class wooControler { constructor() { this.debug = []; = 0; this.myTexts = []; this.otherTexts = []; this.texts = []; this.historyMyTexts = []; this.historyOtherTexts = []; this.historyTexts = []; this.recordOtherId = 0; this.otherId = 0; this.replyMid = -1; this.sendFirstTextFlag = false; this.blockListId = 0; this.appendAutostartCheckBox(); this.appendAutoReplyCheckBox(); this.appendBlockCheckBox(); this.appendBlockList(); this.autoRecord(); document.querySelector('#checkbox-autostart').onclick = () => { this.autoStart(); } document.querySelector('#checkbox-autoReply').onclick = () => { this.autoReply(); } document.querySelector('#checkbox-block').onclick = () => { this.block(); } document.querySelector('#add-block-list').onclick = () => { this.appendBlockList(); } } resetText() { this.myTexts = []; this.otherTexts = []; this.replyMid = -1; } extractOtherText(text) { if(typeof text === 'object') { text = text.textContent; } text = text.slice('陌生人:'.length, -1); text = text.slice(0, text.lastIndexOf(' (')); return text; } extractMyText(text) { if(typeof text === 'object') { text = text.textContent; } text = text.slice('我:'.length, -1); text = text.slice(0, text.lastIndexOf('已')); return text; } _clearInput() { messageInput.value = ''; } send(text) { if(document.querySelector('#sendButton input').value !== "回報" && this.isChat()) { messageInput.value = text; document.querySelector('#sendButton input').click() } } sendBotReply(otherId, text) { if(otherId != this.otherId) { return; } if(document.querySelector('#sendButton input').value !== "回報" && this.isChat()) { messageInput.value = text; document.querySelector('#sendButton input').click() } } sendMsg() { if (document.querySelector('#sendButton input').value !== "回報" && this.isChat()) { document.querySelector('#sendButton input').click() } } isTitle() { let systemTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.system.text'); if(systemTexts.length === 1) { let otherTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.stranger.text'); let myTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.my.text'); if(otherTexts.length === 0 && myTexts.length === 0) { return true; } } else { return false; } } isWait() { let systemTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.system.text'); if(systemTexts.length === 3 && systemTexts[0].textContent === "系統訊息:粉絲專頁 | 尋人啟事 | App下載") { return true; } else { return false; } } isChat() { let systemTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.system.text'); if(systemTexts.length >= 2) { let systemTextSp = systemTexts[systemTexts.length-2].textContent.split("離開"); if (systemTextSp[1] === "了,請按") { return false; } } if(systemTexts.length >= 3 && (systemTexts[0].textContent === "系統訊息:加密連線完成,開始聊天囉!" || systemTexts[2].textContent === "系統訊息:加密連線完成,開始聊天囉!")) { return true; } if(systemTexts.length >= 1) { let otherTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.stranger.text'); let myTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.my.text'); if(otherTexts.length > 0 || myTexts.length > 0) { return true; } } return false; } isLeave() { let systemTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.system.text'); if(systemTexts.length >= 2) { let systemTextSp = systemTexts[systemTexts.length - 2].textContent.split("離開") if (systemTextSp[1] === "了,請按") { this.updateRecord(); return true; } } return false; } leaveChat() { document.querySelector('#changeButton > input').click(); let ensureText = document.querySelector('#ensureText'); if(ensureText !== null) { ensureText.value = 'leave'; } document.querySelector('#popup-yes').click(); } sendFirstText = () => { if(this.sendFirstTextInterval === void 0 && document.querySelectorAll('.me.text').length === 0) { const self = this; this.sendFirstTextInterval = setInterval(() => { let firstText = document.querySelector('#first-text').value let stopFlag = false; for(let sendedText of document.querySelectorAll('.me.text')) { if(self.extractMyText(sendedText) === firstText) { stopFlag = true; } } if(stopFlag || self.isTitle() || self.isLeave()) { clearInterval(self.sendFirstTextInterval); self.sendFirstTextInterval = undefined; } else { document.getElementById('messageInput').value = firstText; self.sendMsg(); } }, 300); } } updateRecord() { if(this.myTexts.length == 0 && this.otherTexts.length && !this.isChat()) { return; } let myTexts = []; document.querySelectorAll('.me.text').forEach(e => myTexts.push({'mid':+e.getAttribute('mid'), 'text':this.extractMyText(e.textContent)})); let otherTexts = []; document.querySelectorAll('.stranger.text').forEach(e => otherTexts.push({'mid':+e.getAttribute('mid'), 'text':this.extractOtherText(e.textContent)})); if(myTexts.length !== 0) { let lastMidOfMyText; if(this.myTexts.length !== 0) { lastMidOfMyText = this.myTexts[this.myTexts.length - 1].mid; } else { lastMidOfMyText = -1; } for(let msg of myTexts) { if(msg.mid > lastMidOfMyText) { this.myTexts.push(msg); } } } if(otherTexts.length !== 0) { let lastMidOfOtherText; if(this.otherTexts.length !== 0) { lastMidOfOtherText = this.otherTexts[this.otherTexts.length - 1].mid; } else { lastMidOfOtherText = -1; } for(let msg of otherTexts) { if(msg.mid > lastMidOfOtherText) { this.otherTexts.push(msg); } } } } autoRecord() { const self = this; this.recordInterval = setInterval(() => { self.updateRecord(); if((!self.isChat()) && (self.myTexts.length || self.otherTexts.length)) { self.historyMyTexts.push(self.myTexts); self.historyOtherTexts.push(self.otherTexts); self.resetText(); self.leaveChat(); } }, 1000); } autoStart() { if(this.autoStartInterval === void 0) { const self = this; this.autoStartInterval = setInterval(() => { let systemTexts = document.querySelectorAll('.system.text'); if(systemTexts[0].textContent === "系統訊息:WooTalk系統出了一些狀況,我們正在緊急維護中U+0001F605請稍後即可繼續聊天至粉絲專頁獲取更多相關資訊") { self.sendFirstTextFlag = false; setTimeout(() => { self.leaveChat(); }, 30000); } else if (self.isTitle()) { document.querySelector('#startButton').click() let firstText = document.querySelector('#first-text').value; self.otherId = self.historyOtherTexts.length; if(firstText) { self.sendFirstTextFlag = true; } } else if(self.isWait() || self.isChat()) { if (self.sendFirstTextFlag) { self.sendFirstTextFlag = false; self.sendFirstText(); } } else { self.sendFirstTextFlag = false; clearInterval(self.sendFirstTextInterval); self.sendFirstTextInterval = undefined; self.leaveChat(); } }, 2500); console.log("start autoStart"); return "start autoStart"; } if(this.autoStartInterval) { //document.querySelector('#first-text').style.display = "none" clearInterval(this.sendFirstTextInterval); this.sendFirstTextInterval = undefined; clearInterval(this.autoStartInterval); this.autoStartInterval = undefined; console.log("stop autoStart"); return "stop autoStart"; } } block() { const self = this; if (this.blockInterval === void 0) { this.blockInterval = setInterval(() => { let otherMsgsLen = document.querySelectorAll('.stranger.text').length; let scanSize = document.querySelector('#block-scan-size').value; let breakFlag = false; if(!scanSize) { scanSize = 0; } let otherTextObjs = document.querySelectorAll('.stranger.text'); let blockListLabels = document.querySelectorAll('.block-list'); if(self.isChat() && document.querySelector('.loadMoreButton').style.display == 'none') { for(let blockListLabel of blockListLabels) { let blockText = blockListLabel.querySelector('.block-text').value; for(let i = 0; i < otherTextObjs.length && i < scanSize; i++) { let otherText = self.extractOtherText(otherTextObjs[i]); for(let radio of blockListLabel.querySelectorAll('.block-radio')) { if(radio.checked) { if(radio.value === "equivalent") { if(otherText.includes(blockText)) { self.leaveChat(); breakFlag = true; } } if(radio.value === "inclusion") { if(blockText === otherText) { self.leaveChat(); breakFlag = true; } } } if(breakFlag) break; } if(breakFlag) break; } if(breakFlag) break; } } }, 500); console.log("start block"); return "start block"; } if (this.blockInterval) { clearInterval(this.blockInterval); this.blockInterval = undefined; console.log("stop block") return "stop block"; } } getBotUrl(text) { = 0; if( == 0) { return `${text}`; } else { return `${text}`; } } parseBotResponse(res) { let resJson; let resText; if( == 0) { resJson = JSON.parse(res); resText ='小思', '我'); } else { resJson = JSON.parse(res); resText = resJson.content.replace('菲菲', '我'); } return [resJson, resText]; } botReply(text, callback, args) { if(text == '?') { text = '??'; } const self = this; const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) == 0) { = ( == 0) ? 1 : 0; } let url = this.getBotUrl(text);'get', url, true); request.send(); request.onreadystatechange = () => { if(request.readyState === 4) { let [resJson, resText] = self.parseBotResponse(request.response) if(callback !== void 0) { if(args !== void 0) { callback(resText, ...args); } else { callback(resText); } } } } } translator(text, dest, callback, args) { const self = this; const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', `${dest}&text=${text}`, true); request.send(); request.onreadystatechange = () => { if(request.readyState === 4) { const resJson = JSON.parse(request.response); const resText =; if(callback !== void 0) { if(args !== void 0) { callback(resText, ...args); } else { callback(resText); } } } } } autoReply() { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); const url = "" const self = this; if(self.autoReplyInterval === void 0) { /* Test if CORS is allowed */'get', url, true); request.send(); request.onreadystatechange = () => { if(request.readyState === 4) { if(request.status === 200) { /* CORS is allowed */ const maxReplyQueue = 1; self.updateRecord(); if (self.otherTexts.length) { self.replyMid = self.otherTexts[self.otherTexts.length - 1].mid; } self.autoReplyInterval = setInterval(() => { self.updateRecord(); const otherId = self.otherId; const replyQuery = self.otherTexts.slice(self.otherTexts.length - maxReplyQueue, self.otherTexts.length); for (let otherTextObj of replyQuery) { const {mid, text} = otherTextObj; if(mid > self.replyMid) { self.replyMid = mid; self.translator( text, 'China', (...args) => { self.botReply(...args); }, [ (...args) => { self.translator(...args) }, [ 'Taiwan', (...args) => { self.sendBotReply(otherId, ...args); } ] ] ); } } }, 1000); console.log("start autoReply"); } else { /* Cors is not allowed */ document.querySelector("#checkbox-autoReply").checked = false clearInterval(this.autoReplyInterval); self.autoReplyInterval = undefined; console.log("stop autoReply") alert("CORS is not allowed") } } } return; } if(this.autoReplyInterval) { clearInterval(this.autoReplyInterval); this.autoReplyInterval = undefined; console.log("stop autoReply") return "stop autoReply"; } } appendBlockList = () => { const blockList = `
remove `; let label = document.createElement('label'); label.className = "block-list"; = `block-list${this.blockListId}`; = '6px'; label.innerHTML += blockList; document.querySelector('#block-list-container').appendChild(label); this.blockListId += 1; } appendAutostartCheckBox = () => { const autostartCheckBox = `
  • `; document.querySelector('.snap-drawer.snap-drawer-left ul:last-of-type').innerHTML += autostartCheckBox; } appendAutoReplyCheckBox = () => { const autoReplyCheckBox = `
  • `; document.querySelector('.snap-drawer.snap-drawer-left ul:last-of-type').innerHTML += autoReplyCheckBox; } appendEmojiList = () => { const emojilist = `
  • 快樂
    (・ω´・ )(・ω´・ )(・ω´・ )
  • `; document.querySelector('.snap-drawer.snap-drawer-left ul:last-of-type').innerHTML += emojilist; } appendBlockCheckBox = () => { const blockCheckBox = `
  • 新增封鎖語句
  • `; document.querySelector('.snap-drawer.snap-drawer-left ul:last-of-type').innerHTML += blockCheckBox; } } let wooct = new wooControler()