#!/bin/bash # coding: utf-8 # version=2024-05-31-r01 # author: Shuwei Ye "true" '''\' myScript="${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}" ret=0 sourced=0 if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then case $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT in *:file) sourced=1; esac else case ${0##*/} in bash|-bash|zsh|-zsh) sourced=1; esac fi mySetup=runML-here.sh if [[ -e $mySetup && ( $# -eq 0 || "$*" =~ "--rerun" ) ]]; then source $mySetup ret=$? elif [[ $# -eq 1 && "$1" =~ ^[Jj]upyter$ ]]; then source $mySetup jupyter ret=$? else if [ "X" != "X$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then shopt -s expand_aliases fi alias py_readlink="python3 -c 'import os,sys;print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))'" alias py_stat="python3 -c 'import os,sys; print(int(os.path.getmtime(sys.argv[1])))'" myDir=$(dirname $myScript) myDir=$(py_readlink $myDir) now=$(date +"%s") python3 -B -I -S "$myScript" --shellFilename $mySetup "$@" ret=$? if [ -e $mySetup ]; then # check if the setup script is newly created mtime_setup=$(py_stat $mySetup) if [ "$(( $mtime_setup - $now ))" -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "\nTo reuse the same container next time, just run" echo -e "\n\t source $mySetup \n or \n\t source $myScript" sleep 2 source $mySetup fi fi fi [[ $sourced == 1 ]] && return $ret || exit $ret ''' import getpass import os import sys import io from datetime import datetime, timezone from time import sleep import argparse import ast import json import pprint import re import subprocess from shutil import which, rmtree from subprocess import getstatusoutput from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError import ssl GITHUB_REPO = "usatlas/ML-Containers" GITHUB_PATH = "run-ml_container.sh" URL_SELF = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/%s/main/%s" % ( GITHUB_REPO, GITHUB_PATH) URL_API_SELF = "https://api.github.com/repos/%s/commits?path=%s&per_page=100" % ( GITHUB_REPO, GITHUB_PATH) CONTAINER_CMDS = ["podman", "docker", "nerdctl", "apptainer", "singularity"] DOCKERHUB_REPO = "https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/" IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY38 = { "dockerPath": "docker.io/yesw2000/{FullName}", "listURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usatlas/ML-Containers/main/centos7/{Name}/python38/list-of-pkgs-inside.txt", "cvmfsPath": [ "/cvmfs/atlas.sdcc.bnl.gov/users/yesw/singularity/centos7-py38/{Name}", "/cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.hub.docker.com/yesw2000/{FullName}"]} IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY39 = { "dockerPath": "docker.io/yesw2000/{FullName}", "listURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usatlas/ML-Containers/main/centos7/{Name}/python39/list-of-pkgs-inside.txt", "cvmfsPath": [ "/cvmfs/atlas.sdcc.bnl.gov/users/yesw/singularity/centos7-py39/{Name}", "/cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.hub.docker.com/yesw2000/{FullName}"]} IMAGE_ALMA9_PY39 = { "dockerPath": "docker.io/yesw2000/{FullName}", "listURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usatlas/ML-Containers/main/alma9/{Name}/python39/list-of-pkgs-inside.txt", "cvmfsPath": [ "/cvmfs/atlas.sdcc.bnl.gov/users/yesw/singularity/alma9-py39/{Name}", "/cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.hub.docker.com/yesw2000/{FullName}"]} IMAGE_CONFIG = { "ml-base:centos7-python38": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY38, "ml-pyroot:centos7-python38": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY38, "ml-tensorflow-cpu:centos7-python38": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY38, "ml-tensorflow-gpu:centos7-python38": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY38, "ml-base:centos7-python39": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY39, "ml-pyroot:centos7-python39": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY39, "ml-tensorflow-cpu:centos7-python39": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY39, "ml-tensorflow-gpu:centos7-python39": IMAGE_CENTOS7_PY39, "ml-base:alma9-python39": IMAGE_ALMA9_PY39, "ml-pyroot:alma9-python39": IMAGE_ALMA9_PY39, "ml-tensorflow-cpu:alma9-python39": IMAGE_ALMA9_PY39, "ml-tensorflow-gpu:alma9-python39": IMAGE_ALMA9_PY39, } def set_default_subparser(parser, default_subparser, index_action=1): """default subparser selection. Call after setup, just before parse_args() parser: the name of the parser you're making changes to default_subparser: the name of the subparser to call by default""" if len(sys.argv) <= index_action: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) subparser_found = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in [ '-h', '--help', '-V', '--version']: # global help or version, no default subparser break else: for x in parser._subparsers._actions: if not isinstance(x, argparse._SubParsersAction): continue for sp_name in x._name_parser_map.keys(): if sp_name in sys.argv[1:]: subparser_found = True if not subparser_found: # insert default in first position before all other arguments sys.argv.insert(index_action, default_subparser) def listGPUDevices(): import os dev_files = os.listdir('/dev') nvidia_devices = ['/dev/' + f for f in dev_files if f.startswith('nvidia')] return nvidia_devices def getUrlContent(url): try: response = urlopen(url) except (URLError, HTTPError) as e: print("Error fetching URL:", e) ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context() response = urlopen(url, context=ssl_context) return response.read().decode('utf-8') def getUrlHeaders(url): try: response = urlopen(url) except (URLError, HTTPError) as e: print("Error fetching URL:", e) ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context() response = urlopen(url, context=ssl_context) return response.headers def getLastCommit(): json_obj = json.loads(getUrlContent(URL_API_SELF)) recentCommit = json_obj[0]['commit']['committer']['date'] myScript = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) myMTime = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(myScript), tz=timezone.utc) myDate = myMTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') return myDate, recentCommit def getVersion(myFile=None): if myFile is None: myScript = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) myFile = open(myScript, 'r') else: if isinstance(myFile, str): myFile = myFile.split('\n') no = 0 version = "" for line in myFile: no += 1 if no > 10: break if re.search(r'^#.* version', line): version = line.split('=')[1] break if isinstance(myFile, io.IOBase): myFile.close() return version def selfUpdate(args): currentVersion = getVersion() myDate, recentCommit = getLastCommit() print("The most recent GitHub commit's UTC timestamp is", recentCommit) content = getUrlContent(URL_SELF) latestVersion = getVersion(content) if latestVersion > currentVersion or ( latestVersion == currentVersion and recentCommit > myDate): print("Update available, updating the script itself") myScript = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) os.rename(myScript, myScript + '.old') try: myfile = open(myScript, 'w') myfile.write(content) myfile.close() print("Update finished") except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] print("Failed to write out the latest version of this script\n", err) print("Keep the current version") os.rename(myScript + '.old', myScript) return print("Already up-to-date, no update needed") def run_shellCmd(shellCmd, exitOnFailure=True): retCode, out = getstatusoutput(shellCmd) if retCode != 0 and exitOnFailure: print("!!Error!! Failed in running the following command") print("\t", shellCmd) sys.exit(1) return out def listImages(args=None): images = list(IMAGE_CONFIG.keys()) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print("Available images=") pp.pprint(images) def list_FoundImages(name): images = list(IMAGE_CONFIG.keys()) images_found = [] for imageFullName in images: imageBaseName = imageFullName.split(':')[0] if imageFullName == name or imageBaseName == name: images_found += [imageFullName] return images_found def getImageInfo(args, imageFullName=None, printOut=True): if imageFullName is None: images_found = list_FoundImages(args.name) if len(images_found) == 0: print("\n!!Warning!! imageName=%s is NOT found.\n" % args.name) listImages() sys.exit(1) elif len(images_found) > 1: print("\nMultiple images matching %s are found:" % args.name) print("\t", images_found) imageFullName = images_found[0] imageName, tagName = imageFullName.split(':') dockerPath = IMAGE_CONFIG[imageFullName]["dockerPath"].replace( "{FullName}", imageName) url_tags = DOCKERHUB_REPO + dockerPath.replace("docker.io/", "") + "/tags" # print("tags_url=", url_tags) json_obj = json.loads(getUrlContent(url_tags)) json_tags = json_obj['results'] json_tag = None for dict_tag in json_tags: if dict_tag['name'] == tagName: json_tag = dict_tag break if json_tag: labels = getImageLabels(imageName, tagName) for labelName in ['imageRawSize', 'imageVersion']: if labelName in labels: json_tag[labelName] = labels[labelName] # pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # pp.pprint(json_tag) imageSize = json_tag['full_size'] lastUpdate = json_tag['last_updated'] imageDigest = json_tag['digest'] if printOut: print("Found image name= %s\n" % imageFullName) print(" Image compressed size=", imageSize) if "imageRawSize" in json_tag: print(" Image raw size=", json_tag['imageRawSize']) print(" imageVersion=", json_tag['imageVersion']) print(" Last update UTC time=", lastUpdate) print(" Image SHA256 hash=", imageDigest) sys.exit(0) else: if "imageRawSize" in json_tag: return { "imageSize": imageSize, "imageRawSize": json_tag['imageRawSize'], "imageVersion": json_tag['imageVersion'], "lastUpdate": lastUpdate, "imageDigest": imageDigest} else: return { "imageSize": imageSize, "lastUpdate": lastUpdate, "imageDigest": imageDigest} else: print( "!!Warning!! No tag name=%s is found for the image name=%s" % (tagName, imageName)) sys.exit(1) def listPackages(args): images_found = list_FoundImages(args.name) n_images_found = len(images_found) if n_images_found == 0: print("\n!!Warning!! imageName=%s is NOT found.\n" % args.name) listImages() sys.exit(1) elif n_images_found > 1: print("\n!!Warning!! Multiple matched images found=\n", images_found) print("\nPlease rerun this command with a specific image") sys.exit(1) for imageName in images_found: baseName = imageName.split(':')[0] print( "\nFound imageName=", imageName, " with the following installed pkgs:") url = IMAGE_CONFIG[imageName]["listURL"].replace("{Name}", baseName) try: print(getUrlContent(url)) except Exception: print("Failed in opening the following URL", url) sys.exit(1) def listNewPkgs(contCmd, contNamePath, lastLineN): history = "/opt/conda/conda-meta/history" if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': grepCmd = 'egrep -n "specs:|cmd:" %s/%s' % (contNamePath, history) else: startCmd = '%s start %s' % (contCmd, contNamePath) output = run_shellCmd(startCmd) grepCmd = '%s exec %s egrep -n "specs:|cmd:" %s' % ( contCmd, contNamePath, history) output = run_shellCmd(grepCmd) pkgs = {} channels = [] for line in output.split('\n'): lineN, lineH, lineObj = line.split(':', 2) if int(lineN) <= int(lastLineN): continue if lineH.find("specs") > 0: if lineH.find("remove") > 0: removeIt = True else: removeIt = False items = ast.literal_eval(lineObj.strip()) for item in items: key, delim, value = ( re.split(r'(<|=|>)', item, 1) + [None] * 2)[:3] if value is None: value = '' else: value = delim + value if key not in pkgs: if not removeIt: pkgs[key] = value else: print( "!!Warning!! Removing non new primary pkg=%s is NOT supported" % key) elif key in pkgs: if removeIt: del pkgs[key] elif value != '': pkgs[key] = value elif lineObj.find(" -c ") > 0 or lineObj.find(" --channel") > 0: items = lineObj.split() channelNext = False for item in items: if channelNext: if item not in channels and item != 'conda-forge': channels += [item] channelNext = False continue if item == '-c' or item == "--channel": channelNext = True elif item.startswith("--channel="): value = item.split('=')[1] if value not in channels and value != 'conda-forge': channels += [value] pkgs_list = [] for k, v in pkgs.items(): pkgs_list += [k + v] return pkgs_list, channels # install users new pkgs def install_newPkgs(contCmd, contNamePath, pkgs, channels): channels_pkgs = '' for channel in channels: channels_pkgs += ' -c ' + channel for pkg in pkgs: channels_pkgs += ' ' + pkg bash_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'micromamba install -y %s'" % channels_pkgs if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': installCmd = "%s exec -w -H %s %s %s" \ % (contCmd, os.getcwd(), contNamePath, bash_cmd) else: installCmd = "%s exec %s %s" % (contCmd, contNamePath, bash_cmd) print("\nGoing to install new pkg(s) with the following command\n") print("\t", installCmd) run_shellCmd(installCmd) # build Singularity sandbox def build_sandbox(contCmd, sandboxPath, dockerPath, force=False): if os.path.exists(sandboxPath): if not force and os.path.exists(sandboxPath + "/entrypoint.sh"): print("%s already, and would not override it." % sandboxPath) print("\nTo override the existing sandbox, please add the option '-f'") print("Quit now") sys.exit(1) os.system("chmod -R +w %s; rm -rf %s" % (sandboxPath, sandboxPath)) buildCmd = "%s build --sandbox --fix-perms -F %s docker://%s" % ( contCmd, sandboxPath, dockerPath) print("\nBuilding Singularity sandbox\n") retCode = subprocess.call(buildCmd.split()) if retCode != 0: print("!!Warning!! Building the Singularity sandbox failed. Exit now") sys.exit(1) # write setup for Singularity sandbox def write_sandboxSetup( filename, imageName, dockerPath, contCmd, sandboxPath, runOpt): imageInfo = getImageInfo(None, imageName, printOut=False) imageSize = imageInfo["imageSize"] lastUpdate = imageInfo["lastUpdate"] imageDigest = imageInfo["imageDigest"] output = run_shellCmd( "wc -l %s/opt/conda/conda-meta/history" % sandboxPath) linesCondaHistory = output.split()[0] myScript = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) shellFile = open(filename, 'w') shellFile.write(""" contCmd=%s imageName=%s imageCompressedSize=%s imageLastUpdate=%s imageDigest=%s linesCondaHistory=%s dockerPath=%s sandboxPath=%s runOpt="%s" if [ -e $sandboxPath/entrypoint.sh ]; then if [[ $# -eq 1 && "$1" =~ ^[Jj]upyter$ ]]; then runCmd="$contCmd exec $runOpt $sandboxPath jupyter lab" else runCmd="$contCmd run $runOpt $sandboxPath" fi echo -e "\\n$runCmd\\n" eval $runCmd else echo "The Singularity sandbox=$sandboxPath does not exist or is invalid" echo "Please rebuild the Singularity sandbox by running the following" echo -e "\n\t source %s $imageName" fi """ % (contCmd, imageName, imageSize, lastUpdate, imageDigest, linesCondaHistory, dockerPath, sandboxPath, runOpt, myScript)) shellFile.close() # create docker/podman container def create_container(contCmd, contName, dockerPath, bindOpt, force=False): pullCmd = "%s pull %s" % (contCmd, dockerPath) retCode = subprocess.call(pullCmd.split()) username = getpass.getuser() home = os.path.expanduser("~") jupyterOpt = "-p 8800:8800 -e NB_USER=%s -e HOME=%s -v %s:%s" % ( username, home, home, home) jupyterOpt += " -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro" if retCode != 0: print("!!Warning!! Pulling the image %s failed, exit now" % dockerPath) sys.exit(1) out = run_shellCmd("%s ps -a -f name='^%s$' " % (contCmd, contName)) if out.find(contName) > 0: if force: print( "\nThe container=%s already exists, removing it now" % contName) out = run_shellCmd("%s rm -f %s" % (contCmd, contName)) else: print( "\nThe container=%s already exists, \n\tplease rerun the command with the option '-f' to remove it" % contName) print("\nQuit now") sys.exit(1) secOpt = "" if contCmd == "podman": # lsCmd = "%s run -it --rm %s ls / | tail -1" % (contCmd, dockerPath) # out = run_shellCmd(lsCmd, exitOnFailure=False) # if out.find("Operation not permitted") >= 0: # secOpt = "--security-opt seccomp=unconfined" secOpt = "--privileged" pwd = os.getcwd() createOpt = "-it -v %s:%s -w %s %s %s %s" % ( pwd, pwd, pwd, jupyterOpt, bindOpt, secOpt) createCmd = "%s create %s --name %s %s" % \ (contCmd, createOpt, contName, dockerPath) out = run_shellCmd(createCmd) startCmd = "%s start %s" % (contCmd, contName) out = run_shellCmd(startCmd) return secOpt # write setup for Docker/Podman container def write_dockerSetup( filename, imageName, dockerPath, contCmd, contName, runOpt, override=False): imageInfo = getImageInfo(None, imageName, printOut=False) imageSize = imageInfo["imageSize"] lastUpdate = imageInfo["lastUpdate"] imageDigest = imageInfo["imageDigest"] output = run_shellCmd( "%s run --rm %s wc -l /opt/conda/conda-meta/history |tail -1" % (contCmd, dockerPath)) linesCondaHistory = output.split()[0] shellFile = open(filename, 'w') shellFile.write(""" contCmd=%s imageName=%s imageCompressedSize=%s imageLastUpdate=%s imageDigest=%s dockerPath=%s linesCondaHistory=%s contName=%s runOpt="%s" jupyterOpt="-p 8800:8800 -e NB_USER=$USER -e HOME=$HOME -v ${HOME}:${HOME}" jupyterOpt="$jupyterOpt -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro" re_exited="ago[\ ]+Exited" re_up="ago[\ ]+Up" listOut=$($contCmd ps -a -f name=$contName 2>/dev/null | tail -1) if [[ "$listOut" =~ $re_exited ]]; then startCmd="$contCmd start $contName" echo -e "\\n$startCmd" eval $startCmd >/dev/null elif [[ "$listOut" =~ $re_up ]]; then if [[ "$listOut" =~ "(Paused)" ]]; then unpauseCmd="$contCmd unpause $contName" echo -e "\\n$unpauseCmd" eval $unpauseCmd >/dev/null fi else createCmd="$contCmd create -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD $runOpt $jupyterOpt --name $contName $dockerPath" echo -e "\\n$createCmd" eval $createCmd >/dev/null startCmd="$contCmd start $contName" echo -e "\\n$startCmd" eval $startCmd >/dev/null fi if [[ $# -eq 1 && "$1" =~ ^[Jj]upyter$ ]]; then uid=$(id -u) gid=$(id -g) runCmd="$contCmd exec -it -u ${uid}:${gid} -e USER=$USER $contName jupyter lab --ip" else runCmd="$contCmd exec -it $contName /bin/bash -l" fi echo -e "\\n$runCmd\\n" eval $runCmd """ % (contCmd, imageName, imageSize, lastUpdate, imageDigest, dockerPath, linesCondaHistory, contName, runOpt)) shellFile.close() def getMyImageInfo(filename): shellFile = open(filename, 'r') myImageInfo = {} for line in shellFile: if re.search(r'^(cont|image|docker|sand|runOpt|lines).*=', line): key, value = line.strip().split('=', 1) myImageInfo[key] = value return myImageInfo def printMe(args): if not os.path.exists(args.shellFilename): print("No previous container/sandbox setup is found") return None myImageInfo = getMyImageInfo(args.shellFilename) contCmd = myImageInfo["contCmd"] linesCondaHistory = myImageInfo.pop("linesCondaHistory") if "runOpt" in myImageInfo: myImageInfo.pop("runOpt") pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print("The image/container used in the current work directory:") pp.pprint(myImageInfo) if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': contNamePath = myImageInfo["sandboxPath"] else: contNamePath = myImageInfo["contName"] pkgs, channels = listNewPkgs(contCmd, contNamePath, linesCondaHistory) if len(pkgs) > 0: print("\nThe following additional pkgs and their dependencies are installed") pp.pprint(pkgs) if len(channels) > 0: print( "\nThe following channels besides the default channel 'conda-forge' are needed") pp.pprint(channels) def cleanLast(filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): return myImageInfo = getMyImageInfo(filename) if len(myImageInfo) > 0: contCmd = myImageInfo['contCmd'] if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': sandboxPath = myImageInfo['sandboxPath'] print("\nRemoving the last sandbox=%s\n" % sandboxPath) try: rmtree(sandboxPath) except (OSError, IOError, PermissionError) as e: print("Error removing directory of last sandbox:", e) sys.exit(1) os.rename(filename, filename + '.last') else: contName = myImageInfo['contName'] print("\nRemoving the last container=%s\n" % contName) rmCmd = "%s rm -f %s" % (contCmd, contName) run_shellCmd(rmCmd, exitOnFailure=False) os.rename(filename, filename + '.last') def setup(args): images = list_FoundImages(args.name) if len(images) == 0: print("No found image matching the name=", args.name) listImages() sys.exit(1) elif len(images) > 1: print("Multiple images matching the name=", args.name) print("Please specify the full name of the following images:") pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(images) sys.exit(1) imageFullName = images[0] (imageName, tagName) = imageFullName.split(':') dockerPath = IMAGE_CONFIG[imageFullName]["dockerPath"].replace( "{FullName}", imageFullName) print( "Found the image name=", imageFullName, " with the dockerPath=", dockerPath) contCmds = [] for cmd in CONTAINER_CMDS: cmdFound = which(cmd) if cmdFound is not None: contCmds += [cmd] if len(contCmds) == 0: print( "Found none of container running commands:", CONTAINER_CMDS, "; exit now") print("Please install one of the above tool first") sys.exit(1) contCmd = contCmds[0] if args.contCmd is not None: if args.contCmd in contCmds: contCmd = args.contCmd else: print( "The specified command=%s to run containers is NOT found" % args.contCmd) print( "Please choose the available command(s) on the machine to run containers") print("\t", contCmds) sys.exit(1) cleanLast(args.shellFilename) paths = args.volume volumes = [] if paths is not None: pwd = os.getcwd() home = os.path.expanduser("~") for path in paths.split(','): localPath = path.split(':')[0] if os.path.samefile(pwd, localPath): continue elif (contCmd == "singularity" or contCmd == "apptainer") and os.path.samefile(home, localPath): continue volumes += [path] if contCmd == "singularity" or contCmd == "apptainer": if not os.path.exists("singularity"): os.mkdir("singularity") sandboxPath = "singularity/%s" % imageFullName build_sandbox(contCmd, sandboxPath, dockerPath, args.force) imageFullPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), sandboxPath) runCmd = "%s run -w %s" % (contCmd, imageFullPath) # Check if Home bind-mount works with --writable mode # if not, add the option --no-home testCmd = runCmd + " ls /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1" retCode, out = getstatusoutput(testCmd) if retCode != 0: runOpt = '-w -H $PWD' else: runOpt = '-w' if imageName.find('gpu') >= 0 and len(listGPUDevices()) > 0: runOpt += ' --nv' for path in volumes: runOpt += " -B %s" % path write_sandboxSetup( args.shellFilename, imageFullName, dockerPath, contCmd, sandboxPath, runOpt) elif contCmd == "podman" or contCmd == "docker" or contCmd == "nerdctl": testCmd = "%s info" % contCmd run_shellCmd(testCmd) contName = '_'.join([getpass.getuser(), imageName, tagName]) bindOpt = '' if imageName.find('gpu') >= 0: devices = listGPUDevices() if len(devices) > 0: if contCmd == "podman": bindOpt = '--device=' + ','.join(devices) else: bindOpt = '--gpus all' if os.path.exists("/usr/lib64/libcuda.so") and os.path.exists("/usr/lib64/libcuda.so.1"): bindOpt += " -v /usr/lib64/libcuda.so:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64/libcuda.so -v /usr/lib64/libcuda.so.1:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64/libcuda.so.1" for path in volumes: if path.find(':') > 0: bindOpt += " -v %s" % path else: bindOpt += " -v %s:%s" % (path, path) secOpt = create_container( contCmd, contName, dockerPath, bindOpt, args.force) runOpt = bindOpt + ' ' + secOpt write_dockerSetup(args.shellFilename, imageFullName, dockerPath, contCmd, contName, runOpt, args.force) sleep(1) def update(args): if not os.path.exists(args.shellFilename): print("No previous container/sandbox setup is found") return None myImageInfo = getMyImageInfo(args.shellFilename) myImageName = myImageInfo["imageName"] myImageUpdate = myImageInfo["imageLastUpdate"] myImageDigest = myImageInfo["imageDigest"] latestImageInfo = getImageInfo(None, myImageName, printOut=False) latestUpdate = latestImageInfo["lastUpdate"] latestDigest = latestImageInfo["imageDigest"] runOpt = myImageInfo["runOpt"].strip('"') if latestUpdate > myImageUpdate and myImageDigest != latestDigest: print( "Update is available with the last update date=%s" % latestUpdate) print("\twith the corresponding image digest =", latestDigest) if not args.force: print("\nIf you like to update, please add the option '-f' in the command") sys.exit(0) else: print("The current container/sandbox is already up-to-date") sys.exit(0) contCmd = myImageInfo["contCmd"] linesCondaHistory = myImageInfo.pop("linesCondaHistory") dockerPath = myImageInfo['dockerPath'] if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': contNamePath = myImageInfo["sandboxPath"] else: contNamePath = myImageInfo["contName"] pkgs, channels = listNewPkgs(contCmd, contNamePath, linesCondaHistory) if contCmd == 'singularity' or contCmd == 'apptainer': build_sandbox(contCmd, contNamePath, dockerPath, force=True) write_sandboxSetup(args.shellFilename, myImageName, dockerPath, contCmd, contNamePath, runOpt) else: create_container(contCmd, contNamePath, dockerPath, runOpt, force=True) write_dockerSetup(args.shellFilename, myImageName, dockerPath, contCmd, contNamePath, runOpt, override=True) if len(pkgs) > 0: install_newPkgs(contCmd, contNamePath, pkgs, channels) def jupyter(args): if not os.path.exists(args.shellFilename): print("No previous container/sandbox setup is found") myScript = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) print("Please run 'source %s setup {ImageName}' first" % myScript) return None # Get a DockerHub token for a given scrope and username def get_docker_hub_token(repo, username=None): """ Get a Docker Hub token. If username is given, authenticate with that username. """ url_token = "https://auth.docker.io/token?service=registry.docker.io&scope=repository:" + repo + ":pull" json_obj = json.loads(getUrlContent(url_token)) token = json_obj["token"] return token def getPullLimit(args): """ Get the pull limit information for anonymous user or a given username """ username = args.username repo = "ratelimitpreview/test" token = get_docker_hub_token(repo, username) url_digest = "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/latest" req = Request(url_digest, method="HEAD") req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % token) headers = getUrlHeaders(req) limit_info = { "ratelimit-limit": headers.get("ratelimit-limit"), "ratelimit-remaining": headers.get("ratelimit-remaining"), "docker-ratelimit-source": headers.get("docker-ratelimit-source"), } remaining = limit_info["ratelimit-remaining"] period_seconds = int(remaining.split('=')[-1]) period_hours = period_seconds / 3600 limit_remaining = int(remaining.split(';')[0]) print("The pull limit info on the Docker Hub is:") print( " The remaining pull limit=%i per %i hours" % (limit_remaining, period_hours)) # Get labels in a Docker image def getImageLabels(imageName, tag): if imageName.find('/') < 0: repo = 'yesw2000/' + imageName else: repo = imageName token = get_docker_hub_token(repo) url_digest = "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/%s/manifests/%s" % ( repo, tag) req = Request(url_digest) req.add_header('Accept', 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % token) json_obj = json.loads(getUrlContent(req)) digest = json_obj['config']['digest'] url_inspect = "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/%s/blobs/%s" % ( repo, digest) req = Request(url_inspect) req.add_header('Accept', 'application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer %s' % token) json_obj = json.loads(getUrlContent(req)) labels = json_obj['config']['Labels'] return labels def main(): myScript = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) example_global = """Examples: source %s listImages source %s ml-base:centos7-python39 source %s # Empty arg to rerun the already setup container source %s setup ml-base:centos7-python39""" % (myScript, myScript, myScript, myScript) example_setup = """Examples: source %s ml-base:centos7-python39 source %s --sing ml-base:centos7-python39""" % (myScript, myScript) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog=example_global, usage='%(prog)s [options]', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( '--shellFilename', action='store', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--rerun', action='store_true', help="rerun the already setup container") parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='store_true', help="print out the script version") sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='Default=setup') desc = 'list all available ML images' sp_listImages = sp.add_parser('listImages', help=desc, description=desc) sp_listImages.set_defaults(func=listImages) desc = 'list packages in the given image' sp_listPackages = sp.add_parser( 'listPackages', help=desc, description=desc) sp_listPackages.add_argument( 'name', metavar='', help='Image name to list packages') sp_listPackages.set_defaults(func=listPackages) sp_printImageInfo = sp.add_parser( 'printImageInfo', help='print Image Info', description='print out image size. last update date and SHA256 hash of the given image') sp_printImageInfo.add_argument('name', metavar='') sp_printImageInfo.set_defaults(func=getImageInfo) sp_printPullLimit = sp.add_parser( 'printPullLimit', help='print the pull limit info on the Docker Hub', description='print out the pull limit info on the Docker Hub, for anonymous or a given user') sp_printPullLimit.add_argument( 'username', nargs='?', metavar='', help="A DockerHub name, otherwise anonymous user will be applied") sp_printPullLimit.set_defaults(func=getPullLimit) sp_printMe = sp.add_parser( 'printMe', help='print info of the setup container', description='print the container/sandbox set up for the work directory') sp_printMe.set_defaults(func=printMe) sp_update = sp.add_parser( 'update', help='update the container image', description='check if the container/sandbox here is up-to-date, update it needed and -f applied') sp_update.add_argument( '-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help="Force to override the existing container/sandbox") sp_update.set_defaults(func=update) desc = 'update the script itself' sp_update = sp.add_parser('selfUpdate', help=desc, description=desc) sp_update.set_defaults(func=selfUpdate) sp_setup = sp.add_parser( 'setup', help='set up container', description='create a container/sandbox for the given image', epilog=example_setup, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) group_cmd = sp_setup.add_mutually_exclusive_group() for cmd in CONTAINER_CMDS: group_cmd.add_argument("--%s" % cmd, dest="contCmd", action="store_const", const="%s" % cmd, help="Use %s to the container" % cmd) sp_setup.add_argument( '-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help="Force to override the existing container/sandbox") sp_setup.add_argument( '-B', '--volume', nargs='?', metavar='path[,srcPath:targePath]', help="Additional path(s) delimited by comma, to be mounted into the container") sp_setup.add_argument( 'name', metavar='', help='image name to run') sp_setup.set_defaults(func=setup) set_default_subparser(parser, 'setup', 3) sp_jupyter = sp.add_parser( 'jupyter', help='run Jupyter with the container', description='run JupyterLab on the already created container/sandbox') sp_jupyter.set_defaults(func=jupyter) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if args.version: version = getVersion() if version is not None: print("Version=", version) sys.exit(0) args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()