Latest Patch includes: - Working fpslimit function [30/60/75/90/120/144/150/160/165/180/200/210/240/300] - Friendly QTE system [Prying objects/Walls] - Improved visual effects - Restored missing button icons/code - Improved interface - NEW feature: Button prompt switcher - Fixed resmgr function for global resources - Up to 4320x2160 resolution support; - 21:9 aspect ratio compatibility [experimental]; - Up to 300 fps; - Up to 4gigs RAM usage; - General purpose fixes; - New savegame folder ["Engine/savegame"] (don't forget to create or extract it too); - Dialogue synchronization with current fps; - Maps and items fix for the most common display resolutions; - Individual constants for specific resolution groups; - Improved stability by disabling broken autosave system; - Isolation for QTE\Grain\Flashing animations; - New debug hotkeys [You need to enable FPS counter first]. ADDITIONAL INFO: Changelog.txt Warning! Versions <=1.22 are free to access. Patch 1.23+ is password protected. The password is my nickname in hex [UpperCase]. And the password is....756E6B6E6F776E70726F6A656374 Patch 1.25 - 2.00 The password is different. You have a screenshot (hint.png). You know that md5(PASSWORD)=D980415DAE31C581DEC198FC96C96D69 and PASSWORD = XYIsDeletedLocation. You need to find two missing parts - X and Y. Go to this place (JunkYard). If you found all missing parts and combined them with existing word then you need to check it with any MD5 online service. Good luck. [X and Y = BlackForest]. And the password is....BlackForestIsDeletedLocation. ========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.0 Update 2 ========================================================================================================================== No more password. It was just a temporary decision against Steam006/His comrades/Konami. But my code is my own code and no one will use it without my permission. Pay respect or get the hell out of here. If Konami is actually planning to delete anything. Well. Let it be. But it will not stop me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL PATCH 2.0 Update 2 (including all updates). 1. Download and extract to the game root folder. = If you don't want to change button prompts for Dialogue Tree then skip the next step = = but don't forget to change resmgr value if you want to use it = [You can change it via default_pc.cfg] 2. Download and extract or/and to the game root folder. Done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO FIX TIPS/HINTS FOR OTHER LANGUAGES. 1. Find "### PC SPECIFIC STRINGS ####" or "### PC Strings ###". 2. Add all missing strings/commands using the fixed file - strings.str. [strings_FRA.str (strings_SPA.str / strings_ITA.str / strings_GER.str) is what you need to edit.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE NEW LANGUAGE SELECTOR. 0. Install your localization pack. 1. Make sure it doesn't conflict with my major updates. 2. Go to the "\Engine\gameinfo\strings" folder. 3. Add postfixes to all .str files [_POL for polish / _RUS for russian and _CZE for czech] -> [strings_RUS.str etc]. 4. Go to the "\Engine\" folder. 5. Open default_pc.cfg. 6. Delete '#' for the language you want to use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE NEW RESOURCE MANAGER. 1. Copy your modified 'global.pak' to the "\Engine\extras\" folder. 2. Go to the "\Engine\" folder. 3. Delete/Comment/Replace 'resmgrload = assets_pc_b.xml' to 'resmgrload = your_new_assets_file.xml'. [*Note: your_new_assets_file is not a constant]. ========================================================================================================================== Patch 2.0 Update 3 - Part 1. ========================================================================================================================== How to install. If you already using update2: Download and extract to the game root folder. All In One Edition: 1. Download and run Patch2.0_upd3_AiO_pt1.exe. 2. Make sure you have enough ram available for extraction process [At least 1GIG]. 3. Click Browse button and select the game root folder. ==========================================================================================================================