# Contributing Guidelines _Pull Requests, issues, and other contributions are appreciated and encouraged!_ ❤️ ### Contents - [Docs Website](#docs-website) - [Issues](#issues) ## Docs Website The website's content aims to be clean and professional. It aids the community with their pon-related needs and helps potential sponsors understand what we are all about! To contribute to existing guides and/or create new ones, the markdown files can be found within the [posts directory](./docs/guides/posts). Screenshots are created in [Epiphany](https://apps.gnome.org/Epiphany/) at a 1920x1080p resolution and converted to webp with [cwebp](https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/cwebp) using 60% resolution e.g. `cwebp -q 60 screenshot.jpg -o screenshot.webp`. The artwork is created in [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org/) and mixed with assets from [@storyset](https://www.freepik.com/author/stories) on Freepik. When finished, the artwork is exported at a 1280x960p resolution and converted to webp with the same utility and options as the screenshots. ## Issues Issues can be reported here on github or our [community discord server](https://discord.pon.wiki). Pull requests are especially welcome.