# Network Dependency **Only applicable to desktop apps** upvpn takes its design inspiration from [mullvadvpn-app](https://github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app). For example Actor pattern is foundational in daemon. However, upvpn uses different design/technologies than mullvadvpn-app in many places: for persisting data in sqlite (sea-orm), desktop app (Tauri), packaging for Windows (Wix), Toml for configuration files, GRPC for backend API. upvpn uses "talpid" crates for all of the client side networking from mullvadvpn-app project, with minimal modification. For example, interface on Linux would be named "upvpn". The modifications to upstream mullvadvpn-app can be found [here](https://github.com/upvpn/mullvadvpn-app) We're not affiliated with Mullvad, and we're grateful for their high quality open source projects. If upvpn doesn't offer what you're looking for please see VPN offering from Mullvad at https://mullvad.net/