========================================================================= DEBUG ONLY [Not available without FPS counter] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num 0 - AI Disabled Num 1 - Armageddon Num 2 - God Mode Num 3 - You are Walking Death Num 4 - Frame Capture Num 5 - Render Lights Num 6 - Missing Texture Simulation Num 7 - Collision Debug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Num 8 - Sector Info Num 9 - Full Sector Info Num * - Ranged weapon info [Obsolete] Num + - ps3/x360 button prompt switcher Num - - default button prompt/back to previous button state Pause - Freeze mode Home - Version info L.Alt+R - Restart current level [2.48+] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Effects Control [Global] [Triggered between levels] [2.48+] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insert - Fog Delete - WeatherSnow End - WeatherParticleFog PageUp - CinemaFilterGrain PageDown - CinemaFilterTint ========================================================================= Note: I didn't change the purpose of these functions (excluding my own). These functions are related to 'Slayer Engine' build tools. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE 100% STABLE AND SAFE TO USE. I strongly recommend to use them only if you can't complete the game.