$ontext ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\__\ /\__\ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ |\__\ |\__\ /\ \ /::\ \ /::| | /:/ / /::\ \ /:/ / /::\ \ \:\ \ |:| | |:| | \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| | /:/ / /:/\:\ \ /:/ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ \ |:| | |:| | \:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/|:| |__ /:/ / ___ /::\~\:\ \ /:/ / /:/ \:\ \ /::\ \ |:|__|__ |:|__|__ \:\ \ /:/__/_\:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ /:/__/ /\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/\:\__\ ____/::::\__\ /::::\__\ _______\:\__\ \:\ /\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ / \:\ \ /:/ / \/__\:\/:/ / \:\ \ \:\ \ /:/ / /:/ \/__/ \::::/~~/~ /:/~~/~ \::::::::/__/ \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ / \:\ /:/ / \::/ / \:\ \ \:\ /:/ / /:/ / ~~|:|~~| /:/ / \:\~~\~~ \:\/:/ / |::/ / \:\/:/ / \/__/ \:\ \ \:\/:/ / \/__/ |:| | \/__/ \:\ \ \::/ / /:/ / \::/ / \:\__\ \::/ / |:| | \:\__\ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \|__| \/__/ A GAMS GNUPLOT interface developed by Uwe A. Schneider https://github.com/uwe-schneider/gnuplotxyz/wiki $offtext $onlisting $onuni * Execute collected multiplots $if '%1' == 'multiplot' execute 'shellexecute wgnuplot.exe -persist gnuplot.inp'; $if '%1' == 'multiplot' $goto gpxyzlabel_totalendofgnupltxyz * Execute direct export to microsoft powerpoint (Neubersch utility) $if '%1' == 'compileppt' $goto gpxyzlabel_endofgnupltxyz * Create directory for powerpoint stuff $if not exist %gams.sysdir%pptlib $call mkdir %gams.sysdir%pptlib * Declare powerpoint counter and text file for image list (Huck utility) $if not declared gpxyzsm_plot_count scalar gpxyzsm_plot_count /0/; $if not declared gams_ppt_list file gams_ppt_list /'%gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt'/; * Reset powerpoint $if '%1' == 'reset' execute 'if exist "%gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt" del "%gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt" >nul'; $if '%1' == 'reset' gpxyzsm_plot_count = 0; $if '%1' == 'reset' $goto gpxyzlabel_endofgnupltxyz * Determine restart file $if setglobal gpxyzsm_restartfile $setglobal gpxyzsm_orgrestartfile "%gpxyzsm_restartfile%" $setglobal gpxyzsm_restartfile %system.rfile% $if not setglobal gpxyzsm_restartfile $goto gpxyzlabel_no_new_restart_file $if "%gpxyzsm_restartfile%" =="" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_new_restart_file $if "%gpxyzsm_restartfile%" =="%gpxyzsm_orgrestartfile%" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_new_restart_file * delete powerpoint file if this is the first execution of gnuplot or shademap after a gams restart * note some variables are jointly used in the gnuplot and shademap interface execute 'if exist "%gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt" del "%gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt" >nul'; gpxyzsm_plot_count = 0; $label gpxyzlabel_no_new_restart_file * Exit compilation if there is a pre-existing program error: *$if not exist '%gams.sysdir%wgnuplot.exe' $abort 'missing wgnuplot.exe in gams system directory' $if not errorfree $exit * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Section 1: Declarations * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * $if declared u__1 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterdeclarations * One time declaration of sets parameters and files for graphs in a loop alias(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6,u__7,u__8,u__9,u__10,u__11,u__12,u__13,u__14,u__15,u__16,all_gp_legend,*); set uu___1(u__1); set uu___2(u__2); set uu___3(u__3); set uu___4(u__4); set uu___5(u__5); set uu___6(u__6); set uu___7(u__7); set uu___8(u__8); set uu___9(u__9); set uu___10(u__10); set uu___11(u__11); set uu___12(u__12); set uu___13(u__13); set uu___14(u__14); set uu___15(u__15); set uu___16(u__16); * may also use phantom set element set no_gp_legend(all_gp_legend); no_gp_legend('nothing_nothing') = no; set gp_hun_100_set /gp_hun_100_set_1*gp_hun_100_set_100/; alias(first_index_gpxyzset,second_index_gpxyzset,third_index_gpxyzset,*); set gpxyzset_one(first_index_gpxyzset),gpxyzset_two(second_index_gpxyzset),gpxyzset_three(third_index_gpxyzset); set ppt_repeat_loop_all /1*9/; set ppt_repeat_loop(ppt_repeat_loop_all) This set allows to combine graphs from different restart files in one power point file; * what is this needed for? * probably to prevent issues with empty sets gpxyzset_one('no')=no; gpxyzset_two('no')=no; gpxyzset_three('no')=no; * for more than 4 dimensions Set gpxyz_index__set /gpxyz_index__set__1*gpxyz_index__set__20/; * blank invocation of gnuplot if loop set allu2(u__1,u__2); set allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3); set allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4); set allu5(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5); set allu6(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6); set allu7(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6,u__7); set allu8(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6,u__7,u__8); set allu9(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6,u__7,u__8,u__9); set allu10(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4,u__5,u__6,u__7,u__8,u__9,u__10); FILES gp_screen /''/ gp_input /gnuplot.inp/ gp_data /gnuplot.dat/ gp_data_mp1 /gnuplot_mp1.dat/ gp_data_mp2 /gnuplot_mp2.dat/ gp_data_mp3 /gnuplot_mp3.dat/ gp_data_mp4 /gnuplot_mp4.dat/ gp_data_mp5 /gnuplot_mp5.dat/ gp_data_mp6 /gnuplot_mp6.dat/ gp_data_mp7 /gnuplot_mp7.dat/ gp_data_mp8 /gnuplot_mp8.dat/ gp_data_mp9 /gnuplot_mp9.dat/ gp_data_mp10 /gnuplot_mp10.dat/ gp_data_mp11 /gnuplot_mp11.dat/ gp_data_mp12 /gnuplot_mp12.dat/ gp_data_mp13 /gnuplot_mp13.dat/ gp_data_mp14 /gnuplot_mp14.dat/ gp_data_mp15 /gnuplot_mp15.dat/ gp_data_mp16 /gnuplot_mp16.dat/ gp_data_mp17 /gnuplot_mp17.dat/ gp_winini /wgnuplot.ini/ gpxyz_logscreen_putfile /''/ ; SCALARS gp_autoarrangement /0/ gp_count gp_count_2 gp_continue_loop gp_plot_count /0/ gp_na /na/ gp_supzer permit user to supress zero values gp_ymin_value gp_ymax gp_xmax gp_xmin_value gp_y2low gp_y2up gp_x2low gp_x2up gpxyz_stoppvalue /0/ gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata /0/ gnuplotxyz_current_nodata /0/ ; PARAMETERS gp_spider_max(*) gp_heatmap_colposition(*) gp_scencount(*) scenario counter gp_00(*) number of zeros at the end gp_xy(*) total observations gp__0(*) total observations minus end zeros ; * Color assignment has different option: * a) defined color names * b) directly specified rgb colors * c) directly specified hexadecimal colors * d) predefined color palettes * Defined color names SETS gp_line_color_name / grey0 '0,0,0', grey1 '3,3,3', grey2 '5,5,5', grey3 '8,8,8', grey4 '10,10,10', grey5 '13,13,13', grey6 '15,15,15' grey7 '18,18,18', grey8 '20,20,20', grey9 '23,23,23', grey10 '26,26,26', grey11 '28,28,28', grey12 '31,31,31', grey13 '33,33,33' grey14 '36,36,36', grey15 '38,38,38', grey16 '41,41,41', grey17 '43,43,43', grey18 '46,46,46', grey19 '48,48,48', grey20 '51,51,51' grey21 '54,54,54', grey22 '56,56,56', grey23 '59,59,59', grey24 '61,61,61', grey25 '64,64,64', grey26 '66,66,66', grey27 '69,69,69' grey28 '71,71,71', grey29 '74,74,74', grey30 '77,77,77', grey31 '79,79,79', grey32 '82,82,82', grey33 '84,84,84', grey34 '87,87,87' grey35 '89,89,89', grey36 '92,92,92', grey37 '94,94,94', grey38 '97,97,97', grey39 '99,99,99', grey40 '102,102,102', grey41 '105,105,105' grey42 '107,107,107', grey43 '110,110,110', grey44 '112,112,112', grey45 '115,115,115', grey46 '117,117,117', grey47 '120,120,120', grey48 '122,122,122' grey49 '125,125,125', grey50 '127,127,127', grey51 '130,130,130', grey52 '133,133,133', grey53 '135,135,135', grey54 '138,138,138', grey55 '140,140,140' grey56 '143,143,143', grey57 '145,145,145', grey58 '148,148,148', grey59 '150,150,150', grey60 '153,153,153', grey61 '156,156,156', grey62 '158,158,158' grey63 '161,161,161', grey64 '163,163,163', grey65 '166,166,166', grey66 '168,168,168', grey67 '171,171,171', grey68 '173,173,173', grey69 '176,176,176' grey70 '179,179,179', grey71 '181,181,181', grey72 '184,184,184', grey73 '186,186,186', grey74 '189,189,189', grey75 '191,191,191', grey76 '194,194,194' grey77 '196,196,196', grey78 '199,199,199', grey79 '201,201,201', grey80 '204,204,204', grey81 '207,207,207', grey82 '209,209,209', grey83 '212,212,212' grey84 '214,214,214', grey85 '217,217,217', grey86 '219,219,219', grey87 '222,222,222', grey88 '224,224,224', grey89 '227,227,227', grey90 '229,229,229' grey91 '232,232,232', grey92 '235,235,235', grey93 '237,237,237', grey94 '240,240,240', grey95 '242,242,242', grey96 '245,245,245', grey97 '247,247,247' grey98 '250,250,250', grey99 '252,252,252', grey100 '255,255,255', redgreen1 '165,15,21', redgreen2 '222,45,38', redgreen3 '251,106,74', redgreen4 '252,146,114' redgreen5 '252,187,161', redgreen6 '254,229,217', redgreen7 '237,248,233', redgreen8 '199,233,192', redgreen9 '161,217,155', redgreen10 '116,196,118', redgreen11 '49,163,84' redgreen12 '0,109,44', diverging1_1 '84,48,5', diverging1_2 '140,81,10', diverging1_3 '191,129,45', diverging1_4 '223,194,125', diverging1_5 '246,232,195', diverging1_6 '245,245,245' diverging1_7 '199,234,229', diverging1_8 '128,205,193', diverging1_9 '53,151,143', diverging1_10 '1,102,94', diverging1_11 '0,60,48', diverging2_1 '64,0,75', diverging2_2 '118,42,131' diverging2_3 '153,112,171', diverging2_4 '194,165,207', diverging2_5 '231,212,232', diverging2_6 '247,247,247', diverging2_7 '217,240,211', diverging2_8 '166,219,160', diverging2_9 '90,174,97' diverging2_10 '27,120,55', diverging2_11 '0,68,27', qualitative1_1 '166,206,227', qualitative1_2 '31,120,180', qualitative1_3 '178,223,138', qualitative1_4 '51,160,44', qualitative1_5 '251,154,153' qualitative1_6 '227,26,28', qualitative1_7 '253,191,111', qualitative1_8 '255,127,0', qualitative1_9 '202,178,214', qualitative1_10 '106,61,154', qualitative1_11 '255,255,153', qualitative1_12 '177,89,40' aliceblue '240 248 255',antiquewhite '250 235 215',aqua '0 255 255',aquamarine '127 255 212',azure '240 255 255',beige '245 245 220', bisque '255 228 196',black '0 0 0',blanchedalmond '255 235 205',blue '0 0 255',blueviolet '138 43 226',brown '165 42 42', BrightCyan '0 255 255',BrightGreen '0 255 0',BrightMagneta '255 0 255',burlywood '222 184 135',cadetblue '95 158 160',chartreuse '127 255 0', chocolate '210 105 30',coral '255 127 80',cornflowerblue '100 149 237',cornsilk '255 248 220',crimson '220 20 60',cyan '0 255 255', darkblue '0 0 139',darkcyan '0 139 139',darkgoldenrod '184 134 11',darkgray '169 169 169',darkgreen '0 100 0',DarkGrey '128 128 128', darkkhaki '189 183 107',darkmagenta '139 0 139',darkolivegreen '85 107 47',darkorange '255 140 0',darkorchid '153 50 204',darkred '139 0 0', darksalmon '233 150 122',darkseagreen '143 188 143',darkslateblue '72 61 139',darkslategray '47 79 79',darkturquoise '0 206 209',darkviolet '148 0 211', deeppink '255 20 147',deepskyblue '0 191 255',dimgray '105 105 105',dodgerblue '30 144 255',firebrick '178 34 34',floralwhite '255 250 240', forestgreen '34 139 34',fuchsia '255 0 255',gainsboro '220 220 220',ghostwhite '248 248 255',gold '255 215 0',goldenrod '218 165 32', gray '127 127 127',green '0 128 0',greenyellow '173 255 47',honeydew '240 255 240',hotpink '255 105 180',indianred '205 92 92', indigo '75 0 130',ivory '255 255 240',khaki '240 230 140',lavender '230 230 250',lavenderblush '255 240 245',lawngreen '124 252 0', lemonchiffon '255 250 205',lightblue '173 216 230',lightcoral '240 128 128',lightcyan '224 255 255',lightgoldenrodyellow '250 250 210',lightgreen '144 238 144', lightgrey '211 211 211',lightpink '255 182 193',lightsalmon '255 160 122',lightseagreen '32 178 170',lightskyblue '135 206 250',lightslategray '119 136 153', lightsteelblue '176 196 222',lightyellow '255 255 224',lime '0 255 0',limegreen '50 205 50',linen '250 240 230',magenta '255 0 255', Magneta '128 0 128',maroon '128 0 0',mediumaquamarine '102 205 170',mediumblue '0 0 205',mediumorchid '186 85 211',mediumpurple '147 112 219', mediumseagreen '60 179 113',mediumslateblue '123 104 238',mediumspringgreen '0 250 154',mediumturquoise '72 209 204',mediumvioletred '199 21 133',midnightblue '25 25 112', mintcream '245 255 250',mistyrose '255 228 225',moccasin '255 228 181',navajowhite '255 222 173',navy '0 0 128',navyblue '159 175 223', oldlace '253 245 230',olive '128 128 0',olivedrab '107 142 35',orange '255 165 0',orangered '255 69 0',orchid '218 112 214', palegoldenrod '238 232 170',palegreen '152 251 152',paleturquoise '175 238 238',palevioletred '219 112 147',papayawhip '255 239 213',peachpuff '255 218 185', peru '205 133 63',pink '255 192 203',plum '221 160 221',powderblue '176 224 230',purple '128 0 128',red '255 0 0', rosybrown '188 143 143',royalblue '65 105 225',saddlebrown '139 69 19',salmon '250 128 114',sandybrown '244 164 96',seagreen '46 139 87', seashell '255 245 238',sienna '160 82 45',silver '192 192 192',skyblue '135 206 235',slateblue '106 90 205',slategray '112 128 144', snow '255 250 250',springgreen '0 255 127',steelblue '70 130 180',tan '210 180 140',teal '0 128 128',thistle '216 191 216', tomato '255 99 71',turquoise '64 224 208',violet '238 130 238',wheat '245 222 179',white '255 255 255',whitesmoke '245 245 245', yellow '255 255 0',yellowgreen '139 205 50' LeaMidnightBlue '25,25,112', LeaMediumBlue '0,0,205', LeaRoyalBlue '65,105,225', LeaSteelBlue '70,130,180' LeaCornflowerBlue '100,149,237', LeaDodgerBlue '30,144,255', LeaDeepSkyBlue '0,191,255', LeaLightSkyBlue '135,206,250' LeaLavender '230,230,250', LeaThistle '216,191,216', LeaPlum '221,160,221', LeaViolet '238,130,238' LeaOrchid '218,112,214', LeaMediumOrchid '186,85,211', LeaDarkViolet '148,0,211', LeaDarkMagenta '139,0,139' LeaMediumVioletRed '199,21,133', LeaCrimson '220,20,60', LeaFireBrick '178,34,34', LeaDarkRed '139,0,0' brownyellow1 '255,255,128', brownyellow2 '251,245,119', brownyellow3 '248,235,111', brownyellow4 '244,226,103' brownyellow5 '239,216,96', brownyellow6 '235,206,88', brownyellow7 '230,197,81', brownyellow8 '225,187,74' brownyellow9 '219,177,67', brownyellow10 '214,167,61', brownyellow11 '207,157,54', brownyellow12 '200,147,48' brownyellow13 '193,137,42', brownyellow14 '185,127,35', brownyellow15 '177,116,29', brownyellow16 '168,106,23' brownyellow17 '159,95,17', brownyellow18 '149,85,10', brownyellow19 '139,74,4', brownyellow20 '128,64,0' erosioncol12 '85,0,0' erosioncol11 '103,28,17' erosioncol10 '117,50,37' erosioncol9 '129,69,57' erosioncol8 '138,87,77' erosioncol7 '147,104,95' erosioncol6 '154,120,114' erosioncol5 '162,136,130' erosioncol4 '168,151,146' erosioncol3 '175,165,162' erosioncol2 '182,178,177' erosioncol1 '192,192,192' / gp_hex_color_name / grey0 '000000', grey1 '030303', grey2 '050505', grey3 '080808', grey4 '0A0A0A', grey5 '0D0D0D', grey6 '0F0F0F' grey7 '121212', grey8 '141414', grey9 '171717', grey10 '1A1A1A', grey11 '1C1C1C', grey12 '1F1F1F', grey13 '212121' grey14 '242424', grey15 '262626', grey16 '292929', grey17 '2B2B2B', grey18 '2E2E2E', grey19 '303030', grey20 '333333' grey21 '363636', grey22 '383838', grey23 '3B3B3B', grey24 '3D3D3D', grey25 '404040', grey26 '424242', grey27 '454545' grey28 '474747', grey29 '4A4A4A', grey30 '4D4D4D', grey31 '4F4F4F', grey32 '525252', grey33 '545454', grey34 '575757' grey35 '595959', grey36 '5C5C5C', grey37 '5E5E5E', grey38 '616161', grey39 '636363', grey40 '666666', grey41 '696969' grey42 '6B6B6B', grey43 '6E6E6E', grey44 '707070', grey45 '737373', grey46 '757575', grey47 '787878', grey48 '7A7A7A' grey49 '7D7D7D', grey50 '7F7F7F', grey51 '828282', grey52 '858585', grey53 '878787', grey54 '8A8A8A', grey55 '8C8C8C' grey56 '8F8F8F', grey57 '919191', grey58 '949494', grey59 '969696', grey60 '999999', grey61 '9C9C9C', grey62 '9E9E9E' grey63 'A1A1A1', grey64 'A3A3A3', grey65 'A6A6A6', grey66 'A8A8A8', grey67 'ABABAB', grey68 'ADADAD', grey69 'B0B0B0' grey70 'B3B3B3', grey71 'B5B5B5', grey72 'B8B8B8', grey73 'BABABA', grey74 'BDBDBD', grey75 'BFBFBF', grey76 'C2C2C2' grey77 'C4C4C4', grey78 'C7C7C7', grey79 'C9C9C9', grey80 'CCCCCC', grey81 'CFCFCF', grey82 'D1D1D1', grey83 'D4D4D4' grey84 'D6D6D6', grey85 'D9D9D9', grey86 'DBDBDB', grey87 'DEDEDE', grey88 'E0E0E0', grey89 'E3E3E3', grey90 'E5E5E5' grey91 'E8E8E8', grey92 'EBEBEB', grey93 'EDEDED', grey94 'F0F0F0', grey95 'F2F2F2', grey96 'F5F5F5', grey97 'F7F7F7' grey98 'FAFAFA', grey99 'FCFCFC', grey100 'FFFFFF', redgreen1 'a50f15', redgreen2 'de2d26', redgreen3 'fb6a4a', redgreen4 'fc9272' redgreen5 'fcbba1', redgreen6 'fee5d9', redgreen7 'edf8e9', redgreen8 'c7e9c0', redgreen9 'a1d99b', redgreen10 '74c476', redgreen11 '31a354' redgreen12 '006d2c', diverging1_1 '543005', diverging1_2 '8c510a', diverging1_3 'bf812d', diverging1_4 'dfc27d', diverging1_5 'f6e8c3', diverging1_6 'F5F5F5' diverging1_7 'c7eae5', diverging1_8 '80cdc1', diverging1_9 '35978f', diverging1_10 '01665e', diverging1_11 '003c30', diverging2_1 '40004b', diverging2_2 '762a83' diverging2_3 '9970ab', diverging2_4 'c2a5cf', diverging2_5 'e7d4e8', diverging2_6 'F7F7F7', diverging2_7 'd9f0d3', diverging2_8 'a6dba0', diverging2_9 '5aae61' diverging2_10 '1b7837', diverging2_11 '00441b', qualitative1_1 'a6cee3', qualitative1_2 '1f78b4', qualitative1_3 'b2df8a', qualitative1_4 '33a02c', qualitative1_5 'fb9a99' qualitative1_6 'e31a1c', qualitative1_7 'fdbf6f', qualitative1_8 'ff7f00', qualitative1_9 'cab2d6', qualitative1_10 '6a3d9a', qualitative1_11 'ffff99', qualitative1_12 'b15928' aliceblue 'F0F8FF',antiquewhite 'FAEBD7',aqua '00FFFF',aquamarine '7FFFD4',azure 'F0FFFF',beige 'F5F5DC', bisque 'FFE4C4',black '000000',blanchedalmond 'FFEBCD',blue '0000FF',blueviolet '8A2BE2',brown 'A52A2A', burlywood 'DEB887',cadetblue '5F9EA0',chartreuse '7FFF00',chocolate 'D2691E',coral 'FF7F50',cornflowerblue '6495ED', cornsilk 'FFF8DC',crimson 'DC143C',cyan '00FFFF',darkblue '00008B',darkcyan '008B8B',darkgoldenrod 'B8860B', darkgray 'A9A9A9',darkgreen '006400',darkkhaki 'BDB76B',darkmagenta '8B008B',darkolivegreen '556B2F',darkorange 'FF8C00', darkorchid '9932CC',darkred '8B0000',darksalmon 'E9967A',darkseagreen '8FBC8F',darkslateblue '483D8B',darkslategray '2F4F4F', darkturquoise '00CED1',darkviolet '9400D3',deeppink 'FF1493',deepskyblue '00BFFF',dimgray '696969',dodgerblue '1E90FF', firebrick 'B22222',floralwhite 'FFFAF0',forestgreen '228B22',fuchsia 'FF00FF',gainsboro 'DCDCDC',ghostwhite 'F8F8FF', gold 'FFD700',goldenrod 'DAA520',gray '7F7F7F',green '008000',greenyellow 'ADFF2F',honeydew 'F0FFF0', hotpink 'FF69B4',indianred 'CD5C5C',indigo '4B0082',ivory 'FFFFF0',khaki 'F0E68C',lavender 'E6E6FA', lavenderblush 'FFF0F5',lawngreen '7CFC00',lemonchiffon 'FFFACD',lightblue 'ADD8E6',lightcoral 'F08080',lightcyan 'E0FFFF', lightgoldenrodyellow 'FAFAD2',lightgreen '90EE90',lightgrey 'D3D3D3',lightpink 'FFB6C1',lightsalmon 'FFA07A',lightseagreen '20B2AA', lightskyblue '87CEFA',lightslategray '778899',lightsteelblue 'B0C4DE',lightyellow 'FFFFE0',lime '00FF00',limegreen '32CD32', linen 'FAF0E6',magenta 'FF00FF',maroon '800000',mediumaquamarine '66CDAA',mediumblue '0000CD',mediumorchid 'BA55D3', mediumpurple '9370DB',mediumseagreen '3CB371',mediumslateblue '7B68EE',mediumspringgreen '00FA9A',mediumturquoise '48D1CC',mediumvioletred 'C71585', midnightblue '191970',mintcream 'F5FFFA',mistyrose 'FFE4E1',moccasin 'FFE4B5',navajowhite 'FFDEAD',navy '000080', navyblue '9FAFDF',oldlace 'FDF5E6',olive '808000',olivedrab '6B8E23',orange 'FFA500',orangered 'FF4500', orchid 'DA70D6',palegoldenrod 'EEE8AA',palegreen '98FB98',paleturquoise 'AFEEEE',palevioletred 'DB7093',papayawhip 'FFEFD5', peachpuff 'FFDAB9',peru 'CD853F',pink 'FFC0CB',plum 'DDA0DD',powderblue 'B0E0E6',purple '800080', red 'FF0000',rosybrown 'BC8F8F',royalblue '4169E1',saddlebrown '8B4513',salmon 'FA8072',sandybrown 'F4A460', seagreen '2E8B57',seashell 'FFF5EE',sienna 'A0522D',silver 'C0C0C0',skyblue '87CEEB',slateblue '6A5ACD', slategray '708090',snow 'FFFAFA',springgreen '00FF7F',steelblue '4682B4',tan 'D2B48C',teal '008080', thistle 'D8BFD8',tomato 'FF6347',turquoise '40E0D0',violet 'EE82EE',wheat 'F5DEB3',white 'FFFFFF', whitesmoke 'F5F5F5',yellow 'FFFF00',yellowgreen '9ACD32' LeaDarkRed '8B0000', LeaFireBrick 'B22222', LeaCrimson 'DC143C', LeaMediumVioletRed 'C71585' LeaDarkMagenta '8B008B', LeaDarkViolet '9400D3', LeaMediumOrchid 'BA55D3', LeaOrchid 'DA70D6' LeaViolet 'EE82EE', LeaPlum 'DDA0DD', LeaThistle 'D8BFD8', LeaLavender 'E6E6FA' LeaLightSkyBlue '87CEFA', LeaDeepSkyBlue '00BFFF', LeaDodgerBlue '1E90FF', LeaCornflowerBlue '6495ED' LeaSteelBlue '4682B4', LeaRoyalBlue '4169E1', LeaMediumBlue '0000CD', LeaMidnightBlue '191970' brownyellow1 '804000', brownyellow2 '8b4a04', brownyellow3 '95550a', brownyellow4 '9f5f11' brownyellow5 'a86a17', brownyellow6 'b1741d', brownyellow7 'b97f23', brownyellow8 'c1892a' brownyellow9 'c89330', brownyellow10 'cf9d36', brownyellow11 'd6a73d', brownyellow12 'dbb143' brownyellow13 'e1bb4a', brownyellow14 'e6c551', brownyellow15 'ebce58', brownyellow16 'efd860' brownyellow17 'f4e267', brownyellow18 'f8eb6f', brownyellow19 'fbf577', brownyellow20 'ffff80' erosioncol12 '550000' erosioncol11 '671c11' erosioncol10 '753225' erosioncol9 '814539' erosioncol8 '8a574d' erosioncol7 '93685f' erosioncol6 '9a7872' erosioncol5 'a28882' erosioncol4 'a89792' erosioncol3 'afa5a2' erosioncol2 'b6b2b1' erosioncol1 'c0c0c0' / gp_xyz_ind_col(*) gp_xyz_fixed_col(*,*) gp_fixcolorset(*) gp_fixlinecolormap(*,*) ; * exit if blank invocation * the next two lines have to be after all declarations to allow * using gnuplotxyz within loops $if '%1' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_endofgnupltxyz $if '%1' == 'loop' $goto gpxyzlabel_endofgnupltxyz $label gpxyzlabel_afterdeclarations * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Section 1b: Basic Checks and Exits * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * exit if not declared $if a%1==a $exit $if declared %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_declared2 $if a%1==afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands $error GNUPLOT: Identifier %1 is not declared. $exit * exit if not defined $label gpxyzlabel_declared2 $if defined %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_defined0 $error GNUPLOT: Identifier %1 is not defined. $exit $label gpxyzlabel_defined0 * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Section 2: Initialization * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Initialize gp_scencount('gp_nothing') = 0; gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,'gp_nothing') = no; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 0; * multiplot $if not setglobal gp_multiplot $setglobal gp_multiplot_count "" $if '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count "" $if not setglobal gp_multiplot $goto after_gp_multiplot_count_calc $if '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' $goto after_gp_multiplot_count_calc * Update multiplot string $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp16' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp17 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp15' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp16 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp14' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp15 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp13' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp14 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp12' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp13 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp11' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp12 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp10' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp11 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp9' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp10 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp8' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp9 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp7' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp8 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp6' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp7 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp5' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp6 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp4' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp5 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp3' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp4 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp2' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp3 $if '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp1' $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp2 $if not setglobal gp_multiplot_count $setglobal gp_multiplot_count _mp1 $label after_gp_multiplot_count_calc * Assign name for data file $setglobal gp_data_string gp_data $if setglobal gp_multiplot $setglobal gp_data_string gp_data%gp_multiplot_count% $if '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_data_string gp_data * retain name of output file (not relevant for windows terminal) $if not setglobal gp_keepname $goto gpxyzlabel_afterkeepname_assignment $if '%gp_keepname%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterkeepname_assignment $setglobal gp_name %gp_keepname% $label gpxyzlabel_afterkeepname_assignment $if not setglobal gp_name $setglobal gp_name '%1' $if "%gp_name%" == "no" $setglobal gp_name '%1' * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Section 3: Data Specific Directions * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * change plot style from histograms to lines if 3rd argument is provided $if a%3==a $goto gpxyzlabel_afterstylecheck $if '%gp_style%' == 'histogram' $setglobal gp_style linespoints $if '%gp_style%' == 'newhistogram' $setglobal gp_style linespoints $label gpxyzlabel_afterstylecheck * Assign and direct procedure based on dimensions of plot item * 2 - Dimensional parameter without 2nd argument -> histogram style * 3 - Dimensional parameter without 2nd argument -> newhistogram style $if dimension 1 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_1D $if dimension 2 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D $if dimension 3 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_3D $if dimension 4 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D $error GNUPLOT error: Identifier %1 has more than 4 dimensions $exit * +++++++++++++++++ * * 1D * * +++++++++++++++++ * $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_1D $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_xxxvalue "" $setglobal gp_yyyvalue "%1" uu___1(u__1) $%1(u__1) = yes; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum(%gp_scen% $%1(%gp_scen%),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for ', '%1' ,' are all zero' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Parameter has two dimensions * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * 2D Setup - Histograms and Spiderplots $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' *$if a%2==a $setglobal gp_xxxvalue '%d___2%' *$if a%2==a $setglobal gp_yyyvalue '%d___1%' $if "%gp_xdata%" == "time" $goto afterhistogramassignment $if "%gp_style%" == "spiderplot" $goto afterhistogramassignment $if not setglobal gp_style $setglobal gp_style histogram $setglobal gp_style histogram $label afterhistogramassignment allu2(u__1,u__2) $(%1(u__1,u__2)) = yes; uu___2(u__2) $ sum(allu2(u__1,u__2),1) = yes; uu___1(u__1) $ sum(allu2(u__1,uu___2),1) = yes; allu2(u__1,u__2) $(%1(u__1,u__2))=no; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for ', '%1' ,' are all zero' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Parameter has three dimensions * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_3D * Second argument missing -> Histogram $if a%2==a $setglobal gp_plottype "newhistorgram" $if "%gp_style%" == "histogram" $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_NewHistograms $if "%gp_style%" == "heatmap" $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_NewHistograms $if a%2==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_NewHistograms $if "%gp_style%" == "filledcurves" $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_LinePlots * Fourth argument present -> 3D plots $if not a%4==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_3D_LinePlots * Third argument present -> 2D plots $if not a%3==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_LinePlots $error GNUPLOT2: Vertical axis to be graphed 3rd argument is not present. $exit * a) 2D line plots * * ---------------- * $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_LinePlots $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' $setglobal gp_xxxvalue "%2" $setglobal gp_yyyvalue "%3" $setglobal gp__col3 "%4" $setglobal gp__col4 "%5" $setglobal gp__col5 "%6" $setglobal gp__col6 "%7" allu3(u__1,u__2,"%2") $ %1(u__1,u__2,"%2")=yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,"%3") $ %1(u__1,u__2,"%3")=yes; uu___3("%3")=yes; uu___3("%2")=yes; uu___2(u__2)$sum(allu3(u__1,u__2,uu___3),1) =yes; uu___1(u__1)$sum(allu3(u__1,uu___2,uu___3),1)=yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3)$(%1(u__1,u__2,"%2") or %1(u__1,u__2,"%3"))=no; * case 1: x-values all zero gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_xxxvalue%'),1) eq 0 and sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_yyyvalue%'),1) ne 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* %gp_xxxvalue% all zero in ', '%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); * case 2: y-values all zero gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_xxxvalue%'),1) ne 0 and sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_yyyvalue%'),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* %gp_yyyvalue% all zero in ', '%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); * case 3: xy-values all zero gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_xxxvalue%'),1) eq 0 and sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,'%gp_yyyvalue%'),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* %gp_yyyvalue% and %gp_xxxvalue% all zero in ', '%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * b) new histogram plots * * ---------------------- * $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_2D_NewHistograms $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' $setglobal gp__col3 'uu___3' allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3) $(%1(u__1,u__2,u__3)) = yes; uu___3(u__3) $sum(allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3),1) = yes; uu___2(u__2) $sum(allu3(u__1,u__2,uu___3),1) = yes; uu___1(u__1) $sum(allu3(u__1,uu___2,uu___3),1)= yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3) $(%1(u__1,u__2,u__3)) = no; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%) $ %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for ', '%1' ,' are all zero' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * c) three-dimensional plots with three-dimensional parameter * * ----------------------------------------------------------- * $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_3D_LinePlots $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' $setglobal gp_xxxvalue "%2" $setglobal gp_yyyvalue "%3" $setglobal gp_zzzvalue "%4" $setglobal gp__col4 "%5" $setglobal gp__col5 "%6" $setglobal gp__col6 "%7" allu3(u__1,u__2,"%2") $ %1(u__1,u__2,"%2")=yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,"%3") $ %1(u__1,u__2,"%3")=yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,"%4") $ %1(u__1,u__2,"%4")=yes; uu___4("%4")=yes; uu___3("%3")=yes; uu___3("%2")=yes; uu___2(u__2)$sum(allu3(u__1,u__2,uu___3),1) =yes; uu___1(u__1)$sum(allu3(u__1,uu___2,uu___3),1)=yes; allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3)$(%1(u__1,u__2,"%2") or %1(u__1,u__2,"%3") or %1(u__1,u__2,"%4"))=no; $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Parameter has three dimensions * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * 3D Setup - Planes $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D $if not a%2==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_1 $error GNUPLOT2: Horizontal axis to be graphed 2nd argument is not present. $exit $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_1 $if not a%3==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_2 $error GNUPLOT2: Z axis to be graphed 3rd argument is not present. $exit $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_2 $if not a%3==a $goto gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_3 $error GNUPLOT2: Vertical axis to be graphed 4th argument is not present. $exit $label gpxyzlabel_prepare_4D_3 $setglobal gp_planes 'uu___1' $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' $setglobal gp_obsv_2 'uu___3' $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___4' $setglobal gp_xxxvalue "%2" $setglobal gp_yyyvalue "%3" $setglobal gp_zzzvalue "%4" allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4) $(%1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%2") or %1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%3") or %1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%4") ) = yes; uu___4("%4") = yes; uu___4("%3") = yes; uu___4("%2") = yes; uu___3(u__3) $sum(allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,uu___4),1) = yes; uu___2(u__2) $sum(allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,uu___4),1) = yes; uu___1(u__1) $sum(allu4(u__1,uu___2,uu___3,uu___4),1)=yes; allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4) $(%1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%2") or %1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%3") or %1(u__1,u__2,u__3,"%4") ) = no; *$include gnuplot_temp.dat * 4 D data check gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%) $%1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,'%gp_xxxvalue%'),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for %gp_xxxvalue% column are all zero in ','%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%) $ %1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,'%gp_zzzvalue%'),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for %gp_zzzvalue% column are all zero in ','%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); gnuplotxyz_current_nodata = 0; gnuplotxyz_current_nodata $(sum((%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%) $ %1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,'%gp_yyyvalue%'),1) eq 0) = 1; IF(gnuplotxyz_current_nodata gt 0.5, PUT gpxyz_logscreen_putfile, '*' / '*' / '* gnuplot warning - plot skipped ' / '* data for %gp_yyyvalue% column are all zero in ','%1' / '*' / '*' /; gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata = 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * * * Gnuplot.inp - Contains Gnuplot Commands * * * * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * $label gpxyzlabel_compile_input_commands put gp_input; gp_input.ap = 0; gp_input.lw = 0; gp_input.nr = 0; gp_input.nd = 0; gp_input.nw = 0; gp_input.pw =32767; $if not '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp1' gp_input.ap = 1; $if not setglobal gp_multiplot gp_input.ap = 0; $if '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' gp_input.ap = 0; * resetting of individual styles $if "%gp_resetstyle%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_reset_axes $if not setglobal gp_resetstyle $goto gpxyzlabel_l_reset_axes $setglobal gp_l1style no $setglobal gp_l2style no $setglobal gp_l3style no $setglobal gp_l4style no $setglobal gp_l5style no $setglobal gp_l6style no $setglobal gp_l7style no $setglobal gp_l8style no $setglobal gp_l9style no $setglobal gp_l10style no $setglobal gp_l11style no $setglobal gp_l12style no $setglobal gp_l13style no $setglobal gp_l14style no $setglobal gp_l15style no $setglobal gp_l16style no * resetting of individual axes $label gpxyzlabel_l_reset_axes $if "%gp_resetaxes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_reset_done $if not setglobal gp_resetstyle $goto gpxyzlabel_l_reset_done $setglobal gp_l1axes no $setglobal gp_l2axes no $setglobal gp_l3axes no $setglobal gp_l4axes no $setglobal gp_l5axes no $setglobal gp_l6axes no $setglobal gp_l7axes no $setglobal gp_l8axes no $setglobal gp_l9axes no $setglobal gp_l10axes no $setglobal gp_l11axes no $setglobal gp_l12axes no $setglobal gp_l13axes no $setglobal gp_l14axes no $setglobal gp_l15axes no $setglobal gp_l16axes no $label gpxyzlabel_l_reset_done * Font $if not setglobal gp_font $setglobal gp_font 'Times New Roman' $ifi '%gp_font%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_font 'Times New Roman' * Font Size $if setglobal gp_fntsize $setglobal gp_fontsize %gp_fntsize% $if not setglobal gp_fontsize $setglobal gp_fontsize 14 $ifi '%gp_fontsize%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_fontsize 14 * Line Width $if setglobal gp_lw $setglobal gp_lwidth %gp_linewidth% $if setglobal gp_linewidth $setglobal gp_lwidth %gp_linewidth% $ifi '%gp_lwidth%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_lwidth 1 $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $setglobal gp_lwidth 1 * Load palette $if not setglobal gp_loadpalette $goto gpxyzlabel_after_loadpalette $ifi '%gp_loadpalette%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_loadpalette Put "load '%gp_loadpalette%.pal'" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_loadpalette $ifi '%gp_palette_min%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_palette_min 0 $ifi '%gp_palette_max%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_palette_max 1.0 $if not setglobal gp_palette_min $setglobal gp_palette_min 0 $if not setglobal gp_palette_max $setglobal gp_palette_max 1.0 * Terminals * Need font, fontsize, linewidth $ifi '%gp_multiplot_count%' == '_mp1' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_multiplotcheck $if not setglobal gp_multiplot $goto gpxyzlabel_after_multiplotcheck $ifi '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_multiplotcheck $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_multiplotcheck $ifi '%gp_ppt%' =='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_terminal_ppt $if setglobal gp_ppt $setglobal gp_term 'emf' $if setglobal gp_ppt $setglobal gp_extension 'emf' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_terminal_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_terminal_ppt $if not setglobal gp_term $setglobal gp_term windows $if not setglobal gp_extension $setglobal gp_extension %gp_term% $ifi '%gp_extension%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_extension %gp_term% put 'set terminal %gp_term%'; put ' font "%gp_font%, %gp_fontsize%" linewidth %gp_lwidth%'; $if not setglobal gp_wsize $goto gpxyzlabel_after_wsize $ifi '%gp_wsize%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_wsize put ' wsize %gp_wsize%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_wsize put /; $if not setglobal gp_termoption $goto gpxyzlabel_afterterminal_option $ifi '%gp_termoption%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterterminal_option put 'set termoption %gp_termoption%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_afterterminal_option gpxyzsm_plot_count = gpxyzsm_plot_count + 1; $ifi '%gp_term%'=='windows' $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $ifi '%gp_ppt%' =='no' put "set output '%gp_name%.%gp_extension%'"/; $ifi '%gp_ppt%' =='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $if setglobal gp_ppt $goto gpxyzlabel_determine_ppt_graph_name put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,".%gp_extension%'"/; $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions * Insert Auto Code 2 produced by make_2_pptplots.gms Sub Section 1 - Begin $label gpxyzlabel_determine_ppt_graph_name $if not setglobal gp_ppt_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_2 $if setglobal gp_ppt_2 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_2%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_2 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_3 $if setglobal gp_ppt_3 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_3%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_3 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_4 $if setglobal gp_ppt_4 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_4%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_4 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_5 $if setglobal gp_ppt_5 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_5%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_5 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_6 $if setglobal gp_ppt_6 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_6%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_6 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_7 $if setglobal gp_ppt_7 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_7%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_7 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_8 $if setglobal gp_ppt_8 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_8%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_8 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_9 $if setglobal gp_ppt_9 put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_%gp_ppt_9%.%gp_extension%'" /; $if setglobal gp_ppt_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions $label gpxyzlabel_after_ppt_output_name_9 * Insert Auto Code 2 produced by make_2_pptplots.gms Sub Section 1 - End put "set output '%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_1.%gp_extension%'" /; $label gpxyzlabel_specify_winoptions * Multiplots $if not "%gp_multiplot_count%" == "_mp1" $goto gpxyzlabel_aftermultiplot_write PUT 'set multiplot '; $if setglobal gp_multiplotlayout PUT 'layout %gp_multiplotlayout% '; $if setglobal gp_multiplottitle PUT 'title "%gp_multiplottitle%" '; $if setglobal gp_multiplottitlefont PUT 'font "%gp_multiplottitlefont%" '; PUT /; $label gpxyzlabel_aftermultiplot_write * Color $if not setglobal gp_color $setglobal gp_color 'color' $if '%gp_color%' =='yes' $setglobal gp_color 'color' $if '%gp_color%' =='monochrome' $setglobal gp_color 'monochrome' $if '%gp_color%' =='no' $setglobal gp_color 'monochrome' $if '%gp_color%' == 'color' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_monochrome put 'set monochrome' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_monochrome $if not setglobal gp_palette $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpalette $if '%gp_palette%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpalette $if setglobal gp_palette put 'set palette %gp_palette%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpalette $if not setglobal gp_colorbox $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercolorbox $if '%gp_colorbox%'=='no' put 'unset colorbox'/; $if '%gp_colorbox%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercolorbox $if setglobal gp_colorbox put 'set colorbox %gp_colorbox%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercolorbox $if not setglobal gp_cbrange $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbrange $if '%gp_cbrange%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbrange $if setglobal gp_cbrange put 'set cbrange [%gp_cbrange%]'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercbrange $if not setglobal gp_cbtics $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbtics $if '%gp_cbtics%'=='no' put 'unset cbtics'/; $if '%gp_cbtics%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbtics $if setglobal gp_cbtics put 'set cbtics %gp_cbtics%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercbtics * Set individual line colors if palette is specified $if not setglobal gp_palette $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpalettelinecolor $if '%gp_palette%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpalettelinecolor * UweUweUwe *$if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_palette_lc_1_assign *$if "%gp_lc_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_palette_lc_1_assign $label gpxyzlabel_afterpalettelinecolor * Axes Data Format $if not setglobal gp_xdata $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxdata $if '%gp_xdata%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxdata $if setglobal gp_xdata put 'set xdata %gp_xdata%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterxdata $if not setglobal gp_x2data $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2data $if '%gp_x2data%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2data $if setglobal gp_x2data put 'set x2data %gp_x2data%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterx2data $if not setglobal gp_ydata $goto gpxyzlabel_afterydata $if '%gp_ydata%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterydata $if setglobal gp_ydata put 'set ydata %gp_ydata%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterydata $if not setglobal gp_y2data $goto gpxyzlabel_aftery2data $if '%gp_y2data%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftery2data $if setglobal gp_y2data put 'set y2data %gp_y2data%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftery2data $if not setglobal gp_cbdata $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbdata $if '%gp_cbdata%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercbdata $if setglobal gp_cbdata put 'set cbdata %gp_cbdata%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercbdata * Insert Auto Code 1 produced by make_1_label_code.gms - Begin $if not setglobal gp_label_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_1 $if '%gp_label_1%' == 'no' put 'unset label 1' /; $if '%gp_label_1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_1 $if setglobal gp_label_1 put 'set label 1 %gp_label_1%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_1 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_1 $if not setglobal gp_label_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_2 $if '%gp_label_2%' == 'no' put 'unset label 2' /; $if '%gp_label_2%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_2 $if setglobal gp_label_2 put 'set label 2 %gp_label_2%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_2 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_2 $if not setglobal gp_label_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_3 $if '%gp_label_3%' == 'no' put 'unset label 3' /; $if '%gp_label_3%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_3 $if setglobal gp_label_3 put 'set label 3 %gp_label_3%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_3 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_3 $if not setglobal gp_label_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_4 $if '%gp_label_4%' == 'no' put 'unset label 4' /; $if '%gp_label_4%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_4 $if setglobal gp_label_4 put 'set label 4 %gp_label_4%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_4 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_4 $if not setglobal gp_label_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_5 $if '%gp_label_5%' == 'no' put 'unset label 5' /; $if '%gp_label_5%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_5 $if setglobal gp_label_5 put 'set label 5 %gp_label_5%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_5 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_5 $if not setglobal gp_label_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_6 $if '%gp_label_6%' == 'no' put 'unset label 6' /; $if '%gp_label_6%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_6 $if setglobal gp_label_6 put 'set label 6 %gp_label_6%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_6 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_6 $if not setglobal gp_label_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_7 $if '%gp_label_7%' == 'no' put 'unset label 7' /; $if '%gp_label_7%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_7 $if setglobal gp_label_7 put 'set label 7 %gp_label_7%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_7 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_7 $if not setglobal gp_label_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_8 $if '%gp_label_8%' == 'no' put 'unset label 8' /; $if '%gp_label_8%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_8 $if setglobal gp_label_8 put 'set label 8 %gp_label_8%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_8 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_8 $if not setglobal gp_label_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_9 $if '%gp_label_9%' == 'no' put 'unset label 9' /; $if '%gp_label_9%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_9 $if setglobal gp_label_9 put 'set label 9 %gp_label_9%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_9 $label gpxyzlabel_afterlabel_9 * Insert Auto Code 1 produced by make_label_code.gms - End * More Styles $if not setglobal gp_morestyle1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle1_assign $if "%gp_morestyle1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle1_assign PUT "set style %gp_morestyle1%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle1_assign $if not setglobal gp_morestyle2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle2_assign $if "%gp_morestyle2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle2_assign PUT "set style %gp_morestyle2%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle2_assign $if not setglobal gp_morestyle3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle3_assign $if "%gp_morestyle3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle3_assign PUT "set style %gp_morestyle3%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_morestyle3_assign gp_input.nd = 3; gp_input.nw = 12; * Mouse $if not setglobal gp_mouse put 'unset mouse' /; $if '%gp_mouse%' == 'no' put 'unset mouse' /; $if not setglobal gp_timefmt $goto gpxyzlabel_aftertimefmt $if '%gp_timefmt%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftertimefmt put 'set timefmt "%gp_timefmt%"'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftertimefmt * XY plane $if not setglobal gp_xyplane $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xyplane $if '%gp_xyplane%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xyplane put 'set xyplane %gp_xyplane%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_xyplane * Wall $if not setglobal gp_wall $goto gpxyzlabel_after_gp_wall $if '%gp_wall%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_gp_wall put 'set wall %gp_wall%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_gp_wall * Cancel axes if not needed $if '%gp_y2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_y2scale 'no' $if '%gp_y2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_y2range 'no' $if '%gp_y2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_y2label 'no' $if '%gp_x2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_x2scale 'no' $if '%gp_x2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_x2range 'no' $if '%gp_x2axis%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_x2label 'no' $if not setglobal gp_xrange $setglobal gp_xrange 'no' $if '%gp_xrange%' == 'no' put 'set auto x'/; $if '%gp_xrange%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_yrange put 'set xrange [%gp_xrange%]'; $if not setglobal gp_xrange_options put /; $if '%gp_xrange_options%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_xrange_options $goto gpxyzlabel_yrange $if '%gp_xrange_options%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_yrange put ' %gp_xrange_options%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_yrange $if not setglobal gp_yrange $setglobal gp_yrange 'no' $if '%gp_yrange%' == 'no' put 'set auto y'/; $if '%gp_yrange%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_zrange put 'set yrange [%gp_yrange%]'; $if not setglobal gp_yrange_options put /; $if '%gp_yrange_options%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_yrange_options $goto gpxyzlabel_zrange $if '%gp_yrange_options%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_zrange put ' %gp_yrange_options%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_zrange $if '%gp_style%' == 'heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_scale_2axes $if not setglobal gp_zrange $setglobal gp_zrange 'no' $if '%gp_zrange%' == 'no' put 'set auto z'/; $if '%gp_zrange%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_trange put 'set zrange [%gp_zrange%]'; $if not setglobal gp_zrange_options put /; $if '%gp_zrange_options%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_zrange_options $goto gpxyzlabel_trange $if '%gp_zrange_options%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_trange put ' %gp_zrange_options%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_trange $if not setglobal gp_trange $setglobal gp_trange 'no' $if '%gp_trange%' == 'no' put 'set auto t'/; $if '%gp_trange%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_scale_2axes put 'set trange [%gp_trange%]'; $if not setglobal gp_trange_options put /; $if '%gp_trange_options%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_trange_options $goto gpxyzlabel_scale_2axes $if '%gp_trange_options%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_scale_2axes put ' %gp_trange_options%' /; * Calculate scalars to automatically scale the Y2 axis * The four scalars calculate the maximum and minimum value for vertical and horizontal axis $label gpxyzlabel_scale_2axes $if a%1 == afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_functionrange $if dimension 1 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_det1Drange $if dimension 4 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_boxwidth $if '%gp_style%' == 'histogram' $goto gpxyzlabel_dethistrange $if '%gp_style%' == 'spiderplot' $goto gpxyzlabel_dethistrange $if '%gp_style%' == 'heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_dethistrange $if '%gp_xdata%' == 'time' $goto gpxyzlabel_dethistrange $if a%2 == a $goto gpxyzlabel_detnewhistrange gp_ymin_value = smin((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%")); gp_ymax = smax((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%")); gp_xmin_value = smin((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%")); gp_xmax = smax((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%")); gp_x2low = gp_xmin_value; gp_x2up = gp_xmax; $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp $label gpxyzlabel_det1Drange $if not setglobal gp_add_xvalue_1D $setglobal gp_add_xvalue_1D 0 gp_ymin_value = smin((%gp_scen%),%1(%gp_scen%)); gp_ymax = smax((%gp_scen%),%1(%gp_scen%)); gp_xmin_value = %gp_add_xvalue_1D% + 1; gp_xmax = %gp_add_xvalue_1D% + card(%gp_scen%); $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp $label gpxyzlabel_dethistrange $if dimension 3 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_detnewhistrange gp_ymin_value = smin((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%)); gp_ymax = smax((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%)); * spider ray max gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%) = smax(%gp_scen%,%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%)); $if not setglobal gp_ymin $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp $if "%gp_ymin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp gp_ymin_value = %gp_ymin%; $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp $label gpxyzlabel_detnewhistrange gp_ymin_value = smin((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)); gp_ymax = smax((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%),%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)); $if not setglobal gp_ymin $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp $if "%gp_ymin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp gp_ymin_value = %gp_ymin%; $label gpxyzlabel_setboundry_gp gp_y2low = gp_ymin_value; gp_y2up = gp_ymax; $label gpxyzlabel_functionrange $if not setglobal gp_x2scale $goto gpxyzlabel_x2range $if "%gp_x2scale%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_x2range $if not setglobal gp_x2range $goto gpxyzlabel_x2auto $if "%gp_x2range%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_x2auto $if setglobal gp_x2range $goto gpxyzlabel_x2range $goto gpxyzlabel_x2auto $label gpxyzlabel_x2auto $if not defined gp_xmin_value $goto gpxyzlabel_x2range $if setglobal gp_x2scale gp_x2low = %gp_x2scale% * gp_xmin_value; $if setglobal gp_x2scale gp_x2up = %gp_x2scale% * gp_xmax; put 'unset auto x'/; put 'unset auto x2'/; put 'set xrange [',gp_xmin_value, ' : ',gp_xmax,']'/; put 'set x2range [',gp_x2low,' : ',gp_x2up,']'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_y2scale $label gpxyzlabel_x2range $if not setglobal gp_x2range $goto gpxyzlabel_y2scale $if "%gp_x2range%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_y2scale put 'set x2range [%gp_x2range%]'/; $label gpxyzlabel_y2scale $if not setglobal gp_y2scale $goto gpxyzlabel_y2range $if "%gp_y2scale%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_y2range $if not setglobal gp_y2range $goto gpxyzlabel_y2auto $if "%gp_y2range%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_y2auto $if setglobal gp_y2range $goto gpxyzlabel_y2range $label gpxyzlabel_y2auto $if setglobal gp_y2scale gp_y2low = %gp_y2scale% * gp_ymin_value; $if setglobal gp_y2scale gp_y2up = %gp_y2scale% * gp_ymax; put 'unset auto y'/; put 'unset auto y2'/; $if not setglobal gp_yrange $goto gpxyzlabel_new_y2range $if "%gp_yrange%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_new_y2range put 'set y2range [%gp_y2scale%*%gp_yrange%*%gp_y2scale%]'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_y2range $label gpxyzlabel_new_y2range put 'set yrange [',gp_ymin_value, ' : ',gp_ymax,']'/; put 'set y2range [',gp_y2low,' : ',gp_y2up,']'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_boxwidth $label gpxyzlabel_y2range $if not setglobal gp_y2range $goto gpxyzlabel_boxwidth $if "%gp_y2range%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_boxwidth put 'set y2range [%gp_y2range%]'/; $label gpxyzlabel_boxwidth $if setglobal gp_boxwid $setglobal gp_boxwidth %gp_boxwid% $if not setglobal gp_boxwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_boxdepth $if "%gp_boxwidth%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_boxdepth $if "%gp_boxwidth%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_boxdepth put 'set boxwidth %gp_boxwidth%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_boxdepth $if not setglobal gp_boxdepth $goto gpxyzlabel_figsize $if "%gp_boxdepth%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_figsize $if "%gp_boxdepth%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_figsize put 'set boxdepth %gp_boxdepth%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_figsize $if not setglobal gp_size $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_bmargin $if "%gp_size%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_bmargin put 'set size %gp_size%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_gplabel_bmargin $if "%gp_bmargin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_tmargin $if setglobal gp_bmargin $goto gpxyzlabel_afterautobmargin $if "%gp_plottype%" == "newhistorgram" $setglobal gp_bmargin 3 $if not setglobal gp_bmargin $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_tmargin $label gpxyzlabel_afterautobmargin put "set bmargin %gp_bmargin%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_gplabel_tmargin $if not setglobal gp_tmargin $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_lmargin $if "%gp_tmargin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_lmargin put "set tmargin %gp_tmargin%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_gplabel_lmargin $if not setglobal gp_lmargin $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_rmargin $if "%gp_lmargin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gplabel_rmargin put "set lmargin %gp_lmargin%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_gplabel_rmargin $if not setglobal gp_rmargin $goto gpxyzlabel_x2axis $if "%gp_rmargin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_x2axis put "set rmargin %gp_rmargin%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_x2axis $if setglobal gp_x2scale $setglobal gp_x2axis 'yes' $if "%gp_x2scale%" == "no" $setglobal gp_x2axis 'no' $if setglobal gp_x2range $setglobal gp_x2axis 'yes' $if "%gp_x2range%" == "no" $setglobal gp_x2axis 'no' $if not setglobal gp_x2axis $goto gpxyzlabel_y2axis $if "%gp_x2axis%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_y2axis put 'set x2tics'/; $label gpxyzlabel_y2axis $if not setglobal gp_y2scale $goto gpxyzlabel_aftery2scale_test $if "%gp_y2scale%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_aftery2scale_test $if setglobal gp_y2scale $goto gpxyzlabel_beforeputy2tics $label gpxyzlabel_aftery2scale_test $if "%gp_x1y2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx1y2_test $if setglobal gp_x1y2 $goto gpxyzlabel_beforeputy2tics $label gpxyzlabel_afterx1y2_test $if "%gp_x2y2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2y2_test $if setglobal gp_x2y2 $goto gpxyzlabel_beforeputy2tics $label gpxyzlabel_afterx2y2_test $if "%gp_y2range%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_logscale $if not setglobal gp_y2axis $goto gpxyzlabel_logscale $label gpxyzlabel_beforeputy2tics put 'set y2tics'/; $label gpxyzlabel_logscale $if not setglobal gp_logscale $goto gpxyzlabel_gridline $if "%gp_logscale%" == "no" put /'unset logscale xy'/ $if "%gp_logscale%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gridline put /'set logscale %gp_logscale%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_gridline *$if not setglobal gp_gline $setglobal gp_gline '4' *$if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" $setglobal gp_gline '4' *$if "%gp_term%" == "windows" $setglobal gp_gline '13' $label gpxyzlabel_grid $if not setglobal gp_zeroaxis_option $setglobal gp_zeroaxis_option " " $if "%gp_zeroaxis_option%" == no $setglobal gp_zeroaxis_option " " $if not setglobal gp_zeroax $setglobal gp_zeroax no $if %gp_zeroax% == no put 'unset zeroaxis'/; $if %gp_zeroax% == yes put 'set zeroaxis %gp_zeroaxis_option%'/; $if %gp_zeroax% == yes $goto gpxyzlabel_grid2 $if not setglobal gp_xzeroax $setglobal gp_xzeroax no $if %gp_xzeroax% == no put 'unset xzeroaxis'/; $if %gp_xzeroax% == yes put 'set xzeroaxis %gp_zeroaxis_option%'/; $if not setglobal gp_yzeroax $setglobal gp_yzeroax no $if %gp_yzeroax% == no put 'unset yzeroaxis'/; $if %gp_yzeroax% == no $goto gpxyzlabel_grid2 put 'set yzeroaxis %gp_zeroaxis_option%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_grid2 $ifi "%gp_style%" == "spiderplot" $goto gpxyzlabel_spiderplot_grid $if not setglobal gp_grid $setglobal gp_grid no $ifi "%gp_grid%" == "no" put 'unset grid'/; $ifi "%gp_grid%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_xgrid $ifi "%gp_grid%" == "yes" put 'set grid' /; $ifi "%gp_grid%" == "yes" $goto gpxyzlabel_xgrid put 'set grid %gp_grid%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_xgrid $label gpxyzlabel_spiderplot_grid $if not setglobal gp_grid $setglobal gp_grid spider lt black lc "grey" lw 0.5 back put 'set grid %gp_grid%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_xformat $label gpxyzlabel_xgrid $if not setglobal gp_xgrid $goto gpxyzlabel_ygrid $if "%gp_xgrid%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_ygrid put 'set grid xtics' /; *put 'set grid xtics %gp_gline%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_ygrid $if not setglobal gp_ygrid $goto gpxyzlabel_xformat $if "%gp_ygrid%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_xformat put 'set grid ytics' /; *put 'set grid ytics %gp_gline%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_xformat $if not setglobal gp_xformat $goto gpxyzlabel_yformat $ifi '%gp_xformat%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_yformat put 'set format x "%gp_xformat%"'/; $label gpxyzlabel_yformat $if not setglobal gp_yformat $goto gpxyzlabel_tickers $ifi '%gp_yformat%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_tickers put 'set format y "%gp_yformat%"'/; $label gpxyzlabel_tickers $if not setglobal gp_tics $setglobal gp_tics 'in' $ifi '%gp_tics%' == 'no' put 'unset tics'/; $ifi '%gp_tics%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_gplb_xtics put 'set tics %gp_tics%'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_gplb_xtics $label gpxyzlabel_gplb_xtics $if not setglobal gp_xtics $setglobal gp_xtics 'in' $ifi '%gp_xtics%' == 'no' put 'unset xtics'/; $ifi '%gp_xtics%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics put 'set xtics %gp_xtics%'; *** Uwe if gp_xtics no then scale 0 is not applied!! $if not a%2==a $goto gpxyzlabel_label_xticincrement $if not setglobal gp_xinc put ' scale 0'; $if not setglobal gp_xinc $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics $ifi '%gp_xinc%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics $ifi '%gp_xinc%' == 'skip' $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics $label gpxyzlabel_label_xticincrement $if not setglobal gp_xinc $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics $ifi '%gp_xinc%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ytics put ' %gp_xinc%'; $label gpxyzlabel_ytics put /; $if not setglobal gp_ytics $setglobal gp_ytics 'in' $ifi '%gp_ytics%' == 'no' put 'unset ytics'/; $ifi '%gp_ytics%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ztics put 'set ytics nomirror %gp_ytics%'; $if not setglobal gp_yinc put /; $ifi '%gp_yinc%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_yinc $goto gpxyzlabel_ztics $ifi '%gp_yinc%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ztics put ' %gp_yinc%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_ztics put /; $if not setglobal gp_ztics $setglobal gp_ztics 'in' $if '%gp_ztics%' == 'no' put 'unset ztics'/; $if '%gp_ztics%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_styles put 'set ztics nomirror %gp_ztics%' /; * Write options for labels, title, style, border, lines, and key $label gpxyzlabel_styles $if not setglobal gp_label $goto gpxyzlabel_aftermanuallabels $if '%gp_label%' == 'no' put 'unset label'/; $if '%gp_label%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftermanuallabels put 'set label'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftermanuallabels * X labels - loop $if not setglobal gp_xl_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_xlabel_noloop $if '%gp_xl_l1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_xlabel_noloop put 'set xlabel "'; $if setglobal gp_xl_l1 put %gp_xl_l1%.tl; $if setglobal gp_xl_l2 put ' ',%gp_xl_l2%.tl; $if setglobal gp_xl_l3 put ' ',%gp_xl_l3%.tl; $if setglobal gp_xl_l4 put ' ',%gp_xl_l4%.tl; $if not setglobal gp_xlabeloffset $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxlabeloffset_loop $if '%gp_xlabeloffset%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxlabeloffset_loop put ' offset %gp_xlabeloffset%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterxlabeloffset_loop PUT '"' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_loop * X labels - no loop $label gpxyzlabel_xlabel_noloop $if '%gp_xlabel%' == 'no' put 'unset xlabel'/; $if '%gp_xlabel%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_loop $if not '%gp_style%' == 'heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_xlabel $if not setglobal gp_heatmap_x $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_xlabel $if '%gp_heatmap_x% == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_xlabel $setglobal gp_xxxvalue %gp_heatmap_x% $label gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_xlabel $if setglobal gp_xlabel $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xlabelpresencecheck $if not setglobal gp_xxxvalue put 'unset xlabel'/; $if not setglobal gp_xxxvalue $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_loop $if '%gp_xxxvalue%' == 'no' put 'unset xlabel'/; $if '%gp_xxxvalue%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_loop $label gpxyzlabel_after_xlabelpresencecheck $if not setglobal gp_xlabel $setglobal gp_xlabel %gp_xxxvalue% put 'set xlabel "%gp_xlabel%"'; $if not setglobal gp_xlabeloffset $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xlabeloffset_noloop $if '%gp_xlabeloffset%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xlabeloffset_noloop put ' offset %gp_xlabeloffset%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_xlabeloffset_noloop put /; * Y labels - loop $label gpxyzlabel_ylabel_loop $if not setglobal gp_yl_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_noloop $if '%gp_yl_l1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_ylabel_noloop put 'set ylabel "'; $if setglobal gp_yl_l1 put %gp_yl_l1%.tl; $if setglobal gp_yl_l2 put ' ',%gp_yl_l2%.tl; $if setglobal gp_yl_l3 put ' ',%gp_yl_l3%.tl; $if setglobal gp_yl_l4 put ' ',%gp_yl_l4%.tl; $if not setglobal gp_ylabeloffset $goto gpxyzlabel_afterylabeloffset_loop $if '%gp_ylabeloffset%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterylabeloffset_loop put ' offset %gp_ylabeloffset%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterylabeloffset_loop PUT '"' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_zlabel_loop * Y labels no loop $label gpxyzlabel_ylabel_noloop $if '%gp_ylabel%' == 'no' put 'unset ylabel'/; $if '%gp_ylabel%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_y2label_check $if not '%gp_style%' == 'heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_ylabel $if not setglobal gp_heatmap_y $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_ylabel $if '%gp_heatmap_y% == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_ylabel $setglobal gp_yyyvalue %gp_heatmap_y% $label gpxyzlabel_after_heatmap_ylabel $if setglobal gp_ylabel $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelpresencecheck $if not setglobal gp_yyyvalue put 'unset ylabel'/; $if not setglobal gp_yyyvalue $goto gpxyzlabel_y2label_check $if '%gp_yyyvalue%' == 'no' put 'unset ylabel'/; $if '%gp_yyyvalue%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_y2label_check $label gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelpresencecheck $if not setglobal gp_ylabelloop $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelloop $if "%gp_ylabelloop%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelloop put 'set ylabel "',%gp_ylabelloop%.TE(%gp_ylabelloop%),'"'; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelassignment $label gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelloop $if not setglobal gp_ylabel $setglobal gp_ylabel %gp_yyyvalue% put 'set ylabel "%gp_ylabel%"'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_ylabelassignment $if not setglobal gp_ylabeloffset $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabeloffset_noloop $if '%gp_ylabeloffset%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_ylabeloffset_noloop put ' offset %gp_ylabeloffset%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_ylabeloffset_noloop put /; * Y2 Labels $label gpxyzlabel_y2label_check $if not setglobal gp_y2label put 'unset y2label'/; $if '%gp_y2label%' == 'no' put 'unset y2label'/; $if not setglobal gp_y2label $goto gpxyzlabel_zlabel_loop $if '%gp_y2label%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_zlabel_loop put 'set y2label "%gp_y2label%"'/; * Z labels $label gpxyzlabel_zlabel_loop $if not setglobal gp_zl_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_zlabel_noloop $if "%gp_zl_l1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_zlabel_noloop put 'set zlabel "'; $if setglobal gp_zl_l1 put %gp_zl_l1%.tl; $if setglobal gp_zl_l2 put ' ',%gp_zl_l2%.tl; $if setglobal gp_zl_l3 put ' ',%gp_zl_l3%.tl; $if setglobal gp_zl_l4 put ' ',%gp_zl_l4%.tl; PUT '"' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_heatmaps $label gpxyzlabel_zlabel_noloop $ifi a%1==afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_check_x2_label *$if not dimension 4 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_check_x2_label $if not setglobal gp_zlabel put 'set zlabel "%gp_zzzvalue%" rotate by 90'/; $ifi "%gp_zlabel%" == "no" put 'unset zlabel'/; $if not setglobal gp_zlabel $goto gpxyzlabel_check_x2_label $ifi "%gp_zlabel%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_check_x2_label put 'set zlabel "%gp_zlabel%"'; $if not setglobal gp_zlabelrotate $goto gpxyzlabel_afterzlabelrotate $ifi "%gp_zlabelrotate%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterzlabelrotate put ' rotate by %gp_zlabelrotate%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterzlabelrotate put /; * X2 labels $label gpxyzlabel_check_x2_label $if not setglobal gp_x2label $goto gpxyzlabel_y2label $ifi "%gp_x2label%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_y2label put 'set x2label "%gp_x2label%"'/; * Y2 labels $label gpxyzlabel_y2label $if not setglobal gp_y2label $goto gpxyzlabel_cblabel $ifi "%gp_y2label%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_cblabel put 'set y2label "%gp_y2label%"'/; * CB Labels $label gpxyzlabel_cblabel $if not setglobal gp_cblabel $goto gpxyzlabel_autocblabel $ifi '%gp_cblabel%'=='no' put 'unset cblabel'/; $ifi '%gp_cblabel%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercblabel $goto gpxyzlabel_assigncblabel $label gpxyzlabel_autocblabel $if not setglobal gp_heatmap_z $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercblabel $ifi '%gp_heatmap_z%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercblabel $setglobal gp_cblabel %gp_heatmap_z% $goto gpxyzlabel_assigncblabel $label gpxyzlabel_assigncblabel $if setglobal gp_cblabel put 'set cblabel "%gp_cblabel%"'; $if not setglobal gp_cblabeloffset $setglobal gp_cblabeloffset 1.5,0 $ifi '%gp_cblabeloffset%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercblabeloffset PUT ' offset %gp_cblabeloffset%'; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercblabeloffset PUT /; $dropglobal gp_cblabel $label gpxyzlabel_aftercblabel * Contour Labels $if not setglobal gp_contour $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontour $ifi '%gp_contour%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontour put 'set contour %gp_contour%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontour $if not setglobal gp_cntrparam $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercntrparam $ifi '%gp_cntrparam%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercntrparam put 'set cntrparam %gp_cntrparam%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercntrparam $if not setglobal gp_cntrlabel $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercntrlabel $ifi '%gp_cntrlabel%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercntrlabel put 'set cntrlabel %gp_cntrlabel%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercntrlabel $if not setglobal gp_contourline_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_1 $ifi '%gp_contourline_1%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_1 put 'set linetype 101 %gp_contourline_1%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_1 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_2 $ifi '%gp_contourline_2%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_2 put 'set linetype 102 %gp_contourline_2%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_2 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_3 $ifi '%gp_contourline_3%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_3 put 'set linetype 103 %gp_contourline_3%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_3 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_4 $ifi '%gp_contourline_4%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_4 put 'set linetype 104 %gp_contourline_4%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_4 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_5 $ifi '%gp_contourline_5%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_5 put 'set linetype 105 %gp_contourline_5%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_5 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_6 $ifi '%gp_contourline_6%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_6 put 'set linetype 106 %gp_contourline_6%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_6 $if not setglobal gp_contourline_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_7 $ifi '%gp_contourline_7%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_7 put 'set linetype 107 %gp_contourline_7%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_aftercontourline_7 * Heat maps $label gpxyzlabel_heatmaps $ifi '%gp_pm3d%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d $if setglobal gp_pm3d $goto gpxyzlabel_afterautopm3d $ifi not '%gp_style%' == 'heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterautopm3d $setglobal gp_pm3d map $label gpxyzlabel_afterautopm3d $if not setglobal gp_pm3d $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d $if setglobal gp_pm3d put 'set pm3d %gp_pm3d%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d $if not setglobal gp_pm3d_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_2 $if setglobal gp_pm3d_2 put 'set pm3d %gp_pm3d_2%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_2 $if not setglobal gp_pm3d_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_3 $if setglobal gp_pm3d_3 put 'set pm3d %gp_pm3d_3%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_3 $if not setglobal gp_pm3d_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_4 $if setglobal gp_pm3d_4 put 'set pm3d %gp_pm3d_4%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpm3d_4 $if not setglobal gp_view $goto gpxyzlabel_autoview $ifi '%gp_view%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_autoview $if setglobal gp_view put 'set view %gp_view%'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_plottitle $label gpxyzlabel_autoview $ifi '%gp_style%'=='heatmap' put 'set view map'/; $ifi not '%gp_style%'=='heatmap' put 'set view 60, 30, 1, 1'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_plottitle **** Uwe make automatic? * Title $label gpxyzlabel_plottitle $if not setglobal gp_titleoption $setglobal gp_titleoption ' ' $if '%gp_titleoption%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_titleoption ' ' $ifi '%gp_keeptitleinppt%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $if setglobal gp_keeptitleinppt $goto gpxyzlabel_after_unsetppttitle $ifi '%gp_ppt%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_unsetppttitle $if setglobal gp_ppt put 'unset title'/; $if setglobal gp_ppt $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_after_unsetppttitle $ifi '%gp_loop1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_nolooptitle $if setglobal gp_loop1 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop1 $label gpxyzlabel_nolooptitle $if not setglobal gp_title $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $ifi '%gp_title%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put 'set title "%gp_title%" %gp_titleoption%'/; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop1 $if not setglobal gp_title $setglobal gp_title ' ' put 'set title "%gp_title% ',%gp_loop1%.te(%gp_loop1%); $if setglobal gp_loop2 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop2 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop2 $if '%gp_loop2%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop2%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop2%.te(%gp_loop2%); $if setglobal gp_loop3 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop3 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop3 $if '%gp_loop3%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop3%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop3%.te(%gp_loop3%); $if setglobal gp_loop4 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop4 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle *new $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop4 $if '%gp_loop4%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop4%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop4%.te(%gp_loop4%); $if setglobal gp_loop5 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop5 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop5 $if '%gp_loop5%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop5%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop5%.te(%gp_loop5%); $if setglobal gp_loop6 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop6 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop6 $if '%gp_loop6%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop6%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop6%.te(%gp_loop6%); $if setglobal gp_loop7 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop7 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop7 $if '%gp_loop7%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop7%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop7%.te(%gp_loop7%); $if setglobal gp_loop8 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop8 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop8 $if '%gp_loop8%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop8%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop8%.te(%gp_loop8%); $if setglobal gp_loop9 $goto gpxyzlabel_title_loop9 put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_title_loop9 $if '%gp_loop9%' == 'no' put '"' /; $if '%gp_loop9%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle put ' ',%gp_loop9%.te(%gp_loop9%); put '" %gp_titleoption%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $label gpxyzlabel_skiptitle $if not setglobal gp_style $setglobal gp_style linespoints $ifi '%gp_style%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_style linespoints $ifi a%1==afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram $if dimension 1 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram $if not a%2==a $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram $if not setglobal gp_style $setglobal gp_style histogram $ifi '%gp_style%'=='spiderplot' $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram $ifi '%gp_xdata%'=='time' $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram $ifi '%gp_style%'=='heatmap' $goto gpxyzlabel_borderoptions $if not '%gp_style%'=='histogram' $setglobal gp_style histogram $label gpxyzlabel_gp_label_nohistogram put 'set style data %gp_style%'/; $if not setglobal gp_fill $setglobal gp_fill 'solid 1' $if '%gp_fill%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_fill 'empty' put 'set style fill %gp_fill%'/; $if not '%gp_style%'=='histogram' $goto gpxyzlabel_rectangle_options $if not setglobal gp_hist $setglobal gp_hist 'cluster' $if '%gp_hist%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_hist 'cluster' put 'set style histogram %gp_hist%'/; $label gpxyzlabel_rectangle_options $if not setglobal gp_rectangle $goto gpxyzlabel_borderoptions $if '%gp_rectangle%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_borderoptions put 'set style rectangle %gp_rectangle%'/; * Border $label gpxyzlabel_borderoptions gp_input.nd = 0; gp_input.nw = 0; $if not setglobal gp_border $setglobal gp_border yes $if not setglobal gp_borddim $setglobal gp_borddim '' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'all' $setglobal gp_borddim '' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'four' $setglobal gp_borddim '' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'two' $setglobal gp_borddim '3' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'x' $setglobal gp_borddim '1' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'y' $setglobal gp_borddim '2' $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'zero' $setglobal gp_border no $ifi '%gp_borddim%' == 'no' $setglobal gp_border no $ifi '%gp_border%' == 'yes' put 'set border',' %gp_borddim%'/; $ifi '%gp_border%' == 'no' put 'unset border'/; $ifi '%gp_border%' == '0' put 'unset border'/; * Key $ifi '%gp_key%' == 'yes' $setglobal gp_key 'top left' $if not setglobal gp_key put 'set key top left'/; $ifi '%gp_key%' == 'no' put 'unset key'/; $if not setglobal gp_key $goto gpxyzlabel_pointsz $ifi '%gp_key%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_pointsz put 'set key %gp_key% '; $if not setglobal gp_keyoption $goto gpxyzlabel_keytitle $ifi '%gp_keyoption%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_keytitle put '%gp_keyoption% '; $label gpxyzlabel_keytitle $if not setglobal gp_keytitle $goto gpxyzlabel_key_box $if '%gp_keytitle%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_key_box put 'title %gp_keytitle% ' $label gpxyzlabel_key_box $if not setglobal gp_keybox put /; $ifi '%gp_keybox%' == 'no' put /; $if not setglobal gp_keybox $goto gpxyzlabel_pointsz $ifi '%gp_keybox%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_pointsz put 'box' /; * Point size $label gpxyzlabel_pointsz $if setglobal gp_pointsz $setglobal gp_pointsize %gp_pointsz% $if not setglobal gp_pointsize $goto gpxyzlabel_after_pointsz $ifi '%gp_pointsize%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_pointsz put 'set pointsize %gp_pointsize%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_pointsz * User defined options $if not setglobal gp_option_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_1 $ifi '%gp_option_1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_1 $ifi '%gp_option_1%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_1 put '%gp_option_1%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_1 $if not setglobal gp_option_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_2 $ifi '%gp_option_2%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_2 $ifi '%gp_option_2%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_2 put '%gp_option_2%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_2 $if not setglobal gp_option_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_3 $ifi '%gp_option_3%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_3 $ifi '%gp_option_3%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_3 put '%gp_option_3%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_3 $if not setglobal gp_option_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_4 $ifi '%gp_option_4%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_4 $ifi '%gp_option_4%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_4 put '%gp_option_4%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_4 $if not setglobal gp_option_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_5 $ifi '%gp_option_5%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_5 $ifi '%gp_option_5%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_5 put '%gp_option_5%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_5 $if not setglobal gp_option_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_6 $ifi '%gp_option_6%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_6 $ifi '%gp_option_6%' == '' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_6 put '%gp_option_6%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_user_option_6 $if not setglobal gp_ppt $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle $ifi '%gp_ppt%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle $if not setglobal gp_l1style $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle_1 $ifi '%gp_l1style%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle_1 put 'set style line 1 %gp_l1style%' /; $label gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle_1 $label gpxyzlabel_afterpptlinestyle * Use up to 20 different styles $if not setglobal gp_l1style $setglobal gp_l1style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l1style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l1style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l2style $setglobal gp_l2style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l2style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l2style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l3style $setglobal gp_l3style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l3style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l3style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l4style $setglobal gp_l4style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l4style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l4style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l5style $setglobal gp_l5style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l5style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l5style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l6style $setglobal gp_l6style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l6style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l6style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l7style $setglobal gp_l7style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l7style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l7style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l8style $setglobal gp_l8style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l8style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l8style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l9style $setglobal gp_l9style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l9style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l9style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l10style $setglobal gp_l10style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l10style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l10style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l11style $setglobal gp_l11style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l11style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l11style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l12style $setglobal gp_l12style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l12style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l12style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l13style $setglobal gp_l13style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l13style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l13style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l14style $setglobal gp_l14style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l14style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l14style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l15style $setglobal gp_l15style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l15style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l15style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l16style $setglobal gp_l16style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l16style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l16style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l17style $setglobal gp_l17style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l17style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l17style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l18style $setglobal gp_l18style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l18style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l18style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l19style $setglobal gp_l19style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l19style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l19style %gp_style% $if not setglobal gp_l20style $setglobal gp_l20style %gp_style% $ifi "%gp_l20style%"=="no" $setglobal gp_l20style %gp_style% gp_input.nd = 0; gp_input.nw = 6; * Insert Auto Code 3 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment_2d $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment_2d gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_fixcolor_set%) = no; gp_count=0; LOOP(%gp_fixcolor_set%, gp_count=gp_count+1; $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_1_assign $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_1_assign IF(gp_count eq 1, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_1%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_1_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_2_assign $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_2_assign IF(gp_count eq 2, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_2%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_2_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_3_assign $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_3_assign IF(gp_count eq 3, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_3%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_3_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_4_assign $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_4_assign IF(gp_count eq 4, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_4%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_4_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_5_assign $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_5_assign IF(gp_count eq 5, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_5%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_5_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_6_assign $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_6_assign IF(gp_count eq 6, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_6%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_6_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_7_assign $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_7_assign IF(gp_count eq 7, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_7%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_7_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_8_assign $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_8_assign IF(gp_count eq 8, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_8%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_8_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_9_assign $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_9_assign IF(gp_count eq 9, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_9%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_9_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_10_assign $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_10_assign IF(gp_count eq 10, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_10%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_10_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_11_assign $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_11_assign IF(gp_count eq 11, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_11%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_11_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_12_assign $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_12_assign IF(gp_count eq 12, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_12%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_12_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_13_assign $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_13_assign IF(gp_count eq 13, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_13%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_13_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_14_assign $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_14_assign IF(gp_count eq 14, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_14%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_14_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_15_assign $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_15_assign IF(gp_count eq 15, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_15%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_15_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_16_assign $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_16_assign IF(gp_count eq 16, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_16%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_16_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_17_assign $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_17_assign IF(gp_count eq 17, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_17%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_17_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_18_assign $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_18_assign IF(gp_count eq 18, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_18%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_18_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_19_assign $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_19_assign IF(gp_count eq 19, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_19%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_19_assign $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_20_assign $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_20_assign IF(gp_count eq 20, gp_fixcolorset("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; gp_fixlinecolormap("%gp_lc_20%",%gp_fixcolor_set%) = yes; ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixed_lc_20_assign ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment_2d * Insert Auto Code 3 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * +++++++++++++++++++++++ * * Section Plot Statements * * +++++++++++++++++++++++ * $ontext By default, gnuplot assumes that the independent, or "dummy", variable for the plot command is "t" if in parametric or polar mode, or "x" otherwise. Similarly the independent variables for the splot command are "u" and "v" in parametric mode (splot cannot be used in polar mode), or "x" and "y" otherwise. The set parametric command changes the meaning of plot from normal functions to parametric functions. The command unset parametric restores the plotting style to normal, single-valued expression plotting. For 2D plotting, a parametric function is determined by a pair of parametric functions operating on a parameter. An example of a 2D parametric function would be plot sin(t),cos(t), which draws a circle (if the aspect ratio is set correctly | see set size (p. 144)). gnuplot will display an error message if both functions are not provided for a parametric plot. $offtext * Test whether there is any function plot? $if setglobal gp_functionplot_1 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_1 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any no $if "%gp_functionplot_1%"=="no" $setglobal gp_functionplot_any no $if setglobal gp_functionplot_2 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_3 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_4 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_5 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_6 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_7 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_8 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if setglobal gp_functionplot_9 $setglobal gp_functionplot_any yes $if "%gp_parametric%"=="yes" Put "set parametric" /; $if "%gp_parametric%"=="no" Put "unset parametric" /; $if not setglobal gp_samples $goto gpxyzlabel_aftersampleswriting $if "%gp_samples%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_aftersampleswriting put "set samples %gp_samples%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_aftersampleswriting * uwe $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment gp_count = 0; LOOP(%gp_fixcolor_set%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; LOOP(%gp_scen% $SAMEAS(%gp_fixcolor_set%,%gp_scen%), IF(gp_count eq 1, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_1%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 2, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_2%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 3, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_3%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 4, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_4%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 5, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_5%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 6, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_6%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 7, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_7%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 8, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_8%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 9, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_9%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 10, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_10%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 11, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_11%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 12, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_12%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 13, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_13%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 14, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_14%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 15, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_15%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 16, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_16%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 17, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_17%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 18, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_18%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 19, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_19%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 20, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_20%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 21, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_21%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 22, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_22%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 23, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_23%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 24, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_24%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 25, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_25%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 26, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_26%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 27, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_27%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 28, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_28%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 29, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_29%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 30, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_30%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 31, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_31%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 32, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_32%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 33, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_33%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 34, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_34%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 35, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_35%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 36, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_36%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 37, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_37%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 38, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_38%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 39, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_39%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 40, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_40%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); );); $label gpxyzlabel_after_fixcolorassignment * Direct to histograms, spiderplots, 2D or 3D plots $if a%1==afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_2dgraph $if "%gp_style%" == "spiderplot" $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_spiderplot $if "%gp_style%" == "heatmap" $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_heatmap $if "%gp_style%"=="filledcurves" $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_2dgraph $if dimension 1 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_1dgraph $if dimension 2 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_histogram $if a%2 == a $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_newhistogram $if dimension 4 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_3dgraph $if not a%4==a $goto gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_3dlinegraph $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_2dgraph * 2D plots put 'plot '; $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot1 $if "%gp_functionplot_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot1 put '%gp_functionplot_1%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot1 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot2 $if "%gp_functionplot_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot2 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_2%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot2 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot3 $if "%gp_functionplot_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot3 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_3%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot3 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot4 $if "%gp_functionplot_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot4 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_4%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot4 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot5 $if "%gp_functionplot_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot5 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_5%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot5 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot6 $if "%gp_functionplot_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot6 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_6%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot6 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot7 $if "%gp_functionplot_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot7 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_7%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot7 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot8 $if "%gp_functionplot_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot8 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_8%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot8 $if not setglobal gp_functionplot_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot9 $if "%gp_functionplot_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot9 put ',\' / '%gp_functionplot_9%'; $label gpxyzlabel_afterfunctionplot9 $if a%1==afunction putclose; $if a%1==afunction $goto gpxyzlabel_rungnupl $if "%gp_functionplot_any%"=="yes" Put ","; gp_count=1; loop(%gp_scen%, if (gp_count gt 1, put ',';); file.nw = 0 put '\'/' "gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat" index ',(gp_count-1):0:0; put ' using 1:2'; * filled curves $if not "%gp_style%"=="filledcurves" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fillcurvecheck $if a%4==a $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fillcurvecheck put ':3'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fillcurvecheck * Insert Auto Code 4 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin $if "%gp_l1style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_1_errorstyle $if "%gp_l1style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 1, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 1 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 1 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 1 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l1style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 1 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_1_errorstyle $if "%gp_l2style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_2_errorstyle $if "%gp_l2style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 2, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 2 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 2 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 2 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l2style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 2 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_2_errorstyle $if "%gp_l3style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_3_errorstyle $if "%gp_l3style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 3, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 3 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 3 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 3 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l3style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 3 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_3_errorstyle $if "%gp_l4style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_4_errorstyle $if "%gp_l4style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 4, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 4 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 4 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 4 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l4style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 4 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_4_errorstyle $if "%gp_l5style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_5_errorstyle $if "%gp_l5style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 5, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 5 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 5 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 5 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l5style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 5 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_5_errorstyle $if "%gp_l6style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_6_errorstyle $if "%gp_l6style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 6, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 6 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 6 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 6 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l6style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 6 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_6_errorstyle $if "%gp_l7style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_7_errorstyle $if "%gp_l7style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 7, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 7 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 7 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 7 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l7style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 7 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_7_errorstyle $if "%gp_l8style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_8_errorstyle $if "%gp_l8style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 8, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 8 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 8 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 8 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l8style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 8 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_8_errorstyle $if "%gp_l9style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_9_errorstyle $if "%gp_l9style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 9, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 9 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 9 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 9 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l9style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 9 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_9_errorstyle $if "%gp_l10style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_10_errorstyle $if "%gp_l10style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 10, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 10 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 10 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 10 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l10style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 10 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_10_errorstyle $if "%gp_l11style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_11_errorstyle $if "%gp_l11style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 11, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 11 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 11 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 11 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l11style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 11 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_11_errorstyle $if "%gp_l12style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_12_errorstyle $if "%gp_l12style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 12, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 12 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 12 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 12 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l12style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 12 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_12_errorstyle $if "%gp_l13style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_13_errorstyle $if "%gp_l13style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 13, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 13 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 13 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 13 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l13style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 13 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_13_errorstyle $if "%gp_l14style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_14_errorstyle $if "%gp_l14style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 14, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 14 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 14 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 14 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l14style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 14 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_14_errorstyle $if "%gp_l15style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_15_errorstyle $if "%gp_l15style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 15, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 15 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 15 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 15 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l15style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 15 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_15_errorstyle $if "%gp_l16style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_16_errorstyle $if "%gp_l16style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 16, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 16 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 16 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 16 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l16style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 16 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_16_errorstyle $if "%gp_l17style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_17_errorstyle $if "%gp_l17style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 17, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 17 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 17 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 17 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l17style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 17 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_17_errorstyle $if "%gp_l18style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_18_errorstyle $if "%gp_l18style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 18, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 18 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 18 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 18 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l18style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 18 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_18_errorstyle $if "%gp_l19style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_19_errorstyle $if "%gp_l19style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 19, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 19 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 19 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 19 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l19style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 19 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_19_errorstyle $if "%gp_l20style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_20_errorstyle $if "%gp_l20style%"=="xerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="yerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="xerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="yerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="candlesticks" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="xyerrorlines" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="xyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="boxxyerrorbars" If(gp_count eq 20, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 20 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 20 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 20 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ne 0),1) ne 0 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) eq 0, put ':3:4:5 ';); $if "%gp_l20style%"=="circles" If(gp_count eq 20 and sum(%gp_obsv_1% $(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ne 0),1) ne 0, put ':3:4:5:6 ';); $label gpxyzlabel_l_20_errorstyle * Insert Auto Code 4 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * Insert Auto Code 5 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - begin $if not setglobal gp_l1axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_1_axes $if "%gp_l1axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_1_axes If(gp_count eq 1, put ' axes %gp_l1axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_1_axes $if not setglobal gp_l2axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_2_axes $if "%gp_l2axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_2_axes If(gp_count eq 2, put ' axes %gp_l2axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_2_axes $if not setglobal gp_l3axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_3_axes $if "%gp_l3axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_3_axes If(gp_count eq 3, put ' axes %gp_l3axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_3_axes $if not setglobal gp_l4axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_4_axes $if "%gp_l4axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_4_axes If(gp_count eq 4, put ' axes %gp_l4axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_4_axes $if not setglobal gp_l5axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_5_axes $if "%gp_l5axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_5_axes If(gp_count eq 5, put ' axes %gp_l5axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_5_axes $if not setglobal gp_l6axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_6_axes $if "%gp_l6axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_6_axes If(gp_count eq 6, put ' axes %gp_l6axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_6_axes $if not setglobal gp_l7axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_7_axes $if "%gp_l7axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_7_axes If(gp_count eq 7, put ' axes %gp_l7axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_7_axes $if not setglobal gp_l8axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_8_axes $if "%gp_l8axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_8_axes If(gp_count eq 8, put ' axes %gp_l8axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_8_axes $if not setglobal gp_l9axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_9_axes $if "%gp_l9axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_9_axes If(gp_count eq 9, put ' axes %gp_l9axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_9_axes $if not setglobal gp_l10axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_10_axes $if "%gp_l10axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_10_axes If(gp_count eq 10, put ' axes %gp_l10axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_10_axes $if not setglobal gp_l11axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_11_axes $if "%gp_l11axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_11_axes If(gp_count eq 11, put ' axes %gp_l11axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_11_axes $if not setglobal gp_l12axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_12_axes $if "%gp_l12axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_12_axes If(gp_count eq 12, put ' axes %gp_l12axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_12_axes $if not setglobal gp_l13axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_13_axes $if "%gp_l13axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_13_axes If(gp_count eq 13, put ' axes %gp_l13axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_13_axes $if not setglobal gp_l14axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_14_axes $if "%gp_l14axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_14_axes If(gp_count eq 14, put ' axes %gp_l14axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_14_axes $if not setglobal gp_l15axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_15_axes $if "%gp_l15axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_15_axes If(gp_count eq 15, put ' axes %gp_l15axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_15_axes $if not setglobal gp_l16axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_16_axes $if "%gp_l16axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_16_axes If(gp_count eq 16, put ' axes %gp_l16axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_16_axes $if not setglobal gp_l17axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_17_axes $if "%gp_l17axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_17_axes If(gp_count eq 17, put ' axes %gp_l17axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_17_axes $if not setglobal gp_l18axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_18_axes $if "%gp_l18axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_18_axes If(gp_count eq 18, put ' axes %gp_l18axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_18_axes $if not setglobal gp_l19axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_19_axes $if "%gp_l19axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_19_axes If(gp_count eq 19, put ' axes %gp_l19axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_19_axes $if not setglobal gp_l20axes $goto gpxyzlabel_after_20_axes $if "%gp_l20axes%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_20_axes If(gp_count eq 20, put ' axes %gp_l20axes%';); $label gpxyzlabel_after_20_axes * Insert Auto Code 5 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - end IF(no_gp_legend(%gp_scen%), put ' title ""'; ELSE put ' title "',%gp_scen%.tl,'"';); * Insert Auto Code 6 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - begin $if not setglobal gp_l1style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_1_style $if "%gp_l1style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_1_style If(gp_count eq 1, put " with %gp_l1style%";); $if not "%gp_l1style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_1_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 1, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 1, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_1_style $if not setglobal gp_l2style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_2_style $if "%gp_l2style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_2_style If(gp_count eq 2, put " with %gp_l2style%";); $if not "%gp_l2style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_2_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 2, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 2, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_2_style $if not setglobal gp_l3style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_3_style $if "%gp_l3style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_3_style If(gp_count eq 3, put " with %gp_l3style%";); $if not "%gp_l3style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_3_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 3, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 3, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_3_style $if not setglobal gp_l4style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_4_style $if "%gp_l4style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_4_style If(gp_count eq 4, put " with %gp_l4style%";); $if not "%gp_l4style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_4_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 4, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 4, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_4_style $if not setglobal gp_l5style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_5_style $if "%gp_l5style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_5_style If(gp_count eq 5, put " with %gp_l5style%";); $if not "%gp_l5style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_5_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 5, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 5, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_5_style $if not setglobal gp_l6style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_6_style $if "%gp_l6style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_6_style If(gp_count eq 6, put " with %gp_l6style%";); $if not "%gp_l6style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_6_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 6, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 6, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_6_style $if not setglobal gp_l7style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_7_style $if "%gp_l7style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_7_style If(gp_count eq 7, put " with %gp_l7style%";); $if not "%gp_l7style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_7_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 7, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 7, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_7_style $if not setglobal gp_l8style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_8_style $if "%gp_l8style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_8_style If(gp_count eq 8, put " with %gp_l8style%";); $if not "%gp_l8style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_8_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 8, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 8, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_8_style $if not setglobal gp_l9style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_9_style $if "%gp_l9style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_9_style If(gp_count eq 9, put " with %gp_l9style%";); $if not "%gp_l9style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_9_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 9, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 9, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_9_style $if not setglobal gp_l10style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_10_style $if "%gp_l10style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_10_style If(gp_count eq 10, put " with %gp_l10style%";); $if not "%gp_l10style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_10_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 10, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 10, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_10_style $if not setglobal gp_l11style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_11_style $if "%gp_l11style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_11_style If(gp_count eq 11, put " with %gp_l11style%";); $if not "%gp_l11style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_11_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 11, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 11, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_11_style $if not setglobal gp_l12style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_12_style $if "%gp_l12style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_12_style If(gp_count eq 12, put " with %gp_l12style%";); $if not "%gp_l12style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_12_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 12, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 12, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_12_style $if not setglobal gp_l13style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_13_style $if "%gp_l13style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_13_style If(gp_count eq 13, put " with %gp_l13style%";); $if not "%gp_l13style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_13_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 13, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 13, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_13_style $if not setglobal gp_l14style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_14_style $if "%gp_l14style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_14_style If(gp_count eq 14, put " with %gp_l14style%";); $if not "%gp_l14style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_14_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 14, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 14, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_14_style $if not setglobal gp_l15style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_15_style $if "%gp_l15style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_15_style If(gp_count eq 15, put " with %gp_l15style%";); $if not "%gp_l15style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_15_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 15, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 15, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_15_style $if not setglobal gp_l16style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_16_style $if "%gp_l16style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_16_style If(gp_count eq 16, put " with %gp_l16style%";); $if not "%gp_l16style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_16_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 16, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 16, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_16_style $if not setglobal gp_l17style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_17_style $if "%gp_l17style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_17_style If(gp_count eq 17, put " with %gp_l17style%";); $if not "%gp_l17style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_17_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 17, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 17, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_17_style $if not setglobal gp_l18style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_18_style $if "%gp_l18style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_18_style If(gp_count eq 18, put " with %gp_l18style%";); $if not "%gp_l18style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_18_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 18, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 18, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_18_style $if not setglobal gp_l19style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_19_style $if "%gp_l19style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_19_style If(gp_count eq 19, put " with %gp_l19style%";); $if not "%gp_l19style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_19_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 19, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 19, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_19_style $if not setglobal gp_l20style $goto gpxyzlabel_l_20_style $if "%gp_l20style%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_20_style If(gp_count eq 20, put " with %gp_l20style%";); $if not "%gp_l20style%" == "boxes" $goto gpxyzlabel_l_20_style $if "%gp_color%" == "no" If(gp_count eq 20, put " lt -1";); $if "%gp_color%" == "monochrome" If(gp_count eq 20, put " lt -1";); $label gpxyzlabel_l_20_style * Insert Auto Code 6 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - end * Insert Auto Code 7 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin If(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_assign $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_assign $if "%gp_lw_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_assign put " lw %gp_lw_1%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_1 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_1 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_1 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_1 ); If(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_assign $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_assign $if "%gp_lw_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_assign put " lw %gp_lw_2%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_2 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_2 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_2 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_2 ); If(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_assign $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_assign $if "%gp_lw_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_assign put " lw %gp_lw_3%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_3 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_3 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_3 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_3 ); If(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_assign $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_assign $if "%gp_lw_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_assign put " lw %gp_lw_4%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_4 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_4 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_4 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_4 ); If(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_assign $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_assign $if "%gp_lw_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_assign put " lw %gp_lw_5%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_5 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_5 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_5 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_5 ); If(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_assign $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_assign $if "%gp_lw_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_assign put " lw %gp_lw_6%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_6 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_6 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_6 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_6 ); If(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_assign $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_assign $if "%gp_lw_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_assign put " lw %gp_lw_7%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_7 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_7 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_7 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_7 ); If(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_assign $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_assign $if "%gp_lw_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_assign put " lw %gp_lw_8%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_8 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_8 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_8 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_8 ); If(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_assign $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_assign $if "%gp_lw_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_assign put " lw %gp_lw_9%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_9 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_9 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_9 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_9 ); If(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_assign $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_assign $if "%gp_lw_10%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_assign put " lw %gp_lw_10%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_10 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_10 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_10 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_10 ); If(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_assign $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_assign $if "%gp_lw_11%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_assign put " lw %gp_lw_11%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_11 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_11 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_11 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_11 ); If(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_assign $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_assign $if "%gp_lw_12%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_assign put " lw %gp_lw_12%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_12 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_12 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_12 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_12 ); If(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_assign $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_assign $if "%gp_lw_13%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_assign put " lw %gp_lw_13%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_13 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_13 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_13 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_13 ); If(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_assign $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_assign $if "%gp_lw_14%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_assign put " lw %gp_lw_14%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_14 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_14 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_14 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_14 ); If(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_assign $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_assign $if "%gp_lw_15%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_assign put " lw %gp_lw_15%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_15 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_15 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_15 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_15 ); If(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_assign $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_assign $if "%gp_lw_16%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_assign put " lw %gp_lw_16%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_16 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_16 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_16 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_16 ); If(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_assign $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_assign $if "%gp_lw_17%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_assign put " lw %gp_lw_17%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_17 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_17 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_17 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_17 ); If(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_assign $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_assign $if "%gp_lw_18%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_assign put " lw %gp_lw_18%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_18 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_18 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_18 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_18 ); If(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_assign $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_assign $if "%gp_lw_19%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_assign put " lw %gp_lw_19%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_19 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_19 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_19 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_19 ); If(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_paletteassign $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_paletteassign $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_paletteassign put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_paletteassign $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_assign $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_assign put " lc rgb "; $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_fixedassign $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_normalassign $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_fixedassign gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_normalassign LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $ gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = no; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_assign $if "%gp_lw_20%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_assign put " lw %gp_lw_20%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_20 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_assign $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_20 $if "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_20 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_assign_20 ); * Insert Auto Code 7 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end gp_input.nw = 6; gp_count = gp_count + 1; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * 1D Plots $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_1dgraph gp_count=1; put 'plot \' / ' "gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat" index 0 using 1:2 notitle with %gp_style% ' ; $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Segment 3D plots from ---uuuu $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_3dlinegraph gp_count=1; put 'splot '; loop(%gp_scen%, if (gp_count gt 1, put ',';); gp_input.nw = 0 put '\'/' "gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat" index ',(gp_count-1):0:0, ' using 2:3:4'; * $if not setglobal gp_xticlabels $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxticlabels_3Dgraph $if '%gp_xticlabels%'=='no' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxticlabels_3Dgraph IF(gp_count eq 1, put ':xtic(1)'; ); * Insert Auto Code 9b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_fc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_1_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_1_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_1_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_fc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_2_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_2_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_2_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_fc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_3_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_3_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_3_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_fc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_4_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_4_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_4_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_fc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_5_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_5_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_5_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_fc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_6_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_6_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_6_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_fc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_7_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_7_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_7_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_fc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_8_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_8_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_8_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_fc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_9_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_9_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_9_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_fc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_10_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_10_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_10%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_10%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_10_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_fc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_11_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_11_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_11%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_11%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_11_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_fc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_12_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_12_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_12%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_12%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_12_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_fc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_13_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_13_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_13%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_13%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_13_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_fc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_14_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_14_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_14%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_14%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_14_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_fc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_15_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_15_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_15%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_15%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_15_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_fc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_16_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_16_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_16%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_16%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_16_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_fc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_17_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_17_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_17%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_17%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_17_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_fc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_18_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_18_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_18%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_18%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_18_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_fc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_19_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_19_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_19%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_19%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_19_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_3Dbox $if "%gp_lc_20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_3Dbox PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_3Dbox ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_fc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_20_3Dbox $if "%gp_fc_20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_fc_20_3Dbox PUT " fc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_20%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_fc_20%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_fc_20_3Dbox ); * Insert Auto Code 9b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end $label gpxyzlabel_afterxticlabels_3Dgraph put ' title "',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; gp_count = gp_count + 1; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Segment 3D plots $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_3dgraph gp_count=1; put 'splot '; loop(%gp_planes%, if (gp_count gt 1, put ',';); gp_input.nw = 0 put '\'/' "gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat" index ',(gp_count-1):0:0, ' using 1:2:3'; put ' title "',%gp_planes%.tl,'"'; gp_count = gp_count + 1; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Segment Heat Maps $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_heatmap gp_input.nw = 0; gp_input.nd = 0; gp_count = 0; LOOP(%gp__col3% $ SUM((%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%), %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)), gp_count = gp_count + 1; gp_heatmap_colposition(%gp__col3%) = gp_count; ); $if not setglobal gp_heatmap_z $goto gpxyzlabel_after_manualheataxis $if "%gp_heatmap_z%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_manualheataxis put "splot 'gnuplot.dat' using "; put gp_heatmap_colposition("%gp_heatmap_x%"),":"; put gp_heatmap_colposition("%gp_heatmap_y%"),":"; put gp_heatmap_colposition("%gp_heatmap_z%") /; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_standardheataxis $label gpxyzlabel_after_manualheataxis put "splot 'gnuplot.dat' using 1:2:3" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_standardheataxis $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Segment Spiderplot $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_spiderplot * sssss PUT "set spiderplot" /; * default spider options $if not setglobal gp_fill $setglobal gp_fill transparent solid 0.2 noborder $if not setglobal gp_spider_tics $setglobal gp_spider_tics axis in scale 1,0.5 nomirror norotate autojustify norangelimit autofreq font ",9" $if not setglobal gp_spider_range $setglobal gp_spider_range automax_equ $if not setglobal gp_spider_label $setglobal gp_spider_label font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate $if not setglobal gp_spiderplot_style1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op1 $if "%gp_spiderplot_style1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op1 PUT "set style spiderplot %gp_spiderplot_style1%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op1 $if not setglobal gp_spiderplot_style2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op2 $if "%gp_spiderplot_style2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op2 PUT "set style spiderplot %gp_spiderplot_style2%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op2 $if not setglobal gp_spiderplot_style3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op3 $if "%gp_spiderplot_style3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op3 PUT "set style spiderplot %gp_spiderplot_style3%" /; $label gpxyzlabel_after_spiderstyle_op3 * set paxis label is relevant to spiderplots but ignored otherwise gp_input.nw = 0; gp_input.nd = 0; gp_count=0; $if not setglobal gp_paxis_1 $setglobal gp_paxis_1 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_2 $setglobal gp_paxis_2 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_3 $setglobal gp_paxis_3 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_4 $setglobal gp_paxis_4 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_5 $setglobal gp_paxis_5 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_6 $setglobal gp_paxis_6 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_7 $setglobal gp_paxis_7 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_8 $setglobal gp_paxis_8 tics %gp_spider_tics% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_9 $setglobal gp_paxis_9 tics %gp_spider_tics% loop(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count=gp_count+1; PUT 'set paxis ',gp_count,' label "',%gp_obsv_1%.Tl,'" %gp_spider_label%' /; $if "%gp_paxis_1%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_1 IF(gp_count eq 1, PUT 'set paxis 1 %gp_paxis_1%' /; ); $label after_paxis_1 $if "%gp_paxis_2%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_2 IF(gp_count eq 2, PUT 'set paxis 2 %gp_paxis_2%' /; ); $label after_paxis_2 $if "%gp_paxis_3%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_3 IF(gp_count eq 3, PUT 'set paxis 3 %gp_paxis_3%' /; ); $label after_paxis_3 $if "%gp_paxis_4%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_4 IF(gp_count eq 4, PUT 'set paxis 4 %gp_paxis_4%' /; ); $label after_paxis_4 $if "%gp_paxis_5%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_5 IF(gp_count eq 5, PUT 'set paxis 5 %gp_paxis_5%' /; ); $label after_paxis_5 $if "%gp_paxis_6%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_6 IF(gp_count eq 6, PUT 'set paxis 6 %gp_paxis_6%' /; ); $label after_paxis_6 $if "%gp_paxis_7%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_7 IF(gp_count eq 7, PUT 'set paxis 7 %gp_paxis_7%' /; ); $label after_paxis_7 $if "%gp_paxis_8%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_8 IF(gp_count eq 8, PUT 'set paxis 8 %gp_paxis_8%' /; ); $label after_paxis_8 $if "%gp_paxis_9%" == "no" $goto after_paxis_9 IF(gp_count eq 9, PUT 'set paxis 9 %gp_paxis_9%' /; ); $label after_paxis_9 *PUT 'set paxis ',gp_count,' tics %gp_spider_tics%' /; ); gp_count = 1; * Write array to gnuplot.inp Loop(%gp_scen%, Put "array Array",gp_count,"[",card(%gp_obsv_1%),"] = ["; gp_count=gp_count+1; gp_count_2 = 1; LOOP(%gp_obsv_1%, Put %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%); If(gp_count_2 lt card(%gp_obsv_1%), put ",";); gp_count_2=gp_count_2+1; ); PUT "]" /; ); * Write plot statement $if not setglobal gp_key $setglobal gp_key top right $if not setglobal gp_key_style $setglobal gp_key_style spiderplot $if "%gp_key_style%" == "no" $setglobal gp_key_style spiderplot $if "%gp_key_style%" == "boxes" $setglobal gp_key_color_adjective fc $if "%gp_key_style%" == "spiderplot" $setglobal gp_key_color_adjective lc $if not setglobal gp_key_color_adjective $setglobal gp_key_color_adjective lc * Insert Auto Code Spider produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min $setglobal gp_paxis_min '0' $if "%gp_paxis_min%" == "no" $setglobal gp_paxis_min '0' $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_1 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_1 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_2 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_2 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_3 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_3 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_4 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_4 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_5 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_5 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_6 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_6 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_7 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_7 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_8 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_8 %gp_paxis_min% $if not setglobal gp_paxis_min_9 $setglobal gp_paxis_min_9 %gp_paxis_min% $if "%gp_paxis_max_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_1_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_1 PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:%gp_paxis_max_1%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_1_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_2_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_2 PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:%gp_paxis_max_2%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_2_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_3_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_3 PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:%gp_paxis_max_3%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_3_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_4_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_4 PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:%gp_paxis_max_4%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_4_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_5_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_5 PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:%gp_paxis_max_5%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_5_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_6_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_6 PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:%gp_paxis_max_6%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_6_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_7_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_7 PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:%gp_paxis_max_7%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_7_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_8_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_8 PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:%gp_paxis_max_8%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_8_manualmax $if "%gp_paxis_max_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_p_9_manualmax $if setglobal gp_paxis_max_9 PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:%gp_paxis_max_9%]"/; $label gpxyzlabel_after_p_9_manualmax $if not setglobal gp_spider_range $setglobal gp_spider_range automax_ijk $if not "%gp_spider_range%" == "automax_ijk" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spider_automax_ijk gp_count=0; LOOP(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count=gp_count+1; IF(gp_count=1, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_1 PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_1%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=2, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_2 PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_2%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=3, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_3 PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_3%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=4, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_4 PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_4%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=5, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_5 PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_5%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=6, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_6 PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_6%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=7, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_7 PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_7%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=8, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_8 PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_8%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=9, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_9 PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_9%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:", (10*ceil(gp_spider_max(%gp_obsv_1%)/10))," ]"/; ); ); $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spider_range_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_spider_automax_ijk $if not "%gp_spider_range%" == "automax_equ" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spider_automax_equ gp_count=0; LOOP(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count=gp_count+1; IF(gp_count=1, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_1 PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_1%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=2, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_2 PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_2%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=3, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_3 PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_3%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=4, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_4 PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_4%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=5, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_5 PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_5%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=6, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_6 PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_6%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=7, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_7 PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_7%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=8, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_8 PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_8%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); IF(gp_count=9, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_9 PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_9%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:", (10*ceil(gp_ymax)/10)," ]"/; ); ); $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spider_range_assign $label gpxyzlabel_after_spider_automax_equ gp_count=0; LOOP(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count=gp_count+1; IF(gp_count=1, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_1 PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_1%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 1 range [%gp_paxis_min_1%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=2, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_2 PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_2%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 2 range [%gp_paxis_min_2%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=3, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_3 PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_3%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 3 range [%gp_paxis_min_3%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=4, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_4 PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_4%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 4 range [%gp_paxis_min_4%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=5, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_5 PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_5%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 5 range [%gp_paxis_min_5%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=6, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_6 PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_6%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 6 range [%gp_paxis_min_6%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=7, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_7 PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_7%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 7 range [%gp_paxis_min_7%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=8, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_8 PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_8%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 8 range [%gp_paxis_min_8%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); IF(gp_count=9, $if not setglobal gp_paxis_max_9 PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; $if "%gp_paxis_max_9%" == "no" PUT "set paxis 9 range [%gp_paxis_min_9%:%gp_spider_range%]"/; ); ); $label gpxyzlabel_after_spider_range_assign $if not setglobal gp_lw_1 $setglobal gp_lw_1 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_2 $setglobal gp_lw_2 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_3 $setglobal gp_lw_3 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_4 $setglobal gp_lw_4 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_5 $setglobal gp_lw_5 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_6 $setglobal gp_lw_6 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_7 $setglobal gp_lw_7 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_8 $setglobal gp_lw_8 %gp_lwidth% $if not setglobal gp_lw_9 $setglobal gp_lw_9 %gp_lwidth% gp_count = 0; LOOP(%gp_scen%, gp_count=gp_count+1; IF(gp_count eq 1, PUT "plot "; ELSE PUT " newspiderplot , "; ); $if "%gp_key%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_spider_legend IF(gp_count eq 1, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_1% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 2, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_2% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 3, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_3% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 4, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_4% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 5, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_5% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 6, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_6% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 7, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_7% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 8, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_8% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); IF(gp_count eq 9, PUT "keyentry with %gp_key_style%"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderkey $if "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderkey PUT " %gp_key_color_adjective% rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderkey PUT " lw %gp_lw_9% title ",'"',%gp_scen%.tl,'"'; ); PUT " , "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_spider_legend IF(gp_count eq 1, PUT " for [i=1:|Array1|] Array1 using (Array1[i])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_1%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 2, PUT " for [j=1:|Array2|] Array2 using (Array2[j])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_2%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 3, PUT " for [k=1:|Array3|] Array3 using (Array3[k])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_3%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 4, PUT " for [l=1:|Array4|] Array4 using (Array4[l])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_4%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 5, PUT " for [m=1:|Array5|] Array5 using (Array5[m])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_5%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 6, PUT " for [n=1:|Array6|] Array6 using (Array6[n])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_6%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 7, PUT " for [o=1:|Array7|] Array7 using (Array7[o])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_7%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 8, PUT " for [p=1:|Array8|] Array8 using (Array8[p])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_8%"; ); IF(gp_count eq 9, PUT " for [q=1:|Array9|] Array9 using (Array9[q])"; $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderplot $if "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderplot PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_spiderplot PUT " lw %gp_lw_9%"; ); IF(gp_count gt 1, PUT " notitle"; ); IF(gp_count lt card(%gp_scen%), put " ,"; ); ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Insert Auto Code Spider produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * Segment Normal Histogram Plot $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_histogram gp_count=1; put 'plot '; loop(%gp_scen%, gp_input.nw = 0; gp_input.nd = 0; if (gp_count gt 1, put ',';); if (gp_count eq 1, put " 'gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat' using "; else put " '' u ";); $if '%gp_xdata%' == 'time' put '1:'; put (gp_count+1); $if '%gp_xdata%' == 'time' $goto gpxyzlabel_afterxdatatime $if not '%gp_hist%' == 'columnstacked' if(gp_count eq 1, put ':xtic(1)';); $if '%gp_hist%' == 'columnstacked' if(gp_count eq 1, put ':key(1)';); $label gpxyzlabel_afterxdatatime * Insert Auto Code 7a produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin $if not setglobal gp_x1y1 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx1y1_hist $if "%gp_x1y1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx1y1_hist gpxyz_stoppvalue = 0; gpxyzset_one("%gp_x1y1%") = yes; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x1y1%")= yes; $if declared %gp_x1y1% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x1y1%) = yes; $if declared %gp_x1y1% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x1y1%)= yes; LOOP(gpxyzset_one $ SAMEAS(gpxyzset_one,%gp_scen%), PUT " axes x1y1 "; gpxyz_stoppvalue = 1; ); gpxyzset_one("%gp_x1y1%") = no; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x1y1%")= no; $if declared %gp_x1y1% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x1y1%) = no; $if declared %gp_x1y1% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x1y1%)= no; $label gpxyzlabel_afterx1y1_hist $if not setglobal gp_x1y2 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx1y2_hist $if "%gp_x1y2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx1y2_hist gpxyz_stoppvalue = 0; gpxyzset_one("%gp_x1y2%") = yes; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x1y2%")= yes; $if declared %gp_x1y2% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x1y2%) = yes; $if declared %gp_x1y2% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x1y2%)= yes; LOOP(gpxyzset_one $ SAMEAS(gpxyzset_one,%gp_scen%), PUT " axes x1y2 "; gpxyz_stoppvalue = 1; ); gpxyzset_one("%gp_x1y2%") = no; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x1y2%")= no; $if declared %gp_x1y2% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x1y2%) = no; $if declared %gp_x1y2% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x1y2%)= no; $label gpxyzlabel_afterx1y2_hist $if not setglobal gp_x2y1 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2y1_hist $if "%gp_x2y1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2y1_hist gpxyz_stoppvalue = 0; gpxyzset_one("%gp_x2y1%") = yes; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x2y1%")= yes; $if declared %gp_x2y1% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x2y1%) = yes; $if declared %gp_x2y1% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x2y1%)= yes; LOOP(gpxyzset_one $ SAMEAS(gpxyzset_one,%gp_scen%), PUT " axes x2y1 "; gpxyz_stoppvalue = 1; ); gpxyzset_one("%gp_x2y1%") = no; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x2y1%")= no; $if declared %gp_x2y1% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x2y1%) = no; $if declared %gp_x2y1% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x2y1%)= no; $label gpxyzlabel_afterx2y1_hist $if not setglobal gp_x2y2 $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2y2_hist $if "%gp_x2y2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterx2y2_hist gpxyz_stoppvalue = 0; gpxyzset_one("%gp_x2y2%") = yes; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x2y2%")= yes; $if declared %gp_x2y2% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x2y2%) = yes; $if declared %gp_x2y2% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x2y2%)= yes; LOOP(gpxyzset_one $ SAMEAS(gpxyzset_one,%gp_scen%), PUT " axes x2y2 "; gpxyz_stoppvalue = 1; ); gpxyzset_one("%gp_x2y2%") = no; gpxyzset_two("%gp_x2y2%")= no; $if declared %gp_x2y2% gpxyzset_one(%gp_x2y2%) = no; $if declared %gp_x2y2% gpxyzset_two(%gp_x2y2%)= no; $label gpxyzlabel_afterx2y2_hist * Insert Auto Code 7a produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * Insert Auto Code 7b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_hist $if "%gp_axes_l1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l1% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_hist $if "%gp_axes_l2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l2% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_hist $if "%gp_axes_l3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l3% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_hist $if "%gp_axes_l4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l4% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_hist $if "%gp_axes_l5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l5% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_hist $if "%gp_axes_l6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l6% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_hist $if "%gp_axes_l7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l7% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_hist $if "%gp_axes_l8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l8% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_hist $if "%gp_axes_l9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l9% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_hist $if "%gp_axes_l10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l10% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_hist $if "%gp_axes_l11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l11% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_hist $if "%gp_axes_l12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l12% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_hist $if "%gp_axes_l13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l13% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_hist $if "%gp_axes_l14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l14% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_hist $if "%gp_axes_l15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l15% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_hist $if "%gp_axes_l16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l16% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_hist $if "%gp_axes_l17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l17% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_hist $if "%gp_axes_l18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l18% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_hist $if "%gp_axes_l19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l19% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_hist ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_hist $if "%gp_axes_l20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_hist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l20% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_hist ); * Insert Auto Code 7b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * Insert Auto Code 7c produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_title_l1 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line1_title $ifi '%gp_title_l1%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l1%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line1_title put ' ti %gp_title_l1%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line1_title ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_title_l2 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line2_title $ifi '%gp_title_l2%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l2%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line2_title put ' ti %gp_title_l2%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line2_title ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_title_l3 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line3_title $ifi '%gp_title_l3%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l3%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line3_title put ' ti %gp_title_l3%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line3_title ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_title_l4 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line4_title $ifi '%gp_title_l4%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l4%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line4_title put ' ti %gp_title_l4%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line4_title ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_title_l5 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line5_title $ifi '%gp_title_l5%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l5%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line5_title put ' ti %gp_title_l5%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line5_title ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_title_l6 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line6_title $ifi '%gp_title_l6%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l6%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line6_title put ' ti %gp_title_l6%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line6_title ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_title_l7 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line7_title $ifi '%gp_title_l7%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l7%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line7_title put ' ti %gp_title_l7%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line7_title ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_title_l8 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line8_title $ifi '%gp_title_l8%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l8%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line8_title put ' ti %gp_title_l8%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line8_title ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_title_l9 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line9_title $ifi '%gp_title_l9%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l9%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line9_title put ' ti %gp_title_l9%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line9_title ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_title_l10 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line10_title $ifi '%gp_title_l10%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l10%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line10_title put ' ti %gp_title_l10%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line10_title ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_title_l11 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line11_title $ifi '%gp_title_l11%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l11%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line11_title put ' ti %gp_title_l11%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line11_title ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_title_l12 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line12_title $ifi '%gp_title_l12%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l12%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line12_title put ' ti %gp_title_l12%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line12_title ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_title_l13 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line13_title $ifi '%gp_title_l13%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l13%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line13_title put ' ti %gp_title_l13%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line13_title ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_title_l14 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line14_title $ifi '%gp_title_l14%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l14%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line14_title put ' ti %gp_title_l14%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line14_title ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_title_l15 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line15_title $ifi '%gp_title_l15%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l15%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line15_title put ' ti %gp_title_l15%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line15_title ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_title_l16 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line16_title $ifi '%gp_title_l16%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l16%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line16_title put ' ti %gp_title_l16%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line16_title ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_title_l17 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line17_title $ifi '%gp_title_l17%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l17%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line17_title put ' ti %gp_title_l17%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line17_title ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_title_l18 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line18_title $ifi '%gp_title_l18%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l18%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line18_title put ' ti %gp_title_l18%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line18_title ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_title_l19 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line19_title $ifi '%gp_title_l19%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l19%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line19_title put ' ti %gp_title_l19%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line19_title ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_title_l20 put ' ti col'; $if not setglobal gp_title_l20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line20_title $ifi '%gp_title_l20%' == 'no' put ' notitle'; $ifi '%gp_title_l20%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_line20_title put ' ti %gp_title_l20%'; $label gpxyzlabel_after_line20_title ); * Insert Auto Code 7c produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end * Insert Auto Code 8 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_hist put " lw %gp_lw_1%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_1 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_1_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_1 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_1 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_1 ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_hist put " lw %gp_lw_2%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_2 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_2_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_2 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_2 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_2 ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_hist put " lw %gp_lw_3%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_3 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_3_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_3 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_3 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_3 ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_hist put " lw %gp_lw_4%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_4 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_4_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_4 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_4 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_4 ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_hist put " lw %gp_lw_5%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_5 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_5_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_5 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_5 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_5 ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_hist put " lw %gp_lw_6%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_6 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_6_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_6 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_6 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_6 ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_hist put " lw %gp_lw_7%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_7 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_7_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_7 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_7 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_7 ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_hist put " lw %gp_lw_8%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_8 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_8_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_8 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_8 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_8 ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_hist put " lw %gp_lw_9%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_9 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_9_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_9 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_9 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_9 ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_10%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_hist put " lw %gp_lw_10%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_10 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_10_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_10 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_10 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_10 ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_11%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_hist put " lw %gp_lw_11%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_11 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_11_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_11 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_11 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_11 ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_12%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_hist put " lw %gp_lw_12%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_12 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_12_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_12 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_12 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_12 ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_13%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_hist put " lw %gp_lw_13%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_13 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_13_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_13 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_13 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_13 ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_14%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_hist put " lw %gp_lw_14%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_14 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_14_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_14 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_14 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_14 ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_15%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_hist put " lw %gp_lw_15%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_15 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_15_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_15 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_15 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_15 ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_16%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_hist put " lw %gp_lw_16%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_16 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_16_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_16 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_16 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_16 ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_17%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_hist put " lw %gp_lw_17%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_17 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_17_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_17 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_17 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_17 ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_18%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_hist put " lw %gp_lw_18%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_18 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_18_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_18 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_18 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_18 ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_19%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_hist put " lw %gp_lw_19%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_19 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_19_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_19 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_19 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_19 ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_palette_fractions $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_palettehist $ifi "%gp_palette_fractions%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_palettehist $ife %gp_palette_fractions%<0.5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_palettehist put " lc palette frac ",min(1.0,round(%gp_palette_min%+(%gp_palette_max%-%gp_palette_min%)*(gp_count-1)/(%gp_palette_fractions%-1),3)):0:3; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_hist $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_palettehist $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_hist $ifi "%gp_lc_20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_hist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_hist $if not setglobal gp_lw_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_hist $ifi "%gp_lw_20%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_hist put " lw %gp_lw_20%"; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_20 $label gpxyzlabel_after_lw_20_hist $if not setglobal gp_lwidth $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_20 $ifi "%gp_lwidth%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_20 put " lw %gp_lwidth%"; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lwidth_general_hist_20 ); * Insert Auto Code 8 produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end gp_count = gp_count + 1; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_data_file * Segment New Histogram Plot $label gpxyzlabel_plotstatement_newhistogram $if not setglobal gp_newhistogramgap $setglobal gp_newhistogramgap 1 $if "%gp_newhistogramgap%" == "no" $setglobal gp_newhistogramgap 1 $if not setglobal gp_movenewhistogramlabels $setglobal gp_movenewhistogramlabels 0 $if "%gp_movenewhistogramlabels%" == "no" $setglobal gp_movenewhistogramlabels 0 $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" $setglobal gp_movenewhistogramlabels 0 put 'plot '; gp_count_2 = 1; loop(%gp__col3%, gp_count=1; loop(%gp_scen%, gp_input.nw = 0; gp_input.nd = 0; if(gp_count_2 gt 1 and gp_count eq 1, put ' ';); if(gp_count eq 1, put ' newhistogram ';); $if "%gp_xlabel%"== "no" if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 eq 1, put '"',%gp__col3%.TL,'"';); $if "%gp_xlabel%"== "no" if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 gt 1, put '"'; LOOP(gp_hun_100_set $(ord(gp_hun_100_set) le %gp_movenewhistogramlabels%),put " ";);put %gp__col3%.TL,'"';); $if not setglobal gp_xlabel if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 eq 1, put '"',%gp__col3%.TL,'"';); $if not setglobal gp_xlabel if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 gt 1, put '"'; LOOP(gp_hun_100_set $(ord(gp_hun_100_set) le %gp_movenewhistogramlabels%),put " ";);put %gp__col3%.TL,'"';); $if not setglobal gp_xlabel $goto after_put_newhist_xlabel $if "%gp_xlabel%" == "no" $goto after_put_newhist_xlabel if(gp_count eq 1, put '"%gp_xlabel%"';); $label after_put_newhist_xlabel *$if not setglobal gp_xlabeloffset $goto gpxyzlabel_after_newhist_xlabeloffset $if not setglobal gp_firstxlabeloffset $setglobal gp_firstxlabeloffset 0,-0.5 $if "%gp_firstxlabeloffset%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_newhist_firstxlabeloffset if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 eq 1, PUT " offset %gp_firstxlabeloffset% ";); $label gpxyzlabel_after_newhist_firstxlabeloffset $if not setglobal gp_xlabeloffset $setglobal gp_xlabeloffset 2,-0.5 $if "%gp_xlabeloffset%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_newhist_xlabeloffset if(gp_count eq 1 and gp_count_2 gt 1, PUT " offset %gp_xlabeloffset% ";); $label gpxyzlabel_after_newhist_xlabeloffset $if not "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_xposition gp_input.nd = 3; if(gp_count eq 1, put ' lt 1 at ', ((gp_count_2-1)*card(%gp_scen%)+(gp_count_2-1)*%gp_newhistogramgap%);); gp_input.nd = 0; $label gpxyzlabel_after_xposition * if(gp_count_2 gt 1 and gp_count eq 1, put ' lt 1';); if(gp_count gt 1, put ' ,';); if(gp_count eq 1, put ", 'gnuplot%gp_multiplot_count%.dat' using "; else put " '' u ";); put (gp_count+1+(gp_count_2-1)*card(%gp_scen%)); * use labels for xtics - uwe june 2022 if(gp_count eq 1, put ':xtic(1)'; ); * new Uwe $if not setglobal gp_nohistogram_boxlabel $goto after_xticlabels_histogram $if "%setglobal gp_nohistogram_boxlabel%" == "no" $goto after_xticlabels_histogram $if not "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" if (gp_count eq 1, put ':xticlabels(1)';); $label after_xticlabels_histogram $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" if (gp_count_2 eq 1 and gp_count eq 1, put ':key(1)';); $if not "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" if(gp_count_2 eq 1, put ' ti col'; else put ' ti "" ';); $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" if(gp_count_2 eq 1, put ' ti col'; else put ' ti col ';); * Insert Auto Code 8b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l1% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_1_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l2% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_2_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l3% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_3_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l4% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_4_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l5% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_5_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l6% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_6_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l7% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_7_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l8% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_8_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l9% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_9_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l10% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_10_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l11% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_11_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l12% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_12_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l13% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_13_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l14% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_14_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l15% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_15_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l16% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_16_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l17% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_17_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l18% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_18_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l19% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_19_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_axes_l20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_newhist $if "%gp_axes_l20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_newhist PUT " axes %gp_axes_l20% "; $label gpxyzlabel_after_axes_20_newhist ); * Insert Auto Code 8b produced by make_345678_linestyle.gms - end $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" $goto gpxyzlabel_afterinserthistlinecolors * Insert Auto Code 9 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - begin IF(gp_count eq 1, $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 1"; ); $if "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 1"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_newhist $if "%gp_lc_1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_1_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 2, $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 2"; ); $if "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 2"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_newhist $if "%gp_lc_2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_2_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 3, $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 3"; ); $if "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 3"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_newhist $if "%gp_lc_3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_3_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 4, $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 4"; ); $if "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 4"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_newhist $if "%gp_lc_4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_4_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 5, $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 5"; ); $if "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 5"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_newhist $if "%gp_lc_5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_5_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 6, $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 6"; ); $if "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 6"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_newhist $if "%gp_lc_6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_6_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 7, $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 7"; ); $if "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 7"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_newhist $if "%gp_lc_7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_7_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 8, $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 8"; ); $if "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 8"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_newhist $if "%gp_lc_8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_8_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 9, $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 9"; ); $if "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 9"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_newhist $if "%gp_lc_9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_9_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 10, $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 10"; ); $if "%gp_lc_10%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 10"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_newhist $if "%gp_lc_10%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_10_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 11, $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 11"; ); $if "%gp_lc_11%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 11"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_newhist $if "%gp_lc_11%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_11_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 12, $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 12"; ); $if "%gp_lc_12%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 12"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_newhist $if "%gp_lc_12%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_12_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 13, $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 13"; ); $if "%gp_lc_13%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 13"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_newhist $if "%gp_lc_13%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_13_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 14, $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 14"; ); $if "%gp_lc_14%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 14"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_newhist $if "%gp_lc_14%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_14_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 15, $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 15"; ); $if "%gp_lc_15%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 15"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_newhist $if "%gp_lc_15%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_15_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 16, $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 16"; ); $if "%gp_lc_16%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 16"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_newhist $if "%gp_lc_16%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_16_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 17, $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 17"; ); $if "%gp_lc_17%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 17"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_newhist $if "%gp_lc_17%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_17_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 18, $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 18"; ); $if "%gp_lc_18%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 18"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_newhist $if "%gp_lc_18%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_18_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 19, $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 19"; ); $if "%gp_lc_19%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 19"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_newhist $if "%gp_lc_19%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_19_newhist ); IF(gp_count eq 20, $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 20"; ); $if "%gp_lc_20%" == "no" IF(gp_count_2 gt 1, put " lt 20"; ); $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_newhist $if "%gp_lc_20%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_newhist PUT " lc rgb "; gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_hex_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_hex_color_name) or gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%)), put '"#',gp_hex_color_name.te(gp_hex_color_name),'"'; ); gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = no; $label gpxyzlabel_after_lc_20_newhist ); * Insert Auto Code 9 produced by make_4_linestyle.gms - end $label gpxyzlabel_afterinserthistlinecolors gp_count = gp_count + 1; ); if(card(%gp__col3%) gt gp_count_2, put ', \'; ); put /; gp_count_2 = gp_count_2 + 1; ); $label gpxyzlabel_write_data_file putclose; * __________________________________________ * * * * Gnuplot.dat - Contains Gnuplot Data * * __________________________________________ * * * * permit user to specify an alternative value for NA: $if setglobal gp_na gp_na = %gp_na%; * permit user to suppress (0,0) observations gp_supzer=0; $if setglobal gp_supzero gp_supzer=1; $if "%gp_supzero%"=="no" gp_supzer=0; * histograms should not have data suppressed $if a%2==a gp_supzer=0; gp_00(%gp_scen%) = 0; gp_xy(%gp_scen%) = 0; gp__0(%gp_scen%) = inf; %gp_data_string%.pw = 32767; %gp_data_string%.nw = 16; %gp_data_string%.lw = 16; %gp_data_string%.tw = 16; %gp_data_string%.nd = 8; %gp_data_string%.nr = 1; %gp_data_string%.nr = 2; $if dimension 1 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_put_1D_data $if "%gp_style%"=="heatmap" $goto gpxyzlabel_put_heatmap_data $if "%gp_style%"=="filledcurves" $goto gpxyzlabel_put_2D_data $if dimension 2 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_put_histogram_or_spider_data $if a%2==a $goto gpxyzlabel_put_newhistogram_data $if not a%4==a $goto gpxyzlabel_put_3Dgraph_data $if dimension 4 %1 $goto gpxyzlabel_put_3D_data $label gpxyzlabel_put_2D_data * Segment Put 2D Plot data loop(%gp_scen%, loop(%gp_obsv_1%, if( ((%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%") eq 0) and (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%") eq 0) ), gp_00(%gp_scen%) = gp_00(%gp_scen%) + 1; else gp_00(%gp_scen%) = 0; ); gp_xy(%gp_scen%) = gp_xy(%gp_scen%) + 1; ); ); $if not setglobal gp_zeroend $setglobal gp_zeroend 'no' $if "%gp_zeroend%"=="yes" $goto gpxyzlabel_putdata gp__0(%gp_scen%) = gp_xy(%gp_scen%)- gp_00(%gp_scen%); $goto gpxyzlabel_putdata $label gpxyzlabel_putdata loop(%gp_scen%, gp_count = 0; loop(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; if( ((gp_supzer eq 0) and ((gp_count - gp__0(%gp_scen%)) lt 0) or ( %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%") ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%")) eq mapval(eps)) or ( %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%") ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%")) eq mapval(eps)) ), if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%") ; ); if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%") ; ); $if a%4==a $goto gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col3%") ; ); $if a%5==a $goto gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col4%") ; ); $if a%6==a $goto gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col5%") ; ); $if a%7==a $goto gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp__col6%") ; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata $label gpxyzlabel_line_break_indata put /; ); ); put //; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Segment Put 1D data $label gpxyzlabel_put_1D_data gp_count = 0; loop(%gp_scen%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; if(%1(%gp_scen%) ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%) eq mapval(eps)), if (%1(%gp_scen%) eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, gp_count ; ); if (%1(%gp_scen%) eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%) ; ); put /; ); ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Segment new 3D graph data $label gpxyzlabel_put_3Dgraph_data loop(%gp_scen%, loop(%gp_obsv_1%, put %gp_data_string%, %gp_obsv_1%.TL, " "; put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_xxxvalue%")," "; put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_yyyvalue%")," "; put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,"%gp_zzzvalue%")," "; put /; ); put / /; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Segment Put 3D data $label gpxyzlabel_put_3D_data loop(%gp_planes%, loop(%gp_obsv_1%, loop(%gp_obsv_2%, put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,"%gp_xxxvalue%")," "; put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,"%gp_yyyvalue%")," "; put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_planes%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp_obsv_2%,"%gp_zzzvalue%")," "; put /; ); put /; ); put /; ); display "planes",%gp_planes%,"obsv1",%gp_obsv_1%,"obsv2",%gp_obsv_2%; $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Put heatmap data (3d) $label gpxyzlabel_put_heatmap_data %gp_data_string%.tw = 0; %gp_data_string%.lw = 0; %gp_data_string%.nw = 16; %gp_data_string%.nd = 8; %gp_data_string%.nj = 2; Put %gp_data_string%; *$if dimension 3 %1 $setglobal gp_scen 'uu___1' *$if dimension 3 %1 $setglobal gp_obsv_1 'uu___2' loop(%gp_scen% $ SUM((%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%), %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)), loop(%gp_obsv_1% $ SUM(%gp__col3%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)), loop(%gp__col3%, PUT %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%); ); PUT /; ); PUT /; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Put histogram or spider data * a) put spider plot data $label gpxyzlabel_put_histogram_or_spider_data display "gp_style %gp_style%"; $if not "%gp_style%" == "spiderplot" $goto after_spiderplot_data %gp_data_string%.tw = 0; %gp_data_string%.lw = 0; %gp_data_string%.nw = 16; %gp_data_string%.nj = 2; Put %gp_data_string%; loop(%gp_scen%, gp_count = 0; loop(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; if( ((gp_supzer eq 0) and ((gp_count - gp__0(%gp_scen%)) lt 0) or ( %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%)) eq mapval(eps))), if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%);); ); ); PUT %gp_scen%.TL; PUT /; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * b) put 2D histogram data $label after_spiderplot_data %gp_data_string%.tw = 0; %gp_data_string%.lw = 0; Put %gp_data_string%; Put '"dummy" '; loop(%gp_scen%, $if not "%gp_ydata%" == "time" Put '"'; Put %gp_scen%.tl; $if not "%gp_ydata%" == "time" Put'"'; Put ' '; ); PUT /; loop(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count = 0; * new: labels for histogram sections $if not setglobal gp_nohistogram_sectionlabel $goto after_no_sectionlabel $if "%gp_nohistogram_sectionlabel%" == "no" $goto after_no_sectionlabel put '" "'; $goto after_auto_sectionlabel $label after_no_sectionlabel $if not "%gp_xdata%" == "time" Put '"'; put %gp_obsv_1%.tl; $if not "%gp_xdata%" == "time" Put '"'; $label after_auto_sectionlabel * end new loop(%gp_scen%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; if( ((gp_supzer eq 0) and ((gp_count - gp__0(%gp_scen%)) lt 0) or ( %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%)) eq mapval(eps))), if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%) eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%);); ); ); * new $if not setglobal gp_nohistogram_boxlabel $goto after_no_boxlabel $if "%gp_nohistogram_boxlabel%" == "no" $goto after_no_boxlabel put ' "%gp_nohistogram_boxlabel%"'; $label after_no_boxlabel * end new PUT /; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini * Segment Put New histogram data $label gpxyzlabel_put_newhistogram_data %gp_data_string%.tw = 0; %gp_data_string%.lw = 0; Put %gp_data_string%; Put '"dummy" '; $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" loop(%gp__col3%, loop(%gp_scen%, Put '"',%gp_scen%.tl,'" '; ); $if "%gp_hist%" == "columnstacked" ); PUT /; loop(%gp_obsv_1%, gp_count = 0; put '"',%gp_obsv_1%.tl,'"' loop(%gp__col3%, loop(%gp_scen%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; if( ((gp_supzer eq 0) and ((gp_count - gp__0(%gp_scen%)) lt 0) or ( %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%) ne 0 or mapval(%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%)) eq mapval(eps))), if (%1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%) eq gp_na, put %gp_data_string%, ' '; else put %gp_data_string%, %1(%gp_scen%,%gp_obsv_1%,%gp__col3%);); ); ); ); PUT /; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini $label gpxyzlabel_write_gnuplot_ini putclose; $offuni * * * Overwrite wgnuplot.ini which resides in the windows system directory * *_______________________________________________________________________ * $if not "%gp_term%"=="windows" $goto gpxyzlabel_rungnupl put gp_winini; gp_winini.nd = 0; gp_winini.nw = 0; put '[WGNUPLOT]' /; $if not setglobal gp_graphorigin $goto gpxyzlabel_win_customsize $if "%gp_graphorigin%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_customsize $if "%gp_graphorigin%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_customsize put 'GraphOrigin= %gp_graphorigin%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_win_heightlength $label gpxyzlabel_win_customsize put 'GraphOrigin=-4 -4' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_win_heightlength $label gpxyzlabel_win_heightlength $if not setglobal gp_wheight $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size $if not setglobal gp_wlength $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size $if "%gp_wheight%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size $if "%gp_wheight%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size $if "%gp_wlength%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size $if "%gp_wlength%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_win_size put 'GraphSize=%gp_wlength% %gp_wheight%' /; $goto gpxyzlabel_win_font $label gpxyzlabel_win_size put "GraphSize=648 460" /; $goto gpxyzlabel_win_font $label gpxyzlabel_win_font put 'GraphFont=%gp_font%,%gp_fontsize%' /; $if '%gp_color%' == 'monochrome' put 'GraphColor=0' /; $if '%gp_color%' == 'color' put 'GraphColor=1' /; put 'GraphToTop=1' /; put 'GraphBackground=255 255 255' /; $if not setglobal gp_bdwidth $setglobal gp_bdwidth '0' $if "%gp_bdwidth%" == "0" $setglobal gp_bdwidth '0' $if "%gp_bdwidth%" == "no" $setglobal gp_bdwidth '0' put 'Border=0 0 0 -',%gp_bdwidth%,' -',%gp_bdwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_axwidth $setglobal gp_axwidth '2' put 'Axis=192 192 192 -',%gp_axwidth%,' -',%gp_axwidth% /; $ontext put 'Line1=255 0 0 0 0' /; put 'Line2=0 255 0 0 1' /; put 'Line3=0 0 255 0 2' /; put 'Line4=255 0 255 0 3' /; put 'Line5=0 0 128 0 4' /; put 'Line6=128 0 0 0 0' /; put 'Line7=0 128 128 0 1' /; put 'Line8=0 0 0 0 2' /; put 'Line9=128 128 128 0 3' /; put 'Line10=0 128 64 0 4' /; put 'Line11=128 128 0 0 0' /; put 'Line12=128 0 128 0 1' /; put 'Line13=192 192 192 0 2' /; put 'Line14=0 255 255 0 3' /; put 'Line15=255 255 0 0 4' /; $offtext * individual colors $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_1_lb $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_1_lb $if not setglobal gp_greyscale $goto gpxyzlabel_after_greyscale $if "%gp_greyscale%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_greyscale $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $setglobal gp_lc_1 grey8 $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $setglobal gp_lc_2 grey16 $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $setglobal gp_lc_3 grey24 $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $setglobal gp_lc_4 grey32 $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $setglobal gp_lc_5 grey40 $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $setglobal gp_lc_6 grey48 $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $setglobal gp_lc_7 grey56 $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $setglobal gp_lc_8 grey64 $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $setglobal gp_lc_9 grey72 $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $setglobal gp_lc_10 grey80 $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $setglobal gp_lc_11 grey88 $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $setglobal gp_lc_12 grey84 $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $setglobal gp_lc_13 grey76 $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $setglobal gp_lc_14 grey68 $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $setglobal gp_lc_15 grey60 $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $setglobal gp_lc_16 grey52 $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $setglobal gp_lc_17 grey44 $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $setglobal gp_lc_18 grey36 $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $setglobal gp_lc_19 grey28 $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $setglobal gp_lc_20 grey20 $if not setglobal gp_lc_21 $setglobal gp_lc_21 grey12 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_colorscale $label gpxyzlabel_after_greyscale $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $setglobal gp_lc_1 Red $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $setglobal gp_lc_2 BrightGreen $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $setglobal gp_lc_3 Blue $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $setglobal gp_lc_4 pink $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $setglobal gp_lc_5 NavyBlue $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $setglobal gp_lc_6 Brown $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $setglobal gp_lc_7 Cyan $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $setglobal gp_lc_8 Black $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $setglobal gp_lc_9 darkgray $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $setglobal gp_lc_10 Green $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $setglobal gp_lc_11 Olive $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $setglobal gp_lc_12 magenta $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $setglobal gp_lc_13 LightGrey $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $setglobal gp_lc_14 lightcyan $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $setglobal gp_lc_15 Yellow $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $setglobal gp_lc_16 chocolate $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $setglobal gp_lc_17 coral $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $setglobal gp_lc_18 cornflowerblue $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $setglobal gp_lc_19 cornsilk $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $setglobal gp_lc_20 crimson $if not setglobal gp_lc_21 $setglobal gp_lc_21 darkblue $if not setglobal gp_lc_22 $setglobal gp_lc_22 darkcyan $if not setglobal gp_lc_23 $setglobal gp_lc_23 darkgoldenrod $if not setglobal gp_lc_24 $setglobal gp_lc_24 darkgray $if not setglobal gp_lc_25 $setglobal gp_lc_25 darkgreen $if not setglobal gp_lc_26 $setglobal gp_lc_26 darkkhaki $if not setglobal gp_lc_27 $setglobal gp_lc_27 darkmagenta $if not setglobal gp_lc_28 $setglobal gp_lc_28 darkolivegreen $if not setglobal gp_lc_29 $setglobal gp_lc_29 darkorange $if not setglobal gp_lc_30 $setglobal gp_lc_30 darkorchid $if not setglobal gp_lc_31 $setglobal gp_lc_31 darkred $if not setglobal gp_lc_32 $setglobal gp_lc_32 darksalmon $if not setglobal gp_lc_33 $setglobal gp_lc_33 darkseagreen $if not setglobal gp_lc_34 $setglobal gp_lc_34 darkslateblue $if not setglobal gp_lc_35 $setglobal gp_lc_35 darkslategray $if not setglobal gp_lc_36 $setglobal gp_lc_36 darkturquoise $if not setglobal gp_lc_37 $setglobal gp_lc_37 darkviolet $if not setglobal gp_lc_38 $setglobal gp_lc_38 deeppink $if not setglobal gp_lc_39 $setglobal gp_lc_39 deepskyblue $if not setglobal gp_lc_40 $setglobal gp_lc_40 dimgray $label gpxyzlabel_after_colorscale $ontext gp_count = 0; LOOP(%gp_fixcolor_set%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; LOOP(%gp_scen% $SAMEAS(%gp_fixcolor_set%,%gp_scen%), IF(gp_count eq 1, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_1%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 2, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_2%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 3, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_3%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 4, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_4%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 5, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_5%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 6, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_6%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 7, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_7%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 8, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_8%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 9, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_9%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 10, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_10%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 11, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_11%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 12, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_12%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 13, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_13%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 14, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_14%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 15, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_15%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 16, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_16%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 17, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_17%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 18, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_18%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 19, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_19%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 20, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_20%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 21, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_21%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 22, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_22%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 23, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_23%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 24, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_24%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 25, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_25%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 26, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_26%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 27, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_27%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 28, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_28%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 29, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_29%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 30, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_30%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 31, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_31%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 32, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_32%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 33, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_33%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 34, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_34%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 35, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_35%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 36, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_36%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 37, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_37%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 38, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_38%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 39, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_39%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); IF(gp_count eq 40, gp_xyz_fixed_col("%gp_lc_40%",%gp_scen%) = yes;); );); $offtext gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) = 0; gp_count = 0; LOOP(%gp_scen%, gp_count = gp_count + 1; gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) = gp_count; ); $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_1_lb put "Line1="; $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="no" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_2_lb $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="0" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_1%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_2_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_1 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_2_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_1 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 1), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_1 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_1%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_2_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_2_lb put "Line2="; $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="no" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_3_lb $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="0" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_2%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_3_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_3_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_2 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 2), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_2 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_2%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_3_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_3_lb put "Line3="; $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="no" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_4_lb $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="0" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_3%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_4_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_4_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_3 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 3), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_3 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_3%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_4_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_4_lb put "Line4="; $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="no" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_5_lb $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="0" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_4%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_5_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_5_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_4 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 4), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_4 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_4%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_5_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_5_lb put "Line5="; $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="no" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_6_lb $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="0" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_5%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_6_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_6_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_5 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 5), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_5 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_5%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_6_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_6_lb put "Line6="; $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="no" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_7_lb $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="0" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_6%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_7_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_7_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_6 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 6), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_6 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_6%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_7_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_7_lb put "Line7="; $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="no" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_8_lb $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="0" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_7%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_8_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_8_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_7 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 7), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_7 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_7%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_8_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_8_lb put "Line8="; $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="no" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_9_lb $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="0" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_8%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_9_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_9_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_8 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 8), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_8 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_8%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_9_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_9_lb put "Line9="; $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="no" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_10_lb $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="0" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_9%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_10_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_10_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_9 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 9), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_9 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_9%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_10_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_10_lb put "Line10="; $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="no" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_11_lb $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="0" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_10%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_11_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_10 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_11_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_10 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 10), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_10 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_10%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_11_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_11_lb put "Line11="; $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="no" put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_12_lb $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="0" put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_11%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_12_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_11 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_12_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_11 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 11), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_11 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_11%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_12_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_12_lb put "Line12="; $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="no" put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_13_lb $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="0" put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_12%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_13_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_12 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_13_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_12 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 12), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_12 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_12%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_13_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_13_lb put "Line13="; $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="no" put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_14_lb $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="0" put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_13%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_14_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_13 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_14_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_13 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 13), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_13 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_13%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_14_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_14_lb put "Line14="; $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="no" put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_15_lb $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="0" put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_14%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_15_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_14 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_15_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_14 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 14), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_14 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_14%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_15_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_15_lb put "Line15="; $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="no" put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_16_lb $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="0" put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_15%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_16_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_15 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_16_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_15 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 15), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_15 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_15%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_16_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_16_lb put "Line16="; $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="no" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_17_lb $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="0" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_16%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_17_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_16 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_17_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_16 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 16), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_16 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_16%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_17_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_17_lb put "Line17="; $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="no" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_18_lb $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="0" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_17%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_18_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_17 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_18_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_17 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 17), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_17 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_17%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_18_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_18_lb put "Line18="; $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="no" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_19_lb $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="0" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_18%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_19_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_18 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_19_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_18 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 18), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_18 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_18%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_19_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_19_lb put "Line19="; $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="no" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_20_lb $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="0" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_19%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_20_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_19 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_20_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_19 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 19), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_19 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_19%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_20_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_20_lb put "Line20="; $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="no" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_21_lb $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="0" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_20%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_21_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_20 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_21_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_20 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 20), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_20 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_20%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_21_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_21_lb put "Line21="; $if "%gp_lc_21%"=="no" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_21%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_22_lb $if "%gp_lc_21%"=="0" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_21%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_22_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_21 put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_21 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_22_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_21 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_21%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 21), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_21 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_21%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_22_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_22_lb put "Line22="; $if "%gp_lc_22%"=="no" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_22%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_23_lb $if "%gp_lc_22%"=="0" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_22%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_23_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_22 put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_22 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_23_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_22 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_22%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 22), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_22 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_22%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_23_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_23_lb put "Line23="; $if "%gp_lc_23%"=="no" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_23%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_24_lb $if "%gp_lc_23%"=="0" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_23%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_24_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_23 put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_23 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_24_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_23 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_23%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 23), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_23 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_23%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_24_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_24_lb put "Line24="; $if "%gp_lc_24%"=="no" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_24%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_25_lb $if "%gp_lc_24%"=="0" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_24%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_25_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_24 put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_24 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_25_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_24 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_24%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 24), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_24 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_24%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_25_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_25_lb put "Line25="; $if "%gp_lc_25%"=="no" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_25%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_26_lb $if "%gp_lc_25%"=="0" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_25%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_26_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_25 put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_25 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_26_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_25 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_25%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 25), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_25 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_25%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_26_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_26_lb put "Line26="; $if "%gp_lc_26%"=="no" put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_26%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_27_lb $if "%gp_lc_26%"=="0" put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_26%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_27_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_26 put '128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_26 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_27_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_26 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_26%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 26), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_26 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_26%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_27_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_27_lb put "Line27="; $if "%gp_lc_27%"=="no" put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_27%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_28_lb $if "%gp_lc_27%"=="0" put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_27%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_28_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_27 put '128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_27 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_28_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_27 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_27%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 27), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_27 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_27%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_28_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_28_lb put "Line28="; $if "%gp_lc_28%"=="no" put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_28%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_29_lb $if "%gp_lc_28%"=="0" put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_28%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_29_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_28 put '192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_28 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_29_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_28 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_28%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 28), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_28 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_28%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_29_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_29_lb put "Line29="; $if "%gp_lc_29%"=="no" put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_29%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_30_lb $if "%gp_lc_29%"=="0" put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_29%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_30_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_29 put '0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_29 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_30_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_29 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_29%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 29), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_29 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_29%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_30_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_30_lb put "Line30="; $if "%gp_lc_30%"=="no" put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_30%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_31_lb $if "%gp_lc_30%"=="0" put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_30%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_31_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_30 put '255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_30 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_31_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_30 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_30%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 30), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_30 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_30%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_31_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_31_lb put "Line31="; $if "%gp_lc_31%"=="no" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_31%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_32_lb $if "%gp_lc_31%"=="0" put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_31%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_32_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_31 put '255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_31 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_32_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_31 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_31%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 31), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_31 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_31%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_32_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_32_lb put "Line32="; $if "%gp_lc_32%"=="no" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_32%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_33_lb $if "%gp_lc_32%"=="0" put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_32%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_33_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_32 put '0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_32 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_33_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_32 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_32%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 32), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_32 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_32%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_33_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_33_lb put "Line33="; $if "%gp_lc_33%"=="no" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_33%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_34_lb $if "%gp_lc_33%"=="0" put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_33%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_34_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_33 put '0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_33 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_34_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_33 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_33%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 33), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_33 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_33%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_34_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_34_lb put "Line34="; $if "%gp_lc_34%"=="no" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_34%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_35_lb $if "%gp_lc_34%"=="0" put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_34%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_35_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_34 put '255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_34 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_35_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_34 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_34%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 34), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_34 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_34%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_35_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_35_lb put "Line35="; $if "%gp_lc_35%"=="no" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_35%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_36_lb $if "%gp_lc_35%"=="0" put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_35%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_36_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_35 put '0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_35 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_36_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_35 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_35%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 35), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_35 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_35%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_36_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_36_lb put "Line36="; $if "%gp_lc_36%"=="no" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_36%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_37_lb $if "%gp_lc_36%"=="0" put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_36%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_37_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_36 put '128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_36 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_37_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_36 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_36%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 36), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_36 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_36%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_37_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_37_lb put "Line37="; $if "%gp_lc_37%"=="no" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_37%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_38_lb $if "%gp_lc_37%"=="0" put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_37%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_38_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_37 put '0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_37 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_38_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_37 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_37%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 37), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_37 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_37%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_38_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_38_lb put "Line38="; $if "%gp_lc_38%"=="no" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_38%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_39_lb $if "%gp_lc_38%"=="0" put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_38%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_39_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_38 put '0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_38 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_39_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_38 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_38%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 38), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_38 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_38%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_39_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_39_lb put "Line39="; $if "%gp_lc_39%"=="no" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_39%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_40_lb $if "%gp_lc_39%"=="0" put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_39%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_40_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_39 put '128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_39 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_40_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_39 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_39%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 39), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_39 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_39%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_40_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_40_lb put "Line40="; $if "%gp_lc_40%"=="no" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_40%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_41_lb $if "%gp_lc_40%"=="0" put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if "%gp_lc_40%"=="0" $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_41_lb $if not setglobal gp_lc_40 put '0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if not setglobal gp_lc_40 $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_41_lb $if setglobal gp_lc_40 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_40%") = yes; gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) $sum(gp_xyz_fixed_col,1) = no; LOOP(gp_line_color_name $(gp_xyz_ind_col(gp_line_color_name) or sum(%gp_scen% $(gp_scencount(%gp_scen%) eq 40), gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%))), put gp_line_color_name.te(gp_line_color_name); ); put ' -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $if setglobal gp_lc_40 gp_xyz_ind_col("%gp_lc_40%") = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_41_lb $label gpxyzlabel_gp_lc_41_lb gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_line_color_name,%gp_scen%) = no; $goto gpxyzlabel_textopt $label gpxyzlabel_userwidth put 'Line1=255 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line2=0 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line3=0 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line4=255 0 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line5=0 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line6=128 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line7=0 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line8=0 0 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line9=128 128 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line10=0 128 64 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line11=128 128 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line12=128 0 128 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line13=192 192 192 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line14=0 255 255 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; put 'Line15=255 255 0 -',%gp_lwidth%,' -',%gp_lwidth% /; $goto gpxyzlabel_textopt $label gpxyzlabel_textopt put 'TextOrigin=22 22' /; put 'TextSize=480 321' /; put 'TextMinimized=0' /; put 'TextFont=Terminal,9' /; put 'SysColors=0' /; putclose; execute 'if exist "%SysEnv.APPDATA%\wgnuplot.ini" del "%SysEnv.APPDATA%\wgnuplot.ini" >nul'; execute 'copy wgnuplot.ini "%SysEnv.APPDATA%\wgnuplot.ini"'; $goto gpxyzlabel_rungnupl *_____________________* * * * Run Gnuplot * *_____________________* * * $label gpxyzlabel_rungnupl display "Using terminal: %gp_term%, system: %system.filesys%"; $if not setglobal gp_ppt $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file $if "%gp_ppt%"=="no" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("1") = yes; $if not setglobal gp_ppt_2 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt2 $if not "%gp_ppt_2%"=="2" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt2 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_3 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt3 $if not "%gp_ppt_3%"=="3" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt3 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_4 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt4 $if not "%gp_ppt_4%"=="4" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt4 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_5 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt5 $if not "%gp_ppt_5%"=="5" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("5") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt5 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_6 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt6 $if not "%gp_ppt_6%"=="6" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("5") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("6") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt6 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_7 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt7 $if not "%gp_ppt_7%"=="7" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("5") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("6") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("7") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt7 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_8 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt8 $if not "%gp_ppt_8%"=="8" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("5") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("6") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("7") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("8") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt8 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_9 $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt9 $if not "%gp_ppt_9%"=="9" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file ppt_repeat_loop("2") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("3") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("4") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("5") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("6") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("7") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("8") = yes; ppt_repeat_loop("9") = yes; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_ppt9 $label gpxyzlabel_after_checking_all_ppt * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * * File for Power Point Macro * * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * PUT gams_ppt_list; gams_ppt_list.ap = 1; gams_ppt_list.nw = 0; gams_ppt_list.lw = 0; gams_ppt_list.nd = 0; $if not setglobal gp_ppt_fontname $setglobal gp_ppt_fontname Arial $if not setglobal gp_ppt_fontsize $setglobal gp_ppt_fontsize 40 $if not setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont $setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont 0 $if "%gp_ppt_boldfont%"=="yes" $setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont 1 $if "%gp_ppt_boldfont%"=="bold" $setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont 1 $if "%gp_ppt_boldfont%"=="no" $setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont 0 $if "%gp_ppt_boldfont%"=="normal" $setglobal gp_ppt_boldfont 0 IF(gpxyzsm_plot_count eq 1, PUT "%gp_ppt_fontname%" /; PUT "%gp_ppt_boldfont%" /; PUT "%gp_ppt_fontsize%" /; ); gp_count = 0; LOOP(ppt_repeat_loop $(gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata Lt 0.5), gp_count = gp_count + 1; PUT "%gams.Workdir%%gp_name%_",gpxyzsm_plot_count,"_",ppt_repeat_loop.TL,".%gp_extension%"/; * Title $if "%gp_loop1%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_noloopppttitle $if "%gp_loop1%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_noloopppttitle $if setglobal gp_loop1 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop1 $label gpxyzlabel_noloopppttitle $if not setglobal gp_title $goto gpxyzlabel_assign_auto_title_for_ppt $if "%gp_title%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_assign_auto_title_for_ppt $if "%gp_title%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_assign_auto_title_for_ppt put '%gp_title%'; $goto gpxyzlabel_after_autoppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_assign_auto_title_for_ppt $if "%2"=="" put '%1'; $if "%2"=="" $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $if not dimension 2 %1 put '%2',' versus ','%3'; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_after_autoppttitle * Begin powerpoint file loop * Names for different restart options $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop1 $if not setglobal gp_title $setglobal gp_title " " put "%gp_title% ",%gp_loop1%.te(%gp_loop1%); $if "%gp_loop2%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_2 $if "%gp_loop2%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_2 $if setglobal gp_loop2 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop2 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_2 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop2 put " ",%gp_loop2%.te(%gp_loop2%); $if "%gp_loop3%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_3 $if "%gp_loop3%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_3 $if setglobal gp_loop3 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop3 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_3 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop3 put " ",%gp_loop3%.te(%gp_loop3%); $if "%gp_loop4%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_4 $if "%gp_loop4%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_4 $if setglobal gp_loop4 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop4 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_4 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop4 put " ",%gp_loop4%.te(%gp_loop4%); $if "%gp_loop5%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_5 $if "%gp_loop5%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_5 $if setglobal gp_loop5 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop5 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_5 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop5 put " ",%gp_loop5%.te(%gp_loop5%); $if "%gp_loop6%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_6 $if "%gp_loop6%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_6 $if setglobal gp_loop6 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop6 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_6 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop6 put " ",%gp_loop6%.te(%gp_loop6%); $if "%gp_loop7%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_7 $if "%gp_loop7%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_7 $if setglobal gp_loop7 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop7 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_7 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop7 put " ",%gp_loop7%.te(%gp_loop7%); $if "%gp_loop8%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_8 $if "%gp_loop8%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_8 $if setglobal gp_loop8 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop8 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_8 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop8 put " ",%gp_loop8%.te(%gp_loop8%); $if "%gp_loop9%" == "no" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_9 $if "%gp_loop9%" == "0" $goto gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_9 $if setglobal gp_loop9 $goto gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop9 $label gpxyzlabel_no_loop_title_9 $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle $label gpxyzlabel_ppttitle_loop9 put " ",%gp_loop9%.te(%gp_loop9%); $if setglobal gp_ppt_1_name If(gp_count eq 1, put "%gp_ppt_1_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_2_name If(gp_count eq 2, put "%gp_ppt_2_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_3_name If(gp_count eq 3, put "%gp_ppt_3_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_4_name If(gp_count eq 4, put "%gp_ppt_4_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_5_name If(gp_count eq 5, put "%gp_ppt_5_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_6_name If(gp_count eq 6, put "%gp_ppt_6_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_7_name If(gp_count eq 7, put "%gp_ppt_7_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_8_name If(gp_count eq 8, put "%gp_ppt_8_name%"; ); $if setglobal gp_ppt_9_name If(gp_count eq 9, put "%gp_ppt_9_name%"; ); put /; $goto gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle * End powerpoint file loop $label gpxyzlabel_skipppttitle ); PUTCLOSE; $label gpxyzlabel_after_writing_ppt_file $if not setglobal gp_multiplot $goto gpxyzlabel_after_multiplot_execute_check $if '%gp_multiplot%' == 'no' $goto gpxyzlabel_after_multiplot_execute_check $if setglobal gp_multiplot $goto gpxyzlabel_finishup $label gpxyzlabel_after_multiplot_execute_check * ++++++++++++ * Run gnuplot * ++++++++++++ $if not setglobal gp_sleep $setglobal gp_sleep 1 * text window for manual replotting and error finding $if not setglobal gp_addtextwindow $setglobal gp_addtextwindow "" $if "%gp_addtextwindow%"=="no" $setglobal gp_addtextwindow "" $if "%gp_addtextwindow%"=="" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_addtextwindow $if setglobal gp_addtextwindow $setglobal gp_addtextwindow "-" $label gpxyzlabel_after_addtextwindow $if not "%gp_term%"=="windows" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_gpwindows_execution IF(gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata Lt 0.5, execute 'shellexecute wgnuplot.exe -persist gnuplot.inp %gp_addtextwindow%'; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_finishup $label gpxyzlabel_after_gpwindows_execution $if not "%gp_term%"=="wxt" $goto gpxyzlabel_after_gpwxt_execution IF(gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata Lt 0.5, execute 'shellexecute wgnuplot -persist gnuplot.inp %gp_addtextwindow%'; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_finishup $label gpxyzlabel_after_gpwxt_execution IF(gnuplotxyz_ploterror_nodata Lt 0.5, execute 'gnuplot gnuplot.inp'; ); $goto gpxyzlabel_finishup $label gpxyzlabel_finishup $if not setglobal gp_keepname $setglobal gp_keepname no $if not "%gp_keepname%" == "no" $goto gpxyz_after_keepname_check $dropglobal gp_name $label gpxyz_after_keepname_check $if not setglobal gp_fixcolor_set $goto gpxyz_after_gp_fixcolor_reset $if "%gp_fixcolor_set%" == "no" $goto gpxyz_after_gp_fixcolor_reset gp_fixlinecolormap(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_fixcolor_set%) = no; gp_xyz_fixed_col(gp_hex_color_name,%gp_scen%) = no; $label gpxyz_after_gp_fixcolor_reset uu___3("%2")=no; uu___3("%3")=no; uu___2(u__2)=no; uu___1(u__1)=no; $if not setglobal gp_sleep $goto after_artificial_sleep $if "%gp_sleep%"=="0" $goto after_artificial_sleep $if "%gp_sleep%"=="no" $goto after_artificial_sleep execute "sleep %gp_sleep%"; $label after_artificial_sleep $offuni $setglobal gp_l1style "no" $setglobal gp_l2style "no" $setglobal gp_l3style "no" $setglobal gp_l4style "no" $setglobal gp_l5style "no" $setglobal gp_l6style "no" $setglobal gp_l7style "no" $setglobal gp_l8style "no" $setglobal gp_l9style "no" $setglobal gp_l10style "no" $setglobal gp_l11style "no" $setglobal gp_l12style "no" $setglobal gp_l13style "no" $setglobal gp_l14style "no" $setglobal gp_l15style "no" $setglobal gp_l16style "no" allu2(u__1,u__2) = no; allu3(u__1,u__2,u__3) = no; allu4(u__1,u__2,u__3,u__4) = no; uu___1(u__1)=no; uu___2(u__2)=no; uu___3(u__3)=no; uu___4(u__4)=no; *$setglobal gp_style no * end of loop (only if more than 4 dimensions are present) *$if setglobal gpxyz_internalloopactive ); $label gpxyzlabel_endofgnupltxyz $if not setglobal ppt_filename $setglobal ppt_filename gams_slides.pptx $if "%1"=="compileppt" execute "%gams.sysdir%inclib\compileppt.exe %gams.sysdir%pptlib\gams_ppt_list.txt %ppt_filename%" $label gpxyzlabel_totalendofgnupltxyz $if "%1" == "multiplot" $setglobal gp_multiplot no