# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [v2.12.0] - Added `userflow.setLinkUrlDecorator()` method to override how Userflow.js displays links to e.g. your knowledge base. [See Userflow.js docs](https://userflow.com/docs/userflow-js#setlinkurldecorator) ## [v2.11.0] - Added `unreadAnnouncementCount` field to `ResourceCenterState` object, which represents the number of unread announcements. ## [v2.10.0] - Added `userflow.disableEvalJs()` to block all "Evaluate Javascript" actions from running. ## [v2.9.0] ### Added - Added `userflow.setServerEndpoint()` to override which server Userflow.js should connect to. For advanced use with self-hosted proxy. ## [v2.8.0] ### Fixed - Detect Chrome iOS (starting a little arbitrarily at v100) as es2020 compatible (instead of serving it the legacy bundle). ## [v2.7.0] ### Added - Added `userflow.setBaseZIndex()` to override Userflow's default base z-index of `1234500`. ## [v2.6.0] ### Added - Added `userflow.load()`, which returns a `Promise` that resolves once the full Userflow.js has been loaded from our CDN, or rejects if it fails. ## [v2.5.0] ### Added - Added types for new list data type and append/prepend/remove list operations ## [v2.4.0] ### Added - Added `userflow.setPageTrackingDisabled()` to turn off auto tracking of page_viewed events ## [v2.3.0] ### Added - Added stubs of new resource center related methods: `userflow.openResourceCenter()`, `userflow.closeResourceCenter()`, `userflow.toggleResourceCenter()`, `userflow.setResourceCenterLauncherHidden()`, `userflow.getResourceCenterState()`. [See Userflow.js docs](https://userflow.com/docs/userflow-js#resource-center) ## [v2.2.0] ### Added - Added typings for `signature` option in `userflow.identify()` and `userflow.group()` (for use with upcoming identity verification). ## [v2.1.2] ### Fixed - Added missing stub of `userflow.start` method. ## [v2.1.1] ### Fixed - Support importing `userflow.js` with server-side rendering such as with Next.js. ## [v2.1.0] ### Added - Added some missing stubbed missing implementations so they can be used before proper Userflow.js is loaded from CDN. ## [v2.0.0] ### Added - `module` build in ESM format. - It will now detect whether the user's browser supports ES2020 features and load either a modern Userflow.js version (small and fast in modern browsers) or a legacy Userflow.js version (larger but supports older browsers). ### Changed - Now only using ES5 syntax (enforced via ESLint rules) to possibly support IE11 without transpilation one day. - BREAKING CHANGE: The scripts are now loaded from `js.userflow.com` instead of `js.getuserflow.com`, which means your app's Content Security header may need an update. [Please consult our CSP guide](https://userflow.com/docs/dev/csp). ### Removed - `loadUserflow()` was removed. Calling any of the `userflow.*()` methods will automatically load Userflow.js from CDN. - Deprecated `userflow.startFlow()` was removed. Use `userflow.start()` instead. - Deprecated `userflow.endAllFlows()` was removed. Use `userflow.endAll()` instead. - Deprecated `IdentifyParams` type was removed. Use `Attributes` instead. - Deprecated `immediate: boolean` option was removed - no longer relevant. [unreleased]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.12.0...HEAD [v2.12.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.11.0...v2.12.0 [v2.11.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.10.0...v2.11.0 [v2.10.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.9.0...v2.10.0 [v2.9.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.8.0...v2.9.0 [v2.8.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.7.0...v2.8.0 [v2.7.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.6.0...v2.7.0 [v2.6.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.5.0...v2.6.0 [v2.5.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.4.0...v2.5.0 [v2.4.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.3.0...v2.4.0 [v2.3.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.2.0...v2.3.0 [v2.2.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.1.2...v2.2.0 [v2.1.2]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.1.1...v2.1.2 [v2.1.1]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.1.0...v2.1.1 [v2.1.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v2.0.0...v2.1.0 [v2.0.0]: https://github.com/userflow/userflow.js/compare/v1.8.0...v2.0.0