script_name="Quality Check" script_description="Quality Check" script_author="unanimated" script_version="2.9" script_namespace="ua.QC" local haveDepCtrl,DependencyControl,depRec=pcall(require,"l0.DependencyControl") if haveDepCtrl then script_version="2.9.0" depRec=DependencyControl{feed=""} end clipboard=require("aegisub.clipboard") function qc(subs,sel) sorted=0 mblur=0 layer=0 malf=0 inside=0 comment=0 dialog=0 bloped=0 contr=0 dis=0 over=0 gap=0 dspace=0 dword=0 outside=0 op=0 ed=0 sign=0 italics=0 lbreak=0 hororifix=0 zeroes=0 badita=0 dotdot=0 comfail=0 oneframe=0 trf=0 zerot=0 halfsek=0 readableh=0 unreadable=0 saurosis=0 dupli=0 negadur=0 empty=0 orgline=0 tdura=0 tlength=0 tcps=0 trilin=0 par=0 apo=0 dash=0 endash=0 rept=0 report="" styles=", " misstyles=", " fontlist="" fontable={} spacestyle="" det_2sp="" det_2p="" det_2w="" det_apo="" det_dash="" det_ita="" det_quot="" det_rpt="" longtext=nil longline=nil highcps=nil tugs1={"blur","be","bord","shad","xbord","xshad","ybord","yshad","fsp","fscx","fscy","frz","frx","fry","fax","fay"} tugs2c={"1c","2c","3c","4c"} tugs2a={"1a","2a","3a","4a","alpha"} tugs3={"pos","move","org","fad"} cont={"im","youre","hes","shes","theyre","isnt","arent","wasnt","werent","didnt","thats","heres","theres","wheres","cant","dont","wouldnt","couldnt","shouldnt","hasnt","havent","ive"} if pressed=="Clear QC" then for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="dialogue" then line=subs[i] :gsub(" ?%.%.%.timer pls","") :gsub(" ?%[time gap %d+ms%]","") :gsub(" ?%[overlap %d+ms%]","") :gsub(" ?%[negative duration%]","") :gsub(" ?%[zero time%]","") :gsub(" ?%[0 time%]","") line.effect=line.effect :gsub(" ?%[malformed tags%d?%]","") :gsub(" ?%[disjointed tags%]","") :gsub(" ?%[redundant tags%]","") :gsub(" ?%[parentheses fail%]","") :gsub(" ?%.%.%.sort by time pls","") :gsub(" ?%[doublespace%]","") :gsub(" ?%[double word.-%]","") :gsub(" ?%[repeated text%]","") :gsub(" ?%[missing apostrophe%]","") :gsub(" ?%[notanemdash%]","") :gsub(" ?%[italics fail%]","") :gsub(" ?{\\Stupid","") :gsub(" ?%[stupid contractions%]","") :gsub(" ?%-MISSING BLUR%-","") :gsub(" ?%[%.%.%]","") :gsub(" ?%[hard to read%??%]","") :gsub(" ?%[unreadable.*%]","") :gsub(" ?%[UNREADABLE!+%]","") :gsub(" ?%[under 0%.5s%]","") :gsub(" ?%[3%-liner%]","") :gsub(" ?%[\"%]","") :gsub(" ?%[%d+ cps%]","") subs[i]=line end end end if pressed==">QC" then -- make list of styles and fonts stitle,video,colorspace,resx,resy=nil styletab={} for i=1,#subs do aegisub.progress.title(string.format("Checking styles/info: %d/%d",i,#subs)) if subs[i].class=="style" then st=subs[i].name table.insert(styletab,subs[i]) if subs[i].name=="Default" then dstyleref=subs[i] end fname=subs[i].fontname if not fontlist:match(esc(fname)) then fontlist=fontlist..fname.."\n" table.insert(fontable,fname) end", " redstyles=styles if st:match("^ ") or st:match(" $") then spacestyle=spacestyle.."\"""\" " end end if subs[i].class=="info" then local k=subs[i].key local v=subs[i].value if k=="Title" then stitle=v end if k=="Video File" then video=v end if k=="YCbCr Matrix" then colorspace=v end if k=="PlayResX" then resx=v end if k=="PlayResY" then resy=v end end if video==nil then prop=aegisub.project_properties() video=prop.video_file:gsub("^.*\\","") end if subs[i].class=="dialogue" then break end end if res.distill=="" then distill="xxxxxxxx" else distill=res.distill end for x,i in ipairs(sel) do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then aegisub.cancel() end aegisub.progress.title(string.format("Checking line: %d/%d",x,#sel)) prog=math.floor(x/#sel*100) aegisub.progress.set(prog) line=subs[i] text=subs[i].text effect=line.effect if style:match("Defa") or style:match("Alt") or style:match("[Oo]verlap") or style:match(distill) then def=1 else def=0 end if style:match("^OP") or style:match("^ED") then oped=1 else oped=0 end visible=text:gsub("{\\alpha&HFF&}[^{}]-({[^}]-\\alpha&H)","%1") :gsub("{\\alpha&HFF&}[^{}]*$","") :gsub("{[^{}]-}","") :gsub("\\[Nn]","*") :gsub("%s?%*+%s?"," ") :gsub("^%s+","") :gsub("%s+$","") vis=visible if text:match("{\\alpha&HFF&}") then alfatime=1 else alfatime=0 end nocomment=text:gsub("{[^\\}]-}","") cleantxt=text:gsub("{[^}]-}","") onlytags=nocomment:gsub("}[^{]-{","}{") :gsub("}[^{]+$","}") :gsub("^[^{]+$","") parenth=onlytags:gsub("[^%(%)]","") :gsub("%(%(%)%)","") :gsub("%(%)","") start=line.start_time endt=line.end_time if i<#subs then nextline=subs[i+1] end prevline=subs[i-1] if prevline.class=="dialogue" then prevcleantxt=prevline.text:gsub("{[^}]-}","") else prevcleantxt="" end prevstart=prevline.start_time prevend=prevline.end_time dura=endt-start dur=dura/1000 char=visible:gsub(" ","") :gsub("[%.,%?!'\"—]","") linelen=char:len() rawcps=(linelen/dur) cps=math.ceil(linelen/dur) if res.cps then eff("["..cps.." cps]") end -- check if sorted by time [All lines] if res["sorted"] then if prevline.class=="dialogue" and start0 then if res.bloped then eff(" -MISSING BLUR-") mblur=mblur+1 if oped==1 then bloped=bloped+1 end else if oped==0 then eff(" -MISSING BLUR-") mblur=mblur+1 end end end -- check for malformed tags [All lines] if res["malformed"] then mlf="" if text:match("{[^}]-\\\\[^}]-}") or text:match("\\}") or text:match("{\\[^}]-&&[^}]-}") then eff(" [malformed tags]") malf=malf+1 end for i=1,#tugs1 do tag=tugs1[i] if text:match("\\"..tag) then for tak in text:gmatch("\\"..tag.."([^\\}%)]-)[\\}%)]") do if not tak:match("^%-?%d[%d%.]-$") and tak~="" then eff(" [malformed tags1]") malf=malf+1 mlf=mlf.." \\"..tag..tak end end end end for i=1,#tugs2c do tag=tugs2c[i] if text:match("\\"..tag) then for tak in text:gmatch("\\"..tag.."([^\\}%)]-)[\\}%)]") do if not tak:match("^&H%x%x%x%x%x%x&$") and tak~="" then eff(" [malformed tags2]") malf=malf+1 mlf=mlf.." \\"..tag..tak end end end end if text:match("\\c&") then for tak in text:gmatch("\\c([^\\}%)]-)[\\}%)]") do if not tak:match("^&H%x%x%x%x%x%x&$") and not tak:match("lip") and tak~="" then eff(" [malformed tags2]") malf=malf+1 mlf=mlf.." \\"..tag..tak end end end for i=1,#tugs2a do tag=tugs2a[i] if text:match("\\"..tag) then for tak in text:gmatch("\\"..tag.."([^\\}%)]-)[\\}%)]") do if not tak:match("^&H%x%x&$") and tak~="" then eff(" [malformed tags2]") malf=malf+1 mlf=mlf.." \\"..tag..tak end end end end for i=1,#tugs3 do tag=tugs3[i] if text:match("\\"..tag) then for tak in text:gmatch("\\"..tag.."([^\\}]-)[\\}]") do if tag=="fad" then tak=tak:gsub("^e%(","(") end if not tak:match("^%([%d%.,%-]-%)$") or not tak:match(",") then eff(" [malformed tags3]") malf=malf+1 mlf=mlf.." \\"..tag..tak end end end end if parenth~="" then eff(" [parentheses fail]") par=par+1 end -- check for fucked up comments [All lines] if visible:match("[{}]") or text:match("}[^{]-}") or text:match("{[^}]-{") then comfail=comfail+1 eff(" {\\Stupid") end end -- check for disjointed tags [All lines] if res["disjointed"] then if text:match("{\\[^}]*}{\\[^}]*}") and not text:match("}{\\k") then eff(" [disjointed tags]") dis=dis+1 end end -- check for overlaps and gaps [Default] if res["overlap"] and actor~="qcd" then if prevline.class=="dialogue" and style:match("Defa") and"Defa") and text:match("\\an8")==nil and prevline.text:match("\\an8")==nil and prevline.comment==false then if startprevend and start-prevend<250 then actor=actor.." [time gap "..start-prevend.."ms]" gap=gap+1 if start-prevend<100 then actor=actor.." ...timer pls" end end if endt==start and endt>0 and visible~="" then actor=actor.." [zero time]" zerot=zerot+1 end if endtvidth and not cleantxt:match("\\N") then if text:match("^{[^}]*\\i1") and not text:match("\\i0") then styleref.italic=true end tekst="\\N"..cleantxt diff=3000 stop=0 while stop==0 do last=btxt lastwb=wb or 0 lastwa=wa or 0 tekst=tekst:gsub("\\N([^%s{}]+%s)","%1\\N") btxt=tekst:gsub(" \\N","\\N") bspace=btxt:match("^(.-)\\N") aspace=btxt:match("\\N(.-)$") wb=aegisub.text_extents(styleref,bspace) wa=aegisub.text_extents(styleref,aspace) tdiff=math.abs(wb-wa) if tdiff=vidth or lastwa>=vidth then trilin=trilin+1 eff(" [3-liner]") end end if cleantxt:match("\\N") then btxt=cleantxt if text:match("^{[^}]*\\i1") and not text:match("\\i0") then styleref.italic=true end bspace=btxt:match("^(.-)\\N") aspace=btxt:match("\\N(.-)$") wb=aegisub.text_extents(styleref,bspace) wa=aegisub.text_extents(styleref,aspace) if wb>=vidth or wa>=vidth then trilin=trilin+1 eff(" [3-liner]") end end end -- check for double spaces/periods in dialogue [Dialogue] if res["doublespace"] and def==1 then if visible:match("%s%s") then eff(" [doublespace]") dspace=dspace+1 det_2sp=det_2sp..vis.."\n" end if visible:match("[^%.]%.%.[^%.]") or visible:match("[^%.]%.%.$") then eff(" [..]") dotdot=dotdot+1 det_2p=det_2p..vis.."\n" end end -- check for double words [Dialogue] if res["doubleword"] and def==1 then visible2w=visible.."." for derp in visible2w:gmatch("%s?([%w%s\']+)[%p]") do derp2=derp:gsub("^[%a\']+","") for a,b in derp:gmatch("([%a\']+)%s([%a\']+)") do if a==b and not a:match("^%u") and a~="had" then eff(" [double word: "..a.."]") dword=dword+1 det_2w=det_2w..vis.."\n" end end for a,b in derp2:gmatch("([%a\']+)%s([%a\']+)") do if a==b and not a:match("^%u") and a~="had" then eff(" [double word: "..a.."]") dword=dword+1 det_2w=det_2w..vis.."\n" end end end end -- check for repeated text [Dialogue] if res.repetxt and def==1 then if lastext==text and i==lasti+1 then rept=rept+1 eff(" [repeated text]") det_rpt=det_rpt..text.." ["..x.."]\n" end lastext=text lasti=i end -- check for bad italics - {\i1} {\i1} if res.failita and not text:match("\\r") then itafail=0 itl="" for it in text:gmatch("\\i([01]?)[\\}]") do if it=="" then styleref=stylechk( if styleref.italics then it="1" else it="0" end end end if itl:match("11") or itl:match("00") then itafail=1 end if itafail==1 then eff(" [italics fail]") itatxt=text:gsub("\\[^i][^\\}]+","") :gsub("\\iclip%([^%)]+%)","") :gsub("{%*?}","") badita=badita+1 det_ita=det_ita..itatxt.."\n" end end -- check readability (some sentences are much harder to read than others, so don't take this too seriously, but over 25 is probably bad.) ll=linelen ra=0 if and def==1 and dura>50 and alfatime==0 and prevcleantxt~=cleantxt then -- these could use rephrasing if possible if cps==23 and ll>60 then eff(" [hard to read?]") ra=1 end if cps>23 and cps<=26 then if ll>25 and ll<100 then eff(" [hard to read?]") ra=1 end if ll>=100 then eff(" [hard to read]") ra=1 end end if cps>26 and cps<30 and ll<=30 then eff(" [hard to read?]") ra=1 end end if res.noread and def==1 and dura>50 and alfatime==0 and prevcleantxt~=cleantxt then -- from here on, it's bad. rephrase/retime if cps>26 and cps<30 then if ll>30 and ll<=60 then eff(" [unreadable]") ra=2 end if ll>60 then eff(" [unreadable!]") ra=2 end end if cps>=30 and cps<=35 then if ll<=30 then eff(" [unreadable]") ra=2 end if ll>30 and ll<=60 then eff(" [unreadable!]") ra=2 end if ll>60 then eff(" [unreadable!!]") ra=2 end end if cps>35 then eff(" [UNREADABLE!!]") ra=2 end -- timer and editor need to be punched end if ra==1 then readableh=readableh+1 end if ra==2 then unreadable=unreadable+1 end -- check for periods/commas inside/outside quotation marks [All lines] if res.quo or res.quot then if not visible:match("^\"[^\"]+\"$") and not visible:match("^[^\"]+[%.%?!]%s\"%u[^\"]+\"$") then if visible:match("[^%.][%.,]\"") then inside=inside+1 det_quot=det_quot..vis.."\n" if res.quot then eff(" [\"]") end end if visible:match("\"[%.,][^%.]") or visible:match("\"[%.,]$") then outside=outside+1 det_quot=det_quot..vis.."\n" if res.quot then eff(" [\"]") end end end end -- check for redundant tags [All lines] if res.redundant then dup=0 tags1={"blur","be","bord","shad","fs","fsp","fscx","fscy","frz","frx","fry","fax","fay","c","2c","3c","4c","1a","2a","3a","4a","alpha"} for tax in text:gmatch("({\\[^}]-})") do for i=1,#tags1 do tag=tags1[i] if not tax:match("\\t") and tax:match("\\"..tag.."[%d%-&][^}]-\\"..tag.."[%d%-&]") then dup=1 end end end if text:match("{\\[^}]-}$") then dup=1 end if dup==1 then dupli=dupli+1 eff(" [redundant tags]") end end -- lines under 0.5s [Dialogue] if res.halfsec and def==1 and visible~="" and ll>8 and prevcleantxt~=cleantxt then if dura<500 and dura>50 then halfsek=halfsek+1 eff(" [under 0.5s]") end end -- Hdr request against jdpsetting [All lines] if text:match("{\\an8\\bord[%d%.]+\\pos%([%d%.%,]*%)}") then actor=" What are you doing..." end if visible:match("embarass") then eff(" how embarrassing") end if visible:match(" a women ") then eff(" a what?") end if visible:match("'ve have") then eff(" Now you've have done it!") end if visible:match(" the my ") or visible:match(" the h[ei][rs] ") then eff(" the what?") end -- retarded / pointless contractions that sound the same as not contracted / are unpronounceable if visible:match("[wt]here're") or visible:match("this'[sd]") or visible:match("when'[drv]") or visible:match("guys'[rv]e") or visible:match("ll've") then contr=contr+1 eff(" [stupid contractions]") end -- missing apostrophes if res.apo then context=" "..visible:lower().." " context=context:gsub("[%.,%?!\"]","") for c=1,#cont do local word=cont[c] if context:match(" "..word.." ") then eff(" [missing apostrophe]") apo=apo+1 det_apo=det_apo..vis.."\n" end end end -- messed up em dashes if res.mdash and def==1 then if visible:match("%-$") then eff(" [notanemdash]") dash=dash+1 det_dash=det_dash..vis.."\n" end if visible:match("%–$") then eff(" [notanemdash]") endash=endash+1 det_dash=det_dash..vis.."\n" end end -- count OP lines if style:match("^OP") then op=op+1 end -- count ED lines if style:match("^ED") then ed=ed+1 end -- count what's probably signs if def==0 and oped==0 then sign=sign+1 end -- count linebreaks in dialogue if res["lbreax"] and def==1 and nocomment:match("\\N") then lbreak=lbreak+1 end -- count lines with italics if res["italix"] and def==1 and text:match("\\i1") then italics=italics+1 end -- count honorifics [Dialogue] if res["honorifix"] and def==1 then if visible:match("%a%-san[^%a]") or visible:match("%a%-kun[^%a]") or visible:match("%a%-chan[^%a]") or visible:match("%a%-sama[^%a]") or visible:match("%a%-se[mn]pai") or visible:match("%a%-dono") or visible:match("%a%-sensei") then hororifix=hororifix+1 end end -- count lines with 0 time [All lines] if res["zero"] then if endt==start then zeroes=zeroes+1 actor=actor.." [0 time]" end end -- check for missing styles [All lines] sty=esc(style) if res.mistyle and not styles:match(", "..sty..",") and not misstyles:match(", "..sty..",") then", " end -- list unused styles [All lines] if res.uselesstyle then --aegisub.log("\nsty "..sty) if redstyles:match("^"..sty..",") or redstyles:match(", "..sty..",") then redstyles=redstyles:gsub("^"..sty..", ","") redstyles=redstyles:gsub(", "..sty..", ",", ") end end -- collect font names [All lines] if res.fontcheck and text:match("\\fn") then for fontname in text:gmatch("\\fn([^}\\]+)") do fname=esc(fontname) if not fontlist:match(fname) then fontlist=fontlist..fontname.."\n" table.insert(fontable,fontname) end end end -- count dialogue lines if def==1 then dialog=dialog+1 end -- count lines lasting 1 frame if dura<=50 and dura>0 then oneframe=oneframe+1 end -- longest dialogue line: characters if def==1 and linelen>tlength and not text:match("^{[^}]-\\p[1-9]") then tlength=linelen longtext=visible end if longtext==nil then longtext="[No dialogue lines with text]" tlength=0 end -- longest dialogue line: duration if def==1 and visible~="" and dura>tdura then tdura=dura ldura=dura/1000 longline=visible end if longline==nil then longline="[No dialogue lines with text]" ldura=0 end -- dialogue line with highest CPS if def==1 and dura>50 and alfatime==0 and prevcleantxt~=cleantxt and rawcps>tcps and not text:match("^{[^}]-\\p[1-9]") then tcps=cps highcps=visible cpstime=dura/1000 end if highcps==nil then highcps="[No dialogue lines with text]" tcps=0 cpstime=0 end -- lines with transforms if text:match("\\t%(") then trf=trf+1 end -- lines with \org if text:match("\\org%(") then orgline=orgline+1 end -- empty lines if text=="" then empty=empty+1 end end -- count commented lines if line.comment==true then comment=comment+1 end -- faggosaurosis count if res.sauro then saureff=effect:gsub(" %[\"%]","") :gsub("%s?%[%d+ cps%]","") lsaureff=line.effect:gsub(" %[\"%]","") :gsub("%s?%[%d+ cps%]","") if lsaureff~=saureff or then saurosis=saurosis+1 end end line.effect=effect line.text=text subs[i]=line end aegisub.progress.title("Processing data...") if stitle~=nil then report=report.."Script Title: "..stitle.."\n" end if video~=nil then report=report.."Video File: ""\n" end if colorspace~=nil then report=report.."Colorspace: "..colorspace.."\n" end if resx~=nil then report=report.."Script Resolution: "..resx.."x"..resy.."\n\n" end exportfonts="" table.sort(fontable) for f=1,#fontable do exportfonts=exportfonts..fontable[f]..", " end exportfonts=exportfonts:gsub(", $","") redstyles=redstyles:gsub(", $","") if #sel==1 then report=report.."Selection: "..#sel.." line, " else report=report.."Selection: "..#sel.." lines, " mlf="" end report=report.."Commented: "..comment.."\n" report=report.."Dialogue: "..dialog..", OP: "..op..", ED: "..ed..", TS: "..sign.."\n\n" if res["lbreax"] then report=report.."Dialogue lines with linebreaks... "..lbreak.."\n" end if res["italix"] then report=report.."Dialogue lines with italics tag... "..italics.."\n" end if res["honorifix"] then report=report.."Honorifics found... "..hororifix.."\n" end if res["zero"] then report=report.."Lines with zero time... "..zeroes.."\n" end if res["empty"] then report=report.."Empty lines... "..empty.."\n" end if res["oneframe"] then report=report.."Lines lasting one frame... "..oneframe.."\n" end if res["transline"] then report=report.."Lines with transforms... "..trf.."\n" end if res["orgline"] then report=report.."Lines with \\org... "..orgline.."\n" end if res["longtext"] then report=report.."Dialogue line with longest text:\n \""..longtext.."\" - "..tlength.." characters\n" end if res["longline"] then report=report.."Dialogue line with longest duration:\n \""..longline.."\" - "..ldura.."s\n" end if res["highcps"] then report=report.."Dialogue line with highest CPS:\n \""..highcps.."\" - "..tcps.." CPS / "..cpstime.."s\n" end if res["uselesstyle"] and redstyles~="" then report=report.."\nRedundant (unused) styles: "..redstyles.."\n" end if res["fontcheck"] then report=report.."\nUsed fonts ("..#fontable.."): "..exportfonts.."\n" end report=report.."\n\n---------------- PROBLEMS FOUND ----------------\n\n" if sorted==1 then report=report.."NOT SORTED BY TIME.\n" end if colorspace=="TV.601" then report=report.."COLORSPACE IS TV.601. Use TV.709 or Daiz will haunt you!\n" end if misstyles~=", " then misstyles=misstyles:gsub("^, ",""):gsub(", $","") report=report.."MISSING STYLES: "..misstyles.."\n" end if spacestyle~="" then report=report.."Styles with a leading/trailing space: "..spacestyle.."\n" end if mblur~=0 then report=report.."Non-dialogue lines with missing blur... "..mblur.."\n" end if bloped~=0 then report=report.."Out of those OP/ED... "..bloped.."\n" end if malf~=0 then report=report.."Malformed tags found... "..malf.." "..mlf.."\n" end if dis~=0 then report=report.."Lines with disjointed tags... "..dis.."\n" end if dupli~=0 then report=report.."Lines with redundant tags... "..dupli.."\n" end if par~=0 then report=report.."Parentheses fail... "..par.."\n" end if trilin~=0 then report=report.."THREE-LINERS... "..trilin.."\n" end if over~=0 then report=report.."Suspicious timing overlaps... "..over.."\n" end if gap>9 then gapu=" -- Timer a shit" else gapu="" end if gap~=0 then report=report.."Suspicious gaps in timing (under 250ms)... ""\n" end if zerot~=0 then report=report.."Lines with text but zero time... "..zerot.."\n" end if negadur~=0 then report=report.."Lines with negative duration... "..negadur.."\n" end if dspace~=0 then report=report.."Dialogue lines with double spaces... "..dspace.."\n" end if dword~=0 then report=report.."Dialogue lines with a double word... "..dword.."\n" end if dotdot~=0 then report=report.."Dialogue lines with double periods... "..dotdot.."\n" end if rept~=0 then report=report.."Dialogue lines with repeated text... "..rept.."\n" end if apo~=0 then report=report.."Missing apostrophes... "..apo.."\n" end if dash~=0 then report=report.."Regular dashes at the end of line... "..dash.."\n" end if endash~=0 then report=report.."En-dashes at the end of line... "..endash.."\n" end if halfsek~=0 then report=report.."Dialogue lines under 0.5s... "..halfsek.."\n" end if readableh~=0 then report=report.."Lines that may be hard to read... "..readableh.."\n" end if unreadable>9 then unrdbl=" -- Editor a shit" else unrdbl="" end if unreadable~=0 then report=report.."Lines that may be impossible to read and should be edited or retimed... "..unreadable..unrdbl.."\n" end if badita~=0 then report=report.."Lines with bad italics... "..badita.."\n" end if contr~=0 then report=report.."Stupid / pointless contractions... "..contr.."\n" end if comfail~=0 then report=report.."Fucked up braces... "..comfail.."\n" end if inside~=0 and outside~=0 then report=report.."Comma/period inside quotation marks... "..inside.."\n" report=report.."Comma/period outside quotation marks... "..outside.."\n" end if saurosis>0 and saurosis<100 then report=report.."Total lines with faggosaurosis... "..saurosis.."\n" end if saurosis>99 and saurosis<500 then report=report.."Total lines with faggosaurosis... "..saurosis.." -- You're doing it wrong!\n" end if saurosis>499 then report=report.."Total lines with faggosaurosis... "..saurosis.." -- WARNING: YOUR FAGGOSAUROSIS LEVELS ARE TOO HIGH!\n" end if layer~=0 and sign ~=0 and #sel>dialog then report=report.."Dialogue may overlap with TS. Set to higher layer to avoid.\n" end if sorted==0 and mblur==0 and malf==0 and dis==0 and par==0 and over==0 and gap==0 and dspace==0 and apo==0 and dotdot==0 and badita==0 and comfail==0 and unreadable==0 and misstyles==", " and spacestyle=="" and colorspace~="TV.601" then report=report.."\nCongratulations. No serious problems found." else if saurosis<500 then report=report.."\nPlease fix the problems and try again." end if saurosis>499 then report=report.."\nWHAT ARE YOU DOING?! FIX THAT SHIT, AND DON'T FUCK IT UP AGAIN NEXT TIME!" end end brcount=0 for brk in report:gmatch("\n") do brcount=brcount+1 end aegisub.progress.title("Done") reportdialog= {{x=0,y=0,width=50,height=1,class="label",label="Text to export:"}, {x=0,y=1,width=50,height=brcount/2+6,class="textbox",name="copytext",value=report},} pressd,rez=aegisub.dialog.display(reportdialog,{"OK","Copy to clipboard","More Details","Cancel"},{ok='OK',close='Cancel'}) if pressd=="Copy to clipboard" then clipboard.set(report) end if pressd=="Cancel" then aegisub.cancel() end if pressd=="More Details" then dlist=details() detailog={{x=0,y=0,width=50,height=18,class="textbox",name="detlog",value=dlist}} pres=aegisub.dialog.display(detailog,{"OK","Cancel"},{ok='OK',close='Cancel'}) if pres=="Cancel" then aegisub.cancel() end end end end function details() detailist="" if det_2sp~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Double Spaces +\n\n"..det_2sp.."\n\n" end if det_2p~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Double Periods +\n\n"..det_2p.."\n\n" end if det_2w~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Double Words +\n\n"..det_2w.."\n\n" end if det_apo~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Missing Apostrophes +\n\n"..det_apo.."\n\n" end if det_dash~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Messed up em-dashes +\n\n"..det_dash.."\n\n" end if det_ita~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Bad Italics +\n\n"..det_ita.."\n\n" end if det_quot~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Commas/periods around quotation marks:\n\n"..det_quot.."\n\n" end if det_rpt~="" then detailist=detailist.."+ Repeated text:\n\n"..det_rpt.."\n\n" end if detailist=="" then detailist="Nothing to report." end return detailist end function dial5(subs) for i=1,#subs do if subs[i].class=="dialogue" then line=subs[i] if"Defa") or"Alt") or"Main") then if line.layer<5 then line.layer=line.layer+5 end end subs[i]=line end end end function stylechk(sn) for i=1,#styletab do if sn==styletab[i].name then sr=styletab[i] if styletab[i].name=="Default" then defaref=styletab[i] end end end if sr==nil then t_error("Style '""' doesn't exist.",1) end return sr end function eff(x) effect=effect..x end function esc(str) str=str:gsub("[%%%(%)%[%]%.%-%+%*%?%^%$]","%%%1") return str end qderp={"Fuck this","Yeah, no","pls no","Get out","QC my ass","Derp","Shut up","nope.avi",". . .","???","No, wait...","button"} function konfig(subs,sel) qr=math.random(1,#qderp) qcgui={ {x=1,y=0,width=1,class="label",label="Note: Dialogue styles must match 'Defa' or 'Alt' or: "}, {x=2,y=0,width=1,class="edit",name="distill",}, {x=3,y=0,width=1,class="label",label=" QC Version:"..script_version}, {x=1,y=1,width=1,class="label",label="Analysis [applies to SELECTED lines]:" }, {x=1,y=2,width=1,class="checkbox",name="sorted",label="Check if sorted by time",value=false}, {x=1,y=3,width=1,class="checkbox",name="blur",label="Check for missing blur in signs",value=true}, {x=1,y=4,width=1,class="checkbox",name="bloped",label="Check for missing blur in OP/ED",value=true}, {x=1,y=5,width=1,class="checkbox",name="overlap",label="Check for overlaps / gaps / zero-time lines",value=true}, {x=1,y=6,width=1,class="checkbox",name="malformed",label="Check for malformed tags - \\blur.5, \\alphaFF, \\\\",value=true}, {x=1,y=7,width=1,class="checkbox",name="disjointed",label="Check for disjointed tags - {\\tags...}{\\tags...}",value=true}, {x=1,y=8,width=1,class="checkbox",name="doublespace",label="Check for double spaces/periods in dialogue",value=true}, {x=1,y=9,width=1,class="checkbox",name="doubleword",label="Check for double words in dialogue",value=true}, {x=1,y=10,width=1,class="checkbox",name="apo",label="Check for missing apostrophes",value=true}, {x=1,y=11,width=1,class="checkbox",name="mdash",label="Check for messed up em-dashes",value=true}, {x=1,y=12,width=1,class="checkbox",name="tril",label="Check for three-liners (slowish, needs video res)",value=true}, {x=1,y=13,width=1,class="checkbox",name="read",label="Check for hard-to-read lines",value=true}, {x=1,y=14,width=1,class="checkbox",name="noread",label="Check for unreadable lines",value=true}, {x=1,y=15,width=1,class="checkbox",name="halfsec",label="Check for dialogue lines under 0.5s",value=true,hint="but over 1 frame and over 8 characters"}, {x=1,y=16,width=1,class="checkbox",name="redundant",label="Check for redundant tags",value=true}, {x=1,y=17,width=1,class="checkbox",name="failita",label="Check for bad italics",value=true}, {x=1,y=18,width=1,class="checkbox",name="repetxt",label="Check for repeated text",value=false}, {x=1,y=19,width=1,class="checkbox",name="dlayer",label="Check dialogue layer",value=true}, {x=1,y=20,width=1,class="checkbox",name="mistyle",label="Check for missing/misnamed styles",value=true}, {x=1,y=21,width=1,class="checkbox",name="quo",label="Check commas/periods around quotation marks",value=true}, {x=2,y=1,width=2,class="label",label="More useless statistics..."}, {x=2,y=2,width=2,class="checkbox",name="italix",label="Count dialogue lines with italics tag",value=false}, {x=2,y=3,width=2,class="checkbox",name="lbreax",label="Count dialogue lines with linebreaks",value=false}, {x=2,y=4,width=2,class="checkbox",name="honorifix",label="Count honorifics (-san, -kun, -chan)",value=false}, {x=2,y=5,width=2,class="checkbox",name="zero",label="Count lines with 0 time",value=false}, {x=2,y=6,width=2,class="checkbox",name="empty",label="Count empty lines",value=false}, {x=2,y=7,width=2,class="checkbox",name="oneframe",label="Count lines that last 1 frame",value=false}, {x=2,y=8,width=2,class="checkbox",name="transline",label="Count lines with transforms",value=false}, {x=2,y=9,width=2,class="checkbox",name="orgline",label="Count lines with \\org",value=false}, {x=2,y=10,width=2,class="checkbox",name="longtext",label="Line with longest text",value=true}, {x=2,y=11,width=2,class="checkbox",name="longline",label="Line with longest duration",value=true}, {x=2,y=12,width=2,class="checkbox",name="highcps",label="Line with highest CPS",value=true}, {x=2,y=13,width=2,class="checkbox",name="cps",label="Write CPS",value=false}, {x=2,y=14,width=2,class="checkbox",name="quot",label="Mark lines with in/out quotation marks",value=false}, {x=2,y=15,width=2,class="checkbox",name="fontcheck",label="List used fonts",value=false}, {x=2,y=16,width=2,class="checkbox",name="uselesstyle",label="List unused styles",value=false}, {x=2,y=17,width=2,class="checkbox",name="sauro",label="Count lines with faggosaurosis",value=true}, {x=1,y=22,width=2,class="label",label=""}, {x=1,y=23,width=3,class="label",label="This is to help you spot mistakes. If you're using this INSTEAD of QC, you're dumb."}, } buttons={">QC","Clear QC","Dial 5","Check all","Uncheck",qderp[qr]} repeat if pressed=="Check all" or pressed=="Uncheck" then for key,val in ipairs(qcgui) do if val.class=="checkbox" then if pressed=="Check all" then val.value=true end if pressed=="Uncheck" then val.value=false end end end end pressed,res=aegisub.dialog.display(qcgui,buttons,{ok='>QC',cancel=qderp[qr]}) until pressed~="Check all" and pressed~="Uncheck" if pressed==">QC" or pressed=="Clear QC" then qc(subs,sel) end if pressed=="Dial 5" then dial5(subs) end if pressed==qderp[qr] then aegisub.cancel() end end function kyuusii(subs,sel) konfig(subs,sel) aegisub.set_undo_point(script_name) return sel end if haveDepCtrl then depRec:registerMacro(kyuusii) else aegisub.register_macro(script_name,script_description,kyuusii) end