set lines /USA,Germany,Poland,Australia,Canada/ section /Emission,Employment/ ; Parameter histfigure(lines,section) / USA.Emission 8 USA.Employment 9 Germany.Emission 4 Germany.Employment 6 Poland.Emission 3 Poland.Employment 4 Australia.Emission 9 Australia.Employment 7 Canada.Emission 4 Canada.Employment 6 / ; * Figure 1: Default histogram $setglobal gp_title "Figure 1: Default histogram" $setglobal gp_ylabel "Change (in percent)" $setglobal gp_fontsize "16" $setglobal gp_key "at-0.5,10" $setglobal gp_xlabel no $setglobal gp_xrange "-1.5:1.5" $setglobal gp_yrange "0:10" $setglobal gp_style histogram $setglobal gp_bmargin 4 $libinclude gnuplotxyz histfigure $setglobal gp_xlabeloffset no * Figure 2: Rowstacked histogram $setglobal gp_xrange "no" $setglobal gp_title "Figure 2: Rowstacked histogram" $setglobal gp_key "outside width -7" $setglobal gp_yrange "0:40" $setglobal gp_hist rowstacked $setglobal gp_fill pattern $setglobal gp_boxwid "0.7 relative" $setglobal gp_xtics "nomirror" $libinclude gnuplotxyz histfigure * Figure 3: Columnstacked histogram $setglobal gp_title "Figure 3: Columnstacked histogram" $setglobal gp_yrange "0:22" $setglobal gp_hist "columnstacked" $setglobal gp_fill 'solid 1' $libinclude gnuplotxyz histfigure * Figure 4: Default histogram with solid fill and custom line colors $setglobal gp_style histogram $setglobal gp_hist no $setglobal gp_boxwid no $setglobal gp_fill 'solid 1' $setglobal gp_title "Figure 4: Default histogram with solid fill and custom line colors" $setglobal gp_ylabel "Change (in percent)" $setglobal gp_xlabel no $setglobal gp_yrange "0:12" $setglobal gp_lc_1 black $setglobal gp_lc_2 yellow $setglobal gp_lc_3 orange $setglobal gp_lc_4 cornflowerblue $setglobal gp_lc_5 green $libinclude gnuplotxyz histfigure * Figure 5: Histogram with formatted x-axis labels $setglobal gp_title "Figure 5: Histogram with formatted x-axis labels" $setglobal gp_fontsize 20 $setglobal gp_xtics 'nomirror rotate by 320 font "Times New Roman, 13"' $setglobal gp_lc_1 crimson $setglobal gp_lc_2 deepskyblue $libinclude gnuplotxyz histfigure