Where Do You Advertise A Garage Sale. And these garage sales app and yard sales sites allow you to sell your products online — locally — while you're hosting your sale. Do you have a favorite app or place where to advertise garage sales?
To make sure a garage sale is something you can handle, ask yourself the following questions: Do you have time to organize and hold your garage sale? Aaron La Pedis wrote a book called GarageSale Millionaire that has some great tips and tricks. We had a neighborhood garage sale this weekend and I had tons and tons of things to sell as we continue to change our home over from the brown and gold palette to the grays and creams.
Do you have items that are viable for sale?
You can also search for local sales groups to join.
What sort of marketing tactics can you recommend? Wondering where you should post your yard sale online? (You do have to register first — for each site. Aaron La Pedis wrote a book called GarageSale Millionaire that has some great tips and tricks.