/* ==UserStyle== @name Dark-WhatsApp @description Dark and light, very customizable theme for WhatsApp. @namespace github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp @homepageURL https://github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp @supportURL https://github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp/issues @updateURL https://userstyles.world/api/style/4.user.css @author vednoc (https://github.com/vednoc) @version 3.7.2 @license MIT @preprocessor stylus @var select theme 'Base color-scheme toggle' { 'Custom colors *': 'custom', 'Dark blue (old) ': 'old', 'Dark gray (new) ': 'new', } @var color _bg 'Base background color ' #1f232a @var color _fg 'Base foreground color ' #eeeeee @var color _ac 'Base accent color ' #7289da @var range _bg_a 'Adjust background color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%'] @var range _fg_a 'Adjust foreground color tones' [0, -25, 25, 0.1, '%'] @var range _ac_a 'Adjust accent color tones ' [0, 0, 25, 1, '%'] @var range _sc_a 'Adjust syntax color tones ' [0, 0, 25, 1, '%'] @var text ui_font 'UI font' ''font_name'' @var text app_width 'App width' 1396px @var checkbox fullscreen 'Fullscreen mode' 0 @var checkbox compact 'Compact mode' 1 @var text compact_mw 'Compact mode breakpoint' 720px @var text compact_hi 'Compact mode hover-on delay' 0.6s @var text compact_ho 'Compact mode hover-off delay' 1.2s @var select app_alerts 'Alerts' { 'Show all *': 'show ', 'Hide "Allow notifications" ': 'notifications ', 'Hide all ': 'hide ', } @var checkbox app_header 'Consistent drawer headers' 1 @var text radius_m 'Rounded corners for menus' 4px @var text radius_i 'Rounded corners for input area' 24px @var range radius_a 'Rounded corners for avatars' [50, 0, 50, 1, '%'] @var select app_image 'App background' { 'Theme image with 12px blur *': 'bg-high ', 'Theme image with 6px blur ': 'bg-low ', 'Theme image without blur ': 'bg-none ', 'Custom background image ': 'custom ', 'Default background ': 'default ', 'None ': 'none ', } @var text image_url 'App background image link' url('https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1434569117012-ce134ee1a088?fit=crop&w=1280&h=720&q=80') @var range bg_opacity 'App background image opacity' [0.4, 0.0, 1, 0.01] @var range bg_blur 'App background image blur size' [0, 0, 50, 1, 'px'] @var range bg_hue 'App background image hue' [320, 0, 360, 1, 'deg'] @var range bg_invert 'App background image invert colors' [0, 0.0, 1, 0.01] @var text bg_size 'App background image size' cover @var text bg_pos 'App background image position' center @var text bg_rep 'App background image repeat' no-repeat @var select tail_style 'Style for message bubble tails' { 'Default *': 'default ', 'Minimal ': 'minimal ', 'Rounded ': 'rounded ', } @var range emoji_o 'Emoji opacity' [0.8, 0.0, 1, 0.01] @var range emoji_b 'Reduce big emoji size' [48, 20, 48, 4, "px"] @var checkbox emoji_a 'Animate emojis' 1 @var text emoji_k 'Emojis with kiss animation' "'πŸ’‹'" @var text emoji_p 'Emojis with pulse animation' "'🀩' '😍' '☺️' '❣️' 'β™₯️' '❀️'" @var checkbox ow_ack 'Override seen message icon color' 0 @var color _ack 'Seen message icon color' #ff6666 @var checkbox ow_sys_msg 'Override system message background color' 0 @var color sys_msg_bg 'System message background color' #364462 @var checkbox ow_imsg 'Override incoming message bubble color' 0 @var color _imsg 'Incoming message bubble color' #16191e @var checkbox bubble_in 'Swap sides for incoming message bubbles' 0 @var checkbox ow_omsg 'Override outgoing message bubble color' 0 @var color _omsg 'Outgoing message bubble color' #3b4250 @var checkbox bubble_out 'Swap sides for outgoing message bubbles' 0 @var checkbox chat_h_p_p 'Hide profile pictures' 0 @var checkbox chat_b_c 'Blurred contacts' 0 @var checkbox chat_b_img 'Blurred media' 0 @var text chat_b_in 'Blurred media hover-on delay' 0.4s @var text chat_b_out 'Blurred media hover-off delay' 0.2s @var checkbox chat_bg 'Chat background image' 1 @var text chat_image 'Chat background image link' url('https://web.whatsapp.com/img/bg-chat-tile_9e8a2898faedb7db9bf5638405cf81ae.png') @var range chat_bg_o 'Chat background image opacity' [0.15, 0.0, 1, 0.01] @var range chat_bg_iv 'Chat background image inverted colors' [0.6, 0.0, 1, 0.01] @var text chat_bg_s 'Chat background image size' initial @var text chat_bg_p 'Chat background image position' top left @var text chat_bg_r 'Chat background image repeat' repeat @var color _red 'Base red color ' #f07178 @var color _orange 'Base orange color ' #f78c6c @var color _yellow 'Base yellow color ' #ffcb6b @var color _green 'Base green color ' #c3e88d @var color _cyan 'Base cyan color ' #89ddff @var color _blue 'Base blue color ' #82aaff @var color _magenta 'Base magenta color ' #c792ea @var color _violet 'Base violet color ' #9a91ea @var color _white 'White color ' #ffffff @var color _sh 'Shadow color ' #00000025 ==/UserStyle== */ // Color mixin. /// All colors: `c: fg1 bg5 bg1` /// Only border-color: `c: 0 bg5` c(x, y = 0, z = 0, xi = 1, yi = 1, zi = 1) { if x != 0 && x != '_' { color: xi is 0 ? x : x i } if y != 0 && y != '_' { border-color: yi is 0 ? y : y i } if z != 0 && z != '_' { background-color: zi is 0 ? z : z i } } // Raw RGB mixin. /// Convert RGBA (if t = 1) or HEX to raw rrr-ggg-bbb format. to_rgb(input, t = 0) { if (t) { unquote(substr(join(',', slice(split(',', s('%s', input)), 0, -1)), 5)) } else { unquote(slice(s('%s', rgba(input, 0)), 5, -3)) } } // Raw RGBA mixin. /// Combine `*-rgb` vars and alpha value. to_rgba(input, alpha) { unquote(s('rgba(var(--%s-rgb), %s)', unquote(input), alpha)) } // SVG-friendly colors mixin. to_svg(input) { s('\%23%s', unquote(substr(s('%s', input), 1, 6))) } // Rounded corners mixin. rad() { border-radius: arguments } /// Remove old browser prefixes. vendors = official /// Feat -> Base color-scheme toggle. #32 if (theme == 'custom') { BG = _bg FG = _fg AC = _ac } else if (theme == 'old') { BG = #1f232a FG = #eeeeee AC = #7289da _red = #f07178 _orange = #f78c6c _yellow = #ffcb6b _green = #c3e88d _cyan = #89ddff _blue = #82aaff _magenta = #c792ea _violet = #9a91ea } else if (theme == 'new') { BG = #292929 FG = #e6e6e6 AC = #d47d3f _red = #f2777a _orange = #f99157 _yellow = #ffcc66 _green = #99cc99 _cyan = #66cccc _blue = #6699cc _magenta = #cc99cc _violet = #aa99cc } /// Helpers. t = transparent i = !important BA = _bg_a FA = _fg_a AA = _ac_a SA = _sc_a IM = _imsg OM = _omsg // Color generator. /// NOTE: Scope the variables to avoid potential conflicts. /{ g = global /// Color generator rules. if (dark(BG)) { a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75) s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75) b1 = (BA + 10); b2 = (BA - 05); b3 = (BA - 10); b4 = (BA - 15); b5 = (BA - 20) f1 = (FA - 10); f2 = (FA + 10); f3 = (FA + 20); f4 = (FA + 30); f5 = (FA + 40) } else { a1 = (AA + 15); a2 = (AA + 30); a3 = (AA + 45); a4 = (AA + 65); a5 = (AA + 75) s1 = (SA + 15); s2 = (SA + 30); s3 = (SA + 45); s4 = (SA + 65); s5 = (SA + 75) b1 = (BA - 10); b2 = (BA + 08); b3 = (BA + 16); b4 = (BA + 24); b5 = (BA + 32) f1 = (FA - 05); f2 = (FA - 10); f3 = (FA - 15); f4 = (FA - 20); f5 = (FA - 30) } /// Feat -> Colors for message bubbles. ig_quote = dark(IM) ? -10% : 25% og_quote = dark(OM) ? -10% : 25% /// Generate tones for base colors. C = { bg: { '0': darken(BG, b1), '1': darken(BG, 0%), '2': darken(BG, b2), '3': darken(BG, b3), '4': darken(BG, b4), '5': darken(BG, b5), }, fg: { '0': darken(FG, f1), '1': darken(FG, 0%), '2': darken(FG, f2), '3': darken(FG, f3), '4': darken(FG, f4), '5': darken(FG, f5), }, ac: { '0': mix(darken(BG, 0%), AC, 0%), '1': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a1), '2': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a2), '3': mix(darken(BG, 40%), AC, a3), '4': mix(darken(BG, 65%), AC, a4), '5': mix(darken(BG, 50%), AC, a5), }, ig: { '0': IM, '1': darken(IM, ig_quote), }, og: { '0': OM, '1': darken(OM, og_quote), }, b1: { '0': spin(_red, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_red, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_red, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _red, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _red, s5) }, b2: { '0': spin(_orange, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_orange, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_orange, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _orange, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _orange, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _orange, s5) }, b3: { '0': spin(_yellow, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_yellow, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_yellow, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _yellow, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _yellow, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _yellow, s5) }, b4: { '0': spin(_green, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_green, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_green, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _green, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _green, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _green, s5) }, b5: { '0': spin(_cyan, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_cyan, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_cyan, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _cyan, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _cyan, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _cyan, s5) }, b6: { '0': spin(_blue, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_blue, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_blue, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _blue, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _blue, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _blue, s5) }, b7: { '0': spin(_magenta, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_magenta, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_magenta, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _magenta, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _magenta, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _magenta, s5) }, b8: { '0': spin(_violet, 0deg - 0%) '1': spin(_violet, 15deg - s1) '2': spin(_violet, 30deg - s2) '3': mix(darken(BG, 20%), _violet, s3) '4': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _violet, s4) '5': mix(darken(BG, 40%), _violet, s5) } } /// Generate Stylus-lang variables. define('bg-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.bg define('fg-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.fg define('ac-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.ac define('og-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.og define('ig-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.ig define('b1-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b1 define('b2-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b2 define('b3-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b3 define('b4-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b4 define('b5-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b5 define('b6-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b6 define('b7-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b7 define('b8-' + key, val, g) for key, val in C.b8 /// Generate Stylus-lang helpers for CSS variables. define('bg' + key, s('var(--bg-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.bg define('fg' + key, s('var(--fg-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.fg define('ac' + key, s('var(--ac-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.ac define('b1' + key, s('var(--b1-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b1 define('b2' + key, s('var(--b2-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b2 define('b3' + key, s('var(--b3-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b3 define('b4' + key, s('var(--b4-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b4 define('b5' + key, s('var(--b5-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b5 define('b6' + key, s('var(--b6-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b6 define('b7' + key, s('var(--b7-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b7 define('b8' + key, s('var(--b8-%s)', unquote(key)), g) for key, val in C.b8 } msg = "Still looking for someone to help maintain Dark-WhatsApp. I will try " msg += "to maintain it until a big breaking update. Also, check out my other " msg += "project related to userstyles:\A\A 🌟 https://userstyles.world 🌟\A\A " msg += "Changelog: https://github.com/vednoc/dark-whatsapp\A" msg += "P.S. CSS can not create clickable links." @-moz-document domain('web.whatsapp.com') { :root:not(#z), .dark:not(#z) { /// Userstyle info. --version: '🌚 Dark-WhatsApp v3.7.2 β€” March 31st, 2023' /// UI font. --ui-font: ui_font, Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Arial, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, sans-serif /// Rounded corners. --r-menus: radius_m --r-inputs: radius_i --r-avatars: radius_a /// Compact mode. --c-m-hover: compact_hi --c-m-delay: compact_ho /// Blurred media. --blur-in: chat_b_in --blur-out: chat_b_out /// App width. --app-width: app_width /// Emoji opacity. --emoji-o: emoji_o /// App background. image_path = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' image_path += 'vednoc/dark-whatsapp/master/images/bg-blur' if (app_image == 'bg-high') { --bg-image: url(image_path + '-high.jpg') } else if (app_image == 'bg-low') { --bg-image: url(image_path + '-low.jpg') } else if (app_image == 'bg-none') { --bg-image: url(image_path + '-none.jpg') } else if (app_image == 'custom') { --bg-image: image_url } else { --bg-image: none } --bg-opacity: bg_opacity --bg-blur: bg_blur --bg-blur-s: calc(-2 * var(--bg-blur)) --bg-hue: bg_hue --bg-invert: bg_invert --bg-size: bg_size --bg-pos: bg_pos --bg-rep: bg_rep /// Chat background. --chat-image: chat_image --chat-bg-o: chat_bg_o --chat-bg-i: chat_bg_iv --chat-bg-s: chat_bg_s --chat-bg-p: chat_bg_p --chat-bg-r: chat_bg_r /// Override incoming message bubble colors. --msg-in-0: (ow_imsg) ? ig-0 : var(--bg-4) --msg-in-0-rgb: (ow_imsg) ? to_rgb(ig-0) : var(--bg-4-rgb) --msg-in-1: (ow_imsg) ? ig-1 : var(--bg-3) --msg-in-1-rgb: (ow_imsg) ? to_rgb(ig-1) : var(--bg-3-rgb) /// Override outgoing message bubble colors. --msg-out-0: (ow_omsg) ? og-0 : var(--ac-4) --msg-out-0-rgb: (ow_omsg) ? to_rgb(og-0) : var(--ac-4-rgb) --msg-out-1: (ow_omsg) ? og-1 : var(--ac-5) --msg-out-1-rgb: (ow_omsg) ? to_rgb(og-1) : var(--ac-5-rgb) /// Override seen message icon color. --msg-ack: (ow_ack) ? _ack : var(--ac-0) --msg-ack-rgb: (ow_ack) ? to_rgb(_ack) : var(--ac-0-rgb) /// WA variables. --gray-30: var(--bg-5) //#f7f7f7; --gray-30-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //247,247,247; --gray-700: var(--fg-4) // #4a4a4a; --gray-700-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) // 74,74,74; --pale-blue-green: var(--b6-4) //#ecfaf5; --pale-blue-green-rgb: var(--b6-4-rgb) //236,250,245; --pale-green: var(--b4-4) //#dcf8c6; --pale-green-rgb: var(--b4-4-rgb) //220,248,198; --pale-yellow: var(--b3-4) //#fff5c4; --pale-yellow-rgb: var(--b3-4-rgb) //255,245,196; --teal: var(--ac-0) //#009688; --teal-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,150,136; --teal-light: var(--ac-1) //#1de9b6; --teal-light-rgb: var(--ac-1-rgb) //29,233,182; --teal-lighter: var(--ac-2) //#00bfa5; --teal-lighter-rgb: var(--ac-2) //0,191,165; --green-deep: var(--ac-2) //#1b9a59; --green-deep-rgb: var(--ac-2-rgb) //27,154,89; --blue-ocean: var(--bg-2) //#aadaff; --blue-ocean-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //#aadaff; --active-tab-marker: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --active-tab-marker-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --app-background-stripe: var(--bg-1) //#091e1f; --app-background-stripe-rgb: var(--bg-1-rgb) //9,30,31; --app-background: var(--bg-0) //#080e12; --app-background-rgb: var(--bg-0-rgb) //8,14,18; --app-background-deeper: var(--bg-0) //#080e12; --app-background-deeper-rgb: var(--bg-0-rgb) //8,14,18; --attach-media-drop-border: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f233; --attach-media-drop-border-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --attach-media-drop-overlay: var(--bg-2) //#383d3f4d; --attach-media-drop-overlay-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //55.76,60.6,63.24; --audio-progress-incoming: var(--b4-0) //#3bb463; --audio-progress-incoming-rgb: var(--b4-0-rgb) //59,180,99; --audio-progress-outgoing: var(--ac-2) //#5f8884; --audio-progress-outgoing-rgb: var(--ac-2-rgb) //95,136,132; --audio-progress-played-incoming: var(--b6-0) //#5ba0c3; --audio-progress-played-incoming-rgb: var(--b6-0-rgb) //91,160,195; --audio-progress-played-outgoing: var(--b6-0) //#55a5c5; --audio-progress-played-outgoing-rgb: var(--b6-0-rgb) //85,165,197; --audio-track-incoming: var(--fg-4) //#374248; --audio-track-incoming-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //55,66,72; --audio-track-outgoing: var(--fg-4) //#1d5852; --audio-track-outgoing-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //29,88,82; --avatar-background: var(--bg-1) //#101d24; --avatar-background-rgb: var(--bg-1-rgb) //16,29,36; --avatar-border: var(--bg-3) //#a5aaad; --avatar-border-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //165,170,173; --avatar-placeholder-background: var(--bg-5) //#6c7478; --avatar-placeholder-background-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //108,116,120; --avatar-placeholder-primary: var(--fg-3) //#d6d8d9; --avatar-placeholder-primary-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //214,216,217; --background-default: var(--bg-2) //#101d24; --background-default-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //16,29,36; --background-default-active: var(--bg-4) //#202c32; --background-default-active-rgb: var(--bg-4-rgb) //32,44,50; --background-default-hover: var(--bg-3) //#17232a; --background-default-hover-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //23,35,42; --border-bubble: var(--shadow) //#f1f1f20f; --border-bubble-rgb: var(--shadow-rgb) //241,241,242; --border-default: var(--bg-3) //#1b282e; --border-default-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //27,40,46; --border-list: var(--bg-3) //#1b282e; --border-list-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //27,40,46; --border-panel: var(--bg-5) //#28333a; --border-panel-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //40,51,58; --border-strong: var(--bg-5) //#343f45; --border-strong-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //52,63,69; --border-stronger: var(--bg-5) //#f1f1f20f; --border-stronger-rgb: var(--fg-5-rgb) //241,241,242; --bubble-meta: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f299; --bubble-meta-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --bubble-meta-icon: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f299; --bubble-meta-icon-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-battery-background: var(--b1-4) //#e05b52; --butterbar-battery-background-rgb: var(--b1-4-rgb) //224,91,82; --butterbar-battery-icon: var(--b1-0) //#f5d6d7; --butterbar-battery-icon-rgb: var(--b1-0-rgb) //245,214,215; --butterbar-battery-primary: var(--fg-0) //#f1f1f2f5; --butterbar-battery-primary-rgb: var(--fg-0-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-battery-secondary: var(--fg-4) //#f1f1f2cc; --butterbar-battery-secondary-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-connection-background: var(--b3-4) //#febc2c; --butterbar-connection-background-rgb: var(--b3-4-rgb) //254,188,44; --butterbar-connection-primary: var(--fg-0) //#1c282ff5; --butterbar-connection-primary-rgb: var(--fg-0-rgb) //28,40,47; --butterbar-connection-secondary: var(--fg-4) //#1c282fd9; --butterbar-connection-secondary-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //28,40,47; --butterbar-default-background: var(--b6-4) //#39c; --butterbar-default-background-rgb: var(--b6-4) //51,153,204; --butterbar-icon: var(--b3-0) //#f1f1f2cc; --butterbar-icon-rgb: var(--b3-0-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-notification-icon: var(--b6-0) //#8eb2be; --butterbar-notification-icon-rgb: var(--b6-0-rgb) //142,178,190; --butterbar-primary: var(--fg-0) //#f1f1f2f5; --butterbar-primary-rgb: var(--fg-0-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-secondary: var(--fg-4) //#f1f1f2d9; --butterbar-secondary-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //241,241,242; --butterbar-update-background: var(--b4-4) //#00af9c; --butterbar-update-background-rgb: var(--b4-4-rgb) //0,175,156; --butterbar-update-icon: var(--b4-0) //#8eafaa; --butterbar-update-icon-rgb: var(--b4-0-rgb) //142,175,170; --button-alternative: var(--ac-1) //#68bbe4; --button-alternative-rgb: var(--ac-1-rgb) //104,187,228; --button-alternative-background: var(--bg-3) //#222e35; --button-alternative-background-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //34,46,53; --button-background-disabled: var(--bg-2) //#253137; --button-background-disabled-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //37,49,55; --button-bubble: var(--ac-0) //#00af9cb3; --button-bubble-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --button-plain-background: var(--bg-4) //#2f3437; --button-plain-background-rgb: var(--bg-4-rgb) //47.1,51.86667,54.9; --button-primary: var(--white) //#101d24; --button-primary-rgb: var(--white-rgb) //16,29,36; --button-primary-background: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --button-primary-background-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --button-primary-background-hover: var(--ac-3) //#00c3ae; --button-primary-background-hover-rgb: var(--ac-3-rgb) //0,195.4,174.18514; --button-round-background: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; 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--search-input-background-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //41.6,47.46667,50.4; --secondary: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f299; --secondary-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --secondary-light: var(--fg-2) //#f1f1f240; --secondary-light-rgb: var(--fg-2-rgb) //241,241,242; --secondary-lighter: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f273; --secondary-lighter-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --secondary-stronger: var(--fg-3) //#f1f1f2cc; --secondary-stronger-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //241,241,242; --shadow: var(--sh) //#000; --shadow-rgb: var(--sh-rgb) //0,0,0; --shadow-light: var(--sh) //#00000014; --shadow-light-rgb: var(--sh-rgb) //0,0,0; --spinner-default: var(--fg-3) //#75787a; --spinner-default-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //117,120,122; --spinner-highlight: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --spinner-highlight-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --spinner-incoming: var(--fg-5) //#60696e; --spinner-incoming-rgb: var(--fg-5-rgb) //96,105,110; --spinner-outgoing: var(--ac-5) //#4c7a75; --spinner-outgoing-rgb: var(--ac-5-rgb) //76,122,117; --startup-background: var(--bg-0) //#131c21; --startup-background-rgb: var(--bg-0-rgb) //18.6,28.22,33.4; --startup-icon: var(--fg-3) //#6c7175; --startup-icon-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //108,113,117; --status-background: var(--bg-1) //#000; --status-background-rgb: var(--bg-1-rgb) //0,0,0; --status-background-hover: var(--bg-2) //#242424; --status-background-hover-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //36,36,36; --status-primary: var(--fg-1) //#fff; --status-primary-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) //255,255,255; --status-secondary: var(--fg-4) //#ffffff8c; --status-secondary-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //255,255,255; --status-secondary-stronger: var(--fg-5) //#b3b3b3; --status-secondary-stronger-rgb: var(--fg-5-rgb) //179,179,179; --success: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --success-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --suspicious-background: #ef697acc; --suspicious-background-rgb: 239,105,122; --system-message-background: (ow_sys_msg) ? sys_msg_bg : var(--b6-4) //#1e2a30; --system-message-background-rgb: (ow_sys_msg) ? to_rgb(sys_msg_bg) : var(--b6-4-rgb) //30,42,48; --system-message-text: to_rgba('fg-1', 0.87) //#f1f1f2de; --system-message-text-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) //241,241,242; --teal-hover: var(--ac-0) //#00b7a1; --teal-hover-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,183,161; --teal-pale: var(--ac-3) //#5fc8bc; --teal-pale-rgb: var(--ac-3-rgb) //95,200,188; --text-muted: var(--fg-4) //hsl(203.1, 12%, 57.6%); --text-muted-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //134,150,160; --thumb-border-active: var(--bg-2) //#75787a; --thumb-border-active-rgb: var(--bg-2-rgb) //117,120,122; --thumb-border-active-new-media-editor: var(--fg-4) //#f1f1f2; --thumb-border-active-new-media-editor-rgb: var(--fg-4-rgb) //241,241,242; --thumb-border-viewer-active: var(--fg-3) //#75787a; --thumb-border-viewer-active-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //117,120,122; --toast-background: to_rgba('bg-3', 0.96) //#080e12f5; --toast-background-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //8,14,18; --tooltip-text: var(--fg-1) //hsl(0, 0%, 0%); --tooltip-text-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) //0,0,0; --tooltip-background: to_rgba('bg-4', 0.85) //#fff; --tooltip-background-rgb: var(--bg-4) //255,255,255; --typing: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --typing-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --unread-background: var(--bg-3) //#1c282f; --unread-background-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //28,40,47; --unread-bar-background: to_rgba('bg-0', 0.7) //#080e124d; --unread-bar-background-rgb: var(--bg-0-rgb) //8,14,18; --unread-timestamp: var(--ac-0) //hsl(167.1, 100%, 32.9%); --unread-timestamp-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,168,132; --unread-marker-background: var(--ac-0) //#00af9c; --unread-marker-background-rgb: var(--ac-0-rgb) //0,175,156; --unread-marker-text: var(--white) //#101d24; --unread-marker-text-rgb: var(--white-rgb) //16,29,36; --video-player-background: #000; --video-player-background-rgb: 0,0,0; --video-primary: #fff; --video-primary-rgb: 255,255,255; --voip-accept-background: #70db91; --voip-accept-background-rgb: 112,219,145; --voip-background: #262626; --voip-background-rgb: 38,38,38; --voip-background-deep: #000; --voip-background-deep-rgb: 0,0,0; --voip-primary: #fff; --voip-primary-rgb: 255,255,255; --voip-reject-background: #e54b40; --voip-reject-background-rgb: 229,75,64; --wallpaper-background: var(--bg-1) //#2b93ce; --wallpaper-background-rgb: var(--bg-1-rgb) //13.12731,19.91681,23.57269; --wallpaper-thumb-border-active: var(--bg-5) //#75787a; --wallpaper-thumb-border-active-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //117,120,122; --wallpaper-thumb-border-hover: var(--bg-4) //#3b4042; --wallpaper-thumb-border-hover-rgb: var(--bg-4-rgb) //59,63.52941,66; --win32-title-primary: var(--fg-1) //#fff; --win32-title-primary-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) //255,255,255; --reactions-tray-background: var(--bg-3) //hsl(202.1, 21.8%, 17.1%); --reactions-tray-background-rgb: var(--bg-3-rgb) //34,46,53; --reactions-tray-active-round-background: var(--bg-5) //hsl(204, 17.5%, 28%); --reactions-tray-active-round-background-rgb: var(--bg-5-rgb) //59,74,84; --reactions-picker-bg: var(--bg-4) //hsl(202.2, 11.7%, 45.3%); --reactions-picker-bg-rgb: var(--bg-4-rgb) //102,119,129; --svg-gray-button: var(--fg-3) //hsl(204, 22.7%, 17.3%); --svg-gray-button-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //34,46,54; --text-primary-strong: var(--fg-1) //hsl(200, 15.8%, 92.5%); --text-primary-strong-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) //233,237,239; --text-secondary-lighter: var(--fg-2) //hsl(203.1, 12%, 57.6%); --text-secondary-lighter-rgb: var(--fg-2-rgb) //134,150,160; --text-medium-emphasis: var(--fg-3) //hsl(203.1, 12%, 57.6%); --text-medium-emphasis-rgb: var(--fg-3-rgb) //134,150,160; /// Generate DWA color variables. for _v in (bg fg ac b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8) { for _i in 0..5 { key = s('--%s-%s', _v, _i) /// Escape `\` for `*-0` vars. val = _v + \- + _i /// Generate CSS variables. { key }: val { key + '-rgb' }: to_rgb(val) } } /// Misc colors. --white: _white --white-rgb: to_rgb(_white) --sh: _sh --sh-rgb: to_rgb(_sh, 1) --t: transparent --bshadow: 0 4px 8px 2px var(--shadow) /// Theme intro colors. svg_bg = to_svg(bg-2) svg_ac = to_svg(ac-0) /// Theme intro image. _1 = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8, Animate emojis. if (emoji_a) { @keyframes aPulse { 0% { transform: scale(.9) } 50% { transform: scale(1) } 100% { transform: scale(.9) } } @keyframes aKiss { 0% { transform: scale(.7) } 50% { transform: scale(.8) } 80% { transform: scale(1) rotate(-30deg) } 100% { transform: scale(.7) } } } // Global styles. html > body { background-image: none i c: fg0 0 bg0 option { c: fg1 0 bg3 } /// Feat -> Custom font. &, button, input { font-family: var(--ui-font) } /// Toast notifications. ._1Ftww { c: fg1 border: 1px solid bg5 i button:nth-child(2) { c: ac1 } button:nth-child(3) { c: fg4 } } /// Intro -> Image. [data-testid^="intro-md-beta-logo-"] { padding: 8rem background-image: var(--intro-image) > svg { display: none } } /// Intro -> Version. [data-testid="intro-title"] { font-size: 0px i &::before { content: var(--version) font-size: 1.5rem } } /// Intro -> Announcements. [data-testid="intro-text"] { font-size: 0px i &::before { content: msg white-space: pre-wrap font-size: 0.875rem } } /// Settings -> Tweaks for 'Set Chat Wallpaper' area. #149 /.Iwkc0 { position: relative /// Override selected wallpaper. --blue-light: ac3 --inverse: ac3 /// Expand default chat wallpaper. &:first-child { &, &::after { width: calc(100% + 8px) } /// Add chat image. &::before { content: '' filter: invert(var(--chat-bg-i)) opacity(var(--chat-bg-o)) background: var(--chat-image) i position: absolute height: 100% width: 100% } /// Add pseudo text. span { font-size: 0 i &::before { content: 'Use this with Dark-WhatsApp' font-size: 16px i } } } } /// Global -> Scrollbar styles. /\* { /// Scrollbar colors. @supports (scrollbar-width: thin) { scrollbar-color: ac2 var(--shadow) i } &::-webkit-scrollbar { &-thumb { c: 0 0 ac2 } &-track { c: 0 0 var(--shadow) } } } /// Feat -> Hide profile pictures. if (chat_h_p_p) { /img[src*='whatsapp.com/pp?'] { display: none i } } /// Loading page. /// NOTE: Keep it because there are two `startup` states; one of them /// is *not* styled by default, so it leads to white background flash. /[id*='startup'] { c: 0 0 bg0 .graphic::after { opacity: 0.6 i background: linear-gradient(to right, bg0 0%, bg0 33%, t 44%, t 55%, bg0 66%, bg0 100%) i } } /// Progress bars. /// NOTE: There is still flashing of unstyled content. Sigh. /progress { c: 0 0 bg2 &[value]::-moz-progress-bar { c: 0 0 ac0 } /::-moz-progress-bar { c: 0 0 bg4 } /::-webkit-progress { &-bar { c: 0 0 bg4 } &-value { c: 0 0 ac0 } } } } // Feat -> Rounded corners for avatars. ._3g4Pn[style] { /// Global/shared contacts. &, /._3PdFH { c: 0 0 bg5 } /// Avatars/images/new group/contact avatar/your avatar. &, > img, /img.o2zu3hjb, /._1jLYl, /._1PAkz { rad: var(--r-avatars) i } /// Fix 'New group' bottom divider to hide drawer background-color. /[data-list-scroll-offset] > div:first-child > div:last-child { margin-left: 0 i } /// Tweak default icons. if (radius_a != '50%') { /[style *= 'width:'][style *= 'height:'] { [data-icon = 'default-user'] svg, [data-icon = 'default-group'] svg { background-color: bg5 border-radius: var(--r-avatars) i } } } } // Emojis -> Custom enhancements. .emojik { transition: transform 0.15s ease i /// Default opacity. &:not(:hover):not(:focus):not(.selected) { filter: opacity(var(--emoji-o)) } /// Hovered/focused states. &:hover:not(.selected):not(:focus) { transform: scale(1.2) box-shadow: none i opacity: 1 i } /// Selected state. #148 &.selected, &:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px bg3, 0 0 0 3px ac0 i } } // Modals. .overlay { /// Fix header in media viewer modal. @upstream /[data-animate-media-viewer] > div:first-child{ border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i c: 0 0 bg2 } /// Remove header in avatar viewer modal. [data-testid='cell-frame-container'] { c: 0 0 t } /// Add borders. [data-animate-modal-popup] { box-shadow: var(--bshadow) i border: 1px solid bg5 rad: var(--r-menus) i .copyable-area { > header { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 } > span [style *= 'translateY']:not([tabindex]), ._30pU5 { border-top: 1px solid bg5 } } } /// Groups -> Search participants. header + div[tabindex] + div div[style] { --background-default: bg1 --background-default-hover: bg2 } /// Fix media selection footer. /._1XWMx { c: 0 bg5 bg2 } /// Status area modal. /[data-animate-status-v3-modal-background = 'true'] { c: 0 0 var(--modal-backdrop) /// Main content. > div { c: 0 0 bg1 /// Sidebar. > div:nth-child(1) { c: 0 0 bg2 border-right: 1px solid bg5 rad: var(--r-menus) 0 0 var(--r-menus) i } /// Large screens. if (!fullscreen) { @media (min-width: 1441px) { border: 1px solid bg5 i rad: var(--r-menus) i } } } /// Background color for author & publish date. @upstream /._2yhFa { margin: auto padding: 5px 8px 8px min-width: 150px rad: var(--r-inputs) background-color: to_rgba('bg-1', 0.5) } /// Fill color for unread icon. @upstream /[data-icon = 'status-v3-unread'] { [fill = '#009588'] { fill: ac0 i } } } /// 'Allow notifications' modal. /[data-testid="confirm-popup"] { c: 0 0 var(--modal-backdrop) /// Use a proper foreground color. [data-animate-modal-popup] { --white-rgb: var(--fg-1-rgb) } } } // Login page. .landing { &-title { c: fg1 } &-wrapper-before { c: 0 0 bg1 } &-header { position: relative /// WhatsApp logo. path[fill ^= '#FFF'] { fill: ac0 } path[fill ^= '#00E'] { fill: bg1 } div { text-transform: unset c: fg1 } /// Userstyle version. &::after { font-size: 14px font-weight: 500 position: absolute content: var(--version) /html[dir = 'RTL'] & { left: 0 } /html[dir = 'LTR'] & { right: 0 } } } &-window:not(#z) { rad: 4px c: 0 0 bg1 box-shadow: 0 0 1px bg5 } &-main { a { c: ac0 } label { c: fg3 } [fill^='#f2f' i] { fill: bg5 } [fill^='#818' i] { fill: fg1 } /// QR code. div[data-ref] { filter: contrast(150%) outline: 4px solid #fff box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px #fff [role='button'] { c: white 0 ac0 } } /// Video tutorial. + div { c: 0 0 t img { opacity: 0.3 } /// Reset background on button container. [style *= 'opacity: 1'] { c: 0 0 t } } /// 'Keep me signed in' tooltip. #59 a[href*='faq.whatsapp.com'] + div > span > div { c: white 0 ac0 box-shadow: bsh &::before { border-bottom-color: ac0 i } } } } // Various app styles. #app > div { &::after { /// Remove app background in fullscreen mode or low-res screens. @media screen and (min-width: 1441px) { content: (fullscreen || app_image == 'none') ? unset i : '' i } /// Feat -> App background. if (app_image != 'none' && app_image != 'default') { s = var(--bg-blur-s) b = blur(var(--bg-blur)) o = opacity(var(--bg-opacity)) t = invert(var(--bg-invert)) h = hue-rotate(var(--bg-hue)) top: s; right: s; bottom: s; left: s; height: unset; width: unset; filter: b o t h background-position: var(--bg-pos) i background-image: var(--bg-image) i background-repeat: var(--bg-rep) i background-size: var(--bg-size) i background-color: transparent i } else if (app_image == 'default') { c: 0 0 bg1 } } /// Right -> Remove top border from the first Links/Docs message. /div, /span { div:first-child > ._36BuW::before { content: none } } /// Feat -> Input border radius. .p3_M1 { rad: var(--r-inputs) i } /// Dropdowns -> Chat/Header. > span > div, .o--vV { &[style ^= 'transform-origin:'][tabindex] { box-shadow: var(--bshadow) i border: 1px solid bg4 rad: var(--r-menus) i } } /// Floating emoji picker. > span > ._3IU7z { border: 1px solid bg5 i box-shadow: var(--bshadow) i /// Remove borders. div[tabindex='-1'] > div:only-child { border-left: none i } > [data-animate-dropdown-nib] { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 border-right: 1px solid bg5 rad: 0 0 4px 0 bottom: -8px i } } } // Shared app drawer styles. #app > div > [tabindex] { c: 0 0 bg1 @media (min-width: 1441px) { &, /[data-animate-status-v3-modal-background] > div:first-child { /// Feat -> Fullscreen mode. if (fullscreen) { width: 100% i max-width: 100% i height: 100% i top: unset i } else { /// Feat -> App width. width: calc(100% - 38px) i max-width: var(--app-width) i rad: var(--r-menus) i border: 1px solid bg5 i box-shadow: 0 2px 6px sh i } } } /// Odd header-like tall background. &::after { content: unset i } /// Global -> Search bar. /[data-testid="chat-list-search-container"] { c: 0 0 bg2 border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i > div { rad: var(--r-inputs) i box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px bg4 } &:focus-within { box-shadow: var(--bshadow) } } /// Left -> Reset header. [data-testid="chatlist-header"] { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i } /// Left -> Tweak alerts. [data-testid='chat-butterbar'] { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i /// Close icon for 'low battery' state. [data-icon = 'x'] svg path { fill: fg5 } // Feat -> Hide alerts. if (app_alerts == 'hide') { display: none i } else if (app_alerts == 'notifications') { &:has([data-icon='alert-notification']) { display: none i } } } /// Right -> Drawer divider. &.three > [data-testid="drawer-right"] { border-left: 1px solid bg5 i /// Remove shadows from drawer sections. section > div { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px bg4 i } /// Remove native dark mode dividers. /.dark .three #main { > *, .copyable-area > div[tabindex='0'] { border-right: none i } } } /// Floating drawers. > div:nth-child(2) { /// Left -> Archived contacts. > div:nth-child(1) { > span[class] * { // c: 0 0 red [role][aria-selected='false'] > div { c: 0 0 bg1 &:hover { c: 0 0 bg2 } } } } /// Left -> Settings -> Help. > div:nth-child(1) { .copyable-text ~ div[role='button'] { --background-default: var(--bg-1) --background-default-hover: var(--bg-2) } } /// Left/Right -> Starred messages. > div:nth-child(1), > div:nth-child(3) { // c: 0 0 blue header + div > span > div > div { --drawer-gallery-background-hover: var(--bg-2) --border-panel: b11 /// Always show top border. &::before { c: 0 0 bg3 } /// Do not hide bottom border. &::after { c: 0 0 t } } } /// Right -> Invite to group. > div:nth-child(3) { header + div { > div:first-child.wJ21F, // Invite link wrapper. > div[role='button'] { --background-default: bg1 --background-default-hover: bg2 } } } } } // Global -> Icons. span[class] { /// Right -> Contact/group selected media drawer. &[data-icon = 'checkbox-round-checked'] { [fill = '#00BFA5'] { fill: ac0 } [fill = '#FFF'] { fill: white } } /// Left -> Reset 'connecting' icon background. @upstream &[data-icon] path[fill = '#FFBC00'] { fill: bg3 i } /// Chat -> Context menu arrows. &[data-icon = 'down-context'] { c: fg3 } /// Hover animation for icons. /#side > header, /#main > div + header, /#main > footer > .copyable-area, /#main > footer + span:not([class]) > div, /.overlay > div:first-child, /.copyable-area > header { button:not([data-animate-menu-icons-item]), [role = 'button'] { [data-icon] { transition: fill-opacity 0.3s ease i } &:not(._3QjfB):hover [data-icon] { fill-opacity: 0.6 i } } } } // Feat -> Consistent drawer headers. .copyable-area header[class] { if (app_header) { height: 59px i justify-content: center i border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i /// Reset left drawer inner item. > [data-animate-drawer-title] { height: unset i /// Reset header text. > div:nth-child(2) { margin-top: 1px i font-size: 18px i font-weight: normal i } } } else { --panel-background-colored: bg4 i } } // Sidebar. #side { /// Feat -> Blur contacts. if (chat_b_c) { [style *= '0s; height'] { /// Remove odd shadow. > [aria-selected = 'true'] { > div::after { display: none i } } /// Do the blur. > :not([aria-selected = 'true']) { overflow: hidden i > div { transition: background, filter 300ms ease-in-out i } &:not(:hover) > div { filter: blur(6px) } &:hover { filter: blur(0px) } } } } } // Chat. #main { /// Reset header. > header { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i box-shadow: none i c: 0 bg5 /// Remove border in light mode. &::after { content: unset } } /// System messages. .EtBAv { $c = (ow_sys_msg) ? darken(sys_msg_bg, -10%) : b63 border: 1px solid $c text-shadow: none i /// End-to-end encryption message. &._1p8Qv { border: 1px solid b34 } } /// Feat -> Custom chat background. /[data-asset-chat-background-dark], /[data-asset-chat-background-light] { filter: invert(var(--chat-bg-i)) opacity(var(--chat-bg-o)) background-image: var(--chat-image) i background-position: var(--chat-bg-p) i background-repeat: var(--chat-bg-r) i background-size: var(--chat-bg-s) i opacity: 1 i /// Feat -> Show chat image. if (!chat_bg) { display: none i } } /// Tweak 'unread messages' alert. ._5ML0C { border: none i } /// Fix context menu background for stickers. [data-js-context-icon] + div[style] { c: 0 0 bg4 } /// Add background to media message timestamps. /[style *= 'width'][style *= 'height'] + div { /// Images/gifs. &._2AKAp, &.zE8pI { padding: 2px 4px i background-color: to_rgba('bg-1', 0.7) i rad: 5px i } /// Videos. /.video-thumb { /// Length/Timestamp. ._1rd4q, + ._3phU6 { padding: 2px 4px i background-color: to_rgba('bg-1', 0.7) i rad: 5px i } /// Timestamps in grouped media. &._3V2jl + ._3phU6 { right: 5px i bottom: 3px i } } /// Google Maps timestamps. /[style *= 'height'][data-plain-text *= 'maps.google.com'] { + div[class] > [role] { padding: 2px 4px i background-color: to_rgba('bg-1', 0.7) i rad: 5px i } /// Live location overlay. /.fMR4l { background-color: to_rgba('bg-4', 0.5) i } } } /// Feat -> Blur media. if (chat_b_img) { /[class *= 'message-'] [style *= 'height'] { img:not([src*='/pp?']) { transition: 0.5s ease transition-delay: var(--blur-out) filter: blur(16px) grayscale(100%) &:hover { transition-delay: var(--blur-in) filter: none i } } /// Reset blur for avatars in audio messages. &[style *= 'width'] > img._2goTk { filter: none i } } /[class *= 'message-'] .video-thumb { [style *= "data:image"] { transition: 0.5s ease transition-delay: var(--blur-out) filter: blur(16px) grayscale(100%) } &:hover [style *= "data:image"] { transition-delay: var(--blur-in) filter: none i } } } /// Footer. > footer { /// Compose border. ../> header ~ div[style *= 'height: 0px'] { border-top: 1px solid bg5 i } /// Popover border. .velocity-animating, div[style $= 'translateY(0%);'], div[style $= 'translateY(0px);'] { box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 bg5 i } /// Fix borders an unknown contact. ._3ImlL { border-top: none border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 } /// Groups -> Only admins can send messages. ._31enr { border-top: 1px solid bg5 i border-left: @border-top } /// Emoji quick-picker. [data-list-scroll-container] { border-bottom: 1px solid bg5 i box-shadow: 0 -1px bg5 i } /// Chat -> Select messages. + span > .OVz7E { border-top: 1px solid bg5 i border-left: 1px solid bg5 i } /// Feat -> Input border radius. ._2A8P4 { rad: var(--r-inputs) i } } /// Fix styles for Google Maps. img[src *= 'maps.googleapis.com'] { filter: invert(0.8) hue-rotate(180deg) i } /// Groups -> Fix opacity for nicknames. /[class *= ' color-'] > span:nth-child(2) { c: fg3 } /// Theme colors for replies and member nicknames. for k, v in 0..20 { key = (k < 8) ? k + 1 : (k < 15) ? k + 1 - 8 : k + 1 - 15 val = (k < 8) ? 0 : (k < 15) ? 1 : 2 .color-{ k } { c: s('var(--b%s-%s)', key, val) } .bg-color-{ k } { c: 0 0 s('var(--b%s-%s)', key, val) } } } // Feat -> Compact mode. if (compact) { /// Reset height/width if there is an overflow. #app > div > [tabindex] { @media screen and (max-height: 648px) { min-height: auto } @media screen and (max-width: 648px) { min-width: auto } // > div *:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px crimson i } } /// Compact mode. @media screen and (max-width: compact_mw) { /// Shared drawer styles. .two, .three { /// Left -> Settings/Contacts. > div:nth-child(4) { flex: 0 0 80px i transition: 0.2s ease &:hover, &:focus-within { flex: 0 0 30% i } } } /// Tweaks for two open drawers. .two { /// Reset upload preview. > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2) { flex: 0 0 calc(100% - 80px) i margin-left: calc(-30% + 80px) } /// Expand contacts. > div:nth-child(4) { min-width: 1px i transition: 0.3s ease i transition-delay: var(--c-m-delay) i /// All left drawers should be the same width. &:hover { min-width: 349px i transition-delay: var(--c-m-hover) i flex: 0 0 30% i } } /// Settings/Starred/Archived drawers. > :nth-child(3) > :nth-child(1) { z-index: 201 i flex: 0 0 30% i min-width: 350px i [style][tabindex] { border-right: 1px solid bg5 i } } } /// Tweaks for three open drawers. .three { /// Reset upload preview drawer. > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2) { flex: 0 0 calc(100% - 30% - 81px) i margin-left: calc(-30% + 80px) } /// Do not expand left drawer when right drawer is open. > div:nth-child(4) { max-width: 80px i flex: 0 0 80px i } } /// Fix left header. [data-testid="chatlist-header"] { display: flex justify-content: start min-height: 59px // Workaround for dropdown menus. &:not(:focus-within) { overflow: hidden } // Separate header buttons. > div:nth-child(2) { margin-left: 1rem } /// Remove notifications. + span { display: none } /// Fix search bar width. + span + div:not(:focus-within) { [data-testid="chat-list-search-container"] > div { min-width: 60px } } } /// Contacts. #side { unread = '[data-testid="icon-unread-count"]' status = '[data-testid^="status-"]' typing = 'span[title*="…"]' /// 'Typing...' status indicator. { typing } { overflow: unset i margin-top: -8px i margin-left: 0px i position: absolute i &::before { content: '' i position: absolute i top: -31px i left: -66px i height: 53px i width: 53px i rad: var(--r-avatars) i box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 3px b40 i animation: 2s aBorder infinite i /// Fix RTL layout. /[dir = 'RTL'] & { left: 63px i } } } /// Move icons to start. n = 'nth-child(2)' [data-testid='cell-frame-container'] > div:{ n } > div:{ n } { position: relative flex-direction: row-reverse /// Remove margins. [role='gridcell'] { margin: 0 i } /// Unread indicator. { unread } { left: 44px z-index: 9999 position: fixed margin-top: 4px border: 2px solid bg2 i } /// Status indicator. { status } { left: 44px z-index: 9999 position: fixed margin-top: 4px padding: 3px i border: 2px solid bg2 i c: 0 0 bg4 rad: 50% /// Make the icon smaller. svg { width: 14px height: 14px } } /// Remove elements. .status-vcard, // more icons button[aria-hidden], // context menu [data-icon]:not([data-icon*='status-']):not([data-icon*='disappearing']) { display: none } } /// Hover/Active states. &:not(#z) [aria-selected='false'] > div:hover { { unread }, { status } { c: 0 bg3 } { status } { c: 0 0 bg5 } } &:not(#z) [aria-selected='true'] > div { { unread }, { status } { c: 0 bg4 bg1 } } // Hide horizontal overflow. > #pane-side { overflow-x: hidden i } } // Remove E2E notice. [data-testid="chatlist-e2e-message"] { display: none } } } // Main -> Chat message bubbles. .message { &-in, &-out { /// Feat -> Message tails. if (tail_style == 'rounded' || tail_style == 'minimal') { [data-icon *= 'tail'] { display: none i // Tweak corners in regular/group chats. if (tail_style == 'rounded') { + div, + div[data-testid] + div { rad: 7.5px i } } } } /// Feat -> Reduce big emoji size. img { &[alt="❀️"], &[src^='/img'][src$='-40.png'], &[src^='/img'][src$='-64.png'] { if (emoji_b != "48px") { width: emoji_b i height: emoji_b i } } // Add padding before timestamp. ../ .copyable-text.selectable-text { &:has([src^='/img'][src$='-40.png']), &:has([src^='/img'][src$='-64.png']) { margin: 0 57px 0 0 i } } } } /// Feat -> Swap message bubble positions. if (bubble_in) { &-in { align-items: flex-end i }} if (bubble_out) { &-out { align-items: flex-start i }} /// Feat -> Animate emojis. if (emoji_a) { emoji_k = (emoji_k == '') ? () : emoji_k emoji_p = (emoji_p == '') ? () : emoji_p /// Generate Kiss/Pulse emoji styles. /[class*='message-'] img[src$='-64.png'] { for emoji in emoji_k { &[alt={ '%s' % emoji }] { +cache('aKiss') { animation: aKiss 1.5s infinite } } } for emoji in emoji_p { &[alt={ '%s' % emoji }] { +cache('aPulse') { animation: aPulse 1.5s infinite } } } } } } // Right -> Maps. .gm-style { img { /// 1: Logo; 2: Full map; 3: Map tiles. &[src *= 'images/google'] &[src *= 'maps.googleapis.com'], &[style *= 'width: 256px'][style *= 'height: 256px'] { filter: invert(0.8) hue-rotate(180deg) contrast(120%) i } /// Reset avatars. &[src *= 'com/pp?'], ../ [style *= 'height: 40px; width: 40px'] { rad: 50% i } } /// Map controls. [controlwidth = '40'] * { filter: invert(0.9) i [style *= 'd-color: rgb(255\, 255\, 255)'] { c: 0 0 bg0 } } /// Map copyright/ToS. [style *= 'd-color: rgb(245\, 245\, 245)'] { c: 0 0 bg4 } [style *= ' color: rgb(68\, 68\, 68)'] { c: fg3 } /// Popout arrow. .BPkae { border-top-color: var(--modal-background) i } /// Location pin. ._3Q8RX { c: 0 0 ac1 } /// Footer border. /._3nNEI { box-shadow: 0 -1px bg3 i } } }