# Samplr Installation _:warning: This will override any `/usr/local/bin/samplr` pre-existing file, which means the same command will be used to update._ ## Mac OS ```sh curl https://github.com/unmultimedio/samplr/releases/download/v0.2.1/samplr-v0.2.1-mac \ -L -o /usr/local/bin/samplr && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/samplr ``` ## Linux ```sh curl https://github.com/unmultimedio/samplr/releases/download/v0.2.1/samplr-v0.2.1-linux \ -L -o /usr/local/bin/samplr && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/samplr ``` ## From source You don't want to mess with your secrets files, that's ok. **This tool does not record or upload information in any way**, binaries are automatically built and added to the releases using Github actions as defined [here](.github/workflows/release.yml), but if you want to make extra sure: - Install [go](https://golang.org/dl/). - Clone this repo and `cd` into it. - Download dependencies with `go mod vendor`. - Go-install it with `go install` (this places it in `$GOPATH/bin`). - (Optional) Build it with `go build` an and make it accessible somewhere in your `$PATH`. - The command `samplr` should be available now, enjoy!