#ifdef CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wall" #else #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wall" #endif /****************************************************************************************************************************\ * Arduino project "ESP Easy" © Copyright www.letscontrolit.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in file 'License.txt'. * * IDE download : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software * ESP8266 Package : https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino * * Source Code : https://github.com/ESP8266nu/ESPEasy * Support : http://www.letscontrolit.com * Discussion : http://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/ * * Additional information about licensing can be found at : http://www.gnu.org/licenses \*************************************************************************************************************************/ // This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and permission notice: /****************************************************************************************************************************\ * Arduino project "Nodo" © Copyright 2010..2015 Paul Tonkes * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in file 'License.txt'. * * Voor toelichting op de licentievoorwaarden zie : http://www.gnu.org/licenses * Uitgebreide documentatie is te vinden op : http://www.nodo-domotica.nl * Compiler voor deze programmacode te downloaden op : http://arduino.cc \*************************************************************************************************************************/ // Simple Arduino sketch for ESP module, supporting: // ================================================================================= // Simple switch inputs and direct GPIO output control to drive relays, mosfets, etc // Analog input (ESP-7/12 only) // Pulse counters // Dallas OneWire DS18b20 temperature sensors // DHT11/22/12 humidity sensors // BMP085 I2C Barometric Pressure sensor // PCF8591 4 port Analog to Digital converter (I2C) // RFID Wiegand-26 reader // MCP23017 I2C IO Expanders // BH1750 I2C Luminosity sensor // Arduino Pro Mini with IO extender sketch, connected through I2C // LCD I2C display 4x20 chars // HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor // SI7021 I2C temperature/humidity sensors // TSL2561 I2C Luminosity sensor // TSOP4838 IR receiver // PN532 RFID reader // Sharp GP2Y10 dust sensor // PCF8574 I2C IO Expanders // PCA9685 I2C 16 channel PWM driver // OLED I2C display with SSD1306 driver // MLX90614 I2C IR temperature sensor // ADS1115 I2C ADC // INA219 I2C voltage/current sensor // BME280 I2C temp/hum/baro sensor // MSP5611 I2C temp/baro sensor // BMP280 I2C Barometric Pressure sensor // SHT1X temperature/humidity sensors // Ser2Net server // ******************************************************************************** // User specific configuration // ******************************************************************************** // Set default configuration settings if you want (not mandatory) // You can always change these during runtime and save to eeprom // After loading firmware, issue a 'reset' command to load the defaults. // --- Basic Config Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DEFAULT_NAME "ESP_Easy" // Enter your device friendly name #define UNIT 0 // Unit Number #define DEFAULT_DELAY 60 // Sleep Delay in seconds // --- Wifi AP Mode (when your Wifi Network is not reachable) ---------------------------------------- #define DEFAULT_AP_IP 192,168,4,1 // Enter IP address (comma separated) for AP (config) mode #define DEFAULT_AP_KEY "configesp" // Enter network WPA key for AP (config) mode // --- Wifi Client Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DEFAULT_SSID "ssid" // Enter your Wifi network SSID #define DEFAULT_KEY "wpakey" // Enter your Wifi network WPA key #define DEFAULT_USE_STATIC_IP false // (true|false) enabled or disabled static IP #define DEFAULT_IP "" // Enter your IP address #define DEFAULT_DNS "" // Enter your DNS #define DEFAULT_GW "" // Enter your Gateway #define DEFAULT_SUBNET "" // Enter your Subnet #define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_LOW "" // Allowed IP range to access webserver #define DEFAULT_IPRANGE_HIGH "" // Allowed IP range to access webserver #define DEFAULT_IP_BLOCK_LEVEL 1 // 0: ALL_ALLOWED 1: LOCAL_SUBNET_ALLOWED 2: ONLY_IP_RANGE_ALLOWED // --- Default Controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define DEFAULT_CONTROLLER false // true or false enabled or disabled, set 1st controller defaults // using a default template, you also need to set a DEFAULT PROTOCOL to a suitable MQTT protocol ! #define DEFAULT_PUB "sensors/espeasy/%sysname%/%tskname%/%valname%" // Enter your pub #define DEFAULT_SUB "sensors/espeasy/%sysname%/#" // Enter your sub #define DEFAULT_SERVER "" // Enter your Server IP address #define DEFAULT_PORT 8080 // Enter your Server port value #define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL 1 // Protocol used for controller communications // 1 = Domoticz HTTP // 2 = Domoticz MQTT // 3 = Nodo Telnet // 4 = ThingSpeak // 5 = OpenHAB MQTT // 6 = PiDome MQTT // 7 = EmonCMS // 8 = Generic HTTP // 9 = FHEM HTTP // --- Advanced Settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DEFAULT_USE_RULES false // (true|false) Enable Rules? #define DEFAULT_MQTT_RETAIN false // (true|false) Retain MQTT messages? #define DEFAULT_MQTT_DELAY 1000 // Time in milliseconds to retain MQTT messages #define DEFAULT_USE_NTP false // (true|false) Use NTP Server #define DEFAULT_NTP_HOST "" // NTP Server Hostname #define DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE 0 // Time Offset (in minutes) #define DEFAULT_USE_DST false // (true|false) Use Daily Time Saving #define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_IP "" // Syslog IP Address #define DEFAULT_SYSLOG_LEVEL 0 // Syslog Log Level #define DEFAULT_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_INFO // Serial Log Level #define DEFAULT_WEB_LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_INFO // Web Log Level #define DEFAULT_SD_LOG_LEVEL 0 // SD Card Log Level #define DEFAULT_USE_SD_LOG false // (true|false) Enable Logging to the SD card #define DEFAULT_USE_SERIAL true // (true|false) Enable Logging to the Serial Port #define DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD 115200 // Serial Port Baud Rate /* // --- Experimental Advanced Settings (NOT ACTIVES at this time) ------------------------------------ #define DEFAULT_USE_GLOBAL_SYNC false // (true|false) #define DEFAULT_SYNC_UDP_PORT 0 // #define DEFAULT_IP_OCTET 0 // #define DEFAULT_WD_IC2_ADDRESS 0 // #define DEFAULT_USE_SSDP false // (true|false) #define DEFAULT_CON_FAIL_THRES 0 // #define DEFAULT_I2C_CLOCK_LIMIT 0 // */ // Enable FEATURE_ADC_VCC to measure supply voltage using the analog pin // Please note that the TOUT pin has to be disconnected in this mode // Use the "System Info" device to read the VCC value #define FEATURE_ADC_VCC false #if defined(ESP8266) //enable Arduino OTA updating. //Note: This adds around 10kb to the firmware size, and 1kb extra ram. // #define FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA //enable mDNS mode (adds about 6kb ram and some bytes IRAM) // #define FEATURE_MDNS #endif #if defined(ESP32) #define FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA //#define FEATURE_MDNS #endif //enable reporting status to ESPEasy developers. //this informs us of crashes and stability issues. // not finished yet! // #define FEATURE_REPORTING //Select which plugin sets you want to build. //These are normally automaticly set via the Platformio build environment. //If you use ArduinoIDE you might need to uncomment some of them, depending on your needs //If you dont select any, a version with a minimal number of plugins will be biult for 512k versions. //(512k is NOT finsihed or tested yet as of v2.0.0-dev6) //build all the normal stable plugins (on by default) #define PLUGIN_BUILD_NORMAL //build all plugins that are in test stadium //#define PLUGIN_BUILD_TESTING //build all plugins that still are being developed and are broken or incomplete //#define PLUGIN_BUILD_DEV //add this if you want SD support (add 10k flash) //#define FEATURE_SD // ******************************************************************************** // DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE // ******************************************************************************** #define ESP_PROJECT_PID 2016110801L #define VERSION 2 // config file version (not ESPEasy version). increase if you make incompatible changes to config system. #define BUILD 20100 // git version 2.1.0 #if defined(ESP8266) #define BUILD_NOTES " - Mega" #endif #if defined(ESP32) #define BUILD_NOTES " - Mega32" #endif #ifndef BUILD_GIT #define BUILD_GIT "(custom)" #endif #define MAX_FLASHWRITES_PER_DAY 100 // per 24 hour window #define NODE_TYPE_ID_ESP_EASY_STD 1 #define NODE_TYPE_ID_ESP_EASYM_STD 17 #define NODE_TYPE_ID_ESP_EASY32_STD 33 #define NODE_TYPE_ID_ARDUINO_EASY_STD 65 #define NODE_TYPE_ID_NANO_EASY_STD 81 #define PLUGIN_INIT_ALL 1 #define PLUGIN_INIT 2 #define PLUGIN_READ 3 #define PLUGIN_ONCE_A_SECOND 4 #define PLUGIN_TEN_PER_SECOND 5 #define PLUGIN_DEVICE_ADD 6 #define PLUGIN_EVENTLIST_ADD 7 #define PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SAVE 8 #define PLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD 9 #define PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SHOW_VALUES 10 #define PLUGIN_GET_DEVICENAME 11 #define PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEVALUENAMES 12 #define PLUGIN_WRITE 13 #define PLUGIN_EVENT_OUT 14 #define PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SHOW_CONFIG 15 #define PLUGIN_SERIAL_IN 16 #define PLUGIN_UDP_IN 17 #define PLUGIN_CLOCK_IN 18 #define PLUGIN_TIMER_IN 19 #define PLUGIN_FIFTY_PER_SECOND 20 #define PLUGIN_SET_CONFIG 21 #define PLUGIN_GET_DEVICEGPIONAMES 22 #define PLUGIN_EXIT 23 #define PLUGIN_GET_CONFIG 24 #define CPLUGIN_PROTOCOL_ADD 1 #define CPLUGIN_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE 2 #define CPLUGIN_PROTOCOL_SEND 3 #define CPLUGIN_PROTOCOL_RECV 4 #define CPLUGIN_GET_DEVICENAME 5 #define CPLUGIN_WEBFORM_SAVE 6 #define CPLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD 7 #define CPLUGIN_GET_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY_NAME 8 #define CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME 1 #define CONTROLLER_IP 2 #define CONTROLLER_PORT 3 #define CONTROLLER_USER 4 #define CONTROLLER_PASS 5 #define CONTROLLER_SUBSCRIBE 6 #define CONTROLLER_PUBLISH 7 #define NPLUGIN_PROTOCOL_ADD 1 #define NPLUGIN_GET_DEVICENAME 2 #define NPLUGIN_WEBFORM_SAVE 3 #define NPLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD 4 #define NPLUGIN_WRITE 5 #define NPLUGIN_NOTIFY 6 #define NPLUGIN_NOT_FOUND 255 #define LOG_LEVEL_ERROR 1 #define LOG_LEVEL_INFO 2 #define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 3 #define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE 4 #define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_DEV 9 // use for testing/debugging only, not for regular use #define CMD_REBOOT 89 #define CMD_WIFI_DISCONNECT 135 #if defined(PLUGIN_BUILD_TESTING) || defined(PLUGIN_BUILD_DEV) #define DEVICES_MAX 72 #else #define DEVICES_MAX 64 #endif #define TASKS_MAX 12 // max 12! #define CONTROLLER_MAX 3 // max 4! #define NOTIFICATION_MAX 3 // max 4! #define VARS_PER_TASK 4 #define PLUGIN_MAX DEVICES_MAX #define PLUGIN_CONFIGVAR_MAX 8 #define PLUGIN_CONFIGFLOATVAR_MAX 4 #define PLUGIN_CONFIGLONGVAR_MAX 4 #define PLUGIN_EXTRACONFIGVAR_MAX 16 #define CPLUGIN_MAX 16 #define NPLUGIN_MAX 4 #define UNIT_MAX 32 // Only relevant for UDP unicast message 'sweeps' and the nodelist. #define RULES_TIMER_MAX 8 #define SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX 8 #define SYSTEM_CMD_TIMER_MAX 2 #define PINSTATE_TABLE_MAX 32 #define RULES_MAX_SIZE 2048 #define RULES_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL 3 #define RULESETS_MAX 4 #define PIN_MODE_UNDEFINED 0 #define PIN_MODE_INPUT 1 #define PIN_MODE_OUTPUT 2 #define PIN_MODE_PWM 3 #define PIN_MODE_SERVO 4 #define SEARCH_PIN_STATE true #define NO_SEARCH_PIN_STATE false #define DEVICE_TYPE_SINGLE 1 // connected through 1 datapin #define DEVICE_TYPE_DUAL 2 // connected through 2 datapins #define DEVICE_TYPE_TRIPLE 3 // connected through 3 datapins #define DEVICE_TYPE_ANALOG 10 // AIN/tout pin #define DEVICE_TYPE_I2C 20 // connected through I2C #define DEVICE_TYPE_DUMMY 99 // Dummy device, has no physical connection #define SENSOR_TYPE_SINGLE 1 #define SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_HUM 2 #define SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_BARO 3 #define SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP_HUM_BARO 4 #define SENSOR_TYPE_DUAL 5 #define SENSOR_TYPE_TRIPLE 6 #define SENSOR_TYPE_QUAD 7 #define SENSOR_TYPE_SWITCH 10 #define SENSOR_TYPE_DIMMER 11 #define SENSOR_TYPE_LONG 20 #define SENSOR_TYPE_WIND 21 #define VALUE_SOURCE_SYSTEM 1 #define VALUE_SOURCE_SERIAL 2 #define VALUE_SOURCE_HTTP 3 #define VALUE_SOURCE_MQTT 4 #define VALUE_SOURCE_UDP 5 #define BOOT_CAUSE_MANUAL_REBOOT 0 #define BOOT_CAUSE_COLD_BOOT 1 #define BOOT_CAUSE_DEEP_SLEEP 2 #define BOOT_CAUSE_EXT_WD 10 #define DAT_TASKS_SIZE 2048 #define DAT_TASKS_CUSTOM_OFFSET 1024 #define DAT_CUSTOM_CONTROLLER_SIZE 1024 #define DAT_CONTROLLER_SIZE 1024 #define DAT_NOTIFICATION_SIZE 1024 #define DAT_OFFSET_TASKS 4096 // each task = 2k, (1024 basic + 1024 bytes custom), 12 max #define DAT_OFFSET_CONTROLLER 28672 // each controller = 1k, 4 max #define DAT_OFFSET_CUSTOM_CONTROLLER 32768 // each custom controller config = 1k, 4 max. /* To modify the stock configuration without changing this repo file : - define USE_CUSTOM_H as a build flags. ie : export PLATFORMIO_BUILD_FLAGS="'-DUSE_CUSTOM_H'" - add a "Custom.h" file in this folder. */ #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_H #include "Custom.h" #endif #include "core_version.h" #include "ESPEasyTimeTypes.h" #define FS_NO_GLOBALS #if defined(ESP8266) #define NODE_TYPE_ID NODE_TYPE_ID_ESP_EASYM_STD #define FILE_CONFIG "config.dat" #define FILE_SECURITY "security.dat" #define FILE_NOTIFICATION "notification.dat" #define FILE_RULES "rules1.dat" #include #ifndef LWIP_VERSION_MAJOR #error #endif #if LWIP_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 // #include #else #include #endif #include #include ESP8266WebServer WebServer(80); #include #include #include ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater(true); #ifndef LWIP_OPEN_SRC #define LWIP_OPEN_SRC #endif #include "lwip/opt.h" #include "lwip/udp.h" #include "lwip/igmp.h" #include "include/UdpContext.h" #include "limits.h" extern "C" { #include "user_interface.h" } extern "C" { #include "spi_flash.h" } extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_page; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_block; #ifdef FEATURE_MDNS #include #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA #include #include bool ArduinoOTAtriggered=false; #endif #define PIN_D_MAX 16 #endif #if defined(ESP32) #define NODE_TYPE_ID NODE_TYPE_ID_ESP_EASY32_STD #define ICACHE_RAM_ATTR IRAM_ATTR #define FILE_CONFIG "/config.dat" #define FILE_SECURITY "/security.dat" #define FILE_NOTIFICATION "/notification.dat" #define FILE_RULES "/rules1.dat" #include #include #include "SPIFFS.h" ESP32WebServer WebServer(80); #ifdef FEATURE_MDNS #include #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA #include #include bool ArduinoOTAtriggered=false; #endif #define PIN_D_MAX 39 int8_t ledChannelPin[16]; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FEATURE_SD #include #else using namespace fs; #endif #include #if FEATURE_ADC_VCC ADC_MODE(ADC_VCC); #endif // Setup DNS, only used if the ESP has no valid WiFi config const byte DNS_PORT = 53; IPAddress apIP(DEFAULT_AP_IP); DNSServer dnsServer; #ifdef FEATURE_MDNS MDNSResponder mdns; #endif // MQTT client WiFiClient mqtt; PubSubClient MQTTclient(mqtt); bool MQTTclient_should_reconnect = true; // udp protocol stuff (syslog, global sync, node info list, ntp time) WiFiUDP portUDP; struct CRCStruct{ char compileTimeMD5[16+32+1]= "MD5_MD5_MD5_MD5_BoundariesOfTheSegmentsGoHere..."; char compileTime[16]= __TIME__; char compileDate[16]= __DATE__; uint8_t runTimeMD5[16]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; bool checkPassed (void){ return memcmp(compileTimeMD5,runTimeMD5,16)==0 ; } uint32_t numberOfCRCBytes=0; }CRCValues; bool WiFiConnected(uint32_t timeout_ms); extern "C" { #include "spi_flash.h" } extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_page; extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_block; struct SecurityStruct { SecurityStruct() { memset(WifiSSID, 0, sizeof(WifiSSID)); memset(WifiKey, 0, sizeof(WifiKey)); memset(WifiSSID2, 0, sizeof(WifiSSID2)); memset(WifiKey2, 0, sizeof(WifiKey2)); memset(WifiAPKey, 0, sizeof(WifiAPKey)); for (byte i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_MAX; ++i) { memset(ControllerUser[i], 0, sizeof(ControllerUser[i])); memset(ControllerPassword[i], 0, sizeof(ControllerPassword[i])); } memset(Password, 0, sizeof(Password)); } char WifiSSID[32]; char WifiKey[64]; char WifiSSID2[32]; char WifiKey2[64]; char WifiAPKey[64]; char ControllerUser[CONTROLLER_MAX][26]; char ControllerPassword[CONTROLLER_MAX][64]; char Password[26]; byte AllowedIPrangeLow[4]; // TD-er: Use these byte AllowedIPrangeHigh[4]; byte IPblockLevel; //its safe to extend this struct, up to 4096 bytes, default values in config are 0. Make sure crc is last uint8_t ProgmemMd5[16]; // crc of the binary that last saved the struct to file. uint8_t md5[16]; } SecuritySettings; struct SettingsStruct { SettingsStruct() : PID(0), Version(0), Build(0), IP_Octet(0), Unit(0), Delay(0), Pin_i2c_sda(-1), Pin_i2c_scl(-1), Pin_status_led(-1), Pin_sd_cs(-1), UDPPort(0), SyslogLevel(0), SerialLogLevel(0), WebLogLevel(0), SDLogLevel(0), BaudRate(0), MessageDelay(0), deepSleep(0), CustomCSS(false), DST(false), WDI2CAddress(0), UseRules(false), UseSerial(false), UseSSDP(false), UseNTP(false), WireClockStretchLimit(0), GlobalSync(false), ConnectionFailuresThreshold(0), TimeZone(0), MQTTRetainFlag(false), InitSPI(false), Pin_status_led_Inversed(false), deepSleepOnFail(false), UseValueLogger(false), DST_Start(0), DST_End(0) { for (byte i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_MAX; ++i) { Protocol[i] = 0; ControllerEnabled[i] = false; for (byte task = 0; task < TASKS_MAX; ++task) { TaskDeviceID[i][task] = 0; TaskDeviceSendData[i][task] = false; } } for (byte task = 0; task < TASKS_MAX; ++task) { TaskDeviceNumber[task] = 0; OLD_TaskDeviceID[task] = 0; TaskDevicePin1PullUp[task] = false; for (byte cv = 0; cv < PLUGIN_CONFIGVAR_MAX; ++cv) { TaskDevicePluginConfig[task][cv] = 0; } TaskDevicePin1Inversed[task] = false; for (byte cv = 0; cv < PLUGIN_CONFIGFLOATVAR_MAX; ++cv) { TaskDevicePluginConfigFloat[task][cv] = 0.0; } for (byte cv = 0; cv < PLUGIN_CONFIGLONGVAR_MAX; ++cv) { TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[task][cv] = 0; } OLD_TaskDeviceSendData[task] = false; TaskDeviceGlobalSync[task] = false; TaskDeviceDataFeed[task] = 0; TaskDeviceTimer[task] = 0; TaskDeviceEnabled[task] = false; } } unsigned long PID; int Version; int16_t Build; byte IP[4]; byte Gateway[4]; byte Subnet[4]; byte DNS[4]; byte IP_Octet; byte Unit; char Name[26]; char NTPHost[64]; unsigned long Delay; int8_t Pin_i2c_sda; int8_t Pin_i2c_scl; int8_t Pin_status_led; int8_t Pin_sd_cs; int8_t PinBootStates[17]; byte Syslog_IP[4]; unsigned int UDPPort; byte SyslogLevel; byte SerialLogLevel; byte WebLogLevel; byte SDLogLevel; unsigned long BaudRate; unsigned long MessageDelay; byte deepSleep; boolean CustomCSS; boolean DST; byte WDI2CAddress; boolean UseRules; boolean UseSerial; boolean UseSSDP; boolean UseNTP; unsigned long WireClockStretchLimit; boolean GlobalSync; unsigned long ConnectionFailuresThreshold; int16_t TimeZone; boolean MQTTRetainFlag; boolean InitSPI; byte Protocol[CONTROLLER_MAX]; byte Notification[NOTIFICATION_MAX]; //notifications, point to a NPLUGIN id byte TaskDeviceNumber[TASKS_MAX]; unsigned int OLD_TaskDeviceID[TASKS_MAX]; union { struct { int8_t TaskDevicePin1[TASKS_MAX]; int8_t TaskDevicePin2[TASKS_MAX]; int8_t TaskDevicePin3[TASKS_MAX]; byte TaskDevicePort[TASKS_MAX]; }; int8_t TaskDevicePin[4][TASKS_MAX]; }; boolean TaskDevicePin1PullUp[TASKS_MAX]; int16_t TaskDevicePluginConfig[TASKS_MAX][PLUGIN_CONFIGVAR_MAX]; boolean TaskDevicePin1Inversed[TASKS_MAX]; float TaskDevicePluginConfigFloat[TASKS_MAX][PLUGIN_CONFIGFLOATVAR_MAX]; long TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[TASKS_MAX][PLUGIN_CONFIGLONGVAR_MAX]; boolean OLD_TaskDeviceSendData[TASKS_MAX]; boolean TaskDeviceGlobalSync[TASKS_MAX]; byte TaskDeviceDataFeed[TASKS_MAX]; unsigned long TaskDeviceTimer[TASKS_MAX]; boolean TaskDeviceEnabled[TASKS_MAX]; boolean ControllerEnabled[CONTROLLER_MAX]; boolean NotificationEnabled[NOTIFICATION_MAX]; unsigned int TaskDeviceID[CONTROLLER_MAX][TASKS_MAX]; boolean TaskDeviceSendData[CONTROLLER_MAX][TASKS_MAX]; boolean Pin_status_led_Inversed; boolean deepSleepOnFail; boolean UseValueLogger; boolean ArduinoOTAEnable; uint16_t DST_Start; uint16_t DST_End; //its safe to extend this struct, up to several bytes, default values in config are 0 //look in misc.ino how config.dat is used because also other stuff is stored in it at different offsets. //TODO: document config.dat somewhere here // make sure crc is the last value in the struct uint8_t ProgmemMd5[16]; // crc of the binary that last saved the struct to file. uint8_t md5[16]; } Settings; struct ControllerSettingsStruct { ControllerSettingsStruct() : UseDNS(false), Port(0) { memset(HostName, 0, sizeof(HostName)); memset(Publish, 0, sizeof(Publish)); memset(Subscribe, 0, sizeof(Subscribe)); } boolean UseDNS; byte IP[4]; unsigned int Port; char HostName[65]; char Publish[129]; char Subscribe[129]; IPAddress getIP() const { IPAddress host(IP[0], IP[1], IP[2], IP[3]); return host; } String getHost() const { if (UseDNS) { return HostName; } return getIP().toString(); } boolean connectToHost(WiFiClient &client) { if (!WiFiConnected(100)) { return false; // Not connected, so no use in wasting time to connect to a host. } if (UseDNS) { return client.connect(HostName, Port); } return client.connect(getIP(), Port); } int beginPacket(WiFiUDP &client) { if (!WiFiConnected(100)) { return 0; // Not connected, so no use in wasting time to connect to a host. } if (UseDNS) { return client.beginPacket(HostName, Port); } return client.beginPacket(getIP(), Port); } String getHostPortString() const { String result = getHost(); result += ":"; result += Port; return result; } }; struct NotificationSettingsStruct { NotificationSettingsStruct() : Port(0), Pin1(0), Pin2(0) { memset(Server, 0, sizeof(Server)); memset(Domain, 0, sizeof(Domain)); memset(Sender, 0, sizeof(Sender)); memset(Receiver, 0, sizeof(Receiver)); memset(Subject, 0, sizeof(Subject)); memset(Body, 0, sizeof(Body)); memset(User, 0, sizeof(User)); memset(Pass, 0, sizeof(Pass)); } char Server[65]; unsigned int Port; char Domain[65]; char Sender[65]; char Receiver[65]; char Subject[129]; char Body[513]; byte Pin1; byte Pin2; char User[49]; char Pass[33]; //its safe to extend this struct, up to 4096 bytes, default values in config are 0 }; struct ExtraTaskSettingsStruct { ExtraTaskSettingsStruct() : TaskIndex(0) { TaskDeviceName[0] = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < VARS_PER_TASK; ++i) { for (byte j = 0; j < 41; ++j) { TaskDeviceFormula[i][j] = 0; TaskDeviceValueNames[i][j] = 0; TaskDeviceValueDecimals[i] = 0; } } for (byte i = 0; i < PLUGIN_EXTRACONFIGVAR_MAX; ++i) { TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[i] = 0; TaskDevicePluginConfig[i] = 0; } } byte TaskIndex; char TaskDeviceName[41]; char TaskDeviceFormula[VARS_PER_TASK][41]; char TaskDeviceValueNames[VARS_PER_TASK][41]; long TaskDevicePluginConfigLong[PLUGIN_EXTRACONFIGVAR_MAX]; byte TaskDeviceValueDecimals[VARS_PER_TASK]; int16_t TaskDevicePluginConfig[PLUGIN_EXTRACONFIGVAR_MAX]; } ExtraTaskSettings; struct EventStruct { EventStruct() : Source(0), TaskIndex(0), ControllerIndex(0), ProtocolIndex(0), NotificationIndex(0), BaseVarIndex(0), idx(0), sensorType(0), Par1(0), Par2(0), Par3(0), Par4(0), Par5(0), OriginTaskIndex(0), Data(NULL) {} byte Source; byte TaskIndex; // index position in TaskSettings array, 0-11 byte ControllerIndex; // index position in Settings.Controller, 0-3 byte ProtocolIndex; // index position in protocol array, depending on which controller plugins are loaded. byte NotificationIndex; // index position in Settings.Notification, 0-3 //Edwin: Not needed, and wasnt used. We can determine the protocol index with getNotificationProtocolIndex(NotificationIndex) // byte NotificationProtocolIndex; // index position in notification array, depending on which controller plugins are loaded. byte BaseVarIndex; int idx; byte sensorType; int Par1; int Par2; int Par3; int Par4; int Par5; byte OriginTaskIndex; String String1; String String2; String String3; byte *Data; }; #define LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_SIZE 128 #define LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES 20 struct LogStruct { LogStruct() : write_idx(0), read_idx(0) { for (int i = 0; i < LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES; ++i) { memset(Message[i], 0, LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_SIZE); timeStamp[i] = 0; } } void add(const char *line) { write_idx = (write_idx + 1) % LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES; if (write_idx == read_idx) { // Buffer full, move read_idx to overwrite oldest entry. read_idx = (read_idx + 1) % LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES; } timeStamp[write_idx] = millis(); strncpy(Message[write_idx], line, LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_SIZE-1); } // Read the next item and append it to the given string. // Returns whether new lines are available. bool get(String& output, const String& lineEnd) { if (!isEmpty()) { read_idx = (read_idx + 1) % LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES; output += formatLine(read_idx, lineEnd); } return !isEmpty(); } bool getAll(String& output, const String& lineEnd) { int tmpread((write_idx + 1) % LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES); bool someAdded = false; while (tmpread != write_idx) { if (timeStamp[tmpread] != 0) { output += formatLine(tmpread, lineEnd); someAdded = true; } tmpread = (tmpread + 1)% LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES; } return someAdded; } bool isEmpty() { return (write_idx == read_idx); } private: String formatLine(int index, const String& lineEnd) { String output; output += timeStamp[index]; output += " : "; output += Message[index]; output += lineEnd; return output; } int write_idx; int read_idx; unsigned long timeStamp[LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES]; char Message[LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_LINES][LOG_STRUCT_MESSAGE_SIZE]; } Logging; struct DeviceStruct { DeviceStruct() : Number(0), Type(0), VType(0), Ports(0), PullUpOption(false), InverseLogicOption(false), FormulaOption(false), ValueCount(0), Custom(false), SendDataOption(false), GlobalSyncOption(false), TimerOption(false), TimerOptional(false), DecimalsOnly(false) {} byte Number; byte Type; byte VType; byte Ports; boolean PullUpOption; boolean InverseLogicOption; boolean FormulaOption; byte ValueCount; boolean Custom; boolean SendDataOption; boolean GlobalSyncOption; boolean TimerOption; boolean TimerOptional; boolean DecimalsOnly; } Device[DEVICES_MAX + 1]; // 1 more because first device is empty device struct ProtocolStruct { ProtocolStruct() : Number(0), usesMQTT(false), usesAccount(false), usesPassword(false), defaultPort(0), usesTemplate(false), usesID(false) {} byte Number; boolean usesMQTT; boolean usesAccount; boolean usesPassword; int defaultPort; boolean usesTemplate; boolean usesID; } Protocol[CPLUGIN_MAX]; struct NotificationStruct { NotificationStruct() : Number(0), usesMessaging(false), usesGPIO(0) {} byte Number; boolean usesMessaging; byte usesGPIO; } Notification[NPLUGIN_MAX]; struct NodeStruct { NodeStruct() : age(0), build(0), nodeName(NULL), nodeType(0) { for (byte i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ip[i] = 0; } byte ip[4]; byte age; uint16_t build; char* nodeName; byte nodeType; } Nodes[UNIT_MAX]; struct systemTimerStruct { systemTimerStruct() : timer(0), plugin(0), Par1(0), Par2(0), Par3(0) {} unsigned long timer; byte plugin; byte Par1; byte Par2; byte Par3; } systemTimers[SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX]; struct systemCMDTimerStruct { systemCMDTimerStruct() : timer(0) {} unsigned long timer; String action; } systemCMDTimers[SYSTEM_CMD_TIMER_MAX]; struct pinStatesStruct { byte plugin; byte index; byte mode; uint16_t value; } pinStates[PINSTATE_TABLE_MAX]; // this offsets are in blocks, bytes = blocks * 4 #define RTC_BASE_STRUCT 64 #define RTC_BASE_USERVAR 74 //max 40 bytes: ( 74 - 64 ) * 4 struct RTCStruct { byte ID1; byte ID2; boolean unused1; byte factoryResetCounter; byte deepSleepState; byte unused2; byte flashDayCounter; unsigned long flashCounter; unsigned long bootCounter; } RTC; int deviceCount = -1; int protocolCount = -1; int notificationCount = -1; boolean printToWeb = false; String printWebString = ""; boolean printToWebJSON = false; float UserVar[VARS_PER_TASK * TASKS_MAX]; unsigned long RulesTimer[RULES_TIMER_MAX]; unsigned long timerSensor[TASKS_MAX]; unsigned long timer100ms; unsigned long timer20ms; unsigned long timer1s; unsigned long timerwd; unsigned long lastSend; unsigned long lastWeb; unsigned int NC_Count = 0; unsigned int C_Count = 0; byte cmd_within_mainloop = 0; unsigned long connectionFailures; unsigned long wdcounter = 0; unsigned long timerAPoff = 0; #if FEATURE_ADC_VCC float vcc = -1.0; #endif boolean WebLoggedIn = false; int WebLoggedInTimer = 300; boolean (*Plugin_ptr[PLUGIN_MAX])(byte, struct EventStruct*, String&); byte Plugin_id[PLUGIN_MAX]; boolean (*CPlugin_ptr[CPLUGIN_MAX])(byte, struct EventStruct*, String&); byte CPlugin_id[CPLUGIN_MAX]; boolean (*NPlugin_ptr[NPLUGIN_MAX])(byte, struct EventStruct*, String&); byte NPlugin_id[NPLUGIN_MAX]; String dummyString = ""; byte lastBootCause = BOOT_CAUSE_MANUAL_REBOOT; boolean wifiSetup = false; boolean wifiSetupConnect = false; unsigned long start = 0; unsigned long elapsed = 0; unsigned long loopCounter = 0; unsigned long loopCounterLast = 0; unsigned long loopCounterMax = 1; unsigned long dailyResetCounter = 0; String eventBuffer = ""; uint32_t lowestRAM = 0; String lowestRAMfunction = ""; bool shouldReboot=false; // Blynk_get prototype boolean Blynk_get(const String& command, byte controllerIndex,float *data = NULL ); int firstEnabledBlynkController() { for (byte i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_MAX; ++i) { byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol[i]); if (Protocol[ProtocolIndex].Number == 12 && Settings.ControllerEnabled[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * SETUP \*********************************************************************************************/ void setup() { #if defined(ESP32) for(byte x = 0; x < 16; x++) ledChannelPin[x] = -1; #endif lowestRAM = FreeMem(); Serial.begin(115200); // Serial.print("\n\n\nBOOOTTT\n\n\n"); initLog(); if (SpiffsSectors() < 32) { Serial.println(F("\nNo (or too small) SPIFFS area..\nSystem Halted\nPlease reflash with 128k SPIFFS minimum!")); while (true) delay(1); } emergencyReset(); String log = F("\n\n\rINIT : Booting version: "); log += BUILD_GIT; addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); //warm boot if (readFromRTC()) { RTC.bootCounter++; readUserVarFromRTC(); if (RTC.deepSleepState == 1) { log = F("INIT : Rebooted from deepsleep #"); lastBootCause=BOOT_CAUSE_DEEP_SLEEP; } else log = F("INIT : Warm boot #"); log += RTC.bootCounter; } //cold boot (RTC memory empty) else { initRTC(); // cold boot situation if (lastBootCause == BOOT_CAUSE_MANUAL_REBOOT) // only set this if not set earlier during boot stage. lastBootCause = BOOT_CAUSE_COLD_BOOT; log = F("INIT : Cold Boot"); } RTC.deepSleepState=0; saveToRTC(); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); fileSystemCheck(); progMemMD5check(); LoadSettings(); if (strcasecmp(SecuritySettings.WifiSSID, "ssid") == 0) wifiSetup = true; ExtraTaskSettings.TaskIndex = 255; // make sure this is an unused nr to prevent cache load on boot // if different version, eeprom settings structure has changed. Full Reset needed // on a fresh ESP module eeprom values are set to 255. Version results into -1 (signed int) if (Settings.Version != VERSION || Settings.PID != ESP_PROJECT_PID) { // Direct Serial is allowed here, since this is only an emergency task. Serial.print(F("\nPID:")); Serial.println(Settings.PID); Serial.print(F("Version:")); Serial.println(Settings.Version); Serial.println(F("INIT : Incorrect PID or version!")); delay(1000); ResetFactory(); } if (Settings.UseSerial) { //make sure previous serial buffers are flushed before resetting baudrate Serial.flush(); Serial.begin(Settings.BaudRate); } if (Settings.Build != BUILD) BuildFixes(); log = F("INIT : Free RAM:"); log += FreeMem(); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); if (Settings.UseSerial && Settings.SerialLogLevel >= LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE) Serial.setDebugOutput(true); hardwareInit(); WiFi.persistent(false); // Do not use SDK storage of SSID/WPA parameters WifiAPconfig(); if (Settings.deepSleep) { //only one attempt in deepsleep, to conserve battery if (!WifiConnect(1)) { if (Settings.deepSleepOnFail) { addLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, F("SLEEP: Connection failed, going back to sleep.")); deepSleep(Settings.Delay); } } } else // 3 connect attempts WifiConnect(3); #ifdef FEATURE_REPORTING ReportStatus(); #endif //After booting, we want all the tasks to run without delaying more than neccesary. //Plugins that need an initial startup delay need to overwrite their initial timerSensor value in PLUGIN_INIT //They should also check if we returned from deep sleep so that they can skip the delay in that case. for (byte x = 0; x < TASKS_MAX; x++) if (Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[x] !=0) timerSensor[x] = millis() + (x * Settings.MessageDelay); timer100ms = 0; // timer for periodic actions 10 x per/sec timer1s = 0; // timer for periodic actions once per/sec timerwd = 0; // timer for watchdog once per 30 sec PluginInit(); CPluginInit(); NPluginInit(); WebServerInit(); #ifdef FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA ArduinoOTAInit(); #endif // setup UDP if (Settings.UDPPort != 0) portUDP.begin(Settings.UDPPort); // Setup MQTT Client // ToDo TD-er: Controller index is forced to the first enabled MQTT controller. int enabledMqttController = firstEnabledMQTTController(); if (enabledMqttController >= 0) { MQTTConnect(enabledMqttController); } sendSysInfoUDP(3); if (Settings.UseNTP) initTime(); #if FEATURE_ADC_VCC vcc = ESP.getVcc() / 1000.0; #endif // Start DNS, only used if the ESP has no valid WiFi config // It will reply with it's own address on all DNS requests // (captive portal concept) if (wifiSetup) dnsServer.start(DNS_PORT, "*", apIP); if (Settings.UseRules) { String event = F("System#Boot"); rulesProcessing(event); } writeDefaultCSS(); } int firstEnabledMQTTController() { for (byte i = 0; i < CONTROLLER_MAX; ++i) { byte ProtocolIndex = getProtocolIndex(Settings.Protocol[i]); if (Protocol[ProtocolIndex].usesMQTT && Settings.ControllerEnabled[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } bool getControllerProtocolDisplayName(byte ProtocolIndex, byte parameterIdx, String& protoDisplayName) { EventStruct tmpEvent; tmpEvent.idx=parameterIdx; return CPlugin_ptr[ProtocolIndex](CPLUGIN_GET_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY_NAME, &tmpEvent, protoDisplayName); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * MAIN LOOP \*********************************************************************************************/ void loop() { loopCounter++; if (wifiSetupConnect) { // try to connect for setup wizard WifiConnect(1); wifiSetupConnect = false; } // Deep sleep mode, just run all tasks one time and go back to sleep as fast as possible if (isDeepSleepEnabled()) { run50TimesPerSecond(); run10TimesPerSecond(); runEach30Seconds(); runOncePerSecond(); if (Settings.UseRules) { String event = F("System#Sleep"); rulesProcessing(event); } } //normal mode, run each task when its time else { if (timeOutReached(timer20ms)) run50TimesPerSecond(); if (timeOutReached(timer100ms)) run10TimesPerSecond(); if (timeOutReached(timerwd)) runEach30Seconds(); if (timeOutReached(timer1s)) runOncePerSecond(); } //dont do this in backgroundtasks(), otherwise causes crashes. (https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/issues/683) int enabledMqttController = firstEnabledMQTTController(); if (enabledMqttController >= 0) { MQTTclient.loop(); } backgroundtasks(); if (isDeepSleepEnabled()){ deepSleep(Settings.Delay); //deepsleep will never return, its a special kind of reboot } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Tasks that run 50 times per second \*********************************************************************************************/ void run50TimesPerSecond() { timer20ms = millis() + 20; PluginCall(PLUGIN_FIFTY_PER_SECOND, 0, dummyString); // statusLED(false); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Tasks that run 10 times per second \*********************************************************************************************/ void run10TimesPerSecond() { start = micros(); timer100ms = millis() + 100; PluginCall(PLUGIN_TEN_PER_SECOND, 0, dummyString); if (Settings.UseRules && eventBuffer.length() > 0) { rulesProcessing(eventBuffer); eventBuffer = ""; } elapsed = micros() - start; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Tasks each second \*********************************************************************************************/ void runOncePerSecond() { dailyResetCounter++; if (dailyResetCounter > 86400) // 1 day elapsed... //86400 { RTC.flashDayCounter=0; saveToRTC(); dailyResetCounter=0; String log = F("SYS : Reset 24h counters"); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); } timer1s = millis() + 1000; checkSensors(); if (Settings.ConnectionFailuresThreshold) if (connectionFailures > Settings.ConnectionFailuresThreshold) delayedReboot(60); if (cmd_within_mainloop != 0) { switch (cmd_within_mainloop) { case CMD_WIFI_DISCONNECT: { WifiDisconnect(); break; } case CMD_REBOOT: { #if defined(ESP8266) ESP.reset(); #endif #if defined(ESP32) ESP.restart(); #endif break; } } cmd_within_mainloop = 0; } // clock events if (Settings.UseNTP) checkTime(); unsigned long timer = micros(); PluginCall(PLUGIN_ONCE_A_SECOND, 0, dummyString); checkSystemTimers(); if (Settings.UseRules) rulesTimers(); timer = micros() - timer; if (SecuritySettings.Password[0] != 0) { if (WebLoggedIn) WebLoggedInTimer++; if (WebLoggedInTimer > 300) WebLoggedIn = false; } // I2C Watchdog feed if (Settings.WDI2CAddress != 0) { Wire.beginTransmission(Settings.WDI2CAddress); Wire.write(0xA5); Wire.endTransmission(); } if (Settings.SerialLogLevel == 5) { Serial.print(F("10 ps:")); Serial.print(elapsed); Serial.print(F(" uS 1 ps:")); Serial.println(timer); } if (timerAPoff != 0 && timeOutReached(timerAPoff)) { timerAPoff = 0; WifiAPMode(false); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Tasks each 30 seconds \*********************************************************************************************/ void runEach30Seconds() { wdcounter++; timerwd = millis() + 30000; char str[60]; str[0] = 0; sprintf_P(str, PSTR("Uptime %u ConnectFailures %u FreeMem %u"), wdcounter / 2, connectionFailures, FreeMem()); String log = F("WD : "); log += str; addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); sendSysInfoUDP(1); refreshNodeList(); int enabledMqttController = firstEnabledMQTTController(); if (enabledMqttController >= 0) { MQTTCheck(enabledMqttController); } #if defined(ESP8266) if (Settings.UseSSDP) SSDP_update(); #endif #if FEATURE_ADC_VCC vcc = ESP.getVcc() / 1000.0; #endif loopCounterLast = loopCounter; loopCounter = 0; if (loopCounterLast > loopCounterMax) loopCounterMax = loopCounterLast; WifiCheck(); #ifdef FEATURE_REPORTING ReportStatus(); #endif } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Check sensor timers \*********************************************************************************************/ void checkSensors() { bool isDeepSleep = isDeepSleepEnabled(); //check all the devices and only run the sendtask if its time, or we if we used deep sleep mode for (byte x = 0; x < TASKS_MAX; x++) { if ( (Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[x] != 0) && (isDeepSleep || timeOutReached(timerSensor[x])) ) { timerSensor[x] = millis() + Settings.TaskDeviceTimer[x] * 1000; if (timerSensor[x] == 0) // small fix if result is 0, else timer will be stopped... timerSensor[x] = 1; SensorSendTask(x); } } saveUserVarToRTC(); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * send all sensordata \*********************************************************************************************/ // void SensorSendAll() // { // for (byte x = 0; x < TASKS_MAX; x++) // { // SensorSendTask(x); // } // } /*********************************************************************************************\ * send specific sensor task data \*********************************************************************************************/ void SensorSendTask(byte TaskIndex) { if (Settings.TaskDeviceEnabled[TaskIndex]) { byte varIndex = TaskIndex * VARS_PER_TASK; boolean success = false; byte DeviceIndex = getDeviceIndex(Settings.TaskDeviceNumber[TaskIndex]); LoadTaskSettings(TaskIndex); struct EventStruct TempEvent; TempEvent.TaskIndex = TaskIndex; TempEvent.BaseVarIndex = varIndex; // TempEvent.idx = Settings.TaskDeviceID[TaskIndex]; todo check TempEvent.sensorType = Device[DeviceIndex].VType; float preValue[VARS_PER_TASK]; // store values before change, in case we need it in the formula for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < VARS_PER_TASK; varNr++) preValue[varNr] = UserVar[varIndex + varNr]; if(Settings.TaskDeviceDataFeed[TaskIndex] == 0) // only read local connected sensorsfeeds success = PluginCall(PLUGIN_READ, &TempEvent, dummyString); else success = true; if (success) { for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < VARS_PER_TASK; varNr++) { if (ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceFormula[varNr][0] != 0) { String spreValue = String(preValue[varNr]); String formula = ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceFormula[varNr]; float value = UserVar[varIndex + varNr]; float result = 0; String svalue = String(value); formula.replace(F("%pvalue%"), spreValue); formula.replace(F("%value%"), svalue); byte error = Calculate(formula.c_str(), &result); if (error == 0) UserVar[varIndex + varNr] = result; } } sendData(&TempEvent); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * set global system timer \*********************************************************************************************/ void setSystemTimer(unsigned long timer, byte plugin, byte Par1, byte Par2, byte Par3) { // plugin number and par1 form a unique key that can be used to restart a timer // first check if a timer is not already running for this request boolean reUse = false; for (byte x = 0; x < SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX; x++) if (systemTimers[x].timer != 0) { if ((systemTimers[x].plugin == plugin) && (systemTimers[x].Par1 == Par1)) { systemTimers[x].timer = millis() + timer; reUse = true; break; } } if (!reUse) { // find a new free timer slot... for (byte x = 0; x < SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX; x++) if (systemTimers[x].timer == 0) { systemTimers[x].timer = millis() + timer; systemTimers[x].plugin = plugin; systemTimers[x].Par1 = Par1; systemTimers[x].Par2 = Par2; systemTimers[x].Par3 = Par3; break; } } } //EDWIN: this function seems to be unused? /*********************************************************************************************\ * set global system command timer \*********************************************************************************************/ void setSystemCMDTimer(unsigned long timer, String& action) { for (byte x = 0; x < SYSTEM_CMD_TIMER_MAX; x++) if (systemCMDTimers[x].timer == 0) { systemCMDTimers[x].timer = millis() + timer; systemCMDTimers[x].action = action; break; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * check global system timers \*********************************************************************************************/ void checkSystemTimers() { for (byte x = 0; x < SYSTEM_TIMER_MAX; x++) if (systemTimers[x].timer != 0) { if (timeOutReached(systemTimers[x].timer)) { struct EventStruct TempEvent; TempEvent.Par1 = systemTimers[x].Par1; TempEvent.Par2 = systemTimers[x].Par2; TempEvent.Par3 = systemTimers[x].Par3; for (byte y = 0; y < PLUGIN_MAX; y++) if (Plugin_id[y] == systemTimers[x].plugin) Plugin_ptr[y](PLUGIN_TIMER_IN, &TempEvent, dummyString); systemTimers[x].timer = 0; } } for (byte x = 0; x < SYSTEM_CMD_TIMER_MAX; x++) if (systemCMDTimers[x].timer != 0) if (timeOutReached(systemCMDTimers[x].timer)) { struct EventStruct TempEvent; parseCommandString(&TempEvent, systemCMDTimers[x].action); if (!PluginCall(PLUGIN_WRITE, &TempEvent, systemCMDTimers[x].action)) ExecuteCommand(VALUE_SOURCE_SYSTEM, systemCMDTimers[x].action.c_str()); systemCMDTimers[x].timer = 0; systemCMDTimers[x].action = ""; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * run background tasks \*********************************************************************************************/ bool runningBackgroundTasks=false; void backgroundtasks() { //always start with a yield yield(); //prevent recursion! if (runningBackgroundTasks) { return; } runningBackgroundTasks=true; #if defined(ESP8266) tcpCleanup(); #endif if (Settings.UseSerial) if (Serial.available()) if (!PluginCall(PLUGIN_SERIAL_IN, 0, dummyString)) serial(); // process DNS, only used if the ESP has no valid WiFi config if (wifiSetup) dnsServer.processNextRequest(); WebServer.handleClient(); checkUDP(); #ifdef FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA if(Settings.ArduinoOTAEnable) ArduinoOTA.handle(); //once OTA is triggered, only handle that and dont do other stuff. (otherwise it fails) while (ArduinoOTAtriggered) { yield(); ArduinoOTA.handle(); } #endif yield(); statusLED(false); runningBackgroundTasks=false; }