]> 2016-10-20 http://vcharpenay.github.io/hto/ Victor Charpenay <victor.charpenay[at]siemens.com> 0.2.0 Academic Free License ("AFL") 3.0 Haystack Tagging Ontology The Haystack Tagging Ontology is an OWL ontology for Project Haystack, a domain vocabulary for Building Automation Systems. gives the OWL class defined in the present ontology that should be associated to the individual defined as subject. AHU Air Boiler CO2 Chilled System Chiller Command Condenser System Cooling Coil Discharge Efficiency Entering Equipment Exhaust Fan Flow Frequency Gas HEntity HTag HVAC Heating Coil Historized Humidity Isolation Valve Leaving Light Level Lights Group Measurement Meter Mixed On/Off Percentage Perimeter Heat Physical Body Point Point Property Power Pressure Pump RTU Real time Refrigirant Substance Return Section Sensor Set Point Site Speed Steam Temperature VAV VFD VFD Fan Valve Water Writable Zone Air Handler Unit which heats and/or cools air. Point associated with the measurement or control of air. In regards to `wetBulb`, points with the 'air' tag are associated with dry bulb. Boiler `equip` used to generate hot water or steam for heating. note: does not fully implement specification (no boilerPlant). However, is still a TODO in project Haystack. If used with `valve` indicates a by-pass in a piping system. If used in combination with the `damper` tag on an `ahu` to indicate a damper in the ductwork to by-pass the VAV boxs and create a direct circuit between the discharge and return of the unit. Marker tag used with `water` for the chilled water system between `chiller` and `ahu`. Chillers remove heat from a liquid via a vapor compression or an absorption refrigeration cycle. note: does not fully implement specification (no chillerPlant, no CoolingTower). Classifies a `point` as an output, AO/BO, command, or actuator. Carbon dioxide level `point` measured in "ppm". When combined with the `water` tag, this indicates points in a condenser water system between a `chiller` and `coolingTower`. When used with the `refrig` tag, this indicates points on the condenser mechanism used to convert a refrigerant from its gaseous to liquid state. If paired with the `cmd` tag this tag indicates the command status of a condensor in a `chiller` modeled as true/false (on/off) or 0% to 100%. Cooling coil as bool or numeric `point` used with `ahu` equip. If multiple stages are used, then also specify the `stage` tag. If the cooling coil is controlled by a valve, then this point is mesaured from 0% to 100%, otherwise it should be a boolean point. Associated with the cooling mode of an HVAC system. Damper position measured from 0% (fully closed) to 100% (fully open). note: indicates the measurement of how open the damper of a AHU is (0-100%) Indicates a differential of `air`, `water`, or `steam` between the `entering` and `leaving` sensors. Associated with the discharge air an `ahu` or `vav`. Used to indicate the effective setpoint which takes into account various other mode based setpoints the equip might define. See [zone setpoints]`Zones#zonePoints` for complete example of how this tag is used. Efficiency point of a `chiller` measured in "COP" or "kW/ton". Used on `point` or `equip` entities relating to electricity. When paried with `meter` indicates a electric meter. note: according to the documentation, is assocated to either point or equip Secondary on/off `point` of an `equip` especially used with a `vfd`. Enable is used with Bool points where true indicates on and false indicates off. Equip with an enable should always also define a `run` point which indicates the primary on/off state of the equipment. Applied to `point` entities which measure energy consumption: - Electric meters: "kWh" - Thermal meters: "BTU" - Gas meters: "m³_gas" - Chillers: "tonrefh" Indicates `water` or `steam` entering a piece of equipment like a `boiler` or `chiller`. Used with `vav` for air flow into the unit from the AHU. Indicates points on the evaporator mechanism used to convert a refrigerant from its liquid to gageous state. It is often paired with the `refrig` marker tag. Associated with the exhaust air an `ahu`. A `point` of an `ahu` indicating air flow is by-passing the heating/cooling elements. If a boolean point, then true indicates the unit is in by-pass mode and false indicates by-pass is disabled. If the point is an analog point then 100% indicates full by-pass mode and 0% that by-pass is completely disabled. Fan `point` or `equip` associated with an `ahu`, `vav`, or `coolingTower`. note: according to the documentation, is assocated to either point or equip. Should use reasoning to choose the right one for a given HEntity Differential pressure across the filter of an `ahu`. If a boolean point then true indicates successful airflow and false indicates a clogged filter. If a numeric then the pressure differential should be measured in "inH₂O" or "kPa" Marker tag on a `point` which measures rate of volume currently flowing through a flow meter, duct, or pipe . - Air flow: "cfm" or "L/s" - Gas/water flow: "gal/min" or "m³/s" A boolean `point` of an `ahu` indicating a freezing condition which might require a control sequence to protect the equipment. If true then a freeze condition is deteted, or false if not. Electrical A/C frequency `point` measured in "Hz" for `elec` `meter` or a `vfd`. Used on `point` or `equip` entities relating to natural gas. When paried with `meter` indicates a gas meter. Heating coil as bool or float point on an `ahu` or `vav`. If multiple stages are used, then also specify the `stage` tag. If the heating coil is controlled by a valve, then this point is mesaured from 0% to 100%, otherwise it should be a boolean point. Bool `point` which models the on or off state of an `ahu` heat wheel. Associated with the heating mode of an HVAC system. Boolean or numeric `point` of an `ahu` used to indicate if if the humidifier is on or off. Humidity measured from 0% to 100%. Associated with HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) Indicates a `valve` used to isolate a piece of equipment from a piping system. Indicates `water` or `steam` exiting a piece of equipment like a `boiler` or `chiller`. Light level sensor point under `lightsGroup` measured in "lux" or "lumen". Lighting on/off status as a boolean or if dimmable a numeric between 0% and 100%. note: according to the documentation, subsumes sensor. But associated here to a Measurement type and redundant with the tag lightLevel. Equip level of the lighting system which is a group of one or more `lights` points. Models a `point` on a `chiller` used to command or measure the chiller's load as a percentage from "0%" to "100%". When paired with `cmd` this models the chiller's load limit. When paired with `sensor` this models the chiller's current load factor. Equip which meters usage of `elec` energy, thermal energy, `gas`, `water` or `steam`. Associated with the mixed air of an `ahu`. Occupancy sensor under `lightsGroup`. Point must be Bool where true indicates occupied and false indicates unoccupied note: according to the documentation, subsumes sensor. But associated here to a Measurement type. Similarly, lights and lightLevel tags both refer to the class LightLevel. http://project-haystack.org/tag/lights Auxiliary heating points associated with a `vav`. Data point such as a sensor or actuator. Applied to `point` entities which measure energy consumed per unit time. For 'elec meter' this is the electrical demand. - Electric meters: "kW" - Thermal meters: "BTU/h" - Chillers: "tonref" or "kW" refrigeration Static pressure associated with the measurement or control of fluids such as air, oxygen, water, steam, gas, oil, etc. Indicates points associated with the measurment or control of the refrigerant substance in a cooling system like a `chiller`. Associated with the return air an `ahu`. Used with `ahu` to mark an AHU as a packaged rooftop unit (RTU). Primary on/off `point` of an `equip` especially used with a `vfd`. Run is used with Bool points where true indicates on and false indicates off. When paired with `cmd` this is the commanded state of the equipment. When paired with `sensor` this is the actual status of the equip. If the equipment also defines an `enable` point then both must be commanded on in order to run the equipment. note: according to the documentation, subsumes sensor. But associated here to a Measurement type. Classifies a `point` as an input, AI/BI, or sensor. Classifies a `point` as a setpoint, soft point, or process control variable. Speed `point` of a `vfd` measured in "%" where 0% is off and 100% is the fastest speed. Point associated with the measurement or control of steam. This tag is often paired with `entering` versus `leaving` versus `delta`. It may also be paired with `meter` to indicate a steam meter. Temperature measured in °C or °F. Marker tag on `point` which indicates a valve used to regulate or control the flow or pressure of a fluid. It is used with `cmd` to indicate the valve command: true/false (open/close) or 0% to 100%. It may also be used with `sensor` to indicate a feedback sensor such as a voltage giving exact position between 0% and 100%. Variable Volume Volume supply duct `equip`. Marker for a motor `equip` with variable frequency drive. Commonly used in combination with `fan` and `pump`. Point associated with the measurement or control of water. This tag is often paired: - `entering` versus `leaving` versus `delta` - `chilled` versus `condenser` It may also be paired with `meter` to indicate a water meter. Associated with a conditioned [zone]`Zones` of a building.