The homepage of this add-on should be set as the link of the root node.

The basic properties of this add-on. They can be used in script names and other attributes, e.g. "${name}.groovy".

  • name: The name of the add-on, normally a technically one (no spaces, no special characters except _.-).
  • author: Author's name(s) and (optionally) email adresses.
  • version: Since it's difficult to protect numbers like 1.0 from Freeplane's number parser it's advised to prepend a 'v' to the number, e.g. 'v1.0'.
  • freeplane-version-from: The oldest compatible Freeplane version. The add-on will not be installed if the Freeplane version is too old.
  • freeplane-version-to: Normally empty: The newest compatible Freeplane version. The add-on will not be installed if the Freeplane version is too new.
  • updateUrl: URL of the file containing information (version, download url) on the latest version of this add-on. By default: "${homepage}/"

Description would be awkward to edit as an attribute.

So you have to put the add-on description as a child of the 'description' node.

To translate the description you have to define a translation for the key 'addons.${name}.description'.

Node wrangling features for Freeplane:

  • capitalize first word in node core text
  • capitalize all words in node core text
  • upper case node core text
  • lower case node core text
  • delete first chosen characters from node core text
  • delete first characters matching a regular expression from node core text
  • delete last chosen character from node core text
  • delete last characters matching a regular expression from node core text
  • delete links on multiple nodes
  • split node core tex into multiple nodes on periods
  • split node core text into multiple nodes on commas
  • split node core text into multiple nodes on spaces
  • split node core text into multiple nodes on one or more chosen characters...
  • split node core text into multiple nodes before one or more chosen characters...
  • split node core text into multiple nodes on characters that match a regular expression...
  • split node core text into multiple nodes before characters that match a regular expression...
  • splits node core text after one or more chosen characters

  • splits node core text after characters matching a regular expression

  • join node core text of multiple nodes with spaces
  • join node core text of multiple nodes with commas
  • join node core text of multiple nodes with periods
  • join node core text of multiple nodes with one or more chosen characters
  • copy node core text as a new child of the node
  • replace parent node core text with the core node text of one of its children
  • convert parent node attributes to node children
  • convert node children to parent node attributes

Using the Java sped-up version of wikdNode requires adding "scripts" to the script classpath in Freeplane's preferences.

Change log of this add-on: append one node for each noteworthy version and put the details for each version into a child node.

The add-ons's license that the user has to accept before she can install it.

The License text has to be entered as a child of the 'license' node, either as plain text or as HTML.

The child node contains the add-on configuration as an extension to mindmapmodemenu.xml (in Tools->Preferences->Add-ons).

Every property in the configuration should receive a default value in node.

These properties play together with the preferences: Each property defined in the preferences should have a default value in the attributes of this node.

The translation keys that this script uses. Define one child node per supported locale. The attributes contain the translations. Define at least

  • 'addons.${name}' for the add-on's name
  • 'addons.${name}.description' for the description, e.g. in the add-on overview dialog (not necessary for English)
  • 'addons.${name}.<scriptname>' for each script since it will be the menu title.

List of files and/or directories to remove on uninstall

An add-on may contain multiple scripts. The node text defines the script name (e.g. inserInlineImage.groovy). The name must have a suffix of a supported script language like .groovy or .js and may only consist of letters and digits. The script properties have to be configured via attributes:

* menuLocation: <locationkey>

   - Defines where the menu location.

   - See mindmapmodemenu.xml for how the menu locations look like.


   - This attribute is mandatory

* menuTitleKey: <key>

   - The menu item title will be looked up under the translation key <key> - don't forget to define its translation.

   - This attribute is mandatory

* executionMode: <mode>

   - The execution mode as described in the Freeplane wiki (

   - ON_SINGLE_NODE: Execute the script once. The node variable is set to the selected node.

   - ON_SELECTED_NODE: Execute the script n times for n selected nodes, once for each node.

   - ON_SELECTED_NODE_RECURSIVELY: Execute the script on every selected node and recursively on all of its children.

   - In doubt use ON_SINGLE_NODE.

   - This attribute is mandatory

* keyboardShortcut: <shortcut>

   - Optional: keyboard combination / accelerator for this script, e.g. control alt I

   - Use lowercase letters for modifiers and uppercase for letters. Use no + signs.

   - The available key names are listed at

     In the list only entries with a 'VK_' prefix count. Omit the prefix in the shortcut definition.

* Permissions that the script(s) require, each either false or true:

   - execute_scripts_without_asking

   - execute_scripts_without_file_restriction: permission to read files

   - execute_scripts_without_write_restriction: permission to create/change/delete files

   - execute_scripts_without_exec_restriction: permission to execute other programs

   - execute_scripts_without_network_restriction: permission to access the network


  - The set of permissions is fixed.

  - Don't change the attribute names, don't omit one.

  - Set the values either to true or to false

  - In any case set execute_scripts_without_asking to true unless you want to annoy users.

An add-on may contain any number of nodes containing binary files (normally .jar files) to be added to the add-on's classpath.

 - The immediate child nodes contain the name of the file, e.g. 'mysql-connector-java-5.1.25.jar'). Put the file into a 'lib' subdirectory of the add-on base directory.

 - The child nodes of these nodes contain the actual files.

 - Any lib file will be extracted in <installationbase>/<addonname>/lib.

 - The files will be processed in the sequence as seen in the map.

An add-on may define any number of images as child nodes of the images node. The actual image data has to be placed as base64 encoded binary data into the text of a subnode.

The images are saved to the ${installationbase}/resources/images directory.

The following images should be present:

  • ${name}-icon.png, like oldicons-theme-icon.png. This will be used in the app-on overview.
  • ${name}-screenshot-1.png, like oldicons-theme-screenshot-1.png. This will be used in the app-on details dialog. Further images can be included but they are not used yet.

Images can be added automatically by releaseAddOn.groovy or must be uploaded into the map via the script Tools->Scripts->Insert Binary since they have to be (base64) encoded as simple strings.

An add-on may contain any number of nodes containing zip files.

 - The immediate child nodes contain a description of the zip. The devtools script releaseAddOn.groovy allows automatic zip creation if the name of this node matches a directory in the current directory.

 - The child nodes of these nodes contain the actual zip files.

 - Any zip file will be extracted in the <installationbase>. Currently, <installationbase> is always Freeplane's <userhome>, e.g. ~/.freeplane/1.3.

 - The files will be processed in the sequence as seen in the map.