How To Accept Credit Cards At Garage Sale. The way you accept credit cards will depend on where you're taking the payments. How To Plan A Garage Sale!
Accept credit cards wherever you are: here's the ultimate guide on how to accept CC and other forms of online payments in any country. You can use a point of sale (POS). Several point-of-sale processors allow you to use an attachment on your tablet or smartphone to initiate credit card payments.
I believe very few dealers will accept credit cards for payment.
Paypal Some people may not be comfortable with giving you their credit cards to swipe.
How To Plan A Garage Sale! A credit card reader works with your POS system so credit card sales are recorded. Accepting credit cards at a garage sale was something she had never done, and something almost unthinkable for the average person hosting a rummage sale a decade ago, but she ended up happy with her decision. "I thought this would be a great way for my sales to increase," says Gubman, who.