"Date";"Signs";"Horoscope" "06-06-2021";"ARIES";" Your week falls neatly into distinct phases. The completion of routine tasks is your number one priority until Tuesday and, after Wednesday, you'll deal with all those emotional wobbles. But if someone does seem intent on causing a fuss, why not just ignore them? It would be best if you concentrated on your own affairs. " "06-06-2021";"TAURUS";" You're coming to the end of an emotional period, when you've been too ready to sacrifice your interests to those of other people. Your desire to serve others is admirable, but not if it means that partners walk all over you! Your horoscope continues to show an unusual concentration on money and, by all accounts, your business sense is booming. " "06-06-2021";"GEMINI";" Passions are still running high, and the degree of emotional intensity circulating in the cosmos remains pretty awe-inspiring. To avoid trouble, you must be impeccably polite and considerate. At work, it is now time to learn a new skill, perhaps by taking a short course. It doesn't have to be a big deal. " "06-06-2021";"CANCER";" First things first - don't rush it! There is still a great deal going on behind the scenes, away from prying eyes, and you have to be happy with your plans before you go public. After all, you don't want to risk unnecessary criticism, do you? In love, you're still chasing a fairy-tale fantasy but please keep one foot in the real world. " "06-06-2021";"LEO";" The greatest pressures are coming from all directions at once, and midweek - perhaps from Tuesday to Thursday - you'll probably decide that you've had enough. If you feel like ducking out and disappearing for a few days, go right ahead! Do be sure to keep family members informed of what you're doing, though. That's only fair. " "06-06-2021";"VIRGO";" Get up with the lark and go to bed with the owl for, while upbeat, energetic Mars is charging through your chart, you will cram as much in to every week as you can. The one golden rule is to pace yourself, eat well and keep fit. A financial deal could finally yield a profit around Thursday or Friday. And, if you have a chance for a rest, take it. " "06-06-2021";"LIBRA";" The Sun's marvellous motions mean that it's time for all born under the sign of the Balance to celebrate their blessings and put their burdens into perspective. However, the really good news is provided by Mercury and Venus, two splendid planets which encourage you to take confidence-building measures. Plus, be sure to settle all those issues which are troubling you. " "06-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" You have many talents, but you often give out misleading signals. Some people regard your tendency to secrecy as a bad characteristic. How wrong they are! Your ability to respect confidences and reward the trust placed in you is a fine quality which will come in very handy over the next two or three weeks. " "06-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Many of you are still inclined to blow your tops, but you must remember that people you think are guilty are in fact completely innocent! Passions should be running high, but you may direct your energy towards positive, constructive and cultural ways of enjoying yourself. An old friend may have the best advice, so listen well and take heed. " "06-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You're on a positive path that's for sure. This is still a relatively busy phase, and by no means dull if not wildly exciting. If you're alive to new possibilities you'll find all sorts of ways to bring a little inspiration to work and routine chores. Ambitious Capricorns are now moving into top gear - and about time too! " "06-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You can now look ahead and make plans for the coming months. Right now, some people are unwilling to accept flattery or generous gestures. I hope you're not among them because, over the period ahead, a number of partners, friends and colleagues will be more than willing to offer you praise, affection and presents. " "05-06-2021";"ARIES";" You may have a sense of being in limbo, or cast adrift. Quite why this should be so is not clear, but we can say that you'll have your feet back on firm ground very soon. This is a time to be constructive in outlook and resolute and firm in your approach. " "05-06-2021";"TAURUS";" Stress levels are set to ease up. A battle royal has been taking place between a number of other planets, an encounter with profound consequences for your emotional security. It may be that you have already decided that things cannot go on as before. But then, you have known that for a long while. Come to think of it, it's time for an improvement! " "05-06-2021";"GEMINI";" If you have been in touch with underlying trends, you will know that this has been a time of unique and reassuring experiences. But you must still be aware that there are serious emotional questions to be dealt with. It's just that it's difficult to get to the real issues. " "05-06-2021";"CANCER";" Many of you will be feeling the uncompromising impact of Mars blowing through your life. It must be clear by now that the pattern of your affairs and activities must be changed for the better. And I have a feeling you'll make a start by putting up some extra cash. " "05-06-2021";"LEO";" Perhaps you now feel like battening down the hatches and taking shelter from emotional assaults. You may feel unfairly squeezed between people who think you should become more deeply involved and those who wish you to withdraw altogether. Watch out for financial confrontations - they can be avoided, you know. " "05-06-2021";"VIRGO";" Seven planets encouraging you to do your own thing and go your own way is not bad support. You are under no pressure to take certain adventurous and even extraordinary steps, but the opportunity is there if you wish to use it. It really is up to you. " "05-06-2021";"LIBRA";" It is your own sweet nature which enables you to keep your emotions and temper under control. You must continue to exercise charm, tact and diplomacy even if you fear that you have suffered in a business matter. It's time to forgive and forget. " "05-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" Accept the fact that partners have their own beliefs, ideas and feelings. You may have cause to take up the gauntlet and rise to the challenge, yet it may be best to let matters rest and go your own way. Partners are likely to be over-fussy, but that's all down to the current awkward lunar alignments. " "05-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Realise that a joint financial arrangement or business association may have to end if you are to achieve a number of goals or ambitions. On the other hand, you must forge a new relationship without delay. Only then will you know that you have the support to proceed. " "05-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The next few days lift your heart and raise your hopes. When dealing with affairs of the heart you must take into account the fact that partners are now developing much stronger ideas as to who does what and when. It may be tactful to give way, at least in the short-term. " "05-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You may still need to spend some time away from home or outside your usual environment if you are to be certain of your next move. On the other hand, domestic responsibilities are likely to deny you the chance to get away. But, first, figure out exactly how much your plans will cost. " "04-06-2021";"ARIES";" You know full well that it is within your power to determine the outcome of financial negotiations and discussions. There's something that's still not entirely clear, though. Perhaps the role of a female associate has yet to be established - you don't quite know where you stand. " "04-06-2021";"TAURUS";" Current astrological trends offer you a marvellous opportunity to face up to awkward or highly emotional situations. Acknowledge partners' complaints and criticism in the knowledge that you have got what it takes to put them right. You must believe in yourself. " "04-06-2021";"GEMINI";" You are now entering a phase in which you may reasonably allow situations to take their own course. However, as far as specifically financial affairs are concerned, you must be careful not to let events run out of your control, especially at this delicate stage. " "04-06-2021";"CANCER";" You're still on top of events, but your best bet at the moment is to occupy your time in such a manner that you cannot be forced to accept unsatisfactory conditions. Keep a close watch on financial affairs later in the day, and make sure that nobody pulls the wool over your eyes. " "04-06-2021";"LEO";" This is likely to be a crucial period as far as both career and domestic hopes are concerned. Family pressures which have surfaced recently may go back a long way. Now you have the opportunity to tackle these entrenched, long-term issues and deal with partners who have dug their heels in. " "04-06-2021";"VIRGO";" The current Pluto alignment indicates that an emotional or family tie is quite clearly giving you some cause for concern just now. However, a solution lies well within your grasp and it is therefore in your interests to be placatory; it's easy when you know how! " "04-06-2021";"LIBRA";" In a matter of days a number of pieces of the jigsaw will fit into place. Yet first you may have to endure a certain amount of aggravation from partners who still do not believe you are up to the job. It is true, though, that you may have to smarten up your act. " "04-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" Mercury's relationship with your sign suggests that you have probably become accustomed to harsh words and heavy demands, especially when discussing personal questions. All the relevant issues must now be brought to the surface. And sooner rather than later. " "04-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" There really seems to be little point in arguing or apportioning blame over a career matter. You must see that there is much good sense in what other people have to say, and you will reject good advice at your peril. It's time to listen, and to bide your time. " "04-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Partners and close associates have really been remarkably willing to compromise when you think about it. You have only a short time left to reach a firm agreement before you again run into stiff opposition. Oh, and keep an eye on legal irritations. " "04-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Recent statements have undoubtedly been an eye-opener, and you now have the perfect opportunity to pull a number of different emotional strands together. Close friends will appreciate your new, fresh approach. It makes a change from partners complaining that you are upsetting their plans! " "03-06-2021";"ARIES";" Don't anticipate the outcome of any meetings, no matter whether you're sitting down with partners or colleagues. Although you may no longer be in charge, discussions which are outside your control will be to your advantage, so allow events to take their course. " "03-06-2021";"TAURUS";" Astrology has a great deal to do with timing, with both the right time and the wrong time to initiate various ventures. Now is an excellent moment for you to get a number of enterprises under way as long as you are absolutely clear about your motives and goals. " "03-06-2021";"GEMINI";" For a few weeks, a show of independence has been bolstered by the vigorous presence of the planet Mars. Now you will be challenged to stand on your own two feet, even to offer a helping hand to someone who has supported you in the past and who really does now need your help. " "03-06-2021";"CANCER";" You are willing to believe that others are ready and able to offer you the emotional support that you need. You may now think about spreading your wings and branching out into a different sphere of activity. The planets suggest new business activities. Are you interested? Are you ready? " "03-06-2021";"LEO";" The current delicate relationship between Venus and Pluto indicates that you would be wise to avoid any conflicts or confrontations with family members, especially brothers and sisters. Others may be beginning to sense that all is not to your liking on the home front, but I doubt if they're ready to compromise. " "03-06-2021";"VIRGO";" You may still feel rather out on a limb, perhaps because someone has passed you by or belittled your talents. Yet support from the helpful planet Mercury indicates that there is little that can disturb your equilibrium - as long as you're prepared for the unexpected! " "03-06-2021";"LIBRA";" A financial or business crisis is but the tip of the iceberg and the symptom of a much deeper malaise. What is at issue is your refusal to value your gifts and the contribution you are able to make to society at large. If you're in a quandary, take stock, seek advice and start afresh. " "03-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" This is a time to stand up for yourself and let others see just how strong-willed and self-sufficient you really are. Yet if partners seem hell-bent on a collision course, please do your best to avert a clash. There is so much you can do to defuse tension behind the scenes. " "03-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" In view of an impending planetary opposition you must not enter into new financial arrangements without taking expert or legal advice. Yet with a sound and well-thought-out approach you may do much better than expected. In fact, I think you're about to hit the jackpot. " "03-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You will probably have little difficulty convincing close companions that certain alterations will be to everyone's advantage. After all this time some degree of success is unavoidable, if only because there is certain inevitability about your current path. " "03-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Having experienced just how thoughtless and intransigent certain people can be, you must now find new ways to shift the ground in your favour. However, there is little to be gained from forcing the issues, so I suggest you continue on a generous, tolerant and flexible, ready-for-anything path. " "02-06-2021";"ARIES";" Someone still appears to imagine that you will give way over a financial matter, yet colleagues may yet have the ground swept from under them. However, you must move forward in concert with your sympathisers. If you break ranks now you'll expose all your weaknesses. " "02-06-2021";"TAURUS";" Mercury is still on your side, and news received during the coming week should both gladden your heart and make it clear that your instincts and intuitions have been right all along. The point is that you seem to have all the best ideas, but you still have to persuade other people of that fact! " "02-06-2021";"GEMINI";" There is so much going on behind the scenes at work that it is difficult or even impossible to gauge the outcome of current developments. Put personal qualms to one side, press ahead with confidence and put the priority on completing unfinished emotional business. " "02-06-2021";"CANCER";" Mars is preparing to take a more active role in your life and you will very soon have an undisputed opportunity to make your position clear. You must be ready to speak and act in no uncertain terms. After all, I know you're sensitive, but you're also quite capable of being as tough as anyone else when necessary. " "02-06-2021";"LEO";" Three planets, glistening away in the angles of your chart responsible for your career and professional hopes, leave you in no doubt that this is the time to push yourself forward. Pull every string possible to ensure that you are taken much more seriously. " "02-06-2021";"VIRGO";" Aside from current issues, there are pastures new waiting to be discovered and enjoyed if you are willing to make the right moves. Yet, for the next few days, travel plans must be open to fresh scrutiny, mainly because circumstances are about to change. " "02-06-2021";"LIBRA";" You must soon make a choice as to whether you will continue on your old course and maintain your existing lifestyle, or change direction completely. The pressure to alter your ways is still slight, but will intensify rapidly before long. In the meantime, have a breather! " "02-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" There are ample indications that this can be a time of exploration, discovery and personal fulfilment for you. Partners will be more inclined to recognise your many gifts and abundant good points than in the past. And that has to be good news! " "02-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" There are some signs that the tide of fortune is about to turn in your favour. It is likely that, initially, you may experience little more than a reduction of pressure, but even this will be sufficient to open a window of opportunity into a new emotional life. " "02-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" One way or another you will have to alter your approach to career and personal interests. Be warned that niggling irritations could blow up unexpectedly - unless you deal with causes of discontent now. And, while you're at it, you'll turn a cash crisis to your advantage. " "02-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There is every reason to hope that current developments in your private life will give you the courage and confidence to implement wide-ranging and sweeping improvements in your professional affairs. One thing is certain - that a long process of personal change is only just beginning. " "01-06-2021";"ARIES";" As always, honesty is the best policy, even though Mars' energetic movements may encourage you to cut corners. Plus, it may not be easy to put everything important into words. Prepare now for impending domestic improvements, and win partners to your point of view. " "01-06-2021";"TAURUS";" The Sun, Mercury and Venus are powerful allies and I honestly doubt if there is anyone who can get the better of you. Coast along on the crest of an optimistic wave and do not be drawn into emotional complications. Remember, you're on public view at the moment. " "01-06-2021";"GEMINI";" You must realise that fear of failure is frequently the result of disapproval from parents or teachers when you were young. Such attitudes have entered your unconscious and now emerge as self-doubt. Do not let these vague, half-defined fears hold you back. " "01-06-2021";"CANCER";" A group of planets pressuring the social areas of your horoscope suggest that one way or another you are about to be surprised and delighted by an unexpected encounter, possibly by a welcome twist of fate. Keep an eye on cash commitments or you'll end up paying more than your fair share. " "01-06-2021";"LEO";" There is much that you can do to put other people in their place, especially at work. However, more important than what partners are up to, is how you handle the increasing and contradictory demands being put on your time by home commitments. Listen to older relations; they seem to have the best advice. " "01-06-2021";"VIRGO";" Lightning never strikes twice in the same place, or so they say. This old adage is about to be proved right when a threatened emotional confrontation affects a partner, leaving you in the clear. All we can say is, you must have done something right! " "01-06-2021";"LIBRA";" In domestic matters you should now be devoting all your time and energy to what is new, experimental and different. Trust your instincts and don't be slow to look to your own experience for inspiration. At home, children need nothing less than one hundred percent attention, so you'd better start rearranging your hours! " "01-06-2021";"SCORPIO";" The burning question now is how you can make the most of partners' clearly favourable attitudes and good fortune without throwing your own proposals away. Just look and listen for a while and the way forward will become clear, even though it may be another four months before you are completely certain. " "01-06-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" What transpires now must not induce you to permit those who are less gifted, talented or experienced than you to dominate your progress. Yet it is probably more important to give than receive, and there may be nothing to lose by taking second place for the moment. " "01-06-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Now that a number of planets have changed direction, you may begin to feel as if you are fighting an uphill battle and may not be sure who to turn to. There might be something to be said for putting important plans on hold, but not until you have made your feelings clear. " "01-06-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Be positive and face awkward situations head-on. Only when grumbles and discontent at home have been dealt with, will you be free to make much-needed improvements. However trivial the events you're experiencing, please remember that your life is currently turning a very major corner. " "31-05-2021";"ARIES";" Whatever partners may say, there seems little danger that you will become too demanding in your approach. Professional efforts and expertise will soon begin to pay off in increased earnings, but only once partners have settled down. A younger relation may have the best advice, so listen carefully and learn well. " "31-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You should no longer need to distance yourself from situations which have churned up your emotions or made you feel victimised. Extraordinarily ambitious aspects will give you a fresh and exciting attitude, but naturally are likely to bring extra commitments, so get ready! " "31-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You must be prepared to take a more relaxed attitude to matrimonial and private affairs. It is important that you follow your dreams; do not give too much weight to practical concerns, but give proper moral consideration to all difficult questions. " "31-05-2021";"CANCER";" You are coping well with partnerships, including relationships with colleagues at work, when all is said and done. Take encouragement from the fact that disturbing and perhaps underhand events have almost run their course, and don't shrink from facing up to the past at home. " "31-05-2021";"LEO";" The important thing is to remember that while one line of development in career matters is now well under way, another is only just beginning to move. The situation is quite complicated, yet definitely favourable. You just have to recognise that partners hold the trump cards. " "31-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Close companions are ready to move forward, but it is up to you to give your approval - together with assurances that you are ready to offer a practical hand. Your ideas will be welcomed if you put them over with style - and a willingness to take a totally new approach. " "31-05-2021";"LIBRA";" So much appears to have changed in your innermost thoughts and emotions that you may be quite justified in feeling slightly disorientated. However, now you must concentrate on matters in hand, such as financial arrangements and sorting out your investments or savings. " "31-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" In some senses, current planetary aspects are sufficient to try the patience of a saint, and you may have to put up with other people who think they know it all. However, once you talk about contentious issues, you'll be surprised how quickly an amicable agreement is reached. " "31-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It's because Jupiter is still occupying a dominant position that you believe others have the right to make you accept whatever they offer. Yet you may still question their terms without fear of being thought ungrateful. In other words, don't take whatever you're offered just because it's there. " "31-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your planets are encouraging you to make a few bold moves and decisions, instead of waiting for others to make their intentions plain. Remember that love is a more powerful motivation than self-interest, so give first and you'll receive later. " "31-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Play for time if you feel ill-at-ease or unhappy about an offer. Pluto is warning you that, even though favourable conditions seem set to continue, anything which affects your deepest emotional security must be handled with your usual sensitivity. " "30-05-2021";"ARIES";" It's a mixed week, and you should be prepared for each day to take you on a new path. Although immediate concerns seem to be based around minor money and financial issues, a major opportunity is in the offing, one which could have a dramatic effect on your status and security for years to come. " "30-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Your stars maintain a generally positive outlook, and in many respects your task is clear: somehow you must combine a willingness to seize any and every opportunity with a realisation that you should keep your feet firmly on the ground. " "30-05-2021";"GEMINI";" It is surely time both to ask for advice, and to listen to what you are told! You may be too proud to do that, but try to see that the current situation is not one where it counts who wins and who loses. Rather, it's all a matter of doing what is best for now. " "30-05-2021";"CANCER";" It is time to be open, frank and honest, and now is not the moment to hold back if there are important things to be said, perhaps about problems which have been simmering away beneath the surface for too long. The chances for agreement are excellent, by the way, so be sure to find common ground whenever you can. " "30-05-2021";"LEO";" Serious Saturnine alignments indicate that your stars couldn't be better for sensible and constructive social progress, whether you're bringing imaginative schemes to a routine close or planning a major advance in your long-term ambitions. " "30-05-2021";"VIRGO";" It is time to broaden your horizons. You may continue to follow an adventurous path, taking the line of least resistance where necessary. There is little point in being hard on yourself, and you should learn to accept compliments and offers of help with good grace. " "30-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's a strange time to be sure, and you may be weary of the responsibilities you're burdened with and the people who pester you. Yet, there is neither change nor progress without hard work. The kind of challenges you will face are from partners and loved ones who only have your best interests at heart. " "30-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Most people are on your side, but some may not agree with your ideas. Those friends and companions who habitually oppose your plans may be a source of irritation, yet they will have a positive influence on your life if they force you to look at your activities in a fresh light. " "30-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Your planets are certainly changeable. In general, your mornings seem to be more optimistic than your afternoons, so you should always hatch your plans early on in the day and ask for help as soon as you possibly can. Above all, pay attention to partners' little qualms and queries. " "30-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Please keep an eye open for any legal or ethical complications. Such minor glitches are easily avoided, and should be simply dealt with if they do arise. It's all a question of maximising your potential by steering clear of hidden pitfalls. " "30-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" As you know well enough, a positive outcome always depends on your readiness to take the initiative. Frustration regarding your domestic situation may now be eased by taking active steps to make whatever improvements are necessary, from minor adjustments to a move of home. Family relationships must also be taken into account. " "28-05-2021";"ARIES";" The Moon reaches a climax in its cycle in relation to a deeply emotional region of your chart. But what happens next is anyone's guess. That's partly because while it is easy to forecast rising tension nobody can predict exactly how you will respond. All I'd say is: at all times keep at least one foot where it's supposed to be - on the ground. " "28-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You are undoubtedly ready to make your move. But I think that's because you're already sensing possibilities which might not arrive until tomorrow. Today favours open horizons and far-sighted approaches to narrow-minded people, but you might be best off leaving the cutting edge to those who really know what's happening. " "28-05-2021";"GEMINI";" There is so much to learn from your current situation. Even minor, trivial day-to-day events can possess a much deeper significance; but even if you don't 'get it' straight away, you'll have another chance next month - and the month after that! " "28-05-2021";"CANCER";" What's bugging you? Could it be the feeling that you're not getting anywhere? Or that someone has let you down? In either case it looks as if you're about to feel a whole lot better, but only if you link up with partners and allow them to take the lead. You absolutely have to extend the hand of friendship to friends and rivals alike. " "28-05-2021";"LEO";" Both today's leading planetary aspects are imaginative, even a little mystical in tone. How can you benefit from this? For a start, you can listen to your dreams. And if you can't remember your dreams, listen to your day-dreams. They're not all complete nonsense, and there may be pointers to the solution of a genuine problem. " "28-05-2021";"VIRGO";" I think you deserve a jolly good holiday. You're a workaholic by nature, so you always have work to squeeze in some spare time, but perhaps I could plead with you to go easy on yourself and have as much time off as you can. Your financial fortunes are about to change, with adjustments expected both in your income and spending. " "28-05-2021";"LIBRA";" If I advise you to pause for thought, it's because your planets are urging you to rush ahead. You could be increasingly impatient, but your circumstances are changing - and that's why you will have to consider every step with due care and attention. And, at work, it's who you know - and how you get on with them - that counts. " "28-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" There's one of those Sun-Moon alignments today which stirs up emotions and creates excitement. You'll probably have some financial loose ends to sort out, but you'll soon realise that an issue which was bugging you wasn't so important after all. Remember - your emotional stars are still beneficial, and that should reinforce your romantic confidence. " "28-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Today's situation is somewhat unusual. It's the second time this year that you've faced a challenge between the Sun and the Moon in your sign and you may have a sense of dejà vu - as if you've been here before. The only difference is that this time around you have the chance to actually do something about it! " "28-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You may be a bit unsteady on your feet, emotionally speaking, but that's quite natural. After all, the Sun and the Moon are facing each other down in somewhat sensitive regions of your chart. Perhaps it's an ideal moment to carry on with private matters, which don't involve other people, but which mean a great deal to you. " "28-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You're in an excellent position socially, even though some friends may be in an unpredictable mood. Still, just because they don't always see eye-to-eye, that's no reason why you should take it on yourself to bring order to chaos. A relationship could still be hard work, but then, the more effort you put into it the better your rewards. " "27-05-2021";"ARIES";" If we look at your key celestial indications today, then adventure and independence are pretty strong. That all adds up to a moment when you can lift your sights to higher things, to elevate your ambitions and pursue your grand vision of the way life could be. All you have to do is refuse to give in to rash impulses. " "27-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Would it motivate you if cash bonuses were on the cards? Or would it matter to you if your costs were increasing? These are the sort of questions you're facing over the next couple of days. Just remember though - in relationships, you have to keep talking; why not tell someone how you really feel about them? " "27-05-2021";"GEMINI";" There's a conservative feel in the air today, as if you are tied to the feelings and emotions of the past. The people you'll hang out with could be older or more experienced but, also, if you've got the freedom bug, probably those you blame for holding you back. After all, there have been occasions on which you have yourself turned down intriguing offers. " "27-05-2021";"CANCER";" Venus, the most gracious of planets, and Saturn, the most stern of the celestial bodies, are in a state of some disagreement. There are two choices: either you will discipline yourself, or someone else will do it for you. I'd say it would be best if you take the first steps when you are good and ready! " "27-05-2021";"LEO";" You have reason to become confident, buoyant and often bubbly. But, and this is a big ‘but', circumstances imposed on you by other people may force you to stay your hand, contain your feelings and take a mature and responsible course when your instincts are urging you to break out and have a wild time. You've got a delicate balancing act to follow. " "27-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Most of you have already put old problems and battles behind you, but the planets still have to draw a final curtain over the past. That is what they are now doing - today and tomorrow. After this your sign will be strangely free from planetary pressures, and you will be released from certain bonds. " "27-05-2021";"LIBRA";" A new cycle begins over the next forty-eight hours, so many of you may feel a sudden increase in energy. It may feel as if you're on a jet accelerating to take-off - or a space-shuttle leaving earth's orbit. But don't fall into the trap of imagining that it's other people who are holding you back when all they've done is try to give good advice. " "27-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Time to take a look at your cash situation. The Moon advises you to make family finances your top priority, and other planets confirm that joint finances are the most important. You might be dependent on partners to make the first move, but then they will benefit enormously from your ideas - so speak up! " "27-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You're top of the pile today. Your sign has the strongest planets and that's a fair enough indication that you'll have the advantage in most situations. It's not that you're any better than other people, just that, somehow, the celestial spotlight is on you. That's why you carry such a responsibility! " "27-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Listen to your dreams. It seems as if a passing fantasy or day-dream could contain the seeds of a very positive path forward. It's probably not a good day for rushing into new initiatives, though, partly because you could see a pronounced shift in circumstances over the next two weeks. " "27-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" A significantly-situated Moon pushes domestic matters up your agenda. This is your chance to take control and insist that whatever happens is for everyone's benefit, remembering that you also need to share any good-fortune with family members. In addition, there may be a strange tie-up between personal and professional commitments. " "26-05-2021";"ARIES";" Your mood lightens, but perhaps not until late in the day. That's OK, though, for you have to try to see how those waves of intense feeling can be of use to you. For starters they will help you understand just how other people feel, and that has to be a good thing. Just remember that today is a moment to stick to the facts - as closely as you can. " "26-05-2021";"TAURUS";" If other people are getting on your nerves then the end is in sight - or at least a temporary respite; it all depends how deep your irritation goes. You can probably do yourself a great deal of good by letting partners do whatever they must while keeping your distance. You are entitled to defend yourself in any appropriate manner. " "26-05-2021";"GEMINI";" There's a wonderful song with the words in which the singer tells how he can see clearly now that the rain has gone. That's a little like the feelings you could experience today, now that the Moon is taking up an entirely more open and honest position. My first and major piece of advice would be to listen to partners' words and give them the space they need. " "26-05-2021";"CANCER";" Time for some of your sensible thoughts, I think. You're still inclined to worry about nothing, so why not sit down, make out a list of your doubts and questions, with their possible solutions and answers, and try to figure out what you can actually do. And, remember, with Venus positively placed, there is always help and support should you need it. " "26-05-2021";"LEO";" In common with several other signs, you'll experience a lightening of your state of mind today, although the timing will be different for each one of you. The planetary system shifts towards increasing adventurousness, and you'll re- discover the courage to pursue some of your more creative goals, including, for some of you, a romantic tryst. " "26-05-2021";"VIRGO";" If it's love you're interested in today brings one of those delicate, inspired and beautiful planetary alignments that could see enlightened, inventive and creative new feelings. And that points to the chance of a delightful personal encounter. It's also great, by the way, for all artistic types. " "26-05-2021";"LIBRA";" You're still a little bit cagey, unsure of whom you can confide in. But, then, you're probably right to be defensive - at least until you know exactly what's going on. By late today you'll have a much better idea of where you stand, and you'll be confident enough to state your case. That looks like good news to me, just as long as you stick to the point! " "26-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Mars, your planetary ruler, is on fine form today, hooking up with Venusian elements in your chart. In simple terms, this means that there is room for passion and pleasure. Really, it all depends whether you have truly tied up all loose ends dating back over the last six months. If you haven't, you still might not have much time off. " "26-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Venus and Saturn are a wonderful pair of planets, encouraging conventional relationships and conservative lifestyles. I guess the question is whether this suits you - or not! It all depends how patient you are. Can you wait until tomorrow? The best advice is probably to do so - or even to wait until next week. " "26-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your planetary ruler, Saturn, has a serious, sober reputation. It's making a neat alignment today, one which gets you thinking. First of all, you'll gather the information, then you'll face the facts. Lastly, you'll take a considered judgment. At least, that's the best possible outcome! " "26-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You're never that comfortable when feelings are intense, so you could be relieved as the hours pass and emotions lighten. Mind you, it's not a day to break ranks. I'd say that you'll do well if you pause for thought, put your fantasies to one side and take a long, hard, serious look at all important invitations. " "25-05-2021";"ARIES";" Everything hinges around your ability to do business. To follow the money metaphor through, you'll also be counting the cost of an emotional entanglement. But whether the price is worth paying is something only you can decide. Ultimately your decision must be based as much on what partners need as on what you want. " "25-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Partners won't have everything their own way; in spite of appearances they never really do. But they do seem to hold the key, and there are times when they speak, you have to jump. Or, of course, you can always go into one of your famous obstinate moods - and completely ignore them! " "25-05-2021";"GEMINI";" The days pass, your emotions change, and it seems that today you'll be even more emotional. A chance, perhaps, for you to get in touch with all those deep feelings you've bottled up for too long. Domestic circumstances are changing, and I hope that by this time next week the stress level will have dipped noticeably. " "25-05-2021";"CANCER";" You're such a worrier. But then you know that already. After all, that's one of the building blocks of your astrological character. Just at the moment I'd say that what you have to do now is sort out which of your doubts is genuine, and which is no more than a mirage in your mind. " "25-05-2021";"LEO";" Your weekly horoscope is one of diversity and choice, so you can pick your own direction, and devise your personal strategy. Yet, your daily chart raises intense emotions, and puts the focus firmly on home affairs and family relationships. Tackle domestic issues and it looks as if other blockages will then begin to shift. " "25-05-2021";"VIRGO";" You're coming to the end of a six-month period of planetary stress. It's been slightly different for each one of you, for no Virgo is exactly the same as any other. That's obvious! But what you share is your tendency to worry about nothing - but that's about to change. You'll soon wonder what you were ever concerned about! " "25-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's time to move on. You may have got the feeling that life would never change, that the same people would be around for ever, or that the future was set in stone. If so, you forgot the fundamental law of the astrological universe - that all things must pass. And that's precisely why you can now make a fresh start. " "25-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" You're in a strong position today. Sure, you could be a little emotional but, as long as you direct your feelings in a positive direction, you'll be able to spread your share of love and light. Funnily enough, today's planets also favour everyone messing about on boats. " "25-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You're bound to be slightly uncertain, but then I think that's precisely why you're in such a powerful position; inconsistency can be a virtue! You'll be able to make the most of mysterious developments, especially ones which come loaded with deep significance and symbolic meaning! Don't rush it, though. " "25-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your social stars are highlighted, but it could be family members who make the best friends. Don't forget those friends who actually feel like they're part of the family! Watch out for floating legal problems or moral minefields, as the last thing you want now is to be embroiled in a messy dispute. Keep your nose clean! " "25-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Professional Aquarians should be on good form. Astrologers often talk about your idealism, but they rarely mention that your work, or community activities, provide one of the most powerful areas for you to do your bit to make a better world and heal the wounds which divide people. But that is what is noticeable about your chart at the moment. " "24-05-2021";"ARIES";" There could be an air of expectation all week, largely due to your lunar alignments. This generates a sense that while life is good, you never know what is around the next corner. Quite right, too. And that's why you must be on your guard. You're also in quite an inventive frame of mind, by the way, so look for imaginative solutions to old problems. " "24-05-2021";"TAURUS";" The Moon's position has to be watched for most daily ups and downs, and today's patterns are curious ones. It's as if the mood of the times suits you but the circumstances might not. So, if you feel slightly short-changed, it could be because you're not making the most of a mixed day. You can always just pause for breath and wait till you catch up with yourself. " "24-05-2021";"GEMINI";" There's an increasing sense of tension, perhaps passion. But are you comfortable with this? I suspect not. Not that is, unless you devote yourself to worthy causes and selfless duties. The downside is that you could expose yourself to exploitation so, rather than become a doormat, why not pick and choose the people you're prepared to help? " "24-05-2021";"CANCER";" You're such a sensitive soul that it's always pleasant when you think that you're getting the support you feel you need. Which means that people you love are on your side for a change - which is not always the way that it seems! You're still keeping some of your plans to yourself - and why not? " "24-05-2021";"LEO";" You may be in a strange state, quite happy to say what you think on the one hand, but not to reveal your true feelings on the other. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you're not confident enough in your emotions to be able to talk about them yet. And, if that's the case, all you can do is wait until the time and place - and the people - are right. " "24-05-2021";"VIRGO";" There is a great deal to be said for standing your ground. But, I'm not sure if it's enough. There's an old eastern proverb that the branch which bends in the wind stays on the tree. That's a way of saying that, in a week of change, complete flexibility is probably your best option. " "24-05-2021";"LIBRA";" The surface may be calm, but in the astrological universe there's a great deal bubbling underneath - and it's all about to burst through. In straight, practical terms, your energy is soon to increase, but you'll also be growing more impatient and eager to push your plans into effect - at any cost. " "24-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" If we look over the next week, then it seems that the changes you experience will be indirect, by which I mean that they could come via other people, or in ways you didn't expect. In either case, the next month could be a time of mystery. The truth could lie in your intuition and imagination - tempered with real facts, of course. " "24-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" There's a time to move - and a time to stand still. And this, I'd say, is a time to stand still. As is tomorrow and the day after. Yet by the end of the week you'll be moving fast. That is the planetary prognosis. Now all you have to do is arrange your daily diary to fit in with the celestial formations. " "24-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Partners are in a generally supportive frame of mind. But then that's only as much as you'd expect. But it is a situation you can encourage by praising, boosting, flattering and helping them. In other words, don't wait for them to come to you; it's you who has to make the first move. Looking ahead, your professional stars are about to expose new, untested ambitions. " "24-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You could be taking on fresh responsibilities, mainly emotional ones. Even at work a new task could have a sense of personal, almost parental, commitment about it. There's also a vague spot of financial confusion around, but you'll be tempted to give money to worthwhile causes - and that can only do you good. " "23-05-2021";"ARIES";" It's time to climb to the highest heights. Over the next two weeks you'll be presented with an opportunity to achieve a life-long goal. It may be that you're after the top job, but the perfect love is also on offer. But what's more likely is that you'll pursue some purely private interest. " "23-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You're certainly on a winning ticket, but that doesn't mean that life will all be plain sailing. Rather, you should take all challenges in your stride, relishing the opportunity to stretch yourself and gain new experience. And, if you're planning a holiday, go for adventure. " "23-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You're about to discover hidden business talents. You may not be a budding billionaire but your high-flying ideas could soon earn you a quick buck. Geminian lovers will be concerned about the cost of romance. There may even be an emotional price to pay, so keep a careful account! " "23-05-2021";"CANCER";" If partners are a mite overwhelming this week don't even think about fighting back. Once the emotional missiles start to fly, you should stay out of the way. And, even if loved ones don't succeed by brute force, they'll win you over through charm and flattery. " "23-05-2021";"LEO";" You weren't really born to be a slave, so what on earth are you doing now? It's one thing to work hard, to serve your fellow human beings and make the world a better place, quite another to allow yourself to be exploited. Stop being such a doormat! " "23-05-2021";"VIRGO";" If you're having fun, try to spin it out for as long as you can. And, if you're at work, up to your eyes in routine chores and boring commitments, lighten your load by introducing as many creative ideas as you can. Your favourite social activities should be traditional, so aim for a thoroughly conventional evening out. " "23-05-2021";"LIBRA";" You'll have to make some finely-balanced choices. If you should feel that your personal security is being threatened, don't panic. It's time for wide-ranging improvements at home and, if you refuse to bow to the pressure for change, you're bound to feel a little uncertain. " "23-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Think long and hard and don't let anyone push you into a corner. You have to take your own decisions in your own time, regardless of partners' habits and opinions. This is an ideal moment, by the way, for job interviews. Aim for the best and you'll surpass all previous expectations. " "23-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You're great on the theory but not so hot on the practice! Why do you keep falling into the same old financial trap? You've been through muddle, extravagance and deception often enough in the past not to want to experience more of the same now. All will be well if you are completely honest and open with loved ones and colleagues. " "23-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Take a deep breath. You're now approaching a major crossroads and your personal affairs may never be the same again. No matter which way you turn, you're faced with the chance to change, so no ducking out at the last moment. All you need is confidence - and a little courage! " "23-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Tread ever so carefully and don't get tangled up in too many plots or conspiracies. If you're fond of gossip you'll have a fabulous week, but do be warned that any rumours could rebound on you. If you get more deeply involved in a charitable enterprise, you'll find that helping people can be fun. " "22-05-2021";"ARIES";" You have a great deal to say for yourself, and now is the time to say it. Even though the tone of the times is definitely impatient, you may begin to slow the pace in various practical projects, and even change your mind over long-term plans, and all without offending partners! " "22-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Your stars really are looking quite marvellously profitable, and not a little extravagant. It scarcely matters whether you devote your day to saving or shopping, just as long as you gain a sense of satisfaction - and the feeling of a good day well spent. " "22-05-2021";"GEMINI";" The Sun aligns with your chart in a sensitive formation which brings passion and, with it, peace - but only for a while. This is an ideal moment to make friends and fall in love, so hopefully the day-to-day world can be put on hold! But you will have to make the running, otherwise opportunities will slip by unnoticed. " "22-05-2021";"CANCER";" This could be quite a busy time, which means that even when relaxing you'll remain active. Hopefully, once routine chores have been dealt with, you will have enough energy left over for a favourite interest: you know you have it in you to achieve great things. " "22-05-2021";"LEO";" Your social stars have been strong lately, and today they achieve yet another of their periodic perfect alignments. A hint of fantasy or mystery will now add spice to romantic liaisons. But what you really need is variety - and a sense that new options are opening up. " "22-05-2021";"VIRGO";" If your professional hopes are high, there is no better day than today for building contacts and getting in touch. In fact, you need to move forward on all fronts whether your ambitions are personal or professional. Circumstances may stand in your way, in which case concentrate on any community or voluntary activities. " "22-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Your romantic hopes will soon span the globe. This could mean that you love all humanity, or that the person dear to you is far away. It could also mean that there is a great distance between you and someone close to your heart, a distance which needs to be spanned now. " "22-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Simple cash issues, such as how much you've got in your purse, determine what you can and can't get away with today. This is an extraordinarily positive moment for teaming up with partners in projects which combine business with pleasure. In short, the thing you want might be the thing you need! " "22-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You may be feeling a little more emotional than usual, but that's good if it helps you bring out your caring and compassionate qualities, breaking down a few personal barriers in the process. Please don't be too sensitive to criticism though - it might be good for you! " "22-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You will be keeping yourself to yourself today, and even when you're in company there'll be much going on in your head and in your heart that other people can only guess at. You may even consider cancelling at least one engagement - but you don't want to let someone down, either. " "22-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You may like to seek solace and support in the arms of your friends after what, by all accounts, has been a fairly important time in your life. Even in imperceptible ways, trivial events over the past fortnight have changed the future irrevocably. You'll find out how in good time. " "21-05-2021";"ARIES";" Something is not quite right in your business or financial life, but losses or mysteries are temporary. The best advice in this, and similar matters, is never to jump to conclusions, but always to go back and check that you have got your facts straight. " "21-05-2021";"TAURUS";" From your current planetary picture it is clear that there are genuine and well-founded hopes of an increase in earnings, probably as a result of a great deal of thankless effort you put in the past. Don't expect the heavens to open and shower you with good luck. The world doesn't work like that, so make your own fabulous fortune! " "21-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You must keep other people sweet, for you never know when you might need them. Actually, social confidence should be one of your gifts at the moment and it is also exactly what partners require, for if they are to be truthful they will admit that they've not been as happy as they could have been. " "21-05-2021";"CANCER";" Feelings are funny things - as you know only too well. There are certain times of the month when you should feel free to be overwhelmed by emotion without explaining yourself or justifying your actions. This is one such moment. If partners do demand reasons, answer them in riddles! " "21-05-2021";"LEO";" Your personal affairs should be more important than professional commitments. Even if you are absolutely forced to go to work or clear up after other people, you should see to it that life reflects what you want rather than what society dictates - within reason, of course! " "21-05-2021";"VIRGO";" This is one of those days when you might well receive significant news from the past. Some people think it is bad to have one's opinions and actions shaped by what happened long ago, but right now this is probably necessary. After all, the past is ever present! " "21-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Self-confidence is your most important quality at the moment. Any bright idea at work is likely to bring the money rolling in, probably in quite unexpected ways, any time over the next three months. It's difficult to make firm plans, but that's as true for partners as for you. " "21-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Conflicts, criticism and pressures at work or in public matters will soon ease, but only after there have been several other major developments. What seems to be exceptionally powerful at the moment is a sense that cash rewards are more important than gratitude. Oh, and an employer should put their money where their mouth is! " "21-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" If it pleases you, keep something very important to yourself. There is no reason at all why you shouldn't have your secrets. In love you should still allow partners to take the initiative, partly because it really looks as if they have some of the best ideas. " "21-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You won't lose face now if you seek support over private affairs. In fact, you should be relieved when partners show themselves capable of looking at the facts, rather than taking a personal and emotional stand. You see, your feelings might make sense to you, but not to others. " "21-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Have a last emotional stab at a particular professional venture. If you're involved in a community enterprise, you must realise that others will not share your beliefs. In love, enjoy any opportunity to be thoroughly sloppy and sentimental - and to indulge your desires. " "19-05-2021";"ARIES";" In personal relationships the physical dimension will be important, and in business it will be the cash account that matters. You should think very carefully about how social activities may impinge on professional work and public duties, and vice versa. " "19-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You should take any delays or frustrations in your stride, for today is one of those moments when it's best to carry on with the job in hand without expecting marvellous results or a dramatic leap into the unknown. You'll get your reward - but perhaps not yet. " "19-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Your stars look profitable and prosperous, so you'll very soon be coming up with a whole series of ideas on how to make some spare cash. That's stage one. Stage two, which is much more difficult, is to work out how you're going to put the theory into practice. " "19-05-2021";"CANCER";" There are still one or two things you should keep to yourself, and your views on an emotional matter should go unspoken for a little while longer. However where once you found it so awkward to express yourself, you will soon have no difficulty. " "19-05-2021";"LEO";" You are by your nature often far too open and honest, sometimes for your own good. Yet for the next fortnight at least you will be keeping certain truths to yourself. There is nothing wrong with secrets just as long as you have absolutely no intention to mislead. " "19-05-2021";"VIRGO";" You should balance the books - the emotional ones as well as the financial! It now looks as if an account has to be settled and a debt repaid before personal relationships can take a further step. It may be that you need not cash rewards, but acknowledgement for all your efforts. " "19-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Perfection is in the air, and you may enjoy any ray of light and every glimmer of hope which comes your way. If you should touch the clouds, however, do remember that the only thing which is permanent is change. You don't want to come down to earth with too much of a bump! " "19-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Business and work planets are ideally poised to bring rewards, albeit slight ones, for all the hard effort you've put in. If somebody you trust makes a suitable offer then you may now take it, rather than waiting for something much better to come along. " "19-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" In no circumstances should you try to turn the clock back. It can be tempting to imagine that the past was preferable to the present, even for you, but do understand now that the future looks bright. You may expand your social circle and make new friends. " "19-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You should set the wheels in motion and get personal initiatives under way. You may also have to pay extra attention to partners' ideas over the next two to four weeks, and you can now set the pace by extending invitations to like-minded friends and colleagues. " "19-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There are certain periods in the year when the planets send out powerful messages, indicating that you are at a turning-point. This is one such time, which means that all decisions should be made with great care, for you may not be able to change them later on. " "18-05-2021";"ARIES";": You will have to listen very carefully to both criticism and advice. The point is that people who are trying to help you out will know what needs to be said, but perhaps not how to say it. Don't let the so-called facts get in the way - if only because they might be the wrong ones! " "18-05-2021";"TAURUS";" It will pay to keep your distance and accept that there is a price to pay for personal intimacy. The Moon will soon be in a helpful place, so you may easily reduce the emotional temperature and enjoy yourself at the same time. And if somebody is keeping a secret, it might be for a very good reason. " "18-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Once you have come to terms with enforced changes you should begin to see how to improve your bargaining position. From today you'll realise how a financial situation can be handled so much better. For a start, you can take control of circumstances rather than waiting for favourable conditions to turn up. " "18-05-2021";"CANCER";" All your planning and hard work may come to nothing if you fail to keep partners informed: if they don't know what's going on, you can't blame them for putting a spanner in the works. You'll very soon move happily into a much more communicative phase. " "18-05-2021";"LEO";" You should be able to make up your mind at last. In fact, I'd say that you must take certain decisions now, especially if they affect your long-term security. There are indications that, whichever way you jump, the results will be to your liking. And that can't be bad! " "18-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Circumstances beyond your control are likely to alter much that you have come to take for granted, starting with financial plans and agreements. You may give all the time that is needed to talking about your needs at home, especially your desire for domestic security. " "18-05-2021";"LIBRA";" The coming period brings planetary alignments that are well-nigh perfect. If ever you were in a position to make that final leap into a state of perpetual harmony, this is it. Make sure your feet don't leave the ground, though. In other words, keep going! " "18-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" You are quite happy in the knowledge that you don't know what's going on. That's good, for you should not be troubled by the sort of little uncertainties that could be a feature of your life at the moment. You need to let other people shine, by the way, so stand back and give credit where it's due. " "18-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" If nobody has been willing to share your burdens in the past, have another go at soliciting support today. You may find friends in such a good mood that you can catch them off guard and lure them into uncharacteristic commitments. Whether that's good for the future or not is an open question! " "18-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There are a number of hurdles yet to be overcome, one of which is self-doubt. Believe in yourself and the whole world will believe in you, too! At least, partners will give you a lot more credit for your better ideas. When you take a second look, an apparent obstacle might actually be a major advantage. " "18-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You're on a major cycle which deals with emerging maturity and wisdom, and today and tomorrow you're hitting a critical point along the way. This could be a moment to pause for self-congratulation, but also to plan the fundamental direction of your life over the coming years. " "17-05-2021";"ARIES";" You still have a fair amount of energy, and you mustn't waste time if you have important matters to complete. By next week your stars will be more relaxed, which could be a relief but also indicates that it might be somewhat less easy to achieve your aims. " "17-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Seen from one angle your stars present you as being on the winning side and not likely to be deceived or exploited. The essential message, though, is that you can turn all available circumstances to good advantage if you throw yourself into idealistic endeavours, forgetting self-interest and trusting in the future. " "17-05-2021";"GEMINI";" The weight of celestial patterns is still on your side, enabling you to swing almost any development to your benefit. At home, it's all a question of being businesslike, and insisting that people obey the rules, watch the clock and do what they're told. " "17-05-2021";"CANCER";" You can keep a secret, but only for a little while longer. Today's stars tell a double story; urging you to talk to partners, but advising you to hold your tongue when it comes to certain delicate matters. The last thing you want to do now is cause offence. " "17-05-2021";"LEO";" The business of day-to-day survival looms large, and it is to those little but necessary things that you must turn your attention. No item should be considered too small or too dull to warrant your best efforts. And don't imagine that it's OK to leave routine matters to others just because they're boring. " "17-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Happily, lunar alignments are infusing and enthusing the region of the zodiac occupied by your sign. The consequence is that you could be rather more sensitive than usual, but also increasingly able to appreciate emotional improvements. And if you feel better, so should the people you love. " "17-05-2021";"LIBRA";" You would be wise to keep yourself to yourself today, at least when you sense that irrational opposition is looming. There may be a family mystery to solve, but it seems unlikely that answers will be available before tomorrow, so you should be patient. " "17-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" There is much to be said for teamwork today, so make an effort to co-operate, and don't even think about going it alone. If you're still recovering from a trauma at work or a rejection at home, you will probably have forgotten all about it by next week. " "17-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" No amount of argument must prevent you from forging ahead with major alterations in your personal life. Partners' advice, while well-intentioned, often seems to miss the point, so make your own decisions today. Mind you, you'll have to accept responsibility if your plans don't work out. " "17-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There seems to be a powerful indication of long-distance contacts today, perhaps associated with family connections. You may actually be dreaming of life in distant parts. It would be nice to escape, if only for a while. Why not see if it can be arranged? " "17-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The general planetary indications are positive, but the upside is that you'll be given a chance to make firm constructive progress, and then to sort out a hundred and one practical details and irritations. Other people will accept your plans - but only if you give them good reason. " "16-05-2021";"ARIES";" A new and refreshing period is due to begin under celestial configurations which are considerably easier than they have been for some time. Your personal resolutions should be low-key, flexible and positive. What's best is that a romantic goal now lies within your reach - at long last! " "16-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Everything is pulling you away from purely private issues towards questions involving other people and far away places. Sensible Taureans will enter a positive new personal phase with a good long holiday - or whatever break you can manage. Even just a day off would help! " "16-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Let partners take the lead as you glide across the dance floor of life. You'll be doing the quickstep as, deep down, you realise that there's no time to waste. Harmonise with the celestial spheres as only you can. Also, everything that happens can be considered a learning experience. " "16-05-2021";"CANCER";" Partners have always treated you as if you were much tougher than you really are. You can start the next period of your life by showing them the depths of your vulnerability. This in itself requires a great deal of courage. If anyone has the advantage it is probably you, so use your talents wisely. " "16-05-2021";"LEO";" It's a busy start to a bright period, but then Leos are usually able to make the most of even unpromising circumstances. However, it looks very much as if a pleasant surprise is on the way, partly thanks to the lively presence of Mercury and Mars in encouraging regions of your solar chart. " "16-05-2021";"VIRGO";" The great news is that everything good will centre on the home. There will be a lot going on, ninety percent of it to your liking. As for the other ten percent - well, perhaps you can just look the other way. One thing is certain, which is that you can't afford to let the initiative slip from your hands. " "16-05-2021";"LIBRA";" The most active stars are in a curious and inquisitive region of your chart. Your mind is alive with new ideas and revelations. Take time to think through your plans in greater detail and give yourself time to get them right. If other people have things on their mind, please offer whatever advice you can. " "16-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" An intriguing personal period will finally come to an end this week and you'll begin to count the cost, emotional and otherwise. You'll also think about where you go from here, and who you want to be with. Businesslike Scorpios will launch themselves into the coming period with no backward glance. " "16-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The combination of Mercury, Venus and Mars will catapult you into the next phase of your life with a degree of enthusiasm remarkable even for a Sagittarian. Even social and romantic expenses won't dull your ardour. However far you have forced other people, they can still fight back, so take care. " "16-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Even people who have been doubting your skills and talents will soon be forced to eat their words. Yet, just for now, you'll be keeping them in suspense: let partners sweat a little while longer. There is a great deal going on behind the scenes, and even the odd mystery or two! " "16-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You have never been one to take too much for granted, and now it is your down-to-earth realism which lies at the foundations of what should be not just a successful week but an outstanding year. Your social stars are strong and growing stronger, so fall in love, have fun and make new friends. " "15-05-2021";"ARIES";" Although the weekend looks relatively relaxed, you can never forget that you're an Aries. The long-term outlook is stormy, and recent disputes could soon come to a point of no return. It is time to face up to the truth on a number of personal issues, and do what you can to recreate a more harmonious situation. " "15-05-2021";"TAURUS";" The current energetic planetary conditions may be to your liking, but in reality you're ready to enter a less stressful phase of existence. Whether this will come to pass or not is another matter and, as the weeks pass, the range of options open to you will increase. " "15-05-2021";"GEMINI";" As there's an emotional Moon shining today, it's unlikely you'll have any real chance to relax. It's much better to keep on the go, but try to maintain your sense of self-preservation and avoid needless risks. Watch out if you're handling cash - you could be dreaming of great riches but about to make a blunder! " "15-05-2021";"CANCER";" Tense planetary alignments could work to your advantage if only you are able to concentrate your efforts. If you ignore routine interests now, you may find that next week's plans unravel. The best advice, therefore, is to do the minimum necessary to keep your life ticking over - and spare time for a little fun. " "15-05-2021";"LEO";" When the Moon supports your sign, as happens today, you tend to feel that the world is on your side. You'll find that a more open and flexible approach will deal with most routine problems. Even if you travel for pleasure, the results could be a shift of direction in a major long-term ambition. " "15-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Today's stars will bring a boost to your energy, but only if you're in a receptive mood. Personal relationships require careful handling and you might have to put someone else's interests first, at least for today. Your financial sense is more shrewd than ever, so you are in an excellent position to pick up a bargain. " "15-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's been a week of uncertainty at work in spite of your undoubted achievements, and you're in need of a rest. However, domestic chores require attention and partners will keep you on the go. Yet, for once, you know best. If partners don't realise this, that's their problem! " "15-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Today's stars continue unsettling trends, but only in a mild sense. Actually, you can enjoy the fact that the future is up for grabs. Yet you must never give way to complacency, otherwise you'll lose control. The moment you relax, there'll be a minor crisis to cope with. " "15-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Domestically, you may get the feeling that everything is working against you. However, you'll be surprised how soon partners come round to your way of thinking, with a little tact and sweet talk. Children and younger relations need a steadying hand, and you're just the person to provide it. " "15-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Restless conditions are bound to affect every area of your life, and you're not in an ideal position to withstand disturbances to your routine. Make the most of every positive opportunity and try to see the present time as an excellent opportunity to deal with long-standing irritations. " "15-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Money matters should be treated delicately, as mistakes could be costly. If you're concerned about a particular transaction, there's much to be gained from seeking a second, more experienced, opinion. An emotional relationship could be hard work but every extra effort will be worth it. " "14-05-2021";"ARIES";" Confrontations at home will have a useful purpose if they help clear the air. In this sense an approaching clash with someone you live with is to be welcomed. However, you must remember that once you've made the peace, you'll have to keep it! " "14-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Venus, your planetary ruler, has been instilling a greater than usual sense of practical necessity into your affairs, yet as soon as you have settled one problem, another will arise. Hopefully, there's been a corresponding increase in your self-confidence, and every difficulty will be turned to your advantage. " "14-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Current stars could lead you in a number of directions although, in the build-up towards the next colourful, lunar picture, you will decide to drop or rearrange a number of commitments. How about indulging your charitable instincts? At home, listen to younger relations. They might have the best advice! " "14-05-2021";"CANCER";" Get ready for a battle at work and take no nonsense from employers who think they have a hold over you. On the other hand, if you want to hang on to your present position, be firm and fair and don't let a clash of wills get out of control. " "14-05-2021";"LEO";" You have two choices: either you can press on with worldly ambitions, or you can develop the mystical interests which have always attracted you. There's an outside chance that you can combine the two. A cash crisis should now lie in the past, leaving you free to rearrange affairs to your advantage. " "14-05-2021";"VIRGO";" If your thoughts turn to money matters today, then all well and good. The more prepared you are, the better you'll be able to cope with any minor business crisis over the coming few days. Socially, your stars couldn't be better, although you're in danger of double-booking yourself. " "14-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's make or break time in a professional relationship, and conditions at work may not be entirely to your liking. There's every reason to reach agreement on all issues as soon as possible, before partners or colleagues have time to change their minds. " "14-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Secret fears may hold you back over the coming days, even though your worries are almost certainly groundless. If you acknowledge your lack of confidence and discuss the issues involved with partners, you'll do yourself a favour. Continue to press forward with travel plans. " "14-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Mars has been pressurising your eighth solar house, the part of your horoscope ruling financial speculation. The promised turnaround in your business situation may have failed to materialise, perhaps because the truth is that the situation is more complicated than you first thought. " "14-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There's no point in going it alone over the coming month, even though partners will be impossibly demanding at times. Make a stupendous effort to make sure everyone is happy with your behaviour and wait for the awards and rewards to roll in about three months' time. " "14-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There'll be a chance to set the record straight, especially if a partnership has been causing you dissatisfaction. Your important task is to concentrate on what is best for the future, and that means facing up to a few tricky decisions. And about time too! " "13-05-2021";"ARIES";" The course of domestic affairs will be all too easily coloured by misunderstandings, misplaced idealism and imaginary problems. Don't take confusing mishaps too seriously, otherwise you'll never find your way out of a current tangle. " "13-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You'll soon be into a fresh personal phase, and there's stimulation to be expected from prospective new activities. If you refuse to develop your creative skills in whatever area they are needed, you'll be the loser. It's also a great moment to apply for a new job. " "13-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You're still being washed around by the waters of fate - or at least by the aftermath of recent lunar patterns! Extravagance or carelessness in a financial matter could have repercussions for future security. The message is to take additional precautions, check guarantees and examine the small print with great care. " "13-05-2021";"CANCER";" Something may have happened to unsettle you in recent days. Possibly someone has let you down at work, but that's no reason to give up a plan that's very worthwhile, whether other people support it or not. You'll do best to stick to the facts and ignore all rumours. " "13-05-2021";"LEO";" Skeletons may be rattling in your cupboard this week, but then there's nothing new in that. If you are beginning to feel that it's time to simplify your life, giving up a number of commitments, you could be right. And please keep the lid on exploding expenses. " "13-05-2021";"VIRGO";" The last thing you want to do today is get involved in routine money matters. It's much more useful, and far more enjoyable, to spend some of your gains and plot extravagant schemes for future earnings. If a partner is still upset, give them a few days to get over it. " "13-05-2021";"LIBRA";" A suspicion will prove unfounded, although a family mystery may not be cleared up for another three weeks. On balance, good news is more likely than bad but, in any event, you'll be pushed back on your own resources. The problem just now is that it's not clear whether circumstances are on your side or not. " "13-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Friends from abroad are on your mind and you'll be highly motivated to get in touch with distant relatives. There may be some quite reasonable financial motive behind your actions, but partners will need persuading. Family affairs must be tidied up. " "13-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" For someone who is supposed to have a good head for facts, it's actually quite important to rely on your intuition when planning professional moves. You're also much more sensitive than usual to colleagues' interests - saintly and selfless, some might say! " "13-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The general mood of the moment is romantic in the broadest sense. This means that you should feel there's far more scope than usual to express your compassionate, caring qualities. Wait for partners to take the initiative and consider offers you'd once have turned down. " "13-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Career ambitions will tend to take precedence over family priorities, even if it's a partner's work, not yours, that is forcing the pace. There's no point in being overly idealistic, as you'll only misunderstand people's true potential. And why not give rivals the benefit of the doubt? At least for now! " "12-05-2021";"ARIES";" Behind the scenes, quiet diplomacy could have favourable consequences. It may be time to reveal unknown aspects of your recent behaviour and stun unsuspecting colleagues with your better qualities. If you are shifting your professional direction, how about considering something in the charitable line? " "12-05-2021";"TAURUS";" A major plan is coming to fruition and, assuming you've gained partners' approval, you can look forward to the future with a fair degree of optimism. Your old-fashioned attitudes will charm your friends and could open the door to a new romance - or help you revive a flagging relationship. " "12-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Your most important objectives will become clearer from now on, despite the threat of a silly confrontation this morning. Come to firm decisions based on an accurate appraisal of all the facts, and continue to keep a close eye on your finances. " "12-05-2021";"CANCER";" Social indications remain promising and casual contacts may have helpful consequences on your professional life or family arrangements. However, you must guard against today's overall risk of muddle and confusion - the Full Moon is broadly supportive but it is still too easy to give in to complacency. " "12-05-2021";"LEO";" If you've been pondering secret plans, it will soon be time to take the initiative and make these public. The moment for open action has not yet arrived, however, and discretion may still be the best course. You will gain from joint investments, but you do need to see that they are absolutely and totally guaranteed. " "12-05-2021";"VIRGO";" The Moon supports your sign, presenting you with a number of emotional challenges, most of them profoundly positive. You may be called away from home quite soon. If so, the cause is more likely to be the fulfilment of some deeply- held, long-term ambition, rather than routine concerns. In any event, the tide is flowing your way. " "12-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Mercury is now sufficiently at home in your chart to be feeding you some of the best ideas and plans around. By all means work hard at promoting yourself and raising your profile at work or in social activities, but this is not the time to expect final decisions. Instead, you should attempt to extend your range of operations. " "12-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" There's a distinct mood of uncertainty today, although you may be unaware that anything strange is afoot until you try to firm up agreements or commit associates to arrangements. The fact that the Moon aligns with emotional zones in your chart might encourage you to embark on a romantic adventure. Don't expect too much, too soon. " "12-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The Moon shows the way ahead and whatever you do today will bring a massive pay-off sooner than you think. In the meantime, your social commitments are at least partially responsible for steadily mounting expenses, and that's precisely why it's within your power to reduce your overheads. Mild scepticism will help you deal with hare-brained schemes. " "12-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Today's sensitive planetary pattern resonates nicely with your own horoscope, although you might misunderstand friends' intentions or behaviour. Keep a sense of realism well to the fore and remember that impulsive decisions may make sense today but will seem foolish by next week. " "12-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Your tendency to hang on to the past is now a potent force in your life, even if you still believe yourself to be a forward-looking go-getter. You must try to be flexible in all matters requiring agreement with colleagues - especially if money is involved. " "11-05-2021";"ARIES";" This is an ideal time to seriously think about implementing a number of long-term reforms in your private life. As usual, it's essential for your success that you involve partners in your plans, combining business with pleasure and perhaps organising a family gathering. " "11-05-2021";"TAURUS";" A delicate relationship between Mercury and Venus will help you clear up a complex personal tangle. Friends will be able to appeal to your better nature and you'll be willing to listen to reason. Take extreme care where legal matters are involved and avoid any temptation to bend the rules. " "11-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Important decisions on domestic reorganisation should be settled by now. At least, you should have more idea of where recent developments are taking you. Bear in mind that imagination and intuition will be more use to you than supposedly rational argument. " "11-05-2021";"CANCER";" While Venus and Mars are so active, you'll come out on top every time. Certain professional pressures may have apparently eased up, but if you've been placing too much emphasis on work commitments at the expense of home affairs - or vice versa - correct the imbalance before someone accuses you of letting them down. " "11-05-2021";"LEO";" The Moon's subtle association with your sign boosts your closest relationships but does give partners the last word. If you feel restless today then be sure to channel your energy more effectively, and don't let uncertainty at home have a debilitating effect on the more important areas of your life. " "11-05-2021";"VIRGO";" It's a busy moment, and you're bound to feel a little over-worked, but then, the more you achieve now, the less you'll have on your plate later in the week. Pay heed to any warning signals that point to an uncontrolled increase in your expenses, probably backed up by little more than the hope that your income will increase accordingly. Don't over-reach yourself. " "11-05-2021";"LIBRA";" The Sun continues its smooth and helpful passage through beneficial regions of your chart, but there's a slight problem on the horizon associated with a nagging doubt or a spot of confusion. Close attention to the facts of the situation will keep you on the straight and narrow. " "11-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" It's inevitable that you'll be involved in routine matters, tedious as they sometimes are, yet don't let this blind you to today's deeper potential. There's great scope for you to put your talents at other people's disposal. Later in the day your mind will start to buzz, and you could come up with a dramatic answer to an old question. " "11-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The time is soon approaching to consider the broader implications of your current personal plans, particularly financial schemes. It will be necessary to collect all the information you need on the legal situation before next month. Your emotional life looks expensive, but you must first decide whether a particular person deserves your generosity. " "11-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" On the whole, you'll do better now and over the next month or two if you see yourself as part of a team rather than a solitary adventurer. There'll be a number of occasions when you'll need moral support but today you could probably do with financial backing; there is now a very high chance of an increase in your income. " "11-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" When the Moon assists your sign, as it does today, it heightens your emotional sensitivity, making you feel that the odds are stacked against you. So this might not be the best day to sort out contentious emotional issues - or to get involved in trivial arguments. If you're changing jobs, steer clear of potential muddles. " "10-05-2021";"ARIES";" Any tension in your partnerships could be a dynamic force for change over the coming weeks. This is a time to mix as widely as possible and soak up influences you'd normally shun. You're also likely to make big advances in your business plans. " "10-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Your romantic stars are powerful and growing more so by the day, but partners may have the edge when it comes to a battle of wills. You may soon be obliged to accept an unhelpful situation as a fait accompli. Wait till next week for the tables to turn. " "10-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Your preoccupation with financial affairs looks certain to recur on several occasions over the next year, so the more attention you pay to any irregularities now, the less time you'll need to devote to them later on. Fortunately, today's support from the Moon eases the way at home. " "10-05-2021";"CANCER";" This is the week to complete all those tasks that must be finished before you can embark on the next stage of your plans. Something that is unclear about home arrangements may cause you to rearrange your schedule, but with Venus and Mars both offering you unqualified support you are on safe ground. " "10-05-2021";"LEO";" You'll press ahead with domestic improvements, allowing time for other obligations where necessary. Family relationships will benefit from the same care you apply to your own special interests, although a domestic mystery is still provoking niggling suspicions. " "10-05-2021";"VIRGO";" The planetary accent is on pleasure over the coming days, and the best way to personal fulfilment is through devoting extra time to your creative Virgoan skills. Ideally, you should now be on holiday rather than at work. Also, if you get a chance, turn the clock back. " "10-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Try asking yourself whether all your recent actions have been for the best. In general you're heading in the right direction, but a little extra care now will prevent difficulties in the future. You are bound to feel put upon, but perhaps the message is to stand up for yourself next time! " "10-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" By now Mercury is sufficiently entrenched in your house of dreams to have raised your morale and brought the hope of significant financial improvements. Be aware, though, that it's up to you to create the right conditions for success. A domestic revolution will soon be considered - but postponed. " "10-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The obstacles which blocked your progress in the past should have been firmly dealt with some time ago. If you are still subject to unfair delays, it's possible you're doing something wrong. Do yourself a favour and learn new skills, including extra social graces. " "10-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The high pressure of recent weeks is beginning to ease up. Hopefully you can look back on your achievements with pride. Even if there's been little tangible gain, you've grown in wisdom and experience. You could make a financial killing today, but only if the rules are changed. " "10-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) Look upon today's events as a chance to prove your worth when it comes to hard work. Don't shirk responsibility and you'll prove that all those people who have ever accused you of being lazy and self-interested were completely wrong. By midweek you will have seized the moral high ground, much to partners' annoyance. " "09-05-2021";"ARIES";" You are entering a fascinating phase. Your task, for nothing in astrology comes free from responsibility, is to acknowledge your emotional power, understand its source deep within your unconscious, and use it wisely. At such times, there is little to be gained from confronting other people. " "09-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You are probably now acting in defiance of your Taurean character by being far more lively than usual. Your travel prospects at present are really quite remarkable and it does seem that adherence to a strict daily routine can only lead to frustration. " "09-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You will be supported by the fact that Mercury, your sparkling planetary ruler, is in a helpful region, but could also be encouraging you to confuse your thoughts with your feelings. It may be that you will take decisions based on your desires, and prioritise your needs according to the facts. " "09-05-2021";"CANCER";" Your major asset at the present time is self-confidence and it is the power of positive thought which will prove your greatest ally. Push ahead with domestic plans and don't be put off by difficult partners. By the way, you should perform impressively in professional relationships. " "09-05-2021";"LEO";" It's time to put on your thinking cap. You may reflect on your life so far and consider carefully just what your next step should be. Also, develop those discreet mystical or spiritual interests which have so far been pushed to one side by the pressures to conform to a particular lifestyle. " "09-05-2021";"VIRGO";" As a result of the fact that both the Sun and the Moon are providing helpful alignments, we may make a confident forecast of increasing prosperity over the next year. As more money comes your way, your fears over your lack of security will be appeased. " "09-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Emotionally, this is a period during which you must continue the process you should already have begun, questioning all that is fundamental to your existence. Revise every assumption that you have ever held about relationships in general, as well as about one or two special individuals in particular. " "09-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" In private, intimate and emotional situations, such as are developing now, the price you have to pay is always balanced by eventual rewards, yet these may come in a form which is at first difficult to recognise. You must therefore rely on your instincts, and ease yourself forward very carefully. " "09-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Your future is intimately tied to that of your friends and colleagues. After all, none of us is an island, which means, if you go it alone, you'll miss out on all that vital support and forget essential details. But if you get other people on your side then they'll be protecting you against failure. " "09-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Some of you have by now got the idea that you are in a long-term pattern of change and that you must surrender your normal Capricornian resistance to upheaval. Those of you who have not learnt this simple lesson must do so now if you are to make the most of your extraordinary opportunities for growth. " "09-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The fact that this month's major Sun-Moon alignments are profoundly practical - in the sense that it actually encourages you to get things done - can only do you good. All aspects of your life, including your intimate personal relationships, will benefit. " "10-05-2021";"ARIES";" Physical passions are raised, financial fears are stirred, and you may wonder just what you are supposed to do. One way out of an impasse is to be thoroughly saintly and hang on to spiritual truths - without being pompous, of course! When you begin to see the world through different eyes then all those old problems may just disappear. " "10-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Lock horns with other people if you must, but realise that there are a number of escape routes. Legal guarantees could give satisfaction, for example, as could some sort of journey or long-distance adventure. You should stick to a high moral tone, though. " "10-05-2021";"GEMINI";" A spot of hard work never did anyone any harm, and seeing as it looks as if partners' interests must come first, it may be that you have to provide valuable support to others. You may even be out rattling the collection tin! But you've got to give people a very good reason as to why they should support you. " "10-05-2021";"CANCER";" It's all too easy to look on the gloomy side and magnify your problems, but if you cultivate such qualities as enthusiasm and optimism, and then go all out to pamper yourself, you will lift your spirits and do yourself a power of good. By the way, you can also expect news from afar at any moment. " "10-05-2021";"LEO";" You must maintain the delicate balance between home and work, between your interests and others', and between private needs and public duty. This is not the easiest of tasks and a fair amount of self-discipline is required if you are to curb your instincts. " "10-05-2021";"VIRGO";" If there's a problem in your romantic life it's that your aspirations are too high. You dream of the purest, most noble love, but you're in danger of losing touch with reality! Counter this influence by trying to understand what partners need and want. " "10-05-2021";"LIBRA";" There are emotional complications aplenty, and you may be slightly uncertain about the future, but what stands out in your chart now is the need to deal properly with large domestic purchases and family finances. Plus, someone who you always thought was a rival might soon become a generous supporter. " "10-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" This is one of the most important days of the year for you, and even if the skies don't open today, and the earth doesn't shake, a whole raft of desires and activities will reach a turning point, taking you through to the rest of the year with a much deeper sense of your destiny and purpose. " "10-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" If you are overworked, under-rewarded and thoroughly confused, then you are exactly in tune with today's powerful planetary aspects. Out of such feelings should come the resolve to make drastic improvements, and the determination never to repeat old mistakes. " "10-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Social influences are volatile, and while you may meet people who seem at first to be soul-mates, there is a chance that your mood could swing from one extreme to another. You should take responsibility for your own feelings - and never pin the blame on innocent people. " "10-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It's doubtful that you'll have much time off. When leisure activities are scheduled, you should compete to the full, aiming to win, even if it's only a question of surpassing your own past best. You'll be coming up with unusual ideas, but your task is to put them into practice - otherwise you might just be wasting your time. " "07-05-2021";"ARIES";" It's time for a spot of shopping, especially if you're spending other people's money! It's actually an important moment to choose between financial security and a venture which could be a risk. But don't be hasty, for there might still be further details waiting to come to light. " "07-05-2021";"TAURUS";" A partner has as much will-power as you, if not more. So, if you should feel inclined to enter into a trial of strength you will have to realise that, however well you have done so far, you could risk everything you have gained. A few simple safe-guards should do the trick. " "07-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Don't expect to be let off the hook today, or tomorrow for that matter. Do yourself a favour and put rumours and suspicions to one side, concentrating on the here and now, and what you can do to improve the world for everyone. You can only gain if people see you putting others first. " "07-05-2021";"CANCER";" Children and younger relations demand extra time, but you may have difficulty keeping all the emotional balls in the air at the same moment, especially if friends also require your support and sustenance. You might have to make some difficult choices - and soon. " "07-05-2021";"LEO";" You've got some bright financial ideas, so with the right advice you could do very well indeed. The one thing you must realise is that partners are essential to the fulfilment of your plans. Plus, don't take risks with your emotional security or throw away goodwill just when you need it most. " "07-05-2021";"VIRGO";" You may now be tempted to join in the fray, but before you dabble in partners' disputes and arguments between colleagues, be warned that you may have to take some flak of your own. However, if others are honest, they'll admit to benefiting from your breadth of vision. " "07-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's not what you want that matters, but what you can afford. Face up to those hard questions, like what you're working for, what's it all worth, and are you being paid enough? If the answer to the last is ‘no', do something about it! There are many ways to increase your income and cut your spending. " "07-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" You may well imagine that you were completely right about the past and are utterly correct about the future. Confidence is one thing, a complete lack of self-doubt is another, and it could be useful now to question your emotional priorities. You don't want to blunder into a brick-wall! " "07-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" About the only thing you can do is be as philanthropic and charitable as you can - and provide a valuable back-up for other people. Put unstinting effort into improving the quality of life for partners, and you'll avoid certain pitfalls arising out of your past actions. " "07-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Children or younger relations should take pride of place in family matters. For your own benefit you should take a leaf out of their book and resolve to be still more youthful and young at heart in the future. After all, you're as young as you feel - in theory! " "07-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" A professional battle is about to be joined. Even for those of you not at work, a long-term ambition is now coming to a turning-point, and you will have to decide whether to opt out or re-double your efforts. A community project will soon pay dividends. " "06-05-2021";"ARIES";" Your romantic life is beginning to look rather more expensive. There is no better way to someone's heart than a generous gesture, perhaps a little present here and there as a token of your love. You never know - a partner might reveal hidden depths. " "06-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You must keep a firm focus on down-to-earth and routine activities, and realise that the more trivial or downright boring tasks you complete now, the better you'll be able to cope with a coming emotional whirlwind. Keep both feet on the ground - at the same time! " "06-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Consider the pleasurable aspects of today's tasks, chores and jobs. The ancient  sages teach us that any activity can be fulfilling if tackled with the right attitude, and this is a lesson which you may now take to heart. Besides, perhaps the biggest ambitions are not the best ones. " "06-05-2021";"CANCER";" Take domestic responsibilities seriously today. In spite of the fact that what really seems to be important are friendships and duties outside the home, you don't want family arrangements to slip out of your control. Perhaps a close friend can help you choose between irreconcilable options. " "06-05-2021";"LEO";" When powerful planets move across your chart they oblige you to face the reality of change. You may prepare for such pressures by sharing your hopes and fears and encouraging loved ones to reveal their innermost feelings. I hope you're not too surprised by what you hear. " "06-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Financial considerations are now impinging on your thoughts and feelings, although whether major developments are in hand is questionable. You may do yourself a favour and keep an eye open for bargains, with down-to-earth necessities preferable to wild luxuries - but only just! " "06-05-2021";"LIBRA";" The financial situation should now be clear, but within a few days you'll realise that the only thing you can rely on is uncertainty. Make a point of listening to the experts, even to partners who may never have spoken a single word of sense in their lives! " "06-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" You are going to have to take a great deal more responsibility than you ever wanted before very much longer. Today, though, your main task is to keep a grip on changeable emotions, and realise that your feelings may relate more to the past than the present. " "06-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Spend a great deal of energy trying to work out what makes other people tick. The fact is that your doubts concerning someone's intentions or behaviour may be spot-on, but it's not yet clear what you should do about it. With any luck the problem will have passed on by the time you have to make a final choice. " "06-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You must keep the legal situation in view, and see to it that you are always aware of your rights. Also, you may lend whatever support is required to a close companion or relation who is struggling in an educational or adventurous project. Good communication is the key to sure-fire success. " "06-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It is terribly easy to get swept along by self-interest, and to blame other people for standing in your way. However, if ever there was a time to take a saintly attitude and realise that you can't live by bread alone, this is it! It's your value system which counts. " "05-05-2021";"ARIES";" You really don't have any choice but to listen to partners. Compromise will be the greatest commodity around, and a tactical retreat in the short-term will help you win the battle in the long run. Besides, if you make suggestions to other people, they might expect you to put them into practice. " "05-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You still have a great deal of emotional power, which of course means that you also have a responsibility towards others. It is much easier than you imagine to manipulate their feelings, even unintentionally. That's why you should be careful about what you say! " "05-05-2021";"GEMINI";" You are all too prone to worries which have no basis in fact whatsoever. You may also imagine that someone is out to do you down, but realise that first thoughts, like first impressions, can often be misleading. This is no time to jump to rash conclusions. " "05-05-2021";"CANCER";" The emotional temperature is rising. The more directed and focused you are, and the clearer your ambitions, the better off you'll be. If you are currently stumbling around in the dark, come back to reality immediately and set yourself some realistic targets. " "05-05-2021";"LEO";" It's a useful day to put forward unlikely suggestions, especially if you've set your heart on a new job or promotion. There's also an increasing likelihood that you'll be taken away from home or from your usual base. Still, it might do you good to get out and about. " "05-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Amid all the hurly-burly of daily life, it's very important to pay a little extra attention to the ethical issues and moral questions. You should take the lead in enforcing higher standards not by preaching, but by setting a worthy example. Other people should do as you do, not just as you say! " "05-05-2021";"LIBRA";" A little extra confidence will come in handy today, especially if it's time to put your foot down at home. You have put up with other people's irritating whims and foibles for far too long, but please don't sink to their level. Try to show them where they've gone wrong - with sympathy and understanding, of course. " "05-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" When all is said and done you can only do so much, and other people must recognise that even if you bend over backwards to help, it might still not do them any good. So, concentrate on what you think is important, and try to make partners see that you're not letting them down. " "05-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Stay busy and recognise that collaboration is essential at work. You will have to carry colleagues with you if you are to get your own way, and if you go it alone then your options may be narrowed down. And don't worry that you're being undermined. If you do things right then you can't be touched. " "05-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your travel stars are now extraordinarily imaginative, and getting more so by the day. In one sense this means that you should focus on adventurous plans, but also bear in mind that contacts should be forged with loved ones, friends and acquaintances overseas. " "05-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Take a step back and consider all personal matters from the long-term perspective. There are broader patterns in your life, and it is only by understanding these that you will figure out current strains. It may even be that a dose of stress is good for you. " "04-05-2021";"ARIES";" It should be a morning for hard work, but by the afternoon, partnership and matrimonial affairs will be rising up the scale of importance. There's a financial time-bomb ticking away, and this is where help will soon be needed. Start by balancing the books. " "04-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Your greatest quality right now is your poetic charm. If you are tempted in any way to go for revenge, please realise that there is a great deal of water to flow under the bridge before you truly understand what other people have done. Bide your time for a little while longer. " "04-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Take things one step at a time today, accepting the old truth that houses built on firm foundations last so much longer than those built on sand. Don't be distracted by rumours and half-truths. Mercury's mixed relationships suggest that it's all a matter of getting the facts straight. " "04-05-2021";"CANCER";" This is an excellent moment for all who are making suggestions, putting forward proposals and attending interviews. Your point of view should be more balanced than others', but you'll retain your characteristic enthusiasm and ability to inspire reluctant partners. " "04-05-2021";"LEO";" Tie up all financial loose ends today, even if it's only a question of deciding whether one minor purchase is a better buy than another. If you clear up such trivial cares now, you'll have time for rather more important matters in a few days' time. " "04-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Travel and adventurous plans should be given a high priority if you are willing to benefit from this week's passing opportunities. The fact is that you need a shot of excitement if you are to make the most of your current potential, and you will begin to resent any unfair constraints on your freedom. " "04-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Spend a little time by yourself, mulling over the past and plotting the future. Understand that day-dreams are a very useful way of processing unconscious feelings and moving towards a position where your visions of the future become reality. " "04-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" As the hours pass, the chances of a fresh mystery become stronger. It may be a matter of a lost possession or a missed appointment, but the positive side for you in all this is that you may be able to duck out of a particular commitment. You never know - other people might be as relieved as you are! " "04-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You may spend a little time considering your own professional and worldly ambitions, but as the day goes on, you will have to consider partners' interests as well. Give yourself over to social pleasures later on and remember - there's nothing wrong with a little escapism! " "04-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" When it comes to love, you will be struggling to free yourself from pressures imposed by family, society and other external forces. Find a way to reconcile your own desires with what is expected of you. It may be that you can please other people and get your way. " "04-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Take the opportunity to check up on all finances, especially joint commitments and connections with other people. This looks like an ideal time to accept new domestic duties, but also to settle any outstanding debts. Oh, and the time is coming when you'll be able to tell someone else how you feel about them. " "03-05-2021";"ARIES";" You're still in a stronger position than many people, even if it doesn't feel like it, and should therefore survive any mini-crises this week, including the occasional financial wobble. Your best qualities are your determination and refusal to give in to obstacles. " "03-05-2021";"TAURUS";" Other people often seem reluctant to tell you the whole story. Mind you, if you don't know what's going on you'll be less vulnerable to bouts of gossip and back-stabbing over the coming week. In fact, you should be in a fairly secure position, able to talk your way out of almost any corner, however tight! " "03-05-2021";"GEMINI";" By all accounts you are about to become even more secretive than ever. Just why this should be so is not exactly clear, but it could be that other people are not yet able to understand your version of the facts. Perhaps you should try to explain yourself better! " "03-05-2021";"CANCER";" You may resolve to be still more sociable, and relish that growing confidence which enables you to provide entertainment and pleasure for other people. Keep an eye on the main chance, but realise that if you go your own way, you might lose valuable support. But, then, you'll also free yourself from people who have been holding you back! " "03-05-2021";"LEO";" All eyes must be on worldly ambitions, including professional aspirations, but also community responsibilities. You'll gain great satisfaction out of seeing other people do well from your efforts. You might even be able to talk your way to the top with an emphasis on style and appearance, leaving the real substance and content until later. " "03-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Your stars are beginning to look quite extraordinarily adventurous, and you may be about to break out of an emotional straight-jacket and try something new. Listen well to partners' advice, for even if they sound muddled at first, there's some good common sense in amongst the vague promises. " "03-05-2021";"LIBRA";" There are signs that partners could be becoming increasingly irascible, but never fear. Such bouts of irritation will have their turn, but will pass, and whoever gives you a hard time over the coming few days could end up feeling rather shamefaced. " "03-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" You can afford to relax a little. However, as long as planetary tensions are maintained, you could come under intense emotional pressure to reform your domestic arrangements. Someone you've known for rather a long time could come up with a stunning proposal at any moment. " "03-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The most lively planetary patterns occur in regions of your horoscope slightly detached from your own priorities. You may therefore begin to imagine that the grass is greener on the other side, but by the same token you are also avoiding troubles that are afflicting other people. " "03-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Creative influences are astounding, which is obviously excellent for all who move in artistic fields. The pay-off for everyone born under your sign should be steadily rising romantic passions, so almost anything could happen in the emotional department! " "03-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Your family situation is now looking increasingly changeable. Other people should be allowed the maximum freedom to manoeuvre, while you in your turn must have the courage of your convictions. You never know - you might reach an agreement that suits everyone. " "02-05-2021";"ARIES";" What an amazing time this is! Ethical and moral ideals seem to be uppermost, but you're in an impatient mood and such lofty considerations may be swept to one side. If romance is on your mind, you may be ready to make others aware of how you feel before it's too late. " "02-05-2021";"TAURUS";" You're much sharper with money than many people imagine. You'll come close to carrying off the financial coup of the century, such is your eye for a bargain. But, if you put one foot an inch out of place, then your profit may be turned into a loss. " "02-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Partners, loved ones, spouses, colleagues, rivals, people you like and people you don't, all have one thing in common. None of them can make up their minds or decide where they stand. However, you may force the pace after the middle of the week - and insist that they come off the fence. " "02-05-2021";"CANCER";" Work, health and practical matters are highlighted, although it's uncertain whether you'll be pushing yourself to the limit or be flat on your back, worn out and exhausted. Emotionally, you are bound to feel continued benefits from Venus' helpful passage through influential parts of your chart. " "02-05-2021";"LEO";" You can turn on the charm and sweep people off their feet. The way to deal with even recalcitrant children is to show them how to have fun. Family meetings may have a deeper meaning but, in general, it's a time for pleasure. Home decoration is important to you - so spread a splash of colour around. " "02-05-2021";"VIRGO";" Astrology may be all about freedom of choice, but some changes are inevitable. The point is, though, that you can determine the exact shape and direction that they take. You may be unable to control events at home, so why not just let life take its own sweet course? " "02-05-2021";"LIBRA";" It's surprising just how stimulating money can be once you dream up new ways to earn more. On the whole, though, this is a time for spending. What's more, you should surround yourself with colour and luxury - you deserve it. It's likely that charitable activities should now be taking up more of your time. " "02-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Sometimes reality is a very difficult thing and it's not surprising that you often try to sweep difficulties under the carpet. Now, however, friends and lovers are willing to give you a second hearing. They will be as ready as you are to forgive and forget. " "02-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" In many ways you are an utterly admirable individual. As usual, you're acting out of the very best of motives and your natural kindness is well to the fore. But give yourself all the time you need to prevaricate and change your opinions. Plus, it seems that there is passion around every corner. " "02-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The Moon gets you off to a flying start by bathing you in beneficial lunar alignments. Deal with monetary matters on Wednesday and save family gatherings for the weekend. Those three mystical planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have helped in the past, and they'll be offering yet more assistance now. " "02-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Somebody who seemed to have a great deal of promise may now be seen in their true colours. Yet the fact is that the reality may be closer to your dreams than the mirage which once fascinated you. At work it is who you know, rather than what you know that counts. " "01-05-2021";"ARIES";" This could be a turbulent day, and cash and career issues will disturb your weekend peace. A touch of competition will add spice to routine activities, and you' be advised to follow up new ideas without delay. Don't let the fact that you're a little over-emotional blind you to just how much is going your way. " "01-05-2021";"TAURUS";" A powerful planetary alignment makes for an exciting day, but please try to strike a balance between promoting your own interests and looking after friends' affairs. This is no time to give in to mindless aggression - especially as soon as you lose your temper you'll be begging for forgiveness! " "01-05-2021";"GEMINI";" Dynamic planetary aspects can be turned to your advantage, so leave nothing to chance. If you have been held up by opposition from colleagues, there may be ways in which you can turn the tables on them. In fact, I suspect that you'll be able to make up for the slights and insults of years! " "01-05-2021";"CANCER";" There's a lot of tension in the air and family members and friends may be in a fighting mood. It's up to you to turn friction to everybody's advantage by suggesting positive alternatives. It's all to do with the Moon's challenging alignment, so it will pass very soon. " "01-05-2021";"LEO";" Stormy planetary influences could be useful if they help you clear the air. However, if you do have something to get off your chest, make sure your feelings are pointed in the right direction. Otherwise you'll sound off at the wrong people and sow the seeds for problems some way down the line. " "01-05-2021";"VIRGO";" There'll be plenty of scope for your diplomatic and healing powers today, largely because friends and colleagues will be falling out with each other. Relatives will seek your support, but don't get sucked into personal disputes. Try to get people to see that public good is better than private greed. " "01-05-2021";"LIBRA";" Your peaceful mood will not square with combative circumstances. Other people will be putting you on the spot, challenging you to come up with the goods. Relations may be on your side, though they may not necessarily be any help. But at least they'll listen! " "01-05-2021";"SCORPIO";" Energetic friends and associates rely on you for your steady qualities, but you're unlikely to be much use today. You'll be far too preoccupied with your own problems and ambitions to spare time for other people. But, then, they're too busy with their own ideas to worry! " "01-05-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It's an energetic day, celestially speaking. Nothing turns out as planned, but delays and sudden obstacles may be blessings in disguise if they divert you from a problematic and highly risky course of action. The time has come to reconsider your progress in all directions. " "01-05-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There has been an interesting tie-up recently between personal and public aspirations on the one hand and business prospects and social life, on the other. You should seriously consider a range of options in all fields. The reason that there's no need to rush into final choices now is that circumstances are about to shift markedly. " "01-05-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There's plenty of scope to indulge your dramatic characteristics and qualities and, the more enterprising you are, the greater will be the prospects of success. Do not be disturbed if partners are in an angry mood - just let them get over it. " "30-04-2021";"ARIES";" The focus is shifting towards financial affairs, in particular to the need to balance income and expenditure - not an easy task. Domestic repairs, maintenance and improvements of all sorts will be necessary, although partners must be in agreement. " "30-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The movement of that magnetic planet Mars adds passion and vigour to turbulent aspects, and could set your imagination on fire. Follow your instincts, remembering, though, that it may be necessary to go it alone. After all, your instincts are yours - not other people's! " "30-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You may fear a build-up of circumstances against you, bringing challenges and battles, possibly of a personal nature. It may be some time before the exact cause of current friction is clear. However, it could soon turn out to beconnected to younger people or children. " "30-04-2021";"CANCER";" Put more energy into improving your personal relationships. You need partnerships with people with whom you are intellectually compatible, but this may require you to develop a number of interests you've ignored until now. You may be involved in a secret conversation - but even you won't know what is really being said! " "30-04-2021";"LEO";" Your professional ambitions are set to receive a massive boost. However, the prospect of a large financial outlay could affect your judgment over a private or personal matter. The two are closely connected and you'll find out exactly how by the beginning of next week. " "30-04-2021";"VIRGO";" You may be forced to alter certain plans before long, even those which apparently have been tightly sewn up. You must now be thankful that a close friend has shown you the newest way forward. You probably find it hard to understand just how much you have taught them over the last month. " "30-04-2021";"LIBRA";" If you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that you can be devious on occasion, and that this is one such time. You may be tempted to go behind someone's back for the noblest of reasons, but you must be prepared to take the consequences - perhaps within three weeks. " "30-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" This is one of those times when you must be more assertive than you've often been, or else you'll be pushed around by people who may be no tougher than you. You should have the single-minded direction to get what you want. I know you've been bogged down by detail, but not for much longer. " "30-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" A long period of concentration on worldly issues is coming to an end, which means of course that a new phase of life is beginning. You must allow yourself as much time as possible to focus on all personal ambitions; you have about another two weeks in all. " "30-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" After recent stress you may be ready for a holiday, but you'll be busy for some while yet. If you were to take time off now, you'd probably find you'd have little space to sit back and rest. In any case, next week's lunar alignment is likely to find you even busier. " "30-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The pace is hotting up at home, and if you think big you'll probably achieve your aims. There seems to be scope for increased status in your community, perhaps through voluntary activities. Keep talking, though, otherwise partners will lose touch - and you'll lose face. " "29-04-2021";"ARIES";" Business affairs, especially joint enterprises, are set to improve from now on. The fact that your ambition may be responsible for a little friction and antagonism should not put you off, or destroy an increasing mood of prosperity and well-being. " "29-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The energetic planet Mars is now assuming a dominant influence in your life, partly because it is about to signify a pronounced shift in your circumstances - and you'll be on top form. Few will be able to resist your dynamic charm but it's important to pace yourself and avoid pointless arguments. " "29-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Travel, especially for social reasons, will be a priority, although it does seem likely that delays are inevitable. If you are experiencing a brief financial crisis this could well be the result of your lavish habits in the past. That's why it might be impossible to do more than trim costs around the edges. " "29-04-2021";"CANCER";" There's always the prospect of dramatic events at home, and house buyers and sellers may expect negotiations to proceed well, even though it is unlikely that agreements will be reached just yet. Today's activities focus on romantic hopes - in the broadest, most open-minded and hopeful, sense. " "29-04-2021";"LEO";" You are quite happy with your own company, although partners may find this difficult if they are relying on joint arrangements - and expecting you to turn up! Please do not let other people down, as neither you nor they will benefit from broken agreements. " "29-04-2021";"VIRGO";" The question of whether career interests will benefit from current influences depends on the precise nature of your work. Activities which have a creative dimension will bring benefits, while routine tasks, however worthwhile, could fail to deliver the goods. " "29-04-2021";"LIBRA";" From now on you can reasonably hope that more time will be devoted to your interests than to partners', and this could be a pleasant change. Use diplomacy, tact and  co-operation if you want to get your own way - and never give anyone the chance to suspect that you're going behind their backs. " "29-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" There's long been a tie in between your social activities and your - or a partner's - professional obligations. Work will take on a new lease of life as partners and colleagues rally round to help out with your responsibilities. You must also realise that only better organisation will contribute to a healthier domestic routine. " "29-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It's probably not yet the time to turn your attention to domestic improvements unless, that is, there are indications to this effect in your individual horoscope, set for your exact time of birth. Still, there's no reason why you shouldn't start laying the foundations now. " "29-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" If you are facing opposition from partners it's probably your own fault. You may feel hard-done-by but, to be perfectly blunt and honest, you are no saint, yourself. You must accept your share of the blame before relationships can genuinely be patched up. " "29-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The accent may be on the lighter side of life, but only if you consciously put certain problems and difficulties behind you. Allow your imagination to wander and it will lead you to pastures new. But don't feel obliged to push your unusual ideas to their logical conclusion - you can back off for the next three months. " "28-04-2021";"ARIES";" You are not alone in fearing, or perhaps in hoping, that social obligations will come unstuck. There is a feeling abroad that plans which were once treated as sacrosanct should now be open to question after all. Actually, you've got more important things on your mind than merely engaging in small talk. " "28-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Professional ambitions seem to be going into reverse. It may be necessary for you to reconsider a number of important deals or decisions that you thought were signed and sealed. How wrong you were. Still, it is good to have a second chance - and an opportunity to duck out of a commitment. " "28-04-2021";"GEMINI";" The fact that certain doubts may creep in to your beliefs is due to difficulties caused by Mercury, ruler of thought and communication.  Yet you must understand the importance of being able to question your preconceptions and priorities, even to abandon your dreams. " "28-04-2021";"CANCER";" Both you and a partner are likely to feel the effects of a changing economic climate. This may not be the time to act, but it is necessary to check over all details, agreements and deals. At least you can count on a general increase in prosperity over the next seven months. " "28-04-2021";"LEO";" Relationships are entering a brief frustrating phase, but you must give partners the time and space they need to come to an accommodation worked out by themselves, free from unwanted pressures. If you trust them now, then they will stick by you in the future. " "28-04-2021";"VIRGO";" The last thing you want to do now is force colleagues and associates into agreements or compromises against their will. If you know what's good for you, you will allow partners to have their say. I know you think you're right. And you probably are! " "28-04-2021";"LIBRA";" The prognostication for a successful outcome of domestic affairs is good, even though frustration and a feeling of being pitted against immovable objects are coming close to spoiling the atmosphere. Don't use a partner's lack of support as an excuse not to succeed - or even to have a go in the first place. " "28-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" There honestly seems to be little chance of reaching an amicable agreement with relatives or people you live with. You may also be finding it difficult to make up your mind on a personal matter. The reason, though, may be that this is not yet the right time to settle outstanding questions - you need to wait until circumstances have changed. " "28-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It's difficult to establish what is really happening in your chart at the moment. This is partly because it's unclear whether current events are prompted by other people or are the result, direct or indirect, of your own past behaviour and indiscretions.  " "28-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You are moving from a period which seems to have been rather depressing to one which is emotionally inspiring. However, much depends on how far your actions and aspirations are rooted in what is realistically possible. If you're still following an unfulfillable fantasy, then time is running out. " "28-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Mercury is causing some problems. It's thrown a spanner in the works, causing a number of plans to come unstuck. One word of warning is that the effects may not be felt for months, or even years, to come. So don't attempt to finalise any personal agreement now - at least not until you've heard next week's inspiring news. " "27-04-2021";"ARIES";" No doubt you are busy with professional cares and concerns, and the signs suggest that you will continue to be so for some time yet. What motivates you is a desire to be respected by your peers. It's not good enough to make demands though, you actually have to come up with the goods. " "27-04-2021";"TAURUS";" As far as romance is concerned, you can expect your mood to improve now that Venus is moving into a benevolent aspect to your sign. Your feelings may be drawn towards general romantic hopes as much as to a particular person. But I have a feeling that when the bill comes, you may pay much more than is really necessary. " "27-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You may be dreaming of wealth and riches, but while this is a positive period for conjuring up money-making schemes, it may not be the best time to put them into practice, at least not without expert advice. Unless, that is, you're completing a property deal. " "27-04-2021";"CANCER";" For a very long time many of you have been drawn towards artistic activities. Some of you have yet to feel this pull but, when it comes, you must go along with it as otherwise you will squander your talents. It could be the best way to focus your secret spiritual and mystical energies. " "27-04-2021";"LEO";" The best advice that can be offered at the moment is to be as down-to-earth as you can, given that a great many of your current planetary patterns are emanating from practical regions of your chart. The better you grasp the details at work, the closer you'll come to achieving a long-standing ambition. " "27-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Current planetary influences are encouraging you to let go of reality and float off into a dream world. This is not the easiest thing to achieve but, if you've no pressing commitments, you could consider livening your life up a little. You never know - you could discover a whole new social scene. " "27-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You don't need telling that it's not all plain sailing at the moment, yet it is only a matter of time before you begin to see the reward for all your wonderfully splendid selfless hard work and effort. And while you're at it, don't worry about rumours. They're just that - rumours. " "27-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The answer to social irritations lies in teamwork and genuine compromise, but don't let others take you for a ride. If the direction at work is unclear you must consider all the options as carefully as possible. You have to narrow down the choices until there are just two left. " "27-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You're in a gambling mood and a small flutter won't hurt. However, if any important deals are on the stocks it's essential to seek a second opinion. The issues are too great for any one person to handle - even you! And, however enthusiastic you are, you must carry partners along with you. " "27-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Whatever you're planning at work or at home, you must start making preparations now, that is, if you haven't done so already. As soon as you begin any new venture, unexpected complications will inevitably surface. But you'll turn the tables in about ten days. " "27-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The Moon's position is benevolent, so make use of your abundant advantages. Start early if you want to get the best out of inspired plans and proposals. Be aware, though, that people around you could be in a touchy mood, and that a chance remark might trigger an argument. " "26-04-2021";"ARIES";" Why do you rush around so much? You will probably find that you may get as much done if you slowed down a little, especially now that the planets as a whole are in a relaxed mood. The trouble now is that Mars, your planetary ruler, is tending to make you obsessed with detail. But try putting your feet up for a change. " "26-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Why, you may wonder, do you have to spend so much time explaining all the pros and cons to people who never seem to listen? Perhaps it's because Mercury is currently in such a dastardly and mischievous relationship with your sign. Or, maybe, it's just that you expect too much of other people! " "26-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You know what they say - you can't live by bread alone. You can do no better than to sacrifice your own interests and help other people out for a change. Hopefully associates will now concede that you are indeed a caring and generous person. And about time too! " "26-04-2021";"CANCER";" For some time now you seem to have encountered a series of setbacks and disappointments. Yet, with any luck, recent efforts are at long last beginning to bear fruit. Never fear - the end is in sight. There's one other factor to consider, and that's the extent to which you worry about nothing! " "26-04-2021";"LEO";" Your planets are benevolent, but you can't always stay positive. On the other hand, please do remember that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how fed up you become with your burdens and obligations. Don't be too proud to ask for help and assistance. It could be given much more willingly than you expect. " "26-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Just because affairs in a number of areas are going so well, that is no cause for complacency. You are indeed at a turning-point, one from which you can be sure that all your interests will benefit. Passions are rising, so keep a steady nerve and stay cool. " "26-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You seem to fall apart when your emotional life becomes too complicated, and this, it must be said, is a problem you will have to learn to face up to. The fact that domestic pressures may be all too real doesn't excuse you. But then you are also tending to turn small molehills into major mountains at the moment. " "26-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" You'll face awkward issues head-on this week, and you won't be afraid to put forward your own ideas with clarity and vigour. You deserve to be heard, all the more so because they are so incredibly fascinating. If you're not getting your point across, put yourself in a partner's place and see how it feels. " "26-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Seldom have you experienced such a potentially decisive period in matters relating not only to money but also to the ways in which you value yourself. If you believe in your own talents then material reward will follow. You will also share in a partner's good fortune at some time over the next ten days. " "26-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" A plethora of planets influencing your sign is a reasonable explanation for why you are under so much pressure. Why not accept that the present period is hardly relaxed and use your time to launch the next phase of your life? By the way, children have some of the best ideas at the moment, so listen well. " "26-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There are almost certain to be major confrontations this week, but they could be behind the scenes and very few people will be aware that anything has gone amiss. Stick to the facts where possible, especially when talking to relations; they are unlikely to accept vague explanations. " "25-04-2021";"ARIES";" The general tone of the planets this week is optimistic, if sometimes argumentative, and there's absolutely no point in being down in the dumps. One piece of useful advice is to start getting fit now - if you're not already, that is! Romantic conditions continue to be favourable, though you seem to be just a little secretive. " "25-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Venus is now sparkling away in a distant but vital part of your chart, emphasising the role that close personal relationships have to play in all aspects of your life. Love and appreciation are vital to your well-being. How pleasant it must be to realise that the stars are smiling on you. Indeed, you may even lose yourself in your feelings. " "25-04-2021";"GEMINI";" There are strong indications that you'll be hearing from loved ones overseas before long. Those of you who are unattached and planning an unscheduled break could be in for a surprise romance. The Sun's tough alignments will stiffen your resolve and a new friend could encourage you to pursue an ambition to the bitter end. " "25-04-2021";"CANCER";" The planets continue to pry and probe into your innermost secrets. However, the general tenor of life is now more relaxed and assured and you'll soon be ready for anything. Foreign climes beckon, and a distant possibility could become a firm path to personal or professional happiness. " "25-04-2021";"LEO";" Leo is a sign with a reputation for being self-interested. There's nothing wrong in having a healthy ego, but over the next few weeks you may have to put your own feelings and interests in second place. Optimism is one of your strong points this week. It's also a fine time for determination and confidence. " "25-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Mercury is rapidly approaching a new alignment with the Sun, but their meeting will not happen this week. This means that you have a little time left to consider your options before committing yourself to a special partnership. This is a perfect time to raise your sights to higher things. " "25-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Although some of you are rushed off your feet, you should realise that domestic chores and family responsibilities can be made enjoyable. All that is required is a gentle shift of attitude. Realise that financial matters are about to improve, and plan accordingly. " "25-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The entry of a single planet, Venus, into new sectors of your solar chart, is all that is required to bring a friendly gloss to your family relationships. Indeed, a spot of domestic entertaining would not come amiss. Close friends will share in your happiness towards the end of the week. " "25-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Venus is a powerful influence for good, offering you support if you're arranging meetings, holding discussions or about to attend an interview. You'll have no trouble persuading people that you are right. All Sagittarians are now in an excellent position to do well, although you may need just one more push. " "25-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" This is a profitable period, one when the way forward financially is to team up with other people. You may have an idea that you can make some money which requires expert advice or, perhaps, an extra pair of hands. On the whole, this is a satisfactory week, one in which to make the most of yourself. " "25-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Venus is a magical influence, bringing self-confidence and social assurance. You are right to expect your fair share of love and affection but should remember that it is often nobler to give than to receive. Your best single day could be Thursday, when, for once, people will accept your bright ideas. " "25-04-2021";"ARIES";" Your priority now ought to be to apply a new broom to social affairs and also to anything at work that requires collaboration. There is still precious little that you can do to settle a financial question but, then, is it really important? Perhaps it's not as pressing as people think. " "25-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Over the next few days disturbing planetary aspects will fade, allowing you to bring personal relationships back to earth. Partners still have a few tricks left, but it should all be water off a duck's back to you. By which I mean that you shouldn't really worry about trivial problems and minor insults. " "25-04-2021";"GEMINI";" If you grumble or complain about working conditions, or about colleagues' behaviour, you will do no more than waste your time. Every precious moment should be spent completing your own tasks and achieving your personal ambitions. And then there's your private life to think about! " "25-04-2021";"CANCER";" What you experience now could bring the culmination of a long series of disputes, and you may do your bit by pointing out the ethical dimension. In other words, what is right is right for all, not just for a few selfish individuals. The only problem is in getting everyone to agree. " "25-04-2021";"LEO";" At least everything is now open and above board. There can be few people who do not have at least some idea of what has been going on, and probably everyone has an opinion as to what should be done. You can always slip away and let them slug it out! " "25-04-2021";"VIRGO";" You have every right to be full of yourself, but remember one thing today: you really must give partners a fair hearing. It's not just a question of listening - you should actually hear and understand what their wise words really mean. And if there's anything that's not clear, ask them to say it again!  " "25-04-2021";"LIBRA";" For the fourth day running everything hangs on money. Questions like what you can afford, or indeed, what you should buy, will dominate your actions. The fact that such issues are so emotionally-loaded makes the answers rather difficult and somewhat elusive. " "25-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" What you learn or discover in a strange or totally unexpected way will enable you to settle quite a number of scores. You must concentrate on improvements in relationships with children and younger relations for, as you know well enough, the future lies with them.  " "25-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" What really matters is that after all the emotional dramas and upsets, you will realise the importance of putting home and family happiness above all else. You may still, though, be troubled by secret worries. Perhaps it's time to talk to someone you can trust. " "25-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Partners may be less uptight and more willing to listen today. Teamwork, social and group activities seem to be incredibly competitive at the moment, with people increasingly divided into winners and losers. Yet it's not coming top that matters, but doing your best. " "25-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You will soon decide to bring one cycle to a close and finally sever costly ties. The important consideration at work is to acquire responsibilities which enable you to serve your community, to feel that you're doing your best for the whole planet. " "22-04-2021";"ARIES";" Social pressures still seem to be very intense and the associated costs may rise. In fact, differences over money could be a source of friction between friends, and an avoidable one at that. Hopefully, tension will drop this evening, permitting brief relaxation. " "22-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Words that have been left unsaid for far too long can be ignored no longer. You can now gain a great deal from making fresh proposals and taking on additional responsibilities. What you need is respect, and with the right moves that's precisely what you'll get. " "22-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Look far afield for inspiration and don't waste any time. Other people have much to offer, but the ultimate inspiration should come from you and you alone. This means that you really don't need to accept any advice that doesn't suit you. Just make sure you have a good explanation ready. " "22-04-2021";"CANCER";" Financial risks should be avoided, partly because there is a great deal yet to be explained. In relationships, you must pay some attention to your physical needs and well-being. In love, passions are still running high, and there'll be moments when you're walking an emotional tightrope. " "22-04-2021";"LEO";" Keep your options open and do everything in your power to ease existing tensions in close, personal relationships. Do try to be constructive, and attempt to free yourself from faded romantic memories. And, one other thing - tell someone close how you really feel about them. " "22-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Although it may not meet all your needs or expectations, an agreement made now should prove lasting and durable. Your best move is almost certainly to anticipate every single little thing that could go wrong, and make sure that such problems are accounted for. " "22-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You are now in danger of creating a completely wrong and inaccurate impression, perhaps because you don't value yourself, or a particular relationship, as highly as you should. Be kind to lovers who don't see the world in the way you do. Oh, and listen to older relations. They may have the best advice! " "22-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The world still looks tense, but it's very difficult to see exactly where celestial lightning will strike next. There seems to be a tiny emotional matter outstanding, so deal with it before it takes on a life of its own. Plus, keep away from troublesome, time-wasting types. " "22-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Rumours and suspicions are rife, but you've got to distinguish between fact and fantasy. Don't fall into the trap of imagining that other people are out to undermine you. And, for your part, stamp on all unjust and unfair suggestions before they go any further. " "22-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" On no account allow friends to steal your thunder. The fact is that financial matters, from major transactions to small purchases, may go wrong. The simple remedy is to take everything at the right pace, and see that you are fully insured and up-to-date with the latest figures. " "22-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It is impossible to see who will start arguments or cause friction today, although professional Aquarians do seem to be most at risk. Bend over backwards to give other people the benefit of the doubt. What's more, people you live with will see that you're ready to compromise on a personal matter. " "21-04-2021";"ARIES";" The Sun and Pluto have teamed up in a rather splendid alignment, but if you think that you can sit around while financial matters sort themselves out, you are making a big mistake. Don't take risks, and don't toy with someone else's emotions. " "21-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Partners really must be taken seriously if you are not to blunder into something rather more than you bargained for. Never make the cardinal error of belittling any friend, colleague or associate, especially if you happen to be in their debt! " "21-04-2021";"GEMINI";" One area of your chart which deserves mention today represents your physical well-being. It looks as if emotional tension could leave you feeling worn out, but sensible, organised relaxation will go a long way to help. Pamper yourself! " "21-04-2021";"CANCER";" Tomorrow's stars raise the prospect of wild and costly financial risks. The reason this needs to be mentioned today is so that you can resist any seductive blandishments or offers coming your way over the next twenty-four hours - at least until you're aware of the hidden pitfalls. " "21-04-2021";"LEO";" A very powerful theme in your solar chart concerns a possible move of home or equivalent domestic upheaval. The best way to retain control is to set the pace at every turn. Once you start reacting to events after they happen, you will quickly lose your way. " "21-04-2021";"VIRGO";" There's a possible problem at work, perhaps involving a misunderstanding and almost certainly connected to a person of intense passions. Somebody you're involved with will also make a demand for total truth and commitment. Be careful, and say only what you mean. " "21-04-2021";"LIBRA";" There is a sense in which you keep coming back to the same financial problems and worries, just like a cracked record. Yet rather than dwelling on hopes, fears and other illusions, you may actually do something about it. All you need is sufficient determination. " "21-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" It so happens that today's planetary picture offers you the chance to triumph once and for all. You could even be propelled headlong into a remarkable twelve-month period of optimism and opportunity. Any way in which you can put your cares behind you will be well worth the effort. " "21-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Mercury represents your brilliant thoughts and best ideas, and its current helpful presence reveals your ability to control everyone and everything set up in opposition to you. You may be able to banish rivals with no more than a few well-chosen words. " "21-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Business pressures are mild today, but liable to blow up before much longer. In general I'd advise caution but, in specific situations, you must use your own judgment. It may be better to make plans in secret, away from others' intrusive gaze. That way you'll avoid unnecessary criticism. " "21-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Little by little life is moving your way, and you may assert your independence and stand up for your rights. However, authority figures, from employers to the law, are liable to be swept by intense emotions at unpredictable moments, so watch out! " "20-04-2021";"ARIES";" No Arien has any excuse to be anything other than completely businesslike today. The fact is that most planetary patterns are stirring up chaos, and unless you keep your feet firmly on the ground, events will take on a dynamic of their own. Hang on tight! " "20-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Be content with whatever is going well and looking fortunate. The last thing to do now is challenge partners on their own ground, as you will almost certainly stir up a hornets' nest of resentment and frustration. You'll probably spend more energy than you need keeping other people sweet. " "20-04-2021";"GEMINI";" There's an intensity in the air, and a brooding, emotional cloud is looming on the horizon. You should be sheltered from the worst, but must take care at work - and in every single activity that you have come to take for granted. Complacency can be your biggest weakness. " "20-04-2021";"CANCER";" According to every current indication, passion is still increasing: you are likely to be gripped by sudden enthusiasm one moment, but find yourself down in the dumps the next. The way to cheer yourself up is to always look on the bright side. After all, every cloud has a silver lining. " "20-04-2021";"LEO";" If you imagine that you can achieve what you want personally or professionally and still gloss over fundamental questions, you are sadly mistaken. Banana skins lie in wait for all those who fail to deal with difficult questions. A little extra effort now, should prevent a major headache down the road. " "20-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Planets which indicate a maximum chance for arguments also offer an unparalleled opportunity to get to the truth. Don't shy away from facts, or even theories, which challenge your current preconceptions. And don't let family members pull the wool over your eyes. " "20-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Venus, planet of love and affection, is a great help. After all, this great celestial body doubles both as the planet of friendship and as your personal ruler. You'll need a lot of goodwill to get through to family members, though. Hopefully they'll see the light before much longer. " "20-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The general planetary situation is tough, uncompromising and ruthless. It is a serious question as to whether you will be pushing yourself to the limit or making unreasonable demands on other people. However, one particular difficulty may actually turn out to be a major benefit. " "20-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Suspicions and doubts may easily be dealt with through a little careful thought. There is almost no branch of human activity which will not benefit from a little of your famous commonsense. But will other people listen? Probably not - but that's their problem! " "20-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Venus, planet of love, is now challenging Mars, planet of energy and aggression. A bout of personal friction will show you the way out of a current dilemma, so pin people down with formal commitments and undertakings. And try to get any agreements in writing! " "20-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Any minute now, full-scale war is likely to break out at work. Do yourself a favour and keep your head down unless, that is, you know that you can win. For your part, you must be able to exercise authority wisely. It's all a matter of setting a sensible example. " "19-04-2021";"ARIES";" No Monday morning moans, please. Jupiter's generous and optimistic relationship over your houses of work and creativity is reinforced by Uranus' generally surprising movements. The long-term prospects for you, and for partners, are therefore excellent. " "19-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Nothing is absolutely black or white, and an ethical or moral question may be raised very soon. It is not necessary to sacrifice your interests; neither should you expect anyone else to do so. Overseas travel may beckon, but you may be content to dream. " "19-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Every year at around this time Mercury, your planetary ruler and hence a natural ally, swings into a dramatic relationship to your sign. In fact, I think you'll start to sit up and take notice of everything that you've spent the last eleven months ignoring! " "19-04-2021";"CANCER";" Sometimes it's impossible to figure out what makes people tick, and it is difficult to gauge whether partners will be totally confused, or utterly inspired. Probably this is something you can only assess for yourself, although you should avoid hasty judgments. " "19-04-2021";"LEO";" The Moon is making waves in areas of your chart concerned with work, so you should have few difficulties tackling the real world. Romantic considerations may have to take second place, just for now. Mind you, there's always time to tell someone how you feel about them. " "19-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Business, work and pleasure combine, by virtue of the Moon's sensible presence. Yet you must be aware that behind every simple statement lies a hidden and complicated meaning, and other people may be chronically incapable of saying what they think. " "19-04-2021";"LIBRA";" A succession of helpful, harmonious planetary alignments could set you up for some very prosperous financial decisions. At the very least you should keep a sharp eye open for rare bargains. Your attitude to cash, though, is shaped by deep emotional forces. " "19-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The Sun is creating friction in a number of areas of your chart which are intimately connected to your deepest desires. You have to remember, at times like these, that not everyone is on your wave-length. Neither will partners necessarily appreciate your sense of humour! " "19-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It may be hard for friends and colleagues born under the other eleven signs to admit, but you're right! However, don't take things too far, for there are elements in the current situation which could surprise even you. The last thing you want to do is stir up feelings which are best left alone. " "19-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You're on an emotional roller-coaster today, in a mild sort of a way. If your mood changes from hour to hour, try to make sure that your circumstances can be altered to suit. In legal matters take the longest-term view possible, and don't agree to anything without expert advice. " "19-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Your hidden, hermit-like qualities may make an appearance today, and I doubt if you will welcome friends who try to be over-familiar. Anyone who tries to extract your secrets should be shown the door. I'm sure there's a very good reason for your privacy! " "18-04-2021";"ARIES";" Venus, planet of love, is shifting its position. And that's a fair enough indication that working relationships will become increasingly important. You know that efficiency is of the essence, and that there is absolutely no excuse for letting down people who have come to rely on you. And for some good news, Mercury will help you make the right decisions. " "18-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Continue with your plans, dealing with difficulties as they arise. Keep an eye on Venus, if you wish to discover more about your romantic possibilities. This wonderful planet's residency in an intense region of your chart is the most perfect indication that a close relationship is destined to thrive. " "18-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Romantically and emotionally you are on the up, and you must get things moving while so many decisive influences are going your way. Every aspect of your home life will benefit from your clever and delightful personality. You can see that this is a time to be positive and optimistic. " "18-04-2021";"CANCER";" Mercury, the planet which represents your mind, is making it necessary for you to get all your affairs in order sooner rather than later. Hold discussions, share your ideas and arrange any important interviews. People will be open to whatever you propose, so invite partners to join you in teamwork. " "18-04-2021";"LEO";" Workwise, it's still a question of following through decisions already taken and continuing with your routine. This may not be terribly exciting, but at least you are putting down firm foundations for the future, a commendable exercise which will attract admiration and respect from people in authority. " "18-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Friends and colleagues - and even people you don't know so well - will be much more important to your morale than close partners, so this will be a time to mix widely and make new contacts. Remember, you never know which one of the people you meet now will be important to you in later years. " "18-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Your latest lunar alignments are challenging you to make the most of your professional skills and experience, perhaps working with hopes which are still some way from realisation. Romantic trends are due to blossom around the middle of the week under the wonderful influence of Mars and Venus. " "18-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Nothing less than the best will do, and failure to live up to high standards could result in a confrontation. Your salvation lies in maintaining friendly contacts with all who are on your side, especially people with whom you have developed a romantic connection! This is no time to compromise your principles. " "18-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Financial affairs are still on your mind, more so even than in past weeks and months, if that is possible. Domestic spending seems to figure highly in your plans and there is no reason why you should not push ahead with confidence. Your romantic possibilities continue to benefit from Venus' helpful presence, so that's good news. " "18-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Thanks to Mercury's sparkling position, this looks like an excellent time to extend invitations to people with whom you have been hoping to co-operate. Obviously, social and romantic affairs will be much on your mind, but equally important will be team-work in a hobby or leisure activity. You'll achieve so much more if you seek genuine help. " "18-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The best feature of the current astrological picture is that other people will be ready to hear what you have to say. However, there will be times when reason gives way and sheer passion rules the day. At such times, you must take a laid-back approach and compromise if need be. " "17-04-2021";"ARIES";" At last, an expansion of choice is creating the need for more discussion, and you may be doing some hard thinking today. A recent muddle must be ironed out before you can afford to relax, but that might take another couple of weeks, at the minimum. " "17-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The Moon offers you a significant level of emotional support today. This is a time to concentrate on what you can do to make your life more meaningful, to find ways to make your daily routine more tolerable. A business opportunity will also be revealed. " "17-04-2021";"GEMINI";" It does seem almost inevitable that one way or another you will have to concede that someone else may have been right all along, galling as this may be. In any event, your planetary patterns will quickly restore your good humour, encouraging a new-found confidence. " "17-04-2021";"CANCER";" Now that Venus is beginning to shed its calming rays over your intimate affairs you can afford to feel protected. yet don't be surprised if, in the process, it shows up certain corners of your life you had forgotten about or tried to ignore. Time for a romantic adventure, perhaps? " "17-04-2021";"LEO";" There is only one major planetary alignment which need concern you at the moment, and that involves Mars and Mercury. These planets are perfectly poised to administer a social tonic and give your morale a general boost, just what you need at the moment. " "17-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Seldom have you experienced a period which is at once so decisive yet has the potential to be so utterly confusing. Should you go or stay, begin or end a series of involvements that have become your whole life? Be patient and gradually the answers will work themselves out. " "17-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Belligerent Mars is stirring up your ambitions, indicating that this is really not a restful time for you, yet neither is it beyond you to take great strides forward. Other people will arrive bearing fresh responsibilities for you, and you'll also be searching out new business opportunities for yourself. " "17-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" There is a cynical side to the Scorpionic nature: what is the point, you may ask, in struggling on when so little seems to be gained? Yet with the planets rapidly assuming a profoundly benevolent relationship to your sign, there is little doubt that events are now starting to move your way. " "17-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The parts of your chart linked to material prosperity are still active and your business affairs seem to be growing ever more complex. What a tangled web you weave when you try! Now you must find your way out of any confusion, and reestablish some sort of certainty. " "17-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Whatever your day-to-day concerns, I must periodically remind you that the passage which you are now going through will be one of the most remarkable phases of your life. It is therefore necessary to make the most of everything, repeat everything, that comes your way. " "17-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" For many reasons, not least of which is a build-up of planets in personal regions of your horoscope, this is a time of year which appeals to your Aquarian spirit, yet it does seem that you are going to be busier than you would like, and much more preoccupied with routine tasks and chores than usual. " "16-04-2021";"ARIES";" It is difficult to be specific about Ariens' fortunes at present. Some of you are still in a phase of considerable upheaval, others are relishing the prospect of increasing stability. If you do still have deep questions about a relationship, don't sweep them under the carpet, but don't jump to rash conclusions, either. " "16-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Now that Venus is playing such a direct role in your personal choices, you have entered a period in your life when you may abandon your former secrecy. Put aside your reluctance to discuss intimate personal ambitions with people who are closely involved. In future, you must deal with the plain facts. " "16-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You have good cause to hope that long-running financial questions are about to face some sort of resolution. In fact, any settlement reached now must, by definition, be temporary and but a stage on the path to the final denouement. It could all be linked to a major new ambition. " "16-04-2021";"CANCER";" The planets are playing out a drama in your sign which can only be described as profoundly mythological. This means that in your partnerships both now and in the near future you will be faced with a choice of two distinct roles to play, leader or follower: will you give the orders or obey them? You'll know soon enough. " "16-04-2021";"LEO";" Why is it that you are so deeply conditioned into imagining that you deserve a good, long rest? If this is what you think, you had better deal as resolutely as possible with any and every problem, however trivial, which comes up today, especially if you can throw money at them. " "16-04-2021";"VIRGO";" In the past, you have often imagined that when other people came to their senses everything would be straightened out. Now you may have to face the fact that colleagues will persist in their independent ideas for a long time to come. It's all to do with the Moon, which means that you can successfully solve such problems. " "16-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Everything about this time of year is symbolised by Mercury, a rich planet and one which has been responsible for making your ideas flow so vividly. Just remember that organisation and self-discipline are virtues to be cultivated if your high-minded plans are to be implemented. " "16-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Apart from the fact that this is an ideal time to travel, the astrological message is simple and straightforward. You must give free rein to the side of your nature which lives according to ideals and deeply-held beliefs, and try to establish a personal meaning to life. " "16-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It is perhaps surprising to other people that you often undervalue yourself, regarding your own great gifts as of little consequence. The sooner you realise such self-effacing attitudes are nonsense, the better. Family pressures begin to build up, but your fantasies could show the way forward. " "16-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Under one particular planetary formation you have begun to wonder if others really care about you. Yet even if they don't admit it, people genuinely do appreciate all the sacrifices you have made. They'll tell you soon, so wait for the right time for the right words to come. " "16-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" A curious aspect to Mercury indicates that there may be misunderstandings or friction over exactly who is responsible for final arrangements. My estimate is that any disputes should be quickly resolved, but it may be necessary to put your money where your mouth is! " "15-04-2021";"ARIES";" Now you must pay attention to relatives and anyone you live with, otherwise problems that can easily be settled will blow up when you least expect it. Domestic friction can only be resolved by facing the facts, never by resorting to a fantasy of what might have been. " "15-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The day's planets are definitely on your side, yet in a roundabout  manner. When good luck comes your way it won't be obvious, but concealed and disguised. It's up to you to stay alert for new opportunities, and to notice when close friends and colleagues present you with chances that you might once have overlooked. " "15-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Mars and Venus are now exerting a special influence over your finances. Therefore, check all bills, invoices and receipts. This is just the time when carelessness could result in mistakes slipping through unnoticed, and the last thing you want is to pay out more than you need. " "15-04-2021";"CANCER";" Now that Venus is softening the atmosphere, the news in general should be good, especially if partners are feeling more conciliatory. One thing to watch, though, is that in the rush to get matters arranged at home, you don't tread on people's toes. " "15-04-2021";"LEO";" You should be fully in sympathy with those around you who seem intent on enjoying themselves in a thoroughly traditional manner. You are now able to appreciate Venus' soothing presence and you're increasingly engaged in a positive quest for inner peace and fulfilment. " "15-04-2021";"VIRGO";" At exactly the right time, the planets have seen fit to adopt a classically sociable posture. You really must make an effort to mix as widely as possible, even if you find it difficult to push yourself forward. You're probably right to wait and see how the financial situation pans out. " "15-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Professional ambitions certainly do seem to be reaching a critical stage. You may even decide it is time to read the riot act and reassert your control. Somewhere along the line, though, you may cut certain ties and restore a degree of personal independence. " "15-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Because Venus and Mercury are sitting on the dividing lines of the crucial sectors of your chart, it is frankly unclear whether you will choose to implement certain fundamental changes of plan, or merely raise them for discussion. You can soon, though, rely on improving circumstances. " "15-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" As personal affairs appear to be going well, this may seem to be exactly the wrong time to start worrying about financial problems and possibilities, but this is just what you will be doing over the coming days. Perhaps you have just spent more than you could afford. " "15-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Purely as a result of cumulative pressures, you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind and push through as many changes as you think necessary. Partnerships, though, will be in a state of rapidly escalating complexity, but partly because your imagination is expanding with great speed. " "15-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Modern astrologers talk a great deal about the 'inner world' of dreams and imagination. It is time to remind you that, with so many planets in the unconscious part of your horoscope, you ignore this mysterious realm at the expense of the quality of your entire life. " "14-04-2021";"ARIES";" When we consider what you are truly capable of and what really suits you, we must say that some of your energy and activities may have been misdirected. If past attitudes no longer seem to serve you as well as they should, you must rethink certain fundamental goals. " "14-04-2021";"TAURUS";" If financial affairs are still of concern, do put your own point of view across with energy and vigour, but please don't be hurt or upset if others don't share your opinions. It's right and proper that they should adopt an alternative point of view. " "14-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Thanks to Mercury's continuing supportive presence, news from abroad or involving long-term goals, should at last be to your liking. As far as personal problems are concerned, seek help from friends who have been in the same situation as you in the past. " "14-04-2021";"CANCER";" Being a sensitive and emotional person, you sometimes feel as if life is slipping out of your control. Yet, if you make the most of your many skills and talents, there is no reason at all why you should imagine this to be the case. By next week your lost confidence will be restored. " "14-04-2021";"LEO";" Pressure for change at home may have abated, and you may feel that now is not the time to risk an open disagreement. Instead, you should take the initiative and see to it that everybody approves your positive aspirations. That's the best way to share in partners' good fortune. " "14-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Although events are generally moving your way, the fact that you seem to have so many routine chores heaping up is purely due to your own failure to keep ahead in the past. Analysing the problems may be a way of avoiding taking firm practical action. " "14-04-2021";"LIBRA";" The Moon, in association with other planets, reminds you that social and partnership issues still have to be dealt with in spite of recent developments. Even though this might be the last thing on your mind at present, you really do have to redouble your efforts. " "14-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Financially you have been reaping the full benefit of Jupiter's helpful patterns, marginal though this may be, and you must still be on the crest of a wave. This is an ideal note on which to enter the next phase of your existence, especially if you're hatching a creative scheme. " "14-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Financial negotiations may have gone well, but it now looks as if final decisions may be altered or adjusted next week, through no fault of your own. As a general rule you should settle bills when you are prosperous rather than waiting until your resources are drained. " "14-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Mars is still playing a powerful role in your personal relationships, so partners will be in a demanding mood, and unexpected changes of behaviour on their part will keep you on your toes. It's probably best to take a pragmatic view and lower your expectations rather than being over-critical. " "14-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" By now you should be well on the way to returning a sense of personal meaning to your affairs. Both personally fulfilling creative matters and romantic relationships should be doing well. In addition to which, your financial prospects are improving. " "13-04-2021";"ARIES";" You now realise that there is no way back, even if you are at loggerheads over private and domestic matters. Relatives will eventually realise why you had to make certain decisions, even if these were unpopular. In the meantime, persuade a partner it is really worth cooperating with you. " "13-04-2021";"TAURUS";" After passing through a phase in which you have put your ideas across with great vigour, you are moving towards a more conciliatory period. In future you will seduce people into agreeing with you by using your delightful, irresistible, poetic charm. " "13-04-2021";"GEMINI";" This week offers your last chance to put into action a wide-ranging reassessment of your plans and interests. It looks very much as if the outcome will probably exceed your wildest expectations. But, first, you have to resolve a long-standing domestic drama. " "13-04-2021";"CANCER";" Although broadly speaking you are in the right, you must be aware that partners and close friends feel they have an axe to grind and may not agree to your proposals, especially where money is concerned. The negotiations must continue, at least until next week. " "13-04-2021";"LEO";" Don't feel obliged to spend too much time going over old ground, much as you might need to concentrate on establishing a firm base for current operations. But please do listen to the still, small voice of your conscience. And do seize generous gestures when they're offered. " "13-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Gradually you are shifting away from a concern with the specifics of your professional ambitions towards a feeling that it is not the details which matter, but the degree to which you derive personal satisfaction from your general direction. Your real path is an inner one. " "13-04-2021";"LIBRA";" There's little doubt that your underlying situation has improved in recent months. Right now your biggest flaw is over-confidence, brought on by Mars' active location. In fact, it is best to face up to your doubts instead of sweeping them under the carpet. " "13-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" After a period of frenetic financial activity, it is beginning to look as if normality is about to return. But you must be cautious about such things lest you suddenly drop your guard and blunder into a bad deal. It may be another two weeks before the confusion clears. " "13-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You're not normally that interested in playing emotional games or getting involved in tangled situations, mainly because you are much too busy for such time-wasting fripperies. However, you will soon have cause to take a close look at your own motives. " "13-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your business sense is usually fair and honest, largely thanks to the location of the diplomatic sign, Libra, in your chart, and any financial skills you've picked up have been reinforced by your good qualities. Even so, events during the next few days may make you aware of the need to organise your resources more profitably. " "13-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" At a time like this, you are subject to rapidly changing moods. Focus on domestic improvements and family relationships, but don't let other people take your decisions for you or attempt emotional blackmail, especially not where your own money is concerned. " "12-04-2021";"ARIES";" At times like these it is increasingly necessary to remind you just how important are your home and family. However, if you fuss and worry too much you will ruin your own enjoyment as well as other people's. But if you're organising social get-togethers early this week, pull out the stops. " "12-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The Taurean is a placid creature but, reluctant as you are to confess your real feelings, when the celestial spheres are impacting on your financial affairs, as they are today, you must make a point of being absolutely and totally honest, direct and straightforward. " "12-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You were born an intellectual Gemini, so isn't it about time you started using your vivid imagination and mental abilities to the full? Get your act together, stop prevaricating and make up your mind. The more you develop your intuition, the better you'll do at work. " "12-04-2021";"CANCER";" If you begin to feel irritated over others' lack of support, it is only because you are under such pressure and have come to expect so much. Realise that other people can only contribute in relation to their time, skill and experience. It is futile to expect more. " "12-04-2021";"LEO";" It is because you were born under the creative sign of Leo that you have such a strange and vivid imagination. Yet, now it is other planets in other signs which are driving you to implement your vision of the future at any cost. In particular, you're about to discover your business aptitude. " "12-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Professionally speaking, the pace of events is picking up. Do not sit by while others take the lead. Now is the time to shed your passive image and show that you have as much initiative as any of your friends or colleagues. Waste no time. Seize the day! " "12-04-2021";"LIBRA";" A challenge from Mars lends you added vigour. There is therefore no reason to feel trapped by a relationship which has lost its sparkle or by colleagues who have failed to recognise your true worth. Break free from repressive circumstances and attitudes. " "12-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" There is no doubt about your ability to get important projects off the ground, and every chance that your efforts will be rewarded. You can expect a reasonable degree of success, but perhaps not the triumphal victory parade you've been dreaming about. " "12-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Time is on your side, and it would be foolish to rush into any financial commitments until present planetary influences have abated. You must be sure that other people will keep their side of the bargain, otherwise you will probably decide to drop out before you get in any deeper. " "12-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" It is other people's deep-rooted emotional insecurity which makes them unable to accept what you say and do at face value. This has been the cause of so many arguments and disputes in past years, yet now you may act to break the cycle perhaps forever. " "12-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Continuing supportive aspects from Jupiter signify that this is the ideal time to lay all your cards on the table. Just one word of advice, though; ensure that you don't overplay your hand. You do not want to overreach yourself, especially not at this stage. " "11-04-2021";"ARIES";" Money will be of increasing importance over the next few weeks. The simple reason is that it will become blindingly obvious that you won't be able to afford some of your plans unless you boost your income. Secret romances are signified by Venus' changing position, but only because passions could be over-heating! " "11-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Now that Venus, planet of love, is moving into new and romantic regions, you must make friendship and social life your priority. It seems inevitable that a special new person will be walking into your life. Magnetic Mars only reinforces this lively message, but could also significantly raise the financial stakes. " "11-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Geminians who have professional ambitions will now find it much easier to get along with people at work. All of you will soon discover that you receive much wider appreciation for your achievements. Mercury's curious motion rather suggests that you'll meet occasional delays and broken arrangements, though possibly in a good cause. " "11-04-2021";"CANCER";" You will soon be faced with an important personal choice. You may even be encouraged to take a major risk. However, you must move cautiously, otherwise you may make a loss or run up a large debt. Be aware that most people are liable to be in a rather unpredictable mood, and that a close partner could need careful handling. " "11-04-2021";"LEO";" Mercury encourages you to be even more obstinate than usual, mainly because there are times when you're convinced that you're right. There is nothing wrong in this. After all, why should you compromise with people whose knowledge and understanding are so much less than yours? You will sense a vital financial opportunity towards the end of the week. " "11-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Your material well-being needs a little extra attention. You could even be running up additional expenses. Yet this is all part of life's annual cycle, so no doubt you'll cope as well as usual. Social trends are set to sparkle after Thursday, and the generally optimistic and colourful influences continue to create a general sense of hope. " "11-04-2021";"LIBRA";" The week's major planetary movements favour your interests, whether at work or at home. However, you may be knocked off balance by a feeling that all is not right moneywise. Watch out for confusion and misunderstandings midweek; as long as you avoid too many complications, you should steer clear of emotional chaos. " "11-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Some of the planets are in contradictory mode, others are at peace. So while there are people around you who may be in an argumentative frame of mind, others will be on your side. In a positive sense, this may be a good time to get something off your chest. Venus brings excellent developments in all intimate affairs. " "11-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Family and domestic concerns become steadily more important, so it's clear that you should press ahead with decorations and repairs at home. The auspices are also fine for family entertaining, so bring relations together. At work, see to it that your better ideas and plans are perfectly understood and supported. " "11-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The Moon makes some of its most intriguing alignments on Wednesday and Thursday, so it stands to reason that these could therefore be the best times for family occasions. Watch out for hidden financial costs. It is difficult to see that there is anything that can genuinely harm your personal interests at the moment. " "11-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The risk this week is of clashes with colleagues at work or people in authority. Such arguments may flare up without warning, so be prepared and ready to do your best to restore a good feeling. The best opportunities, both personally and professionally, come later in the week, so save your fire. " "10-04-2021";"ARIES";" Two very unnerving planetary aspects are set to continue, and your best strategy is to realise that other people cannot always be relied upon. Once you understand this, you'll stop expecting them to achieve the impossible. Be more realistic, just for a change! " "10-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Close partners really are so terribly difficult to fathom, for some mysterious reason. Why, you ask, should they persist in making what is so very simple, so terribly complicated? Just accept that their view of reality is different from yours and leave them to it! " "10-04-2021";"GEMINI";" You may look to family members for support - and expect to get it! You must work hard to achieve your aims and boost your income. By all accounts you have a flare for business, but in this, and in relationships, you're moving towards a high risk strategy. Play to win! " "10-04-2021";"CANCER";" From now on, probably for up to ten weeks, you will be going over old ground. Yet, nothing repeats itself exactly, and you will still be carving out the future, even though it doesn't always feel like it. There may be some frustration as a result, but use the opportunity to do now what you failed to get right first time around. " "10-04-2021";"LEO";" Family members or people you live with still seem to insist on raking over the past. Just why they should be so reluctant to let go may be a mystery to you, but they have their reasons. You have to give other people time to catch up, so be patient - at least for now. " "10-04-2021";"VIRGO";" If you have said your piece, that's fine. However, there may be more to say before the air is well and truly cleared, so start laying down the law. The only people who will be surprised will be those who have always misjudged you. And perhaps that's about time! " "10-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You've got one last chance to reach your targets, so don't squander it. Your business arrangements still seem a little complex, but you could be making a mountain out of a very ordinary molehill. The best thing you can do today is pamper yourself. You deserve it! " "10-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" It's very important to discover just how things reached their current state, even if it means going back over memories that are half-forgotten, or even completely buried in the past. Somehow the truth will out. The sooner you get your story ready, the better! " "10-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Some things are so utterly obvious, others so terribly obscure. The best advice is probably to tackle financial matters and spending plans first, then the emotional issues. You need to deal with details but don't dig too deep, for you may not like what you find! " "10-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The whole mood of the times is still pregnant with romantic possibilities and emotional power. You need change and variety, and without these things you may blame the people you're with for holding you back. Mind you, perhaps you're equally responsible! " "10-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You may be slightly bemused by the way professional plans have developed, for there seems to be little rhyme or reason behind a number of recent events. Much the same goes for your romantic life. Give up trying to make sense of the world and enjoy it instead! " "09-04-2021";"ARIES";" Both the professional and business regions of your chart are looking profoundly unstable. The only certain consequence is that where there is change, there lies opportunity. Seize it while you can, for the same offer might not come round again, at least not until your desires have altered. " "09-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Your mind and emotions are buzzing with energy. Life is full of potential for endings, but also for new beginnings. Sometimes this will be difficult, sometimes easy. Do yourself a favour and look at the underlying purpose of even apparently chance events. " "09-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Intensity in relationships will be matched by a sense of insecurity and anticipation in finances. Psychologists have long noted the connections between money and desire, and you will be trying to balance your need for emotional stimulation with your longing for material security. " "09-04-2021";"CANCER";" This doesn't look like a good moment for compromise. This isn't to say that you shouldn't try, but that your efforts will probably fall on stony ground. It's far better to state your case as honestly as you can, and give others a fair hearing. " "09-04-2021";"LEO";" Watch out at work - and in all dealings with people in authority. Such ambitious and pompous people are likely to be increasingly irrational, even though they imagine they are being incredibly reasonable. Don't rise to provocation, for you'll be walking straight into a trap. " "09-04-2021";"VIRGO";" It is time to dredge your psychological and emotional depths for every single forgotten talent and creative gift. There have been few moments as good as this for creative self-expression, so indulge yourself while you can. And don't let routine duties stand in your way. " "09-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Your finances could be in turmoil, your family life driven by radical change. The very least that you can expect is that someone close will put on an emotional display and flounce out! Will you run after them? Well, you'll have to take a good, long look at the situation, and make a cool and calculated decision. " "09-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Mercury, ruling your intellect, now links up with Pluto, the planet which signifies your deepest instincts. The best that can be hoped for is a flash of enlightenment; the worst, that you'll mistake your personal desires for universal truth and end up on the wrong track. " "09-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" A business association, joint financial arrangement or intensely personal matter has been fraught with difficulties. If these are brought into the open, everyone will know where they stand and all will be well. If you can create harmony now then it should last for a long time. " "09-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" If anything, today's social and emotional patterns are more dramatic, revolutionary and unpredictable than yesterday's. It will be a rare individual indeed who gets through the day without at least one intriguing encounter. There is nothing to say except expect the unexpected! " "09-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The gulf between what is said and what is not is so great that any real understanding seems impossible. The only truth seems to be the old mystical paradox that nothing is true. It could now be time to let a friend into a secret, by the way. " "08-04-2021";"ARIES";" Watch out at work. Venus and Uranus are linked in mysterious ways, revealing that you are walking an emotional tightrope, and that you should avoid both giving offence and rising to provocation. The same advice goes for home and family matters, although the chances of a surprise are not as great as they were. " "08-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The most important patterns in your chart have a great deal to do with overseas and long-term influences. It may well be, for example, that to achieve your romantic goals, it is necessary to visit foreign parts. One way or another, you require adventure to lift your emotional life. " "08-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Everything that took place over the past few days, especially in the personal sphere, will continue to affect you over the next few months. It's therefore important to understand the causes for both your successes and failures. And once you've figured out why you did what you did, you'll do it better next time! " "08-04-2021";"CANCER";" The power to lighten your emotional burdens is growing stronger, but whether you are prepared to take the final step is another matter. It is never easy to make a break with the past, even with old habits, but that is what you must now do. All it takes is courage! " "08-04-2021";"LEO";" Always remember that you hold many of the trump cards. The fact is that you depend on others for your security, but they are also relying on you to satisfy their needs. In any personal tiff, your negotiating position is therefore strong, and will remain so. " "08-04-2021";"VIRGO";" This is no time to be a shrinking violet. Two powerful patterns in your chart urge you to let go. One lends added force to your ideas and intellect, another raises the emotional temperature, so go for it! You never know - you might just amaze yourself. " "08-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Strange and unsettling alignments emerge from the region of your solar chart denoting home and family. On the positive side this is a moment for giving in to the emotional undercurrents. A more cautious note should be sounded by the risks of hasty and ill-judged actions. " "08-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" There is much to be said about intimate matters, not all of it clear or rational. In fact this is a suitable moment to chuck logic out of the window and accept that the only thing which makes much sense is how you feel. Folk who stick to the facts could be missing the point. " "08-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The spotlight is on money and relationships, always an explosive combination. Others will be coming to you with wonderful ideas for making a quick buck and grabbing a bargain, but do they really know what they're talking about? Probably not! " "08-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Venus, planet of love, extends the hand of friendship to Uranus, ruler of sudden and dramatic change. The most important qualities in your love life now will be freedom, independence, change, variety and experimentation! That sounds like a recipe for success! " "08-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" People around you may be confused. And you are certainly perplexed. The problem seems to be that your feelings are moving very fast, and that you are having difficulty in keeping up. All you need is more time and more space. This is surely not too much to ask! " "07-04-2021";"ARIES";" The Moon maintains its supportive position so you should feel relatively strong emotionally. Legal, educational and travel matters should all benefit, but the underlying need is to maintain a morally impeccable standard. That's the best way to earn respect. " "07-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Hopefully, you are so involved with new ideas or projects that you are able to keep your distance and let others work out their problems without troubling you. You owe nothing to people to whom you have made no promises, so don't submit to undue emotional pressure. " "07-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Partners' fantasies may not be your business, but they have the power to make them so! You'd better take an interest from the beginning or risk causing needless offence to people who feel let down or ignored. You know the rules - if you're nice to people now, they'll stand by you later. " "07-04-2021";"CANCER";" There seems to be little let-up at work or in your routine chores. Whether you're in paid employment or tied to domestic chains, the planetary message is clear and unequivocal: stick with it! And a partner who wants you to do what they want, might just have to wait for a while! " "07-04-2021";"LEO";" Recently you seem to have been caught in some sort of emotional tug-of-war. The situation has now eased, although there is still plenty to come to light. Continue your inquiries, and examine your own behaviour. And, above all, be kind to people who have given you their trust. " "07-04-2021";"VIRGO";" With so much planetary activity stressing personal ties and involvements it seems that you must make whatever effort is necessary to see that all goes according to plan. Family members, children and loved ones will be queuing up for your gentle attention! " "07-04-2021";"LIBRA";" It's because enthusiastic alignments are so active that your whole outlook should be optimistic and hopeful. It's one of those strange times when, if you believe in the best, the best may happen! And the results will be even better if you set a fine and noble example. " "07-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" You might still have a few doubts, but not for much longer. There may be some sort of financial sacrifice necessary now, but a little extra spending in the short term should guarantee you extra earnings in the long run. Just how this is to happen is as yet unclear, but all will be revealed in good time. " "07-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You can continue to play the game your way, even if partners have different ideas. Change the rules, move the goal posts and do whatever you like to see that you come out on top. The one area where risks are taboo is financial, especially if you're dealing with other people's cash. " "07-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There is much uncertainty in the air and you still seem to be unsure of your own feelings. Until you have made your mind up, any commitments should only be for the short-term, if only because you need to take a fresh approach when circumstances change - as they will surely do. " "07-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You are a person of contradictions. Outside, all is social confidence. Inside, all is romantic turmoil. You have no choice but to follow your feelings wherever they take you, but do tread carefully. If you can come out of this period with a friendship strengthened, then all will be well. " "06-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Business matters are shooting up the agenda. It is not clear whether it's your income or expenditure which is on the increase, only that it is joint affairs which matter. Take others' wishes into account at every turn, especially if business and pleasure begin to merge. " "06-04-2021";"GEMINI";" The Moon casts its net far and wide, encompassing your relationships along the way, so it would be foolish to imagine that the emotional level will stay as it is. You must realise that this is a partner's chance to shine, so don't begrudge them their advantages. " "06-04-2021";"CANCER";" It is necessary to stay busy and keep active. The strongest region of your chart concerns work, and your purpose should be to get as much under your belt now, so as to leave you with spare time over the coming days. Even romantic matters require extra effort. " "06-04-2021";"LEO";" It's the pleasure principle which stands out in your chart at the moment. You have a choice as to whether you direct your energies into having fun or developing long-lost creative gifts. But don't waste your time, otherwise you'll end up feeling as if you've let an opportunity slip through your hands. " "06-04-2021";"VIRGO";" There could be pressure for change at home. However, it should pass very quickly so, if you are determined to make much-needed improvements, you should seize the moment rather than leaving it until tomorrow. And don't forget - there is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself! " "06-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You have your peculiarities, just like everyone else. Right now you should be letting friends in on the secret, spreading your wilder ideas around, and, more than anything, projecting an air of confidence and originality. But can you manage it? Well, yes, but only if you believe in yourself. " "06-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" By the end of the coming week you will have come close to making a decision that has been put off for too long. Today, though, spare a thought for your financial situation, and do what you can to lift your earnings. You'll need extra cash if you are to pay for a dream. " "06-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The Moon plays subtle emotional games today. This is a moment to be treasured, and you can usefully set time aside for reflecting on the past six months and meditating on the next half year. It is good to pause for thought, even if a personal plan is postponed. " "06-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There is undoubtedly a great deal going on behind the scenes, even though much may exist purely in your imagination. It will therefore pay you to tread very carefully and think twice before you accuse anybody of anything. You need to get hold of all the evidence first. " "06-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Hopefully your working and domestic commitments are at a minimum. The simple reason is that your social stars are looking quite splendid and if you lived in the perfect world you'd be out on one long romantic whirl. I'm sure you'll cope splendidly! " "05-04-2021";"TAURUS";" The Moon is making its regular challenge to your sign, but in a rather nice sort of way. This is therefore the time of the month when you have to do what you're told. Or perhaps it would be true to say that if you allow others to take the lead now, you'll gain in the long run. " "05-04-2021";"GEMINI";" It's undoubtedly a day to get up to date with all routine chores, secure in the knowledge that the more you achieve now, the more time you'll have off in the future. Go for broke and you might even amaze yourself. But, if you're liable to an attack of nerves, seek reassurance first. " "05-04-2021";"CANCER";" Once in a while the planets send you messages which are at once helpful and constructive. Difficulties can be resolved if you rise to the challenge. However, if you take the right steps, life will be transformed for the better. In fact, there's no way but up! " "05-04-2021";"LEO";" The Moon is aligned with the lower reaches of your solar chart, so you may turn your attention to the foundations of your life. In other words, before you can succeed in any worldly ambitions, family matters must be resolved - and quick! " "05-04-2021";"VIRGO";" It's decision time again. However, it is unlikely that choices made now will be binding, so take as long as you like. The only essential proviso is that you talk to as many people as possible and gain as many different points of view as you can. A little wisdom, as they say, is a good thing. " "05-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Check up on the week's financial plans. It's all a matter of dealing with the obvious, like whether you have enough cash in your purse. Avoid making unnecessary value judgments on partners' behaviour, by the way, because the chances are that you'll misunderstand their intentions. " "05-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" The Moon is extra strong today, so it's your turn to shine. Your emotions may be slightly unsteady, but nothing you can't cope with. Besides, there's a profound businesslike air to the day's developments, and the people who do best will be those who get on with the job in hand - and don't get into a flap! " "05-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Keep your feelings to yourself if you wish. It's a day to put vague suspicions to one side and instead to concentrate on whatever spiritual or mystical truth makes sense to you. When you notice the patterns that underpin your affairs, then you'll be ready to shift them to your favour. " "05-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" By all means continue to stand your ground over partnership or domestic matters, but you should understand that it's best to concentrate on the long-term rather than be drawn into daily squabbles. It's the shape of things this time next year that matters. " "05-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It's a day for winning. This is not to say that you must come first, but at least you should compete. There is nothing to be gained from dropping out or refusing to fight just because you risk failure. And if you do have an attack of self-doubt, take your cue from people who have been in the same situation - and won. " "04-04-2021";"TAURUS";" There is little to hold you back now, not even your own feelings of apprehension about the future. Powerful planetary patterns will enable you to distinguish your imaginary fears from limitations which are real and which must therefore be taken into account. Perhaps you would do well not to worry about the outcome. " "04-04-2021";"GEMINI";" As Jupiter significantly adjusts its position, a struggle for supremacy should be drawing to a close, hopefully with you now taking the upper hand. You may still be undecided as to which way you should turn, and unless you are prepared to give up certain rights, you must expect other people to feel slightly miffed. " "04-04-2021";"CANCER";" You will get off to a flying start, even though confusion and uncertainty may dog your footsteps. Once you escape from the lack of direction that has plagued you in the past, you will begin to make excellent progress. You may find that it was not you, but your close friends and partners, who were responsible for holding you up. " "04-04-2021";"LEO";" The combination of charming Venus and aggressive Mars is almost irresistible. There will be few people, if any, who will be able to withstand your wiles and graces, and this does seem like an ideal time to achieve many of your goals. Romantic activities are well-starred, which is probably one of your major considerations. " "04-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Mercury, your delightful and witty planetary ruler, is now coasting through a supportive region of your chart. This may be excellent for your work and professional hopes, but is not so hot as far as your emotional state is concerned. Don't worry, though, because you'll begin to see everything from an altogether different and even more positive perspective. " "04-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Developments that are beginning to take place in your life now will accelerate and intensify as the weeks go by. You were at the centre of important emotional influences in recent months, but now that a personal issue is on the sidelines, you can redirect your energies. In fact, you are about to experience some amazing changes. " "04-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Mars, a planet which always has a special meaning in your life, is adopting a position which is broadly helpful, but not without a number of important consequences, personal as well as professional. In particular, you must be aware that teachers, employers or other people in authority will expect you to give your best. " "04-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" For as long as serious Saturn is aligned with your sign you must expect that both friends and partners will have the advantage in any joint ventures, but also that you stand to gain enormously from their efforts. Indeed, you must now wake up and realise the extent to which you have benefited from other people's generosity. " "04-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The most important personal developments probably take place at the beginning of the next month, mainly due to the Moon's changing patterns and alignments. Much depends on how well you are able to organise yourself now, and whether you are bold enough to get away with a dramatic break from stale conditions. " "04-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Venus and Mars are such important planets that you must take notice of any and every message they send your way. Right now, this remarkable duo is in exactly the right position to open up your social and romantic life. Do not be afraid to make the first move if that is the only way to get what you want. " "03-04-2021";"TAURUS";" By now, sufficient pieces of the jig-saw have fallen into place for you to see the whole picture. Hopefully the pattern which is emerging is one which suits your general hopes and wishes for the future. Pluto is encouraging financial transformation, but it could be a little while longer before you really see where you're heading! " "03-04-2021";"GEMINI";" Hopes of a boost in your career, or of success in an important leisure activity, should raise your morale today. This is definitely a good note on which to end a week which has seen you advancing in many areas. The best news is that there is still good news to come. " "03-04-2021";"CANCER";" Now is the moment to move forward on all fronts. Waste no time and brook no opposition if you sense that your ambitions will be attained with just one more final push. There is no limit to what you can achieve, although to come top you need help from those you love. " "03-04-2021";"LEO";" The time is coming when you must reorganise your working habits together with the way you cope with routine chores in general. Much domestic discontent may have focused around the way you do, or do not, fulfil your responsibilities. Oh, and sidestep a muddle at work. " "03-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Money matters are well to the fore at the moment and it looks very much as if a partner is about to put forward a business proposition. Perhaps you will be asked to come in on a venture with profitable consequences. This is not the time, as a matter of fact, for financial speculation, so take no risks. " "03-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Although much depends on what happens next week, you have reason to be satisfied at the course of events in recent days. There seems little doubt that underlying trends really do favour you and your loved ones. There could be confusion at home, so try to get a grip on the details. " "03-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" An ordinary hum-drum existence doesn't suit you, as you may now have found out. What you should be doing is continually finding ways to explore your deep and intense emotions, with a view to freeing yourself from the stock responses of the past. Mystical Scorpios could be in their element. " "03-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" In some strange way you may benefit from the inability of certain people to see eye-to-eye, perhaps because they look to you for advice. You may be the only person who can restore peace. Socially you can follow a dream. You never know - it might come true. " "03-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You must decide whether you wish to continue with your present course or make a complete break with the people and places of the past. The sooner you make up your mind, the quicker you'll deal with a current dilemma. On the other hand, at work, stand your ground. " "03-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It's about time you stopped lecturing other people on how they should take radical initiatives and started following your own advice. Friends will respect you if you show some consistency and dedication. The Sun sails through benevolent regions of your chart, encouraging you to spread your wings. " "02-04-2021";"TAURUS";" Money may be in short supply but, in view of developments over the last few days, this is perhaps to be expected. A hiccup such as this is usual before embarking on a venture calculated to change the course of your life. Check out a travel plan - now might be the time a treasured ambition comes true. " "02-04-2021";"GEMINI";" There are sound reasons why you should now bide your time and leave a major new enterprise until later, perhaps until next year. Hold important discussions only after you're convinced that other people will be prepared to listen to what you have to say. Put your point of view with care. " "02-04-2021";"CANCER";" No one can compel you to do anything against your will, so you have no need to fear pressure from partners or colleagues. However, it may be in your best interests to meet other people half-way. Partners still have the advantage, so you may have to be patient. " "02-04-2021";"LEO";" By and large you're in for a friendly day, a moment to broaden your horizons and set your sights higher than in the past. This is no time to dwell on personal problems, however important they may seem. There are other people in your circle who require help and assistance far more urgently than you. " "02-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Mercury forms a challenging but constructive relationship with the Moon, so there's every chance that a helpful agreement will be concluded. What a pleasant change it will make to find everyone who counts in an amicable mood. You will soon discover that partners are supporting you after all. " "02-04-2021";"LIBRA";" You've had more than enough time to impress the people who matter, with your flare and charm. Now you must begin to rely on your deeper talents, realising that appearances are no guarantee of long-term success. At work, concentrate on improving relationships with colleagues. " "02-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Right now foresight and commonsense are your most valued qualities, and if you've been a little short on these lately, this is the time to make up for the lack and compensate for bad judgment at the beginning of the week. You might soon stumble on a major financial offer - one which was under your nose all the time. " "02-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Enforced changes at home can make you even more determined then ever to get your own way. Actually, if you run carefully through the events of the last few days you'll see a pattern emerging in which you had a key part to play. Your self-esteem can only benefit. " "02-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Count your blessings. So far, certain plans have worked out remarkably well in some respects, so put an end to your obsession with how difficult life is and how unfortunate you are. A confident manner will help you create a favourable and secure future. " "02-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" No one gains when you try to distance yourself from family members who have been doing their best to help you. You may as well just face the fact that their ideas about your future do not coincide with yours. Socially, you'll be able to make a splash by next week. " "01-04-2021";"TAURUS";" You really must be more decisive if you want to implement any of the many schemes which have been coming your way. It's possible, of course, that you have been so obsessed with minutiae that you have completely missed some grand opportunities. " "01-04-2021";"GEMINI";" This is a time of rewards, but also of increased responsibility and hard work. Perhaps personal gains will result from your success in dealing with chores which are really quite ordinary. Partners have the best ideas, so you may gain from accepting invitations you'd once have turned down. " "01-04-2021";"CANCER";" Today's planetary picture should have a calming effect on your ambitions, particularly if you've been planning to travel or are coping with any legal problems. But you may be too impatient to take rational decisions. Perhaps you can wait until your head has cleared. " "01-04-2021";"LEO";" The proud Leo lion may be feeling a little bruised and battered after recent domestic tiffs, even if you've come out on top. Be magnanimous in victory and take the initiative in restoring trust between friends. Your financial prospects couldn't be better, by the way. " "01-04-2021";"VIRGO";" Your main concern is to see that order is maintained in spite of indications of impending chaos. Partners and loved ones are waiting for you to come up with a solution to a problem that you feel is none of your making. Turn your attention to money - your ideas are smarter than you think. " "01-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Just because a partner is in a pushy mood, that is no reason to give way on issues which are vital to your happiness and well-being. If you hold your ground, others will be forced to respect you. At home, a relation seems to be helping you behind the scenes. " "01-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Although your position once seemed so secure, there are new factors to take into account. Someone, somewhere, is convinced you have let them down. It is no use imagining that you can go on as before, pretending that nothing has happened, and you must now arrange a peace meeting. " "01-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" How did you manage to arrive at the situation in which you now find yourself? It's probably hard to unravel the exact chain of events, but that's no reason to absolve yourself from all blame! The Moon's support, as a matter of fact, helps you get your way at home. " "01-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You may be waiting for other people to cheer you up. What may please you now is if someone comes forward with an apology for a past misdemeanour, or a bright idea as to how you can improve conditions for yourself. Be in no doubt that you are in command of the situation. " "01-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Your main concern must be to get partners to give you an idea as to why they feel so strongly about issues that, as far as you are concerned, are of no importance whatsoever. Attempt to see the other side of the coin for a change, and view the world through a partner's eyes. " "31-03-2021";"TAURUS";" How about allowing yourself to relax now that the pressure seems to have eased up a little? But you should work to heal those wounds which have been re-opened by recent arguments. Joint finances move up the agenda, so if you do have a chance to harass the bank manager, you may well have a surprise success. " "31-03-2021";"GEMINI";" For once everything seems to be going your way. At least, that is the message coming over loud and clear from a planetary picture which has your best interests at heart. Deal with money sooner rather than later and get the most out of a professional opportunity. " "31-03-2021";"CANCER";" For as long as the Moon exerts its emotional sway over your money, even indirectly, you will feel slightly sensitive about financial issues. Is it that you consider you may have let a friend down by not paying your way? You're still too busy, but, then, what's new! " "31-03-2021";"LEO";" A domestic matter or family complication has certainly been giving you sleepless nights lately. Perhaps you have been trying to hang on to a mythical past which other people have now abandoned. If, by any chance, partners are still confused, have another go at enlightening them. " "31-03-2021";"VIRGO";" There is absolutely no reason why you should agree to force the pace or consent to proposals which are frankly not in your best interests. Bide your time if this is what you feel is best for now. You should catch up with a family relationship and restore a favourite bond. " "31-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You really must learn to listen to what partners are saying and doing. Sometimes it's not even enough to listen to their wise words - you should take their advice as well. And that might mean swallowing humble pie! You can put financial plans on the back-burner. " "31-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" If people have been challenging your authority at home or at work, then this is largely because you have let both them and yourself down. There is every reason for you to try and re-establish your position as soon as possible, whatever partners say. " "31-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Seeing that today's lunar alignment gives you total control at home, the time is fast approaching when a major reorganisation of your financial life must take place. Events which occur now, will make or break your economic situation for months to come. " "31-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Upsetting or challenging circumstances play a familiar part in your life, so much so, in fact, that you take them for granted. Yet you must realise that the key to success lies almost entirely within your own hands. Once you've understood that simple truth, you'll be set on the road to good fortune. " "31-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The Sun's relationship with Saturn implies that self-discipline is essential, if you are to accomplish tasks which express your creative nature. Look for avenues which will enhance your freedom and set a course for the next six or seven months - at least. " "30-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Your charitable instincts will be at their strongest and, in return, you may be the fortunate recipient of financial aid or other material support. You should experience tangible gains by the end of the week. Relationships with children should improve, but only if your high standards are flexible. " "30-03-2021";"GEMINI";" It's a day for hope and optimism, and you may receive welcome relief from the stress and strain of recent days. As a thinking, intelligent person, it's your responsibility to bring rivals together, enabling them to reach agreement as soon as possible. " "30-03-2021";"CANCER";" In the absence of what you consider to be a genuine partnership, you may continue to work away by yourself, doing what you consider to be necessary for now. Patience is a virtue at the moment, especially if you've got a problem with people in authority. " "30-03-2021";"LEO";" What a day! This is definitely the moment to climb Mount Everest, metaphorically speaking, of course! Further education beckons and, even those of you who have no intention of becoming students, should be searching for a personal path to massive self-improvement. " "30-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You're approaching one of those rare times of year when your solar chart is relatively immune to stressful planetary influences. Why don't you seize the opportunity to lay the foundations for future achievements? In love, there's one problem; you may want more affection than anyone can possibly give. " "30-03-2021";"LIBRA";" If you're looking for a way out of a financial mire, investigate the possibilities of either legal assistance or help which may arrive from friends overseas. The answer, though, will not be clear for a few weeks yet. But then the wait will be worth it. " "30-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Keep your mind on important matters and try to play down current emotional upsets. Too much time in the past has been spent indulging your own feelings for no good purpose. It's time to re-join the real world and assert your rightful place as one of the top people. " "30-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Saturn, the most sober of all planets, stresses business matters. The sooner you rearrange your priorities and attempt to conserve your resources rather than wasting them, the better. You'll be contemplating learning a creative skill within about three months. " "30-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You'll have to make an early start if you want to make the most of the Moon's constructive alignments. Late risers will find that partners and rivals could have the advantage for the rest of the day. There could be a mystery around today, perhaps involving lost information or instructions. " "30-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You are entitled to feel that other people have been inconsiderate at work, yet that's no reason to do to others what they have done to you. Practice some of that noble Aquarian idealism, and impress partners with your vision of the future. " "29-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Current planetary patterns have tended to make you over-confident in the financial sphere. You must bear in mind that purchases and commitments you enter into now will have to be paid for sooner or later. In love, take it easy and play it cool. " "29-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You have no right to expect other people to bail you out, neither should they. That witty planet Mercury is urging you to take responsibility for your own actions, no matter what knocks your confidence has taken lately. The day's intensity could be unsettling, but you'll survive. " "29-03-2021";"CANCER";" You have been waiting for a partnership to bear positive results for a considerable time. Yet no matter what you have done, the entire situation has remained maddeningly vague and a close friend has proved impossible to pin down. At work, take obstacles in your stride. " "29-03-2021";"LEO";" Much as it disagrees with your basic temperament, when the Moon encourages service and self-sacrifice, as it does today, you must knuckle under and perform those chores and tasks which lesser mortals regard as normal. You're still full of energy, but don't burn yourself up. " "29-03-2021";"VIRGO";" It is because Virgos are said to be so logical and analytical that many people fall into the trap of believing that you lack imagination. However, over the next two to three months, a number of close friends will discover the true extent of your talents. " "29-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Mars' new location could indicate a bout of strong speaking. Your tendency to agree with what anybody else says gets you out of trouble sometimes, but right now you must stand your ground. Otherwise, business and financial affairs will take a turn for the worse. Mercury's support is genuinely helping you discover the truth. " "29-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" After months of suppressed emotions and anger over the way you have been treated in the past, you may now speak your mind. Yet please be careful not to make any unfair allegations or unjust accusations. Keep a secret for a little while longer, and help others over a personal hurdle. " "29-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" So much is going on behind the scenes that you will tend to feel out of control of your own fears and suspicions. The planets are creating illusions to lure you into actions or statements you'll come to regret, so keep a clear head, at least for today. " "29-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You're quite a shy person and are reluctant to show your true feelings, even to close friends. Today, you must make an effort to understand your emotional inclinations, otherwise you'll fail to maximise your potential. An adventurous approach in love wins the day. " "29-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Seldom has so much depended on your ability to make your point with firmness and integrity, at the same time as steering clear of any statement or argument which is guaranteed to upset colleagues. If a new responsibility comes your way, you may have to accept, whatever your doubts. " "03-04-2021";"TAURUS";" By the end of the week you will be in a rather more ambitious mood, and this will naturally favour those of you with professional goals to pursue. Face up to awkward discussions and decisions at home, no matter how difficult. A financial loss should be recovered, which could be better news than you imagine. " "03-04-2021";"GEMINI";" The stars are definitely on your side, and serious discussions are now necessary. Those of you particularly singled out for special treatment are considering a further course of study. The other main factor in your chart indicates the possibility of many short journeys. " "03-04-2021";"CANCER";" Financial prospects now seem to be in the forefront. You may even be involved in some sort of business venture, one which could be quite a departure from the past, and take you in some surprising new directions. In love, it is time to sit down and make plans, partly because a partner is now depending on you for emotional support. " "03-04-2021";"LEO";" You're at a minor crossroads and you have some choice as to which path you should take. It is more than likely that you'll meet some sort of opposition to your plans. You may find, for example, it is possible that partners will raise difficulties concerning a shortage of money or some other problem. " "03-04-2021";"VIRGO";" You should by rights be much busier than usual, and a feature of the current time could be a number of secret discussions and meetings. Listen to your intuitions, for a hunch could point you in exactly the right direction. A romantic encounter may lay the basis for a new long friendship " "03-04-2021";"LIBRA";" Which way should you turn? You have some deep thinking to do and, in all honesty, it is probably personal affairs which should dominate your time, rather than concerns to do with work or social obligations. You may be dreaming of life in another place or with other people! " "03-04-2021";"SCORPIO";" Why not allow yourself a little moment to pause and take stock. You have certainly done well in the past, though perhaps not as well as you could have wished. The best way to put yourself forward is to be sensible, wise, responsible and in command of all the facts. " "03-04-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You are facing some intriguing questions, and there are no easy answers, but one way to go about your life today is to talk to people at every turn. Volunteer your own opinions, ask them what they think, listen carefully and try to pick up pointers for future action. " "03-04-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your stars are in a practical mood, so swing into materialistic mode and deal with important matters such as shopping, investments and savings. You must also begin to face certain practical questions, and plan for the future, rather than for the present. A stranger might become the most important person in your life. " "03-04-2021";"AQUARIUS";" As time progresses, you will begin to feel more in control, and less subject to the whims of fate. Although you have the practical sense, it looks very much as if other people have the best ideas. A new collaboration will be extremely fruitful, but you may have to wait up to six months for the best results. " "27-03-2021";"TAURUS";" The Moon's fresh celestial challenge indicates that you must accept help from wherever it comes. In fact, you should take good notice of everything that people say, improving your act for the future. If you're still uncertain about a few key decisions, give it a few days. " "27-03-2021";"GEMINI";" The emphasis is on work, so if you're at home there should be plenty to keep you busy. Even leisure activities should be just that - active. The best relationships are based on joint interests rather than raw passion, so you need to stay alert to a partner's needs. " "27-03-2021";"CANCER";" If it's love you're interested in, you may have to travel. The important thing is to talk about your feelings and make sure that others know how you feel about them. At home, you may follow the lead set by a child or younger relation. You never know - they might have the innocent, straightforward approach you're looking for. " "27-03-2021";"LEO";" If other people are unable to reach agreement, there seems to be no point in arguing the toss. It's far better to realise that associates and loved ones must be allowed to go their own way. If they know what's good for them they'll come back to the negotiating table in good time. " "27-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You are probably well-prepared for anything which may come up, and in any case friends will come to your aid. Today's lunar alignments favour short journeys and serious discussions. You may also have to choose between one family engagement and another. " "27-03-2021";"LIBRA";" All those current challenging celestial aspects will enable you to force intensely personal issues out into the open, and you may dig as far into the past as you wish. If you're working, by the way, your thoughts must focus on ways to make conditions more pleasant. " "27-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" You can take the initiative today, putting your foot down at home and determining the pace in affairs of the heart. Financially, keep your outlay down to a reasonable level and you'll be happier in the long run. And be ready for long-distance news. It might be just what you need. " "27-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Your current emotional tactics have served you well in the past, but a new romantic campaign requires a more sensitive approach. Perfect old-fashioned manners and courtesy will assist your cause. Above all, you need to show that you care - and mean it! " "27-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Now's your chance to prove how well-informed and on-the-ball you are. When it comes to planning your family future, your ideas may be considerably less definite than other people's. And, if you're attributing blame or praise for the past, you should try to pick the right targets. " "27-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You may be too insecure or pre-occupied with important changes at work to bother with personal details. However, the best way to relax today could be with a spot of 'shopping therapy', spending a little of your hard-earned cash on whatever you fancy! " "26-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Although the Moon's pattern is very helpful, it does require you to get on with your daily work. If you're looking for time off, you may have to wait until macho Mars comes into the picture. In other words, hang on until you finally feel your energy rise. " "26-03-2021";"GEMINI";" No doubt you would like to be in a position to control social affairs to suit your tastes and predilections. However, friends and acquaintances seem to have minds of their own, and are extremely difficult to control. But, then, that's just what you're used to! " "26-03-2021";"CANCER";" Although your weekly and monthly cycles put the emphasis on work, the daily pattern focuses on home and family affairs. At any rate, there should be a refreshing break in routine. Romantic feelings, by the way, will be enlivened by exotic imports! " "26-03-2021";"LEO";" Your remarkable sense of perception must be telling you that certain associates have deep and hidden feelings. They might even be questioning your standards or beliefs. You may be keen to get to grips with the details, but first you must make sense of the larger picture. " "26-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You should now be aware that the brakes were put on to prevent you from reaching a goal, perhaps because you are being saved for something better. In the final analysis this is one of those times when fate really does seem to take a part, and in which a spirit of acceptance will serve you well. " "26-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Nobody would blame you if you began to get irritated by partners' refusal to be pinned down. However, you can make life that much easier by realising that you may have to get on and do your own thing by yourself. There doesn't seem to be any need to wait for others to make the first move. " "26-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" The moment has come to put together a proposal which satisfies people at work, people you love and people at home, and of course yourself. Believe it or not, you will be able to please everybody at once. Or, what I should say is that you will, if you really listen to what they truly want. " "26-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Remember that so much that is good, lasting and joyful is born out of your personal trials and tribulations. As you look back on the past, you will be able to see that a great deal for which you have to be thankful was indeed conceived in times of difficulty. " "26-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Life is really not so bad after all! This is one of those moments when professional influences combine with financial, offering you a genuine chance for an increase in your earnings. Why don't you take the initiative and put out the relevant feelers? " "26-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You are still in a position to achieve the kind of personal happiness and professional status you seek and deserve. The icing on the cake should be a feeling of increasing prosperity. Whether you actually have more cash is, perhaps, not so important. " "25-03-2021";"TAURUS";" The combined role of magnetic Mars and disciplined Saturn has raised the profile at work, making it difficult for you to achieve your goals. The best results will be achieved by extra effort, rather than by waiting for others to do the job for you. " "25-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Venus's close relationship to your sign indicates that, more than anything else, you must finally come to terms with your own emotional needs. Social plans may have to be re-thought, perhaps because your attitudes are changing, perhaps because someone you once admired no longer seems to fit the bill. " "25-03-2021";"CANCER";" You must continue to take your bearings personally and professionally, with an emphasis on all activities involving other people and your own desire for prestige. You may look to the past for your inspiration, trawling through your experiences for fond memories. " "25-03-2021";"LEO";" Life goes on in spite of the fact that you may have got the cold shoulder from people who were once warm and friendly. Try to understand the way they are feeling, and realise that they may need your sympathy. It's all a question of finding the right approach. " "25-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Now is the moment to do some mental stock-taking, mainly concerning money. What you should be looking at are those financial arrangements that connect you to other people, and reconsider any recent commitments. You might decide that it's time to back out! " "25-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Once you've tested the water, you might try laying down the law. You must insist that others meet you on equal terms, resolving emotional problems through a spirit of compromise. Be prepared for other people to change their minds, perhaps going back to a former position. " "25-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" A clash with someone with whom you have previously been hand-in-glove could be settled very soon. One way or another, you should realise that colleagues at work must be allowed to go their own way. After all, they have a perfect right to their point of view. " "25-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Potent planetary influences are forcing you to re-consider your position. It may be that by changing your mind now you will rediscover an earlier commitment, with favourable consequences all round. It's good to forgive, but not to forget- at least, if you don't want to repeat the same mistakes. " "25-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Now you must be prepared for some kind of confrontation at home. Indeed, you should welcome a frank exchange of views which, if it takes place now, will save a great deal of trouble, perhaps in about eight weeks' time. There is still much to play for. " "25-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" What appears to be upsetting now is the behaviour or attitudes of people who are lacking in feeling. Or is it just that they seem to be out of touch with their emotions, perhaps because of the practical strain they are under? If so, then be kind and considerate. " "24-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Today's planetary set-up is not perfect, but it's still on your side. Your only concern could be whether you would rather spend time with casual friends or close partners - and that shouldn't be too much of a problem! If you're making big plans, by the way, try to look at them from a completely fresh angle. " "24-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Nothing is ever as certain as you imagine, and even if you think that someone at work holds the key, you are likely to be mistaken. In spite of appearances, they are as likely to be in the dark as you. Could it be a case of the blind leading the blind? You'll soon find out! " "24-03-2021";"CANCER";" You could still be counting the cost of an unwise investment or an unprofitable business association, but what saves you could be someone else's readiness to pick up the tab. There is so much to hope for at the moment that you really must believe in yourself. " "24-03-2021";"LEO";" You are about to find out just how expensive love can be. You may as well throw caution to the wind and spend as much as is required to buy the emotional rewards you so deeply desire and deserve. But have you forgotten all those lessons from the past? Perhaps you have! " "24-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The only thing wrong with being completely enthusiastic is that you may either lose touch with reality or with your partners' own hopes. Your best chances come from keeping the dialogue going and asking loved ones what they want. You don't have to give way to their every whim, mind you! " "24-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Most of the pieces should now have been fitted into an emotional jigsaw. There may be one or two items still causing some doubt, and if you have any sense you will rely on your experience rather than vague hopes. And that's before you even begin to seek help from those in the know. " "24-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Perhaps more than anything else your feelings have been dominated by difficulties associated with home, some of which may be purely practical, while others seem to be nothing more than memories of what happened long ago. You are now coming out of this period wiser and more experienced. " "24-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The approaching awkward encounter between romantic Venus and passionate Pluto is now pulling you very sharply in two directions, and emotional choices are becoming critical. The question is how much longer you can sit on the fence? Probably for a very long time! " "24-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Once again the Moon is on your side, steadying your emotions and endowing you with a sense that you are indeed on the right track. In love, you may express yourself as poetically as you like and with as much originality as you can muster. There is no alternative! " "24-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" If shopping trips are on the agenda, you may go for luxuries rather than necessities, and if investments are looming, aim for the arts as the most lucrative field. Above all, you should take charge of your finances, rather than being swamped by them. " "23-03-2021";"TAURUS";" If you are now faced with a break or separation, you should believe that all is for the best. Any change will affect your work and daily routine first, and your romantic life second. And then there's the little matter of a promise you made to someone else. Can you actually fulfil it? If not, you'd better say so now! " "23-03-2021";"GEMINI";" This is time for inspiration - but also confusion. In all close, emotional relationships you must decide whether it is your pride that comes first, or your selfless desire to help a loved one achieve a cherished ambition. But can you do both? Well, perhaps! " "23-03-2021";"CANCER";" You may wish to abandon unwanted commitments, but you are beginning to wonder whether freedom is really what you want! You should give yourself as much time as you need to ponder those all-important questions. Don't let someone else put unfair pressure on you. " "23-03-2021";"LEO";" Questions of survival are high on the agenda, which in simple terms means shopping trips and foraging for life's little essentials. The most extravagant amongst you are about to take on a rash financial commitment. You'd better make sure that you can handle it! " "23-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Venus is challenging your chart, indicating a powerful swing between emotional highs and lows. Bearing in mind that freedom of choice is vital, emphasise the happy periods, and steer yourself away from self-doubt. And if you need reassurance, find it where you can. " "23-03-2021";"LIBRA";" For the time being at least, partners or close companions should be less inclined to criticise, although that doesn't mean that you won't worry about what they think. Please try not to be hypersensitive! The problem is, you see, that you might pick up the wrong end of the stick. " "23-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" You are certainly in a position to get your own way, but you'll need a strong team to back you up. You may gather around you the supporters, allies and confidants who think as you do. An imminent family party could be especially memorable, as long as you've made the appropriate plans. " "23-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Loved ones, close friends, offspring and intimate companions all appear to be carrying on in very odd ways. There is even a chance that after another few days have passed, life could begin to resemble nothing so much as a theatrical farce; so keep up your sense of humour. " "23-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" This could be the best day of the week for handling complicated questions, especially if there's a legal or ethical dimension. Do your best to maintain standards of behaviour without being pompous or dogmatic, for other people need to see that you have their interests at heart. " "23-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Life hasn't always been easy. You know that! It's certainly been a long grind, but personal or professional recognition should now boost your confidence. You will even come to feel that all those upsets of the past were not in vain. Perhaps they have encouraged you to strive for higher standards. " "22-03-2021";"TAURUS";" A day of domestic responsibility suits your general emotional needs. You may remember one very important fact when it comes to getting the best out of partners: other people will appreciate you very much more if you praise what is best in their behaviour, rather than criticising what is worst. " "22-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Travel plans could be looming, but that doesn't mean that you will be on the move. It could be that others are coming to you, or that communication will be on the phone. One way or another, you should try to cultivate a global perspective, keeping at least half an eye on the big picture. " "22-03-2021";"CANCER";" The simplest reading of your chart today is that it's a fine moment for dealing with financial matters, especially picking up fantastic bargains. A deeper interpretation is that it's time to get to grips with feelings of emotional insecurity - and work out where your doubts come from. " "22-03-2021";"LEO";" The Moon plays a special role today, and in any circumstances that is an indication that you hold the key to all emotional relationships and developments. Use your power wisely, and never ignore your responsibilities. It's the least that other people expect! " "22-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The whole of the week is coloured by romantic and social enthusiasm, so even though today's stars are slightly on the shy side, do yourself a favour and organise friendly gatherings for later. Also, be sensitive to other people's doubts, otherwise you will store up trouble for the future. " "22-03-2021";"LIBRA";" It's precisely because social influences are quite strong that even at work co-operation and teamwork are absolutely essential. Don't try and go it alone, however secret and intense your real feelings may be. Look for support wherever and whenever you can find it. " "22-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" You may devote as much time as is necessary to your professional aspirations, or to community affairs, both of which must be designed to enhance your reputation amongst your peers. Plus, troublesome financial matters may be deferred without too many worries. " "22-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Unusual personal planetary patterns may be seen as good, because they make you confident and self-motivated, but difficult because you may resent partners' and colleagues' attempts to control your life. It's all a matter of striking the right balance. " "22-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The developing romantic challenge between Venus and Jupiter is already stirring your emotions, beginning to produce new feelings of desire and longing. It's also encouraging you to reflect on the past. Just how this works out in real life will be clear by the end of the week. " "22-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Serious Saturn and energetic Mars are still playing their part, bringing the need for discipline and hard work, but to a lesser extent than over the past few weeks. The coming tendency is towards extravagance and increased costs, some of which will be your own choice, some other people's. " "21-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Challenges lie ahead, and you are assisted by rising energy levels. You should come forward and seize the initiative at home, even though you may have doubts about taking a risk which exposes your emotions. Later on, you'll be more inclined to spend time by yourself or in your own private world. " "21-03-2021";"GEMINI";" One very important development in your chart now finds you in a mood to change your mind. If you get an inkling that one arrangement is not for the best, make plans now. It is very important indeed to discuss your innermost feelings. Otherwise there is will be a misunderstanding. Cancer It's a useful moment for all ambitious Crabs and, if you are pursuing either an important professional goal, or increased status in your community, go for it now. Maternal-type relationships seem to be the most significant, and it looks as if you could benefit from people who come forward to protect you. When folk come to your aid, make sure you help them out as well. " "21-03-2021";"LEO";" Mercury, which represents your thought processes, which has been making it much easier than normal for you to put your ideas across, is about to start behaving strangely. You may begin at once to question all those taboos you've taken for granted for so long. Your future can indeed be changed for the better. " "21-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Money matters rise up your agenda, and financial plans should take first place, especially if joint arrangements are at issue. You should allow for increased intensity in intimate relationships, but don't fall into the trap of blaming others if you're not satisfied. At work it's time to take up an offer of training. " "21-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Family members and work colleagues both have good advice for you, and you must listen to other people very carefully, for they understand you better than you think. You may be subject to some criticism, especially from people you live with, but if this helps clear the air, it will all have been worthwhile. " "21-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Your stars are moving this way and that with great enthusiasm. It's certainly a time to keep busy. Obviously, those of you at work will be stretched, but even if you were planning to put your feet up, the best leisure activities are those which lead to self-improvement. " "21-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It's a fine time for creative ventures, and all sporting activities should be successful or, at least, satisfying! Within the family, children should take first place, probably because they have something to teach adults about living! At work, take it easy, as far as possible. " "21-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Home and family affairs will intervene, even for those of you who had different ideas. The best careers seem to be those related to domesticity, like estate agent, builder or cleaner! Affairs of the heart could be proving expensive, so keep an eye on your cash and ask partners some searching questions. " "21-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Collaboration and co-operation constitute your celestial theme for the week. It's a very useful time to share your ideas with others, especially concerning home arrangements and how they do or don't suit you. It may also be necessary soon to get in touch with a relation you haven't seen for some time. " "20-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Make up your own mind and on no account listen to rumour or conjecture. In spite of your normal down-to-earth attitude, you are now likely to be the ideal victim of a practical joke, so take jests in good part. It's all down to the strange meeting between Venus and Uranus. " "20-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Your planetary influences are bright and seldom have you been so forceful and determined to succeed. Yet you must expect partners to respond to your suggestions in an equally forthright manner. You should also be on stand-by for a few surprises. CANCER Although you may not care to admit it, for as long as certain planets remain in a tricky attitude to your sign, there is only a little you can do to find a permanent solution to a long-standing financial question. Yet today's Lunar patterns indicate than you can set the lead in all personal matters. " "20-03-2021";"LEO";" Events and opportunities over the next two days may help you keep your head above water, even if they do appear out of the blue. Yet now that Neptune is so strong, do not expect everything to be clear and above board. Today's Sun-Moon alignment only enhances the air of mystery. " "20-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Nobody is in a position to get the better of you financially. Drop your sentimental inhibitions and go all out to achieve your aims. It is decisive and speedy action which will serve your purposes. Your social stars are strong today, so there's an excellent chance of friendly distractions. " "20-03-2021";"LIBRA";" It's because a partner is in such a demonstrative mood that you may be bowled over by a display of affection. Even when life is out of balance, as it is now, there is still plenty to reassure you that you are loved. You may even find that friends or colleagues look to you to take charge. " "20-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Now you must face up to situations you have tried to sweep under the carpet. Your attention is being focused on health and financial matters. Perhaps you should allow more time for useful exercise and improvements in your diet? It's possible that you also need to pick up a new skill or qualification. " "20-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" A conflict of personalities or interests appears to be making this a rather awkward phase. However, those of you who manage to combine humour with humility will not be put off by such problems, and will continue to flourish. And why not use today's Sun-Moon alignment as a springboard to renew a financial enterprise? " "20-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Offers of advice may be irritating, for you are loath to admit that you are imperfect in any way. However, you are in need of practical assistance and there is nothing to be gained from denying this. In fact, the assistance you receive could be overwhelming and invaluable. " "20-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Now is the time to air complaints and grievances, and to put your point across without wallowing in emotion or losing touch with the issues. Broadly, though, the world is still moving your way. All in all, it's a day to keep active and focus on what can actually be done to improve the situation. " "19-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Allow nobody to convince you that other people are out to do you down, or that you do not have what it takes to win through. Circumstances are uncertain, but the truth of the matter is that you are still on the right track. Not only that, but a family surprise is brewing. " "19-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Take any hold-ups or frustrations in your stride and continue on the path you have already set yourself. Events are still moving fast, perhaps faster than you expected only a short while ago, and you can afford a brief delay. You also need to take new feelings on board and work out what they mean. CANCER If you can hang on to the feeling of well-being that has worked so well for you in the past, you will be doing yourself a big favour. As usual your timing will be spot on. It is other people who are out of step. But then, what's new? You're often ahead of the game. " "19-03-2021";"LEO";" Emotional or family matters seem to be past their critical stage unless, that is, partners are still out of sorts. However, it will be a fairly straightforward matter to take steps to safeguard your long-term happiness. For a start you can make the most of your irresistible charm. " "19-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Contradictory planetary influences have been at work for some time now, although current pressures are by no means as tough as those you have faced in the past. You are better placed than most to deal with intractable family issues. In point of fact, a friend might have the best idea of what's going on. " "19-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You are about to discover perfect opportunities for advancement on the work front, although the offers which come your way may at first sight seem to provide little in the way of professional potential. The key to your success lies in the wider context of what is taking place around you. " "19-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Misguided people often react with disapproval to your unusual, not to say strange, sense of humour. There are times when you might be advised to hold your tongue rather than risk causing offence. You may have to speak your mind today - but try not to offend. " "19-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" A whole plethora of favourable planetary aspects has made this a week relatively free from unpleasantness and hassles - just as long as you have stuck to the straight and narrow. Only you know what you must do now to get your material affairs in order. " "19-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You must now work harder than ever to battle against feelings of personal inadequacy or insecurity. Show what a great person you are by rising above the murky depths which seem to fascinate other people. And do whatever you can to give fresh impetus to a flagging relationship. " "19-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There are certain ties and involvements which must now be causing you some concern. As a general rule, handle partners with kid gloves unless, that is, you are prepared to deal with minor emotional crises. You see, it's awfully easy to stir up hidden emotions at this stage in the lunar cycle. " "18-03-2021";"TAURUS";" If you deign to discuss your plans today not everyone will be appreciative of your ideas. It's actually more likely that you will keep your intentions secret, realising that you are currently ahead of the times. Or, at least, that's the way you feel! " "18-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Social plans and commitments seem to be definitely connected to spiralling costs. Is there any way in which you can rearrange your finances so as to cut down on unnecessary spending, even if other people complain? I say that partly because, otherwise, family expenses may increase. CANCER The planets are in a demanding mood, though it's unlikely that you'll be sucked back into the conflicts of the past. This period is far more positive, and you may profit from pressures imposed on you by family and relatives. That said, the next few days find you in a very strong position. " "18-03-2021";"LEO";" You hold most of the trump cards, although bear in mind that help is vital if you are to reach your goals. In particular, you may need advice on the legal or ethical implications of your plans. You also have the edge in a close emotional relationship, which means that it's up to you to look after a partner's feelings. " "18-03-2021";"VIRGO";" All may not be sweetness and light, at least not as far as personal relationships are concerned, but there is a strong case to be made for meeting disagreements head-on. Harmony and co-operation will be restored just as soon as outstanding differences have been aired. " "18-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Enjoy all the praise and attention you receive from partners, and don't resent criticism when it is well-intentioned. Also, feel free to seek out only those people and places that please you. Actually, this is quite an ambitious day, one when you will be able to accept - and relish - a new responsibility. " "18-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Make the most of favourable planetary aspects to press ahead with routine chores both at home and at work. On no account should you involve yourself in arguments or debates which do not concern you. In matters of the heart, your hopes are high - so keep your feet firmly on planet earth. " "18-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Although nobody can deny that you have behaved impeccably, this is not the point. Ordinary standards of behaviour do not apply at a time when you are attempting to liberate yourself from past restrictions. But what I would say is this - you're happiest surrounded by familiar faces. " "18-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Soon you will have to accept a proposition relating to your career, or place more emphasis on ambitions which are purely personal and private. You may be tempted to decline an offer once and for all. If you're filling in your social diary for the next few days, then keep some time spare for surprises. " "18-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You have so many irons in the fire, it is no wonder that you are running out of time. Only you can know how the choice you must soon make between different options will affect your future happiness. But, actually, you don't yet know exactly what the choice will be! So much is still to be revealed. " "17-03-2021";"TAURUS";" For once the world is looking like a better place. For as long as you put your troubles behind you and adopt an optimistic attitude, circumstances in general will continue to improve. You also need to stick to your commitments but, then, loyalty comes naturally to you. " "17-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You're not the first to realise that confidence is the key to success, or to understand the simple truth that it is up to you to make the most of your planetary potential. Therefore, do not let other people put you down. But neither should you rise to the bait. Keep calm. CANCER You should now begin to feel a whole lot better about worries that have tended to hold you back, and you'll be putting such imaginary cares and woes into perspective. It's important that you believe in yourself. It will help to get the facts straight! " "17-03-2021";"LEO";" You have had a very tense period up until now, which is why it must be all the more satisfying to feel the effects of relaxed and friendly planetary influences. The only word of advice is not to try and force your opinions on other people. You'd do much better to charm them. " "17-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Financial deals and schemes must now take up more of your time. Generally the auspices are very favourable, yet the planets still insist that without partnership and co-operation your personal success cannot be guaranteed. You need expert advice at every turn. " "17-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Colleagues and professional associates are assuming a greater importance in your life, although not necessarily in a way which pleases you. Nevertheless, you must allow other people to play a full part in all joint activities, and accept criticism where it is justified. " "17-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" The Moon highlights short journeys today, so it is more than likely that you'll be called away suddenly. Also, don't be surprised if your routine is disturbed by letters or phone calls bearing unexpected news. If you have a choice, take tried and tested options. " "17-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Domestic improvements or upheavals should by now be well and truly over, at least as far as the planets are concerned. If you have other ideas, this may be because you are suffering from delayed effects. There is more sense in partners' words than seems likely at first, so listen closely. " "17-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You seem to have more than one option opening up as far as work is concerned. However, it may not be necessary to make a firm choice just yet, and it may even be advisable to spread yourself around. Plus, at work you need to be firm but flexible. " "17-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" This is a perplexing time, when you may not be sure what is the best way forward. It's possible that people close to you hold the answer to a current mystery, and you'd be advised to act on all good advice. Plus, keep your social diary open, as the next few days could bring last-minute changes. " "16-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Secret assignations are high on the agenda, and this by no means suggests that you are out to deceive anybody. It may be perfectly reasonable, not to say necessary, to keep certain plans under wraps for now. But, then, you're used to waiting until the time is right. " "16-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You are moving through a profoundly sociable phase. You must put yourself about as much as possible and may turn down invitations, even unlikely ones, at your peril. It is not possible to say which of your current contacts will be useful in the future. Wait and see! CANCER Please do not be troubled by secret fears. You're such a worrier but such imagined worries are the symptoms of half-understood stirrings in your mind. The purpose seems to be to urge you to get on and get to grips with lingering questions, and all will be revealed before long, perhaps within a month. " "16-03-2021";"LEO";" If professional plans are underway please do not worry if movement appears to be slow. Analysis of your solar chart reveals that time is on your side and that there are further developments to come. In particular, a partner is due for a change of heart. " "16-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You do not like messy situations so, if the unexpected happens, please try to bring about a solution as speedily as you can. On the other hand, do not expect all your hopes to be immediately fulfilled. After all, it is difficult to achieve your goals when you're still not sure what you want! " "16-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Travel plans will offer a useful distraction from more weighty issues, such as legal questions, or problems you or a relative might be facing concerning higher education. The indications are broadly positive and, the higher you set your sights, the more you are likely to achieve. " "16-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Whatever is happening on a daily basis, please keep a close watch on long-term financial complications. While the present time may offer immense profits, you must leave nothing to chance - or, at any rate, as little as possible. The trouble is that you can't be exactly sure what is happening. All will be revealed in its own good time. " "16-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It is just not possible to say for certain whether the outcome of present financial deals will be to your advantage, which is why advice that you are free to go ahead must be tempered with a thoroughly sensible dose of caution. And, socially, you'll be fascinated by people from very different backgrounds from yours. " "16-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" From now onwards you should keep family matters firmly in the loop. It just will not do to take decisions by yourself and expect others to meekly fall into line. On the other hand, once you have explained your ideas properly, they are sure to be welcomed. " "16-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" As this is a restless phase, please feel free to make a break in your routine, and don't allow colleagues or associates to hem you in. Professional tensions appear to have died down for now, although, if I could give you any advice, it would be to stand up for your rights - but recognise your responsibilities. " "15-03-2021";"TAURUS";" You're sandwiched between events that are utterly down-to-earth and obvious, such as cash-flow worries, and feelings which could not be more vague and mysterious. Please don't let the latter interfere with the former. And do keep as much cash handy as you think you might need! " "15-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You're still cruising along on the crest of a wave and there really is nothing that is beyond your skills and expertise. No longer will other people be able to accuse you of being a second-class citizen. In fact they might soon have to eat their words! CANCER Deep down you are so serious, and even though you often join in a good laugh with friends, your cares are never far away. There are ways to lighten your load, and the current week is a good time to start. Today you could think about new interests and fresh approaches. It might be that all you have to do is look at an old programme from an untried angle. " "15-03-2021";"LEO";" It may seem some time since professional success occupied centre stage. This is as it should be, for now you have a chance to spread your wings and develop a wide range of contacts which may actually appear to have no immediate gain. There's nothing wrong with being selfless! " "15-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Mercury, your special planet, is actively scheming on your behalf. A number of glittering prizes will be paraded before your gaze, but as ever it will be up to you to make the necessary moves. A social scene could also bring its share of secrets. " "15-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Before the week is out the whole tenor of your discussions with partners will have changed. The personal significance and content will increase and your freedom to manoeuvre will be curtailed, which is actually a useful means of clarifying your options. " "15-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" This is a busy time, so don't grumble if your responsibilities are increasing. Once you have dealt with the current crop of extra jobs you will be left with a welcome sense of achievement. Also, at work it's who you know that counts, so cultivate all important personal contacts. " "15-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Domestic improvements should by now be moving along quite nicely, helped by Venus' harmonious influence. There should be little to prevent your reaching agreement on previously contentious issues. In fact, I can see no reason at all why you shouldn't also soon clear up a long-standing mystery. " "15-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" An influential group of planets aligned with private parts of your solar chart is as clear an indication as you could wish for that success is on the way. Just as your motivation is deeply personal, so the answers lie with you and you alone. Funnily enough, though, it may be partners who find the words to say what you mean. " "15-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You are now entering a profoundly creative period, one in which your innovatory ideas will, for once, be widely appreciated. All you need is the confidence to sell yourself and the skill to take care of practical details. The day also favours the young at heart, so there's no need to stand on ceremony. " "14-03-2021";"TAURUS";" It's a week for inspiration, so spend time by yourself, and enjoy your day-dreams. It's also a beautiful moment for all Taureans who had the foresight to arrange a family party, for now is the time to meet up with people you haven't seen for months - or even years. " "14-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Friendly planetary patterns certainly seem to be playing their part and, this week especially, you can draw other people into your plans. It's also an ideal moment for unrestrained extravagance, assuming you've the spare cash, of course. A matter of the heart will take a very unusual turn. CANCER You may be seized with the urge to work much harder. A spot of overtime, perhaps? However, the most suitable leisure activities seem to be those which bring honour and prestige or, at least, urge you on to new heights of achievement. You might also soon sign up for a course to learn a new skill. " "14-03-2021";"LEO";" Your stars pull you in different directions this week. On the one hand, hard work, including domestic routine, seems to be beset by muddles but, on the other, it can seem strangely inspiring. It probably all depends on how practical you are - and also on how you get on with other people. " "14-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Sometimes life's little restrictions build up into something big. You probably feel like breaking out, and it does indeed seem that you have been held back for too long. A financial risk may also seem worthwhile, but spending on treats and luxuries may be more enjoyable! " "14-03-2021";"LIBRA";" The place to entertain definitely seems to be in the home. Your chart indicates the possibility of children's parties, but it's also time for adults to let their hair down and rediscover their lost youth. Professional partners, though, now need your unswerving support, so don't judge them too harshly. " "14-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" It's a week to stay active. Even social relationships work best if you find a joint hobby to pursue rather than waiting for the hoped-for 'good time' to materialise. Older relations need your assistance with specific practical questions, so be prepared to step in and lend a helping hand. " "14-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Your stars are taking an adventurous turn. Travel, money and self-indulgence are the three important factors in your chart. Will you be splashing out on the trip of a lifetime? Or travelling for miles in search of the perfect bargain? Don't forget the spiritual dimension, and continue your quest for the meaning of life. " "14-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your Venusian alignments are almost perfect they are certainly lively - and you should be infused with love. The only risk is that you could mishandle things rather badly, but forewarned is forearmed, so take care and always stay cool. At work, colleagues are likely to make mistakes only you can remedy. " "14-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Secret desires are the order of the week. There is absolutely no reason at all why you shouldn't fantasise to your heart's content - everyone else does! It is important, though, not to feel inhibited should you want to tell others how you feel. Employers need extra respect, as it happens, so do your best, and fulfil your responsibilities as best you can! " "13-03-2021";"TAURUS";" A great philosopher once said that in my beginning is my end, suggesting that all future possibilities are contained within us even before we start. As the Moon plays its part today, it would be worth pondering what sort of future you are creating for yourself, and make it a good one! " "13-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Today's emotional Moon takes you right away from materialistic concerns towards the inner meaning of everything you do. Your spiritual values will help you assess what is worthwhile, and what is not. Only you know what these really are, so your conscience should be your guide. CANCER Excellent social stars urge you to get out and about as much as possible. The best arrangements are those based around joint activities, perhaps with a real purpose. Any sense of achievement will contribute towards a contented day. That's why it's a good idea to press on with the tasks which really matter to you. " "13-03-2021";"LEO";" Recent failures can be turned into triumphs with extra determination. This is a competitive time which naturally suits all sporting types but, for all of you, the critical decision will be when to leave the starting block. You have about three days at the outside. " "13-03-2021";"VIRGO";" There could be legal matters to sort out, travel plans to arrange, and ethical questions to ponder. In its essence, though, this is a day for adventure, and it really doesn't matter what you do as long as you stretch yourself. You should also keep a close eye on rising costs. " "13-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You may benefit immensely from partners' enthusiasm. It's also an excellent day for pursuing business ventures. Large purchases are suggested, but the key is to be found in other people's involvement. Those in the housing market can hope for rapid progress. " "13-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Partners are sure to dig their heels in. However, the more certain they appear, the greater their secret confusion. Therefore, you must be sensitive and sympathetic, and at all costs don't come on like an emotional battering ram - you'll only drive people away! " "13-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Stay active and realise that the best relationships are those based on joint interests. In love, pure passion fades, and something needs to be found to take its place. That is why this is a fine moment to put emotional partnerships on a sounder footing. " "13-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" It's a promising day for all competitive activities and creative pursuits. It's also a moment to let your hair down and remember that it doesn't matter whether you're young or old. What's important is to be young at heart, and take each day as it comes. " "13-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There's a strong chance of major improvements at home, but it's not a hundred per cent certain. What is undeniable is that family relationships lie at the exact centre of everything that you do. Even people who are a long way away can have an impact on your emotions. " "12-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Respect a partner's confidence and understand that other people's points of view may be understandably different from yours. Don't pass judgment on those who fall below your high standards, and do try to be as understanding and sympathetic as possible. " "12-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You're entering a new romantic cycle in which secrecy will be important. It could be that you wish to keep your feelings to yourself, but it also seems to be the case that a dash of mystery will spice up your emotional life. Just make sure that you don't go behind somebody's back. CANCER You're now entering a more sociable phase, and you should sit down, get on the phone and fix up a few parties. At work, continue to keep a weather eye open for employers who don't know whether they're coming or going! You might be expected to clear up the mess! " "12-03-2021";"LEO";" From now on, at work who you know will be as significant as what you know. It is therefore going to be incredibly important to make allies and influence people. Plus, your romantic aspirations will become more influenced by your desire for recognition and status. " "12-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Business affairs should be tidied up today, so don't hang around if you think you've been diddled. You may be strapped for cash, but this will change once Jupiter has had its full impact on your chart. That, however, might not be for another few months. " "12-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You must still pay greater attention than you might wish to partner desires. Yet you must realise the most fun and the best experiences can be had by allowing other people to take the lead. That way they take the blame if your plans don't work out - and you share the pleasure if they do! " "12-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Be thankful you were born under a sign of the Zodiac which is loyal, faithful and true, so long as partners treat you properly. The whole point is that over the next few days you may have to provide valuable support to loved ones who are under pressure. If you do your bit now, it won't be forgotten. " "12-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The shift that takes place in your chart today indicates that conditions at work will improve, and that your part in such changes will be considerable. At home you should delegate tasks more effectively. After all, there is no reason why others shouldn't contribute their fair share. " "12-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" There is bound to be a fair bit of domestic confusion or family muddle, even if only on a minor scale. Trivial engagements may be affected - and perhaps postponed. The reason is the gulf that has now opened between how you would like things to be and the way they really are. " "12-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Domestic entertaining begins to look like a more promising possibility, and family gatherings could be more pleasant than expected. At work, financial rewards should now be in the bag, otherwise you may have to wait another few months, by which time circumstances will have moved on. " "11-03-2021";"TAURUS";" You really should consider keeping certain facts private. There is no reason why other people should know exactly what you're up to and, even less, for you to tell them. Raise your mystical interests a notch, for you need to understand not only what is happening - but why! " "11-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Bearing in mind that this is essentially a sociable day, even at work you should make teamwork your priority. One thing you must be clear about is that if you want your plans to succeed you will have to convince other people that you are in the right. CANCER It's not just that you've had a few knocks that matters, it's that you're more sensitive to them. You should now be on the mend, although there still seem to be one or two surprises in store. Be careful about how you pursue professional ambitions, for there are banana skins in view. " "11-03-2021";"LEO";" Take a break from profound moral questions and turn your attention to travel plans. It might be a spiritual voyage which matters most, though, so keep an open mind. Also, realise that someone close who is chasing an educational qualification needs your support. " "11-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The focus still seems to be on financial affairs, not necessarily because of what is happening now, but because of what is due to take place some way down the line. There does seem to be scope for you to make a number of wise investments. You may still rely on your innate charm, but only just! " "11-03-2021";"LIBRA";" This is very much a time to broaden your horizons, realising that certain people whom you have ignored have things to offer which you should now take up. In the past, you have been too ready to turn down help. There's no point in struggling on alone if you don't get where you want! " "11-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Relationships need to be worked at. This is less a time for passion, more one to realise that the best way to get on with friends is to join in their activities and show an interest in their hobbies. You might have to put your own desires to one side for a while, but that's a noble thing to do. " "11-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Romantic passions could flare, but oh so briefly. If it's adventure of the heart you're after, you will therefore have to move quickly to seize the moment. At work, bide your time just a little longer. And, at home, throw out all that clutter and dump some of that emotional baggage. " "11-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Think about your dream home. What exactly would you prefer? Where would you like to live? And who with? These are the sort of questions which can be answered now, even if putting them into practice is a different matter! Financial questions can be answered later. " "11-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It's a good day for dialogue, which means that everyone attending interviews or important meetings should do well. You will have to rely more on your grasp of the facts and your ability to express yourself, and less on style, image or appearance. " "10-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Relations and business associates are all likely to feel they have the right to make demands on your time, but they could be making a big mistake. You have given enough ground already. Don't let yourself be put upon any more: it's all a matter of knowing where to draw the line. " "10-03-2021";"GEMINI";" You'll be a good listener. It's all too likely that what is now said or implied could seem unfair, unreasonable or unjust, yet it's all in the nature of the times that this should be so. It's just that some people like the sound of their own voices too much! CANCER You must do what you can to safeguard your position, yet this might have to be achieved while people around you are looking the other way! Colleagues are likely to pick up the wrong end of the stick at work but, if you're prepared, then nothing will knock you off your perch. " "10-03-2021";"LEO";" Try to understand that certain individuals are misguided, and that this could be the reason why your rights are becoming an issue, or why ethical questions are becoming more important. For your part, you may concentrate on the larger picture, sparing a thought for where you'll be this time next month - or next year. " "10-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Much has changed that you are not even aware of yet, but with your new-found confidence and ingenuity you will soon be in an ideal position to overcome all obstacles. Today's problems may be solved by throwing money at them. However, you have to find the right target first! " "10-03-2021";"LIBRA";" After weeks when partners seemed to have the upper hand, you are at last beginning to see exactly how you can turn the tables on them. Your best approach is to be as subtle as you possibly can. Just don't let other people think that you're going behind their backs. " "10-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" The ideal pattern to the day would be to have a lazy morning and a busy afternoon, so let's hope circumstances permit. Also, turn your attention to matters like exercise and diet to make sure you're treating yourself as well as you should. Remember - you only have one body! " "10-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Try to inject a little of your legendary creative prowess into today's affairs and make enjoyability the main standard by which you measure and grade all activities. Give as much time as is needed for relationships with children, and a little more besides! " "10-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You may be on the right track - or you may not. What is most important now, though, is not whether you're right or wrong, for nothing is black and white. Stop and think and consider what it is about your present activities that is good for you, and what should be improved. " "10-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" In view of changes in positive regions of your horoscope, even a major move or upheaval on the home front should be to your advantage in the long-term. In the short-term, though, a minor sacrifice may be necessary. Give a little now and you'll get more back later. " "09-03-2021";"TAURUS";" You can only progress by off-loading certain responsibilities. One of your leading current planetary cycles was known in ancient times for bringing seclusion and meditation, so don't feel compelled to join in events you'd rather ignore. Mind you, you might have to have some good excuses ready. " "09-03-2021";"GEMINI";" There is no point in hoping that imminent planetary aspects are about to remove your doubts, the simple reason being that doubts can be a very good thing! They are the warning signals sent by the sub-conscious to alert you to hazards ahead, so take heed. CANCER Life is full of curious twists and turns. If you now continue on a straight course, you may run into a few difficulties. Be true to your sign and remain ready to duck and weave as circumstances develop and even reliable partners change their minds. " "09-03-2021";"LEO";" The overall picture becomes just that extra bit uncertain, but largely because the range of choice is now increasing. Although the solution to today's questions could be financial, take a look at your rights and make sure you're on solid ground. " "09-03-2021";"VIRGO";" It will be difficult for you to continue to ignore all those warning signals, mainly because partners will get more and more emotional if they feel they are not being listened to. You could try humouring people who are upset, and waiting until the stress level drops. " "09-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You're not convinced that partners know what they are doing, especially at home. However, bearing in mind that this is a moment to try out new ideas and experiment with domestic arrangements, be patient. You might even join in! At least you can offer constructive support. " "09-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" The Moon is still in a relatively supportive relationship with your sign, which means that the highs should be higher and the lows briefer than usual. You should pay special attention to all creative ventures, searching out ways to express your unique talents. " "09-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" The accent is clearly on personal matters, and if you should suddenly discover masses of things to do outside the home, it could be that you're not facing up to reality. Actually, the solutions may be very simple. In fact, the answer may be staring you in the face! " "09-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Place your own comfort and security above all else, because ultimately, unless you have a firm base, you won't feel free to develop your more adventurous schemes. And right now that's just what you should be doing. It may help to talk to people who have a more intuitive approach than you. " "09-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Sometimes it takes an enormous amount of effort to get yourself out of a rut. Yet that's precisely what you should be doing at the moment. The trap you're in, though, is almost entirely to do with your low self-esteem, and you must understand the ways in which this stops you doing your best. " "08-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Developments on the emotional or romantic fronts still seem to be veiled in secrecy. Perhaps it is you who are unable to reveal your feelings, but it could equally be partners who are being a little coy. At any rate, those underlying desires need to be gently teased out. " "08-03-2021";"GEMINI";" At work you must still press ahead. Even though there is some time left, the opportunities to put a professional scheme into practice are diminishing. This is therefore no time to dither if your ambitions are on the line. Remember - life is not a rehearsal! CANCER The general pattern in your solar chart indicates that there is still no time like the present for pursuing lifelong ambitions. Forget that you were born under a sensitive sign and aim for the top. But there's one important word of advice: leave nothing to chance. " "08-03-2021";"LEO";" Life still looks quite expensive. However, the time is rapidly approaching when you will be able to cease worrying about other people's money and security, and focus on your own. After all, when the chips are down, only you can really help yourself. And once you're better off, you'll be more use to others. " "08-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The golden rule over the next forty-eight hours will be to listen to partners' advice. Even if they are apparently talking nonsense, you should smile intelligently and look interested. Amidst the ninety-nine which are irrelevant, there may be a one per cent nugget of pure, golden truth. " "08-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Keep yourself busy, but also pay a little extra attention to your physical well-being. This is actually that time of the month when it's auspicious for you to sort out your exercise regime and rearrange your diet. The first step is to make sure that you pace yourself, balancing hard work with serious relaxation. " "08-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Have yourself an enjoyable day. You may be obliged to work or perform burdensome routine tasks but, even so, with just a slight change of attitude you can realise that what you are doing has a positive side. You need to base your initiatives and actions on firm foundations, so walk before you run. " "08-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Home and domestic affairs will almost inevitably intrude on your life more than you would wish. Probably the best thing you can do is cheerfully devote extra time and attention wherever required. There's no point in sticking your head in the sand, or being resentful. " "08-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" You are soon to receive another boost from magical Mercury. See this as a period for fresh ideas, conjuring up new dreams and letting your imagination lead you to the future. Ask other people about their plans, and see if there's anything you can imitate! " "08-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" It's a day for handling money, and that means spending it as well as earning it. Your most extravagant and unrestrained planetary alignments are not due just yet, so you should end up in profit. On the other hand, a family member's plea for extra cash may be irresistible! " "07-03-2021";"TAURUS";" You never believed that you would have everything all your own way, but you should try not to be put out by the fact that other people are inclined to oppose your plans, or by the ease with which they seem to win the argument. It is time for you to put partners in first place and take a minor role yourself. " "07-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Jupiter, the great ruler of good fortune, is moving your way, so you can afford to be optimistic about the future. This noble planet has been playing a complicated game and although you have had good reason to feel let down lately you must keep your confidence up. You will receive your rewards soon! CANCER This is a relatively quiet time astrologically, although the Moon is encouraging partners to stand up for themselves, and that might present you with one or two headaches! One good piece of news is that Venus, planet of love and romance, is now making a positive aspect to your sign. " "07-03-2021";"LEO";" Now that Mercury has taken up a supportive and friendly relationship with your sign, you will find it much easier to take decisions and reach agreement on issues that have until now been difficult to resolve. The Moon will be helpfully aligned for much of the week, so use your time to get family affairs in order. " "07-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The pressure at home should definitely be easing up by now. If you still feel that tensions are high, don't worry. Now that Saturn is moving on and Jupiter is about to change its position, you can afford to be confident that events will work out in your favour. This is due in part to your skilful organization. " "07-03-2021";"LIBRA";" This could be an argumentative period, not something that you would normally relish. However, if you take a little care in your relationships, refusing to rise to other people's provocation then, in your turn, you will give them no cause to complain about your behavior. " "07-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Just as Mercury, the planet of wit and repartee, makes one set of aspects, so Venus, the ruler of love, forms another. You may find that you're a lot less concerned with what partners think, and much more aware of how they feel! In other words, you have no reason to complain that Fate is out to do you down. " "07-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" This is an excellent time to take decisions, attend interviews, suggest proposals and generally sell your ideas on all subjects to anybody who is prepared to give you a hearing. You, more than anybody, will benefit from brilliant planetary aspects and may well secure a partner's support for a new plan. " "07-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Many astrologers believe that you are a conservative and cautious person. How wrong they are! In fact, your current crop of Solar and Lunar alignments suggests that you will be prepared to push yourself to the front of the queue, laying your ambitions on the line. " "07-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You should try paying a little more attention to your career and worldly ambitions, and communicate with the people who can help you achieve them. Although your general pattern for the year indicates great independence, this week is no time to go it alone if other people are queuing up to help you. " "06-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Mercury, the planet which represents your mind, has now entered a theatrical region of your chart, which means that for the next fortnight you may cut quite a dash with your ideas. It's all a question of having confidence - and of not being easily embarrassed. " "06-03-2021";"GEMINI";" If you can take care of personal relationships with smooth and unflappable efficiency then you'll give yourself enough time to deal with financial matters later on. In fact, this is going to be a rather good time for picking up valuable bargains. CANCER You may get all routine chores out of the way before you turn to personal matters. For some strange reason partners will respect you more if they see that you are efficient, organised and practical! That might not always have been the case, but you must allow people to change! " "06-03-2021";"LEO";" Something - or someone - is encouraging you to take a risk. The question is whether this is now appropriate, and the answer is an unequivocal ‘maybe'! The way to clear up any doubts is to give yourself as much time as you need to run through each and every possible outcome. " "06-03-2021";"VIRGO";" Just because your ideas are the best, that doesn't give you the excuse to preach or impose your opinions on others. The secret now is to be quite discreet, confident in the knowledge that you have the future worked out. The best way to be proved right is to set a good example. " "06-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Your behaviour at the moment seems to be slightly contradictory. You are very open with your feelings, but you're keeping some of your plans and intentions to yourself. Don't be surprised if partners should be confused. It's only to be expected! " "06-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" The romantic situation seems to be dominated by secrecy for another few weeks at least. Something is going to happen to stir up feelings which you find it difficult to talk about, so you may just wait for the emotional waters to clear. You'll find the right words eventually. " "06-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" If you're considering any financial adventures today, even a humble shopping trip, your stars begin to look very much more businesslike as the hours pass. Early on, though, there's a chance that extravagance will have overwhelmed good sense. Your generosity of spirit will be one of your better qualities. " "06-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" If you should consider cancelling any social engagements, give yourself time to think again. The point is that, as the Moon weaves among the other planets, you are likely to change your mind, and what once seemed like a waste of time will once again look like a welcome opportunity. " "06-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Make a point of spending a little time by yourself, and don't let anyone persuade you that day-dreaming is a pointless activity. By letting your imagination wander, you will stumble across the answer to a few unsolved problems, with very worthwhile results. " "05-03-2021";"TAURUS";" As the hours pass your mood will gradually become more adventurous. This could mean that personal plans go through a certain amount of chopping and changing. Any opportunity to travel may be seized with open arms. After all, you never know what you might find. " "05-03-2021";"GEMINI";" It seems inevitable that you will have to play the game according to partners' rules. If they shift the goal posts, there may be little that you can do about it. Take the only choice possible and put loved ones' interests first! You'll receive your reward later. CANCER It certainly looks like a day to keep busy and to make sure that every single detail is dealt with before you go on to tackle larger schemes. There is, by the way, much to be said for keeping a low profile in relationships - and don't give anyone reason to moan or complain. " "05-03-2021";"LEO";" If financial affairs have been confused lately, you're about to begin to see the wood for the trees. And, as if by magic, life will start to make very much more sense. Within the next week, facts and figures which once seemed meaningless will take on a new light. " "05-03-2021";"VIRGO";" The shift now taking place in your monthly cycles indicates that you may not feel as in tune with your intuitions as you have in the recent past. You'll have to explain yourself to people in future, rather than hoping that they'll read your mind. " "05-03-2021";"LIBRA";" You are now beginning to look more confident, and in many situations it's your social graces which will carry you through. However, you will still be troubled by the belief that others are keeping certain information from you. The best advice is to keep your own counsel for now. " "05-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Your social stars are looking extremely powerful. What is very pleasing for you, though, is that you'll be able to indulge your passionate nature over the coming weeks, extending your desire for mystery and secret trysts. Just don't give anyone else the idea that you're letting them down. " "05-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" A partner's support is bound to give you more confidence, but your feelings will be rather unsteady. If you realise that unexpected events are likely to affect your emotions, you'll be well-prepared. And if someone springs a surprise on you, take it in the spirit in which it's meant. " "05-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Spend as much time by yourself as you like, and don't let others dragoon you into joining in any sort of group activity against your will, least of all collective fun. Everything has to be done in your own time, and only when you are good and ready. " "05-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You are far too willing to make value judgments at the moment. You must understand that, even though there are many issues about which you feel very strongly, this may be no time to impose your own moral standards. It is much more important that you watch, listen and learn from others. " "04-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Financial pressures will soon rise once again, but this time it's joint connections which need sorting out. If you're dealing with someone else's money, or they're handling yours, take all the necessary precautions. At home, you now have another chance to improve relationships with children and younger relatives. " "04-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Home and family affairs are central to your thinking, and no future plan will succeed unless you are careful to consult relations, and everyone else you live with, as widely as possible. After all, if they say ‘yes' now, they won't be able to complain later. CANCER You can still act behind the scenes if you wish, but the mood of the times is gradually changing. Right now the best thing you can do is talk to as many people as possible about what your next step should be, and when you should take it. Pick your time with care. " "04-03-2021";"LEO";" Your confidence is liable to slip without warning, but never imagine that all is lost, or that you are doomed to failure. It is all a matter of being as patient as possible, and allowing certain long-term problems to iron themselves out. Can you turn the clock back? Perhaps - but only briefly. " "04-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You may now show yourself in your true colours, and that might involve risking a disagreement with someone who is close to you. Both financially and at work you may assume more authority by showing that you know what you're talking about. And about time, too! " "04-03-2021";"LIBRA";" The mood should be growing lighter by the day, although secret fears still trouble you. One positive way to use your current planetary patterns is to delve into all those timeless mystical and spiritual mysteries. If you get a sense of life's underlying purpose then you'll be able to rearrange your priorities so that they suit you better. " "04-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" Now you have most of the information at your fingertips, you can afford to take the lead socially. For some time you have been irritated by others' tendency to push themselves forward, but now you can take the limelight. Please do so with your usual diplomacy! " "04-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You can afford to put your foot down at home, even if other people don't like it. The Moon's role in your chart reveals that you have the advantage, and it will be a rare person who can call your bluff. What should you do? Be flexible and be prepared for last-minute changes. " "04-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Your private and professional lives are linked in a way which defies analysis: before you can explore new career opportunities, you need to work out where you stand in relation to an emotional tie. And when business and pleasure mix, you'll have to work out where your loyalties lie. " "04-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" You should be very sure indeed to check all legal plans extremely carefully. There is nothing to be gained from allowing standards to slip, and everything to be achieved by keeping them as high as possible, especially in matters of the heart. " "03-03-2021";"TAURUS";" At home it looks very much as if partners have the stronger hand, and if they insist on doing things their way, you might as well let them. After all, it can be relaxing to let other people take the strain. You can remain behind the scenes, providing sympathy and support. " "03-03-2021";"GEMINI";" All your instincts should be telling you to delay finalising important transactions, at least until you've had time to absorb all the facts. The point is that circumstances have changed, and your most personal plans must therefore be duly amended. CANCER All financial or business matters now need to be viewed in a new light, mainly because what once seemed so certain, is yet again a matter of dispute. At home, the pressing need is now for more luxury! At the very least other people need to be pulling their own weight. " "03-03-2021";"LEO";" A decidedly tricky relationship between one family member and another could spring a few surprises on you, especially where it hurts - in your pocket! Tread very carefully at work, sticking to the straight and narrow at all times. If you bend the rules you might get caught out! " "03-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You may think long and hard before changing direction in midstream. It may be best to continue with a course of action which was initiated at the beginning of the month, or even earlier. There'll be time enough for a change of plan in about five weeks' time. " "03-03-2021";"LIBRA";" The Moon is matched with an intense and passionate part of your chart, a region connected closely with money. At the heart of financial issues, though, is the extent to which you have managed to consistently undervalue your own worth. Change your approach now. " "03-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" If you feel vulnerable, it's because the Moon is spending a few days aligned with your sign, raising the emotional temperature. As long as you understand that you're likely to feel up one moment, down the next, and then up again, nothing will take you by surprise. " "03-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You have become more determined to make a success of yourself, to be somebody. It doesn't matter what your current ambition is, just as long as you accept nothing less than first place. You need to trawl through all the available possibilities, ready to make your move when the time comes. " "03-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Venus is sailing along quite happily through a region of your chart which is related to professional ambitions, indicating that the route to worldly success lies in exploiting all personal contacts to the hilt. Whatever you're doing, do your best. " "03-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Your dominant romantic influence indicates long-distance love, so ideally you should be travelling to far-away places. Your heart will soon be stirred by people from cultures very different from your own. Or perhaps a person already close to you develops a new interest - and a fascinating allure. " "02-03-2021";"TAURUS";" The key to the moment is pleasure. This doesn't mean that life should be one endless party, but that you should make a point of enjoying everything you do, including the most routine chores. This is not an impossible dream - and it's also one of the best ways to increase your quality of life. " "02-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Some people around you seem far too lively at the moment, but they're living in the past, not the present. It's about time they woke up and realised that the correct question to ask is: 'where do we go from here?' If a dialogue is necessary then it may be up to you to get it going. CANCER You must understand that once you have got your own way a certain number of times, it is up to you to encourage others to take first place. The difficulty is judging when it is the best moment to make the switch and, for this, an impeccable sense of timing is now required. " "02-03-2021";"LEO";" Not everything is as it appears. In fact, surprising as it may seem, to some people, your sense of self-esteem can suffer as much as anybody's. Now is a good moment to look at ways in which family members have eroded your confidence, even unintentionally, and do something about it. " "02-03-2021";"VIRGO";" There are right decisions and there are wrong decisions. Sometimes there is a grey area in the middle, but at the moment the choices seem to be polarised, and you may have to come off the fence and commit yourself. Some people would say that it's about time! " "02-03-2021";"LIBRA";" It's all very well imagining that you can compromise for ever, but if you don't act to secure your happiness, nobody else will. Romantically, it's up to you to take the initiative as soon as possible. There may be hidden costs, but that's always a risk. " "02-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" If you're planning activities for the future, go for anything which is guaranteed to be sociable. Bear in mind that as the months pass your desires will change, and what makes sense now will be very different indeed, so build in a little flexibility. " "02-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" It looks as if you are about to reach a point of no return professionally, or in any major ambition, even a leisure activity, which is designed to secure praise and recognition. It all now depends on what you know, and you can no longer rely on personal contacts. " "02-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The very fact that your planetary aspects are so few and far between is enough to convince anyone that what is important now is that you begin to shape your own future. Start to make long-term plans, allowing daily details to sort themselves out. " "02-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" There are strong suggestions that your social life is set for some improvements. This time around, a friend or acquaintance is also due to boost your financial prospects, but you must be prepared to take the lead. There's nothing to be gained from sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. " "01-03-2021";"TAURUS";" Your solar chart is beginning to look considerably more relaxed, which means that if you have any lingering problems to cope with, they will be caused by yesterday's questions and difficulties, rather than today's. Mind you, you've got to keep a clear head. " "01-03-2021";"GEMINI";" Although you've been cracking along at a fair old pace recently, it will soon be time to take stock, and perhaps go over old ground again. Stay alert and keep an eye on fortune's subtle ebb and flow. Opportunities will come and go, but you'll have to be quick off the mark. CANCER Domestic affairs matter most at the moment. This could be an extremely useful period to get in touch with family members you've not seen for some time. And it's certainly a good moment to see that all your favourite ambitions are based on firm foundations. " "01-03-2021";"LEO";" It's a day for taking choices, although whether you are truly in any state to make important long-term decisions is another matter! You can make your mind up, but following your intentions through may not be so simple. If current issues focus around money, and how to get more of it, you're probably on the right track. " "01-03-2021";"VIRGO";" You are entering what can only be described as a more settled period for affairs of the heart. The question is whether recent opportunities on the field of romance can be followed up, or are to be left on the scrap-heap of history. The truth may emerge after another few days have passed. " "01-03-2021";"LIBRA";" Emotional confidence is returning, but the planets advise a small dose of caution. It may be difficult to practice restraint, but you'll know when the moment is right to hold back. It's all a matter of trusting your instincts, although that's not an easy thing at the best of times. " "01-03-2021";"SCORPIO";" You can afford to keep your intentions and feelings to yourself for a little while longer. The question, though, is whether, when the moment does come to reveal all, you will be able to choose the time and the place. If you can, all well and good. " "01-03-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" You are often torn between a sociable desire to involve other people in your affairs on the one hand, and a strangely solitary urge to go off and do your own thing on the other. Although the latter is very important over the next few months, the former should take precedence today. " "01-03-2021";"CAPRICORN";" The overall picture now becomes very much more certain, and, to your relief, less confused. The message of the moment is a rather profound one: it's not what's true that counts as much as what you believe to be true. You'd also do well to give others the benefit of the doubt, at least until they've had time to explain themselves. " "01-03-2021";"AQUARIUS";" The past month seems to have coincided with a time of flared passions and tense situations, often over matters which could easily have been avoided. If professional ambitions have been disturbed you'll soon find it easy to make up. Private disputes require a little more attention, though. " "28-02-2021";"TAURUS";" You may appear calm but in fact you are driven by a deep, burning desire - and only you know about it! On balance you are now in an excellent position to achieve a worldly ambition and to attract much applause, although personal aspirations may be harder to pin down. " "28-02-2021";"GEMINI";" It's a week of ups and downs. If you have accidentally upset anyone recently, you will doubtless be able to make handsome amends very soon. Magnetic Mars, by the way, is now speeding along very nicely, boosting your energy and giving you a valuable, and long overdue, shot in the arm. CANCER The personal sphere is looking changeable. Partnerships still seem slightly sticky, but I'm sure you'll work it out. Get money matters resolved sooner rather than later and leave yourself plenty of time for taking odd trips and organising family celebrations. " "28-02-2021";"LEO";" You should prepare to experience some warmth, hope and good feeling. The Sun and Jupiter are aligned in a manner which is utterly heart warming, but I must warn you that, if you're over-optimistic, partners may get the feeling that you're being a little too arrogant. " "28-02-2021";"VIRGO";" Responsibility is the name of the game this week! You have duties on your mind and trying to walk the straight and narrow is just up your street! However, whereas you're now inclined to rein yourself in, in interesting areas of your life, you seem set to let rip. " "28-02-2021";"LIBRA";" There's something strange happening with communications this week. Messages could be delayed or muddled, but not because of any ill intentions. The reality is that you can't rely on the facts, and neither can anyone else. At home, as in every area of your life, you'll have to edge your way forward with sensitivity. " "28-02-2021";"SCORPIO";" You should be looking ahead very eagerly, now. Most of the planets are grouped in personal regions of your horoscope, which means that much of what you accomplish should be important to you and you alone. There's nothing wrong with being selfish at least, not for a short while. " "28-02-2021";"SAGITTARIUS";" Things rarely happen in this world just when we want them to, but this should hardly worry you. Concentrate on things which are far away or adventurous. If you can possibly arrange a trip to an exciting place, please do so. And also develop your interest in unusual subjects - you never know what you're going to discover. " "28-02-2021";"CAPRICORN";" Come out of your shell. It's time to show us all your sparkling wit and repartee. You may doubt your verbal skills, but according to your stars you'll be able to persuade almost anybody of virtually anything. You may even be able to wrap the most sceptical people around your little finger. " "28-02-2021";"AQUARIUS";" Do not panic if you feel that too many things are out of control. In spite of appearances, you have more influence over events than you sometimes think, and must accept responsibility for whatever happens. Don't worry about money too much, as you are about to enter a highly prosperous phase. " "27-02-2021";"TAURUS";" You are not regarded as a natural nomad, but one way or another your stars do seem to be rather unsettling. So, although today's planets favour a domesticated life, do what you can to make your home that much more colourful! Keep busy but don't let partners exploit your goodwill. " "27-02-2021";"GEMINI";" It may come as a surprise to you that the sign of the zodiac responsible for your legendary talkativeness, is Leo. That is why your current colourful planets are trying to tell you to get out and meet as many people as you possibly can, as soon as you can. CANCER Take as much time and expend as much effort as is necessary to repair a damaged relationship. Even if a personal rupture seems to be for the good, don't imagine for one moment that it is all done and finished with! Whatever happens now could take a new twist in three months' time. " "27-02-2021";"LEO";" As if by magic, the Moon comes to your rescue, helping you make up your mind. This happens once a month, but this time around the change in your mood could be quite dramatic and, over the next few days, you could experience a sudden surge of confidence and optimism. " "27-02-2021";"VIRGO";" After a brief social spell you may be ready to spend a little time by yourself. Actually, it will be a good idea to re-charge your emotional batteries ready for what should be a fine start to the coming week. If you're keeping a secret, you may blurt it out tomorrow. "