#! /bin/bash PREFIX="ciscomcd" webhook_endpoint="" usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [args]" echo "-h This help message" echo "-p - Prefix to use for the App and IAM Role, defaults to ciscomcd" echo "-w - Your Webhook Endpoint" exit 1 } while getopts "hp:w:" optname; do case "${optname}" in h) usage ;; p) PREFIX=${OPTARG} ;; w) webhook_endpoint=${OPTARG} ;; esac done account_info=$(az account show) sub_name=$(echo $account_info | jq -r .name) sub_id=$(echo $account_info | jq -r .id) echo "Your current subscription is ${sub_name} / ${sub_id}" read -p "Is this the subscription you want to onboard to Cisco Multicloud Defense? [y/n] " -n 1 if [ "$REPLY" == "n" ]; then all_sub=$(az account list) sub_list=$(echo $all_sub | jq -r '.[].name') tmp_id_list=$(echo $all_sub | jq -r '.[].id') id_list=($tmp_id_list) echo echo "Select your subscription:" IFS=$'\n' num=0 for i in $sub_list; do echo "($num) $i / ${id_list[$num]}" num=$(( $num + 1 )) done num=$(($num-1)) read -p "Enter number from 0 - $num: " sub_selection tmp_sub_list=($sub_list) echo echo "Setting the subscription to ${tmp_sub_list[$sub_selection]} / ${id_list[$sub_selection]}" az account set --subscription ${id_list[$sub_selection]} --only-show-errors account_info=$(az account show -s ${id_list[$sub_selection]}) sub_name=$(echo $account_info | jq -r .name) sub_id=$(echo $account_info | jq -r .id) unset IFS fi APP_NAME=$PREFIX-controller-app ROLE_NAME=$PREFIX-controller-role EVENT_SUB_NAME=$PREFIX-controller-inventory tenant_id=$(echo $account_info | jq -r .tenantId) echo echo "Enabling microsoft.compute in Resource Providers" az provider register --namespace 'microsoft.compute' --subscription $sub_id echo "Enabling microsoft.network in Resource Providers" az provider register --namespace 'microsoft.network' --subscription $sub_id echo "Enabling microsoft.eventgrid in Resource Providers" az provider register --namespace 'microsoft.eventgrid' --subscription $sub_id echo "Enabling microsoft.marketplace in Resource Providers" az provider register --namespace 'microsoft.marketplace' --subscription $sub_id cat > /tmp/role.json <<- EOF { "Name": "$ROLE_NAME", "Description": "Role used by the Cisco Multicloud Defense Controller to manage Subscription(s)", "IsCustom": true, "Actions": [ "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/*", "Microsoft.Compute/disks/*", "Microsoft.Compute/images/read", "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys/read", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/*", "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read", "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/assign/action", "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/*", "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/*", "Microsoft.Network/networkinterfaces/*", "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/*", "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/*", "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/*", "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/*", "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/*", "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/*", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/*", "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action", "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/*", "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/*", "Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/read", "Microsoft.Insights/Metrics/Read" ], "AssignableScopes": [ "/subscriptions/$sub_id" ] } EOF echo echo Using the subscription \"$sub_name / $sub_id\" read -p "Do you want to use existing AD App id (y) or create new(n) ? [y/n] " -n 1 existing_sub=$REPLY if [[ "$REPLY" == "y" || "$REPLY" == "Y" ]]; then echo echo Please wait getting the APP IDs in your account all_ad_app=$(az ad app list --all) declare -A display_name_map declare -A app_id_map index=0 while IFS= read -r line; do display_name=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.displayName | @sh') app_id=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.appId') display_name_map[$index]=$display_name app_id_map[$index]=$app_id ((index++)) done < <(echo "$all_ad_app" | jq -c '.[]') length=${#display_name_map[@]} for ((i = 0; i < length; i++)); do display_name="${display_name_map[$i]}" app_id="${app_id_map[$i]}" echo "$i $display_name/ $app_id" done length=$(($length-1)) read -p "Enter number from 0 - $length: " ad_selection echo "Using the AD App ${display_name_map[$ad_selection]} / ${app_id_map[$ad_selection]}" APP_NAME=${display_name_map[$ad_selection]} app_id=${app_id_map[$ad_selection]} echo "Finding App Service Prinicipal for $APP_NAME / $app_id" sp_object_rsp=$(az ad sp show --id $app_id) sp_object_id=$(echo $sp_object_rsp | jq -r 'if .objectId != null then .objectId else .id end') if [ "$sp_object_id" = "null" ]; then echo "Service Principal for the App cannot be found" echo $sp_rsp exit 1 fi echo Service Principle for the app is $sp_object_id unset IFS else echo echo Create AD App Registraion $APP_NAME read -p "Continue creating? [y/n] " -n 1 echo "" if [[ "$REPLY" != "y" ]]; then exit 1 fi echo "Create AD App Registration $APP_NAME" app_rsp=$(az ad app create --display-name $APP_NAME 2>&1) app_output=$(az ad app list --display-name $APP_NAME | jq -r '.[0]') app_id=$(echo $app_output | jq -r .appId) if [ "$app_id" = "null" ]; then echo "App cannot be created, trying running script again after checking permissions" echo $app_rsp exit 1 fi echo "Create App Service Prinicipal $APP_NAME" sp_rsp=$(az ad sp create --id $app_id 2>&1) sp_object_rsp=$(az ad sp show --id $app_id) sp_object_id=$(echo $sp_object_rsp | jq -r 'if .objectId != null then .objectId else .id end') if [ "$sp_object_id" = "null" ]; then echo "Service Principal for the App cannot be created" echo $sp_rsp exit 1 fi echo "Create App Secret" secret=$(az ad app credential reset --id $app_id --credential-description 'ciscomcd-secret' --years 5 2>/dev/null | jq -r .password) if [ "$secret" = "null" -o "$secret" = "" ]; then secret=$(az ad app credential reset --id $app_id --display-name 'ciscomcd-secret' --years 5 2>/dev/null | jq -r .password) fi if [ "$secret" = "null" ]; then echo "App Secret cannot be created" exit 1 fi fi echo "Create IAM Role $ROLE_NAME" role_rsp=$(az role definition create --subscription $sub_id --role-definition /tmp/role.json 2>&1) # if you want to reuse the role (continuing aborted run), dont depend on the exit code of the previous # command to continue further echo "Assign the Role $ROLE_NAME to the App $APP_NAME in subscription $sub_id serivce principal $sp_object_id " for i in {1..10}; do role_app_rsp=$(az role assignment create --subscription $sub_id \ --scope /subscriptions/$sub_id \ --assignee-object-id $sp_object_id \ --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal \ --role $ROLE_NAME 2>&1) pname=$(az role assignment list --subscription $sub_id --role $ROLE_NAME | jq -r '.[0].principalName') if [ "$pname" != "$app_id" ]; then if [ $i -eq 10 ]; then echo -e "\033[31m** Role could not be assigned to the App\033[0m" echo "Role assignment output" echo $role_app_rsp echo else sleep 5 fi else break fi done echo "Accept Marketplace agreements for Cisco Multicloud Defense Gateway Image" mkt_rsp=$(az vm image terms accept --subscription $sub_id --publisher valtix --offer datapath --plan valtix_dp_image) terms_rsp=$(echo $mkt_rsp | jq -r .accepted) if [ "$terms_rsp" != "true" ]; then echo -e "\033[31m** Marketplace terms could not be accepted\033[0m" echo $mkt_rsp fi echo "Creating event subscription for an Azure subscription" az eventgrid event-subscription create \ --source-resource-id "/subscriptions/${sub_id}" \ --name "$EVENT_SUB_NAME" \ --endpoint "$webhook_endpoint" \ --included-event-types \ Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess \ Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess \ Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess cleanup_file="delete-azure-setup-$sub_id.sh" echo "Create uninstaller script in the current directory '$cleanup_file'" if [[ "$existing_sub" == "y" || "$existing_sub" == "Y" ]]; then cat > $cleanup_file <<- EOF echo Delete Event Subscription $EVENT_SUB_NAME for the subscription $subscription az eventgrid event-subscription delete --source-resource-id /subscriptions/${sub_id} --name $EVENT_SUB_NAME echo Delete Role Assignment $ROLE_NAME for the AD app $APP_NAME for i in {1..5}; do az role assignment delete --subscription $sub_id --assignee $sp_object_id --role $ROLE_NAME pname=\$(az role assignment list --subscription $sub_id --role $ROLE_NAME | jq -r '.[0].principalName') if [ "\$pname" = "null" ]; then break else sleep 5 fi done echo Delete IAM Role $ROLE_NAME az role definition delete --subscription $sub_id --name $ROLE_NAME rm $cleanup_file EOF else cat > $cleanup_file <<- EOF echo Delete Event Subscription $EVENT_SUB_NAME for the subscription $subscription az eventgrid event-subscription delete --source-resource-id /subscriptions/${sub_id} --name $EVENT_SUB_NAME echo Delete Role Assignment $ROLE_NAME for the AD app $APP_NAME for i in {1..5}; do az role assignment delete --subscription $sub_id --assignee $sp_object_id --role $ROLE_NAME pname=\$(az role assignment list --subscription $sub_id --role $ROLE_NAME | jq -r '.[0].principalName') if [ "\$pname" = "null" ]; then break else sleep 5 fi done echo Delete IAM Role $ROLE_NAME az role definition delete --subscription $sub_id --name $ROLE_NAME echo Delete AD App Registration $APP_NAME az ad app delete --id $app_id rm $cleanup_file EOF fi chmod +x $cleanup_file echo echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Information shown below is needed to onboard subscription to the Cisco Multicloud Defense Controller" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Tenant/Directory: $tenant_id" echo " Subscription: $sub_id" echo " App: $app_id" echo " Secret: $secret" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo