# ECL for Sublime Text This package currently adds syntax highlighting for the ECL language to Sublime Text (both 2 and 3). ## Roadmap Other features may be included as well, the roadmap follows: * Syntax highlighting - **DONE** * Auto-completion * Jump to definition * Syntax check * Style formatter * ECL submission * Workunit support ## Installation ### Requirements * [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) ### Via Package Control 1. Open the Package Control with `Ctrl + Shift + P` 1. Type `install` and select `Package Control: Install Package` 1. Type `ECL` and select the `ECL` package ### From Source To install this plugin from Github, follow these steps: 1. Open the Package Control with `Ctrl + Shift + P` 1. Type `add repo` and select `Package Control: Add Repository` 1. Copy and paste: `https://github.com/vbarboza/sublime-ecl` 1. Open the Package Control with `Ctrl + Shift + P` 1. Type `install` and select `Package Control: Install Package` 1. Type `sublime-ecl` and select the package ## Credits Syntax ported from the HPCC Systems [ECL Extension for VSCode](https://github.com/hpcc-systems/vscode-ecl) and installation instructions from Facebook [sublime-react package](https://github.com/facebookarchive/sublime-react).