#!/bin/bash #This script monitors server load and memory usage for every 10 seconds and sends notification to telegram in case of high usage. #Include telegram chat id and bot token ID here chat_id="" token="" host=$HOSTNAME ip=($(hostname -I)) #Temporary files to store data resource_usage_info=/tmp/resource_usage_${host}.txt msg_caption=/tmp/telegram_msg_caption.txt #Set threshold levels for memory usage and load here. If the usage exceeds these values, the notification will be sent. mem_threshold=80 #Should be interger. This is in percentage load_threshold=$(nproc) #Should be integer. Usually total number of cores. #Telegram API to send notificaiton. function telegram_send { curl -s -F chat_id=$chat_id -F parse_mode=markdown -F document=@$resource_usage_info -F caption="$caption" https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/sendDocument > /dev/null 2&>1 } #Monitoring Load on the server while : do min_load=$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d . -f1) if [ $min_load -ge $load_threshold ] then echo -e "⚠️High CPU usage detected⚠️\n🖥$(hostname)\n🌎$ip\n⏱$(uptime)\n#CPU" > $msg_caption echo -e "CPU usage report from $(hostname)\nServer Time : $(date +"%d%b%Y %T")\n\n\$uptime\n$(uptime)\n\n%CPU %MEM USER\tCMD" > $resource_usage_info ps -eo pcpu,pmem,user,cmd | sed '1d' | sort -nr >> $resource_usage_info caption=$(<$msg_caption) telegram_send rm -f $resource_usage_info rm -f $msg_caption sleep 60 #stop executing script for 15 minutes fi sleep 10 #Monitoring Memory usage on the server mem=$(free -m) mem_usage=$(echo "$mem" | awk 'NR==2{printf "%i\n", ($3*100/$2)}') if [ $mem_usage -gt $mem_threshold ] then echo -e "⚠️High Memory usage detected⚠️\n🖥$(hostname)\n🌎$ip\n🔸$(echo $mem_usage% memory usage)\n#RAM" > $msg_caption echo -e "Memory consumption Report from $(hostname)\nServer Time : $(date +"%d%b%Y %T")\n\n\$free -m output\n$mem\n\n%MEM %CPU USER\tCMD" > $resource_usage_info ps -eo pmem,pcpu,user,cmd | sed '1d' | sort -nr >> $resource_usage_info caption=$(<$msg_caption) telegram_send rm -f $resource_usage_info rm -f $msg_caption sleep 60 #stop executing script for 15 minutes fi sleep 10 done