import pygame # python3 -m pip install pygame from PIL import Image # python3 -m pip install pillow import math import random import time import os import glob FPS = 30 # frames per second RESOLUTION = (1200, 800) # screen width / height in pixels SCALE = 3 # 1 pixel == SCALE meters TIME_SCALE = 5 # speed up simulation TORPEDO_COUNT = 20 # how many torpedoes dropped TORPEDO_SPEED = 45 * 0.5 * TIME_SCALE # 5 ms/ == 10 knots TORPEDO_INSTABILITY = 3.5 # every meter torpedo changes direction at random_uniform(TORPEDO_INSTABILITY/2) TORPEDO_DROP_TIME = 45 / TIME_SCALE # how many seconds torpedoes fall WAKE_DECAY_TORPEDO = 0.1 / FPS * TIME_SCALE # decrease it to lengthen wake SHIP_LEN = 270 # meters SHIP_SPEED_MS = 15 * TIME_SCALE # 5 ms/ == 10 knots SHIP_TURN_RATE_DG = 2 * TIME_SCALE # left/right full rudder turn rate in degrees per second WAKE_DECAY_SHIP = 0.1 / 4 / FPS * TIME_SCALE # decrease it to lengthen wake print(f'tactical diameter = {round(SHIP_SPEED_MS*(360/SHIP_TURN_RATE_DG)/math.pi)} m') HITBOX_W = 30 # width of the ship in meters WHITE = (255,255,255) # wake color / torpedo drop points BLACK = (0,0,0) # ship/torpedo body BLUE = (43,101,236) # ocean color # clean screenshots _ = [os.remove(png) for png in glob.glob("screenshot_torpedo_*.png")] _ = [os.remove(png) for png in glob.glob("torpedo_animated.gif")] pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.font.init() my_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 30) class Vessel(): def __init__(self, x, y, direction, length, speed_ms, wake_decay): self.speed_ms = float(speed_ms) self.direction = float(direction) self.x = float(x) self.y = float(y) self.length = float(length) self.wake_decay = float(wake_decay) self.wake = set([]) """ change vessel position, save new wake point, decay old wake points """ def step(self): a = self.direction / 180 * math.pi x2 = self.x - math.cos(a) * self.length / 2 y2 = self.y - math.sin(a) * self.length / 2 neighbours = set([(x2 + dx, y2 + dy) for dx in [-1, 0, 1] for dy in [-1, 0, 1]]) self.wake.add((x2, y2)) # decay old points self.wake = set([(x, y) for x, y in self.wake if random.random() > self.wake_decay]) self.x = self.x + math.cos(a) * self.speed_ms / FPS self.y = self.y + math.sin(a) * self.speed_ms / FPS # draw vessel and it's wake def draw(self): a = self.direction / 180 * math.pi x1 = self.x + math.cos(a) * self.length / 2 x2 = self.x - math.cos(a) * self.length / 2 y1 = self.y + math.sin(a) * self.length / 2 y2 = self.y - math.sin(a) * self.length / 2 for x, y in self.wake: window.set_at((int(x/SCALE), int(y/SCALE)), WHITE) pygame.draw.line(window, BLACK, (int(x1 / SCALE), int(y1 / SCALE)), (int(x2 / SCALE), int(y2 / SCALE)), width=3) # ship starting position ship = Vessel(RESOLUTION[0]/2*SCALE, RESOLUTION[1]/2*SCALE + 750, 270, SHIP_LEN, SHIP_SPEED_MS, WAKE_DECAY_SHIP) # uncomment ship2 lines to add ghost ship (does not take torpedo hits) that goes straight #ship2 = Vessel(RESOLUTION[0]/2*SCALE, RESOLUTION[1]/2*SCALE + 750, 270, SHIP_LEN, SHIP_SPEED_MS, WAKE_DECAY_SHIP) # torpedoes drop points torpedoes = [] for i in range(TORPEDO_COUNT): dot = (0,750) dst = 750 a2 = -(i/(TORPEDO_COUNT-1) * 50 + 25) / 180 * math.pi if i % 2 == 0: a2 = math.pi - a2 a = random.random() * 2 * math.pi d = random.random()**0.5 * 200 x = math.cos(a) * d + dot[0] + math.cos(a2) * dst * 1 y = math.sin(a) * d + dot[1] + math.sin(a2) * dst * 1.5 x0 = RESOLUTION[0] / 2 * SCALE y0 = RESOLUTION[1] / 2 * SCALE t = Vessel(x0 + x, y0 + y, 180 * random.random(), 5, TORPEDO_SPEED, WAKE_DECAY_TORPEDO) torpedoes.append(t) start_time = time.time() hits = 0 n = 0 run = True while run: n += 1 if n % (FPS / TIME_SCALE) == 0:, f'screenshot_torpedo_{n:03}.png') clock.tick(FPS) if random.random() < 0.1 / FPS: print(f'real FPS {round(clock.get_fps(), 1)}') # are torpedoes in the water? torpedoes_dropped = (time.time() - start_time) > TORPEDO_DROP_TIME for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: ship.direction -= SHIP_TURN_RATE_DG / FPS if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: ship.direction += SHIP_TURN_RATE_DG / FPS if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: run = False # move ship and torpedoes ship.step() #ship2.step() if torpedoes_dropped: new_torpedoes = [] for t in torpedoes: t.direction += (random.random() - 0.5) * TORPEDO_INSTABILITY / math.sqrt(TORPEDO_SPEED / FPS) #if random.random() < 0.15 / FPS: # t.direction = 360 * random.random() t.step() x_ = t.x - ship.x y_ = t.y - ship.y a = ship.direction / 180 * math.pi x = math.cos(a) * x_ + math.sin(a) * y_ y = - math.sin(a) * x_ + math.cos(a) * y_ if abs(x) < SHIP_LEN / 2 and abs(y) < HITBOX_W / 2: hits += 1 else: new_torpedoes.append(t) torpedoes = new_torpedoes # draw everything window.fill(BLUE) ship.draw() #ship2.draw() if torpedoes_dropped: for t in torpedoes: t.draw() else: for t in torpedoes:, WHITE, (int(t.x / SCALE), int(t.y / SCALE)), 2) msg = f'Torpedo hits: {hits}' if torpedoes_dropped else str(int(TIME_SCALE*(TORPEDO_DROP_TIME + start_time - time.time()))) text_surface = my_font.render(msg, False, (0, 0, 0)) window.blit(text_surface, (10, 10)) pygame.display.flip() # create GIF imgs = glob.glob("screenshot_torpedo_*.png") imgs.sort() print('\n'.join(imgs)) frames = [] for i in imgs: new_frame = frames.append(new_frame) frames[0].save('torpedo_animated.gif', format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:], save_all=True, duration=200, loop=1000) pygame.quit() exit()