// ==UserScript== // @name Robin Grow // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.1.2 // @description Try to take over the world! // @author /u/mvartan // @include https://www.reddit.com/robin* // @updateURL https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function() { if (!window.GM_addStyle) { window.GM_addStyle = function(styles) { $("body").append($(document.createElement("style")).attr("type", "text/css").text(styles)); }; } // Styles GM_addStyle('.robin--username {cursor: pointer} #robin-grow-tabbar {padding-left:10px;} .robin-grow-tab {cursor:pointer; display: inline-block !important;width: auto;padding: 7px;font-size: 16pt !important;text-transform:none !important;}'); GM_addStyle('.robin--username {cursor: pointer}'); GM_addStyle('#standingsTable table {width: 100%}'); GM_addStyle('#standingsTable table th {font-weight: bold}'); var currentChannelTab = ""; function getChannelPrefix() { var channels = settings.channel && settings.channel.split(",") || ""; return currentChannelTab || settings.filterChannel && settings.channel && settings.channel[0] || ""; } // Utils function hasChannel(source, channels) { var channelParts = channels.split(","); for(var ci in channelParts) { var channel = channelParts[ci]; console.log("checking "+channel) if(String(source).toLowerCase().startsWith(channel)) return true; } return false; } function formatNumber(n) { var part = n.toString().split("."); part[0] = part[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return part.join("."); } function addMins(date, mins) { var newDateObj = new Date(date.getTime() + mins * 60000); return newDateObj; } function grabStandings() { var standings; $.ajax({ url: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/.rss?limit=1', data: {}, success: function( data ) { var currentRoomName = $('.robin-chat--room-name').text(); var standingsPost = $(data).find("entry > content").first(); var decoded = $($('
').html(standingsPost).text()).find('table').first(); decoded.find('tr').each(function(i) { var row = $(this).find('td,th'); var nameColumn = $(row.get(2)); nameColumn.find('a').prop('target','_blank'); if (currentRoomName.startsWith(nameColumn.text().substring(0,6))) { row.css('background-color', '#22bb45'); } row.each(function(j) {if (j == 3 || j == 4 || j > 5) { $(this).remove(); }}); }); $("#standingsTable").html(decoded); }, dataType: 'xml' }); } var standingsInterval = 0; function startStandings() { stopStandings(); standingsInterval = setInterval(grabStandings, 120000); grabStandings(); } function stopStandings() { if (standingsInterval){ clearInterval(standingsInterval); standingsInterval = 0; } } function howLongLeft(endTime) { if (endTime === null) { return 0; } try { return Math.floor((endTime - new Date()) / 60 / 1000 * 10) / 10; } catch (e) { return 0; } } function filterChannelMessage(message) { console.log(message); var messageTextNode = (message && message.childNodes && message.childNodes[5]); var messageText = (messageTextNode && messageTextNode.innerText) || ""; if(messageText.indexOf(currentChannelTab) !== 0) { $(message).hide(); console.log("Should filter "+messageText); } } function configureTabs() { } function filterChannelAllMessages() { $(".robin-message.robin--user-class--user, .robin-message.robin--user-class--self").each(function(i, el) { $(el).show(); filterChannelMessage(el); }); } function clearChat() { $("#robinChatMessageList").text(""); } function chooseChannel(el) { el = el.target || el; $(".robin-grow-tab").removeClass("robin--active"); $(el).addClass("robin--active"); if(el.innerText == "All") { currentChannelTab = ""; } else { currentChannelTab = el.innerText; } filterChannelAllMessages(); } function setupTabs() { $("#robin-grow-tabbar").html("Channels: "); $("#robin-grow-tabbar").append("
"); var channels = settings.channel.split(",").map(function(filter) { return filter.trim().toLowerCase() }); channels.forEach(function(channel) { if(channel.length > 0) $("#robin-grow-tabbar").append("
"); }) var foundChannel = false; $(".robin-grow-tab").each(function(i, el) { if(el.innerText == currentChannelTab) { foundChannel = true; chooseChannel(el); } }) if(!foundChannel) { currentChannelTab = ""; } $(".robin-grow-tab").click(chooseChannel); } var Settings = { setupUI: function() { $robinVoteWidget.prepend("
"); $robinVoteWidget.prepend("
"); // Open Settings button $robinVoteWidget.append('
Open Settings
'); $(".robin-chat--main").prepend("
") $robinVoteWidget.append('
Show Standings
'); // Setting container $(".robin-chat--sidebar").before( '' ); // Standing container $("#settingContainer").before( '' ); $("#robinDesktopNotifier").detach().appendTo("#settingContent"); $("#openBtn").on("click", function openSettings() { $(".robin-chat--sidebar").hide(); $("#settingContainer").show(); }); $("#standingsBtn").on("click", function openStandings() { $(".robin-chat--sidebar").hide(); startStandings(); $("#standingsContainer").show(); }); $("#closeBtn").on("click", function closeSettings() { $(".robin-chat--sidebar").show(); $("#settingContainer").hide(); $("#standingsContainer").hide(); }); $("#closeStandingsBtn").on("click", function closeStandings() { $(".robin-chat--sidebar").show(); stopStandings(); $("#standingsContainer").hide(); $("#settingContainer").hide(); }); function setVote(vote) { return function() { settings.vote = vote; Settings.save(settings); }; } $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--abandon").on("click", setVote("abandon")); $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--continue").on("click", setVote("stay")); $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--increase").on("click", setVote("grow")); $('.robin-chat--buttons').prepend("
"); $robinVoteWidget.find('.robin-chat--vote').css('padding', '5px'); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) $('.robin-chat--user-list-widget').css('margin-top', '122px'); $('.robin--vote-class--novote').css('pointer-events', 'none'); }, load: function loadSetting() { var setting = localStorage["robin-grow-settings"]; try { setting = setting ? JSON.parse(setting) : {}; } catch(e) {} setting = setting || {}; if (!setting.vote) setting.vote = "grow"; return setting; }, save: function saveSetting(settings) { localStorage["robin-grow-settings"] = JSON.stringify(settings); }, addBool: function addBoolSetting(name, description, defaultSetting) { defaultSetting = settings[name] || defaultSetting; $("#settingContent").append('
'); $("input[name='setting-" + name + "']").on("click", function() { settings[name] = !settings[name]; Settings.save(settings); }); if (settings[name] !== undefined) { $("input[name='setting-" + name + "']").prop("checked", settings[name]); } else { settings[name] = defaultSetting; } }, addInput: function addInputSetting(name, description, defaultSetting) { defaultSetting = settings[name] || defaultSetting; $("#settingContent").append('
'); $("input[name='setting-" + name + "']").prop("defaultValue", defaultSetting) .on("change", function() { settings[name] = $(this).val(); Settings.save(settings); setupTabs(); }); settings[name] = defaultSetting; }, addButton: function(id, description, callback, options) { options = options || {}; $("#settingContent").append('
' + description + '
'); $('#' + id).on('click', function(e) { callback(e, options); }); } }; var currentUsersName = $('div#header span.user a').html(); // Settings var $robinVoteWidget = $("#robinVoteWidget"); // IF the widget isn't there, we're probably on a reddit error page. if (!$robinVoteWidget.length) { // Don't overload reddit, wait a bit before reloading. setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload(); }, 15000); return; } Settings.setupUI($robinVoteWidget); var settings = Settings.load(); // Options begin Settings.addButton("clearChat", "Clear Chat", clearChat); Settings.addBool("removeSpam", "Remove bot spam", true); Settings.addBool("findAndHideSpam", "Remove messages that have been sent more than 3 times", true); Settings.addInput("maxprune", "Max messages before pruning", "500"); Settings.addInput("spamFilters", "Custom spam filters, comma delimited.", "spam example 1, spam example 2"); Settings.addInput("channel", "Channel filter", ""); Settings.addBool("filterChannel", "Filter by channel", false); Settings.addBool("showtrivia", "Username Highlighing", false); Settings.addInput("triviahosts", "Usernames to highlight, comma delimited.", "dthunder,nbagf"); Settings.addBool("reportStats", "Contribute statistics to the Automated Leaderboard.", false); Settings.addInput("statReportingInterval", "Report Statistics Interval (seconds)", "60"); // Options end // Add version at the end (if available from script engine) var versionString = ""; if (typeof GM_info !== "undefined") { versionString = " - v" + GM_info.script.version; } $("#settingContent").append('
robin-grow' + versionString + '
'); // Settings end var timeStarted = new Date(); var name = $(".robin-chat--room-name").text(); var urlRegex = new RegExp(/(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,}))\.?)(?::\d{2,5})?(?:[/?#]\S*)?/ig); var list = {}; // Instead of forcing the channel filter into the box all the time, lets hook this more intuitively var targetTextBox = $("#robinSendMessage").find("input[type='text']"); targetTextBox.next().on('click', function () { if( settings.filterChannel && String(settings.channel).length > 0 ) { var sendingMessage = targetTextBox.val(); if( sendingMessage.length <= 0 ) return false; if( sendingMessage.startsWith("/") ) return true; // this is a command, we dont need to do anything if( sendingMessage.startsWith("-") ) { targetTextBox.val(sendingMessage.substring(1)); // Remove the - character from the beginning of the string return true; // this prefix means we should not touch output (raw) } // Append our chat prefix to the outgoing message if( sendingMessage.indexOf(currentChannelTab) != 0 ) { console.log("adding channel to message"); targetTextBox.val(currentChannelTab + " " + sendingMessage); } } }); /* $(".text-counter-input").val(settings.filterChannel? settings.channel+" " :"") $(".text-counter-input").keyup(function(e) { if(settings.filterChannel && $(".text-counter-input").val().indexOf(settings.channel) != 0) { $(".text-counter-input").val(settings.channel+" "+$(".text-counter-input").val()) } }); */ function fixMessage() { var messageText = $(".text-counter-input").val(); if(messageText.indexOf(getChannelPrefix()) != 0) { $(".text-counter-input").val(getChannelPrefix()+" "+messageText); } if(messageText.indexOf("/me") == 0) { $(".text-counter-input").val("/me "+getChannelPrefix()+" " + messageText.substring(currentChannelTab.length+3)); } } $("#robinSendMessage").submit(fixMessage); var isEndingSoon = false; var endTime = null; // Grab the timestamp from the time remaining message and then calc the ending time using the estimate it gives you function getEndTime() { // mostly from /u/Yantrio, modified by /u/voltaek var remainingMessageContainer = $(".robin--user-class--system:contains('approx')"); if (remainingMessageContainer.length === 0) { // for cases where it says "soon" instead of a time on page load var endingSoonMessageContainer = $(".robin--user-class--system:contains('soon')"); if (endingSoonMessageContainer.length !== 0) { isEndingSoon = true; } return null; } var message = $(".robin-message--message", remainingMessageContainer).text(); var time = new Date($(".robin-message--timestamp", remainingMessageContainer).attr("datetime")); try { return addMins(time, message.match(/\d+/)[0]); } catch (e) { return null; } } endTime = getEndTime(); var lastStatisticsUpdate = 0; function update() { switch(settings.vote) { case "abandon": $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--abandon:not('.robin--active')").click(); break; case "stay": $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--continue:not('.robin--active')").click(); break; case "grow": default: $(".robin-chat--vote.robin--vote-class--increase:not('.robin--active')").click(); break; } if (endTime === null && !isEndingSoon) { $(".timeleft").hide(); endTime = getEndTime(); } else { $(".timeleft").show().text(isEndingSoon ? "ending soon" : formatNumber(howLongLeft(endTime)) + " minutes remaining"); } var users = 0; $.get("/robin/", function(a) { var START_TOKEN = ""; var start = a.substring(a.indexOf(START_TOKEN)+START_TOKEN.length); var end = start.substring(0,start.indexOf(END_TOKEN)); config = JSON.parse(end); list = config.robin_user_list; var counts = list.reduce(function(counts, voter) { counts[voter.vote] += 1; return counts; }, { INCREASE: 0, ABANDON: 0, NOVOTE: 0, CONTINUE: 0 }); $robinVoteWidget.find('.robin--vote-class--increase .robin-chat--vote-label').html('grow
(' + formatNumber(counts.INCREASE) + ')'); $robinVoteWidget.find('.robin--vote-class--abandon .robin-chat--vote-label').html('abandon
(' + formatNumber(counts.ABANDON) + ')'); $robinVoteWidget.find('.robin--vote-class--novote .robin-chat--vote-label').html('no vote
(' + formatNumber(counts.NOVOTE) + ')'); $robinVoteWidget.find('.robin--vote-class--continue .robin-chat--vote-label').html('stay
(' + formatNumber(counts.CONTINUE) + ')'); users = list.length; $(".usercount").text(formatNumber(users) + " users in chat"); currentTime = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000); if(settings.reportStats && (currentTime-lastStatisticsUpdate)>=parseInt(settings.statReportingInterval)) { lastStatisticsUpdate = currentTime; // Report statistics to the automated leaderboard trackers = [ "https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/track.php" ]; queryString = "?id=" + config.robin_room_name.substr(0,10) + "&guid=" + config.robin_room_id + "&ab=" + counts.ABANDON + "&st=" + counts.CONTINUE + "&gr=" + counts.INCREASE + "&nv=" + counts.NOVOTE + "&count=" + users + "&ft=" + Math.floor(config.robin_room_date / 1000) + "&rt=" + Math.floor(config.robin_room_reap_time / 1000); trackers.forEach(function(tracker){ $.get(tracker + queryString); }); } }); var lastChatString = $(".robin-message--timestamp").last().attr("datetime"); var timeSinceLastChat = new Date() - (new Date(lastChatString)); var now = new Date(); if (timeSinceLastChat !== undefined && (timeSinceLastChat > 5*60000 && now - timeStarted > 5*60000)) { window.location.reload(); // reload if we haven't seen any activity in a minute. } // Try to join if not currently in a chat if ($("#joinRobinContainer").length) { $("#joinRobinContainer").click(); setTimeout(function() { $("#joinRobin").click(); }, 1000); } } // if (GM_getValue("chatName") != name) { // GM_setValue("chatName", name); // setTimeout(function() { // var oldVal = $(".text-counter-input").val(); // $(".text-counter-input").val("[Robin-Grow] I automatically voted to grow, and so can you! http://redd.it/4cwk2s !"); // $("#sendBtn").click(); // $(".text-counter-input").val(oldVal); // // }, 10000); // } // hash string so finding spam doesn't take up too much memory function hashString(str) { var hash = 0; if (str != 0) { for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { char = str.charCodeAt(i); if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 0x40) { // Let's try to not include the number in the hash in order to filter bots hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } } } return hash; } // Searches through all messages to find and hide spam var spamCounts = {}; function findAndHideSpam() { var $messages = $(".robin-message"); var maxprune = parseInt(settings.maxprune || "1000", 10); if (maxprune < 10 || isNaN(maxprune)) { maxprune = 1000; } if ($messages.length > maxprune) { $messages.slice(0, $messages.length - maxprune).remove(); } if (settings.findAndHideSpam) { // skips over ones that have been hidden during this run of the loop $('.robin--user-class--user .robin-message--message:not(.addon--hide)').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var hash = hashString($this.text()); var user = $('.robin-message--from', $this.closest('.robin-message')).text(); if (!(user in spamCounts)) { spamCounts[user] = {}; } if (hash in spamCounts[user]) { spamCounts[user][hash].count++; spamCounts[user][hash].elements.push(this); } else { spamCounts[user][hash] = { count: 1, text: $this.text(), elements: [this] }; } $this = null; }); $.each(spamCounts, function(user, messages) { $.each(messages, function(hash, message) { if (message.count >= 3) { $.each(message.elements, function(index, element) { //console.log("SPAM REMOVE: "+$(element).closest('.robin-message').text()) $(element).closest('.robin-message').addClass('addon--hide').remove(); }); } else { message.count = 0; } message.elements = []; }); }); } } // faster to save this in memory /* Detects unicode spam - Credit to travelton * https://gist.github.com/travelton */ var UNICODE_SPAM_RE = /[\u0080-\uFFFF]/; function isBotSpam(text) { // starts with a [, has "Autovoter", or is a vote var filter = text.indexOf("[") === 0 || text == "voted to STAY" || text == "voted to GROW" || text == "voted to ABANDON" || text.indexOf("Autovoter") > -1 || (UNICODE_SPAM_RE.test(text)); var spamFilters = settings.spamFilters.split(",").map(function(filter) { return filter.trim().toLowerCase() }); spamFilters.forEach(function(filterVal) { filter = filter || filterVal.length > 0 && text.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterVal) >= 0 }) // if(filter)console.log("removing "+text); return filter; } // Individual mute button /u/verox- var mutedList = settings.mutedUsersList || []; $('body').on('click', ".robin--username", function() { var username = $(this).text(); var clickedUser = mutedList.indexOf(username); if (clickedUser == -1) { // Mute our user. mutedList.push(username); this.style.textDecoration = "line-through"; } else { // Unmute our user. this.style.textDecoration = "none"; mutedList.splice(clickedUser, 1); } settings.mutedUsersList = mutedList; Settings.save(settings); listMutedUsers(); }); $("#settingContent").append("Muted Users"); $("#settingContent").append("
"); function listMutedUsers() { $("#blockedUserList").html(""); $.each(mutedList, function(index, value){ var mutedHere = "present"; var userInArray = $.grep(list, function(e) { return e.name === value; }); if (userInArray[0].present === true) { mutedHere = "present"; } else { mutedHere = "away"; } $("#blockedUserList").append( $("
") .append("" + value + "") ); }); } setTimeout(function() { listMutedUsers(); }, 1500); // credit to wwwroth for idea (notification audio) // i think this method is better var notifAudio = new Audio("https://slack.global.ssl.fastly.net/dfc0/sounds/push/knock_brush.mp3"); var myObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler); //--- Add a target node to the observer. Can only add one node at a time. // XXX Shou: we should only need to watch childList, more can slow it down. $("#robinChatMessageList").each(function() { myObserver.observe(this, { childList: true }); }); function mutationHandler(mutationRecords) { mutationRecords.forEach(function(mutation) { var jq = $(mutation.addedNodes); // There are nodes added if (jq.length > 0) { // cool we have a message. var thisUser = $(jq[0].children && jq[0].children[1]).text(); var $message = $(jq[0].children && jq[0].children[2]); var messageText = $message.text(); if($message[0]) filterChannelMessage(jq[0]); var remove_message = (mutedList.indexOf(thisUser) >= 0) || (settings.removeSpam && isBotSpam(messageText)) || (settings.filterChannel && !jq.hasClass('robin--user-class--system') && String(settings.channel).length > 0 && !hasChannel(messageText, settings.channel)); // Trivia bot highlighting if( settings.showtrivia ) { $.each(settings.triviahosts.split(','), function(key, value) { if( value.toLowerCase() == thisUser.toLowerCase() ) { $(jq[0]).css("background", "rgba(107, 207, 95, 0.8)").css("color", "white").css("font-weight", "bold"); remove_message = false; return; } }); } if(nextIsRepeat && jq.hasClass('robin--user-class--system')) { } var nextIsRepeat = jq.hasClass('robin--user-class--system') && messageText.indexOf("try again") >= 0; if(nextIsRepeat) { $(".text-counter-input").val(jq.next().find(".robin-message--message").text()); } remove_message = remove_message && !jq.hasClass("robin--user-class--system"); if (remove_message) { $message = null; $(jq[0]).remove(); } else { if(settings.filterChannel) { if(messageText.indexOf(settings.channel) == 0) { $message.text(messageText.substring(settings.channel.length).trim()); } } if (messageText.toLowerCase().indexOf(currentUsersName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { $message.parent().css("background","#FFA27F").css("color","white"); notifAudio.play(); console.log("got new mention"); } if(urlRegex.test(messageText)) { urlRegex.lastIndex = 0; var url = encodeURI(urlRegex.exec(messageText)[0]); var parsedUrl = url.replace(/^/, ""+url+""); var oldHTML = $(jq[0]).find('.robin-message--message').html(); var newHTML = oldHTML.replace(url, parsedUrl); $(jq[0]).find('.robin-message--message').html(newHTML); } findAndHideSpam(); } } }); } setInterval(update, 10000); update(); var flairColor = [ '#e50000', // red '#db8e00', // orange '#ccc100', // yellow '#02be01', // green '#0083c7', // blue '#820080' // purple ]; function colorFromName(name) { sanitizedName = name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, ""); flairNum = parseInt(sanitizedName, 36) % 6; return flairColor[flairNum]; } // Initial pass to color names in user list $('#robinUserList').find('.robin--username').each(function(){ this.style.color = colorFromName(this.textContent); }); // When a user's status changes, they are removed from the user list and re-added with new status classes, // so here we watch for names being added to the user list to re-color var myUserListObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { var usernameSpan = mutation.addedNodes[0].children[1]; usernameSpan.style.color = colorFromName(usernameSpan.innerHTML); } }); }); myUserListObserver.observe(document.getElementById("robinUserList"), { childList: true }); // Color current user's name in chat and darken post backgrounds var currentUserColor = colorFromName(currentUsersName); $('').appendTo('body'); // Send message button $("#robinSendMessage").append('
Send Message
'); // Send message $("#sendBtn").bind("mousedown touchstart", function(e) { fixMessage(); }); $('#robinChatInput').css('background', '#EFEFED'); // Full-screen-height chat $('').appendTo('body'); // RES Night Mode support if ($("body").hasClass("res")) { $('').appendTo('body'); } setupTabs(); })();