#!/usr/bin/php . */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------- Functions --------------------------------- function show_help($help_for) { if(empty($help_for)) $help_for = ""; if($help_for == "ERROR_ARGUMENT_H") { echo "Unknown - argument -H (host address) is required but missing\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "ERROR_ARGUMENT_C") { echo "Unknown - argument -C (snmp community string) is required but missing\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "ERROR_ARGUMENT_c") { echo "Unknown - argument -c (scritical treshold) is required but missing\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "ERROR_ARGUMENT_w") { echo "Unknown - argument -w (warning treshold) is required but missing\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "SNMP") { echo "Unknown - Could't read SNMP information. Properly the host isn't configured correctly for SNMP or wrong SNMP version was given.\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "SNMP_MODULE") { echo "Unknown - PHP SNMP mpdule isn't enabled. Please check if you have installed/enabled the snmp extension for PHP.\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "ERROR_ARGUMENT_NUMERIC") { echo "Unknown - Warning and Critical have to be numeric.\n"; exit(3); } else if($help_for == "ERROR_NO_OS") { echo "Unknown - OS couldn't be determined. You can try to add the -O parameter if you know the os.\n"; exit(3); } else { echo "Usage:"; echo " ./".basename(__FILE__)." -H -C -w -c [-V ] [-P ] [-E ''] [-O '']\n\n"; echo "Options:"; echo " ./".basename(__FILE__)."\n -H Give the host address with the IP address or FQDN -C Give the SNMP Community String -w Warning treshold in percent -c Critical treshold in percent [-V ] Optional: SNMP version 1 or 2c are supported, if argument not given version 1 is used by default [-P ] Optional: Give 'yes' as argument if you wish performace data output [-E ''] Optional: Exclude partitions with a comma separated list on Windows like 'D:,E:' (with or without colon) or on Linux '/var,/tmp' [-O ''] Optional: The plugin detects automaticly the running OS. But in some cases (e.g. Barracuda firewalls) the running OS can't be determined. So use -O Linux or -O Windows to force the right OIDs \n"; echo "Example:"; echo " ./".basename(__FILE__)." -H localhost -C public -V 2 -w 90 -c 95 -P yes -E 'D:,E:'\n\n"; exit(3); } } function snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $snmp_version) { if(extension_loaded("snmp")) { if($snmp_version == "1") { if($snmp_return = @snmpwalk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid)) return $snmp_return; else show_help("SNMP"); } else if($snmp_version == "2c" || $snmp_version == "2") { if($snmp_return = @snmp2_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid)) return $snmp_return; else show_help("SNMP"); } else show_help("SNMP"); } else show_help("SNMP_MODULE"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------- Check arguments ----------------------------- //get arguments from cli $arguments = array(); $arguments = getopt("H:C:V:w:c:E:P:O:"); if(is_array($arguments) && count($arguments) < 4) show_help(""); if((isset($arguments['w']) && !is_numeric($arguments['w'])) || (isset($arguments['c']) && !is_numeric($arguments['c']))) show_help("ERROR_ARGUMENT_NUMERIC"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------- Get arguments and set variables -------------------------- //get and check host address argument if(isset($arguments['H'])) $snmp_host = $arguments['H']; else show_help("ERROR_ARGUMENT_H"); //get and check snmp community string argument if(isset($arguments['C'])) $snmp_community = $arguments['C']; else show_help("ERROR_ARGUMENT_C"); //get and check warning argument if(isset($arguments['w'])) $snmp_warning = $arguments['w']; else show_help("ERROR_ARGUMENT_w"); //get and check critical argument if(isset($arguments['c'])) $snmp_critical = $arguments['c']; else show_help("ERROR_ARGUMENT_c"); //get and check snmp version argument if(isset($arguments['V'])) $snmp_version = $arguments['V']; else $snmp_version = 1; //get and check perfdata argument if(isset($arguments['P'])) $perfdata = $arguments['P']; else $perfdata = ""; $output_snmp_exclude = ""; $snmp_exclude = ""; if(!empty($arguments['E'])) { $snmp_exclude = trim($arguments['E']); $output_snmp_exclude = $snmp_exclude; } if(!empty($arguments['O'])) $snmp_os = trim($arguments['O']); else $snmp_os = ""; $output_perfdata = ""; //define string for performance data output $exit_code = 0; //set default exit code to "ok" $storage_info[][] = array(); //define array to store disk informations //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------ Set OID paths ------------------------------- $snmp_oid_hrStorageDesc = "."; $snmp_oid_hrStorageUnit = "."; $snmp_oid_hrStorageSize = "."; $snmp_oid_hrStorageUsed = "."; $snmp_oid_hrStorageType = "."; $snmp_oid_sysDescr = "."; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------- Walk through SNMP informations from server ---------------- $i = 0; $hrStorageDesc = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_hrStorageDesc, $snmp_version); foreach($hrStorageDesc as $hrStorageDesc_value) { $storage_info[$i]['hrStorageDesc'] = str_replace("STRING: ","",$hrStorageDesc_value); $i++; } $i = 0; $hrStorageSize = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_hrStorageSize, $snmp_version); foreach($hrStorageSize as $hrStorageSize_value) { $storage_info[$i]['hrStorageSize'] = str_replace("INTEGER: ","",$hrStorageSize_value); $i++; } $i = 0; $hrStorageUsed = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_hrStorageUsed, $snmp_version); foreach($hrStorageUsed as $hrStorageUsed_value) { $storage_info[$i]['hrStorageUsed'] = str_replace("INTEGER: ","",$hrStorageUsed_value); $i++; } $i = 0; $hrStorageUnit = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_hrStorageUnit, $snmp_version); foreach($hrStorageUnit as $hrStorageUnit_value) { $hrStorageUnit_value = str_replace("INTEGER: ","",$hrStorageUnit_value); $hrStorageUnit_value = str_replace(" Bytes","",$hrStorageUnit_value); $storage_info[$i]['hrStorageUnit'] = $hrStorageUnit_value; $i++; } $i = 0; $hrStorageType = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_hrStorageType, $snmp_version); foreach($hrStorageType as $hrStorageType_value) { $hrStorageType_value = str_replace("INTEGER: ","",$hrStorageType_value); $hrStorageType_value = str_replace(" Bytes","",$hrStorageType_value); $storage_info[$i]['hrStorageType'] = $hrStorageType_value; $i++; } $sysDescr = snmp_walk($snmp_host, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid_sysDescr, $snmp_version); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------- Loop throught all partitions ------------------------ $i = 0; $disks_found = 0; $output_string_head_error = ""; $output_string_head = ""; $output_string = ""; $os_determined = false; if(!empty($snmp_exclude)) $snmp_exclude = explode(",",$snmp_exclude); foreach($storage_info as $storage_info_value) { if(empty($storage_info_value['hrStorageDesc'])) { echo "Error - No SNMP response\n"; exit(3); } $output_storage = true; $hrStorageDesc_output = $storage_info_value['hrStorageDesc']; $hrStorageType_output = $storage_info_value['hrStorageType']; //if the disk size is bigger than the 32 bit snmp value could store it, then add value to correct the value $hrStorageSize = $storage_info_value['hrStorageSize'] < 0 ? $storage_info_value['hrStorageSize'] + 4294967296 : $storage_info_value['hrStorageSize']; $hrStorageUsed = $storage_info_value['hrStorageUsed'] < 0 ? $storage_info_value['hrStorageUsed'] + 4294967296 : $storage_info_value['hrStorageUsed']; $hrStorageSize_output = round( (($hrStorageSize * $storage_info_value['hrStorageUnit']) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2); //byte to gb $hrStorageUsed_output = round( (($hrStorageUsed * $storage_info_value['hrStorageUnit']) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------- Check Linux Partitions ------------------------- if((!empty($snmp_os) && $snmp_os == "Linux") || strstr($sysDescr[0], "Linux")) { $os_determined = true; //show only harddisks if((!strstr($hrStorageType_output, "hrStorageFixedDisk") && !strstr($hrStorageType_output, "hrStorageNetworkDisk")) && (!strstr($hrStorageType_output, ".") && !strstr($hrStorageType_output, "."))) $output_storage = false; //don't show excluded partitions if(is_array($snmp_exclude) && in_array($hrStorageDesc_output, $snmp_exclude)) $output_storage = false; //if current disk meets the criteria if($output_storage == true) { if($hrStorageSize_output > 0) { $percentage_used = round( (100 / $hrStorageSize_output) * $hrStorageUsed_output, 1); $used_gb_warning = round( ($hrStorageSize_output / 100) * $snmp_warning, 0); $used_gb_critical = round( ($hrStorageSize_output / 100) * $snmp_critical, 0); if($percentage_used > $snmp_critical) { $output_string .= "Critical - "; $exit_code = 2; $output_string_head_error .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$hrStorageUsed_output." GB of ".$hrStorageSize_output." GB), "; } else if($percentage_used > $snmp_warning) { $output_string .= "Warning - "; if($exit_code != 2) //if there was already a critical, don't overwrite with a warning $exit_code = 1; $output_string_head_error .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$hrStorageUsed_output." GB of ".$hrStorageSize_output." GB), "; } } $output_string_head .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$percentage_used."%), "; $output_string .= $hrStorageDesc_output." - "; $output_string .= "Size: ".$hrStorageSize_output. " GB / "; $output_string .= "Used: ".$hrStorageUsed_output. " GB (".$percentage_used."% used)"; $output_string .= "\n"; if($perfdata == "yes") { $output_perfdata .= "Disk-".$hrStorageDesc_output."=".$hrStorageUsed_output."GB;".$used_gb_warning.";".$used_gb_critical.";0;".$hrStorageSize_output." "; } $disks_found++; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------- Check Windows Partitions ------------------------ else if((!empty($snmp_os) && $snmp_os == "Windows") || strstr($sysDescr[0], "Windows")) { $os_determined = true; //show only harddisks if(!strstr($hrStorageType_output, "hrStorageFixedDisk") && !strstr($hrStorageType_output, "hrStorageNetworkDisk") && !strstr($hrStorageType_output, ".") && !strstr($hrStorageType_output, ".")) $output_storage = false; //if not :\, don't show it if(!strstr($hrStorageDesc_output,":\\")) $output_storage = false; //don't show parition, if size is zero if($hrStorageSize_output == 0) $output_storage = false; //$hrStorageDesc_output could be "C:\ Label: Serial Number a4d5d99d" so just use the first two chars if(substr($hrStorageDesc_output, 0, 1) == "\"") $hrStorageDesc_output = substr($hrStorageDesc_output, 1, 2); else $hrStorageDesc_output = substr($hrStorageDesc_output, 0, 2); //don't show excluded partitions if(is_array($snmp_exclude) && (in_array($hrStorageDesc_output, $snmp_exclude) || in_array(str_replace(":","",$hrStorageDesc_output), $snmp_exclude))) $output_storage = false; //if current disk meets the criteria if($output_storage == true) { if($hrStorageSize_output > 0) { $percentage_used = round( (100 / $hrStorageSize_output) * $hrStorageUsed_output, 1); $used_gb_warning = round( ($hrStorageSize_output / 100) * $snmp_warning, 0); $used_gb_critical = round( ($hrStorageSize_output / 100) * $snmp_critical, 0); if($percentage_used > $snmp_critical) { $output_string .= "Critical - "; $exit_code = 2; $output_string_head_error .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$hrStorageUsed_output." GB of ".$hrStorageSize_output." GB), "; } else if($percentage_used > $snmp_warning) { $output_string .= "Warning - "; if($exit_code != 2) //if there was already a critical, don't overwrite with a warning $exit_code = 1; $output_string_head_error .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$hrStorageUsed_output." GB of ".$hrStorageSize_output." GB), "; } $output_string_head .= $hrStorageDesc_output." (".$percentage_used."%), "; $output_string .= $hrStorageDesc_output." - "; $output_string .= "Size: ".$hrStorageSize_output. " GB / "; $output_string .= "Used: ".$hrStorageUsed_output. " GB (".$percentage_used."% used)"; $output_string .= "\n"; if($perfdata == "yes") { $output_perfdata .= "Disk-".$hrStorageDesc_output."=".$hrStorageUsed_output."GB;".$used_gb_warning.";".$used_gb_critical.";0;".$hrStorageSize_output." "; } $disks_found++; } } } $i++; } if($os_determined == false) show_help("ERROR_NO_OS"); if($disks_found == 0) { $output_string_head .= "Could not get disk info, "; $exit_code = 2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------- Output to stdout ---------------------------- //Output status information if(!empty($output_string_head_error)) $output_string_head_error = substr($output_string_head_error, 0, -2); echo "Disks "; if($exit_code == 0) echo "OK"; else if($exit_code == 1) echo "Warning {$output_string_head_error}"; else if($exit_code == 2) echo "Critical {$output_string_head_error}"; echo " // ".substr($output_string_head, 0, -2); //Output excluded disks if argument "E" was given if(!empty($output_snmp_exclude)) echo " Excluded: ".$output_snmp_exclude; //Output extended host information (for Nagios version 3 or higher) echo "\n".$output_string; //Output performance data if argument "P" was given if($perfdata == "yes") echo "|".$output_perfdata; //exit with specific code for ok, warning or critical exit($exit_code); ?>