[ Note: every patch iteration is cumulative and includes all previous fixes/features. ] Version 1.25 is the final release for 1.xx iterations. Version 2.xx is the final release for 2.xx iterations. Version 3.xx is my new WIP patch that focused on The WDDM supported windows versions [Vista/7/8/10]. 3.0D is available for testing purposes [As a bonus for v2.xx]. =========================================================================================================================== 60 FPS Patch - v1.1 [16.02.2018]: - Initial release; =========================================================================================================================== Partial map/item fix is actually second patch but was released for demonstration only. =========================================================================================================================== SecondPatch - v1.2 [23.04.2018]: - Changed the savegame folder [Engine/Savegame]; - All fps fixes (config/counter/animation); - 4GB Ram flag [.SGL only]; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.21b aka "beta" [28.04.2018]: - Increased the fps limit [Up to 300]; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.21b - Update 1 [07.06.2018]: - All previous fixes; - Animation syncs/fixes for higher framerate [Experimental]; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.21b - Update 2 [07.07.2018]: - Maps and items fix for the most common display resolutions; - Isolation for QTE\Grain\Flashing animations; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.21b - Update 2.1 [21.07.2018]: - Universal/More accurate maps and items fix for the most common display resolutions; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.21b - Special Update [10.08.2018]: - Individual constants for specific resolution groups; - New hotkeys (hotkeys.txt); =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.22 - No More Freezes [08.09.2018]: - Disabled broken autosave system; - Improved stability as a result; - Minor animation fixes; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.23 [06.11.2018]: - Up to 4320x2160 Resolution support [Including UI]; - 21:9 aspect ratio compatibility [experimental]; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.24 [27.11.2018]: - General fixes for the both game binaries [.exe and .sgl]; *Including 4GB Ram flag. - Another dev. mode function - Freeze mode [See hotkeys.txt]; *Now you can freeze the game anytime to make a screenshot or to test the stability. Alt+Tab is not recommended in main menu. You can press it if you playing any level but after switching back to the game you will see some textures are corrupted (pixelated). =========================================================================================================================== Patch 1.25 - 2in1 - A and B [02.01.2019]: - Fixed 'fpslimit' function. *Now you can limit framerate to 30/60/120/144 or 300 via config file; - Friendly QTE system [Prying objects/Walls] - [A - easy] / [B - auto]; - Improved visual effects; =========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.0 - Unknown Project's Edition. B only. Update 1 [06.03.2019]: - Restored missing button icons/code; - Improved interface as a result; - NEW feature: Button prompt switcher; - Fixed resmgr function for global resources. *Dialogue tree and other screens have different code so you can switch the button prompts for puzzles/objects/map screen/inventory/weapons/qte; If you want to set proper resource for target platform you need to: -Open default_pc.cfg and change resmgr value. Don't forget to check the updated hotkeys.txt. =========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.0 - Update 2 [11.04.2019]: - Disabled default icon code; - Restored missing icons/code for mouse-keyboard controls; - Restored missing icons/strings/code for tips/combat manuals/journal/inventory/weapon screen/menus; - Fixed mouse-keyboard bindings/added proper string commands; - Added new keyboard icons; - Changed and improved interface as a result. =========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.0 - Update 3 [31.08.2019] - Part 1: -Fixed loading screen crashes; -Improved memory management; -Improved multithreading support; -Improved overall performance; -Improved DirectX usage; *Not the DirectX itself like some idiot thinking; -Restored previously disabled checkpoint system; *Fully functional and doesn't freeze anymore; -Optimized one of the hotspots to speedup loading/saving/checkpoint code; -Reworked QTE system; -Restored missing button icons/code for the rest of puzzles; -Increased mouse speed [sensitivity]; *Isolated from potentially unwanted situations; -FreezeMode now supports bink video cutscenes. =========================================================================================================================== Patch 2 Update 3 - Bonus [01.09.2019]: -Added unofficial support for Polish, Czech and Russian languages. =========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.xx [September 2019 - XX.XX.2021]: -Improved and optimized previous fixes; -Fixed 3 more critical and very hard to find bugs (Retail version - Confirmed for all platforms); -Improved the 'lost device' algorithm; [Silently terminates the game to prevent the Alt-Tab crash] -Improved 'default_pc.cfg' structure; -Preconfigured all necessary config files; -Applied an isolation between the Loading Screen/partical fog; -Improved WinApi usage for CreateWindowExA/DestroyWindow functions; -Eliminated potential deadlocks; -Removed the collar from various in-game subsystems; -Reworked the 'fpslimit' function [5th version]; [30/60/75/90/120/144/150/160/165/180/200/210/240/300]; -Fixed and improved native vsync/vsyncInterval/antiAlias settings; -Added various simple anti-tampering/anti-injection/anti-wrappers protections [AKA Anti-imbecile protection]; -Improved the AudioThread code; -Restored the ToneMap filter; -Enabled the GammaCorrection flag [if possible]; -Improved the hotkeys code; -Improved the special effects control; -Enhanced camera control; -Enhanced brightness control; -Replaced keyboard icons; -Disabled In-Game objectives [HARD MODE]; -Disabled Loading Screen tips [HARD MODE]; -Rebalanced In-Game difficulty levels [ENEMY HEALTH]; -Improved the wound manager/Rebalanced the damage system [UNLOCKABLE COSTUMES]; -Enhanced the resource manager; *Now you can use your own 'global.pak' without breaking the code/fonts or the game -Fixed various level-specific logical checks [WIP]. =========================================================================================================================== Patch 3.xx - Future release. -Suppresed the 'lost device' algorithm by using the WDDM driver model [if supported]; [The Alt-Tab crash is gone.] ===========================================================================================================================