FWS: "..esc(delName)..".-"..esc(delName).." END\n\n","") -- resave file,"w") file:write(Wmod) file:close() -- remove from list for i=1,#FWS do if FWS[i]==delName then table.remove(FWS,i) break end end for key,val in ipairs(vault) do if"fwload" then val.value=FWS[1] end end t_error("'"..delName.."' deleted.") end if Pf=="Expunge" and rs.fwload=="" then t_error("Nothing to delete") end Pf,rs=ADD(vault,{"Inhume","Exhume","Expunge","Vanish"},{close='Vanish'}) until Pf~="Expunge" -- SAVE if Pf=="Inhume" then FWN=rs.fwsave saveOK=1 -- name check if FWN=='' then t_error("No name given") saveOK=nil end for i=1,#FWS do if FWN==FWS[i] then t_error("Name '"..FWN.."' already exists") saveOK=nil break end end -- save if saveOK then WorkS='FWS: '..FWN..'\n' for key,val in ipairs(fadegui) do if val.class~="label" then":"[]).."\n" end end WorkS=WorkS..FWN..' END\n\n' if file==nil then,"w") else,"a") end file:write(WorkS) file:close() t_error("Saved as '"..FWN.."'") end end -- LOAD if Pf=="Exhume" then toload=rs.fwload if file==nil then t_error("Nothing to load") elseif toload=='' then t_error("No name given") else fwloaded=FWsaved:match("FWS: "..esc(toload).."\n(.-\n)"..esc(toload).." END") for key,val in ipairs(fadegui) do if val.class~="label" then if fwloaded:match( then val.value=detf(fwloaded:match(":(.-)\n")) end end end end end end -- Config -- function saveconfig() fadconf="Fade config\n\n" for key,val in ipairs(GUI) do if val.class:match"edit" or val.class=="dropdown" then":"..res[].."\n" end if val.class=="checkbox" and"save" and"del" then":"[]).."\n" end end fadconfig=ADP("?user").."\\apply_fade.conf","w") file:write(fadconf) file:close() ADD({{class="label",label="Config saved to:\n"..fadconfig}},{"OK"},{close='OK'}) end function loadconfig() fconfig=ADP("?user").."\\apply_fade.conf" if file~=nil then konf=file:read("*all") io.close(file) for key,val in ipairs(GUI) do if val.class:match"edit" or val.class=="checkbox" or val.class=="dropdown" then if konf:match( then val.value=detf(konf:match(":(.-)\n")) end end end end end function tf(val) if val==true then ret="true" elseif val==false then ret="false" else ret=val end return ret end function detf(txt) if txt=="true" then ret=true elseif txt=="false" then ret=false else ret=txt end return ret end function apply_fade(subs,sel) ADD=aegisub.dialog.display ADP=aegisub.decode_path ak=aegisub.cancel STAG="^{\\[^}]-}" sel=fadeconfig(subs,sel) aegisub.set_undo_point(script_name) return sel end if haveDepCtrl then depRec:registerMacros({ {script_name,script_description,apply_fade}, {": HELP : / FadeWorkS","FadeWorkS",fadehelp}, },false) else aegisub.register_macro(script_name,script_description,apply_fade) aegisub.register_macro(": HELP : / FadeWorkS","FadeWorkS",fadehelp) end