[ { "name": "v-dialog", "description": "The `v-dialog` component inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks. Use dialogs sparingly because they are interruptive.", "props": { "dark": "Mixins.Themeable.props.dark", "disabled": "Disables the ability to open the dialog", "fullWidth": "Specifies the modal to force 100% width", "fullscreen": "Changes layout for fullscreen display", "hideOverlay": "Hides the display of the overlay", "lazy": "Mixins.Bootable.props.lazy", "light": "Mixins.Themeable.props.light", "maxWidth": "The maximum width of the content", "noClickAnimation": "Disables the bounce effect when clicking outside of a `v-dialog`'s content when using the **persistent** prop", "origin": "Mixins.Transitionable.props.origin", "persistent": "Clicking outside will not dismiss the dialog", "scrollable": "When set to true, expects a card, card-title, card-text and card-actions. Additionally, card-text should have specified height. Will set card-text to overflow-y", "transition": "Mixins.Transitionable.props.transition", "width": "Sets the dialog width" }, "events": { "change": "Components.Inputs.events.change", "click:append": "Components.Inputs.events['click:append']", "click:append-outer": "Emitted when appended outer icon is clicked", "click:clear": "Emitted when clearable icon clicked", "click:prepend": "Components.Inputs.events['click:prepend']", "click:prepend-inner": "Emitted when prepended inner icon is clicked", "update:error": "Mixins.Validatable.events['update:error']" } }, { "name": "other-component" } ]