script_name="NecrosCopy" script_description="Copy and fax things in the shadows while lines are splitting and breaking" script_author="reanimated" script_version="4.1" script_namespace="ua.NecrosCopy" local haveDepCtrl,DependencyControl,depRec=pcall(require,"l0.DependencyControl") if haveDepCtrl then script_version="4.1.0" depRec=DependencyControl{feed=""} end re=require'' function fucks(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Faxing line "..z.."/"..#sel) l=subs[i] t=l.text if not t:match("\\i?clip%(m") and not t:match("//i?clip%(m") then t_error("Missing \\clip on line #"..i-line0..".",1) end cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2,cx3,cy3,cx4,cy4=t:match("clip%(m ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) l ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+)") if not cx1 then cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2=t:match("clip%(m ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) l ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+)") end if not cx1 then t_error("Line #"..i-line0..": Not enough clip points. 2 required.",1) end sr=stylechk(subs, nontra=t:gsub("\\t%b()","") rota=nontra:match("^{[^}]-\\frz([%d.-]+)") or sr.angle rota2=nontra:match(".*\\frz([%d.-]+)") or sr.angle scx=nontra:match("^{[^}]-\\fscx([%d.]+)") or sr.scale_x scy=nontra:match("^{[^}]-\\fscy([%d.]+)") or sr.scale_y scr=scx/scy ad=cx1-cx2 op=cy1-cy2 tang=(ad/op) ang1=math.deg(math.atan(tang)) ang2=ang1-rota tangf=math.tan(math.rad(ang2)) faks=round(tangf/scr*100)/100 t=addtag("\\fax"..faks,t) if cy4 then tang2=((cx3-cx4)/(cy3-cy4)) ang3=math.deg(math.atan(tang2)) ang4=ang3-rota2 tangf2=math.tan(math.rad(ang4)) faks2=round(tangf2*100)/100 endcom="" repeat t=t:gsub("({[^}]-})%s*$",function(ec) endcom=ec..endcom return "" end) until not t:match("}$") t=t:gsub("(.)$","{\\fax"..faks2.."}%1") if res.grad then vis=nobra(t) orig=t:gsub(STAG,"") tg=t:match(STAG) chars={} ltrz=re.find(vis,".") for l=1,#ltrz do table.insert(chars,ltrz[l].str) end faxdiff=(faks2-faks)/(#chars-1) tt=chars[1] for c=2,#chars do if chars[c]==" " then tt=tt.." " else tt=tt.."{\\fax"..round((faks+faxdiff*(c-1))*100)/100 .."}"..chars[c] end end if orig:match("{%*?\\") then t=retextmod(orig,t) end end t=t..endcom end t=tagmerge(t) t=t:gsub("\\i?clip%b()",""):gsub("(\\fax[%d%.%-]+)([^}]-)(\\fax[%d%.%-]+)","%3%2"):gsub("%**}","}") l.text=t subs[i]=l end end function frozt(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Freezing line "..z.."/"..#sel) local l=subs[i] local text=l.text if not text:match("\\i?clip%(m") and not text:match("//i?clip%(m") then t_error("Missing \\clip on line #"..i-line0..".\nAborting.",1) end cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2,cx3,cy3,cx4,cy4=text:match("clip%(m ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) l ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+)") if not cx1 then cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2=text:match("clip%(m ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+) l ([%d%-]+) ([%d%-]+)") end if not cx1 then t_error("Line #"..i-line0..": Not enough clip points. 2 required.",1) end local ad,op,tang,ang1,rota ad=cx2-cx1 op=cy1-cy2 tang=(op/ad) ang1=math.deg(math.atan(tang)) rota=round(ang1,2) if ad<0 then rota=rota-180 end local ad2,op2,tang2,ang2,rota2 if cy4 then ad2=cx4-cx3 op2=cy3-cy4 tang2=(op2/ad2) ang2=math.deg(math.atan(tang2)) rota2=round(ang2,2) if ad2<0 then rota2=rota2-180 end else rota2=rota end rota3=(rota+rota2)/2 text=addtag("\\frz"..rota3,text) text=text:gsub("\\i?clip%b()",""):gsub(ATAG,function(tg) return duplikill(tg) end) l.text=text subs[i]=l end end -- Necroscopy -- [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] function necrostuff(subs,sel) progress("NecrosCopying from line 1...") -- get stuff from line 1 rine=subs[sel[1]] ftags=rine.text:match(STAG) or "" cstext=rine.text:gsub(STAG,"") vis=rine.text:gsub("%b{}","") csst=rine.start_time cset=rine.end_time cseff=rine.effect -- detect / save / remove transforms ftra="" if ftags:match("\\t") then for t in ftags:gmatch("\\t%b()") do ftra=ftra..t end ftags=ftags:gsub("\\t%b()","") end rept={"drept"} -- build GUI copyshit={ {x=0,y=0,class="checkbox",name="chks",label="[Start Time]"}, {x=0,y=1,class="checkbox",name="chke",label="[End Time]"}, {x=1,y=0,class="checkbox",name="css",label="[Style]"}, {x=1,y=1,class="checkbox",name="tkst",label="[Text]"}, {x=2,y=0,class="checkbox",name="act",label="[Actor]"}, {x=2,y=1,class="checkbox",name="eff",label="[Effect]"}, {x=3,y=0,class="label",label=" Place * in text below to copy tags there"}, {x=3,y=1,class="checkbox",name="breaks",label="Copy tags after all linebreaks (all lines)",realname=""}, {x=0,y=2,width=4,class="edit",name="ltxt",value=vis,hint="only works for first selected line"}, } ftw=3 -- regular tags -> GUI for f in ftags:gmatch("\\[^\\}]+") do lab=f:gsub("&","&&") if f:match("\\i?clip%(m") then lab=f:match("\\i?clip%(m [%d%.%-]+ [%d%.%-]+ %a [%d%.%-]+ [%d%.%-]+").." ..." end if f:match("\\move") then lab=f:gsub("%.%d+","") end cb={x=0,y=ftw,width=3,class="checkbox",name="chk"..ftw,label=lab,realname=f} drept=0 for r=1,#rept do if f==rept[r] then drept=1 end end if drept==0 then table.insert(copyshit,cb) ftw=ftw+1 table.insert(rept,f) end end -- transform tags for f in ftra:gmatch("\\t%b()") do cb={x=0,y=ftw,width=3,class="checkbox",name="chk"..ftw,label=f} drept=0 for r=1,#rept do if f==rept[r] then drept=1 end end if drept==0 then table.insert(copyshit,cb) ftw=ftw+1 table.insert(rept,f) end end itw=3 -- inline tags if cstext:match("{[^}]-\\[^Ntrk]") then for f in cstext:gmatch("\\[^tNhrk][^\\})]+") do lab=f:gsub("&","&&") if itw==22 then lab="(that's enough...)" f="" end if itw==23 then break end cb={x=3,y=itw,width=2,class="checkbox",name="chk2"..itw,label=lab,realname=f} drept=0 for r=1,#rept do if f==rept[r] then drept=1 end end if drept==0 then table.insert(copyshit,cb) itw=itw+1 table.insert(rept,f) end end end repeat if press=="Check All Tags" then for key,val in ipairs(copyshit) do if val.class=="checkbox" and not val.label:match("%[ ") and val.x==0 then val.value=true end end end progress("Loading necrostuff...") press,rez=ADD(copyshit,{"Copy","Check All Tags","Paste Saved","[Un]hide","Cancel"},{ok='Copy',close='Cancel'}) until press~="Check All Tags" if press=="Cancel" then ak() end -- save checked tags kopytags="" copytfs="" for key,val in ipairs(copyshit) do if rez[]==true and not val.label:match("%[") then if not val.label:match("\\t") then kopytags=kopytags..val.realname else copytfs=copytfs..val.label end end end if press=="Paste Saved" then kopytags=savedkopytags copytfs=savedcopytfs sn=1 csstyle=savedstyle csst=savedt1 cset=savedt2 cstext=savedtext csact=savedactor cseff=savedeffect rez.css=savedcss rez.chks=savedchks rez.chke=savedchke rez.tkst=savedtkst rez.act=savedact rez.eff=savedeff elseif press=="Copy" then sn=2 savedkopytags=kopytags savedcopytfs=copytfs savedt1=csst savedt2=cset savedstyle=csstyle savedactor=csact savedeffect=cseff savedcss=rez.css savedchks=rez.chks savedchke=rez.chke savedact=rez.act savedeff=rez.eff savedtext=cstext savedtkst=rez.tkst end if rez.ltxt:match"%*" then inline=true sn=1 maxx=1 elseif rez.breaks then inline=true sn=1 maxx=#sel else inline=false maxx=#sel end -- lines 2+ if press~="[Un]hide" then for z=sn,maxx do progress("NecroPasting to line "..z.."/"..#sel) i=sel[z] line=subs[i] text=line.text text=text:gsub("\\1c","\\c") visible=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("\\N","") if not text:match("^{\\") then text="{\\stuff}"..text end ctags=text:match(STAG) -- handle existing transforms if ctags:match("\\t") then ctags=trem(ctags) if text:match("^{}") then text=text:gsub("^{}","{\\stuff}") end text=text:gsub(STAG,ctags) trnsfrm=trnsfrm..copytfs elseif copytfs~="" then trnsfrm=copytfs end -- add + clean tags if inline then initags=text:match(STAG) or "" endcom="" repeat ec=text:match("{[^\\}]-}$") text=text:gsub("{[^\\}]-}$","") if ec then endcom=ec..endcom end until ec==nil orig=text if rez.breaks then initags="" text=text:gsub("\\N","\\N{"..kopytags.."}"):gsub("\\N{(\\[^}]-})({\\[^}]-)}","\\N%2%1") else text=rez.ltxt:gsub("%*","{"..kopytags.."}") text=retextmod(orig,text) end text=initags..text..endcom visible2=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("\\N","") if visible~=visible2 then logg("Line #"..i-line0..": It appears that characters have been lost or added. This is probably a failure of the re module.") end else text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..kopytags.."}") end text=text:gsub(ATAG,function(tg) return duplikill(tg) end) text=extrakill(text,2) -- add transforms if trnsfrm then text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]*)}","%1"..trnsfrm.."}") end trnsfrm=nil text=text:gsub(STAG,function(tags) return cleantr(tags) end) text=text:gsub("\\stuff",""):gsub("{}","") if rez.css then end if rez.act then end if rez.eff then line.effect=cseff end if rez.chks then line.start_time=csst end if rez.chke then line.end_time=cset end if rez.tkst then text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-}).*","%1"..cstext) end line.text=text subs[i]=line end else txt=rine.text -- unhide if kopytags=="" and copytfs=="" then uncom={} wai=0 for com in txt:gmatch("{//([^}]+)}") do table.insert(uncom,{x=0,y=wai,class="checkbox",label=com,name=com}) wai=wai+1 end if #uncom<=1 then txt=txt:gsub("^(.*){//([^}]+})","{\\%2%1"):gsub("{(\\[^}]-)}{(\\[^}]-)}","{%2%1}") else pss,rz=ADD(uncom,{"OK","Cancel"},{ok='OK',close='Cancel'}) if pss=="Cancel" then ak() end for key,val in ipairs(uncom) do enam=esc( if rz[]==true then txt=txt:gsub("^(.*){//("..enam..")}","{\\%2}%1"):gsub("{(\\[^}]-)}{(\\[^}]-)}","{%2%1}") end end end -- hide else ekopytags=esc(kopytags) ecopytfs=esc(copytfs) for tg in ekopytags:gmatch("\\[^\\}]+") do txt=txt:gsub(tg,"") end for tg in kopytags:gmatch("\\([^\\}]+)") do txt=txt.."{//""}" end for tg in ecopytfs:gmatch("\\t%%%b()") do txt=txt:gsub(tg,"") end for tg in copytfs:gmatch("\\(t%b())") do txt=txt.."{//""}" end txt=txt:gsub("{}","") end rine.text=txt:gsub("\\1c","\\c") subs[sel[1]]=rine end progress("NecroProcessing complete.") trnsfrm=nil end function copytags(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Copypasting tags... "..z.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] text=line.text if z==1 then tags=text:match(STAG) or "" end if z~=1 then text=tags..text:gsub(STAG,"") if res.cpstyle then end end line.text=text subs[i]=line end return sel end function copytext(subs,sel) for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Copypasting text... "..z.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] text=line.text if z==1 then tekst=text:gsub(STAG,"") if res.vis then tekst=tekst:gsub("%b{}","") end end if z~=1 then tags=text:match(STAG) or "" text=tags..tekst end line.text=text subs[i]=line end return sel end function copycolours(subs,sel) progress("Colours check...") if not res.c1 and not res.c2 and not res.c3 and not res.c4 then t_error("No colours selected",1) end local col={} for n=1,4 do if res['c'..n] then table.insert(col,n) end end local C={} for z,i in ipairs(sel) do progress("Copypasting colours... "..z.."/"..#sel) line=subs[i] local text=line.text if z==1 then text=text:gsub("\\1c","\\c") local nontra=text:gsub("\\t%b()","") sr=stylechk(subs, if res.c1 then C.col1=nontra:match("\\c(&H%x+&)") or sr.color1:gsub("H%x%x","H") C.alf1=nontra:match("\\1a(&H%x+&)") or sr.color1:match("&H%x%x").."&" end if res.c3 then C.col3=nontra:match("\\3c(&H%x+&)") or sr.color3:gsub("H%x%x","H") C.alf3=nontra:match("\\3a(&H%x+&)") or sr.color3:match("&H%x%x").."&" end if res.c4 then C.col4=nontra:match("\\4c(&H%x+&)") or sr.color4:gsub("H%x%x","H") C.alf4=nontra:match("\\4a(&H%x+&)") or sr.color4:match("&H%x%x").."&" end if res.c2 then C.col2=nontra:match("\\2c(&H%x+&)") or sr.color2:gsub("H%x%x","H") C.alf2=nontra:match("\\2a(&H%x+&)") or sr.color2:match("&H%x%x").."&" end else for n=1,#col do local cn=col[n] local tc=tostring(cn):gsub('1','') if res.ccol then text=addtag3("\\""c"..C['col'],text) end if res.alfa then text=addtag3("\\""a"..C['alf'],text) end end end line.text=text subs[i]=line end return sel end -- 3D shadow -- [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] function shad3(subs,sel) for z=#sel,1,-1 do progress("Shadow filling line "..#sel+1-z.."/"..#sel) i=sel[z] line=subs[i] text=line.text if not text:match("\\[xy]?shad") then sr=stylechk(subs, text="{\\shad""}"..text text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]+)}{\\","%1\\") end text=text:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\shad([%d%.]+)","%1\\xshad%2\\yshad%2") :gsub(STAG,function(tg) return duplikill(tg) end) nontra=text:gsub("\\t%b()","") layer=line.layer xshad=tonumber(nontra:match("^{[^}]-\\xshad([%d%.%-]+)")) or 0 ax=math.abs(xshad) yshad=tonumber(nontra:match("^{[^}]-\\yshad([%d%.%-]+)")) or 0 ay=math.abs(yshad) if ax>ay then lay=math.floor(ax) else lay=math.floor(ay) end text2=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\3a&HFF&}") :gsub("\\3a&H%x%x&([^}]-)(\\3a&H%x%x&)","%1%2") for l=lay,1,-1 do line2=line f=l/lay text2=addtag3('\\1a&HFE&',text2) txt=text2 if l==1 then txt=text end line2.text=txt :gsub("\\xshad([%d%.%-]+)",function(a) xx=tostring(f*a) xx=xx:gsub("([%d%-]+%.%d%d)%d+","%1") return "\\xshad"..xx end) :gsub("\\yshad([%d%.%-]+)",function(a) yy=tostring(f*a) yy=yy:gsub("([%d%-]+%.%d%d)%d+","%1") return "\\yshad"..yy end) line2.layer=layer+(lay-l) subs.insert(i+1,line2) end if math.abs(xshad)>=1 or math.abs(yshad)>=1 then subs.delete(i) for s=z+1,#sel do sel[s]=sel[s]+lay-1 end else line.text=text subs[i]=line end end return sel end -- Split into Letters -- [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] function space(subs,sel) nsel={} for z,i in ipairs(sel) do table.insert(nsel,i) end count=0 for z=#sel,1,-1 do progress("Breaking line "..#sel+1-z.."/"..#sel) i=sel[z] line=subs[i] text=line.text visible=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("%s*\\[Nh]%s*"," ") letrz=re.find(visible,".") if not text:match "\\p1" and letrz and #letrz>1 then sr=stylechk(subs, notra=detra(text) acalign=nil m1,m2,m3,m4=text:match("\\move%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)") if m1 then text=text:gsub("\\move%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)","\\pos(%1,%2)(") movX=m3-m1 movY=m4-m2 end text=text:gsub(" *\\[Nh] *"," ") if not text:match"\\pos" then text=getpos(subs,text) end tags=text:match(STAG) or "" after=text:gsub(STAG,""):gsub("{[^\\}]-}","") local px,py=text:match("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)") local x1,width,w,wtotal,let,spacing,avgspac,ltrspac,xpos,lastxpos,spaces,prevlet,scx,k1,k2,k3,bord,off,inwidth,wdiff,pp,tpos scx=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fscx([%d%.]+)") or sr.scale_x fsp=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fsp([%d%.]+)") if fsp then sr.spacing=tonumber(fsp) end fsize=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fs([%d%.]+)") if fsize then sr.fontsize=tonumber(fsize) end phont=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fn([^\\}]+)") if phont then sr.fontname=phont end bord=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\bord([%d%.]+)") or sr.outline k1,k2,k3=text:match("clip%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),") letters={} wtotal=0 for l=1,#letrz do local ltr=letrz[l].str w=aegisub.text_extents(sr,ltr) table.insert(letters,{l=ltr,w=w}) wtotal=wtotal+w leng=re.find(ltr,'.') if ltr=="" then logg("- Line #"..i-line0..": re module failure: letter lost - #"..l) elseif #leng>1 then logg("- Line #"..i-line0..": re module failure: multiple letters matched: "..ltr) end end if #letters~=#letrz then logg(#letrz.." -> "..#letrz) end intags={} cnt=0 for chars,tag in after:gmatch("([^}]+)({\\[^}]+})") do pp=re.find(chars,".") tpos=#pp+1+cnt intags[tpos]=tag cnt=cnt+#pp end avgspac=wtotal/#letters off=(letters[1].w-letters[#letters].w)/4*scx/100 inwidth=(wtotal-letters[1].w/2-letters[#letters].w/2)*scx/100 if spacing==1 then spacing=round(avgspac*scx)/100 end width=(#letters-1)*spacing --off -- klip-based stuff if k1 then width=(k3-k1)-letters[1].w/2*(scx/100)-letters[#letters].w/2*(scx/100)-(2*bord) spacing=(width+2*bord)/(#letters-1) px=(k1+k3)/2-off tags=tags:gsub("\\i?clip%b()","") end -- find starting x point based on alignment if not acalign then acalign=text:match("\\an(%d)") or sr.align end acalign=tostring(acalign) if acalign:match("[147]") then tags=tags:gsub("\\an%d",""):gsub("^{","{\\an"..acalign+1) :gsub("\\pos%(([%d.-]+)",function(p) return "\\pos("..round(p+(wtotal/2)*(scx/100),2) end) end if acalign:match("[369]") then tags=tags:gsub("\\an%d",""):gsub("^{","{\\an"..acalign-1) :gsub("\\pos%(([%d.-]+)",function(p) return "\\pos("..round(p-(wtotal/2)*(scx/100),2) end) end if not k1 then px,py=tags:match("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)") end acalign=tags:match("\\an(%d)") x1=round(px-width/2) wdiff=(width-inwidth)/(#letters-1) lastxpos=x1 spaces=0 -- weird letter-width sorcery starts here for t=1,#letters do let=letters[t] if t>1 then prevlet=letters[t-1] ltrspac=(let.w+prevlet.w)/2*scx/100+wdiff ltrspac=round(ltrspac,2) else fact1=spacing/(avgspac*scx/100) fact2=(let.w-letters[#letters].w)/4*scx/100 ltrspac=round(fact1*fact2,2) end if intags[t] then tags=tags..intags[t] tags=tagmerge(tags) tags=duplikill(tags) end t2=tags..let.l xpos=lastxpos+ltrspac XP=xpos notra=detra(t2) rota=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\frz([-%d.]+)") if rota then h=px-xpos X=math.cos(math.rad(rota))*h Y=math.sin(math.rad(rota))*h x=round(px-X,1) y=round(py+Y,1) t2=t2:gsub("\\pos%b()","\\pos("..x..","..y..")") else t2=t2:gsub("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)","\\pos("..XP..",%2)") end if m1 then t2=t2:gsub("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)%(,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+",function(a,b) return "\\move("..a..","..b..","..a+movX..","..b+movY end) end lastxpos=xpos l2=line l2.text=t2 if t==1 then text=t2 else if let.l~=" " then subs.insert(i+t-1-spaces,l2) nsel=shiftsel(nsel,i,1) else count=count-1 spaces=spaces+1 end end end count=count+#letters-1 line.text=text subs[i]=line end end return nsel end -- Split by \N -- [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] [- -] function splitbreak(subs,sel) nsel={} for z,i in ipairs(sel) do table.insert(nsel,i) end for z=#sel,1,-1 do progress("Breaking line "..#sel+1-z.."/"..#sel) i=sel[z] line=subs[i] text=line.text stags=text:match(STAG) or "" after=text:gsub(STAG,"") breakit=true local klipos,kmode if not text:match("\\N") or res.splitg then if not text:match("\\N") then lab="No \\N in line #"..i-line0..". You can split by spaces, tags, or a marker of your choice." else lab="Split by spaces, tags, or any marker." end if text:match("clip%(m ([^)]+)%)") then lab=lab..'\n(This line will be split by a clip if it has enough points.)' end if not applytoall then P,rez=ADD({{class="label",label=lab,width=4}, {x=3,y=2,class="edit",name="mark",value=mark or "{}"}, {y=2,class="checkbox",name="remember",label="Apply to all lines"}, {x=1,y=2,class="checkbox",name="num",label="Number lines",value=nmbr}, {x=2,y=2,class="label",label=" Marker: "}, {x=0,y=1,width=4,class="edit",name="txt",value=after,hint="text only for reference"}, },{"Spaces","Tags","Marker","Skip","Cancel"},{close='Cancel'}) end if P=="Cancel" then ak() end text=text:gsub("\\N","") if P=="Spaces" then text=textreplace(text," "," \\N") end if P=="Tags" then repeat text,r=text:gsub("({\\[^}]*)}( +){(\\[^}]*})","%2%1%3") until r==0 text=text:gsub("({\\[^}]*})( +)","%2%1") text=text:gsub("(.)({\\[^}]-})","%1\\N%2") end if P=="Marker" then if mark=="" then t_error("No marker set.",1) end after=after:gsub(esc(mark),"\\N") text=stags..after end if rez.remember then applytoall=P end breakit=false nmbr=rez.num mark=rez.mark text=text:gsub("({\\[^}]*}) *\\N","\\N%1") end -- split by \N if text:match("\\N")then en=text:gsub("\\N","\n") seg={} for s in en:gmatch("[^\n]+") do s=s:gsub("( *)(%b{})$","%2%1"):gsub("^ *(.*)$","%1") table.insert(seg,s) end -- positioning with \N (supports \fs, \fscy, \an, \frz) _,poses=text:gsub("\\N","") poses=poses+1 sr=stylechk(subs, notra=detra(text) phont=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fn([^\\}]+)") if phont then sr.fontname=phont end posX,posY=text:match("\\pos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)%)") movX,movY=0,0 m1,m2,m3,m4=text:match("\\move%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)") if m1 and not posY then posX=m1 posY=m2 movX=m3-m1 movY=m4-m2 end if posY and breakit then fos=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fs(%d+)") or sr.fontsize scy=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fscy([%d%.]+)") or sr.scale_y rota=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\frz([-%d.]+)") d_ver=fos*scy/100 d_hor=0 if rota then d_hor=round(math.sin(math.rad(rota))*d_ver,2) d_ver=round(math.cos(math.rad(rota))*d_ver,2) end align=text:match("\\an(%d)") or sr.align align3=3*align postab={} if align3>20 then for p=1,poses do table.insert(postab,{posX+(p-1)*d_hor,posY+(p-1)*d_ver}) end elseif align3<10 then for p=poses,1,-1 do table.insert(postab,{posX-(p-1)*d_hor,posY-(p-1)*d_ver}) end P1,P2=postab[1][1],postab[1][2] seg[1]=seg[1]:gsub("(\\pos%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2) :gsub("(\\move%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2..","..P1+movX..","..P2+movY) else posYm=posY-(poses-1)*d_ver/2 posXm=posX-(poses-1)*d_hor/2 for p=1,poses do table.insert(postab,{posXm+(p-1)*d_hor,posYm+(p-1)*d_ver}) end P1,P2=postab[1][1],postab[1][2] seg[1]=seg[1]:gsub("(\\pos%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2) :gsub("(\\move%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2..","..P1+movX..","..P2+movY) end end -- pos by spaces/tags (\fs, \fscx, \fsp, \an, \frz) if not breakit then vis=text:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("\\N","") align=tonumber(text:match("\\an(%d)")) or sr.align valign=math.ceil(align/3) align=align%3 scx=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fscx([%d%.]+)") or sr.scale_x fsp=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fsp([%d%.]+)") if fsp then sr.spacing=tonumber(fsp) end scx=scx/100 fsize=tonumber(notra:match("^{[^}]-\\fs(%d+)")) sfs=sr.fontsize if fsize and fsize~=sfs then sfac=fsize/sfs*scx else sfac=scx end w=aegisub.text_extents(sr,vis)*sfac wtab={} stab={} for s=1,#seg do seg[s],sp=seg[s]:gsub(" *$","") ws=aegisub.text_extents(sr,seg[s]:gsub("%b{}",""))*sfac table.insert(wtab,ws) table.insert(stab,sp) end ws=aegisub.text_extents(sr," ")*sfac local klip=text:match("clip%(m ([^)]+)%)") if klip then klipos={} for x,y in klip:gmatch("([%-%d%.]+) ([%-%d%.]+)") do table.insert(klipos,{x=x,y=y}) end if #klipos<=#seg then klipos=nil end end end line2=line tags="" for it in seg[1]:gmatch(ATAG) do end tags=tags:gsub("}{","") count=0 poscount=2 for sg=2,#seg do aftern=seg[sg] t2=tags..aftern if posY and breakit then P1,P2=postab[poscount][1],postab[poscount][2] t2=t2:gsub("(\\pos%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2) :gsub("(\\move%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..P1..","..P2..","..P1+movX..","..P2+movY) elseif klipos then t2=splitbyclip(klipos,sg,t2) else t2=findpos(t2,sg) end poscount=poscount+1 if aftern:gsub("%b{}","")~="" then count=count+1 t2=tagmerge(t2):gsub(ATAG,function(tg) return duplikill(tg) end) tags="" for it in t2:gmatch(ATAG) do end tags=tags:gsub("}{","") line2.text=t2 if nmbr then if sg<10 then ef="0" else ef=sg end line2.effect=ef end subs.insert(i+count,line2) nsel=shiftsel(nsel,i,1) end end text=seg[1] if not breakit then if klipos then text=splitbyclip(klipos,1,text) else text=text:gsub("\\move","\\mpos") :gsub("(\\m?pos%()([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)",function(p,x,y) notra=detra(text) local rot=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\frz([-%d.]+)") if align==1 then xpos=x end if align==2 then xpos=x-w/2+wtab[1]/2 end if align==0 then xpos=x-w+wtab[1] end if rot then xpos,y=rotxy(rot,xpos,y) end return p..round(xpos,1)..','..y end) :gsub("\\mpos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+",function(x,y) return "\\move("..x..","..y..","..x+movX..","..y+movY end) end end line.text=text if nmbr then line.effect="01" end subs[i]=line xpos2=nil end end sel=nsel applytoall=nil nmbr=nil return sel end function splitbyclip(klipos,sg,t) px1,py1=klipos[sg].x,klipos[sg].y px2,py2=klipos[sg+1].x,klipos[sg+1].y px=(px1+px2)/2 py=(py1+py2)/2 ad=px2-px1 op=py1-py2 tang=(op/ad) ang1=math.deg(math.atan(tang)) rota=round(ang1,2) if ad<0 then rota=rota-180 end t=t:gsub("\\pos%([%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","\\pos("..px..','"\\i?clip%b()","") :gsub("(\\move%()[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+","%1"..px..","","..px+movX.."," t=addtag3("\\frz"..rota,t) if valign==1 then ann='2' elseif valign==3 then ann='8' else ann='5' end t=addtag3("\\an"..ann,t) return t end function findpos(text,sg) notra=detra(text) local rot=notra:match("^{[^}]-\\frz([-%d.]+)") text=text:gsub("\\move","\\mpos") :gsub("(\\m?pos%()([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+)",function(p,x,y) if xpos2 then x=xpos2 end if sg==2 then if align==2 then x=x-w/2+wtab[1]/2 end if align==0 then x=x-w+wtab[1] end end local space=ws if P=="Tags" and stab[sg-1]==1 then space=0 end if align==1 then xpos=round(x+wtab[sg-1]+space,2) end if align==2 then xpos=round(x+wtab[sg-1]/2+wtab[sg]/2+space,2) end if align==0 then xpos=round(x+wtab[sg]+space,2) end xpos2=xpos if rot then xpos,y=rotxy(rot,xpos,y) end return p..round(xpos,1)..','..y end) :gsub("\\mpos%(([%d.-]+),([%d.-]+),[%d.-]+,[%d.-]+",function(x,y) return "\\move("..x..","..y..","..x+movX..","..y+movY end) return text end function rotxy(rot,xpos,y) local h,Y,X h=posX-xpos Y=math.sin(math.rad(rot))*h y=round(posY+Y,1) X=math.cos(math.rad(rot))*h xpos=posX-X return xpos,y end -- reanimatools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function addtag(tag,text) text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..tag.."}") return text end function addtag2(tag,text) local tg=tag:match("\\%d?%a+") text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1"..tag.."}") :gsub(tg.."[^\\}]+([^}]-)(""[^\\}]+)","%2%1") return text end function addtag3(tg,txt) no_tf=txt:gsub("\\t%b()","") tgt=tg:match("(\\%d?%a+)[%d%-&]") val="[%d%-&]" if not tgt then tgt=tg:match("(\\%d?%a+)%b()") val="%b()" end if not tgt then tgt=tg:match("\\fn") val="" end if not tgt then t_error("adding tag '""' failed.") end if tgt:match("clip") then txt,r=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\i?clip%b()","%1" if r==0 then txt=txt:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""}") end elseif no_tf:match("^({[^}]-)"..tgt..val) then txt=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)"..tgt..val.."[^\\}]*","%1" elseif not txt:match("^{\\") then txt="{""}"..txt elseif txt:match("^{[^}]-\\t") then txt=txt:gsub("^({[^}]-)\\t","%1""\\t") else txt=txt:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1""}") end return txt end function esc(str) str=str:gsub("[%%%(%)%[%]%.%-%+%*%?%^%$]","%%%1") return str end function round(n,dec) dec=dec or 0 n=math.floor(n*10^dec+0.5)/10^dec return n end function wrap(str) return "{"..str.."}" end function detra(t) return t:gsub("\\t%b()","") end function nobra(t) return t:gsub("%b{}","") end function nobrea(t) return t:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub("\\[Nh]","") end function nobrea1(t) return t:gsub("%b{}",""):gsub(" *\\[Nh] *"," ") end function logg(m) m=m or "nil" aegisub.log("\n "..m) end function logg2(m) local lt=type(m) aegisub.log("\n >> " if lt=='table' then aegisub.log(" (#"..#m..")") if not m[1] then for k,v in pairs(m) do if type(v)=='table' then vvv='[table]' elseif type(v)=='number' then vvv=v..' (n)' elseif type(v)=='boolean' then vvv=tf(v) else vvv=v end aegisub.log("\n "..k..': '..vvv) end elseif type(m[1])=='table' then aegisub.log("\n nested table") else aegisub.log("\n {"..table.concat(m,', ').."}") end else m=tf(m) or "nil" aegisub.log("\n "..m) end end function loggtab(m) m=tf(m) or "nil" aegisub.log("\n {"..table.concat(m,';').."}") end function tagmerge(t) repeat t,r=t:gsub("({\\[^}]-)}{(\\[^}]-})","%1%2") until r==0 return t end function progress(msg) if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then ak() end aegisub.progress.title(msg) end function t_error(message,cancel) ADD({{class="label",label=message}},{"OK"},{close='OK'}) if cancel then ak() end end function tf(val) if val==true then ret="true" elseif val==false then ret="false" else ret=val end return ret end function shiftsel(sel,i,mode) if ii then sel[s]=sel[s]+1 end end end if mode==1 then table.insert(sel,i+1) end table.sort(sel) return sel end function stylechk(subs,sn) for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="style" then local st=subs[i] if then sr=st break end end end if sr==nil then t_error("Style '""' doesn't exist.",1) end return sr end function textreplace(txt,r1,r2) txt=txt:gsub("^([^{]*)",function(t) t=t:gsub(r1,r2) return t end) txt=txt:gsub("(})([^{]*)",function(b,t) t=t:gsub(r1,r2) return b..t end) return txt end function retextmod(orig,text) local v1,v2,c,t2 v1=nobrea(orig) c=0 repeat t2=textmod(orig,text) v2=nobrea(text) c=c+1 until v1==v2 or c==666 if v1~=v2 then logg("Something went wrong with the text...") logg(v1) logg(v2) end return t2 end function textmod(orig,text) if text=="" then return orig end tk={} tg={} text=text:gsub("{\\\\k0}","") text=tagmerge(text) vis=nobra(text) ltrmatches=re.find(vis,".") if not ltrmatches then logg("text: "..text..'\nvisible: '..vis) logg("If you're seeing this, something really weird is happening with the re module.\nTry this again or rescan Autoload.") end for l=1,#ltrmatches do table.insert(tk,ltrmatches[l].str) end stags=text:match(STAG) or "" text=text:gsub(STAG,"") :gsub("{[^\\}]-}","") orig=orig:gsub("{([^\\}]+)}",function(c) return wrap("\\\\"..c.."|||") end) count=0 for seq in orig:gmatch("[^{]-{%*?\\[^}]-}") do chars,as,tak=seq:match("([^{]-){(%*?)(\\[^}]-)}") pos=re.find(chars,".") if pos==nil then ps=0+count else ps=#pos+count end tgl={p=ps,t=tak,a=as} table.insert(tg,tgl) count=ps end count=0 for seq in text:gmatch("[^{]-{%*?\\[^}]-}") do chars,as,tak=seq:match("([^{]-){(%*?)(\\[^}]-)}") pos=re.find(chars,".") if pos==nil then ps=0+count else ps=#pos+count end tgl={p=ps,t=tak,a=as} table.insert(tg,tgl) count=ps end newline="" for i=1,#tk do[i] newt="" for n,t in ipairs(tg) do if t.p==i then newt=newt..t.a..t.t end end if newt~="" then newline=newline.."{""}" end end newtext=stags..newline:gsub("(|||)(\\\\)","%1}{%2"):gsub("({[^}]-)\\\\([^\\}]-)|||","{%2}%1") text=newtext:gsub("{}","") return text end function getpos(subs,text) st=nil defst=nil for g=1,#subs do if subs[g].class=="info" then local k=subs[g].key local v=subs[g].value if k=="PlayResX" then resx=v end if k=="PlayResY" then resy=v end end if resx==nil then resx=0 end if resy==nil then resy=0 end if subs[g].class=="style" then local s=subs[g] if then st=s break end if"Default" then defst=s end end if subs[g].class=="dialogue" then if defst then st=defst else t_error("Style '""' not found.\nStyle 'Default' not found. ",1) end break end end if st then acleft=st.margin_l if line.margin_l>0 then acleft=line.margin_l end acright=st.margin_r if line.margin_r>0 then acright=line.margin_r end acvert=st.margin_t if line.margin_t>0 then acvert=line.margin_t end acalign=st.align if text:match("\\an%d") then acalign=text:match("\\an(%d)") end aligntop="789" alignbot="123" aligncent="456" alignleft="147" alignright="369" alignmid="258" if alignleft:match(acalign) then horz=acleft elseif alignright:match(acalign) then horz=resx-acright elseif alignmid:match(acalign) then horz=resx/2 end if aligntop:match(acalign) then vert=acvert elseif alignbot:match(acalign) then vert=resy-acvert elseif aligncent:match(acalign) then vert=resy/2 end end if horz>0 and vert>0 then if not text:match("^{\\") then text="{\\rel}"..text end text=text:gsub("^({\\[^}]-)}","%1\\pos("..horz..","..vert..")}") :gsub("\\rel","") end return text end function trem(tags) trnsfrm="" for t in tags:gmatch("\\t%b()") do trnsfrm=trnsfrm..t end tags=tags:gsub("\\t%b()","") return tags end function cleantr(tags) trnsfrm="" zerotf="" for t in tags:gmatch("\\t%b()") do if t:match("\\t%(\\") then zerotf=zerotf..t:match("\\t%((.*)%)$") else trnsfrm=trnsfrm..t end end zerotf="\\t("..zerotf..")" tags=tags:gsub("\\t%b()",""):gsub("^({[^}]*)}","%1"..zerotf..trnsfrm.."}"):gsub("\\t%(%)","") return tags end function duplikill(tagz) local tags1={"blur","be","bord","shad","xbord","xshad","ybord","yshad","fs","fsp","fscx","fscy","frz","frx","fry","fax","fay"} local tags2={"c","2c","3c","4c","1a","2a","3a","4a","alpha"} tagz=tagz:gsub("\\t%b()",function(t) return t:gsub("\\","|") end) for i=1,#tags1 do tag=tags1[i] repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("|"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+)","%1%2") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[%d%.%-]+)","%2%1") until c==0 end tagz=tagz:gsub("\\1c&","\\c&") for i=1,#tags2 do tag=tags2[i] repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("|"..tag.."&H%x+&([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."&H%x+&)","%1%2") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\"..tag.."&H%x+&([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."&H%x+&)","%2%1") until c==0 end repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("\\fn[^\\}]+([^}]-)(\\fn[^\\}]+)","%2%1") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("(\\[ibusq])%d(.-)(%1%d)","%2%3") until c==0 repeat tagz,c=tagz:gsub("(\\an)%d(.-)(%1%d)","%3%2") until c==0 tagz=tagz:gsub("(|i?clip%(%A-%))(.-)(\\i?clip%(%A-%))","%2%3") :gsub("(\\i?clip%b())(.-)(\\i?clip%b())",function(a,b,c) if a:match("m") and c:match("m") or not a:match("m") and not c:match("m") then return b..c else return a..b..c end end) tagz=tagz:gsub("|","\\"):gsub("\\t%([^\\%)]-%)","") return tagz end function extrakill(text,o) local tags3={"pos","move","org","fad"} for i=1,#tags3 do tag=tags3[i] if o==2 then repeat text,c=text:gsub("(\\"..tag.."[^\\}]+)([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[^\\}]+)","%3%2") until c==0 else repeat text,c=text:gsub("(\\"..tag.."[^\\}]+)([^}]-)(\\"..tag.."[^\\}]+)","%1%2") until c==0 end end repeat text,c=text:gsub("(\\pos[^\\}]+)([^}]-)(\\move[^\\}]+)","%1%2") until c==0 repeat text,c=text:gsub("(\\move[^\\}]+)([^}]-)(\\pos[^\\}]+)","%1%2") until c==0 return text end function reversel(subs,sel) if then table.sort(sel,function(a,b) return a>b end) end return sel end faxhelp=[[ clip2fax calculates value for a \fax tag from the first two points of a vector clip. The clip should be in the vertical direction of the letters. The point is that however you stretch and rotate (only frz, not x and y) the letters, they will vertically always align based on the clip's direction. If the clip has 4 points, points 3-4 are used to calculate fax for the last character. If 'autogradient' is checked, a gradient by character is made. \fscx, \fscy, and \frz are supported. clip2frz switches to \frz mode instead of \fax. It calculates \frz from the first two points of a vectorial clip. Direction of text is from point 1 to point 2. If the clip has 4 points, the frz is average from 1-2 and 3-4. (Both lines must be in the same direction.) This helps when the sign is in the middle of a rectangular area where the top and bottom lines converge.]] tagsthelp=[[ "copy tags" copies start tags from first selected line to the others. "copy style with tags" copies the style as well. "copy text" copies what's after start tags from first selected line to the others. "only visible text" will exclude any inline tags and comments. "bottom up" reverses the copying so that the text or tags are taken from the last line and copied upwards.]] callhelp=[[ "copy colours" copies checked colours from first selected line to the others. Unlike Necroscopy, this can read the colours from the style when tags are missing. "copy alphas" will copy alpha values from first selected line to the others. You can copy one or the other or both. Both options will copy only the types selected. "bottom up" reverses the copying so that tags are taken from the last line and copied upwards.]] shadehelp=[[ "3D shadow" creates a 3D-effect out of a shadow by making multiple layers with different shadow sizes, using \xshad and \yshad. Shadow distance is taken from shadow tags. If there are no tags, it's taken from style.]] breakhelp=[[ Split by \N: Splits a line at each linebreak. If there's no linebreak, you can split by tags, spaces, and other things. If there is one and you want to split by tags or spaces anyway, check "split GUI". Splitting will try to keep the position of each part. \pos tag is not added when there isn't one. Supports \fs, \fscx, \fscy, \fsp, \fn, \frz (but not inline), \move, and \an. You can always expect some small inaccuracies with the positioning. You can also split by pretty much any marker you want. You can split a line|like|this and then set "|" as the marker in the GUI. Perhaps the most advanced option here is splitting by clip, which works with spaces, tags, and the marker. For a line with 5 spaces, you need a clip with 6 points. Each word (or any part between 2 markers) will be aligned to one clip segment. Check the online manual for more details on this function.]] splathelp=[[ "split line into letters" makes a new line for each letter of the text. You can set a distance, and the line will be split into letters with that distance between them. Value "1" is the normal distance. You can randomly expect about 1% inaccuracy. With a rectangular clip, the script tries to fit the text from side to side of the clip. \fscx, \fs, \frz, \fn, and \move are supported. Other rotations aren't, and line breaks get nuked. \fax is not a problem; \fay will just apply to each letter but not affect position. \frz will only work right without \org. Inline tags should work unless they have impact on the size/position.]] necrohelp=[[ Necroscopy This lets you copy almost anything from one line to others. The primary use is to copy from the first line of your selection to the others. If you need to copy to a line that's above the source line, you can click Copy with the selected things, and then use Paste Saved on the target line(s). Or you can check "bottom up" and copy from the last selected line to the others. The GUI loads data from the first selected line (not active line). Check what you want to copy from this line to the other ones in your selection. The tags on the left are start tags; on the right are inline tags. Inline tags will only be pasted to the first tag block. You can also copy Start Time, End Time, Style, Actor, Effect, and Text. If you select only one line, check some things, and click Copy, this will be saved in memory. (It's the script's memory, not clipboard, so reloading automation nukes it.) You can then select other lines and click Paste Saved, and the things in memory will be applied. You can also copy tags inside one line. So you can type an asterisk before a word, check "\blur0.8", and the blur tag will be copied there. "Copy tags after all linebreaks" copies selected tags after all linebreaks in all selected lines. This is useful when you have gradient by character and linebreaks, as it will restart after \N. [Un]hide lets you hide/unhide checked tags (by making them comments). Checked tags get hidden. If you don't check anything, whatever was hidden gets unhidden. Good for clips, for example.]] function necrohell() nekrohelp="" repeat if Pr=='clip2fax/frz' then nekrohelp=faxhelp end if Pr=='necroscopy' then nekrohelp=necrohelp end if Pr=='copy tags/text' then nekrohelp=tagsthelp end if Pr=='copy colours' then nekrohelp=callhelp end if Pr=='3D shadow' then nekrohelp=shadehelp end if Pr=='split letters' then nekrohelp=splathelp end if Pr=='split by \\N' then nekrohelp=breakhelp end Pr=aegisub.dialog.display({{width=32,height=10,class="textbox",value=nekrohelp},{x=36,height=10,class="label",label="NecrosCopy\nversion "..script_version}}, {"clip2fax/frz","necroscopy","copy tags/text","copy colours","3D shadow","split letters","split by \\N","cancel"},{close='cancel'}) until Pr=='cancel' end function necroscopy(subs,sel) ADD=aegisub.dialog.display ak=aegisub.cancel ATAG="{[*>]?\\[^}]-}" STAG="^{>?\\[^}]-}" for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="dialogue" then line0=i-1 break end end res=res or {space=1,ccol=true,cpstyle=true,c1=true,grad=true} GUI={ {x=8,y=1,width=2,class="floatedit",name="space",,hint="distance between letters"}, -- clip 2 {x=0,y=0,class="label",label="clip2fax /",}, {x=1,y=0,width=2,class="checkbox",name="frz",label="clip2frz ",hint="freeze instead of faxing"}, {x=0,y=1,width=2,class="checkbox",name="grad",label="autogradient",value=res.grad,hint="automatically gradient \\fax"}, -- copy {x=2,y=1,width=2,class="checkbox",name="bot",label="bottom up",,hint="copy from the bottom up [all copy functions]"}, {x=3,y=0,width=2,class="checkbox",name="cpstyle",label="copy style with tags ",value=res.cpstyle}, {x=4,y=1,class="checkbox",name="vis",label="only visible text",value=res.vis,hint="no inline tags/comments [copy text]"}, -- colours {x=5,y=0,class="checkbox",name="ccol",label="copy colours:",value=res.ccol}, {x=5,y=1,class="checkbox",name="alfa",label="copy alphas:",value=res.alfa}, {x=6,y=0,class="checkbox",name="c1",label="c",value=res.c1}, {x=7,y=0,class="checkbox",name="c3",label="3c :",value=res.c3}, {x=6,y=1,class="checkbox",name="c4",label="4c",value=res.c4}, {x=7,y=1,class="checkbox",name="c2",label="2c :",value=res.c2}, {x=8,y=0,width=2,class="label",label=" split text into letters"}, {x=10,y=0,width=2,height=2,class="checkbox",name="splitg",label="split\nGUI",hint="open GUI to split by spaces/tags instead"}, {x=12,y=0,class="label",label=script_name.." v"..script_version}, {x=12,y=1,class="checkbox",name="help",label="necronomicon",hint="necrohelp"}, } P,res=ADD(GUI,{"clip2fax/frz","necroscopy","copy tags","copy text","copy colours","3D shadow","split letters","split by \\N","split"},{cancel='split'}) if P=="split" then ak() end if then P='' necrohell() end if P=="clip2fax/frz" then if res.frz then frozt(subs,sel) else fucks(subs,sel) end end if P=="necroscopy" then reversel(subs,sel) necrostuff(subs,sel) end if P=="copy tags" then reversel(subs,sel) copytags(subs,sel) end if P=="copy text" then reversel(subs,sel) copytext(subs,sel) end if P=="copy clip" then reversel(subs,sel) copyclip(subs,sel) end if P=="copy colours" then reversel(subs,sel) copycolours(subs,sel) end if P=="3D shadow" then shad3(subs,sel) end if P=="split letters" then sel=space(subs,sel) end if P=="split by \\N" then sel=splitbreak(subs,sel) end return sel end if haveDepCtrl then depRec:registerMacros({ {script_name,script_description,necroscopy}, {": HELP : / NecrosCopy",script_description,necrohell}, },false) else aegisub.register_macro(script_name,script_description,necroscopy) aegisub.register_macro(": HELP : / NecrosCopy",script_description,necrohell) end