[ { "id": "AssetRepoManager", "type": "extension", "name": "Asset Repo Manager", "description": "Manage additional asset repositories. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-AssetRepoManager" }, { "id": "AutoFocus", "type": "extension", "name": "Auto Focus", "description": "Automatically give focus to chat input when starting to type. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-AutoFocus" }, { "id": "BackupsBrowser", "type": "extension", "name": "Backups Browser", "description": "Browse and restore your chat backups from within SillyTavern. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-BackupsBrowser" }, { "id": "ChangeMessageName", "type": "extension", "name": "ChangeMessageName", "description": "Click on the name on a chat message to change it. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-ChangeMessageName" }, { "id": "CharSwitch", "type": "extension", "name": "Char Switch", "description": "Right-Click on Character Panel to quick-switch characters! H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-CharSwitch" }, { "id": "ChatChat", "type": "extension", "name": "ChatChat", "description": "UNSTABLE, BETA release. Chat about your ongoing chat! H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-ChatChat" }, { "id": "Codex", "type": "extension", "name": "Codex", "description": "Requires File Explorer extension and Files plugin. Allows highlighting WI entries in Chat, creating clickable maps, and more. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-Codex" }, { "id": "CssSnippets", "type": "extension", "name": "CSS Snippet Manager", "description": "Adds a UI to manage custom CSS snippets. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-CssSnippets" }, { "id": "CustomCodeLanguages", "type": "extension", "name": "Custom Code Languages", "description": "Provides slash commands to add custom languages (syntax highlighting) to the codeblocks shown in chat messages. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-CustomCodeLanguages" }, { "id": "CustomTitle", "type": "extension", "name": "Custom Title", "description": "Add slash command to set a custom title for the SillyTavern tab / window. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-CustomTitle" }, { "id": "DiscordHomeLink", "type": "extension", "name": "Home Link Button", "description": "When using the Discord Inspired Theme, click on the SillyTavern logo to go back to the landing page. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-DiscordHomeLink" }, { "id": "Export-HTML", "type": "extension", "name": "Export HTML", "description": "Export chat history as an HTML document. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-Export-HTML" }, { "id": "External-Editor", "type": "extension", "name": "External Editor", "description": "Open any textarea in your local text editor. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-ExternalEditor" }, { "id": "Favicon", "type": "extension", "name": "Favicon", "description": "Custom favicons. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-Favicon" }, { "id": "FileExplorer", "type": "extension", "name": "File Explorer", "description": "File Explorer to browse and pick files from SillyTavern directories. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-FileExplorer" }, { "id": "GetContext", "type": "extension", "name": "Get ST App-Context", "description": "Access ST App context in STscripts. Open your browser's dev tools (F12) to see what data is available. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-GetContext" }, { "id": "GroupExpressions", "type": "extension", "name": "Group Expressions", "description": "Enable multiple expression sprites in Group Chats", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-GroupExpressions" }, { "id": "InputHistory", "type": "extension", "name": "Input History", "description": "Use Alt+Up or Alt+Down in the input box to go through your last inputs and /commands. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-InputHistory" }, { "id": "LandingPage", "type": "extension", "name": "Landing Page", "description": "Customize the ST Landing page. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-LandingPage" }, { "id": "LALib", "type": "extension", "name": "LALib", "description": "Library of helpful STScript commands for SillyTavern. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-LALib" }, { "id": "LocalStorageHelper", "type": "extension", "name": "Local Storage Helper", "description": "A quick way to export and import your browser's localStorage. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-LocalStorageHelper" }, { "id": "LogoutButton", "type": "extension", "name": "LogoutButton", "description": "Adds a logout button to the top menu. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-LogoutButton" }, { "id": "MessageActions", "type": "extension", "name": "Message Actions", "description": "Execute Quick Replies on specific messages. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-MessageActions" }, { "id": "MessageInteractivity", "type": "extension", "name": "Message Interactivity", "description": "Adds some macros for interacting with messages when they are first rendered. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-MessageInteractivity" }, { "id": "MessageVariables", "type": "extension", "name": "Message Variables", "description": "Adds Variables specific to a message and swipe. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-MessageVariables" }, { "id": "MoreFlexibleContinues", "type": "extension", "name": "More Flexible Continues", "description": "More flexibility for continues. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-MoreFlexibleContinues" }, { "id": "NavigateChat", "type": "extension", "name": "Navigate Chat", "description": "Adds slash commands to help \"replay\" a chat. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-NavigateChat" }, { "id": "QuickBranchSwitch", "type": "extension", "name": "Quick Branch Switch", "description": "Quickly switch between branches of a conversation. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-QuickBranchSwitch" }, { "id": "QuickReplyanager", "type": "extension", "name": "QuickReply Manager", "description": "Quickly reply manager. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-QuickReplyManager" }, { "id": "SendButton", "type": "extension", "name": "Send Button", "description": "Custom send buttons! H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-SendButton" }, { "id": "StreamRegex", "type": "extension", "name": "StreamRegex", "description": "Register regex that trigger Quick Replies through automation IDs during response streaming.. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-StreamRegex" }, { "id": "TravelScreen", "type": "extension", "name": "Travel Screen", "description": "Trigger an animated line travelling to checkpoints over an image, and set it to music! H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-TravelScreen" }, { "id": "TriggerCards", "type": "extension", "name": "Trigger Cards", "description": "Displays small interactive portraits of all group chat members on top of the chat input bar. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-TriggerCards" }, { "id": "Tooltips", "type": "extension", "name": "Tooltips", "description": "Show tooltips immediately. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-Tooltips" }, { "id": "Variable-Viewer", "type": "extension", "name": "Variable Viewer", "description": "Displays local and global variables in a window. Helpful while working on ST scripts. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-Variable-Viewer" }, { "id": "VideoBackgrounds", "type": "extension", "name": "Video Backgrounds", "description": "A slightly hacky way to use video backgrounds in SillyTavern. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-VideoBackgrounds" }, { "id": "WordFrequency", "type": "extension", "name": "Word Frequency", "description": "A nice graph of frequently occuring words in your chat so far. H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-WordFrequency" }, { "id": "WorldInfoPresets", "type": "extension", "name": "WorldInfo Presets", "description": "Presets for multiple active WI books", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-WorldInfoPresets" }, { "id": "WorldInfoSwitch", "type": "extension", "name": "WorldInfo Switch", "description": "Right click on World Info icon to quick-toggle lorebooks and entries! H A I L Lenny.", "url": "https://github.com/LenAnderson/SillyTavern-WorldInfoSwitch" } ]