from __future__ import print_function import requests import re import os import json import sys import logging import tempfile import subprocess import json import warnings from base64 import b64encode, b64decode import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import urllib3 from urllib.parse import urlparse from requests.utils import requote_uri urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # warnings.filterwarnings("error") if sys.version_info < (3,): from cookielib import Cookie, MozillaCookieJar else: from http.cookiejar import Cookie, MozillaCookieJar class CernSSO: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10 def load_cookies_from_mozilla(self, filename): ns_cookiejar = MozillaCookieJar() ns_cookiejar.load(filename, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True) return ns_cookiejar def krb_sign_on(self, url, cookiejar={}, force_level=0): tfile = tempfile.mktemp() cmd = 'auth-get-sso-cookie -u "%s" -o "%s" -v --nocertverify' % (url, tfile) with warnings.catch_warnings(): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) logging.debug("%s returned %s" % (cmd, p.returncode)) logging.debug( err = logging.debug(err) cookies = self.load_cookies_from_mozilla(tfile) os.remove(tfile) return cookies def file_mtime(self, file_path): try: return os.path.getmtime(file_path) except OSError: return -1 def html_root(self, r): c = r.content.decode('utf-8') #dump = open('data.txt','w') #dump.write(c) #dump.close() c = re.sub(']*>', '', c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) c = re.sub('
', '', c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) c = re.sub("=\\'([^']*)\\'", '="\g<1>"', c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) c = re.sub(" autofocus ", " ", c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) c = re.sub(']*)>', '/>', c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) c = re.sub('', '', c, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return ET.fromstring(c) def read_form(self, r): root = self.html_root(r) #form = root.find(".//{}form") form = root.find(".//form") action = form.get('action') form_data = dict( #((e.get('name'), e.get('value')) for e in form.findall(".//{}input"))) ((e.get('name'), e.get('value')) for e in form.findall(".//input"))) return action, form_data def is_email(self, s): regex = '^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$' return, s) def split_url(self, url): a = len(urlparse(url).query) + len(urlparse(url).path) return url[:-(a + 1)], url[len(url) - a - 1:] def login_sign_on(self, url, cache_file=".session.cache", force_level=0): from ilock import ILock from getpass import getpass from os import remove, path cache = None cache_file = path.abspath(cache_file) cache_lock_id = b64encode(cache_file.encode('utf-8')).decode() cache_time = self.file_mtime(cache_file) with ILock(cache_lock_id): if force_level == 1 and cache_time != self.file_mtime(cache_file): force_level = 0 if force_level == 2: remove(cache_file) if path.isfile(cache_file): logging.debug('%s found', cache_file) with open(cache_file, 'r') as f: cache = json.loads( else: logging.debug('%s not found', cache_file) if force_level > 0 or cache is None or 'cookies' not in cache: if cache is not None and 'secret' in cache: secret = b64decode(cache['secret'].encode()).decode() username, password = secret.split('/') password = b64decode(password.encode()).decode() else: username = input("Username: ") password = getpass("Password: ") logging.warning('Credentials will be stored in a NOT secure way!') with requests.Session() as s: r1 = s.get(url, timeout=10, verify=False, allow_redirects=True) r1.raise_for_status() if self.is_email(username): logging.debug("%s is guest account." % username) root = self.html_root(r1) link = root.find(".//{}a[@id='zocial-guest']") guest_url = self.split_url(r1.url)[0] + self.split_url(link.get('href'))[1] logging.debug(guest_url) r1 = s.get(guest_url, timeout=10, verify=False, allow_redirects=True) r1.raise_for_status() else: logging.debug("%s is a regular account." % username) action, form_data = self.read_form(r1) form_data['username'] = username form_data['password'] = password r2 =, data=form_data, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, allow_redirects=True) r2.raise_for_status() action, form_data = self.read_form(r2) r3 =, data=form_data, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, allow_redirects=True) cache = { 'secret': b64encode((username + '/' + b64encode(password.encode()).decode()).encode()).decode(), 'location': url, 'cookies': { c.value for c in s.cookies} } with open(cache_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cache)) return cache['cookies'] class RhApiRowCountError(Exception): def __init__(self, totalRows, fetchedRows): self.totalRows = totalRows self.fetchedRows = fetchedRows def __str__(self): return 'Total rows count (%d) mismatch with fetched rows count (%d)' % (self.totalRows, self.fetchedRows) class RhApiRowLimitError(Exception): def __init__(self, count, rowsLimit): self.count = count self.rowsLimit = rowsLimit def __str__(self): return 'Rows count (%d) is larger than rows limit (%d) for a single result' % (self.count, self.rowsLimit) class RhApiPageSizeError(Exception): def __init__(self, count, rowsLimit, pageSize): self.count = count self.rowsLimit = rowsLimit self.pageSize = pageSize def __str__(self): return 'Page size (%d) is larger than rows limit (%d) for a single result' % (self.pageSize, self.rowsLimit) class BadColumnNameError(Exception): def __init__(self, bad_column, columns_list, table_name): self.bad_column = bad_column self.columns_list = columns_list self.table_name = table_name def __str__(self): return 'Column name (%s) does not exist in the table (%s). Try these columns: (%s).' \ % (self.bad_column, self.table_name, json.dumps(self.columns_list)) class RhApi: """ RestHub API object """ def __init__(self, url, debug=False, sso=None): """ Construct API object. url: URL to RestHub endpoint, i.e. http://localhost:8080/api debug: should debug messages be printed out? Verbose! sso: use cookie provider from SSO_COOKIE_PROVIDER string """ if re.match("/$", url) is None: url = url + "/" self.url = url self.debug = debug self.dprint("url = ", self.url) self.cprov = None if sso is not None and"^https", url): if sso == 'login': self.cprov = lambda url, force_level: ( CernSSO().login_sign_on(url, force_level=force_level), force_level) if sso == 'krb': self.cprov = lambda url, force_level: (CernSSO().krb_sign_on(url), 2) def _action(self, action, url, headers, data): force_level = 0 while True: cookies = None if self.cprov is not None: cookies, force_level = self.cprov(self.url, force_level) with warnings.catch_warnings(): r = action(url=url, headers=headers, data=data, cookies=cookies, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200 and r.url.startswith(SSO_LOGIN_URL): if force_level < 2: force_level = force_level + 1 continue else: if self.cprov is None: raise Exception('Resource is secured by SSO. Please try --sso') else: raise Exception('Error while logging to HTTPS/SSO') return r def dprint(self, *args): """ Print debug information """ if self.debug: print("RhApi:", end='') for arg in args: print(arg, end='') print() def get(self, parts, data=None, headers=None, params=None, verbose=False, cols=False, inline_clobs=False, method=None): """ General API call (do not use it directly!) """ if type(params) != dict: params = {} if verbose: params["_verbose"] = True if cols: params["_cols"] = True if inline_clobs: params["_inclob"] = True # # Constructing request path # callurl = self.url + "/".join(requote_uri(str(p)) for p in parts) callurl = callurl + "?" + "&".join(p + "=" + requote_uri(str(params[p])) for p in params.keys()) sdata = None if data != None: sdata = json.dumps(data) # # Do the query and respond # self.dprint(callurl, "with payload", sdata, "and headers", headers) if method is None: if data is None: method = 'get' else: method = 'post' else: method = method.lower() action = getattr(requests, method, None) if action: resp = self._action(action, headers=headers, url=callurl, data=data) else: raise NameError('Unknown HTTP method: ' + method) self.dprint("Response", resp.status_code, " ".join(str(resp.headers.get('content-type')).split("\r\n"))) if resp.status_code == rdata = resp.text if"json", resp.headers.get('content-type')): try: return json.loads(rdata) except TypeError as e: self.dprint(e) return rdata else: return rdata elif resp.status_code < 300: return None else: raise Exception('Response (' + str(resp.status_code) + '): ' + resp.text) def lob(self, url, file_name=None): """ Retrieve blob from url. url: blob URL from query response file_name: (optional) file name to write lob content to returns: - lob content: if file_name is None - True: if file was written - None: if no content found Exception: if anything nasty happens """ action = getattr(requests, "get", None) resp = self._action(action, url=url, headers=None, data=None) self.dprint("Response", resp.status_code, " ".join(str(resp.headers.get('content-type')).split("\r\n"))) if resp.status_code == if file_name is not None: with open(file_name, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) return True else: return resp.content elif resp.status_code < 300: return None else: raise Exception('Response (' + str(resp.status_code) + '): ' + resp.text) def info(self, verbose=False): """ Get server version information """ return self.get(["info"], verbose=verbose) def folders(self, verbose=False): """ Get list of folders """ return list(self.get(["tables"], verbose=verbose).keys()) def tables(self, folder, verbose=False): """ Get tables for folder or all """ raw = self.get(["tables"], verbose=verbose) d = [] for t in raw[folder].keys(): d.append(t) return d def table(self, folder, table, verbose=False): """ Get info for table """ return self.get(["table", folder, table], verbose=verbose) def qid(self, query): """ Create query based on [query] and return its ID """ return self.get(["query"], query) def query(self, qid, verbose=False): """ Return qid metadata (assuming it exists..) """ return self.get(["query", qid], verbose=verbose) def clean(self, qid, verbose=False): """ Remove cache for query (assuming it exists..) """ return self.get(["query", qid, "cache"], verbose=verbose, method='DELETE') def count(self, qid, params=None, verbose=False): """ Get number of rows in a query """ return int(self.get(["query", qid, "count"], params=params, verbose=verbose)) def histo(self, qid, column, bins=None, bounds=None, params=None, verbose=False): """ Get histogram bins for query column. """ path = ["query", qid, "histo", column] assert bounds is None or (isinstance(bounds, (list, tuple)) and len(bounds) == 2 and all( isinstance(b, (int, float)) for b in bounds) and bounds[0] < bounds[1]) if bounds: path += [",".join([str(i) for i in bounds])] assert bins is None or isinstance(bins, (int)) if bins: path += [bins] return self.get(path, params=params, verbose=verbose) def data(self, qid, params=None, form='text/csv', pagesize=None, page=None, verbose=False, cols=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get data rows """ rowsLimit = self.query(qid, verbose=True)["rowsLimit"] count = int(self.count(qid)) ps = ["query", qid] if pagesize is None or page is None: if count > rowsLimit: raise RhApiRowLimitError(count, rowsLimit) else: if pagesize > rowsLimit: raise RhApiPageSizeError(count, rowsLimit, pagesize) else: ps.extend(["page", pagesize, page]); ps.append("data") return self.get(ps, None, {"Accept": form}, params, verbose=verbose, cols=cols, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) def csv(self, query, params=None, pagesize=None, page=None, verbose=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get rows in CSV format """ qid = self.qid(query) return, params, 'text/csv', pagesize, page, verbose=verbose, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) def xml(self, query, params=None, pagesize=None, page=None, verbose=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get rows in XML format """ qid = self.qid(query) return, params, 'text/xml', pagesize, page, verbose=verbose, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) def json(self, query, params=None, pagesize=None, page=None, verbose=False, cols=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get rows in JSON format (array of arrays) """ qid = self.qid(query) return, params, 'application/json', pagesize, page, verbose=verbose, cols=cols, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) def json_all(self, query, params=None, verbose=False, cols=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get all rows in JSON format (array of arrays) """ rows = [] qid = self.qid(query) rowsLimit = self.query(qid, verbose=True)["rowsLimit"] count = int(self.count(qid, params)) pages = int(count / rowsLimit) + 1 for page in range(1, (pages + 1)): data =, params, form="application/json", page=page, pagesize=rowsLimit, verbose=verbose, cols=cols, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) rows.extend(data["data"]) if count != len(rows): raise RhApiRowCountError(count, len(rows)) return rows def json2(self, query, params=None, pagesize=None, page=None, verbose=False, cols=False, inline_clobs=False): """ Get rows in JSON2 format (array or objects) """ qid = self.qid(query) return, params, 'application/json2', pagesize, page, verbose=verbose, cols=cols, inline_clobs=inline_clobs) from optparse import OptionParser import pprint USAGE = 'usage: %prog [-v] [-u URL] [ FOLDER | FOLDER.TABLE | QUERY ]' DEFAULT_URL = "http://vocms00170:2113" DEFAULT_FORMAT = "csv" DEFAULT_ROOT_FILE = "data.root" FORMATS = ["csv", "xml", "json", "json2", "root"] SSO_LOGIN_URL = "" class CLIClient: def __init__(self): self.pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) self.parser = OptionParser(USAGE) self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="verbose output. Default: %s" % False, action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url", help="service URL. Default: %s" % DEFAULT_URL, metavar="URL", default=DEFAULT_URL) self.parser.add_option("-o", "--login", dest="login", help="use simple login provider cache (requires selenium, stores pwd in not secure way!)", metavar="login", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-k", "--krb", dest="krb", help="use kerberos login provider", metavar="krb", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format", help="data output format for QUERY data (%s). Default: %s" % ( ",".join(FORMATS), DEFAULT_FORMAT), metavar="FORMAT", default=DEFAULT_FORMAT) self.parser.add_option("-c", "--count", dest="count", help="instead of QUERY data return # of rows", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size", help="number of rows per PAGE return for QUERY", metavar="SIZE", type="int") self.parser.add_option("-g", "--page", dest="page", help="page number to return. Default 1", metavar="PAGE", default=1, type="int") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--cols", dest="cols", help="add column metadata if possible. Default: False", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-b", "--inclob", dest="inclob", help="inline clobs directly into the output. Default: False (send as links)", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-i", "--info", dest="info", help="print server version information. Default: False", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-a", "--all", dest="all", help="force to retrieve ALL data (can take long time). Default: False", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-m", "--metadata", dest="metadata", help="do not execute query but dump METADATA. Default: False", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-n", "--clean", dest="clean", help="clean cache before executing query (new results). Default: False", action="store_true", default=False) self.parser.add_option("-p", dest="param", help="parameter for QUERY in form -pNAME=VALUE", metavar="PARAM", action="append") self.parser.add_option("-r", "--root", dest="root", help="ROOT file name, if format set to root. Default: " + DEFAULT_ROOT_FILE, metavar="ROOT", default=DEFAULT_ROOT_FILE) self.parser.add_option("-t", "--histo", dest="histo", help="histogram of BINS bins for COLUMN in LBOUND to RBOUND bounds. Possible combinations: COLUMN, COLUMN:BINS, COLUMN:BINS:LBOUND:RBOUND.", metavar="COLUMN:BINS:LBOUND:RBOUND", default=None) def pprint(self, data): self.pp.pprint(data) def basicSelect(self, arg, api, param, verbose): split_arg = arg.split(".") table_metadata = api.table(split_arg[0], split_arg[1], verbose=verbose) table_name = split_arg[1] # get table names list from meta data column_names_list = [] for i in table_metadata["columns"]: column_names_list.append(i["name"]) arg = 'select * from ' + arg + ' a' # get and save to list values from p parameters params_length = 0 if param is not None: param.sort() if param: param_column_names_list = [] param_column_value_list = [] split_where = [] params_length = len(param) # assign param values to lists for i in param: split_where = i.split("=") param_column_names_list.append(split_where[0]) param_column_value_list.append(split_where[1]) # check if value of first parameter belongs to column names for i in param_column_names_list: if i not in column_names_list: raise BadColumnNameError(i, column_names_list, table_name) if params_length != 0: # build where statements previous = next = None for index, obj in enumerate(param_column_names_list): if index > 0: previous = param_column_names_list[index - 1] if index < (params_length - 1): next = param_column_names_list[index + 1] if params_length == 1: arg = arg + " where a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + param_column_names_list[index] else: if index == 0: if param_column_names_list[index] == next: arg = arg + " where (a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + \ param_column_names_list[index] else: arg = arg + " where a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + param_column_names_list[ index] else: if previous == param_column_names_list[index]: if param_column_names_list[index] != next: arg = arg + " or a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + \ param_column_names_list[index] + str(index) + ")" param[index] = param_column_names_list[index] + str(index) + '=' + \ param_column_value_list[index] else: arg = arg + " or a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + \ param_column_names_list[index] + str(index) param[index] = param_column_names_list[index] + str(index) + '=' + \ param_column_value_list[index] else: if param_column_names_list[index] != next: arg = arg + " and a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + \ param_column_names_list[index] else: arg = arg + " and ( a." + param_column_names_list[index] + " = :" + \ param_column_names_list[index] previous = next = None return arg, param def run(self): try: (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args() sso = None if"^https", options.url): if sum((options.login, options.krb)) != 1: self.parser.error('For secure access please provide one of --krb or --login') return 1 if options.login: sso = 'login' if options.krb: sso = 'krb' api = RhApi(options.url, debug=options.verbose, sso=sso) # Info if self.pprint( return 0 # Folders if len(args) == 0: self.pprint(api.folders(verbose=options.verbose)) return 0 if len(args) > 1: self.parser.error('More than one command found. Maybe double quotes are missing?') return 0 arg = args[0] # FOLDER tables if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", arg) is not None: self.pprint(api.tables(arg, verbose=options.verbose)) return 0 # FOLDER.TABLE if ((re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", arg) is not None) and (options.format is None)): parts = arg.split(".") self.pprint(api.table(parts[0], parts[1], verbose=options.verbose)) return 0 # if format is Null, assign format to default format if options.format is None: options.format = DEFAULT_FORMAT # QUERY if re.match("^select ", arg, re.IGNORECASE) is not None or \ (re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", arg) is not None and (options.format is not None)): if (re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", arg) is not None and (options.format is not None)): arg, options.param = self.basicSelect(arg, api, options.param, options.verbose) params = {} if options.param: for ps in options.param: m = re.match("^([^=]+)=(.*)$", ps) if m: params[] = if options.clean: api.clean(api.qid(arg), verbose=options.verbose) if options.count: print(api.count(api.qid(arg), params=params, verbose=options.verbose)) elif options.histo: if options.format not in ['json', 'json2', 'csv']: self.parser.error('Histogram bins are possible in formats: json, json2, csv') col = options.histo bounds = None bins = None m = re.match("^([^:]+):?([0-9]+)?:?(-?[0-9\.]+)?:?(-?[0-9\.]+)?$", col) if m: col = if bins = int( if and bounds = (float(, float( else: self.parser.error('Histogram pattern not recognized: ' + options.histo) histo = api.histo(api.qid(arg), column=col, bins=bins, bounds=bounds, params=params, verbose=options.verbose) if options.format in ['json', 'json2']: print(histo) else: print('\t'.join(histo['cols'])) for b in histo['bins']: print('\t'.join([str(n) for n in b])) elif options.metadata: qid = api.qid(arg) print(self.pprint(api.query(qid, verbose=options.verbose))) else: if FORMATS.count(options.format) == 0: self.parser.error( 'Format %s not understood: please use one of %s' % (options.format, ",".join(FORMATS))) else: if options.size and and options.all: self.parser.error('Wrong combination of options: ALL and SIZE both can not be defined') if options.format == 'csv': try: print(api.csv(arg, params=params, pagesize=options.size,, verbose=options.verbose, inline_clobs=options.inclob)) except RhApiRowLimitError as e: if options.all: page = 0 while (page * e.rowsLimit) < e.count: page = page + 1 res = api.csv(arg, params=params, pagesize=e.rowsLimit, page=page, verbose=options.verbose, inline_clobs=options.inclob) if page == 1: print(res, end='') else: print('\n'.join(res.split('\n')[1:]), end='') else: raise e if options.format == 'xml': try: print(api.xml(arg, params=params, pagesize=options.size,, verbose=options.verbose, inline_clobs=options.inclob)) except RhApiRowLimitError as e: if options.all: page = 0 print('', end='') while (page * e.rowsLimit) < e.count: page = page + 1 res = api.xml(arg, params=params, pagesize=e.rowsLimit, page=page, verbose=options.verbose, inline_clobs=options.inclob) root = minidom.parseString(res).documentElement for row in root.getElementsByTagName('row'): print(row.toxml(), end='') print('') else: raise e if options.format in ['json', 'json2', 'root']: try: method_name = options.format if options.format != 'root' else 'json' method = getattr(api, method_name, None) in_cols = options.cols if options.format != 'root' else True data = method(arg, params=params, pagesize=options.size,, verbose=options.verbose, cols=in_cols, inline_clobs=options.inclob) except RhApiRowLimitError as e: if options.all: page = 0 data = None while (page * e.rowsLimit) < e.count: page = page + 1 res = method(arg, params=params, pagesize=e.rowsLimit, page=page, verbose=options.verbose, cols=in_cols, inline_clobs=options.inclob) if data is None: data = res else: data['data'].extend(res['data']) else: raise e if options.format == 'root': self._to_root(data, options.root) else: print(data) return 0 self.parser.error('Command %s not understood' % arg) except RhApiRowLimitError as e: print("ERROR: %s\nDetails: %s, consider --all option" % (type(e).__name__, e)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: reason = e.reason if hasattr(e, 'reason') else '%s' % e print("ERROR: %s\nDetails: %s" % (reason, e)) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: %s\nDetails: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() def _root_column(self, data, ci, ct, cn): type_mapping = { str: 'Char_t', int: 'Int_t', float: 'Float_t' } if ct == 'NUMBER': t = int for r in data['data']: if r[ci] is not None and type(r[ci]) == float: t = float break return type_mapping[t] + ' ' + cn else: l = 1 for r in data['data']: if r[ci] is None: r[ci] = '' elif len(r[ci]) > l: l = len(r[ci]) return type_mapping[str] + ' ' + cn + '[' + str(l) + ']' def _to_root(self, data, filename): import ROOT from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gROOT, AddressOf columns = [self._root_column(data, i, c['type'], c['name']) for i, c in enumerate(data['cols'])] header = 'struct data_t { ' + ';'.join(columns) + '; };' gROOT.ProcessLine(header) row = ROOT.data_t() f = TFile(filename, 'RECREATE') tree = TTree('data', 'data from RHAPI') tree.Branch('data', row) for r in data['data']: for i, c in enumerate(data['cols']): v = r[i] if v is None: if c['type'] == 'NUMBER': v = -1 else: v = '' try: setattr(row, c['name'], v) except Exception as e: print(c['name'], '=', v) print(c, v) print(e) tree.Fill() tree.Print() tree.Write() if __name__ == '__main__': cli = CLIClient() sys.exit(