# Dimmed collection [Sublime Text 2/3](https://git.io/dimmed) [Atom](https://git.io/v78CS) - [x] Dark themes - [x] Light themes - [x] Sepia themes [Test themes](http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Dimmed) [Download .ZIP](https://github.com/uonick/dimmed/zipball/master) ## Screenshots ### Dimmed Ocean [Highly recommended UI theme](https://github.com/andresmichel/one-dark-theme) ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-ocean.png) #### Support * PHP * SQL * YML * VOLT * BLADE * JSON * SCSS * CSS * XML * HTML ### Dimmed ![Dimmed](img/dimmed.png) ### Dimmed Gitlab ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-gitlab.png) ### Dimmed Spacegray ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-spacegray.png) + [Highly recommended theme](https://github.com/andresmichel/one-dark-theme) ### Dimmed Phalcon ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-phalcon.png) ### Dimmed Fluid ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-fluid.png) ### Dimmed Base16 ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-base16.png) ### Dimmed Monokai ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-monokai.png) ### Dimmed Storm ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-storm.png) ### Dimmed No Contrast ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-no-contrast.png) ### Dimmed No Contrast v2 ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-no-contrast-v2.png) ### Dimmed Night ![Dimmed](img/dimmed-night.png) ## Install **With the Package Control plugin:** The easiest way to install Dimmed Theme is through Package Control, which can be found at this site: [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) Once you install Package Control, restart ST2 and bring up the Command Palette (`Command+Shift+P` on OS X, `Control+Shift+P` on Linux/Windows). Select "Package Control: Install Package", wait while Package Control fetches the latest package list, then select `Dimmed` when the list appears. The advantage of using this method is that Package Control will automatically keep Dimmed Theme up to date with the latest version. ## Manual Install (not recommended) * Download [zip file](https://github.com/uonick/dimmed/zipball/master) from github or from [TmTheme Editor Gallery](http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#/theme/Dimmed) or [Colorsublime](http://colorsublime.com/?q=dimmed) * Extract to: * OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Dimmed * Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Dimmed * Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Dimmed * Select theme from `Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Dimmed Color Scheme -> dimmed or dimmed-monokai` ## Links [Download .ZIP](https://github.com/uonick/dimmed/zipball/master) [Website](http://uonick.github.io/dimmed/)