/** * Copyright 2013 Teamstudio Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law * or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License */ var unp = { _firstLoad : true, _oldiscrollbottom : "" } $(window).bind( "popstate", function() { if (!unp._firstLoad || document.referrer.toLowerCase().indexOf("$file") > -1) { unp.loadPage(location.href + " #contentwrapper", 'content', null, false, false); } }); unp.storePageRequest = function(url) { if (url.indexOf('action=editDocument') == -1){ this._firstLoad = false; if (url.indexOf("#") > -1) { url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(" #")); } if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) { url += "?"; } url += "&history=true"; history.pushState(null, "", url); //console.log("pushed " + url); } } $(window) .load( function() { if (!unpluggedserver) { try { for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { if (document.styleSheets.item(i).href .indexOf("defaultTheme.css") > -1 || document.styleSheets.item(i).href .indexOf("core.css") > -1) { void (document.styleSheets.item(i).disabled = true); } } } catch (e) { } } $(document).ajaxStart($.blockUI).ajaxStop($.unblockUI); unp.allowFormsInIscroll(); if (unp.isStockAndroid()){ $("#menuitems").css("position", "relative"); } unp.initiscroll(); $("#menuPane").removeClass("onScreen") .addClass("offScreen"); $("#menuPane").width("0px"); $('.viewsButton').unbind('click'); $('.viewsButton').click( function(event) { unp.toggleViewsMenu(); return false; }); try { $(".viewlink").each( function() { $(this).addEventListener("click", function() { $.blockUI(); }); }); } catch (e) { } try { $(".opendialoglink").click( function(event) { unp.openDialog($(this).attr('href')); }); } catch (e) { } try { unp.fixNavigatorBottomCorners(); } catch (e) { } try { FastClick.attach(document.body); } catch (e) { } $(".footerTabtext").each( function() { if ($(this).height() > 15) { $(this).parent().css("position", "relative"); $(this).parent().css("top", "-7px"); } }); unp.initHorizontalView(); unp.initDeleteable(); unp.initAutoComplete(); unp.initHideFooter(); unp.initRichText(); unp.initReaderButtons(); unp.initCalendar(); $(document).ajaxStop( function() { unp.initHideFooter(); unp.initRichText(); unp.initReaderButtons(); unp.initCalendar(); $('#underlaydialogPopup').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()}); }); $('#underlaydialogPopup').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()}); }); unp.initReaderButtons = function() { if ($(".fontsizebuttons").length > 0) { $(".input-search-frame").hide(); } else { $(".input-search-frame").show(); } } unp.initHideFooter = function() { try { $(':input, textarea, select').on('focus', function() { if ($(this).attr("id") != "input-search"){ $(".footer").hide(); //$(".iHeader").hide(); _oldiscrollbottom = $(".iscrollcontent").css("bottom"); //_oldiscrolltop = $(".iscrollcontent").css("top"); //_oldsearchtop = $(".input-search-frame").css("top"); $(".iscrollcontent").css("bottom", "0px"); //$(".iscrollcontent").css("top", "0px"); //$(".input-search-frame").css("top", "-100px"); } }); $(':input, textarea, select').on('blur', function() { if ($(this).attr("id") != "input-search"){ $(".footer").show(); //$(".iHeader").show(); $("iscrollbottom").css("bottom", _oldiscrollbottom); //$(".iscrollcontent").css("top", _oldiscrolltop); //$(".input-search-frame").css("top", _oldsearchtop); window.scrollTo(0, 1); } }); } catch (e) { } } unp.isAndroid = function() { return /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); } unp.isStockAndroid = function() { return unp.isAndroid() && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") == -1; } unp.initRichText = function() { // Placeholder for future improvements } unp.htmlDecode = function(input) { var e = document.createElement('div'); e.innerHTML = input; return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } unp.getURLParameter = function(name) { return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp( '[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search) || [ , "" ])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null; } window.addEventListener("orientationchange", setTimeout( "unp.changeorientation", 100), false); unp.changeorientation = function() { unp.hideViewsMenu(); unp.initiscroll(); unp.initHorizontalView(); unp.initCalendar(); } unp.allowFormsInIscroll = function() { [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('input, select, button, textarea')) .forEach( function(el) { el.addEventListener( ('ontouchstart' in window) ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }) }); } var firedrequests = new Array(); unp.stopViewSpinner = function() { $(".loadmorelink").disabled = false; $("#loadmorespinner").hide(); } unp.loadmore = function(dbName, viewName, summarycol, detailcol, category, xpage, refreshmethod, photocol, collapserows, wrapsummarycol, ajaxload) { try { $(".loadmorelink").hide(); $("#loadmorespinner").show(); setTimeout("unp.stopViewSpinner()", 5000); var itemlist = $("#flatViewRowSet li"); var pos = itemlist.length - 1; for ( var i = 0; i < firedrequests.length; i++) { if (firedrequests[i] == pos) { $(".loadmorelink").show(); $("#loadmorespinner").hide(); return; } } firedrequests.push(pos); var thisArea = $(".summaryDataRow"); var url = "UnpFlatViewList.xsp?chosenView=" + encodeURIComponent(viewName) + "&summarycol=" + encodeURIComponent(summarycol) + "&detailcol=" + encodeURIComponent(detailcol) + "&photocol=" + encodeURIComponent(photocol) + "&collapserows=" + encodeURIComponent(collapserows) + "&category=" + encodeURIComponent(category) + "&xpage=" + xpage + "&wrapsummarycol=" + encodeURIComponent(wrapsummarycol) + "&dbName=" + dbName + "&refreshmethod=" + refreshmethod + "&start=" + pos + "&ajaxload=" + ajaxload; thisArea.load(url + " #results", function() { $("#flatViewRowSet").append($(".summaryDataRow li")); if ($(".summaryDataRow").text().indexOf("NOMORERECORDS") > -1) { $("#pullUp").hide(); $(".loadmorelink").hide(); $("#loadmorespinner").hide(); } else { $("#pullUp").show(); $(".loadmorelink").show(); $("#loadmorespinner").hide(); } $(".summaryDataRow").empty(); try { scrollContent.refresh(); } catch (e) { } if ($("#pullUp").hasClass('loading')) { $("#pullUp").removeClass("loading"); $(".pullUpLabel").text("Pull up to load more..."); } return false; }); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } } unp.openDocument = function(url, target, ignoreInHistory) { var thisArea = $("#" + target); thisArea.load(url.replace(" ", "%20") + " #contentwrapper", function(data, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { alert("An error occurred:\n\n" + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + "\n\n" + $(data).text()); return false; } else { if (firedrequests != null) { firedrequests = new Array(); } if(!ignoreInHistory){ unp.storePageRequest(url); 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msg += "Please complete " + label.text() + "\n"; if (valid){ $(this).focus(); } valid = false; } }) if (!valid){ alert(msg); } return valid; } unp.toggleViewsMenu = function(forcehide) { //console.log($("#menuPane").width()); if ($("#menuPane").hasClass("offScreen") && !forcehide) { $("#menuPane").removeClass("offScreen").addClass("onScreen"); $("#menuPane").animate( { "left" : "+=700px" }, "fast", function() { if (unp.isAndroid() && !unp.isStockAndroid()) { $("#menuitems").css("position", "fixed"); } }); $("#menuPane").width("100%"); } else { $("#menuPane").removeClass("onScreen").addClass("offScreen"); $("#menuPane").animate( { "left" : "-=700px" }); $("#menuPane").width("0px"); } } unp.hideViewsMenu = function() { if (!$("#menuPane").hasClass("offScreen")) { $("#menuPane").removeClass("onScreen").addClass("offScreen"); $("#menuPane").animate( { "left" : "-=700px" }, "fast"); $("#menuPane").width("0px"); } } var firedrequests; unp.loadPage = function(url, target, menuitem, pushState) { var _pushState = true; 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} unp.initDeleteable = function() { try { $('input.deletable').wrap('').after( $('').click( function() { $(this).prev('input').val('').focus(); })); } catch (e) { } } unp.initHorizontalView = function() { try { $(".swiper-container").each( function() { // First we need to re-size the swipe area var items = $(this).find(".hviewitem").length; $(this).find(".swiper-slide").width((items * 140)); }) } catch (e) { } } unp.initAutoComplete = function() { $(".autocomplete").each( function() { var thefield = $(this); var options = { serviceUrl : thefield.attr('auto-src') }; var a = $(this).autocomplete(options); }); } var touchmovehandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); } var scrollContent; var scrollMenu; unp.initiscroll = function() { // Register the letter click events $(".atozletter").click( function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if ($(this).hasClass("switchletterlist")) { $(".atozpicker").toggle(); $(".numberpicker").toggle(); } else { unp.jumpToLetter($(this), event); } return false; }); bouncefix.add(document.getElementById("menuitems")); bouncefix.add(document.querySelector('.iscrollcontent')); try { pullUpEl = document.getElementById('pullUp'); pullUpOffset = pullUpEl.offsetHeight; } catch (e) { } $('.iscrollcontent') .bind( 'scroll', function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) { if (pullUpEl) { pullUpEl.className = 'flip'; pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Release to refresh...'; if (pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) { pullUpEl.className = 'loading'; pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Loading...'; $(".loadmorebutton").click(); } } } }) $(".atozpicker").show(); } unp.jumpToLetter = function(letterelement, event) { $('.iscrollcontent').animate( { scrollTop : 0 }, 0); var letter = letterelement.text(); var list = $("li.categoryRowFixed").each( function() { var summary = $(this).find("span").text(); var firstletter = summary.substring(0, 1); if (firstletter == letter) { //console.log("we need to jump to " + firstletter // + " because it's equal to " + letter); $('.iscrollcontent').animate( { scrollTop : $(this).offset().top - 60 }, 500); return false; } else if (firstletter > letter) { //console.log("we need to jump to " + firstletter // + " because it's greater than " + letter); $('.iscrollcontent').animate( { scrollTop : $(this).offset().top - 120 }, 500); return false; } else { //console.log("we don't need to jump to " + firstletter // + " because it's less than " + letter); } }); } var unpdialogoptions = {}; unp.openDialog = function(id) { if (id != null && id != "#") { $("#underlay" + id).css('display', 'block'); $("." + id).css('display', 'block'); $(".iscrollcontent").addClass("dialogactive"); var boxes = $("div"); boxes.click( function() { var el = $(id); var max = 0; boxes.each( function() { var z = parseInt($(this).css("z-index"), 10); max = Math.max(max, z); }); el.css("z-index", max + 1); }); unp.initiscroll(); unp.initHorizontalView(); } } unp.closeDialog = function(id) { $("." + id).css('display', 'none'); $(".iscrollcontent").removeClass("dialogactive"); $("#underlay" + id).css('display', 'none'); unp.initiscroll(); unp.initHorizontalView(); } unp.accordionLoadMore = function(obj, viewName, catName, xpage, dbname, summarycol, datacol, photocol) { var thisArea = $(obj).nextAll(".summaryDataRow:first").children( ".accordionRowSet"); var pos = $(thisArea).find('li').length; thisArea.css('display', 'block'); var thisUrl = "UnpAccordionViewList.xsp?chosenView=" + encodeURIComponent(viewName) + "&catFilter=" + encodeURIComponent(catName) + "&xpageDoc=" + xpage + "&start=" + pos + "&dbname=" + dbname + "&photocol=" + photocol + "&datacol=" + datacol + "&summarycol=" + summarycol; var tempHolder = $(obj).nextAll(".summaryDataRow:first").children( ".summaryDataRowHolder"); $(tempHolder).load( thisUrl + " #results", function() { $(thisArea).append($(".summaryDataRow li")); if ($(tempHolder).text().indexOf("NOMORERECORDS") > -1) { $(obj).nextAll(".summaryDataRow:first").children( ".accLoadMoreLink").hide(); } else { $(obj).nextAll(".summaryDataRow:first").children( ".accLoadMoreLink").removeClass('hidden').show(); } $(tempHolder).empty(); try { scrollContent.refresh(); scrollContent.scrollToElement($(obj)); } catch (e) { } }); $(obj).addClass("accordianExpanded"); $(obj).nextAll(".summaryDataRow:first").children(".accLoadMoreLink").show(); $(thisArea).append($(".summaryDataRow li")); // check if there's only 1 expanded category and set a class to create a // rounded bottom border if ($("#summaryList .categoryrow").length == 1) { $("#summaryList div.summaryDataRow ul.accordionRowSet li:last-child") .addClass("roundedBottom"); } } unp.fetchDetails = function(obj, viewName, catName, xpage, dbname, summarycol, datacol, photocol) { $('.accordionRowSet').empty(); $('.accLoadMoreLink').hide(); //console.log('Category: ' + catName); if ($(obj).hasClass("accordianExpanded")) { $(obj).nextAll('.summaryDataRow:first').children('.accordionRowSet') .slideUp('fast', function() { $(this).children().remove() }); $(obj).removeClass("accordianExpanded"); $(obj).nextAll('.summaryDataRow:first').children('.accLoadMoreLink') .hide(); } else { $('.categoryRow').removeClass("accordianExpanded"); unp.accordionLoadMore(obj, viewName, catName, xpage, dbname, summarycol, datacol, photocol); } } unp.fetchMoreDetails = function(obj, viewName, catName, xpage, dbname, summarycol, datacol, photocol) { var objRow = $(obj).parent().parent().prev(); unp.accordionLoadMore(objRow, viewName, catName, xpage, dbname, summarycol, datacol, photocol); } unp.syncAllDbs = function() { $.blockUI( { centerY : 0, css : { top : '10px', left : '10px', right : '' } }); $.get("UnpSyncAll.xsp", function(data) { $.unblockUI(); location.reload(); }); } function x$(idTag, param) { // Updated 18 Feb 2012 idTag = idTag.replace(/:/gi, "\\:") + (param ? param : ""); return ($("#" + idTag)); } unp.doHViewFilter = function(language, year, primaryview, filterview, xpage, source, toplevelcategory) { if (language == null) { language = $(".languagelabel").text(); } if (year == null) { year = $(".yearlabel").text(); } var thisArea = $("#repeatholder"); var url = ("UnpHorizontalViewFilter.xsp?languagefilter=" + language + "&yearfilter=" + year).replace(" ", "%20") + "&primaryview=" + primaryview.replace(" ", "%20") + "&filterview=" + filterview.replace(" ", "%20") + "&xpage=" + xpage + "&source=" + source + "&toplevelcategory=" + toplevelcategory; thisArea.load(url.replace(" ", "%20") + " #repeatholder", function() { unp.initiscroll(); unp.initHorizontalView(); unp.closeDialog('hviewPopup'); return false; }); $(".dropdown-menu").hide(); $(".languagelabel").text(language); $(".yearlabel").text(year); } unp.loadMoreHorizontal = function(button, category, primaryview, filterview, xpage, source) { var language = $(".languagelabel").text().replace(" ", "%20"); var year = $(".yearlabel").text().replace(" ", "%20"); var categoryrep = category.replace(" ", "-"); categoryrep = categoryrep.replace("~", "-"); var thisArea = $(".swiper-" + categoryrep); var itemcount = $(".swiper-slide-" + categoryrep + " .hviewitem").length; var url = "UnpHorizontalViewList.xsp?category=" + category.replace(" ", "%20") + "&languagefilter=" + language + "&yearfilter=" + year + "&start=" + (itemcount - 1) + "&primaryview=" + primaryview.replace(" ", "%20") + "&filterview=" + filterview.replace(" ", "%20") + "&xpage=" + xpage + "&source=" + source; $.ajax( { url : url, dataType : 'html', success : function(html) { $('.swiper-slide-' + categoryrep).append( $('#loadmoreresults .hviewitem', $(html))); if (html.indexOf("NOMORERECORDS") > -1) { $(".loadmorebutton-" + categoryrep).hide(); } else { $(".loadmorebutton-" + categoryrep).appendTo( $('.swiper-slide-' + categoryrep)); } unp.initHorizontalView(); } }); } unp.openHViewDialog = function(xpage, source, unid) { if (xpage.indexOf(".xsp") == -1) { xpage += ".xsp"; } var url = xpage + "?action=openDocument&documentId=" + unid; $("#hviewitemcontent").load(url.replace(" ", "%20") + " #" + source, function() { unp.openDialog("hviewPopup"); return false; }); } unp.expandMenuItem = function(menuitem) { $(".viewMenuItemSub").hide(); $(".viewMenuItemSubSub").hide(); if ($(menuitem).hasClass("expanded")) { // We need to leave everything collapsed } else if ($(menuitem).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub")) { // We need to toggle a sub-sub menu var bFinishedCategory = false; $(menuitem).show(); $(menuitem).nextAll().each( function(i) { if (!$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSubSub") && !$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub")) { return false; } else if ($(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub")) { // $(this).toggle(); bFinishedCategory = true; } else { if ($(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSubSub") && !bFinishedCategory) { $(this).toggle(); } } }); // Now we need to make sure that any previous sub categories are shown // as well $(menuitem).prevAll().each( function(i) { if (!$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub") && !$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSubSub")) { return false; } if ($(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub")) { $(this).toggle(); } }) } else { // We need to toggle a sub menu var bClickedFirst = true; var bFoundSubSub = false; $(menuitem).nextAll().each( function(i) { if (!$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub") && !$(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSubSub")) { bFoundSubSub = true; return false; } else { if ($(this).hasClass("viewMenuItemSub")) { if (!bFoundSubSub) { if (!bClickedFirst) { $(this).click(); bClickedFirst = true; } $(this).toggle(); } } } }); } if ($(menuitem).hasClass("expanded")) { $(".viewMenuItem").removeClass("expanded"); } else { $(".viewMenuItem").removeClass("expanded"); $(menuitem).addClass("expanded"); } unp.fixNavigatorBottomCorners(); } unp.fixNavigatorBottomCorners = function() { $(".navroundedbottom").removeClass("navroundedbottom"); $(".navScrollArea .viewMenuItem").not(':hidden').last().addClass( "navroundedbottom"); $("#menuitems li a").removeClass("navroundedbottom"); $("#menuitems li a").not(':hidden').last().addClass("navroundedbottom"); } unp.hviewFavourite = function(xpage, unid) { if (xpage.indexOf(".xsp") == -1) { xpage += ".xsp"; } var url = xpage + "?favorite=toggle&action=openDocument&documentId=" + unid; $("#hviewitemcontent").load(url.replace(" ", "%20") + " #results"); $("[unid='" + unid + "'] .badge-favorite").toggle(); unp.closeDialog("hviewPopup"); } unp.hviewDownloadNow = function() { alert("This feature has not been enabled"); } unp.hviewDownloadLater = function() { alert("This feature has not been enabled"); } unp.hviewEmail = function(xpage, unid) { $("#hviewdialogbuttons").toggle(); $("#emailholder").toggle(); } unp.hviewEmailSend = function(xpage, unid) { alert("This needs to be implemented"); } unp.hviewEmailCancel = function(xpage, unid) { $("#hviewdialogbuttons").toggle(); $("#emailholder").toggle(); } unp.dropdownToggle = function(element) { if (element.text.indexOf("Language") > -1) { $("#yeardropdownlink").next().hide(); } else if (element.text.indexOf("Year") > -1) { $("#dropdownlink").next().hide(); } if (element != null) { $(element).next().toggle(); } else { $(".dropdown-menu").toggle(); } } unp.increaseFontSize = function(button) { $(".typographyreadcontent").find("*").each( function() { $(this).css("font-size", (parseInt($(this).css("font-size"), 10) + 2) + "px"); if (parseInt($(this).css("line-height"), 10) <= parseInt( $(this).css("font-size"), 10)) { $(this).css( "line-height", (parseInt($(this).css("line-height"), 10) + 2) + "px"); } }); } unp.decreaseFontSize = function(button) { $(".typographyreadcontent").find("*").each( function() { var tagName = $(this).prop("tagName"); var fontSize = parseInt($(this).css("font-size"), 10); var minFontSize = 4; if (tagName == "H1") { minFontSize = 28; } else if (tagName == "H2") { minFontSize = 24; } else if (tagName == "H3") { minFontSize = 18; } else if (tagName == "H4") { minFontSize = 12; } else if (tagName == "H5") { minFontSize = 8; } if (fontSize - 2 >= minFontSize) { $(this).css("font-size", (fontSize - 2) + "px"); if (parseInt($(this).css("line-height"), 10) > 24) { $(this).css( "line-height", (parseInt($(this).css("line-height"), 10) - 2) + "px"); } } }); } /* * ! v0.0.3 Copyright (c) 2013 Jarid Margolin bouncefix.js is open sourced under * the MIT license. */ ; ( function(window, document) { // Define module var bouncefix = { Fix : Fix, cache : {} }; // // Add/Create new instance // bouncefix.add = function(className) { if (!this.cache[className]) { this.cache[className] = new this.Fix(className); } }; // // Delete/Remove instance // bouncefix.remove = function(className) { if (this.cache[className]) { this.cache[className].remove(); delete this.cache[className]; } }; // // Class Constructor - Called with new BounceFix(el) // Responsible for setting up required instance // variables, and listeners. // function Fix(className) { // If there is no element, then do nothing if (!className) { return false; } this.className = className; // The engine this.startListener = new EventListener(document, { evt : 'touchstart', handler : this.touchStart, context : this }).add(); // Cleanup this.endListener = new EventListener(document, { evt : 'touchend', handler : this.touchEnd, context : this }).add(); } // // touchstart handler // Fix.prototype.touchStart = function(evt) { this.target = utils.getTargetedEl(evt.target, this.className); if (this.target) { // If scrollable, adjust if (utils.isScrollable(this.target)) { return utils.scrollToEnd(this.target); } // Else block touchmove this.endListener = new EventListener(this.target, { evt : 'touchmove', handler : this.touchMove, context : this }).add(); } }; // // If this event is called, we block scrolling // by preventing default behavior. // Fix.prototype.touchMove = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }; // // On touchend we need to remove and listeners // we may have added. // Fix.prototype.touchEnd = function(evt) { if (this.moveListener) { this.moveListener.remove(); } }; // // touchend handler // Fix.prototype.remove = function() { this.startListener.remove(); this.endListener.remove(); }; // Define module var utils = {}; // // Search nodes to find target el. Return if exists // utils.getTargetedEl = function(el, className) { while (true) { if (el.classList.contains(className)) { break; } if ((el = el.parentElement)) { continue; } break; } return el; }; // // Return true or false depending on if content // is scrollable // utils.isScrollable = function(el) { return (el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight); }; // // Keep scrool from hitting end bounds // utils.scrollToEnd = function(el) { var curPos = el.scrollTop, height = el.offsetHeight, scroll = el.scrollHeight; // If at top, bump down 1px if (curPos <= 0) { el.scrollTop = 1; } // If at bottom, bump up 1px if (curPos + height >= scroll) { el.scrollTop = scroll - height - 1; } }; // // Class used to work with addEventListener. Allows // context to be specified on handler, and provides // a method for easy removal. // function EventListener(el, opts) { // Make args available to instance this.evt = opts.evt; this.el = el; // Default this.handler = opts.handler; // If context passed call with context if (opts.context) { this.handler = function(evt) { opts.handler.call(opts.context, evt); }; } } // // Add EventListener on instance el // EventListener.prototype.add = function() { this.el.addEventListener(this.evt, this.handler, false); }; // // Removes EventListener on instance el // EventListener.prototype.remove = function() { this.el.removeEventListener(this.evt, this.handler); }; // Expose to window if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.bouncefix = bouncefix; } })(window, document); unp.initCalendar = function() { try { var calendaroptions = jQuery.parseJSON($('.calendarconfig').val()); var buttons = calendaroptions.headerbuttonsrighttablet; var defaultView = calendaroptions.defaultviewtablet; if ($(window).width() < 400){ buttons = calendaroptions.headerbuttonsrightphone; defaultView = calendaroptions.defaultviewphone; } var url = 'UnpCalendarData.xsp?viewname=' + calendaroptions.viewname; url += '&startdatefield=' + calendaroptions.startdatefield; url += '&enddatefield=' + calendaroptions.enddatefield; url += '&titlefield=' + calendaroptions.titlefield; url += '&viewxpage=' + calendaroptions.viewxpage; url += '&highlightfield=' + calendaroptions.highlightfield; url += '&highlighttest=' + calendaroptions.highlighttest; url += '&filter=' + calendaroptions.filter; url += '&catfield=' + calendaroptions.catfield; url += '&dbname=' + calendaroptions.dbname; $('#calendar').fullCalendar( { header : { left : calendaroptions.headerbuttonsleft, center : 'title', right : buttons }, defaultView: defaultView, events: url, timezone: 'local', titleFormat: { month: 'MMMM YYYY', week: "MMM D", day: 'MMM DD' }, viewRender: function(view){ var h; if (view.name.indexOf('agenda') > -1){ h = 2500; }else{ h = $(window).height() - 50; } //console.log("Setting height to: " + h); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('option', 'height', h); } }); $('.fc-button').each(function(){ $(this).removeClass(); $(this).addClass('button'); }) $('.fc-icon-left-single-arrow').parent().addClass('fa fa-arrow-left'); $('.fc-icon-left-single-arrow').remove(); $('.fc-icon-right-single-arrow').parent().addClass('fa fa-arrow-right'); $('.fc-icon-right-single-arrow').remove(); } catch (e) { } }