""" Unravel Auto Scaling on HDInsight v0.2.3 """ import json import logging import subprocess from time import sleep try: import requests except Exception as e: print(e) print('requests module is missing') ############################################################# # # # Modify the variables below # # # ############################################################# unravel_base_url = '' memory_threshold = 80 #% cpu_threshold = 80 #% min_nodes = 1 # Min workerNodes max_nodes = 3 # Max workernodes Allowed resource_group = 'UNRAVEL01' cluster_name = 'autoscaling1' #Unravel Log in credentials login_data = {'user':{'login':'admin','password':'unraveldata'}} ############################################################# # # # DO NOT Modify the variables below # # # ############################################################# try: login_uri = unravel_base_url + '/users/sign_in' app_search_uri = unravel_base_url + '/api/v1/apps/search' total_cores_across_hosts = unravel_base_url + '/api/v1/clusters/resources/cpu/total' total_memory_across_hosts = unravel_base_url + '/api/v1/clusters/resources/memory/total' allocated_cores_across_hosts = unravel_base_url + '/api/v1/clusters/resources/cpu/allocated' allocated_memory_across_hosts = unravel_base_url + '/api/v1/clusters/resources/memory/allocated' except: LOGGER.error("Unravel Url is not exist") exit() threshold_count_limit = 5 s = requests.Session() def check_login(): try: response = s.post(login_uri,json=login_data) # res = s.post(cdh_login, data=cdh_secret) except Exception as e: print(e) if response.status_code == 200: return True else: return True def check_threshold(threshold_count, resources_usage): threshold_tolerance = 0.2 cpu_usage = resources_usage['cpu_usage'] memory_usage = resources_usage['memory_usage'] total_cores = resources_usage['total_cores'] total_memory = resources_usage['total_memory'] nodes_count = resources_usage['nodes_count'] if cpu_usage > cpu_threshold or memory_usage > memory_threshold: if threshold_count < threshold_count_limit: return ('Up Scale threshold reach') # if threshold_count >= threshold_count_limit and (total_cores < max_cpu_allow or total_memory < max_memory_allow): if threshold_count >= threshold_count_limit and nodes_count < max_nodes: return ('Up Scaling') elif cpu_usage < (cpu_threshold - (cpu_threshold * threshold_tolerance)) and memory_usage < (memory_threshold - (memory_threshold * threshold_tolerance)): # if threshold_count > -threshold_count_limit and (total_cores > min_cpu_allow or total_memory > min_memory_allow): if threshold_count > -threshold_count_limit and nodes_count > min_nodes: return ('Down Scale threshold reach') if threshold_count <= -threshold_count_limit : return ('Down Scaling') return ('No Action Needed') # Get Cluster Workdernode Count def get_workdernode(): try: cluster_info = subprocess.check_output(['azure', 'hdinsight', 'cluster', 'show', '-g', resource_group, '-c', cluster_name, '--json']) cluster = json.loads(cluster_info) if cluster['name'] == cluster_name: if cluster['properties']['computeProfile']['roles'][1]['name'] == 'workernode': workerNodes = cluster['properties']['computeProfile']['roles'][1]['targetInstanceCount'] return workerNodes except: return 0 def elastic_search(): query_url = unravel_base_url + '/search/q/rm-search/cm' query_str = """{"sort":[{"startedTime":{"order":"desc"}}], "from":0, "size":0, "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[{ "range":{ "date":{ "gte":"now-2m/m","lt":"now" } } }, { "term":{ "clusterName": "%s" } } ] } }, "aggs":{ "apps_over_time":{ "date_histogram":{"field":"date","interval":"30s"}, "aggs":{ "avg_totalmb":{"avg":{"field":"totalMB"}}, "avg_totalvc":{"avg":{"field":"totalVCores"}}, "avg_allocatedmb":{"avg":{"field":"allocatedMB"}}, "avg_allocatedvc":{"avg":{"field":"allocatedVCores"}} } } } }""" % cluster_name res = s.post(query_url, data=str(query_str)) search_result = json.loads(res.text).get("aggregations", "None") if search_result != "None": search_result = search_result['apps_over_time']['buckets'][-1] total_cores = search_result['avg_totalvc']['value'] total_memory = search_result['avg_totalmb']['value'] cores_allocated = search_result['avg_allocatedvc']['value'] memory_allocated = search_result['avg_allocatedmb']['value'] try: cpu_percent_usage = cores_allocated / total_cores * 100 memory_percent_usage = memory_allocated / total_memory * 100 except: cpu_percent_usage = 1.0 memory_percent_usage = 1.0 nodes_count = get_workdernode() return({'cpu_usage' : cpu_percent_usage, 'memory_usage' : memory_percent_usage, 'total_memory': total_memory, 'total_cores': total_cores, 'nodes_count' : nodes_count }) # Retrieve Allocated resources def get_resources(): try: # Current cpu percentage res = s.get(total_cores_across_hosts) res1 = s.get(allocated_cores_across_hosts) total_cores = float(json.loads(res.text)[-1]['avg_totalvc']) cores_allocated = float(json.loads(res1.text)[-1]['avg_allocatedvcores']) cpu_percent_usage = cores_allocated / total_cores * 100 # Current memory percentage and total_memory res = s.get(total_memory_across_hosts) res1 = s.get(allocated_memory_across_hosts) total_memory = float(json.loads(res.text)[-1]['avg_totalmb']) memory_allocated = float(json.loads(res1.text)[-1]['avg_allocatedmb']) memory_percent_usage = memory_allocated / total_memory * 100 # Get the number of workerNodes in cluster nodes_count = get_workdernode() return {'cpu_usage' : cpu_percent_usage, 'memory_usage' : memory_percent_usage, 'total_memory': total_memory, 'total_cores': total_cores, 'nodes_count' : nodes_count } except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Get Resource Usage from Unravel Failed") print(e) exit() # Retrieve Running Jobs def get_run(): search_input = { "appStatus":["R"], "from":0, "appTypes":["mr","hive","spark","cascading","pig"] } try: response = s.post(login_uri,json=login_data) res = s.post(app_search_uri,json=search_input) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Unravel Server\n") print(e) exit() if res.status_code == 200: parsed = json.loads(res.text) if parsed: for job_num in range(len(parsed['results'])): duration = parsed['results'][job_num]['duration_long'] app_id = parsed['results'][job_num]['id'].encode('utf-8') # print(app_id,duration,len(parsed['results'])) jobs_dict[app_id] = duration # print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return (jobs_dict) else: LOGGER.error("Unravel Search endpoint failed") def main(): threshold_count = 0 while True: if check_login: resources_usage = elastic_search() LOGGER.debug(resources_usage) decision = check_threshold(threshold_count, resources_usage) LOGGER.info(str("\ndecision: " + decision + "\nthreshold_count: " + str(threshold_count) + '\nWorkdernode: '+ str(resources_usage['nodes_count']))) if decision == 'Up Scale threshold reach': LOGGER.info('Threshold reach') threshold_count += 1 elif decision == 'Up Scaling': LOGGER.info('More Resources Needed') #Adding more resources command goes here try: resizing = subprocess.Popen(['azure', 'hdinsight', 'cluster', 'resize', '-g', resource_group, '-c', cluster_name, str(resources_usage['nodes_count']+1)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) except: pass for line in iter(resizing.stdout.readline, b''): if (line.find('Operation state: Succeeded') > -1): resizing_err = 1 LOGGER.info(line) resizing.stdout.close() resizing.wait() if resizing_err: LOGGER.info('Resizing Success') else: LOGGER.error('Resizing Fail') #Adding more resources command goes here threshold_count = 0 elif decision == 'Down Scale threshold reach': threshold_count -= 1 elif decision == 'Down Scaling': LOGGER.info('No Extra Resources Needed') #Removing extra resources command goes here try: resizing = subprocess.Popen(['azure', 'hdinsight', 'cluster', 'resize', '-g', resource_group, '-c', cluster_name, str(resources_usage['nodes_count']-1)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) except: pass for line in iter(resizing.stdout.readline, b''): if (line.find('Operation state: Succeeded') > -1): resizing_err = 1 LOGGER.info(line) resizing.stdout.close() resizing.wait() if resizing_err: LOGGER.info('Resizing Success') else: LOGGER.error('Resizing Fail') #Removing extra resources command goes here threshold_count = 0 elif decision == 'No Action Needed': threshold_count = 0 else: LOGGER.error('Login Fail') sleep(120) if __name__ == '__main__': LOGGER = logging.getLogger('hdinsight_autoscaling') LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LOGFILE = 'hdinsight_autoscaling.log' fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILE) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LOGFORMAT = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s : %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(LOGFORMAT) fileHandler.setFormatter(LOGFORMAT) LOGGER.addHandler(fileHandler) LOGGER.addHandler(ch) main()